HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-27, Page 1it
stablished 1865, Vol. 49, No.
See How
H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher'
The New Era Want Ads Can Serve You in Filling the Needs of " To=day in Business or the Home -Give Them a Trial
At the Rexall Store
Best Quality Talcums KODAKS.
Beet Quality Toilet Waters FILMS
Best Quality Perfumes AND
Best Quality Toilet Soaps SUPPLIES
Use "NIDE" for Perspiration.
W. S. i I30 Li4ms Phm.B ,
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Capital Authorized
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Reserve and undivided profits
Total Assets • -
3'70 B IZ�1.1�7CIES
with World-wide ConneetionSi
Interest Allowed on Deposits
General Banking Business Transacted.
R.1 6i
E. MANNING lamer
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1S5
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch:
INt••••••••••v •••••••••••• 44•••••••••••M••••44•••••
• Ordered Read -to -Wear
Clothing Clog
We're Readv
to Tailor
We began thinking about your Fall Tailoring long
before you did.
We chose our woolens with the greatest care, from
the1? roductions of the best foreign and domestic
loom S.
If you don't know our sort of tailoring, then there is
:no better time than' now to get acquainted with
our 'clothes,
nie in andmake your_selection whilethe assorts=
meat is at its best,'- I.
Suits $22.00 to $30.00 •,
. 0(
Co j
e.®r�ra►h Clothing••
3 m
A •S'' uare Deal lair Ever Man
V.•400.44.40•41•••••••••••••0• "•'OA••4.4•N!•••••••••••rb•
Watch f r
a the data
Next week the date 'for the
patriotic c`oliert will' b' an-
noucced; and' full' particulars
will be given, Rev. Mr. Fair -
full will give his" address on
the "British Wal'' Machines"
and it Will indeed be interest-
ing, as he 'has worked' in the
big foundries in the Old Land.
It is expected that a musical
program, will also be given by
the famous Black Watch Band
of Clinton.
Hydra Electric Display
� pr
Splendid Demonstration of the
Varied Uses of Electricity for
Household Utilities.
It was undouttful a good stroke of
business for the Hydro Electric Com
mission to hold a demonstration in
this town, Many people have tut a
hazy idea of the varied uses to which
electricity may be put and many of
these the exhibit now on at the :kat
ing Arena must have been an eye
The demonstration is in charge ot
H.: E Porte. advertising manager of
the Normal Commission- He was assi
sted by W. Mitchell Mrs. Stone late
of New York and now with the Hydro
people, bad charge of the real work of
demonstrating and she is an expert in
her line. Here is a list of the varied
articles on' exhibition: -Toasters
ranges, irons, coffee percolator, tea
.samovar, tailor's irons, portable lum
'nous radiators, portable air heaters,
small portable stoves, electrical tea
kettles, baby's milk warmers, solder
ing irons, fans, water heaters, heating
pads, vibrators, chafing dishes. curl
ing tongs, and hair dresser, 1. 2 and
3 disc hot plates, vacuum cleaners,
waffles irons, hotel toasters, sewing
machines, washing machines, radiant
grills, electrici}jtigus and nitrogen
These articles have to be seen to be
appreciated and undoubtedly the only
thing which might be considered a
drawback was the price which on the t
surface appeared almost probitive to
most people. Especially was this
the case in connection with the
the electric ranges and some of
the combination cooking dishes.
Some of the articles were moderate
enough in price, such as electric irons,
toasters, curling tongs, vacuum clean
ers, etc.
She age of electricity is surely with
ns, and it is yet in its comparative
infancy to what we may expect in the
next ten years. That the exhibit will
do much to enlighten people's minds
and ' prepare tnem for the more
general use of electricity is1
not to
A Wonderful Lamp
At the Hydro demonstration there
is on exhibition a new, lamp known as '1
the Nitrogen electric lamp. This t
lamp is different from the ordinary a
electric lamp in that its bulb contains
Nitrogen which seems to have the
effect of giving a greater amount of
light at a less expense and use of
power. An ordinary Tungsten lamp
uses 1; watts per candle'; the Nitrogen'
Lamp uses 1.2 watt per candle, A 100
Watt Nitrogen lamp gives EU candle
power and a
,100 Watt Tungsten lamp
gives 80'c9ndle power. The 100 Watt
Nitrogen is the etnallest in use and t
gives the best satisfaction,
See big announcement•on page 2 of
this issue.
