HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-27, Page 5"Thursday, Angusit .27th, /941
er,IN'f0h7 NEW ERZ
1Vature Never IntendedAs a matter of fact it is
her. right and her duty to
. enjoy perfect health and
oman to be Sickl s re_ngth—to be jutas
y strongand healthyas man—
yerhaps more so—in view a
the fact that itis she who brings into tbe world the offspring.
Every woman can beestrong and healthy. Don't resign
yourself to a delicate life.
If you suffer front headaches backaches nervousness,
low spirits, lack of ambition, or 'Lye lost all 'hope of being
well again—it's more than an even chance that you well
speedily regain your health if you will try
Pierce's' Favorite Prescn"ption
(In Tablet or Liquid Form)
This famous remedy is the result of years of patient
research by a physician who has made women's ailments
a life study.
Since its introduction—more than forty yearn ago—thou-
sands of women in every pert of thp rdobe have testified
to its wonderful merits. You, too, will find it beneficial.
Try it now. Your dealer in inedicines will supply you or
you can send SO one -cent stamps for a trial box. Addrese
Dr. Pleree, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y..
tir.IPlerce's Pleasant Piglets regulate stomach, Uver.bewers.
The Smillie brothers and theer
sister are spending vecationtiwith
eelialtiyes and frienas ea Ifeneall
and Vicinity. Mr. Ben Sanillie is
, soon, toebeeoeclainect a minster and
afterwards to leave as a missionary
for endia. His, seater talso intends
, going to the foreign field!, in the
meantime to, tale a postition in a
school orlcollege wilth ie view to
engaging as a miselonary atter-
Rain has Madeit empossible for
the elan:eters to get oats 'denten in,
but pasture, root and fruit crbps
have been greatly belnUfeted.
( There were not neerly so many
1- people went away on ttheehervea-
tees" .excarsions to lthe (West this
Year as ini f armee years.
Miss; Ella Webb. of Michigan spent
a few weeks with her mother in Sea-
' forth .and also her sister. Mrs. John
e Shohrock.
' Mrs. Albert Trewir. returned home
.. last week from a visit with Woodstock
Mrs.. Connel, of Goderich Township
l was the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
' Wria, Carter last week.
l Mrs. George Bell sr. and Mrs. E.
Ball are visiting friends in Michigan.
• Mrs. Thos. Shobrock is spending a
few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Lear
en Lorldesboro.
l,l Henry Lear left on Tireeday of last
week for a trip to the Soo and friends
in Michigan.
, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Addison and
o three children of Brucefield spent, a
few days at the home of Win Addison.
[. Thus. Appleby has been laid upwith
ood poison in his bawl but s im-
( Ephraim Snell leaves this week for
a trip around the coast and also the
l Stews where he will spe id the next
Howe mon hs
,'. Wm Knox of near Harlock is cora-
l. Cued to his bed • His friends hope for
l •a speedy recovery.
. The time for appeals against the
•• Hullett Voters' List, for the year 1914
expired on Tuesday, 18th instant.
( There was no appeal and consequeutly
the list stands confirmed,
• Tim honey industry in this district is
almost a complete failure tbe average
,produnt being less then 10 pounds to
I the colony. A poor crop of "honey
clover' is attributed as the cause of
t the small yield.
The town constable is endeavoring
to )ocate the person who cut and ruin
, ed a set of auto tires on the car in the
Dominion House stables on Saturday
night. The car was owned by Herb,
Smith of Walkerton.
Among the young men of this neigh
borhood who have gone to the front
are Peter Rendall, Arnold Hildebraud
1, and George Tilley,
The steamer Martin Mullen, of the
Pioneer Line'aerived here Last Fri
day with 235000 bushels of se heat, of
which 17J,000 bushels will he unloaded
at the Western Canada Flour Mills,
Company's elevator here, to be manu
facturedento flour as pert of the Do
rninion's:war gift of a mental bags of
flour to Great Britain. The same comp
any will etc eve grain at its Winnipeg
mill for the tiette put pose. The Mullen
is a Milted States vessel and her cargo
is United States grain, brought from
Chicago, The steamer is of such
length 435 feeaLthat she had to he
towed iewthrengh the ereakwaters by
Miss Sterling of Detroit spent a
short time with friends un the Mait
land last week.
