HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-20, Page 5Thuesc Auguse 20th, A"WREN the food reaches the stomach it is Bubiested to a peculiar r churning movement by the muscular walls a the stomaoh"-(See Dr, Pierce's Medical Adviser, page 46). In the liver, kidneys and ti skin, the blood is purified of its waste materials --these organs act , UM n as human filters, leaving the blood pure and clear -unless liver, • digestive tract and kidneys are clogged. Chu n Dr. Pierce's Golden' Medical Discovery, is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic -by assisting the stomach to assimilate, the livet'to filter, the kidneys to act -the poisons are removed, the red blood corpuscles are increased and one feels light, fresh and active instead of logy, dull and heavy: The "Discovery" stimu- lates the stomach, increases action of heart and arter- ies and is a most satisfactory alterative in blood -taint of any character. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has heen favorably) known for over forty years. EveryWhere eeMe neighbor tan tell you of the good it has done. Sold by all medicine dealers in liquid or tablet fomq ors:end/50 one -cent stamps to Dr, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,and a tried box Will be mailechyou. DISTRICT NEWS BruSkle non -As McLean, of Wingham. has been awarded the contract for the MET/ sewer on Turneerry street south. Work was commenced this week with adrent 20 men on the staff. W. le Rogerson and son, of Wheel. erg, West Virginia, and C. kle Roger. Zinn. of Jaooestown, N. Y.,were here (this week making the trip by auto- rooelle, 'They were residents of AtiOnt'S Township some 30 years ago. The public library board have am. ranged with the Maple Leaf Lyceum Berean for a course of four concerts. le be put on during the winter mouths Rev. Mr. Ferris of Toronto, will con slant the Melville Church. services -next Sunday The pastor will he back, final) his vacation for the following Samday. Thursday was Brussels Civic Hell, aav and about 200) took advantage of Pm excursion to Kiecardine: It was *a wet, disagreeable day, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA eee-e, Belgrave • ' Intent:led- for last week. r r ! rdra. Allison has recovered from iher -recent illness. The whooping cough is going the Tonnes of the village and vicinity. Bev. Mr. Boyle will occupy his owa. pallet in Knox church next Sunday, What is the matter with Belgrave having a Civic holiday and having a iday'a sport? Mess Win. Wray spent last week Wlbher daughter,Mrs. Wm. Bryant), whose home is on the Morris and Bullet Boundary. David Sproat, and niece, Miss Belle Sproat, spent last week in Seaforth =Peeving old friendships at the Old Boys' and Girls' reunion. Wan. Nethery, has purchased the , house and lot on Main street from Miss Owens and will make their home lfm the village ehortly. "Linear verandah thunder con- struction- on the inorth and Wese froiehege of the Manse, whith will d Imerch eo the, comfort of the °- /repents. • 1 Owing to illness [Rev. Mr. Young oflelieford, evlas unable tetake his work here. last Sunday in Knox church. Rev, Mr. Campbell, who es visiting his home (near Clifford took the servile Instead. Miss Annie 1Geddes, dlaughter of leoleeirt Geddes, has beenenteged eoteach enthe vicinity of Grand at a salary :of $600 per an amuse. eiVehrlsh her success as she eels been a bright student. Tle Woman's Inetitete will meet enthe Foresters? lHa1t , Belgeave, next Tuesday Aug. 18th at 2.30. A good program; swill be given Also zeirenaniatration on "Boning a chickens" All will be weleomle. Messers. Rogerson, erten Wheel Jag, Virgieeia, aid Jaimestown, N. Yelare renewingold friendships in this locality. They were former nesidents of leforres tolwnethip and Myth, removing to Uaahle Sam's ideag 30 years ago. Toronto Market$ ogs, , , $10.65 C,attle 9.00 Lambs , 9.50 Sheep . 7.00 Cheese 4 1, 13 1-16c. Butter , 22c to 25e Eggs . {.. 22e to 24e Wheat, 4. 1.10 Oats _..4 . 55c 62 to 64 Barley ileOtatoes per hag . 1.25 Beans ' -.4 $1.75 to 1.85 council a bylaw. fixing the rate of taxation for the year was passed as follows County rate, 2 mills; public le brary, 75 mills: ;municipal rate 195 mills: Collegiate Institute, 3,2 mills; public school '7.6 mills, and separate school. 