The Clinton New Era, 1914-09-03, Page 2.o••••!e••••s•••••.tr••y Phone Want Aids to 'Tie NeyvEra • • Many telephone Isebscribers • find' it quite cony pient and a • . time-saver, Experienced ad- •, visers are always on The New • Era end. Phone 30. •••••••••••••••••o•••••••• j PAGE TWO. Thursday, Selptemrber 3rd, 19144.' ditorial 0I menta ]lt does not sweeten life to know than 'flueprice of sugar is ' going , eleyw,ards.. • Watch out for the imprint oar, your purebieses "Made. In Canada"' Let your daylellty and paliieloltisan be peactieal. ,A'daipliealtion ,of Waterloo may be .on the program tabid the Napleon of today will'liklely, be cel'i'ed, upon. ttotake• rewire nasty medicine,. -0_ Sunday appears, to be a favorite 'clay for big, balttbes. Why generals choose the Sabbath is not clear un- less they desire, like others outside of rilielerys circles to mar the, sanc- tity of the diary olf nest. r -o -- Government bulletins urge the growing of more wheat in Ontario and 'the Easterly Provinces. Many a hundred acre farlm does net grow a bushel of 'wheat. A better price would no doubt prove laftiinduce- meut. . The present situation gives Can- ada a great opportunnety of( ex- panding and we hope she will take advantage of the, opportunitiy and instead of following others self the pace herselhf. The Governments should lend a hand. Canada nE7w faces a'tarief ona war basis. Never' inIthe hiietory of governments were changes ,made so quickly and so(agree,ably. Both / parties should salt down. some nom men, s•eml9e exhibited and nese it in days to come. -o-- What do you know about the Poeta' Library, League? If not familiar with it drop a postal card to J. P. Tracey, of Lethbridge Al- bealta, who is the energetic Presi dent and will be glad to instruct you Ln'the working of it. About the time we staid Good-bye to the Army worm for 1914 ;spnie "bug" authority has d'isoovered an, inlsedt pest iaoterfelring with the strawberry plots along the ;Pacific cdaSt. We suppose this new enerny will net wane to rest until itan(akes a visit to the Ease, Huron County would net fere) ,slighted if Play were not included. in•the itinery. such such en eves '10 a very wide extent atter a ,few; hints On the subject, ALL honor to Toronto ,and the whirlwind campaign engaged in for the P,altr•ioele war relief tend. That it eucceeded, sot admirably iwas Largely duel to, thee spirit of unity that prevailed and the, willanigness of so many,. ate assist in, strenuous work that sometimes falls to elle lot of 'al co,mpar•ative de'w. 'T'his, is every Page Has Newsy Items. _ I • •oo••••••••••••••••••••••• • Try us for Job Work in all • = its 1m -inches. • A trial will convince you i that we know • our business. ' • • ifi •••011•••••••••`11••••••11••• i in the wansme's,t reception ijvarte(es omrecord ,acre due on their ars YieW iiililtlllpiNkilllt A ee i;'I' 1S z i • NGiISMS. e tdW,altch for the small' opporth(uni'- .wadi tael Use lolotsof little Ideas.. Dig LocalNews for the mew angles, on your prone - ZeYppelin, wilt !beta word n,dellib- w a. n sal° ,,, ly impressed on, thetheinhtabittantts of Antwerp, Belgium, after theirex- perienee of ,last week', War soon mykm iPy9,ay1IL NEED HELP? PLAYED AT SEAFORTH•. of a job, tilos las day, a week, ,of, a attire up the !latent eviclen(oe; of ear borism in the human family and If yore need a enan ifor any kind ;month, apply) it the 'T'own,Clerk's proves that •20th eenittley so called The Junior Lacrosse team 'were at office, civilibaitio:n is little moire than a Seat (with last Friday a ter,noon an very thin, venter iivben,putt to the played a return, ,matich. The score MINOR LOCALS. teat. The rights of women( and. wasi 8-0 in favor oftSeat os'th. ,September. childre,n, ta.ppear, to be asrlittle re- SHIPPING, FURNITTJRE. Labor day next Me'wday. giardeel as they were 200, years ago, The usual holiday