Master Gov ion Cummings of Lon
don, who h ts been spending his y tca.
tion at the home of W. 0. Durst, re-
turned home last week,
The Trustees of S, S. No. 7 have
engaged Miss Edmondson of Blyth as
teacher for the ensuing term.
A party of motorists from Kilmer.
dine en route for Lucan, were unfort
unate enough to have a tire blow out
while going down the Maitland Con,
and spent Saturday night at the home
oLge.R.,Forster, trying to effect re -
airs, proceeding on there way Sun.
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Lee and Mr. C.
Gledhill spent Sunday in the county
Mrs. r`teetcalf, with two children and
nurse, of \London' are visiting at the
home of he'., sister, Mrs, Thos Camp-
bell, this weOle.
Mise Bessie McGregor returned to
her home at the end of lasteveelt, after
visiting relatives b.ncl acquam tattoos in
Detroit for a few 'weeks, She was
accompanied by Mis's Gracy McInnes.
On Saturday after'econ, Aug 22, the
Second and Fourth held their annual
bervest home picnic in Mr. Neil Me
Gregor's grove. Swinging and hall
games entertained the young, ani the
old enjoyed social chat, and all sp nt
very preesent afternoon.
Toronto Markets
Hogs ....... ..e..... .....4 ...... $10.50
cattle ,
e 90.0
Lialmbs . e '• 8.75
Sheep .. . , 8.75
Cheese , •o• 131-113o
Batter 25e to 28c
Eggs 1 22e to 24c
Wheat . . te. 1.10
...58c to .60c
Bewley e 700
eseetatoes Per ;bag7:-. "5
Beans . . ' .. $1..7dip LB]
Tbe ladies here are busy collecting
money for the hospital ship to be sent
by Canada to the war. The Women's
Institute decided to send e50 and col
lectors are uow out to supplement this
Rev. Fr. Hogan incumbent of St.
Michael's Church here held holy mass
for the repose of the Pope's soul in the
church here Thursday night and Fri
The town council is having the ce
ment sidewalk for a few yards on the
front street torn up and replaced with
a new one. The top of the blocks had
overheated duriag a fire a number, of
years ago and the water going on
them while they were in that con
dition had spoiled them.
There has beet A surplus of ram the
last few days and the grain whith is
still in the fields has been so badly
soaked that it will be some days be
fore drawing operations start again.
The Indians who are now here em
ployed in the pulling of the flax are
getting elong very well. The crop is
a heavy one and will, keep them at
work longer than usual.
Mrs D. W. Boyd and daughter
Betty have returned to Chicago after,
a holiday visit with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. R. Adams.
Mrs. Red Wright., of London is visit
ing with Mr, and Mrs. J, Taman and
her many old friends.
Miss Myra Hood. of Pontiac Mich,
is the guest of her aunt Mrs. W. Jack
Harvesting is about completed. Far
men ar makingthe most of the dry
weather to get n their crops.
Mrs. Pattison his returned from vis
iting relatives in Toronto and Buffalo.
Miss Sadie Bowie has returned from
visiting friends at London,
Mr, John Stalker of Flint, Michigan
is home at preserit. .
Mrs. Bond, of Galt, is visiting her
un ole, Mr. Wm, Patterson.
Miss Erratt of London Miss Thorn
son, of (*oderich township, Miss Currie
of Goderich, and the Misses Robison
of . Wingham, spent the week end
visiting at the home of Mr. 0, E,
Mrs. James McKenzie of Galt spent
Saturday and Sunday visiting her
sister, Mrs, George Raithby.
Mr. lele Armstrong has had the
Blyth telephone installed in his home.