7.6 mills. Mr. Ed, Mole was • reappointed electrical inspector, and • Joseph Keating, building inspector. Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Crich left this week on a trip to Winnipeg, Man. Mr. fetich will attend the Bakers' conven- tion, there this week. Meesrs. Will and Scott Hayes, of Regina are here on a visit •to their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. E flays. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Seale rtb - Several ot the naembers of tbe Ladies' Canadian Club are making a peesonae canvass of the town and neighborhood for subscriptions on be. half of the Hospital ship, and are meeting with a generous response, S. Beattie, of Iola, Kansas, is visiting at the home of his father, Mr. John Beattie.Groderich Street. • De George McIntosh, of Catargus, New York Stete, isvisitingihis parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McIntosh, Cromble Mreet: Bliss Mary Walker, of Regina, and dEr Sam Walker. of Winnipeg, are visaing their parents, Mr. and left's. W. J. -Walker. Miss Mabel Govenlock left this week for New Westminster, B, C. where she heti accept an engagement for next wear. Miss Gladys Thompson has been en* seged on the staff ot the Merriton pubic school. • Messrs. Walker and Whiteley are tend possessors; of an auto for eln they paid the sum of one e oiler each. These two gentlemen twee the nearest to guessing the cor rect number of beans in the bean guess irylg contest, conducted by the Se:. lorth fire brigade, in connection with the Old Bore reunion. There were 606 beans in the jar and tneir guess was 5865. There were in the neighbor hoed of 600, guesses registered, the highest being 29,565, and the lowest 1,051. At the regular meeting of the town Goderich Township Miss Olive Joennston of Woodstock is visiting az Mr. F. Leonard's on the I6th con. This section was visited by a heavy rain etorm this week. 25 cents gets the New Era until the end of 1914. Tell your friends about the bargain. Mr. Bert Cooper has been engaged by S. 5. No. 1, for the ensuing term, Miss &reline Holland has been en gaged by the Summerhill school board at a salary of 8575. feLINTON NEW ERA:. "HOCH DER KAISER" Colborne Mr. H. Hilher and family of Toronto have returned home after a few weeks visit with friends in this vicinity. The Misses Page of Hamilton are making an extended visit at the home of Mr, W. B. Forster. Mr. Thomas Bolan. of Goderich Sun cloyed with friends on the Maitland. Miss Sylvia Halliman is visiting at the home of Mr, W. 0. Hurst, Mr. Ed. Grigg had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow this week. D. F. Schwanz had the carpenters last week repairing the barn on the All in property. The heavy raine this week will do an immense amount of good in helping the late crops along. Rear-Adimieal Coughlan ef he Tenilite,d Stete,s navy, who has just retirred will, be, chiefly eetnembered because he irecitecl "Hoch Der Kaiser" at a dinner of (the Union League club se couple of years ago, and .aleciest °related international complications. by doing so. The verses are as follows Der Kaiser van das leatherletell lend Gott :mull all dings command Ve two -ah! Donn you understand Meenselfl-und Goal Vile SOMA hnen sing dee1bower di-. vine, Meen soldiers sing "Die Whacht ani Rhein," Tend dee* 'der health in leh.einith) wine Of na.e•-und Gott Here's France. she swaggerall around She ausgespieldt-shoh 00 aggoun,d To much 'we the* ,she don't emceed. Meen,self-und Gott! She will inot dere to fleht again Ent ef she shouldt, I'll show her blahs( Dot Elsass and eineeren,che Lor - reline - Are. eifeile-by .Gott D,ere's Grandma clinks she's nicht small beer nett Boers, and such sheeiniterflere ; She'll learn none owns, ths' hemise pheme But nee -and Gott i She denks, good 'Frau, fleeter ships she's got Cod soldiers ilinedt the scarlet 'coat, AeIil We. could koo,ock dem, Pouf ! like dot, Meensele-rnidt Gott ! In dimes of perm, brebaee for wars I spear der .helani send spear of Mars, Cud eare net for /den thousland ,Czars, Meiniselfi-anidt aott1 In. fact I humor efry whim, - Mit aspect dark nod) visage 'grins; Gott pulls anit Me. and I mit Him Meim)self-und Gott .Pluburn Mr. A, Asquith and sou shipped a carload