HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-27, Page 6PAGH SIS: STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOD' 4ND HOU$E �URNISi We take this opportunity of extending to our, wide circle of•cttstonlers; our warmest thanks for the splendid support that we have received during the past season, assuring them at the same time that our efforts for their' benefit in the future will be redoubled. OURPOLICY FOR THE PALL u Larger and Better Assorted' Stock, than ever Before The preparations that we have made for -this fall have been on a much larger scale than in. any previous year, and when all the new merchandise is here, we shall be in an admirable position to fill the needs of our patrons. The buying of Fall Goods commenced away back in the spring, the utmost care and consideration being taken to secure only the most relia• ble and up-to-date goods; and as we always buy for cash, manufacturers are only too willing to bring forward the cream of their stocks for our selection. The. Bulik of our New Goods is Already Here New Dress Goods and Silks In the Dross Goods Section the shelves are already full of new fabrics from London and Paris. Some of the: most popular weaves are the new Crepe materials including Ondule Crepe, Crepe Meteors, and Crepe -de. Chenes. In the Silk Section are being shown beautiful Moire Polhill Silks, striking Roman stripe design, also lovely Persian Silk and Oriental Satin II you cannot come to the store, Phone 67 for anything you want in Dry Goods OWN'S �! VVVVVWV'WWWV VVVVVVVVVVVNMMN ANMMAA/MAMMN!' NM. Steamer "State of Ohio I" J FOR CLEVELAN Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on a odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to Sept, 10th 3 Arrive in Cleveland at 0.30 a,m. Farre from Port Stanley one way 82.25, RoundTrip 54.00 Saturday Excursions on above dates 32,25 round trip Lake Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Z Fare 250 S VVVVWvWVVVVWVWVVVVVVW,akM/MMHnAMAaaaa NAM/vNM STOCKP4 EDUCINQ SALE Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking, bueloess of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 60 days, weput on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron. This Stock must be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered. All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash DEP 'Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store Prepare fir Fa�1 Now is the time while the weather is fine, to put your. Roofs, Chicken Pens, Stables and Sheds in good repair before the bad weather comes. We carry the Stock to do it Brantford Roofing ' Barn Paint (louse Paint (roofing Paint Tarred Paper Plain Paper Nails (,!!lass Putty Beaver Board 1 Sherwin-I�'lflan s Paints Varnishes, Etc. asuierreseouetiaimiliavere yam. I -IA _ L `i0S STOVES, IiARDWARE AND NOVELTIES itotereamenesecommommeameamemeresems s; • TUB CLINTON , ' NEW Roasts •retain their natural flavor-. bread, cakes, ;puddings, etc., baked in a 1 83. always come fresh and sweet �',� from its perfectly -ventilated Sven See the McGlary dealer in your town. Sold by Harland Brothers •••••••••••••••••••OeN••••••44•••••••e•oc•••••••••e • • • Local News • • • THE NEXT HOLIDAY. I CLINTON MARKETS. Labor Day, Monday Septembeal -will be the next pnlblic holiday. Hogsl Buttes 23c mud 21e Eggs 21c sand[ 22c. YOUR [PRIN'TING. Wheat $1.05. Can not be done any better any Olaits 38c :and 40c. where ardltguite so good gemlerally: Peas 1.00 B,•ar ay 55'1 linos 60e, New Era prices are eight. i you Buckwheat 67e. require anything. (gltlie ;printing! Shorts $28. line fhorn1 lavishing card' to a pain Bran v6 phlelt aetlud have your orcOea', NEW RECTOR! OF SIMCOE. INSPECTOR BUSY, License Inspector Johnson bias had a couple of cases for drundcenlees tried at Seafoath; end secured a conviction. It is rumored that there May be a couple of cases tried here. Rev. A. B. Blarney, at , preeaget WANTS TO KNOW rector of