HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-27, Page 4PAGE FOUR
-an CLINTON NRW- wiz
Thursday,' iugnst27th; `1914,
in Pearl
We are Showing Some
Very Pretty Designs
In pleasing contrast to
the styles one usually sees
-yet 'they` are strictly
correct and follow closely
the forms prescribed by
those who have the "say
so" in ladies jewelery.
We invite you to come
in and inspect our
Prices frons $10.00 up
Fall Term Irom sepi.t
Ce ntralBusinessCollege
Stratford, Ont.
The best Commercial School in
the province. Our coursesare
thorough and practical while our
instructors are better than yoo
will Mad elsewhere. We do more
for our students than other
similar, schools do. Our rates are
reasonable. Write for our free
catalogue and see what we can
do for you.
D. A. McLachlan,
There is a Cold day Conlin;
Why not prepare for it by ordering
your winter
i none e b i perm of
h world Valley
II. J. Holloway, Clinton
11rMiff Ml1r1191rr11111111r1i1111111
Highest market price will be paid in
cash for wocl.
Also on hand for Sale
Flower Seeds,
Farm Produce taken in
The 'New Era.
W. 11. HERR dC SON, Props.'
J. Leslie Herr Business Manager
New Era, One Year in advance $1.00
New Era, when not paid in ad-
vanes- , $1.50
'New Era, to the United States
in advance. . $1,50
Advertising Rates on. Application
Job work prices advance on. July
1st, 1913, in ` 'accordance' • with.
the Huron Co. Preva Asso-
ciation Rates.
Office Phone 30 House Phone 95
For Infants and Children
hi Use For. Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of 'c�cc
The, ,discovery in an Austrian cern
etery of glass bnnsrors dating. from
tlhesecond or third' cemaury up
set the theory that the ametenRe'de-
pem(detA up:taa polished mleltaL to
see themselves.
' A(machine has. been perfected in
Saxony which embroiders designa
on(three dozen' pairs, of stockings
a+tience,. 288 stitches ;being itaken
Next door to Hospital
Victoria Street Clinton
We keep in stock a full line of
Animal Invigorator and
Chick Poultry and Click Foods
- 'And all the best grade of
Flour and Produce
Fertilizer and Binder Twine
Call and see us when in town
and get prices
Reduced Fares to Toronto
For Canadian National
Aug. 31st to Sept. llth inclusive
From all stations in Canada. Cornwall,
Ottawa and West
will be in effect ou certain dates
All tickets valid for return until
Tuesday, Sept. 14th, 1914
Agent for Heintzman Pianos:
Old ones taken in exchange, and.
balance on eaey terms'
Pull ,particulars from G.T.R.'. ticket
agents, or write(
o ..m .c,ansford a Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents,. phone 51
A.O. 1 att'son, station agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
Seed Wheat
We halve a quantity of(., "Gold
Coin" Seed Wheat for sale,. This
wheat has been proved to be one
of the( beat varieties to dated our
severe winters, giving on extila
Large yield .this year.
Fail Wheat Fertilizer
yon will compare'the results
(Shur-Crop Terailizer
with others in this ,dnatrictj, you
will be conviitceca that there are
monk) better. Try .our brand this
season and prove for yourself.
10,000, dozen New Laid Eggs and
1,000 Hens amid Ch'frtktns wanted
each, week at top prieasf.
We are wholesale agents for'.
Askf your dealer for Guun's
Breakfast -Beacon,. and 'Picnic Ham.
'Theyjare Winners.
Prices Moderate.
The Guuu-i auglois Co., Limit@Q
The up-to-date Firm. Clinton
Phone 100.
PHONE 192 oe
Ileal9 uarters
Walking' and Wing Olkeer
I.H.C. Gasoline Engles"
McCormick Machinery Pumpe
and 'Windmills.
Miller it Liiiie
Corner' of Princes and Albert
• Wheals
Print Biur.S'
r Wken print blur.; ire
9rltebie temper end
lit:mood di.eoin/ort
result, '
we' poo diner anal*'
th Condolers watb,:
J. alit
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Export Trade With
England to Start Again
By New Soheme Exporters Can
.obtain Money for Cargoes
at Once.