of apples to Winuipeg last week, The illustrated lecture given under the auspices of the Bible Society by their agent, Mr. Clark on 'ruesday night was not largely attended the ram keeping many away. Mr, Geo. hemp is improving his pro 'petty hy erecting anew verandah along the front of his house. Miss Bedford of McNaught is visit ing acquaintances here. - Master Gordon Ball is spending this week with his friend Master Frank Raithby, Hayfield The entertainment given by ."the Methodist Congregation was greatly attended and the services of Mrs. Rich ;ads were much appreeiated. Clan Gorgan Square is once more clear of obnoxious weeds. Mrs. Chas. Walters of Grand Rap ids is visiting her friends here. Mrs. Saxby one of our tourists is on a trip to Totonto. 1 Harold Pollock of the 480h High enders is summoned to prepare for the front St. Andrews 5 S. picnic will be held in Jowetts grove on 'Wednesday next. BUSINESS AND le SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the if, M. G. A. BLDG.. - LONDON, ONT: Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st, Catalogue free. Enter any time. LW. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. PrInClpal tr. eliartereasecoustant VIce-Prindea1 The apple men in this section are greatly worried over the prospects of getting rid of their crops. They have one of the best crops they have had for a number of years of first class fruit but onelecount of the war :there seems to he no chances for shipment to Britain, In consequences the home market can not use near the crop. Al though the apples are getting nearly ready for purchasing the buyers are fighting shy of concluding deals, Rev. W. D. Turner of St. Andrews Church who is at present taking his vacation exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Laing of Auburn on Sunday. Mr. Caeser of Meaford spent a few deys here this week visiting his daugh ter Mrs. Thomas. The rains of the past few days did a great amount of good to the roots and pastures and although it retarded progressin the harvest fields the farm ers were pleased to have it, Mrs, Somers of British Columbia who is visiting her sister Mrs. Thomas sang a beautiful solo in the Presbyter ian Church on Sunday evening. There are a few cases of typhoid fever here at present but the cases are alt doing well under the doctor's care, Wingham The handsome new armory on Ed. ward street has been completed, and is now ready to he taken off the centre°. tor's hands. The building is a red brick structure, 44x90 feet, and is the first of the kind in this section of On- tario. Mr. J. Mills of Kincardine, had the contract for the construction and Messers. A. Young and A. Schaefer took the contracts of plumbing and Painting. The interior is fitted with hardwood flooring throughout, and contains besides a drill hall, 40x70 feet three rooms on the ground floor for storage of clothing, rifles, etc. Above these is the gallery, with three apart- ments for the officers' use. in the base lama, there is a large furnace room and shooting gallery,, 8x60 feet. the windows of which are fitted v,ith ven- tilators to carry away the smoke, The building is furnished with brass fittings, electric light and fire protec- tion and is painted throughout in a stone blue color, FARMER'S W.IFE ALMOSTA.,..WRECK Restored to ,Health by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound -Her Ow,n Story. London, Ont.-" I am a farmers wife and a very busy woman. Last summer I was taken with severe pains in my back so bad that I could not get up or scarcely move with- out pain, and my periods were pain- ful. My husband called in a good doc- tor and I was under his care for some time, but he did me little or no good. One day a friend of mine told me to try Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound as she had been greatly helped by it. I began taking it and soon got well, and my periods became natural again. Since then I have had perfect health. In fact I have never felt so well in my life. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine many women need. If you think this letter will help other women please pub- lish it." -Mrs. K. C. YOUNG, Tambling's Corner, London, Ontario, Canada. Womenwho suffer from these distress- ing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound will help you,write to Lydia E.PinichamIlledieineCo. (confidential) Lynn,IVItessefor ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. 