Amdieretburg, and well- Wbelt anany people wo'uild like to klnown.here, !has! •accepted the ree- ai now es ; who •putt the bull in,tlhe torship of Simeoe, in succession to bulletins,—Gia1t Reformer, the :date Rev. Canon Rliek(q. Ray. Mr, (blarney was also sttationgd at ADVERTISING -ISMS. Gerrie some years ago. I "Advertise in•the stammer months 25 CENTS. bylall means; laxity never yet brought hornet -he btacon."r Will pay for the New Era to new i subsea Weis in Canada from now un- SCHOOLS ;ON SEPT!! 1. DOHERITY EXHIBIT AT TORONTO This week the W. Doherty Piano Co. shipped la splenda,d display of pianos land piano players Ito To- ronto for the Exhibition which op encs Saturday( of this ,weeks i0lie New Ere; hopes that the •eteWbit will bring forhlt Large orderiron th h bl i e pure tasi.ng pu •e. ANOTHER NOTICE TO til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era for the balance ot the year to your distaot ,son daughter or friend who will ap- preciate reading the home ,:ewe. CLINTON GIRL MARRIED. AUTO OWNERS The Department of Justice ai Tor ronito is sending out notices to the constables throughout the province that no one under the;:age ofeigh :teen years. is permitted to drive or operate anautonnobile and only those towhorat the markers are issued( Also that all autos ,must heard' in/on the,. right side of the street with,one near ligthr tantl one outside light showing when stand AN INTERESTING ADDRESS Llast Friday evening Rev. ,7, K. Ftairful, pastor of 'the Baptist Church, addressed the Men's Broth erhood meeting at the home 'of Mr. W..Doheaity on "Figghting !sits- chimes .and how to handle thein" and it,wlas indeed a treat to those pres eat. As the reverend gentleman has worked inttthe English factories where the war guns arelinade he. couldgive first information, The v n'n a. ,indeed a profitable e s u s one gA'1 to those who attended[ Illy)(I il'1IU Ili` "iIII!!ipuluh!` IIIIIIIIIIIIID"'llI ISI"''I1� 1 �0 I 1,1/11' I Ours we, would Have; you be That's why ,our 'ads. So frequently [you see. The many ariea de of Miss Bea- trice McConnell will be surprised to learn that. the young lady •ivae quietly marrieds at the bonne of her sister, Mrs. Batterson at Kings- ton, Ontario, to 'Mr. Harvey Dixon of Sunbeaxy, on Aug. 19th:. Rev. Konyhmiam peritormed the pore - many. The young Lady is a d,augh RAIN HELPS FRUIT. ter of, Mr. land Mrs, David MaCon- nea.l, of Miary sltreet. The Goods , we Bake— We Bake `icor YOU, Anel take the greatest care.. Thee in Quality and Cleanliness They: rthall bebeyond compare. Conner's Bakery Phone 202 All !the schools inciud.1ng the Col- legiate institute aeopen on Tiles, - day Sept, 1st, intot Septt:'8. TRE BEST! WAY, The beat way to rewaee the cost of (living in'C.Iiniton is to read the .a dvertisenianits licit thea New Era ADVERTISING -ISMS. The real advertisement is the mea sdlage. It may be obsoured as read ily by tancy words an1 foolish pie tures las by too limited vocabulary. CARL: OF 'THANKS tCli!rlton,, August 24•th, 1914 To the A O.F..• Jurnivi'le Lodge— Dear Se^rotary please accept any sincere thanks Moe your generous rreatiuent of my. claim for bene- fits on account of my recent ill- ness. I will be more Ienthusilastic 1 tian ever in the advocating t_he' cllaims of our menu Socidty. • The Lodge officials have been eery hand Ito me add I wish to express my (thanks, (Jiack 13awdem SELECT A GOOD SCHOOL. If you purpose alttenclva11g a Busi- ness College you should seledt a good. ;5011361, The Stratford Busi- ness College is one od; Canada's best Their courses erre up-to-date and they have a staff of inistrue- ttors suchas yon eannat Hind' efse- .where. The College which has three departments, Commelrcital, Shorthand and Telegraphy, reopens ler !the Fall term on,Sept. 1st. Write the Collage for its free eat alogue. ARE YOU 'WILLING TO HELP? The Women's Inistitute of this :town lilac recei5ved a bortmunica- ition frounl helactquarters telling