Almost immediate resumptisn of
export, trade with Great Britain is
expected by financial experts and
business men generally, to result
from the action of Hon. W. T. White,
Minister of Finance. in making the
Dominion Treasury a trustee for the
Bank of England and enabling British
and Americans to liquidate their
obligations to each other without be
ing under the necessity of shipping
gold across the Atlantic. Until this
was done. the cost of exchange was
practically prohibitive on account of
the risk of capture on the high sea,
and export trade stopped abruptly
for the time being. Now exporters
can get their money for their cargo
before they ship it, and with British
cruisers sweeping away all commerce
destroyers, the risk of capture to the
cargoes is much reduced. The full
benefit of the scheme will not be
realized until the time comes to begin
shipping the grain crops across the
A Dollor DOWN
Is often an ,illumination as big
as the sun. There is no plate In
town where "money down' goes
farther than it does right here.
or dresser bought for 'spot cash'
from our present stock makes
what you see elsewhere look
like thirty cents.
Its Bargains Galore we are
offering just now in our
!u` 211)t 17` entire Furniture Stack
The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all kinds of Furniture
$ A 8z .A=11\1'6014"
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
N. Ball 110 -RESIDENCE PHONES- J. D. Atkinson 186
Time. and `Trial' Prove
the unequalled value of Beeclam's ,Pills as the
best corrective 'of ailments of the digestive organs
so eomrnon-and the best preventive of lasting' and
serious sickness so often resulting from defective or
irregular action of , the stomach, liver or bowels.
Beecham . s Pills
have, a great record. For over half a century they have been used with
entire satisfaction in thousands of homes. A few doses will prove to
you that you can find prompt relief from the headaches, depression of
spirits and general no-good feelings caused by indigestion orbiliousness.
Try them, and you will know what it is to have at your command such
An Invaluable Aid to Health
Prepsred only by Thomas Beecham. St. Helens. 1.anca.hire. England.
Sold everywhere in Canedu. and U. S..Amerios. In boxes, 25 eeot.:
gold will be very much larger than
ever before. The war disturbed cred
it so much that very mach more busi
nese than usual will he done on a cash
basis in the field of international trade
American financial house. are alive
already to the 'conveniences of the
scheme whereby Ottawa becomes a
branch of the Hank of England, and
are diverting the gold that would un
der ordinary circumstances .be ship
ped,acrose the Atlantic to this country
in order that exchange may be saved
Ir is probable that the entire shipment
of SIC.800,000 in gold for French and
English bankers. which was originally
to have been carried to the banks of
England and France on. the Kron
prinzessin Cecilie. will be shipped up
to Ottawa, According to the latest
report from New York $5,600,000 of
it is out of the way now. ' Other ship
meats are expected to follow soon.
When Large oargpes of grain begin to
be sent across the Atlantic the Bank
of England will be able to cable in
structions'to Ottawa to pay out this
gold to the shippers.
Unravelling The Tangle.
It is difficult to estimate just how
much gold is owed by the United
States and Canada, Britain, and the
Continent at the present moment.
Considerable quantities of American
and Canadian securities were sold by
European holders immediately before
the outbreak of hostilities and the
closing of the stock exchanges. Just
how much of this was sold to Am-
erican and Canadian buyers is not
yet certain. One broker told The
Star that most of it was sold to Eu-
ropean capitalists looking for bargains.
"But," he added. "the confusion into
which international finance has been
plunged by the isolation of the Ger-
man banking community from the
rest of Europe, and the extraordinary
war measures taken in France and
Great Britain has made it impossible
to get accounts balanced up, No one
knows just where the the United
States and Canada stand, A commit'
tee of New York financial men is at
present trying to unravel the tangle.
I don't expect they'll find out what's
what for some weeks yet. I wouldn't
even attempt to guese eshat amount
of gold is at present owing to Europe.
Crops Will Pay Debts.
e' President Wilkie, of the Canadian
Bankers' Association and general
manger of the Imperial Bank, told
The Star that the export of food
stuffs to Great Britain and Europe
would soon turn the balance of trade
in America's favor and make the
United States and Canada the credit-
ors so far as the exchange of gold
was concerned, "The crops will pay
our debts to Europe," he said, "The
fact that gold payments to and from
the bank of England will be paid
and received at Ottawa will undouht
edly facilitate business very much."
The quantities of gold shipped
across the Atlantic vary considerably
every year according to trade con
ditions. When business is dull on
this side of the Atlantic„ imports of
gold from Europe increase. When
business is dull in Europe and boom
ing here, exports of gold from
America to Europe jump, Thus, in
the two dull. years of 1906 and 1908,
following the panic of 1907 United
States imported $51.016,196 and 97,319,
867 in gold from Europe and only ex
ported $24,4655,488 and $53,596,349,
War Disturbed Credit.