'PAGE FIVE , MINOR LOCALS. And now they talk of frostin the west. Wonder Will "Made in Germany" goods be as popular as ever in Can ad? Lots of rain now. ravehmoommtifil Local News ik LANNAMMPARMAR Porter's Hill Misses Cora and Lily Stort and nephew Donovan Start of Gurries Crossing spent a few days at 0. W. Potter's lest week. Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderburgh and Wesley Vanderburgh spent a couple of days in London last week. Miss Pearl Potter is visiting at Our ries Crossing. Mr, and Mrs. Burke, of Rochester is visiting at Mrs, Burke's. Mr. C. G. Newton and son Gerald of Goderich are visiting at Clem Newton. Mr. and Sirs. (Merles Johnson of Toronto are visiting at R. Y. Clox's. Wro, Elliott returned to his home at Spokane after spending a month with his lather Wm. Elliott. A Harvest Home under the auspices of Bethel church will be held on Coun oilier Lindsay's lawn on Friday even. ing, August 2eth. Tea will be,served from six to eight o'clock. There will be ice cream, bananas etc., sold on the ground. Come and bring your friends with you. rmImamaa • • Hallett Miss Cora MeCool has returned to her home ‚after spending a few weeks at Toronto. Mrs. Carter bf the West spent a week with her brother in law, Richard Carter, Miss Cora Forbes of Leadbury spent a few days with her friend Mrs. Albert Note ERECTING NEM BARN. • ja,meh Hamilton is having a new cemeeet been heeded on shes property on High' Street. ADVERTISING-USD/IS. "Beyond' immediate returns from an advertising campaign, study the returns in good or ill. will." MIGHT HAVE BEEN BESIEGED. Goderich In the competition for the best, standing oat crop given by the West Huron Agricultural Society the follow in are the winners First Hugh Hill 83 points second, R. L. Salkeld Goderich Towaship74 points third John Sower by Goderich Towhship 72 points four to 11. K. Revell Goderich Township 69 points fifth Isaac Salkeld Goderica Township 66e points sixth John S. Clark Colborne Township 62e points seventb Flick Bros, Colborne Town ship 62 points. By the regulations the first five winners are eligible to compete in the sheaf contest at the Toronto Exhibition. The Judge was E. R. Mortimer Who expressed great satisfaction with the quality and quantity of oats grown in this part of the county. About 1,000 people listened to the impressive service here Sunday morn ing when the overseas contingent 10 strong with the Thirty third Regi ment Bend and 20 of No. Co. Thirty third Regiment, held an open air eery ice. Rev.rer. Seeger of Vancouver • took the service and Rev. Mr. Dickey of Cbalham preached one of the fine st sermons ever delivered to military men here, In concluding he asked the soldiers to fight with ell their might knowing ' that their careie was a just one. A victory for _Ong land and a victory for humanity and for all that was best in the world and a victory for Germany meant the en slaving and degredation of all the ne tions of the earth. He remined, them of the many glorious victories Eng land had won at Waterloo and Trafal gar, The volueteers listened with pro Grand Bend. Mune attention. The eann)nadinge of the thunder Monday end Tuesday evenings made et seem ,ael if the town was besieged. BAND AT BLYTHI FAIR. At a meeting oe the Directors of Blyth Agrioultural Society arrange meats were made to secure Cline ton Kittle Baited for show, days - Sept. 29,ance 30th. ONE PROTEST AGAINST LIBERALS. As only one deposit has ,been made, all the Conservative protests with the exception of theleaganese Malcom. Lang, Liberal M. ilhc. Peter Cocheaesehave been discounted. 