of work women clan do initthe present emergency in connection with the Oam,adian Red Cross Society Such necesstary articles as liantdkerli.iefs The fine maids of last week while delaying harvesting ell.ittle, have been of iinl aleulable value to root crops arida pasttrer tfields as web as as firuet trees;: SCHOOL RE -,,OPENS.. SEPT. :ST,. All the schools will re -open for the fish term; Tuesday, September lea See lth;at:all the boys and and girls are in their places on the first day of school. INSPECTOR ,C'.:OT "BIT" Dr, Field Inepedtor ot it°ubti,c Schools, Goclerich wlas somewhat badly bitten by a dog whale riding on his bleycle'l, the brute !attacking him somewhat. savagely.. T{he Dr. head the wound cauterized but he naturally wants thedog killell. WILL bI.E13•T EVERY MONTH. The Board of 'trade decided to meet once n month during the war period so thtat they tmray be do touch with anythia 1 migbt arise !that,wotild benefit.Clinton in any ivay. They; will meet the last Monday of every eacui.tli., eo mark the ;date:s, 'down. WHAT WILL CLINTON DO? Many places[ are contributing to the ;Patriotic Rand toward the Hos pital ship or otherwise dee sums ranging from 310,00 to 31,000. Sev eral Clinto;giane are ready ,to aid any plea thatinight be aett 011 foot in 'town; t to promote, the same obiedt, Wivat do you say? Will Thursday, August 27t1i., 1914. TIi 13 f ES CJI KNOWN Antidote fog- Wea iness After all, there is nothing so restful as a comfortable hammock. The easy chair goes half way, but for complete rest; with all its cool and delightful accom- paniments, there is nothing superior to a good hammock. It makes half the distance to coolness, and all the way to comfort. We are ready to provide the hammock, you'll have to do the REST. Prices .from One to Seven Dollars T e W a Do Fair e:qt. Often the shapes' -always the Best i socks, shirts mantling kits, Cholera you;lend .a hand? beillts—would be gladly recodved for the Canadian contingent All FRENCH DROPPED FROM ladies who would bike to help either POST CARD by money ox by mailing the artialos please ,conimandealte with Mrs. Mun roe thelPresddenif. The new Oenlacean poeteards that have been sent hut to the, of„ fines a'n Onitaricl no longer bear the CLINTON WON. directions inWreneh that were pat on by tion, L.P. Pelletier, the past- On(Taes,dlay evening 'the Sea- mraeter general. The, Snmovation Eolith Junior Llacrons,e team cache caused considerable crittical:a and up and played an exhibition reatch the diirection,s in.Frcnrh have been with the Clanton Juniors!, The 'quietly dropped, score wlas a7-4 in ftaver,of the home tteami, Those who composed the Clanton telatinl were Fulford, goal; Canter•, paint ;Walker, cover paint ; J1eKenzie, firele defeaiiee; !Schoen- htals, 2nd' defence; Oanitelon, centre Johnson lett homie; Selo .enhfals 2nd home Lla'Wi emce, oultside (home; land Killty inside h,oane.: , J, I3tawkina was an impartial referee Prayers (Unit War.. Bishop Williams Has Submitted Three Forms to Clergy of Diocese. His Lordship the Bishop of Huron has addressed a letter to the clergy of the Diocese of Huron, submitting three prayers to be used in the public services of the church during the present, war. The first to be used every, Sunday, followed hy one or both. of the others, at the discretion of the :Meister. ' They •should be used im mediiutely after the Collect for the King in. the Oomrnnnion' Office, or'. aftertheCollect for the Royal Family in morning and eveleng prayer, The first to be used every Sunday is as fel- lows: - r O Lord God of 13:oste. stretch forth, we pray:Tlie°, Thi.lae almighty, arm to strengthen ,end*prd.tect the sailors and. soldiers of out ,Sing in .every peril both of sea and;and; shelter them in the day of batt•�e, and ie the time of pcaee keep then: safe from • all evil, endue them 1'.ver.