hours will be sit week Mrs. McHardy Samek observed oin,Labor day.. 01 we the mast devilish tee implements La of }viae oral sought to( slay by the shipped her immature hv.h5oh 'has - , domicil meets on,!Tuesdlay night. hundred,. Disarmament should been stoma here,,to London, where Toronto Flair is in full swing. • Have• a world wide pnoclmmation, she will reside fortthe,iiulbure, Schools reopened on Tuesday, the kraal of loy,ell'tw, that lboma and naught with,tikeisa,me iar)tens!ity large when properlyeappraised. in, our schools es was evidenced in the study of the ialphaebt or im,ulti- pliclaition table, There are instan- ces, we know, where nfations go oust en tat 'rampage lool;t(n43 ern- dknock the'chip off ern - somebody y top their shoulder but these mwii'tilner, will heave to be taught.Oat the practice( is so unwise, ,expenSlve and un'bro!Eherlyi•tiiat the .nrajoritk' wdnit stank) foo• it. How to bring 9y,elars .•ageleussia and Japan. were "Scrapping" buttoday 'they are fighting, °lathe same side( against Germany. Itis to be hoped Riuseia will gleans new ideas and ideals for her failure go•verntn nt• and s•ameltimes she has done twings that wea'e horrid. Autoerla!ha are doomed to walk ` A thorny path am, about lasting Peace is a .weeldis problems and the refs cal of selfish powers hes long delayed the usher fig of the Godlike qusalli)ty, Years Tong passed were shocked et the ac teethes of the'Iodian• ' with •-his 'tomahawk and scalpingknife but they 'are not ins it for a .seeorrd with the death dealing nisch`nes formurdering people of recent in- vention. Shame en the so called the 20th' cemetery an'd.tbe sooner /they learn this lesson are more time 'they will leave better world conditions by mecognizing, the bro- therhoad of an!en. • -0-- Togola'nd's nunoon,ditional, surren- der means that 1,500,000 people will be Itakeail under the, care of John Bull. It has a coast lime of only 32 miles' an area +nearly 33,000 Chr•iStiian nations and their inter - square reviles, and in its population prdtation of their great ,missions, in are 'about '500 Europeans.. Capital the• world. is Lame bull Togo is a city of 5000 population,. They grow cotton "Toddy" takers will be called upon to realize the high cost of living also as retailers have advan- ced prices., and is ,usually, the case the consumers taspay the piper. A clear cult ies,son on total abstinence was (taught by Lord Kitchener when he "cult out" the use of grog by Toma1ly)• Atkins while rloliet ,nlanjcial Statement is prepared (or duty on' thet battlefield. Rase, make the tardy an,es •coniirib- ---u-e- ate for else use df 'etre ' Imiom'ey Ipolicy to ,be0ltiti!e an We know of miunl'cipalities where It is bad under the (old rule difficulty ;was opponent. Austria appeared to experienced in 'having the Coliect- have the idea that Servia would be or's rollaelturned initime for the easily snuffed out but the Ser- ,audit and npw; the, coin is?all in Arians have demonstrated thatthey, in ,the Treasurer's bands by the are the peoples With ,the "sn'uf'fers" evening of December 141th. Ovea•cenfidenee is the trap that _#_ has caught many aperso'n , and party. Better wear a smaller hat Paris and'Beriini are! two. centres than have your headpiece slut- of mag'neftir, impoa'tance to the Elated uttimes, to cover a big head wide world today. They are both with little init. objective points and the cause of ,anxious hours; Ito seamy. The Ger- meals have visafted•the Flrehch kap 'Many of the Advertisements pre- i'tal before but on that o'ocasion pared by (those intere.steid ire the their ow:naeloved Helrein eves 'lin furtherance of the liquor traffic are no (kneger of a call from) Big/Bruin libellous and, slanderous in the ex- end.hisen'ormous, family. Could we Creme. Wrlfniily selecting air ew get the Kaiser's ear we would, ad- se,nitances from an address of some