10» WANTS WATER. The officials/ af the G. T. Bo are trying to 'makes zae agreement with the townto supply water for theta), teak ete,, ntTitd staelon A /sea:Hem:eat raw be arrived et lamer day. BLYTH GIRL VOLUNTEERS, Miss , Annie Spafford (of St. Joseph's hospital London, and daughter/ of Mrs. Spafford Blyth has volunteered to gcl as a a -mese 'with the Canadian ,contingent to the seat of War. PAPERS GOING UP Notices have been) printed' from offices of the Toronto Star axed News that their sobscription, eete outside of Toronto will be raised to $2( a year' lestead of eoemerey $1.50. The increase goes into effect on October 1st, SEND OATMEAL TO,BRITAIN. Mr. J. ,Leekee Wilson who spoke SClineten alt Cm, Speing Fah Bienree.et, suggests that Ontario eleueld Wed 30,000,000 pomeds of oletmeal to (Britain in) this' time of strees. s,aiys `Ontario's oat crop islabout 100,000,000 bushels, and. that the gilt welch would be/worth ($500,000,r could he (easily, spared, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, Owing to inetructions sent the district President there will be a special Imeetiag of the Women?s in satiate tat the home of tiro Presi- dent Mts. 'Monroe on Friday after- noon et three o'clock sharp. Mem, bees please be present as Ibusiness of Importance is to be brought be- fore the meeting The regales) Au- gust meeting is withdrawn GER1VIAN GOODS BARRED. As A result of the war Canada may shortly become cne of elle world's greatest producers of jewel ry as well ate other small areieles Canadian jewelry merchants report that a large trade in gold omit meats has been severed between this continent and Germany by the orders of .the Government, which prohibits, the importation, of Ger- man) goods white the two countries are at war, Under the legislation all goods inanrefactured int tGre many of any description are barred Canada imports millions of dollars of stuff, large and Sternal! from Germlany, printing, lithographing drugs, jeweley, ornaments, toys and inefact the anajwity of the 5 laud 10 cent stores. These places will have to (seek their goods else- where, und the result well be aecord ing to mainfutacturess and mere chants. that( Caleeda wilt start and produce, them herself. 'Myth Charles Sundercock of Owen Sound spent a few days with his sister Mrs. Orin Hooper. Miss Annie Weymouth is the guest ''of her uncle, John Wayinouth. Mr. and Mra R McKa,y and Mrs, Pecelurchie are at present visiting at DEAN DAVIS. GETS LONG SERVICE MEDAL. Very Bev. Dean, E. Davis, °acme dom clean, of the diocese of,Eforon received through military Theeiad- quarters, Wednesday a silver long service miedat for his 24 yearsecon n,ection wale the Seventh Fusiliers as chaplain,. 25 CENTS. Will pay for the New Era to new subscriters in Canada from now uns til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era for the balance of the year to your distant son daughter or friend who will ap- preciate reading the home neves. COURT OF REVISION OF THE VOTERS LIST. Pursuant totthe Statute the Court oe Revision of the Voters list for 1914 for the Munielpallety of Cline ton will be (held by the J.utclge; isa the town hail onsTuesday Septean ber lst, .ati9 .o'clock a. nal Meet of Ian complaints lodged is posted rap (in the hierks °fine, -NEPHEW MARRIED.. The following eneieriage notice re eerie to A nephew) °GM.. D. Moe of Itown.-Al quite wedding took peace in (lefoosejaere Sask., oriejuly 29th 'when Mies Effie Mae= was limited) hi marriage( ta Mr. Flerman Prior of Portage lat Prairie and son of Mrs. Thos. Prior of Exeter. They will be at home toteheir frienila 213 Duff eein Aveiege Pertage la Pnairie after 6epteanber 1st Had a Weak Heart and Bad Shaky Nerves for Years Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills Cured Him Mr. H. Percy Turner, Marie Joseph, N.S., writes: -"I have had a weak heart and bad, shaky nerves for years, and have tried almost everything, but noth- ing did me any good till I was advised to try Milbum's Heart end Nerve Pills. I was surprised to find how one box helped me, so I tried two more and am now completely cured. You may use my letter as an aid to others suffering from heart or nerve troubles." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are a specific for all run dbwn men and women troubled with their heart or nerves. Milbum's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 003 ..a."