��1:Wdu YR•!f/�I (�Yf1/L.
Local News
! ,'�t�'tikImlic U�tt�s l 4Pk�1F +1
It, was announced to day' at 12
o'clock that the wholesale price of tea
in Toronto had dropped 5 cents a
W, 0 T. U.
W 0 P, U. meeting on Friday eve
niri. td. 1, 8 o'o,oel: at Ilia some of Mrs;'.
A. :1 Cooper, All the' 1'tdies cordially
invited to attend:,
'l'he Post office announce that the
correct post'tl designation of the camp
at Valcartier is as follows 'Valcartier
Camp Co: QuebecP. Q. -
Good 'advertising is lacontinuous
performlance before the same audi-
ence. No bdtte,r definition !rias ever
invented. It ,adiniits of no exception
or variations'.
Th= ,Models School pupilat have a
tennis !court ond'he school grounds
where 'the pupils: 3rave good recrea
tion 'after school flours. -
Areturn baseball match will be pia
ed to O,inton on Monday at o
sharp at the Recreation -Park between
Clinton aid Seaforth. Orth. The
are feat becoming. baseball playdrs and
a good game 'is prornised.
EXPECT '1'0 CLEAR $2;000.
The H
once of.Rafuj;e Committee ex
pect to clear $2 000 on their dutch sets
at the House this year. Last year
theycleared, e after all
expenses w •
paid $1,200 on the.' Dutchmen." They
have about 5 acres.planted this year.
Special Meeting of the Board of Tra
A special meeting of Clinton
Bogard of Trade' was held on N1on'-
dlay •evens of 'this' week, land
there was a representative( gather-
ing of the hrembers.', Mr., John
Ransford, President,: occupied the
chlair ,and opened the meeting ' by
stating thet :he Board 'had called
the meeting to discuss; the business
outlook land other' yiensis of general
initeresii. He referned tqtihe pres
ent'wlatr;'how itaf4ected'!businlelss
as our imports, were heavy from
Genmlany, Austria,' Sulo Belgium
and 'threw( the meeting open for
Mr. Libby; of !the Knitting Co,.
spoke on the Matter of dyes ;that
it would be a short time before the
supply of dyes would be exhausted
as Germany was 'the. chief makes.
for Canada mid! United States, in
iiadt the world. He prophesied
that' the Presidentf would 'soon
have Ito wear• white socks. Predict
ed !that United 'Sfl los could and
would likely Wake dyes las she had
all the chemicah,'at her disposal
Warden. Can(1!e1on stated that!usu
ally li shipped 100 carloads of ap-
ples, les but �
t tum
P , es wens btsd in, !the
Weslt'novv, snld money 'tight and
with the w'as• on,,he 'did; not see how
'apple market was going to be
g g
very good. Mein were plenty, ,acrd
at present farmers were needing
m. o
Alt this point president asked,
"What are we going tot ,do with
the unemployed?
On motion of 'Messrs. 11. E.
Mainn,ing and David Cantelon, ,it.
Was decided to 'have a Labor
Buretau, where alt the unettvployed
could' register, free of charge, at
the, Town Clerk's office; land 'far -
niers, or anyone needing a worker •
A pick upbaseball e all team went down
ot Seaforth Wednesday afternoon
and succeeded in tieing-tbe boys of the
East bya, score of 7ali in eight innings
These who composed the Clinton
team were; -T. Hawkins; Riley John
son, Swartz, ..F. McCaughey, it. Rum
hall, Boyer, J.:McCaughey„ Bert -John
sou and M. McE,van, The scores by
in min were:
Wilton 10040101 7
Sertfurth 0 4101 0 01-7
Anyone dropping, in tart the old
rink will see:Mr. Geo, Simmons, of
Goderich pod. `Mrs, Jas 'Howson. of
town rtaPidly turning out apple bar
reds for Warden Csntelo'n. Over
7,000 barrels are Ito be rude+' and
that seumber is rapidly being reach
Mr. A, F. Cudunore, Fin -Secretary
of the A. 0, F. Lodge of to'wa has
I. word from the he'a'd orifice
hat allenembers going to war will
pay: no mere dues an(d'the iodgs
will carry them imeua'hn(ce just the
same, This is , certainly a loyal
shove onithe part of the head office
Mr. A. W; Kurechenski, of 'Col-
borne Towmfship has some pullets
that be stauld be proud of. He
'has at present 3 pullets. which
have started today, and are ap-
parently determlined to stay with
the job. One, started to lay ttvo
weeks ,ago, the+sefeond, been
lay -
ng week land the Chit d tom' e
m me
Saturday AY last. These chick
ails lore 4the Laargshan, variety and
were hatched about 'thefirst of
May and they, are guilty, of laying
wen,ty-four eggs to date. Ono oi"
hear contained adouble yolk. Can
irybody beat this?