In the boom years of 1910, 1911,
and 1912, the imports from Europe
were $4,573,518, $14,756,149' and $2,
407,514, respectively, while the exports
to Europe were $32,174,694,' 87.600 and
$19,551,108, respectively. Credit was
much better in the years 1910, 1911.
and 1912 than in the years 1907 and
While no figures are as yet available
for the present year it is altogether
probable that imports and exports of
Could Not Get Rid of Them
Impure " Blood Means a
Breakdown in Your
Until loo Used
All Blood or Skin Diseases are caused
by bad blood, and to get it pure, and keep
it pure you must remove every trace of
the impure and morbid inatter from the
system by a blood cleansing medicine
such as Burdock Blood Bitters.,
Mr. A. P. Hopp, Kipling, Sask:, writes:
-"I was always bothered with Boils, and
could not get rid of them, and also had
all kinds of Pimples on my, face, from
early in the Spring, till late in the Fall.
One of my friends told me about your
medicine, and that ; I had to get some-.
thing to purify my blood. - I got two
bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters,
and in a short time I was cured, and I
have neverbeen troubled with Boils or
Pimples since."
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured
only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Impure blood isian invitation to
sickness. The blood isiat work day
and ntingt to maintain Ile 9iealth
and any lack of' strength) or purity
the, bloodl.istaf bveak,ngss intho
defence against. disease' Anaemia
is khe doctor's name for lack of
blood. There nvay bea;nactuaI.lose
inithe qu'antity of the blood, or one
or more of its constituents rayl be
tacking. Its. truest symptom • is
pallor. Amaemia is particularly
common in trolling girls, It le not,
however, confined to them alone,
for itlis this some lack of blood
that prevents fust recovery after
ha)grippe, fevers, malaria and op-
enations. It,. is also present' in o id
age anal in tPeraons who have been
under unusual mental or,physical
strain; If (you are suffering from
this trouble take Dr.(WLllimus Pink
going ,to the( foreign field in the •
Pills tor. Pale People, They Irmafce
new blood with every \close' laud
this new blood' means health and
strength. Thouslands haves proved
the truth; of these- s(fp(tn:anenits,
among thaw Mrs. Minnie Barteaux,
Annlapolis, N.S. who says."Follow-
alnd the 'Wirth • of. my
third child, 1 was
etcamplete wreck I felt and looked
seat I did not have a drop off blood
in my body. My helairt 'would palpit
ate so'.violently that I could not
Walk ,upstairsr without being com-
pletely exhausted). Night after
might I'tvould shave to's•i•t up Ian bed
to eget my brelaitll. I had, no ap-
petite Bind. suffered from severe
hHadachos. I was taking (doctor's
medicine call' the time anicl,tratur-
ally pelt very much discourage.
While in.+th,s deploreuble condition
myflruslslalnd brought, me home 'a
couple of boxeg (of Dr.'Wil7pama'
?Wiz Pills and before they were
gone Iicoulci feel (some improve-
melnt. I glnldly co:nitf_dued. their use
'uinitil I0,ksd' injk(en I think, ten
boxes, when I was completely cured
said Ishaver• was so well iinmaytlife
,inslihave been since.',
Dr. a illiams' Pink P51Is are sold
by Poll, idea'lears) i;mnedicipe orwfll
besdnit by Mfaiil at 50 cents a box
or Oix boxes for x$2.50 by 'wetting
The Dr.lWilliasms' 'Medicine Co.,
BloicdcEville, Ont. •
Aulumn Sessian I
• Is now open in Central Business •
College, Tororto, and in each of j
• its Six Branches. Free catalogue •
• explains courses, Write for a •
• copy. W. 'H. Shaw, president, i'
Head office, 393 Yonge Street. •
S Toronto, •
Lesson IX. -Third Quarter, For
, Aug. 30, 1914.
Text of the Lesson, Matt. xxii, .15-22:
Memory Vers'ee, 16, 17 -Golden Text,
Matt. xxii, 214 -Commentary Prepared
by Rev. D. M..Stearns.;.