vise hinrtto forego his jaunt to veteran tempelraai(pel advocate of gay Paris and get back for the the long, past is as( diabolical as if At Home being arranged by the the quotation were • a deliberate Russia,ms alt 'Emperor Welhelm's 'lie. People 'will' net be caught, €;n Palace. If both visits are persisted besides exporting palm, oil, gum, ivory eltc. While iln charge of Great Britain they will have oppor tuindties of proving, the benefit/wet Grdalt Britain's ability to beat the world at colonizations. Togoland- ers are neighbors to the Bret'(sh Gold Coast, Colony in Africa. 250,000 bags of flour droim'the Pro wince of Ontario to the Imperial Government, in connection with the velar, wee a tidy gilt that will prove a blessing 10 manly, and is an •evidence oft our, interest in our brethren across the sea. The sold- ier, boyo. are tto be treated Via cap of fruit ,from the fruit, growers: ,of Lincoln .Co. If soaniebodei tdole hold of (the matter .a, couple hun- dred barrels of apples might easily be secured' in Huron Co. without m,ueh trouble, It's a poor form of sympathy that expends itself in words when Capable orf ,dioinrg more Several municipalities that here /tofore have net impbsedi an, addi- tional dditional 3 or 5, per cert on tax pay- ers wise 'delay in paying ;their taxes bet ore•Deceanber, 15th have comae Rothe conclusion thatthe rule is worth adopting spas to closet up the year's biaaimess before the Me Ye Mariners of • England Ye mariners of England• •That geard per naive, 'seas. Whose flag has braved, athouaand years. The battle and the breeze Your glorious stean,dard ilaunth again To,nateh another Poe, AEA' sweep, through the deep While 'then stormy winds do blow ; While the +bajttlle rages louden(' Ming, And the stormy 'winds do blow Briltansn a needs) no bulwarks(, No'to)wers along the steep; Heir ,Meech) is o'er the mountain weaves, Her home Ls on the deep. With thunder from her patirve oak She ceuelis the floods below- As(they roar onthe shore, When, the stormy win;ds do blow ; When, the battle rages, loud anti )tong, - send the stormy winds do blow. Thee meteor fltag of den,glainia Shall yet terrific burn Till danger's troubled alight departs Arid the stag of peace return. Then, then, ye ocean warriors ! Our sang and feast shall flow Telthe flame of your name, When, the storm, has ceased to blow When the fiery fight is helard no (more, And the storm hes ceased to bloav Thoanasl Campbell ADVERTISING-ISBMS. MONEY ORDER, EXCHANGE "Publicity gens some peoples into Postmas:tel'' Soo?te( has been 0011 - society, others into jail; it all de- fled from Ottawa tihah ;the ex- pends upon whatis back ole the pub change of money, orders even,the lenity.} • Keep on smilimg. Tho Western Fair Landon will opened rex'. Fridlay, Sept. lith, Induction service tonight at Willis ,church last 7 o'cloc.k Several weddings are on the tapas Goad crowds attended the Hydro display .last week 'atthe arena. Send in (your subscript font t,S1,00 now, but after the 21st $1:50. DO IT NOW Both elderberries, land choke cherries will be,plehiti:eul this full, Ldave your meet order for job printing .atthe' New Era office. Good Evening, have you declared wear ye!t? Courage, Canada CANADA is favored among the nations. We have peace within own borders. We have learned the lesson taught by lean times and so are prepared to face the days ahead. Our farmers are prospering by reason of the present conditions -and when agriculture flourishes,. the business outlook is one of good hope and cheer. Some Canadian industries and mercantile enterprises must suffer because of the par- tial suspension of trans -oceanic trade, But more industries will be stimulated to sup- ply our home demand, which MUST be satisfied. It is a time of business oppor- tunity iri Canada. Let Courage Possess Us United Kingdolm, 'which had been suspendled