HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-09-03, Page 17,7777, Establishect1865, Vol, 49, No. lo CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY SEP•VEMBER"31914 .V. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher See How The New Era Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Needs of To=day' in Business or the Horne =Give Thein a Trial NNMNNANNM AN,AA AA, AA vvvvyvvvWVvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Pit the Rexall Store Best Quality Talcums Best Quality Toilet Waters Best Quality Perfumes Best Quality Toilet Soaps "Use '`NIDE " for Persliir.ntion. KODAKS FILMS AND SUPPLIES THE" REXAL'L STORE W. s 22,.. Ho LIA311S Phm.B, BEST. QUALITY DRUG STORE /VNM VVVVWW/VVVVVMWVVVWWWV OAANYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY n TIN Royal Bark OF CANADA C Capital Authorized .... 20,000,000 Capital paid lip .... 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 I i Total Assets - - • 180,000,000 370 33.R..t11VCIIES With` or ld-wide Connections Interest Allowed on Deposits General Banking Business Transacted, 1 <c G )' 1 R. E. I ANNING, Manor Clinton Branch 1 VwWWVVVVVvvvvVvvVVVvVVvviV VVVWVVVVVV\vvVvVVWVVVVVV The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $3,300,000 01 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKIr h iSIISINESS:TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS 0aEQUES }ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS; DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch, • • .• • dIff1/00,00. ,11•11111311 o•o•ow•* ••••o••o••o• oo•o®o•••*•®•••a••0000••oo yy Ordered Clothing Clothing Ready. to -W C • ar • •• ♦O • • • • • r 1 e We're Readv to Tailor Your Suit. We began thinking about your Fall Tailoring long before you did. We chose our woolens with the greatest care, from the productions of the best foreign and domestic looms. If you don't know our sort of tailoring, 'then there is .get no better time than now toacquainted with our cicthes, Come in and make your selection while the assort- meat is at its best: Suits $22.00 to ` $30.00 or. rash ClothingCoo •II • • • • •• • • i' • • • • • ••• • • Z• • ••• • • • ••' • • •••, • • ••• • • • • 41, • • • • • • e' •, -Dios of, the Latest TY��.o oea Ua��n U� �nlle Use �I� �eaDn far AMOIOR-DRAWN GUN W8TfI NPECiAL'CAT RPILIAr + Fit°T •••oopowe•000e®ecove • • WITH THE CHURCHES. • • • •••o•ti•••tosco•o••••a WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. E. G. Powell took the services last Sunday and will preach again next Sunday. Sunday School has commenced once more at 2,30 p. m. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. The regular tea of the ladies Gui'd will be held in Owen's Memorial Hall on Monday afternoon. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Communion service, which was largely attended, was held on Sunday morning last The Ladies Aid Society met at the house of Mrs. H, P]umsteel on Wednes day afternoon of this week. Monthly Fellowship meeting will be held on Sunday morning next at 10 o'clock. The pastors subject of discourse on Sunday evening next will he "The Interrelated Character of life in the light of events now taking place, Square Deal • tor Every• d Charles Sts. Toronto Man ' Yonge rant r♦ g Look at The Label No matter whether you are sure you are paid ahead or not, the Dialling List of The New Era was corrected up to Saturday, August 15, and the date against your name is the date to which your subscription is recorded as being paid on our books. SVe are human„ and make errors, and if any subscriber considers we have his date incorrectly, will he please write at once and get it straightened out. Ifou find your dote does not y read to some date in advance, this note is especially directed to YOU. The subscription price of The New Era is $1.00 There are some who are owing us for several years, and have taken no notice os our appeals and unless part isaid before September 1st, those accounts will be handed infor collection at $1.50 a year instead of $1.00, If yon settle now we will take $ 1.00 a year, but after Sept. 21, it will be 1,GO and Collector's 'toys fees. To the United States subscribers it is $1.50 strictly in advance WCIC0111C To our many customers and friends who have, returned from their holidays. And to those who have staved at home and helped