This lesson of questions byPhariseel
and Herodians and Seddncees, feign-
eigning themselves just men, but seeking
to entangle' Him in His talk that tbe7
might catch Him in His words and so
deliver Him unto the power and au-
thority of the governor, is found in
Matthew, Mark and Luke (Mark zil.
13; Luke xx, 20). His warning to the
disciples to beware of the leaven or
false teaching of the same three
classes of people is found in Matt. xvl,
6; Mark vW, 15. The Pharisees_ were
the most religious people of that day,
but were mere formalists. 17verything
was outward to obtain praise of men;
nothing. real before God. The Herodt-
ans, judging from Herod, could enjoy,
a good talk, but preferred the sinful
pleasures of this world to things real
and eternal. The Sadducees were re-
ligious, but had no .use for things su-
pernatural, angels or spirits, and did
not believe in any resurrection. ' None
of them had any use for .lesus Christ
or Bis doctrine. Although they could
not deny His wonderful works. His
teaching was to them fuelled and im•
practical and Impassible. The light of
His pure. holy life was too great a
contrast to their selfish sinfulness.
t+even Deniet's euemles bad to con-
fess that he was faithful and that
there was pelting eater nor fault in
him and that it would be impossible
to find occasion against him unless in
some way concerning the lulu of his
God (Dau. el, 4, 5).
These enemies of Cbflst were in a
similar ditllrulty. but they would not
cease from their purpose. The Phari-
sees and fierodians 'mite to it schetne
which they think will surely enable
them to find occasion against Him,
and so they come with 'tattering words
concerning His being a teacher of
truth and raring not for what people
think or say of FIint irvree tilt. They
Alug age'oarriex for automo-
biles w rich, resembles talfolded top
d in the same and 's carries
tion, 'being Witthim' easy, access, Sias
been 'pat ntteldi by W Californian.
A1F,rencil inventor who for a'
time w,as. blind has Idesigeted a type
waiter tihiat, produces ordim,ery khan
usoript In. Braille embossed char-
acters at the sane inline.
Children Cry
Tele principal feature of pi 'i'sl'e
book bolder for the nee of persons
lying indied isiapane of glasson
Which an open book can be laid
wli'tihout cneeding clamps to retain
Rt. ,
IWacthee!o inlstrument; of his'inven',
tion. la Chicago mannan measure
ante- Ifive-anilieonteh. of an inch one
one, fifielthi ont'he disitaneee revealed;
by/a. 'theoretically perfect' micro
scope .
4.Wool.5s Thoopho$5f9,
The Great.. English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates.,tha whole
nervous systemmakes new Blood
in old Veins, Cures Nerpoua'
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon-
dency,.Loss of Energy, Palpitation of -the
Heart. Failing Memory.. Prree Si per box, six'
for 05.0 One will [donee, no will cure,®Sold by all
druggi•as or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of
Mire. New re mphletwlaile/t frac. THE WOOD
MS O SCINI�. CO.. TORONTO, 0142. (Formed. Wln8tar,)
Blyth . .. .....Sept, 29 and 39
Brussels , Oct. 1 and 2
Exeter Sept. 21 and:22
Gode„ick) .. Sept. 21 to 23
London Sept, 11 to 19
Seaforth , Sept. 21 and 25
Toronto .......... Aug. 28 to Sept.:12
Winghean Sept. 24 and 25
Zurich .. Sept, 23 and 24,
Chilclxen. Cry
America's Greatest Livestock Show
Acres of Manufactures
Exhibits by the Provinces
Exhibits by Dominion Government
Exhibits by West India
Grenadier Guards Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Auto -Polo Matches
Circus and Hippodrome
Dozen Shows in Single Hour
Boy Scouts' Review
Canada's Biggest Deg Show
Greatest Oriental Spectacle
ever presented on Continent
Paintings from' England, Scotland,'
United States and Canada •
Educational Exhibits
Goods in Process of Making
Athletic Sports "
Aero-Hydioplane Flights
Grand Water Carnival
Createre's Famous Band
Score of other Banda
Dozen, Band Concerts Daily
Chesapeake and Shannon
Biggest Midway ever
Peace Year Fireworks
International Peace Tattoo
10 Bands 400 Musicians
Aug. 29 1914 Sept:14
Commencing Saturday, July 25th, we place on
sale hundreds of dollars worth of good, new, seasonable
goods that must be cleared out to make room for our,
New /'all Stock which the manufacturers start to ship
early in August,
Cut Prices on Dry Goods,
•Uut Prices on Men's and Boys Clothing, .