Miss E Elkin. of Cleveland, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. W. 0. Robertson.
Mrs: Howard Snell, of (Hinton, spent
Monday the guest of her mother, Mrs.
N. Anderson.
Mrs, Dora Andrews and Margaret
°Brien of Cleveland, Ohio, are visit
ing her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah
Miss Florence McIntosh of Stratford
is visiting her cousin, Miss Vera 001
Mrs. James Taylor returned to her
home in Llamilten on Saturday. Her
sister, Mrs. Latimer, returned with
Mrs. B. Stephenson entertained the
members of her Sunday School class
at herhorne on Wednesday afternoon.
This week will see the most of the
farmers finished harvesting if weather
permits. ,
Porter's Hill
OIrs, Wm, Mair and Benson and
Lorne Dawson, of Springbank, are
visiting at John Cox's.
Mrs Jon A Cox and children visit
ed at Munroe last week.
Miss Annie McDougall left for the
West on Tuesday last.
51. Peter McDougall has returned
home having speat a month in Detroit.
Miss Nell McDougall and Mrs. Gov
enlock, 0 Seaforth, spent a few days
at Wm. Elliott's last week.
Miss Lily McLean, of Dungannon,
visited in the neighborhood the past
Miss Luella Tichborne, visited in
Clinton last week.
Bliss Ruby Potter is spending a few
days under Hie parental roof.
e Miss M. Johnston has gone to "'row
I brulge to visit her sister, Miss Myrtle
Marshall who has been spending her
vacation with her grandparents, re-
turned with her.
Mr. and Mrs., Watson, of Detroit,
spent the week end at frit.. J. R.
Hol mete'
Miss Lyons, of Londesboro, spent a
few days with her friend Emmeline
Mrs. N. W. 'I'rewarthaspent Sunday
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Meth, of Ooderich,
Mr. Brown, of Bayfield, occupied
Om pulpit of St. John's Church on
Sunday last, .
Despite the inclemency of tim wea,th
er on '1hursday evening last, the social
held on -the grounds of Mr. Samuel
Sturdy was a success financially.
Mrs, J. Paltrier and son Rockie, 0,8
Detroit, visited at Mr. J. Proctoreelast
Miss Lula °camel left for the Wet
on Friday last. "
The Women's Institute of Holmes
ville intend holding a pattiotic social
on Mr. Wm grantee's wn on Toes
day, Sept. 1st, eemnieletieg at 630.
The Women's Inetituve has been
eppeated to for asestance in raising
5100.000 for a hospital ship for the
Imperial navy and the Meal society
takes this ipea,e, of ag their share
of the funds. The adore...ion is 25o and
15c. Everybody come and help the
good cause along. A good musical
program will be given.
Following is the list of the succeesful
Competitors in the oat crop cornpetr
tion, held under the direction of the
Seaforth Agricultural ,tiociety, the
kind of oats grown and theleumber of
points awarded to each: Eirst. A. El
coat. Tuckeremith, Royal American
Banner,80 points; second, James C ten
ochan, Tuckerstnith, Washington, 77
points: third, John IL Scott, Hullett
Abundance. '17 point s:Bioadfoot Broth
ers, Tuckersmith, Danish White, 72
points; fifth, John Scott, Roxboro,
Ramer, '70 points: sixth, George Mc
Kee, McKillop, Derby, 68 points; 1th,
1). Fotheringham, Tuckersmith, Ben
ner,' 67e points. The judge was R. E.
Mortimer, Honevwood, Ontario.
'Mr. Nixon, of London, led the choir
and presided at the organ in the Pres
byterian Church on Sunday.
Miss Lizzie Sreith, of Ottawa, was
the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. E
Kerslake, this Week. ,Miss Smith has
just retuned from Europe, and was a
passenger on the Cedric, the boat that
had such a narrow 'escape from 'cap
ture by a German cruiser.