us to make this, season one of the biggest we have ever had. We extend our grateful appre- ciation of their assistance, WT. O'NEIL e . THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 goinemernotogmgoggenammeetgangdWfgeoggamagianerrwromszang Efficiency Flr gt Last and all the time is the chief fen' tura of the eeurses of instruction in the 'ELLIOTT ppppdd ��� O VV, a Yes, our graduates succeed. They have that habil, Write for Ca talo ue **••••••••••••••••******** ************************00,g ._. A HOWITZER WIThr1 HIGH FIRING ANGLE MOUNTED ON ir .,. ."CATERPIL1 AI .PHFECS ,, t - -- Social and Personal Miser Nellie Gtaa:n/tan of +Paris is visiting her aunt, � e to Dlrs. \1 -Thar Tanker. R(aiter ArtnsItyoag, son of Mr. Alex. Arm,slcro.ng of Toronto, for- merly of Clinl;,ony has gone to the front as a member of the, lormito artillery corps. In. .1ecena rifle conlgesti at fEd- rn ,❑t n> 4alter Holmes, formerly of Clinton, eon -in-law of Mr. J. Pearson, of Stanley, worn the claarn- pio:nship of Albeadta. Miss Gnace, Shepherd, of Ottawa, who has been spending ,her !holi- days with .her mother no To wile a V� 3 l' Q acrd street adtrr , 0a•wa t 1ed, to 0 o:ne Mandtay. As bwo members of heir family are now residiing 'in O!t(1aava, it is likely (Mss. Shep- herd will, s:horitly take ,up her rem - deuce tthere.for the winner. • Mr. Donald McOuaig of Toromito eaofClinton.;is suffering foam, 1 Chi on y a good deal from parilea] blindness having juslt aefluna\edl from Tor- onto B:osp(, ad ,where fort o months hehas; been Cniergor g treatment. Being over '70 years of age., the prospects of, his eyesight being restored are dou,bltful. Mr. and Mrs,.Geo. T. Hiscox .of London, familiarly of Clinton, ran - (=niece, the engage(ment of their younge'slt daughter, Elizabeth, to Mae Fred L. Couleh of Toronto, !the marriage to take place Lhe middle, of September. The groan -I- to -be is ,al nephew of Mrs. Coach, Onitariel atreeti. Safe Back Nome Alt hast one passen•er on the 11,45 train on 'Tuesday evening, was glad when. (the ,train pulled into, Clinton, s!tatien, land athat.was Mise Rudd, the librarian of Client - !ton Public Library. About two anonitha ago Miss Rurrid , Pent abroad with the Withrow party, and after spending some time d.n Engl'art(d, 'went to the ,00nlliaient, She, wa4: in Austria wiluenaltthe war was declared, but most (of the par+ty being-Aaruericane, they had tittle clillfieul(4y, in getting to Italy, although they saw a great ,nuanbeg of eivilaatns, forced. to leave their places', in the trains an ,order that the troops night ,be moved. Fora',twct weeks they) were obliged to remain in Rome .laaid were thankful at 1 fl to (leave` 'o!u an Itaot lian tramp steamer,.duct, in the steerage at hfa. , 1oe voyage bonne ivas anost •unrpleasam,t; 1nc1 the foaling, od discomfort ivas ia>•- cxeia,s,ed; lay their lask definite in(o'owation as tla events in 1:ue ope, They ';expected to encounter some German me'f,(-of war,' partic- ularly when passing •Gibraltar. Mr. James Wylie left t wni 0 n Mondtay for his :home in Durham, where he will attend school. EIe • has been clerk in Hovey's drug -tot ti for .the leist week. Master Frank :Pen(nebaker has !taken 0t postltion as ;clerk in J. E. Hovey's', drug store. Shepherd 112 � I,ar.m,e h • l Mr. C e u e here of 'Trate P quois is spe'nd'.Qrs his holidays with leis lnot1her, Mrs. Shepherd, Townsend street. Mrs. Rowe of , Exeter; u'cconrr panied by her daughter, Miss Vera Rowe, of Toronto, are visi,t:hg with friends and :rel 4:eves in nY p -awn,. airs, Frank Saunders of ,Gode- rich is the g'uleskt of her • Oster, Mrs. G. 'Elliott, .A note froanl Dr•.B.ult'ledgel;,tlat- edt that they had •an en�joyable!trip clownto Wund ao by �Wto, •and were leaving by Itrain, for Soutar Bend, Lad., for toah r t holiday, Miss Madeline °m'rie of Saimaa, who itt's ebeepi visiting her uncle andi auntt, Mr. mad Josh, Cook reltua^ne'.d' to her home on. Tuesday Mises Eleanor McKeniaie vi!silted. Goderiehltanid 11131y1th friends during ,the paelt( ,week(, County Clerk Lana was here ofn Tuesday sfttcniling Rouse of Refuge Comani(ttlee 'u'teeti'n,g. Mrs. C. 