SInini )rhe opening of DO YOU WANT TO GO TO LUCAN• ;the war, has been resum,e:dl. An The baseball iteanagoes to Lama ,addiltional,l cents far eachporun,d on Labor Day and any one wishing tar fraction tlrerect trainee be paid to go will see Mir. T. fdlawkins so by the remiktttei to:meet the ad- 'that proper arrengeanedte can be diltional rate of exchange anlai& foa' accommadWaren, HUROef BOYSt TH'E BEST: JACOB TAYLOR eLINTON 't Fire, Life and Accident Insurance • Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac StreetE, next door to restrestr GIVE THE NEW ERA. A CHANCE A note received fromnl. Lien's, When naked bycanKrassers 'for Hodgson, who was foaamea'ly of 'the job work.wel kasltelee mercha:n;ts tp Maisons Bark ,staff heu,e, states give( us,a faire pore' scan oi. s llme.O ur thee • the Harare iboyaavewe gettereg work is,unsurpa:ssedl and our prices o,nl fine a't ValcailNier camp, and' as low as the lowest. those thevi received 'tine honor •of haviing an (officer • of the com- NEW'' SUPERIN'TENDANT (mending stafif eay thal8, the' 33rd Mr. J. W. Duncan,avholhals Sheen boy's were the beat drilled teres assistant superintendent of this on 'the gr_aer's. 'Hurrah, for the district for the ;Predented L fe Huron Boys, Assuaa'nee, Co, foe some time past INDUCTION SERVICE TONIGHT has been, tranlsfered to St. Marys His Successor here is 'Mr. J. ;M. The indudtion service f to -night in Willis Church will,comimence eat Stewart. 7 o'clock' sharp. IRevf Mr. Richard - A PUDDINGLESS CHRISTMAS son of GKippen, Mlodenator of the With the price of snuts, rtaislnt:, Presbytery, will preside. Rev. Mr. currents, brandy land flour soaring,Reid of Landeeoro will prftach, reach the cowvir Chaise- Rev. MrJ•'Pumner of Blyltli will lad- beyondmas will be pretty much a pudding dress the people; sand Rev, 'Mr, less one.Mlcarona; will a o• sem the Winthrop) will •address the mi:nilleer, The public are ,cor-- be left of the un'ta.s even, d'ially invited to'a0aentl' the Leer - before declaring war Italy hadpro vice: hibilbed its) export SCHOOLS( REOPENED. TEA HOUSES' TAKE The Collegiate re -opened Tues - OFF FIVE CENTS; day •witb One of the largest• at- telnd(anloe in ' !tale hieltory of the school. Sever,a1 changes have been made it the sttaff, and the Board are favorably limiprlessed with Col new *lechers. - The staff for the com:in,g ;year will tbe(Prlia•- cipal 'Treleaven, Mr. Robb, Me. Fleming, Miss McDougall, Miss Kitty end Muss Ford. The 'Public School also has a good ;alttemidantee ,and the staff is 'Principal Houck, assistant priecipal, (Mr. Hogarth, and IMissee iR•ilson, Stevens, Chid - ley, Willtse, Courti'ee, Cooper ,and T'hernpson, The wholeslale 'tea houses at To- ronitot tannaunoe t'ha'tahe price of tela, which had 'beeinncreaeed 10 cents per pound when *ewer com- menced has been reduced bye cntse The ,reason given tho merchants forthe cantinnlationt of the add. tioniat fivecenitd per pound is the feetttia(ttthere is war risk ensur- sance to be paid en all shipments, STUDENTS: GET CHANCE TO TRY EXAM AGAIN The Minister of Edace,lfbn • man- n'ou'n,ce,e to ,all teachers and candi- dates concerned that the neW 1-ligh School regulations, ,which will ue issued in the course of to ,few days make the provision that: in lower school, examination, for entrance in to the Noa•.miai( Schools and Facul- ties, of Educiation, middle 'school examination, for 'entrance into the Normial Schools,) and ,upper school examination, for; entrance into the Placuitiei of Educations; any candi- date anay carry over a subject iro,m one of the iabove exarnin(ai•,iions, or parts thereof, 1t another examinat- tio:n of the slam,e or.higher grade provided 'thlat; (a) Ho laas made on that subject ;not less than. 25 per cent of the marks. assigned' thereto and (b) His standing on the first ex,aminaiiofr,`omitting that subject and 'the bonus