Mr, George Elberhart, of Tucker
smith has sold his farm on the Mill
road, to Mr, Noah Consigney, for tbe
sum of 87.000. The farm contains 100
acres with good buildings, and is con
widen tly and pleasantly situated.
Tbe stem of 8240.11 was collected by
the members of the Ladies Caeadian
Club of Seaforth, in aid of the hospi
tal ship, and the choir of the Presby
terianChurch hashanded the convenor
Mrs."James Watson, 510 making the
tote! of 8250.11, which has been for
was deb to Toronto and has been ac
Dr. A. M. Smith, and wife of Chi
cage visited friends here this week.
Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Minnie
Quick, of Seaforth.
Prior to their departure from Grille
rich training camp, the town council
on behalf of the town'presented each
cf the Seaforth volunteers with a wrist
watch and a complimentary addeess,e
signed by the mayor. Those who
went from Seafortb were: James
Hutchinson, Harvey Dorrance, Wm,
Douglas and George McKay.
The young people held a very sue
cessful picnic at Bayfield last Satur
Miss Maple Livermore returned to
Toronto after her two week's vent
tion at ber home.
f the fine weather continues this
week the farmers on the road will be
through with the harvest.
The young people held a very inc
cessful picnic at Bayfield last Satur
Mrs. Peacock is spending a few days
with her Bieber in law Miss M. Wiltse
at the camp at Bayfield.
Mrs. Stevenson sr. returned to Lon
don with Mrs. Wheeler and will visit
there for a while,
Mr, Chaelie Low, of New Toronto is
visiting at the hone of Mr. Henry
Miss Elsie Lyon, of Londesboro, is -
visiting at the borne of Mr. George
Mies Elie Lyon is visitingfriends
at Clinton, Elohnesville and n Stan
ley township,
Rev. C. C. Keine has volunteered
to serve as chaplain in the present
war. If he is accepted he will serve
with the present contigent that will
Sall on Sept. 15th,
Rev. Mr. Reid will take pat t in the
induction services next Thursday
night at Clinton when Rev. Mr. Hai p
er will be inducted at Willis Church,
Two unknown motorists had it close
call from being killed near here on
Saturday evening when as they were
speeding to Hensall their auto struck
a rut just below Thomas Kyle's place
and erashed through a:beard fence a,nd
down an 8 foot bank. One was hurled
into the river and the uther pitched
out on the brink. Or, Burrows was
called and found that neither was bad
lv hurt. Their car which was badly
smashed, was pulled up and taken to
Mr. Kyle's place.
Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Buchanan, of
Detroit and Pars, Alex Buchanan, of
ESEEN are spending a few days with
Me. and Mts. Webster Bucher:an ot
Town line near hem
Mrs. Robert Huntsley, of Woodstock
is epending a few days with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Reynolds.
Miss Milly McGregor and sister Bel
en and Miss Etta Jarrot are spending
a week's holiday at the summer school
Rey. Mr. Robinson of the Goshen
line, conducted•the 'services in the
Methodist Church on Sunday. ,
Intended for last week.
Nina ‘Tarnee Smith's( houseWas
struck by i1ightitin o8 IVIondlaly
evenereg tenet was buened to the
Willidm ,JohnIston, ot St. Louis, is
spending a, few/ days with Mr, ancl
Mrs. James Millar, of, the village.
Miss Josie Young, oeLc.tradonees
spender* le. fowl holidays in and
around the viliage
IMrs. Welybutt, of 'Port 'Hurons is
speeding a Mw days visiting,
faminells aroused the village. '
Rev. and Mre, D. W. S. Urquhart
and little child of ,Collitagwood, call
edioni a few', oetheir old Kippen
friends during, the week, Mr. Cr-
quheat wao Kippsn's former pas-
Edgar Butt left last lelannay f or
Tilbury, where the intends, totspend
attew months, 'pressing hay with
leer. Serowe Curb:nose.
bit, and ,IVIrs. Joseph end Henry
Daytime& have leftt f Or the WIE[SE
toi take oft the harneet which Os
iewalting tleone. Joscpll ha a guar
ter eection there,
MTS. Edward Taylor and 'little
son George, who have been spend-
ing the past couple of 'months/vis-
iting reseatevetes here, halite 'left for
their home in ,Eillmouir, (Sask.