To our many customers and
friends who have returned from
their holidays,
And to those who have staved
at home and helpedus to make
this season one of the biggest we'
have ever bad:;
We extend our grateful appree.
elation of their'assistance,
Phone 48
d New Term
Opens Sept, 1st ial the Popular
Yeage aanld Charles Ste,, Toronto'
This 'Scheel enjoys A iGRREAT
REPUTATION 'for superior traiin.-
ling, Write today for catalogue.
1V11l1Oti LOCALS.
Labor Day Sept. 7th.
Wilt frost Monday night.
l,,cal new; u,t ail the pages
Great sun on [lour and sugar.
Millinery openings next week.
Harvest is
well nigh u
vert fo •
Toronto Fair opens on Saturday ay of
his ttteh.
Next lusday ushers in the month
of L,titete ePttk nber
Ool,e c
6 and Public s h❑elst et
down to business Tuesday next.
Ata,you in arrears for subsoitptron
to The New Era! It so please pay up
bei,re sept, 21a1, and save 5U cents a
Instead of there k being • danger .62
.an immediate shortage of t:(slws
prinit paper 'facing American pub
:Ushers the real problem they in e
facing some Ito be o'btainling tin
which is ,an mpoBtal1]b part of, the
composition of linotype ,and stereo
type metal, There( are,only '' 7,000
tons of block 'tin; la$America to-
day, and/the normal price of this
per pound is Maud d 27 cents, On
the market offers as (high as eighty
cenII9 a potttrtld were mladd lbutno
body would (fill'the orders t, even,
at that price, The :'foetal Exchange
hats brought litheµniattjer ifto;' ,'lithe,
,attenutlon of hire laru(t(hori't¢es in
Washington torlindl out who has
cornered the market; aµrd to force
a release of tin at awioeuimal price.
The enaa'riagektock place at Rose
moan [the old'
homestead, Birr, Ont.
o August 18
th m M'ss Irene
est daughter of the late heat'
formerly of Clintx,!n'to Mr. Earle(M,
Grose, of T'oro,nito the Rev. T. E.
Sawyer officiating. 'Tho' bride who
was given' away by her brother Ern
est Guest wore a gown of brocaded.
saitin''tvilthltwllo veil caught with
orange blossoms. She wasattend
ed by 'her' sister Emily of Belleville
and (Miss' Gladys Caulked= of Clin
ton ,played, the wedding w-u'ch
while Mies Merle Scott cousin of
the bride 'sang "Gott Make Me'
Thine" clustsig'ihesigning of tlee
register. The cfnalinit and original
scheme of wi'U1vt oods decoration
made a.mosit, effective background
fos the girlish t and graceful bride'.
Mr, ,en,d Mrs Grose' motored to
Park Hill, , whence they took train.
for Michigan 'These the honey-
moon 'will be spen(t..0n their re-
turn, they will live ihToromto,
could apply and /find out where
he -could get the d'esired person
C. E. Dowding, h' director of the
Doherty ' piano Co:, stated that as
a piano was a luxury, and as such
there w(a'st no sale at present The
directors were sos(ryto have to
close down, but if business de-
Mlanided, the factory would soon be
goin(g': He (also! spoke bar the
pricers root,( asked for by the mer-
chants sand farm'eme,'
The, subje't of ugiving our sol-
diers' tat giilt was also +brought up,
but as ''the, T'o'wn. Coungil' will
deal with the matter all their next
meeting it wjas left over.
On motion of W. Jackson and C.
'J. (Wallis, Messrs. R. 13 Hamel ng,
A. T, Cooper and A. Tymtlialt were
deputized, to inttervieiw, Rev. Mr,
Flair2ul.l••and' see 11 he zvoul,d m,ot
give a pirblicl address an: "English
Fighting 'Mlachinicry;" at a patrio-
tic concert. Committlee to make
necessary. arrangements.