'Suttee, ,of Str'a•tif ord re- turned beet 'Week after spending a week with her son, . Mai. John Sultt'(ex, i;n clown. .Mrs G. W. Alexander reltualn(ed to Stratford on Miontlay alter spending( a few, days with, Mr. and ,Mars C. Keller, Ontario s'ti.ieeltt Mr. W. Bry'dapte is ei i Toronto olni busi{n!5sl this ,weeks ' Mr. A..11. Musgrove, M.P.P., of Winghamt was in (town. on Wed- nesday. .Mises( Amy( Howson rleetuanedt this Week from her visilt o,oltl {Westi Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, lr. and chil- dren spent a few, days in Blyth last week.'- Miss'es • Florence and Beealfr'ice Fawcett lefil on Saturday ' ,for rid r their ,cute an B111 gebw g. Mise S., Carling of Toronto was the guests of her many ifrieln(d'sbit ltown last we'eIq. Miss Roach of Dutton is Couch Si 00.'8 +nelsW anil'luln(er this year. Blyth Standard -Misses Mary and Rose McCaughey - od Clinton spent Sunclaytalt the lscnia of their uncle Mr. 'W. 10:. McCaughey. Mr. A. H. IWilfoid kof Wing- ham, an' old Blylth: boy, who is also a nephew( of ,Mrs, Thus, McKenzie,' Ir., has moved to 'Toeonito, where he becomes; sntpoarnitejndenri af,the poultry le as1amienro odthe Harris 'abattoir, •,Mn. Wilford has been, running a wholesale pro'd'uce store Matt !Wingham anal ousel Ault a man: in, to ruin his business i • re. Miss. Roaetlla Sichoenhals is 'the .guest of,•Miss Ethel Brovvn'iat Port Albesll Miss alae Carmichael, of Sear-orth n wn' las tivga:4• a visitoq a ttto t, weeks Mr, George McKenzie is spending a week alt Toronto. Mrs, Elliott sr, of ,Goderieh,'Town Ship; is visiting her son, 'Mr, John Eliao'tt(, Vicllora!' street. . Dr. Margaret 'Calclea•, of Wing, - ham clayDr,and 'Mrs halm a cuffwith P '�'� Gunn last week Winglkalnll ' Times, -Mr. Herb Schoenhals, of Clinton was visite ing over Sunday with jus uncle,tivlr Adam, Schaefer, Bit'. rand( Mrs. Beat Bantoar and anal M•r, Frank Balrlton children I S of Blythe taintloe� through rough tov w on Friday. Mrs. Geo. Browne returned to T'or onto Oast Saturday after a visit with heir 'd(aughter, Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr, Mr. Lavern Cook of 'the Union oa Bans staid t Melbowrmd Ont, is holidaying at the parental home, Mrs. McHazd-Smilth and.Mastet Frank reltu'nnec'p to London after a' weeks' visit rim dowtnt. Mr. and, Mrs. D, M. Lindsay, are taking' in the( fair a't !T'osonto this oveek. attar. J. B. Lindsay, is in. Toronto this week. Mrs,, F. S. McCloy lett en. Wed- neieclay, for her bonne im Edlmoniton latter a visit( with her paremta,-Mr'. ,and' Mrs.. James ,Twitchell, who (accompanied her as r far sa 'To- ronto, Mr. Thos. Me' emrzie, 7r., spent. the weeks en,dl tat; Blyegha Missl Edinlat Lavis has selturn sd tb her school at Hela(talcolti}4 Grey CpTnitY.• Births, Marriages & deaths `i BIRTHS . ^ Gibbings-In Tuckersmith on Aug.. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibbings a daughter., Radford -In Hullett on August 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Radford, a sort Gibbons-In'Brucefleld on Aug. 23rd to Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gibbons a daughter. MARRIAGES Levis -McKinley -At the residence of the bride's parents, Stanley town ship on Thursday, Aug. 270h, by Rev, Richard Redmond of Toronto, and Rev. Geo, McKinley, of Lucknow, Miss Mahel Elva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley, to Mr, J. Bartlett Lavis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Levis of Clinton Siringham- Wheatley -On Wednes day, Sept. arid in Ontario Sb, Church, Clinton, by Rev, S. J, Allin, Miss Pearl Wheatley, youngest daughter of Mr. sale t o William 0 se h Whe, and Ma. J Y Joseph A Stringham of Woodstock, Ontario. DEATHS Young -At the residence of her son in law, W W. Sloan, Toronto, on Thurecla-r, August 1'7, Eliza I. Sperling wife of the ]ate N R. Young, former Ly of Blyth, aged 65 years,; The Unemployed' Special information for Farmers. The Board of Trade held a meeting Monday, August 24th, There was a good. attendance, dud' the President drew the attention to those present to the number of people unable to obtain employment. After some discussion, a practical step was taken by opening a Labour Bureau in the Town Hall, under the 'charge of Town Clerk I) L. Macpherson. Anybody desirous of employment is requested to register his or her name in Mr. Macpherson'at. office, and anyone, especially farmers, who wish to obtain help, are asked to register similarly, stating what they want, for how long, and at whatce- muneration, Up to the present, only