Ernest Jones, Methodist 'minister
and Miss' Watson, of sEugenian
Falls are spencleng holidays wail
the farmer's uncle land aunt, Mr.
and Mee, George Tlayler odour vit-
bane. .
Roberta Cooper,' of the London
road has, a staff of men =Oland
slue Week erecting (a fene . Wolf or
hittre -
The heavy( rains, of this week
have. given lthe heaviest la sot bade,
but evill, Matto( up for Wein the re-
feeshing of thel root eeopi which
wee beginning to suffer dor the
want Ottraiia'.
Miss Marry 18. MeSlis, who has
been speridan.g to tletv holidays at
the. parental home, deft to femme
heir duties ineDetrolt enaHarper's
Feed Appleby, who was engaged
with Fred, Fowler Lor 5 year, and
Who reeenelye ceiene tom England
With his Wide end ,family, was call-
ed on Monday to render 'service
Meth& war.
The. three Missee Mellis' !made a
friendly •claile on a telly ofttheir old
Seleforth friends ettnereg (the (w.eiele.
Miss Margaret Watson, oft the vil
large, paid blereamIct Mrss Ed, Deters
near Zuriehl a visit. .
Miss Cummings of Egmonelvilleo
eseepending a feivel days with her
sister, Mrs. Dienisraln McGregore
Clifford' W'altson, of Stratford,
spent tat feev days at his home here
for the benefit Of his liehlth.
Mrs. Robert Reynolds hoe return
ece nom, Hamilton, where she has
been wetting on her sistee, ;Who
was sick.
Tewn and Country
O o eee 0, slteeeelatolwa we+ 3-•-e•sl.
Quito aot of damage was done
along the railway tredve between.
Bluevale iand Brussels during the
dry hot weather last et eel. About
hall ;aerate of anew Iferice twas
burned also' the shanty at Brussels
gravel pet. The fence and along
side of John. McCracken's barn got
on,ttlire, one; day 'a,n,ce but for the
timely arrival' of help his barn and
others buildings would have been
destroyed, •
Master Lloyd Fey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Fey Jr. of Zurich had the
misfortune recently of falling off a
load while they were hauling oats
from the field. He was driving the
team and in some way was dragged
foreward and before the horses could
be stopped the wagon wheel ran over
him bruising him badly. He is expect
ed to recover although be had a nar
tow escape from iustant death.
Thos. Cook, formerly um carriage
maker at Exeter dropped dead on tbe
verandah of his home 9 Maple Street,
St: Itionets. He had been in good
health. ler Cook. was 83 years of
age, and is survived by his wife and a
grown up family.
Mr. We Carter. nho hat been coil -
ducting e shoerepairing business at
Wingham for the last eight months,
has accepted a situation in Kincar-
Dr. Mary R. Findlater, who has
been visiting at the home of her father
Mr. Findlater of Morrie, left Thursday
for Neveport, 18 1., where she will en
joy the breezes of the Atlantic coast
before retaining to her duties in Lead
South Dakota. The doctor was elect
erras a member of Lead Board of -Edu-
cation last spring which office brings
Vs own work, as a new public school
building, costing 870,000, is to he erect-
ed during the coming year, work be.
gihning Sept, est and building being
veady for occupation Sept. 150, 1015,
Two adjoining towns followed the ex-
ample of the citizens of Leal and
elected a woman as a member of their
school boards.
The Jackson Clothing Factory at,
Zurich has closed down owing to the
fact that goods are hard to get,.
Mr. Samuel Buechler of Curloss who
won second prize in the standing fleld
crop contest conducted under the aus-
pices of the Turnbeery Agricultural
Society, has entered his oats in the
competition at Toronto Fair and has
also entered the sheaf competition.
