HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-27, Page 21000100••••••••••••••••••••• S $ Phone Want Ads to The New Era Many telephone I(subscribers • find it quite convenient and a time-saver. Experienced ad- • visers are always on The New • • Era end, Phone 30. • 000000000sessso••••••••••! 1r; Hilton Thursday, At PAGE TWO. gas, 27th, 1914. Jtoriai 'What's you hobby? ;gents Herre is a warm weather sentence -- -_ to practice On as a(tangue twist( e'r.-"Give Gritines, Jim's geretast gilt We.lstill have faith !little Hague*, i ivh` .": The,seco;rnd lesson "Strict, strong Stephen 'Stl•imiger snared slickly six sickly silly snatkles," Call at then New 'E'ra of- fice when °able to recite them; A stick 'With( to pin an -the and of it woull be a good weapon to prod the, Anianias'war correspond- ents who supply t,v goad. Propor- tion of the Recalled news. The ,• •o -- "Send him' Victorious- ,. Happy and Gloaions.- (Yon know, the 'rest. t750,000,000,,for• war, purposes its a new order of expenditure iar`Can- ada, Staifelty first, is a good itiuotto for ever Temperance; man, woman and child in Canada. i 1outreal 'Witztess) calls the pres- .ent alar "The Crime Wf Cr,bs0se ", This, is a great portrayal'in flour words. This is the .20th century. I 0 ep o t, pays the Duke o f, ( Co m - naught is "likely to have his term ' of oficeasGot ernor Gentera1 of Canada exienue3 on account of the 'war. Reports say leunlda'eds of,pabies rare dying in Austria awing to the failure of th:et 'mark 'aupply on Jac - mount of aa4lw'aysf being disorganr•) • !zed. Chlerge rthisS g]up, to the. war Sacconit O What to do' with the,'' apple 'Mop 5e'lai ponda' 'nuum. Some person has snggeeted that! Ontario send 1,000 bari:els to the soldier boys across the sea. Guess they would taste good to them., long au fer!sig people of !many bands, have mutah Ito be thahrkful for that trite censers vire on to.11heir Job. ..- Keep the pill box or.mR miner bottle out of the reach of children A 2 year old lassie got hold of one of the former- the, other day rend childlike swallowed some of the pellits and 'was 'dead, before the doctor ttrri'oed. Prevention Is bet- ter than cure and to be sure isbet i ter thlan to be sorry.,(rave atop shelf for your apothecary's shop. is Few people will think very !Sigh- ly of the order given; to Clantadian soldiers on gva,nd viz F'Shont to atilt, relating to all and sundry •w -ho were likely to'cchalmitt some It' es via is to 'tion easy y. � Y e - of life but -ft, dip f e s Iamb 4 p iv£ out +tlu p I aanlifoit bexekimd4edlalionuld ber>ie-'' imvembered. Act'opera law breaker 'Wolulderl,taps deserve to be,m�ark_ I !ed'by a, aii:sale but Ito take life is ha serious question. The) comm'and' I'fs,(too stela, we 'th lr. .-0- In. the Shetland Islandsds the Y have thistles 6feet high, but it is i I doubtful if 'they own grow {them _ . thicker on the ground than some parts of 'Ruronc Co. where ,first 1 class fiarmers are supposed to re- , side. The :Weed( Act cute le very ' small figure in this Province ` and las a result the efforts of cleanrfar- 'mens are, often thwarted by one or • two necghborsl who white not conn peting with Shetland4 grow a bad ' enough variety to injure their owat term 'and( those of their neighbors. •Plamliamenrt adjourned last Friday !after deialing with the (present war crisis las it, relates to Canada -amid the 'Motherland. The Land of the ' Mlaple has set a 'worthy example Mach is prepared to go as uch fur ahem las circumstances would (de - end. Speeches • by they leaders in the Souse breathed patriotism and loyalty and indicated! that (John Bull's -children ' as far as Canada is concern,ed,,tare Britons to the core It' is to be hoped that the sword May soon be sheathed and the last bugle bloat sounded so that per- manent peace may be proclaimed 'Every Page Has Newsy Items r+ t, • ••••••,1•••••••••o••R••••••'(j ▪ Try us for Job Work in all _ • its branches. For •lar sacriligioue