The Board of Trade decided to
ameelt once! Ia month 4os the time
being, the Must Monday of each
month being selected las the
The Secretary brought up ;the
mjaltte'r of startling .tarUin+gl,'a creamery in
Cli ton 'and
snore '
� information
to be gathered, tor next meetln;g,
September 28th.
Pn coni
ton (there is strength and
it is oftea surprisixtg twliat may
be worked' out when people set
about it. M
gnda a meeting struck
IR very pradtical mote !add it Will
do good.
The Ciinito(n Kv'Ltie' ' Bland! will
give Wr sacred concert on' Sunday
evening; August 30th, ' 'alt eight
o'clock, webfthes permftting:.
Miss Rudd Rafe o!
Miss Rudd was in Florence„ Italy, ora'
July 31st, and was proceeding thence
to Rome. Her original plan was to:
return from Rome via Pisa,. Monaco.
and Paris, and the inference is that.
her stay of several days.. in Rome
would preclude the possibility cl her
getting into .France sooner thaaa
several days after war was declared. ItI
is mere speculation 'to say more than
that she xelu either friendly or neutral;'
territory, and therefore, quite safe.,
onoonoonoomiiosoomnall o^
Local News
ii00i0OSSSeSI0011iSOi0.01111 "
Al quilting land tan -cent ;tea ia•
being held at the retsidenlce of Mra.
11.:Penaiebaker, High street,
Two rinks of bowlers from Brussels•
and two rinks from Bayfield are
v n
pla i
g he 'e
r to day. Game starts a6.
3 o'clock,
Toronto Exhibition opens Saturday
The Levis -McKinley nuptials took.
place, at -the brides home, in Stanley
Thursday of this week. Particulars
How much our citizens enjoy the
weekly band concerts is evidenced by
the large number who congregate -
Wednesday •
ongregateWednesday' evening.
See the hydro exhibit at the rink.
God save the King,.
1 Old Newspapers for sale at 50 a.
bundle at, the New Era office.
Send te New Era to the absentees.
The local
tomato crop is;now .ripen
ing well and will be quite above the.
The papers are eagerly sought upgm.
arrival from every train from the city
these•days for the latest war news.
Swat the price boosters'
Mr. Carnegie's plans seem to have-
worked•,out backward. -,He should
have given Europe the libraries and
America the peace palace.
Social and Personal
Judge Doyle of Goderich was in
town of Wednesday.,
Lietft-Col, Wilson, of Seafo-rthwas
in 'town on Slaturday.
Miss Jeannie Wylie of Durham is
visiting friends in town.
Mr. John 1Rtaneford was in Lon-
don this week ono, busiuess,trfp
Miss Thompson, Was a visitor
wit hhea' sisters at Blyth last week,
1VIr. Wilbur Manning of London
Was a visitor in, town on Saturday
Mr. Russel Illan'laincl, of Guelph,. is
renewing, ,old friendships in Clin-
4VIis Dot Cho,wtam', of Blytir, is a
visitor with the, Misses Wlalkin-'
Mr, land Mrs George Roemer and
sons leave on the 29th for at.
Mr. Norman Ho1'tzlrauei' spent the
week end with Auburn land Blyth
friends. • .
Geo McLe,
nmwm, u•a1Gurn'e,d
int week from, her 'trip to Fort
311'. ,and Mrs. Thomas Kyle, of
;Kipper, were, visitors in town on
Tuesday. 1
'1VI s
tsM •i rvv .
las e B o. 'nose, of Hamil,con
15 he 4 e^
1L g n.,t of; her •sister, Mrs.
W. Paisley,
Mr. Andrew Porter, 'of ;Gloderich,
was calling untold friends an town
oµ1 Mos*b y '
Master Archie McTenzie•w:as boli
da• nn, with, his frorm,em friientds
Blyth last 'weele.
Master (Harvey' Harland-, o3
Guelph is enjoying a. holiday with
Rev. Fr, Nor'thgr'a,vess al Seaforth
was a visitor in Clinton on Satur-
•dlay for a short time,
Miss Wlarrener and lady friend
of Hemisall are the guests'of Mr.
• en'd Mrs.' Geo. warnenkr;•.
M,rs. D,'Ddiekinsop hind Master �
Wilfred of Bnaµtltford are renrewing
old aeguainitanpes in town.
ItYli .lan,cl Mrs. Freed, Cooper leave
this, week to take charge of an
:apartment hoarse in Toronto.
Miss ,G[etltrude Chant has returns -
ed from her visit in the States
with her brother ',amid sister..