Mr. John McGavin, of McKillop bad
the misfortune to lose his well known
Clyesdale:stallion, oLonddn's Favor-
ite," on Saturday night last. The
horse took sick about ten o'clock 'Sat
urclay night and died shortly after
twelve o'clock. He was nine years
old and Ur, McGavin had used him for
six years and he had proved an excel.'
lent stock horse. The loss to Mr. Mc.
Gavin will be considerable. He had re
ceiveri a letter ou Saturday from a
man at a distance wanting to purchase
Several bane in Stephen and it
house in Stanley were struck by light
ing and destroyed in last Monday
night's storm. Mr, Walter Steven's
house near Blake was also egruck but
did not burn. Part of the roof and a
chnnney was torn off. Mr. Samuel
Walker of the Parr line had several
horses killed. It was the worst elect-
ric storm of the season
510 00 was voted by the Morris coun
cil to,Brussels Wingharn and Blyth
Agricultural Socities. They are to be
commended for their action as the
money goes to improve the Fairs a
good shere of prizes being returned to
Morris people. -
The Womeres Institute at Blyth
have contributed e50, to the equip-
nt ent of the 1 oipit tl sbip.
Wroxeter's tax rate will be 23 mills.
Probably the largest e tick of maple
timber that was ever seen in ,Cioderich
was delivered by Massey]. Veen. Hill Se
Son of Benmiller. It was 50 feet long
25 inches square and weighed 10 tons
and will be used as an anchor in con
nection with the dredge owned by Mr.
Wm. Marlton.
Exeter tax trate well be 29 millit
tha,a year.,
Exeter ladies collected nearly
5100 for thei hosipital ship.
The tender, of :Joseph Lawson to
construct the.tGarcliner DraM repair
and irnproveinente forl$1348.00 was
,accepted by ldhe Thsborne Council.
'He.nsaillt has,raised the pool room
liceeses from .$30 ece$50 for three.
tables, \
Mr. Oval Taylor wheels agent for
the Studebaker car at W Ingham
went erp Ito the Grand Trunk sta-
Hoe to(mail some letters on the
3.30 traria] for Louden. On his arri
eat at tete depot the train had
pulled outisohe wheehled bis
ear and caught the train at Bel -
grave. Orvall paid a fine for last
driving but got his letters posted.
Myth hasliseveral cases of ty-
phoid fever: l
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
May Find Help in This
Swan Creek, Mich.—"I cannotspeak
too highly of your medicine. When
" through neglect or
overwork I get run
down and rny appe-
tite is poor and I
have that weak, lan-
guid, always tired
feeling, I get a bot-
tle of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and it
builds me up, gives
me strength, and re-
stores me to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless-
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom-
mending it to others."—Mrs. ANerne
istICaierrhnignaot,,E.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
Hebron, Me.—"Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, discour-
aged and had female weakness. I took
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Coin -
pound and used the Sanative Wash, and
end today that I am an entirely new
woman, ready and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon the minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefits they can
derive from your medicines." --Mrs.
CHARLES Bonen, R. F. D., No.
Hebron, Maine.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med-
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Dram Your letter wil be opened,'
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
George Brown Harry Layzell
and !George Sourley three British
reservistnShot halve been working
as farmhands in Usborne Township
have befit to join the British forces.
18.18. M.:Gowan, near Blyth has
shown samples oe 'eels ased wheat
that are (worth mentioning. The
oats measures five feet Ultimates
in length and the wheat ,six feet.
They are excellent samples well
headed a:nel otherwise perfect.
It is seated that Wir. Code will
rehortlyf resign as Division Court
Clerk at Elytila
Mr: Samuel Morton Gth Conoess
ion of. 'elleet Wawanlasheis erecting
,einew 'barn 40x60 feet with straw
shed 24x36. Who, frame work was
commenced on. , Mondey by Mr.