..............r....e., ..2.t.6...:...... ...,,. ,11., dr'. :„......." „0,,,,,,,/,,••,,/,..a.,.00 ,..... ie.. /.0 *War Summary ‘, op 0 Alteri.. eirViVi • Thursday A decielve battle is. reported to be raging between Lanvain and Nlaimue, The Peelfic, is declared safe ear raavigation 'The Ansteibee fleet has made' for ehe open ,seas French, penay :rfO,W 19 miles feom Mite German troo pstake 1,000 Russian pris,oners avt Staltopenie Quebec's gilt to Imperial forces wilt he toner millien pounds of Clenedien cheese. ci HP HA OMAPS SOAP Wednesday A POSITIVE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Hundreds of People Have Found "Fruit -a -fives", Their Only Help READ THIS LETTER Superintendent of Sunday School in Toronto Tells How He Cured Himself of Chronic Rheumatism After Stiffer. ing for Years. 55 Doverecoune aoAD, Oct. 1st. 2913. "For a long tirne, I have thought of writing you regarding what 3 term a most remarkable cure effected by, your remedy "Fruit-a-tives". I suff ered from Rheumatisin, especially in my hands. I have spent a lot of money without any good results. I have taken "Fruit- a-tives" for x8 months now, and am pleased to tell you that I am cured. All the enlagement has not left my hands and perhaps never will, but the soreness is all gone and I can do any kind of work. I have gained 35 pounds in x8 months". , R. A. WAUGH Rheumatism is no longerthe dreaded disease it once was. Rheumatism is no longer one of the " incurable diseases". "Pruit-a-tives" has proved its marvellous powers over Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Lumbago -in fact, over all such diseases which arise from some derangement of stomach, bowels, kidneys or skin. "Fruit-a-tives" is sold by all dealers at 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial size, 250. or seta postpaid on receipt of price by Beuit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. cruisece 'which were reconmoirtering Noaosses are repbrted or el atme,d. "A.leertain, liveliness is apparent in the !leathern, area ohthe North sea," says the Press Bureau. Filltylioall lion. dollars will le e, Cane ada's votetfor the war. 'seeding of the British troops has been, completed inFrance. Canada's, first ,war session in a century openedt Tuesclay. It is a Parliament without politics. No' casualties yet in British Army is the official report, Canadia•n Troops moblize Thurs day. B,attle raging in Belgiuna. The British. official Press Bur- e)au (announced that some .desulto-y fightipg occurred Tuesday be- tween the British patrolling squad roma, and )flotillas and German Two Gerrolalni fmival aviation offi- cers were larrested du; the Dutch Islaml off the coast of ' The, Englikshi growlers are busy clearing up rhe Mimes, in (the North Sea. The Germaid fleet ie bottled up Jn its, ports, , One Hunelredf nurses to go from Canada forethe. Red CrOES service,. Japan has declared war against Germlainy. , There are persistant rinallors that Italy 'weltejoin the? Triple Bititente. The British{ 'Admirality gave the assurance that the ocean routes are welt petrolled. The Belgians captured the Gere mlaue artillery in their engagement of (August 12th. It is estimated that five million dollars in gold) has been received ,at Ottawa from New York and -to the Bank ',a England. , The Montenegrin's? have invaded Austrta. Field Marshal Sir John, Feenieh, Commander -int -Chief of the, British Held army has joined the French General at Paris, she-, Friday . Germans comitinueeadvance on Brussels. , A number of woun.ded troops ar- rived at Southampton from 'Bel - Own. Thereport did not sew to which army they belonged, Kitchener, secrobaey ef state of war netitied the press that . any - newspaper publishing news of na- vai or military movements except eleat issued by the official bureau would be suspended. - Italy suenmoned home tall their Ambassadors in Paris, Sit. Peters- burg, London land Berlin, to cone greet with thera concerning the war situation: A report s)ays the Austrians were repulsed by the Sensian. army. The British pruiser Bristol fought long ranige with the German beat Karlsru.hehand the latter' fled in the .clarknfcess , Russians capturetown of Sokal in Austrian Galicia. An artillery division will be mob ilized at once consisting of three brigades of 1 guns each, and a total force of 69 officers, 2,316'10en ,aind 2,238 horses. Tuesday esees 'The capital of Belgiunts has been moved to Agstw4rp, Britain and Italy are negotiating to foemt .anallienhe 'The British 'Cc:emanate, fruitgrenv- ere Association will give e00,000 barrels of .apples for the British troops in the field. Greece waerni Turkey