act (Cieadiing, anxiouslyy',antl deliberately sought Engllankl, takes the bun. Thieves ,after, You !hear people talk of be - broke ) into theG Coingrejg+atieenal iirg( "glued" to somaltjl(nr and it church, stele valuable brass .vases is oftetn' to their credit A(:ever from the communion table and pur give' -up creed is worth owning ,and jointed the tinsh in fthe -Secrettary'swell worthy of cultivating. People office, amoienanto to • revs;°( .nevem Imo what they may actor you cls. There might be some ex- plie ewe for a man who robs a' bank, As lent example of this ablimtaboy store, or Tal pte residence 'but- at 1Gorleston, 0Fnlgland, in aseries to invuade a church the thief must' of games, won' the 100 yard) race be one of the(:"low downer" rand in 12 4"5 seieonals and lowered the shorn of every'' ounce of decency. . school record.. It is said he felt his wlay by means of 'handles attached. h until kv xesolute trial is Made. --a- an (these dlays when itlhere much discussion about marked dem. crelase iu populaltion it is re'ass'uring to learn of instances eyhere' dirty, is being dome(„ The aaalme of the family is McHugh, the postoffice; Drmmmely, Irelra,nd and the incident 'triplet -girls, Mrs. McH•ugh's sister. gave 'tbnnth to twins a; short itime before so she - Mrs. I171ac-to retain ffrs't place had tb to 'beat 'whi that ch ale did. We tthrow,up"ow^^^. halt and shoutare double piano "Ireland 3lorever." Excelsior ! • This 'week sees the open! lig of the (Flab, Cammpaign in connection and iv5lth the) series• of1•Flairs, big little. Some people pmgwe that the smaller 'fairs should be done away with but wo"'ldiifier tarrd ielietve where 'the Dieeietoitate can pay their tray rand perhaps lay by a penny for s,'rainy ;day, they should be continued. Fairs should not be al- lowed to drift into a day of amuse- ment only hat by up -.to -elate meth odea and�•ducationp.I !features should seek to (help frorwlard, the constituency served by paiatical ser vices There'a no use sounding ,a note of pesslaimism 'when, there are mar* reason for corgna'bulations ' and hoperea'llness If people ' believe ' hard times are coming (then the proper thing is 'to ecoaa seise by cutting outlittle extrtfavaganbee and reduekag expendlturel We have nottee ' some of itlre 'beet "srfuelaters" 'u•e` usually the best spenders and know little about re- trenchmenit and deny themselves nothing that their fancy 'would call for. Wilful :Mesta always brings woeful 'wand, so it is better em -t i travel that road. --0 Stiel.-{-to•'.vtiveress is la virtue possession of 'which should be Toast in a Jiffy NEW • to wires along the comae,He de- ved to wi • ' Hiis ramie was Cullum °Dial dt eliduld, be remem-• bered by young people tats a,sitimiu-, llos ,when' shrinking from the lac cwnplishmerft .of some much to -!be diesired object or project. "Dig In' may be homely advice but the- •res- olute spirit; is worth, while ae a a winlraea. Done to a Turn o:. your cern Breakfast Table by the I-IYDRO TeiisTER See Them Demonstrated by II lea ry yi r!9 yl/ 3SYx A�l I�, �$ v) leRi ly • ars Ai 11, fi v t i' tea} 11; lr 11 c ii"k°ljj IN+:r;'•+'il a``OiNrti?Itth,+r?fit`,) t`1 tr HYDRO GIRL This Week in the Shall g 15c, C111111 Aftera !r ton and E`�Ilnne- The Public Cordially invited to Attend Display 9 Ug. 26 101 alMM00M1aM/aaleaes e' VdAAalSaa a PUBLIC UTILITIES OMiISION, LIN"N. Tsupply f lg chra1R 'w- riorshe';seem too',gronvrocltiin1raa' er, IEVerar(' dray. They evidently know more about'thel war enidrtniilitary tactics thlan the great m&)bj aridts,whohlave made it the study of a lift - time:. It's ttao brad that some ' of these strategists rio not 'take a or G r� France e 1 Flim Fr/a o Be e tript Geri - many anal give a few pokaters to field marshals there so that ',the combined wisdom might end the wiar speedciya: "I !told you so" es a' society ,wrath -a great membership and all of them' :hard mot:Marrs- 'with 'theca; jaev: Nothing short of a battle every day. with 10,000 slain 20,000 wounded and 100 cannon ta- rid be o n the' ra nam if n>va e fg � p they were( putting on. the curtain raisers.. Some folk never appear to see th•J, hideousness of velar, nor. thirnk of the spidering on the bat- tle field or iln, the hospitals, to say nothing. about the anxiety and sorrow ,alt' thousands of homes. Our Torontoletter ou Yell will find relief in Zam'•Buk 1 It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with .Zam- Bilk, means cure: Why not prove this y.du'Druggists aa .S Mons.