Lorne Scrianegeonr,
Local News
From Saturday's Woodstock Senti
nel Review we clip the following no
tice—"The funeral of the late Mrs.
Geo. Mercer took place on Wednesday
afternoon Aug, 19th• The service was
conducted in new St, Paul's church,
by Rev, X, Alexander. .A. large num
bei' of friends and relatives were pres
ent co pay their last tribute to the de
ceased who had been a true friend to
them." Mr. Mercer was a former resi
dent of Clinton and is a nephew of Mr.
G. E. Saville.
Write on one side or paper only
Mail to reach us Wednesday Of
each week or sooner.
Avoid all items respecting on per-
sonal character but !send AIL the
Chech off this list it may assist
youseto remember an important
Births, Marriages, Deaths.
Accidents, Church News
Suppers or Presentations.
Removals, Visitors,
Lodge News, Fires.
Public Improvements.
Law Cases, the Crops,
School Matters.
Correspondents will please re-
frain from sending ,notices of en-
tertainments where an admission
fee 'is charged, unless :they send
Word who is roaponeible for the
payment of such advertinnent. The
charge is' five cents a line—six
words make a line,
With "Bobs" as their commander in
chief, the overseas forces will have
more heart than ever.
As an army is said to travel on its
stomach, that likely accounts for the
slow progress being made by Russia's
iminenee tally of troops,
War has not diminished the popular
'ity of limburger.
- v. M. C. A. MM..
Students assisted to pobitions. College
in session from Sept. ht. Catalogue
free. Enter any time, I •
LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
_Principal Charttd Accountant
, 19 VI ,Princlal
,.. .',...
it War Summary ir
/.., hi
"...........7.7....vratv... ................:
Ontario's war gift is 250,000 bags of
Russia is swiftly penetrating Ger.
man territory.
Togoland, in Africa, has surrendered
to England.
The allies are still holding their own
age inst the Germans. •
The location of the German fleet is
around Elbe a.ud Kiel canal.
Princess Patrica's regt. sails on Sat
•Pe Zeppelin again threatens Antwerp
in its etternpt to drop bombs on city.
Port of Tsing Tan not yet homba,rd
Belgians force Germans back and
Namur still holds.
A neeithettle is in progress to de-
cide' elm eate, of Fran cee
Gerinepy orders out boye of six
teento-drill. k
f±B;n1,:i:vhe 0E1 2,000,inetlie big. batele.
alrIllieS again assume the
Prince Edw,asid Mimed ,gives 100,-
000 bushete ot oats to war ofeeces
Breciali have captured 400 time -
mans and pante Austrian, Weser+
'vises ,attlFahnouth EnglaeM and
they area:tow( prisoners of war;
e'eVfales rid, Itheir land of, ,the
Princess Paws. Pets first for tea
front. New Regiment.' may sail on
It is feared Turkey, and Italy
Alttsstinant :warfare.,toiee
scomet fleitily 10
Eastern, Pressia.
Allies forced back to covered po
eitione by the Germans.
French forces are mailing from
Al sic es -L °Trainee •
,Germans occupy Luneville.
Namur has batten( to the lereneh.
Charleaor, Belgium is being shell
ed by lthet Germans.
Germany eallee to,wen oyes: the
300,000 ,Genrntans passed through
Leige still holding out.
The, total loss of ene /Belgians 'up
to the 211h woes 10,000 killea,
wounded taachprisoners.
The Niobe lieu, be commanded, ey
Captain Corbett.
ltiley's men move toward Austria.
Holland wilinot jeopardize nen
Canada 'will penisiore vectims of
Death of Francis Joseph Emper-
or ofgeustelal ia ally question of
the hours.
Admiralty .accepte offer of Im-
perial Cie Company of Sarnia for
ell her oil eteasners during the war.
Brikesh joini with Japan matted::
°mewed andlsea, atTsIng Tau,
Japan dealans, War on Germater
rasa operation. began 'on Sand and
The Ruesien troops are ma,king,
eepid advance into Germany. Right
Bank reaches( Inetereinee and the
Blank Arys.