that if re- ports are iteue that Turkey is creasing Belgians territory and marching in directienl oft:Greece, military and naval measures will be taken; immediately, No correapondents are allowed with the Britiah army, Canadian Parliament met today, The sinking ot the Austrian eruis er, Aspern off the Moaseselniegren coast has been, coneermed. The Germain; cruiser Leipzig re- ceived only, eaough ,cosit 'at San Francisco to )allow( her to ,sail to Samoa. A .cable front Paris states .that a 'naval battle has occurred off Canary' Island and the German war ship sunk by a British cruiser, winch else captured a Genian, ship containing anunition, of war. A message from Brazil states that the Hainburg-Amerissam, steamee. "Sante Catharine" has been capt urea by e -British :which 'had a aneilien dollar cargo on boargll, Seed Wheat We have a quantity of4 . "Gold 000e Seed )Whealt for sale.. This wheialt .has bee,n1 peeved to be one) of lthebest varieties to sealed Mir severe winters, givilieg an extea large yield this year.. Special Fall Wheat Fertilizer 11 you will compare the results of allInfEl {Shur -Crop ?Fertilizer with. others in this districte ,you will be iconhieleed that there are 'melt better. Try num, br.and tele season and prove for youreelf. 10,000. dozen) New Laid Eggs latid 1,000 Hens and Chketens ,wanted e,aich, week' at top prices!. . ... Monday Japan hal sent an ultimatauni to Germany deman,tining that s,he with draw her warehips and evacuate Mane -Chan by August 23 or Ja- pan, .will take action. The Socialists are rising in re- volt throughout Germany . Food prices. lo Great BritaitOmve not been raised, Germany has an extended front of nearly 300. .All German prisoners raptured complain of being ,badly f ea. Russilaa' appeals to Poland -and premis,es them autonomy iin return. Vom Eminich, German command ex at the siege of,(Lie,ge is dead.. Saturday The transportation of the French troops into Belgian eerreitory )15 now complete. FRU% IIAIR D ncilm OLP Needless -Use Parisian Sage • Not that Parisian Sage can be had at any drug counter it is cer- tainly needless to have thin, brit- tle, matted, stringy or faded hair. No matter how unsightly the hair how badlyVet is falling, or how much dandruff, Parisian Sage is all that ils n.eeded. Frequent appli- cations and well rubbed into the scalp will do wonders -it acts like magic. The hair roote are nour- ished and stimulated to grow new hair, itching scalp, dandruff and falling hair cease -your heachfeels fine, Best of all, the 'hair becom- es soft, fluffy, ahundaist and rad- iant -with life and beauty, You will be eurprised and dee lighted with Parisian Sage. Try at least one fifty cent bottle from W. S.R. 'Holmes he will. lefund the purchase price if you are not sat- isfied. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAA 4 4 V. 4 ; I PiODOS . .1 ; 1 . .. I See and he.re our finest i r 1 New Stylish designs of ; r 1 Doherty Pianos and w r. 1 I. • r 1 Organs, : 41 V. 44 : lw 4 ,5PeCial tctleeSs in Art . 1 . 4 1 4 4 4 4 i Pianos and organs rent 11; r .1 ed, choice new Edison t 3 phonographs, Music & i i variety goods. r r to 41 P. 4 E 1 Hume Emporium 4 1. r 4 I. 1 ; From British Central 'Africa I comes the Ireport that thet(Govene- natant steamer IGnendolisa captured jtha: e,NGer;sa.narmed steamer Non 1 Wissoner on( the eastern shore of :I vyiryggpvppWir/VVvirVVIMM, Art C. Hoare aillagn/leMif We are wiloleseie agents Bar , • alINN'S ',CURED MEATS. Ask your dealer for Gunn's Brealtfast,Beaconi And Picnic Ham,. , 'They/ are ietnnere. !Prices Model:ate, Tho .G111111-loollois Co.9Limito6 Pise np-to-date Firm, Clinton' • Phone 190, N. W. TREWA.RTHA.. W. JENKINS WESTERN PAIR LONDON, CANADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September lith to 19th. 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily New Fireworks every night. COME AND SEE The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con. T. Kennedy Shows will fill tlae Midway, Music by the Best available Bands Reduced Railway Hates Commencing September ilth Special Excursion Days, Sept, 15th, 16th, 17th. Ad Tickets good till Sept. 21st. ALL INFORMATION PROM THE SECRETARY W. litimu, president 4, M. HUNT, Secretary ugansulaausibli‘, 423"1/1m1.1.11111.1"slimi