- into the pastorate of Willis Church will take, place Tharsday evening;' of'aext week, at'7 o'clock, Rey Meyers. 'Reid, Turner, Ricleaatdson rand other .will take part. New ,pas tore inlaaagural, sermon:: will ' .be preached the follorwintg. 'Smnday. Rev. Mr: Timmer, ofdllyth' will occupy the pulpit here next Sab- bath, Rev; Mr. B)arper will preach inBlt Andre'w's Church Blyth. ONTARIO LsT. C 1VRCH After Eei'ng closed foeselveral weeks, the Ohurele (auditorium • was opened again 0omworship on Sun" ba (ask With appropriate .services yy the,palstor assisted :by ' Rus- sell Maly. Mr. W.H. Harland- of• Guelph assisted the'ohois and sang "Thy ,Will, be Done" in the eeivene intg aisle solo Next Sunldlaly : thepastor evil( preach' 'morning and evening. The gqmiarterly Commmini'on will -be held ntttthe closer of the neornilna sea' ape. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. • Rev. Bateman Jones, of Goderich, will preach in the morning, No ser v eegin the evening. The Sunday School wily meet . as usual. • • A trial' will convince •you 3 • that we know our • • • business, • •••••i•••••••e•••••••••••n• w. BRITDON'H JACOB TAYLOR BARRISTER SOLTOITOR > OTARY' �L1N'PON EU -6L40, ETO - - a Rowell NottProtested, Mr. Rowell's election inaaor0h Oxford lkllas'tniot been, protested. Hrs opponents filed a. petition but not deposit, $1,000 within four days as required 'the proceedings tlherefore'were declared void. The protest Which will definutely go on are those by the Conselrvatives. against Ma:. Lang in Codhrane and by(tlhe Liberals against Dr. Mar- tyr, in(East Lambton. It is Ole general' opinion that there was 'neveranty real inter `tion of protesting Mr.Rowells elec tion•. The local, men iniWoodstock disclaim, responsibility. The. Mail antdlDmppire .said in their " news ace want tlnattthe petition had •been filed uponin(atructions from •I -Co-' rortto solicitors, The, Govern/•aent vido interests or aih a s botheny thought they maggght nn - moy Mr„Rowell bysnakin!gthis )at. - tack and then, withdrawing it. They also thought that they might mtak!e, a little cheap political cap- ital out of the incident. Tiheir plan• dins fader( however and the un fairness of the Movethas urouaea the resentment of fair-minded Con- se'rviatives: as well as of Liberals themselves. Newt Ontario Development' Road work in‘ Northern. Outman) under. healortaien Ontario deve elopmen't fund has been stopped for the Beason endihwndredst of men many of them with one or more teams have been thrown out of em- ployment weeks sooner tha,n(ghey bad:expected,. It is alleged, that this year's appropriation has al- ready beenexpeanded. AO a mat- ter of,feet however this fund is under 'control of(the Cabinet not the Legislature andllbey had the power to spend withieethe Limit (of go,o00,000. Up do the present less than $2,500,000 has' been spent pf the $4,300,000, the anoun•t secured by the Government to c,atrry on the evoratr The- trouble is that as admitted in testimony given beforetthe Public Acco'ulats' Committee by the Deputy Assistant Prov'nlcial Treasure this Spring 'the rest of this mon'ey has been spentttforr'otiher purposes and isrtlherefore not on handl at thie critical time, Otherwise the Gov-, ernmen(t eouiidc have kept the men. employed' on •the 1\''orthemn r:taas. until the, very en(d.of the seamen andtaleas have saved them from,, considerable distress. / Unemployment its ;bad enough as Stas especially will: the war and general fbaaincial stringency and although the Government, shows,. tardy signs of ttnakifntg an "atte'mpt" toldeal with the problem in the Province peon whole ,itis unfortun ate that! in N'oa•tlhdrn ;Ontario at any rate they ,have made things worse instead of .better. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real *state bought and sold /Honey to loan Office Issac Street, pest door to New Era past year, stating that the public which has subscribed . is entitled to know just bow money has been spent adding that so far all demands, for the publication of their balance sheet have ignored. With the "Boys" ■ er car i at Valcartier i Que.,Aug.25.-In Va cartierOamp, excellent health and spirits, the vol unteers from Clinton and Huron county are settling down to the rou tine of camp life, which, while prom ising to tee strenuous, will be none the less interesting. The Fifth Battalion, to which Clinton and other Western Ontario troops are attached, - were transferred to more pleasant quarters and are well located. Great coats were furnished today to the men, who pre sent quite a natty appearance. The war outfit which each man receives will be two sults of underwear,' two grey flannel shirts, two pairs of spoke, two towels, a hold all kit, containing knife, fork, spoon, razor, comb and taotbbrush. About 21,000 of p shoea are row at the stares, but owing to the great number of soldiers tom jog, who dtioaal havebeen enot eorde ed. 10.000 ad i The Fifth Battalion is composed of the -following companies: "A," 7th and 13th- Wellingtons "B," Stratford volunteers; "0," 81st Grey, with some Western ntario cavalrymen; "D," 26th Middlesex and 21st Essex; "E," 24th Kent, and 25 ' Elgin; "N 22nd Oxford and pert of33rd Huron "G." 27th L•trnbton and 33rd Huron,"B,i' 29th Watet'loo a d 23rd Bruce. Birth., (Marriages ik 9;Nattlis BIRTHS . Carter -In Tuckersmith cn Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mre. Norman Carter, assn. Murdock In Stanley, Aug 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Murdock, a daugh DEATiS Carter- InTurkersmith on Aug. 20 intent son of Olt, and Mrs. Norman ooeoss0000s000s000ese 0 o ' WITH TRJO CHURCHES. • 0 0 000,0000•00000•00000 WESLEY W. ESLEY CHURCH" Rev. E.1G. !Powell, Seolieftalry of ‘Lhe London Conference will preach ;morning 'and evening next .Srunday.' The In:eettingg of the Men's Brother. hood ;will bellheid• 'next Sunday n morning ddt10 o"cl'ock. The stab gjedt Will be "Detnobracy vs; Auto- cr,aley.°i 1- 'Mrs. 0, (M. Colville _oil iGriaaikl Lodge (Mich.{ hang "Jesus, Lover of lay Soul" test Sundayeven1;ng. The'palsltoe is away on!his,holiday wilt n to anld Rev. J', lGreeri�e tivrl 'attend ed all 'seek. calls 'eltc. WILLIS CHURCH The induction. of Rev. fir, Harper A Carload of Canada a� COMM PO rte a Phone us for prices It will pay you r, Hutton John LONDESBORO Any attemptto ucwarrentahly in trate prices of foodstuffs in Canada should entail prompt intervention by the government. .there is, no. vice more despicable' than taking advan- bage of the misfortunes of others. Th@ Kingston "Standard' editorially calls for an accounting of the funds + received and disbursed by the Dominion Alliance iu Ontario and Quebec during the Iiiudergarten School cLINTON House and Lots tor Sate A. bargain if ,taken at once. A commodious 'nine Toone, storey antd aehalf frame, in good' repair, stone foundation, and cellar. About three fourths of Ian, acre, with a number off good -bearing ,apple trees. Situated on east side of Victoria! St, And next to Doherty switch. Known as Butler property Terms to suit Apply on premises or to W. G. DOWNS, Rattenbury Street CHARLES B. HALE (Jonneyance,•. Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. EAL ESTATE ANL) INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. HuronlSt., Clinton. H. T. RANGE Notary Public, Conveyancer, , Financial and Real Estate. INSUIIANCD'AGENT-Repreeentine 14 Fire In Burencc Companies.. Division Court ;Office. Court of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant r to the Voters' List' Act, j by His Honour): the Judge of .the Oounty Court of the County Af Huron!, at the Council Chamber, in the towrt of Clinton, on 'Tuesday, the first day of September, 1914, at 9 o'clock slam. to hoar and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the filueltc0- pa4ity of. Clinton, for 1914. Dated' at Clintan✓thcis latch day; of August, 1914. , D. L. MACPHERSON, Town Clerk, Clinton • '1 aim re -commencing myprivate Kindergarten on Sept. lst, in the little school, areal 9 'am. to 11,30, and would :'dike a limited number at -pupils between the ages of 4 ,and, i years. Penns 01.00 a month,., in advance. - • HAZEL O'NEIL Thought She Would Lose Her tittle' Cre From Severe Attacks of Summer • Complaint Mrs. Wm. Hirst, 194 Palmerston Avenue, Toronto, Ont,, writes us under date of January 23rd 1914. The'.. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sirs,-" Last summer I had grave anxiety for my little girl, who was just one year old in July last. She had con- stant and severe attacks of summer coipplaint, and, it seemed to drag on her so `hong despite the many. remedies I tried. My neighbors told me" she had grown" so weak they thought I would loose her. One night while nursing her an old friend of thine happened to come' to see me, and after telling her about my, baby's lingering illness, she asked me to try Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. el sent a little girl to our drug store and bought.'a bottle, and after having given the baby one dose I noticed a remarkable change, and after giving her three or four doses she was well again, and began to walk, which she had not been able to do prior to ber attack," She is now a fine healthy child, andYd advice that km 1 I owe her life to 1 a of an old friend. I Would advise all mothers to give "Dr. Fowler's" a prom- inent place in their medicine chest. Yours truly, _ (Sgd.), ales. WM. HIasr. When you ask for Dr. Fowler's'Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry see that you get it. IT HAS Biogir ON TIIIi MARriiT. 1ton NoAR- r,r SrivsiNTY YPAita. DON'T AcesPT A SiMSTITUT0. The price of the original is 35 cents, and is manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, 'Toronto, Ont. 7 Medit-at. DRI; rr. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Etc eoeeialattention aim to diseases of the Eye. , Throat, DY Dar and Nose. Dyes °fully -retained, andsuitableglasses. e prescribed. Office and Residence.. Two doors wes "of the Commercial Bete Huron St. MIS. GUNS :Ind CA1kD1l It Dr. nn L.E.t1 P. L. 11. C.O.. Edi w.ba . ■ Dr. J. C. Candler. B.A. M.n. . Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night oath at residence. Rattenbnry. St. or at hospital' DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, crnnebeer,-etc„ office and residence on tenbury St,. concerts W. Ferran a residence, Executors Sate of Farm There will 'be offered for sale by public auction, at ;the t own hail, Clinton, 'on Saturday, September 12th, 1914, at 3 o'clock pane the following lands, viz., Lot 10, Imam Road concession, (Goderich Town- ship (excepting G.T.R. right " of way), containing 156 acres, more or less. Onthe premises are erect- ed a good 11-2 storey brick house With frame kitchen. One bank bars n 50x44 feet with hay barn an- nexed 28x351feet, and an open 'shed 33x15 feet, -end one bank barn r36x 56 feet with stone e,tahlulg There its ;alsogood feneinig -and a plen ti11u1 supply of 'water from- wells. and swank. creek. The soil is all arable, and an good state of cultivation. TERMS -10 per cent. in cash •or'equivaleait on day of sale, balance on' 15th of March, 1915. Purthev particulars and con- ditions -of sale May be had on application to Alex Oshaldeston, Goderich John, Riai'thby, Auburn Executors or 