Brittsh and Eretneli on offensive
from. Mane to Luxeneourg.
Poets atLeige etulil hold out.
Britaeo erect _grance control high
serlaShe, two Allies. Great Britain and
Fiance loan. Belgium 4100,000,000.
Auetrianes lose 25,000 anenanifight
with Serveaos eneltalso 60 guns.
12;000 anenunder canvas at Val
Carder on Seenidayi
Gennlany levies la twar tax ofie10,-
000,000 upon the city of Brussels.
Britain este loan Belgium. 550,-
000,000. TUC, money, to ,be raiseceby
treasury bills,
The Brito. war Office will con
trol the Canadian forces.
French 'troops leave Lorraine.
1,000 Garman' prisoners. have ante
ved lat Donkirki Fee:sane.
Japan is ,waAlfr(g. for the, hour
when the'ulamtatum to Germany
expires. Her ships endeared for
,action, and her transports ready to
land troops.
The Au,striain Hawesters are,call
ed outto fight,
British and French hattleshipe are
busy in ehe Adriatic bombarding
Austria's forts at Caliber°.
There are French anal British
cruisers off the Pacific coast pro-
tecting the ,merchane shipping,
Anserlaatfungary formally de -
clawed war on ..lapan,
Brussels pays 510,000,000 to,Geei-
men ewer eileMelt _ •
The German ,.cavalry have occup
ied .Bruesels.
The Canadian /Government voted
Suffered with Palpita-
tion of the Heart
and Nervous Trouble
Mrs. John Dennison, Combermere,
Ont., writes:—"I cannot praise Milburres
Heart and Nerve Pills too much. For
years I suffered with palpitation of the
heart and nervous trouble, so that I
could not lie down to sleep. I tried al-
most all other medicines, and got no
relief, until I was advised by a friend,
who had been benefited by your pills, to
try them, I did so, and after taking four
boxes I found I was almost cured, and I
am going to continue taking them, for I
never got anything to do me so much
good. I would advise any one troubled
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as I am doing." •
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
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at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt
of price by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto. Ont.
"Fruit-a-tiyes" Cured Paraly-
zed Bowels and Digestion
Feb.4rd. 1914.
"It is a pleasure tome to inform you
that after suffering from Chronic
Constipation for eile years, I have been
cured by "Fruit-a-tives". While I
was a student at Berthier College, I
became so ill I was forced to leave the
the college. Severe pains across the
intestines contitotally tortured 1110 5115
it came to a point when I could not
stoop down at all, and my Digestion
became paralyzed. Some one advised
me to take "Fauit-a-tives" and at once
I felt a great improvement. After I
had taken four or five boxes, I realized
that I was completely cured and what
made me glad, also, was that they
were ecting gently, causing no pain
whatever to the bowels. All those who
suffer with Chronic Constipation
should follow my example and take
Fruit -a -fives" for they are the
medicine that cures".
"Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers
at pc. a box, 6 for eggs, trial size,
zec. or sent postpaid on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
550,000,.000 Ica weir and( defenbe per
poaeaEight German guns ate captured
by Beeestens,
'The Britian cruiser Bristol ex-
changed shots with the German
cruiser Kalrushe anclehilt the•Gerg
rotas vessel at least three times fie -
fore the ,Germanta could escape.
Pegoud, 'the falmous Freneh Aviat
or returned to 'Pales after doing
great havoato the German army
His enlachlineawas riddled by 97
bullets andetwo shells.
The °Meal deepatch says tlie
Allies have completed Clete colleen
teatime., .-
The caisu,alty list of the German
eerily up to Aug. 18, is 1,500 dead
and 7,000/ wounded.
Duke of Coinnaught to stay in
Canada as .Goveneor-General until
the Nair istovert
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Just because your hair is full of
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Ontario's Popular Exhibition
September nth to igth. 1914
Magnificent Programme of A ttractions. Two Speed Events Daily
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