Cut Prices on Boots and Shoes
Cut Prices on Hats, Caps and Shirts.
EXTRA SPECiAL--We have about 5o Boys' Snits -
too many -which means 5o suits at manufacturers
prices for the first 5o boys. Don't miss this chance
to save money on your boys new fall suits, they
will need them when school starts, ,sizes 24` to 35
Also extra low prices' on our.Pumps and Oxfords
White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, Etc.
Plumsteel Bros.
Yon Cannot Do Better Than +
Attend the.
* British American College
i+.i. Yonge and McGill Ste., Toronto
+ for a Business or Shorthand +
Course. Fall Term is now open, T.
4.'t' We ask you to write for particu_ 4
lars, T. W. Wauchope, principal
propound a gnesuon wnicn ri seems to
them will bring from Him an en-
snaring reply: "Is it lawful to give
tribute" unto Caesar or not?" "Shall
we give, or shall we not give?" (Verse
17, Mark x11, 15.)
They probably thought that He
would advise not to give td Caesar:
and thus find Him guilty Of teaching
against Caesar. They did not begin
to know Him, nor that He could read
their hearts, nor that they were deal-
ing with one who knew what was in
man (Jer. zyfl, 10; John 11, 25). How
scathing His reply, "Why tempt ye
me, ye hypocrites?" How surprising
His request, "Show me the- tribute
money," or as it is in Mark xis, 15,
"Bring me a penny that I may see it."
When they bad brought It and ]n re•
ply to His question told Him whose
image it bore, then He saitb unto
them, "Render therefore unto Caesar
the things which are Caesar's and
unto God the things that are God's"
(verse 21).' So they could not take
hold of His words, marveled at His
answer, held their peace, left Him
and went their way (verse 22; Luke
xx, 26).
It was true on all occasions, "Never
man spake like this man." He Him-
self said, "The words that 1 speak
unto you 1 speak not of myself, but
the Father that dwelleth in me He
doeth the works." "He gave me n
commandment what I should say and
what I should speak" (John xiv, 10;
xis, 49). If we were as fully yielded
to Him as He was to the Father it
would be true of us, "It is not ye that
speak, but the Spirit of your Father
which speaketh in you" (Matt. x, 20).
He was the image of the invisible
God (II. Cor. 1v, 4; Heb. 1, 3; Col. 1, 15).
When we become His by redemption
we begin to bear His image and
should day by day be increasingly,
conformed to that image, for to that
end all things are intended to work
(Rom. viii, 28, 29). If we by faith be-
hold His glory it will be so until when
we see Him we shall be like Him (II
Cor. iii, 18; I John iii, 1, 2). By crea-
tion they 'belonged to God, for He
gave them life and breath and all
things, but by choice they denied God
to their works through professing to
,Low Ilim (wit. i, 161. God wants
nothing from those who will not ac.
sept His mercy in Christ Jesus, He
must first forgive us as sinners and
give us Himself in Christ and make
us His children before we can render
Him anything, but when . we become
His our song should be "ever only for
Thee." The words "went their way"
(verse 22) remind us of the same in
verse 5 and tbut all who are not witb
Christ in the way are still going their
own way to everlasting destruction.
The same day carne the Sadducees
with their question about the seven
brethren who. one after the other, had
the same woman to wife, "If there be
a resurrection. then whose wife shall
she be of the seven?" (Verses 23-28.)
Thus they thought they had shown
the impossibility of a life after this
one. Note His reply. "Ye do err, not
knowing the Scriptures nor the powet
of God" (verse 29t. What a farreach
ing. comprehensive word and in e
sense applying to all error, for 1t all
comes from not knowing the Scrip
tures. The only way to he free from
et -or is to know the truth„ whLeil
makes us free indeed (John viii. 32-301
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when th.liver is right tits
stomach and bowel ate right.
pei a lazy liver to.
de its duty.
Cures Con-
Headache, sad Distress after Eating.
Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price.
Genuine must bear Signature
School Shoes
Among our stock of School Shoes
For Boys and Girls
you will find opportunities aplenty for practising that
economy which is now the order of the day. And w
warrant it will be true economy, too, since all thr
shoes are in new shapes. all leather. and good
wearing quality, while prices will be found wonde
Special for Saturday
50 pairs Boys Boots, all sizes, reg
prices 2.00 and 3,00, Saturday pric
I• S•
'hone 70