subject; and his standielg on the second examdna- tion, including to fovea', subject, are each of the prescribed standard An upper school exaseanatio,n in any and of theaaollrWing subjects Will be lecceptedl instead of aniex- ,amination in the • ,corresponding subjects carried' over frena the mid- dle s,clrool exarnina'tion; English literature, English composition, lit- eeeture, geometry, physics or chem istry, All ,candidates at these ex- ia,mihlatione, in June last Who are ein)titled to the ,stanldling indicated will have etatementts of marks sent Ito them, showing the s+,ja rldin,g ,awarded under this regulations Ac cordingly, an application on the pant; of a candidate is unlnecessary. BIG. SCORES AT BOWLING Last ''i"husday afterrnaon saw record; scores est the local' howling green when two rinks from 'alley - field a'ntdl two 'from) Brussels came over for e game• of ;Bowles, Bay- field Was defeated by a score of 85 ta20, while inithe tafternloan Brus- sels lora by a score of 58 tlo 25 and in the evening woii froim flee junit- ore, by la score of 31-24, Following were the players and ;scores.- Afternoolnl 'Games Hayfield Fitzgerald McMill a,n, _ Murrey Gordon sk. 12 J. Cowan, F. Fitzgealald W. (Millers C, S. Kerr sk. E. 20 Brussels Clinton iB6tlt'u ..ball' tee ,Doherty J. iEf Oamitelon P. Town sk. 18 • F. McCaughey A. J.,Gregg J. E. Hovey 13. Dowding40 'Cliiniton W, Brydone ' H. E. Paull J,1Rarlfann N. Biall sk, 40 B.Iliiovey R. E, Ma•nsnlnig IJ Punter G. Cour'tice sk. 45 a. Dr. Wlarwicld, S. R :P1um6 A Currie' D. C, Ross sk. 13 A. Sitrechan J. Duncan le. Joined R: Doevnbl'lg 12 C 25 Evenen(g Brussels Dr. Werwiok ' S, T. Plum, A. Currie D. C. Ross sk. 23, A. Sltnacban A Strlacha,n J. Duncan H, James R. Dowering sk., 8 31 58 Maine Clin(tosi Collis B. S. Ch,aprna•n Len, !Harland' IW. Johnston A. Mitchell sIt. 7 El Mtechedull E. Mal heli K. Wilkin Doc Johnson C. lPlai ley) sic. 17 HOT WEATHER AILMENTS. A -Carload of Canada Porllanil Ctmeat Phone us tor prices It will pay you John .Hutton -t , LONDESBORO A medicine that will keep children well is a great boon to every mother This is just what Beby's Own Tablets do, Ai, occasional dose keeps the lit 0.e stomacb and bowels right and pre vents sickness. During the hot sum mer months stomach troubles speedily turn to fatal diarrhoea and cholera in fathom and if I3abv's Own Tablets are not at hand the child may die if, a few hours, Wise mothers always keep the Tablets in the house and give their children an occasional dose to clear nut the stomach and bowels and keep than well. Don't wait till baby is ill -the delay may cost a precious life. Get the Tablets now and you may feet ,reasonably safe. Every mother who uses the'1'atlecs praises them and that is the best evidences tbereis no other medicine for little ones so good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers OE by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville. Ont. For Sale Owing to installing Hydro, a six horse power gasoline engine, in good running order, is offered for sale at House of Refuge, Clinton, For par- ticulars and price apply to ROBERT MUTCH, Keeper Had a Bad Attack of Diarrhoea and Vomiting Had the Doctor Eleven Times BUT. De. FOWLERS EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY FINALLY CURED Mrs. Wesley Pringle, Roblin, Ont., writes:-" It is with great pleasure that I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. When our little boy was three years old, he had the worst attack of diarrhoea and vomiting I ever saw. We called in our doctor, and he came eleven times from Tuesday morning until Saturday night, but still no change. We expected each moment to be the last of his suffering, as the doctor said he could do nothing more. Mr. Pringle was going up town on Satur- day night, and was advised to try your great and wonderful medicine. He gut a bottle and about 9 o'clock the first dose was given, and was kept • up, as directed, and when the doctor came on Sunday, he said, `What a wonderful change; why! your little boy is going to get better.' Then I told him what we had been giving him, and he said, 'Keep right on, he is doing well.' 