'W. Brydone, '(1inIton, Ont. D. fWaitson, .Auctian,eer. Farni tor Sale 135 acres, Lot 36, Con. 8, Hullett A first-class ,farm, well watered, g':aod' buildings, Well teamed, 6 acres of young orchard. Also his 100 -acre farm on the Base Line, 11-2 aniles 'north of .Clinton. Apply to 1 • :WALTER MAIR,, •'De. E'. A. AXON DENTIST Crow and Bridals work a Specialty. Graduate of. C.O.D.S.... Chicago. and R.O,D.5 Toronto. Bayfield ou Mondays. Mui' 181 to I) Farm tit' Sale The Executors of the Sputhcombe Estate offers for 'sale 50 acres, east half of lot 28, . con. 6, Rullett. A first class tarsi, xell watered and improved and with good buildings. A good or. chard and 7 acres of hush, Apply to R. 3. Southcombe on the; premises, or Clinton Postoidice, • Drs. Geo & M. E. Whitley ilcilemaun Osteopathic, Phy. Specialists .in. Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 1i.p.m . FORD it 1UcLEOD DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special oars taken to make dental tret& mens as painless as possible. We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government'Standaru,). , Wo also have on hand, . Alfalfa, Alsikei•and Red Clover. We always have ori hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn --o Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and; all Grains. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction iee GODERIOH ONT kat m atom sales a apeman/. Ciders st at NEW ERA office, Clinton, rtmrsty attended to. Terms reasonable. ls'ermere' sale note discounted! FORD & ictEOP G. D. McTaggart M, 11. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST, CLINTON' General Banking Business transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts !send. Interest allowed a deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perm and Isolated Taira Prope erty Only Inured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforlth. d Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderich. T E. Hays, Sec, -Tread., Seafoiith,• DIRECTORS. Jas. Connelly, 'Hclmesville; Johl4 Watt, 'Harloch ' G. Dale, Clinton ; D. F. McGregor, Seafortb ; .1. Evans, Beechwood, J G. Grieve, 'Wimhrop J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M, Mee Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses in his own district. ,AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hindu - ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; d. W. Yeo, $olmeavillel, Payments may be ,made . at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R.H. Cult. Goderich. ' Grand TrnnkRailw:iy System " Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. a North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m $.40 p in Centralia 9.33 5.413 Exeter 9.44 ` 5.54 Hensall 9.55 3.05 Kippen 10.01 6.11 Biucefleld' 10.09 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londesboro 11.18 6,52 Blyth 11.27'.. 7.00 Eelgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.54 7.35 South Passenge: Wingham, depart6.35 a m 8.30 p Belgrave . 6.50 3.44 Blyth 7.04 3.56 Londesboro 7,13 4.04 Clinton 8.10 4,23. Brueefield ........., 8.27 4.39 Kippen 8.35 4.47 Hensall,..........,8.41 4.52 'Exeter 8.54 5.05 Centralia 9.04 5.15 Lgpdon, arrive 10:00 6.10 Buffalo and Goderich Wee` Passeng aro pm pizx' Stratford.. •......10.00 12.80 Mitchell 10.22 12,55 Seaforth10.45 1.2Q. Clinton 11,07 1.yg5 Holmes eine 11.16 143- Goderich 11.35 !2.00 7. East Passen Goderich . 7,05 285 Holmesville ...1.. 7.22 2.52 5, Clinton .r.... 7.32 3.03 5. Seatorth ..,3 . 7.51 3.21 6. Mitchell8I6 3,4. 4 5 55 Stratforct............ 8 40 4 15 6 20 Cook's Cotton Root Co il pdundd Tho iv2•eat Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Re ator on which women San dope ;d. Sold in three degrees of et ongth-1Vo. 1,.$1,0No. 2. 10 de rets stronger 63; No. 8, for s y al oases t cru O8'.' A seat • or eo d "al Cru' els poi 1 g pprep°l ph t. AdPd of prim). Free p nmphlet..Addrose : Ta ERIOINEQo..ToRoN'o,0Nr, (formdrlyWittdeer) •.�' GOAKM � ,