• with loyalty and courage; and;tr„ rant that in all;thrngs they njzty; s eve as eeetng.,Thee who are invisablie through Jesus Christ our Lord. A,.inen. ASSISTANT iMINISTERI RESIGNS Rev. H. P ''Wesltgia'te, assistant minister of Trinity, (church, St. Thomas has tendered his reei na F 'tion (and has accelpteld a rectorship atSheiburrne, OnL R(ev. 1Ylr. West- glalte hats been in St. 'Thomas about three years. .Pre(vious to that he wlas im Atwood. Shelburne is one of the beat parishes itn,tt3,t Diocese of Huron. Rterv. [Mir, Westgate 40 wei1 known; here, leasing married Miss Kitty of, to'wn,. Buy a Kodak or Braille The pictures are easy to make. Always interesting, and grow in value year by year: Any boy or girl can successfully accomplish every step in picture making, A carefully written book of instruction furnished with each camera. Brownie Cameras $I to 312 Kodaks $ia and up. .Developing and,printing done Promptly and Efficiently. THE PENSL4.It STORE Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRI7tx STORE A GOOD MOVE. • The:KingisvOLle conned w.ill.pass by to do away wnthttlhe running' of tsmial,i express wagons onit eche sidlelwalks ;unless drawn tby, :the party incharge. The yceuat/;slters have abated: the pri,velege ofitrun'- nieljg the wtagonel on the shoe• -walk's until thecouii(cii find it necessary to take action.. !Pedestrians are forced! off the, wlalira, and horses frightened by . thealittle wiagon' Clinton hasraaout the same static of affairs and ilt is tip tolthe cou'n cit to pass,/ sitt:ilar by-law and Bee, ihiat 11 is.enforced( STATION ROBBED. Llaslt Saturday night :or early Sun cilaly morning, tramps bpelned a window in the waiting room of, the G. •J R. station had gained adimit- •tames to the ticket offieel,byope;n.- :lug the( ticket • wicket. ° 'The oanh drawee, was opened 'and about $2.21. In silver rand copper was taken. It appears that five ltramrpe :were kicked oft la! train here and they, were blamed for the job. They again .putt off the train at Clande- boymte• ,but etude was: captured' at London wilthlthe bag that S ittulon Agent tPlaittieen uses to carry the Maine"/. NATIONAL Portlanddement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand. of Portland Cement which has always given you -sue'h cotes . plete 'satisfaction: It always fills your requirements. •, York cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON - Flit Strong Points'in Recta Furnaces Steel Riblaed Fire Pat, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in 'Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 03 FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 second-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" with oven[. Thos.lawkio Plumbing and ;(heating The Corner Store "Live and Let Live' ifleiadquarfea`s ler the he&t Platting .and Table Vinegar, Every housekeeper who puts ups: her •o'cn pickles knows the im- portance of Goad Vinegar. leinz White Pickling Vinegar is distilled. from cereals and 'bee ing free frown vegetable matter, le a Perfect Preservative It is !absolutely pure and whole- some, of great .strength and fine flavor,. ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOB: THE BEST PICKING SPICES• - Satter and Eggs NVa (ugliest Market Price E. Ea Hunniford PHONE 45. 1••••••••+i••+++•+F++ert • i -e44. 4•÷,ri-•a4-1-14+++.^i-m i.tiid±F x 46 • • • • s• • • • • • + • •. • dam•• 4. • • 4. • • f IREf ie a ttaiiiti!•B° F rr .t .*!31••5 4Ort•3' : E S' e i - . .. Our Women's. , Or $230 S, 6i• A woman can always.find good shoes at $3 or ( $3.50, btit she,does not always find them at $2.50 Two -fifty ,Shoes are always plentiful , enousl to be sure-ibut real good shoes at Two -fifty is another matter entirely, Our >$2.5o Shoes are made from clioice quality leather, in Vici, Douglas, Patent Calf.and Tan Calf: These moderate priced shoes have all the good style features ,of higher priced shoes—well made and durable. Nearlyever :shoe store in the countrysells $'2. o, y' 5 shoes. Take a look at our $2,5o shoes, Madam. FRE THE; HOME OP GOD S1-iO S