'I often think as I look at my boy, growing to be a man,what great thanks i owe to _Dr. Fowler's ,Extract' of Wild Straw- berry,,, Dr. Fowler's" has been on the market 'ear and has n s for close on to seventy 1 Y Y been known from one end'of Canada to the other as a certain cure for all bowel complaints. When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's" be sure you get it, as any substitute is liable to be dangerous to your health. The genuine preparation is manufac- tured by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. Price. 35 cents. 1 ?) W. BR,YDONH3 BARRISTER SOLICITOR F OTA BY PUBLIC, PTO oreNTON ORARLES B. BALE Oonneyance, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. EAL ESTATE ANIS INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses,. RuronlSt,, Clinton. H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, rnsunANCE-AGENT-Representing 14 Fire In suranoa Companies. Division Court Office., MediLat• DRi T.. W. THOMPSO1l • Physician. Surgeon, Etc meal attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyes antis, : %mined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. Two doors wee; of the Commercial nolo Boron St. . The school holidays are ended, Grouchy Customer. -"Give me ten. cents' worth of clog meat." Butcher l -"All right sir. Shall I wrap it up or will you eat it here?" For Sale Cheap A fraise building 22x20, suitable for stable or wood house. The building is situated on one of the main streets and the owner would like to have it removed as soon as possible. Apply at This Office Kindergarten School I am re -commencing my private Kindergarten on Sept. 1st, in the Tittle school, foram 9 ,aim. to 11.30, and would like 'a limited number of pupils between the ages of 4 ,and, 7 year's. Terms ($1.00 a month in advance. HAZEL O'NEIL House and Lots for Sale A bargain if :taken at once. A commodious 'nine E. DO Storey an•c alhalf frame, in good repair, stone foundation ,and celiar. About threet fourths of San macre, with a number off good bearing apple trees. Situated on, east side of Victoria St., and next to Doherty switch. Known 'as Butler prbperty Terns to suit Apply on premises or to W. S. DOWNS, Rattenbury Street Executors Sale of Farm These will be offered dor sale by public auction, at the t own' hall, Clinton, 'on Sla'turday, September 12th, 1914, at 3 o'clock p.m., the following lands, viz., Lot 10, Huron Road concession, (Goderich Town- ship Qexcepting G.T.R. right of way), containing 156 acres, more ar less. On the premises are erect- ed a igoocl 11-2 storey brick house with frame kitchen, One bank learn 80x44 fleet with hay barn an- nexed 28x35 (feet, and an open shed 33x15 feet, and one bank barn '36x 56 feet with stone sbahliaj There is also .good fencing and a plen- tifwl supply of Water from, wells and spring creek. The s,oll is all arable, aired In good state of cultivation, TERMS -10 per cent. Llo cash 'or equivalent on day of sale, balance on 15th of March, 1915. Panther particulars •and con- ditions of ,stale Ivey be had on application to Alex Osba'ldeston, Goderich , John Raithby, Auburn Executors or V. Brydon,e, 'Clinton, Ont. D. Watson,I,Auctioneer. Farm for Sale 135 acres, Lot 36, Can. 8, Hullett A first-class ,fan, well watered, good' buildings, Well ,fenced, 6 acres of young orchard. Also his 100 -acre farm on the Ease Line, 11-2 miles north of Clinton. Apply to WALTER MAIR, Farrel for Sale BIOS. GINN and CA AD Dr. W. 4aun, L. It. C. Y.. L. 15. C. d.. Edia- Dr..8 C, randier. D.A. M.D. Offioe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night call. at residence, Battenbnrr 8t. izr at hospital. DR. 