Mrs, Geo, Roemer rand Mrs, Thos
Trick enteriiaiiaed n flew 6t their
,friends haat. Friday afternoon,
Mr. A. J. Holloway is visiting his
son, Mr. Dodds Hol(lo'waa'y, on'the
Royal Band; at Sturgeon Palls,
!Mis. Paul arrived home afoom her
vacation on Monday afternoon and
was accompanied' by lrer neice.
Miss Annie IRozel.l accompanied
by her -two nephews are visiting
relatives and friends at Brussels.
Miss Madeline Streets returned
to Buffalo with Mr. J. Str•eed5,
where she 'twill spend the winter.
Mr. George Cocle retue(n;ed to
Toronto on Wednesday after hid
holiday visit, at the parental, home
Luclonow Sentinel,—Miss Mlamgar-
et MacLeod, of Clinton. is spend -
in few tow vv
eels alt a t leu•
home bore
Mr. Sltlalgley. Sutter, of Stia(tlford
was 'that( guest over the week innd
with his brother, Mr. John, Sett/els,
Mr. 'George hlcSenziey who has
been, relieving alt the Sterling Bank
et Dungannon is houn'e iloa his
1Vir•. Solnil. Ca+niteion of the Mol-
, eon's, ;Sank Staff, Toronto is hell-
( 1 slaying
m town at the pa.renfltl
agedd resident of Mornington town!
Rev. ,and; Mrs, Je'akimis and Mrs.
J. Rafttenbury land Miss Dorothy
were vrsitora in London on Tues-
day. Mr, 'Harry Barltliff took theirs
doyen my his oar
Mrs. McHar dy-Sanithl and Mas-
ter [Frank are spending a few days.
in town. Mr .. Smith has joined
the staff at the Conserval tary of
Music at London(
Misses Olive land Edina 'Cooper
aeturn,ed last week from' their holi-
day (trip to Ontario, Calillar'trfet.
where they were the guests • of their
sister; (Mrs, Armstrong,
Mrs. E. P. Maloney ands children.
who hlavet been visiting at 'thm
home of Mrs. MoLeanlaln for the
pest inonith returnbd to Sault.
, Ste. Marie o,n Saturday.
Mr, and 1VIra J. Streets kialrl Mr.
and Mrs., Walter Streets of:Sufiaki
returned ned
4 fat
spemid'rrtjg la fent days with their
nephew, Mr. Calvin Streets,
1Vliss 'Taylor accompanied by her
un,eices, Misses Elrlalr:oe and Mari-
on Mantling atter a! holiday visit
at Bayfield, spend: a few days here;
before returning to London.
Blyth ytlr Standard.—Mr,! and Mrs..
Seth. Fisher, of :Clinton, were
guests of Coun. hand Mrs .Horney
on .Mould y, prior to leaving, for
the West the following dray.
Revelan,d Mrs S. J. A.Llin were in
London on Wednesday e esd
la'y attendin g.
the" wedding of their melee, mos,
Lulu Ashphatnit, to Mr. John (Grant '
of Berlin. Rev, lir. Agin perk:men•
ed the,
Mrs. W. Woodhull of La'm,beith,
spent to few' days with Mrs. James
Street„ ee
, ;week.
( Mrs. Bouck sand daughters return
eti frown 'their vacation at, Morris
burg, Iroquois and other eastern
Rev. and. Mrs, Diehl' returned. to
1 Paisley on NVadaipscLayi after a
;tveelc's visit here with Mr•s. Mc -
l Mr, end Mrs,' D. A. Forrester and
Hellen ,anal Mrs. ,0 Chi'dlley and
baby s,penrc Friday at Dublin and
Miss Nellie. Orr,of To
ronito Was
si visitor in town on Saturday while
elnitoulte to visit with. friends alt
Rev, R S." Llacklalnd, . I'Jethodis,t
minister tat Wroxeter, was in, town
qn vv:euines'd'ay while; 'eoroute to
and Madclon Roy
of, Lla'mbeith are+ the guests of their
utncle, :and aunt.,, Councifllo,r and
Mrs. 'Paisley,
Mr: W, 11,,1 Kerr, of (Brussels;
eft ; ,a few; 'days in town this
we land helped oat (this great
family journal,
Mlastter Walter' ,Walker of Sltra,tr.
ford is the ,guest of this wnele,anid
aunt, 'Mi' end Mrs; ,Chas. Kelier,101
Ontario street.
islr, enact Mrs,' G. Bri{ckiemfden of
London, are holidaying with Mr.
land Mrs.3, Taylor and Ili'. and
:Mrs. Rod:aWay,;.