six have registered as needing employ- ment and two as needing help. The Board of Trade wishes total- press otar-press upon those unfortunately un- employed at the present time, that they should lose no time in obtaining something to do for the coming winter All men are agreed in thinking that we are face to face with hitherto un- experienced conditions. It would be wisdom not to he particular, but to aecept whatuuder ordinary conditions would be neither acceptable employ went, and that but poorly remunerat ed. The community also look to, farmers to help for the general good in the present stress, and if they can give employment for say half time during the coming winter months, at a corresponding rate of pay, it will all help. There was a large meeting of repres entativee frcm all over Ontario held. in the Connell Chamber in the city of Toronto on Tuesday. It was the same story everywhere. The unemployed increasing daily, the outlook not ler proving, and men searching for a ea ution to the difficulty. There were some practical suggestions, which the President of the Board of Trade would like to have discussed. A meeting therefore is called in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock on Friday even ing next, 4th, and all members are especially requested to be present. JOHN RANSFORD, President, Board of Trade September Weddings Sltrin'ghtann-Wheatley: A very pretty hutl,gniet 'wedding was solem.nizet; in the presence of immedialte relatives, 10 the Ontario. Street Methodist Church at 1.30 ,am., on Wednesday, when Pearl E„ youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josephs Wheatley became the bride of i\lr. Ambrose Sitra,n'gham of Woodstock, ;The bride was very preletiilyr attired' In a suit of battleship grey moire with. becom- ing Nev; York sailor of black and white, and 'wore a coraage bouquet{ of lilies, od the vaa1ley, The bridal couple left on, lade 7.35 t rain. :for Toronto, Corn(iv,all and Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Stringhan1 will be ,at home to their fa -lends Taft 11 Sydent- 1uana Street, Woodstock, after Sep- tember nthl freavis-McKinley, At "The Lilacs'," the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinley, of Stanley, was solennndzed at high noon 00 on Thursday, 'the: marriage of their d'augh'ter, Mabel Elva, to Mr. J. Bartlett, Levis ' of Clinton, son of air. and Ivlrs• ,George Levis. To ,the strains of the weddlird; ,march played by Miss Emma La vis sister of the groom,, the :wedding panty entered the parlor, - which was}prettily, decoratedd with; asters and fern's,. The bride, ;who was given away by her father, looked charming' in a gown of embroider- ed chit on voile and wore to veil;, with speays of orange !blossoms. She ear'riedi a bouquet of rosea and. ferns, land !wore 'the groom's gift, a s,nnhurst at \pearls. Miss Dorothy. Levis, made a sweet) little flower girl in at 'frock of ,whitte voile with blue trimmings, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Richard Redmond of Toronito, an uncle of the bride; ,assisted by, Rev. George McKinley of Luck- 'now,,,als'o uncle (ot Ithel bride. Dur"- ing the ceremony M'rs. Launcet tvnisaaoi an ha sang that'beau- iul ent dta love song, . "0 Promis,e Me." Atter the recep- dwedding luncheon, the young couple left by ,auto to take the afternoon train ifoa' a trip to 'Toronto and( {Dilagara. The bride travelling int a blue tailored suit and black velvet halt. After their return, they will take up their residence on North Street, Clinton. The bride ie ,a1 graduate of Alma Ladies College, St. Thomas, and diads many friends in, Clinton, whi'lel attending Model 'School two years ago. MINOR LOCALS. Canada's 'tin,lpot navy now con, salts oftwot enuasesis lamed,tWo sub, amarines. Well, Ithat's1 astart, If you're going. 'to a be hard press eed' this;winter out of'f ext(t7as nand get down to brass tg,eks.-, When, in'come's, putting on the lid tight you'vet, got to han'd Otto the British Wiar Office. Talk ubusin'e'ss instead of talk im,g ilt,doivpmc Only 101(•days Stfipllen up loyou Christmas shopping. Autumn, is on its .wlay. Pure are being mentionedmentionedagainin aa. >enmil y y deliberations. , .Genesial Coripnrmer is the orale now whoia sod nthng the war mans. Inithis great war erisis every family that can shouldl,keep..a fe'tg helms. •