'J.'W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. ecocchenr, ctc., office and residence on tenbury St., opposite W. Farrants residence.. The Executors of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres, east half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. A first class farm, «ell watered and improved and with good buildings. A good or. chard and 7 acres of bush. Apply to R. J. Southcombe on the; premises, or Clinton Postotfice, Drs. Geo, .0 M. E. Whitley ileilemann Osteopathic Phy. Specialiste in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattjenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD a 1%I cLE.OiD We're new selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red, Clover. a We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all . Grains. FORD L McLEOD DR. F. R. AXON DENTIST Crew•. and Bridge 'Work a Specialty, Graduate of C.O.D.S.. Chicago, and R,O,D,S Toronto. Daylleld on Mondays, May 1st to D DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E store. Speoial Dare taken to make dental treat. ,neat as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ter GODERIOH ONT Vat n:atoar Sales 9 epscmlt,r, Orders ef• at NEW ERA office, Clinton, prt,m, uy attended to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale ..oto discounted? G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar Mc 1 aggart Bros. 13RNKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON [general Banking Business transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and isolated Town Prop. erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. B McLean, resrent, Seafoxth, •1 J.B. Vice -Fres., Goderlee,- T. E. Hays, Sec, :Treas., Seafoaith, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, Joh* Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton* D. F. McGregor, Seaford'; J. 'Evans, Beechwood, J G, Grieve, 'Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; 11. Me. Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses im his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. flinch- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmesvill.ey Payments may be ,made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cult, Goderich. Grand Trunk'iknilway System Rail way Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. "1 t North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.40 p m Centralia 9.33 5,43 Exeter9.44 5,54 epusallper 9.55 6,05 Kip10,01 6,11 Brumfield 19.09 6.19 Clinton 11.00 8.35 Londesboro 11.18 8.52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 1.13 Wingham, arrive11.54 7,35 Souter Passenge ; Wingham, depart6.35 a m 3.30 p Belgrave 6.60 8.44 Blyth 7.04 3.56 : Londbo7.3 4.04 Kippen Ulintoesn: dr .8.10 4.23 Brucefield ..,8,271 4,89 8,35 4.47 Hensel! Exeter Centralia �1a 8.54 5.05 , London, arrive 109,0004 5 6..11500 Buffalo and Goderich i Wee` Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford.. ..... .10.00 12.30 5.25 10.25. Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.49 Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.18 11. Clinton Holmes eille 11.16 133 6:46 11,38 Goderich ...11-35 2,00 7.05 11.55 East. Passenger m Goderich ... 7.05 p2.35 4.50 Hclmesville ......... 7.22 2.52 5.06 Olinton 7.32 303 5.15 Seatorth 7.51' 43.21 5.32 Mitchell 8.10 414 6 55 Stratford....,,- 8 40 4 15 8 20 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,28 Cook's COttiiii Root Compoan& The great Uterine Tonic, and, only safa effectual Monthly Regalatoron which women earl depend. Sold in throe degrees of strength -No. 1, 51 {®No.. 2, 10 degrees stronger 3; Na. O. i for special casesa 6 por boa. Sold pby all drug ete\ Of sent prepaid on race pt oT price. irreo pamphlet. Address; a COSKMEMaitieOO..TORONTO,ONT. (formeriz!!V4edtor�' ' 1L.