Warden Ca51 tedoau inade his 'usual
monthly ,visi'N to ;Giodeirich ; oh'
W,ednesdgy inr. connedtion (with
County busirtetis,
Mrs, '.0 Kato mad flues Irene
Kellam [phot have bectnr'vieiti'ng at
$ltpatford, neituatrned h'o,me om ;M'oai�
d,aly of this,, week,
Mr. Wellington Hiay of Listowel
accompanied by Ihals( wife and
friend's, paid Cliet(uon a visit on
T'ue'sday; coming by auto.
Mrs. ;Gree R. McTla.ggiart and
Maslter.'Manl , :of:. Blyth' are vie*
ing the foavner't another, Wire,
Thompson, Alberti, street Nortlh.
Mr. W Brydonte (vias imt Milver-
Itdn' oaf! Salturday piltendati,g tke
fnnemil of Mr. Jotbn Hgmsifton an
Look at = The Label. Dees
No matter whether you are
sure you are paid ahead or:not,
the Mailing List of The New Era
was corrected up to Saturday,`
August 15, and the date against
your name is the date to which
your subscription is recorded as
being paid on our books. We are
haman, and make errors, and if
any subscriber considers we have
his date incorrectly, will he
lease write at once and get it
straightened out.
If you find your date does not
read to some date in advance,
this note is especially directed to
YOU, The subscription price of
The New Lhais$1,00
'l here are some who are owing
ns for several years, and have
taken no'•notice os our appeals
and unless. part is paid before
September 2,1st, those accounts
will he handed ;inforcollection alt
;111,50 a year itas,esd of $1.00,
11'yon settle novo we will
take $1,00 a year, bat after
Se!et. 21,11 will be 81.50 and
collector's fees.
To the United States subscribers
it is $1.50 strictly in-edVance
Mr. 1WiL1t 3, Harland of IGluelph
was a week end visitor in town.
He assisted the Ontario church
choir on' Sunhllary; 4rnd' sang a solo
alt the 'evening service. His old
friends were glraJcl to sees innn, once
tVLr•. W. J. Tozer oat Briacebriidge
was here this 'week packing up,
his funwituret Mrs, Tozer isnd
fissility req ui nied 'from B'aylie ld• amid
will move from 'town. Their many
friends wish !them prosperity iia
their Inlets( home.
Rev. and Mrs„ Harper arrived' in
itowtn on Tuesday ' land, axe at pres-
ent •guests ' at Post(nvasltk r Scott's
honne. The New Era extenld's p
hearty ',welcome, to the ttaewcoaners
ain,d hopes massy prosperous years.
will ,be (their' portion:
Rev. W, L. Rutledge D„D, and
Mrs. ;Rutledge laiccompa'nred by
their daughter) ' Mrs. S,liilllinigitIem
end grandson telt Wednesday morn
ing by' 'auto! for Winillsoa• (and from
there will go ole to the So'u'th Bernd
Lnldajanyna, to the, la!tt'er's home.
Rev. Geo and Mrs. McKimjleyerad
son of Lueklhtow! 6vere ha 'Chilton
n 'Tuesday esda last o '
n their Way to
well n The
reverend ,gnleltleamsinis tan uncle, ,of..
the brid'e.He, attended the 01±511--
ton Collegiate sone years ,ago aavd.
is credi \ to it.
Mrs. Joe Webster and her little •-
dtaughlter, Mine Isabel, of Lonities
baro returned: home on, Monday,
after visit*ng Mrs G, •E,yq 'avilie the
past week, accompanied' by \her
d(alughlter, M'i'ss Mary; Who thas
been viisilbuig her Leant, Mrs. Sia- ,
vil.fe;ifon two. anomltl10.
Nurse Hunter, who spenit the
pats(t five weeks caiing for Robert
Thompson of Brussels, (went to
Whritechurch [Oh Tuesday on
tamottlrer• ease. 2Jv,rse ill,utleidge •
has been, doling idlufty in Lucknolw
Waiting on, Dr., Walker, went to
Tiientsall, Ito look after ,. a, patient on
Wedln,esday. Miss C'tlark, Is at
Londtesboa•o filling her posit }IS
angel of nnercy.