HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-20, Page 2•••.••••e•••••••A•••••••••• • Phone Want Ads to ' The New Era • Many telephone subscribers • find it quite convenient and a : time -neer. Experienced ad- vlsers are always on The -New • Era end. Phone 30, �. S •••.•••••••eel•••.••ii• ••:' Thi C/it i n lY�w Era Thursday, August- 20th, 1014. PAGE TWO. Page Has Newsy Items. • e•••••.••••.••••.e••••.••• Try us for Job Work in all • its branches. • ▪ Atrial will convince you• • thatwe know der ' • business. • • • ••••••.•....•••.••.,••eei,a.' ditorial,' ern rents, Stansteal recorded a splendid victory for the Canada ,T'emperl- woes Aet on, August 5th. ' Our own, E. Norman Lewis, M. P. for ;West 'Huron, should not , be overlooked if 'the British Admiral ty wants. a BIM 'to place before the unlast. • The Canadian Forestry Conven- • titin, •tvihaich utas, to be held in lE,aIi Ajax, from September 1 to 4„ has been indefinitely postponed oa ac, - count of the avian, Dominion Prarliament should make short work of the present ses sign- It fel no; time to scrap. Our ,advice, to the M P,'s is get down to business at once, draw your! pay and get ,hare as soon as possible. Bully fon the Belgilana ! Whoever put the B into Belgium .smtade a good job of it. They know blow to Make progress In time of peace laud also( howl to "sting" when home and Illative land require de- fence. -0-- Lord Kitchener, Lord Roberts :and Sin John French is at•trio that arty aartioi might be proud of,t as British subjects are. They have Made good Nn deeds as well as words and, our military leadership is satfe Ire their hands. Those "bow eblasers" on, the Brit- ish menfof wlai de la job( oft "tick- ling" that is not enjoyed very much by the fellow ahead. The alms is generally straight enough to assure the enemy that experts are doing the handling. --a-- Amti-Tempepanlce people will .have a good tchatnee now to charge up tor, Temperance folk the inter- ruption to business paused by the European war. It wilt be just as sensible as many another argument The Orillia Times says ; 'Abolish the bar" revue will mever•be settled until the bar is abolished",' We believe this( abatement is correct) Now that the,eleetion recounts fare a thing of( the past the menet turnis the•:lection Courts. If! the Latter don't racconiplish more than past history records there will, be a pile oft (good money spent and very little to show for it, An elec- tion (slaw-off'as often more crooked than the, charges chalked sip against the candidates for the• diis- puted honor. Unpronlouncable almost as many of the names. in connection with the. war mew in progress are, it, is remarkable how quickly they be- come familiar to the great majority showing whlat may be accomplish- ed when folk' set about it. Leven the kiddies learn geography with ,an alacrity that is.tsumprisimg,i It costs somebody to pile of money burnishing the, object lessons. • Oaf -nada ifs giving aa,' Clime exhibi- tion of loyalty to the Mo't(herl'anfr int the time) of trouble. John Bull's children cheerfully( respond to. any thing they den do when ItheeBrit- i•sh Empire is menaced In Vol•un- teerIng for military, servilee 1000 elan could be easily obtained for • every one that webe perunitted War line up Italy Next? to(go, Enithusilasm is' a geode fea- ture but a, sensible,plan and pro- Britain's Declaration Against gram of work fs; lalso essential to the best results. SUNBURN, BLISTER.S; SORE FEET. ,Everybody now admits Zam-Buk best for these. Let. it. give YOU ease and comfort. [, Dern+sts red Sher eceersh.,f m-ult. n• eDlat The 'New'Era Weleomse the Mod - elites` to Clinton and hopes the terve will be most ple,asantt and profitable,. A feather is deserved In. Clinton's hat ,oVer the interest usually mani'fes'ted in the young people war:, :temporarily make their home with. us: We expect this term will be no exception to the established rule, The young folk will be met .by capable instructors and 'If the sduden:ts buckle into elle course laid ;down there will,'be few regrets when, the finial exam', is numbered with the past. We believe the Flail Fairs, the Fanners,' and Women's Institutes ,and otther 'gatherir gs with the public good as their prime object should de vote enere time to demon strations'and processes. There is no better way of 'giving instruc- tion 'and the financial results of sudh class of work would prove that it was worth while. This is a practical age. Our opin•ionlitsthat the so-called "Travelling Dairy" did more to make good butter ma- I4ers than all the speefrJhfeafyintg clone before or limpet The Wo- man's Institute; is gradually grow - emonstratioh busi- ness, more power to them, Servia Makes. an Even Dozen, !Grand Lodge With an even dozen der�srations of war in Europe since July 28, the great powers of the Continent are to day aligned in the conflict as follow: - Germany. -At war with France,. Belgium, England, Russia, and. Mon- tenegro. France. -At war weir Germany and Austria. Britain. -At war with Germany and Austria , Austria. -At war with Servia. Rus- sia. Montenegro, England, and France Russia, -At war with Germany and Austria. Belgium. -At war with Germany, Montenegro. -At war with Get many and Austria. If the so -culled( Heathen Nations come to the conclusion that preach ling and Ipraetice of so-called Chris tilaia countries is a long distance apart there meed be no surprise. Evidently the long to be desired retigta of "Pewee ont Barth, good- will toward lanen," has not yet ar- 4 rived. It's iv cautions )what trouble one m,onlarehl eau stir up when he gens but -of bed on the wrong side. We *hope a speedy termination to the great( conflict will soon, be -at hand and('that good results may 1 accrue afterf the tremendous sacri- fice of life end property, We doubt not that there will be great- er surprises than, Iaave been in the present struggle. 'Thel !nation that ' precipitates wan when the outlook for peace is favorable should be nilade "settle" with an !emphasis thatt W'ouldt never be forgotten( while the country survives, Humlan life is Diet somethln{g that should be trifled with. If the straying of , one Man by ,his neighbor calls for ven,gereanae What ,about the nation that slaughters, by the million/ ,Wood's Phospholine, The Great English Bemedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Neruono Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- dency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory, Price 81 per box, six for 85.• One wdlplease, six will eurim Sold by all druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTO.ONT. (Former': Wladur.) •••••••••••••••••••• • • • WITH THE CHURCHES. • • • 11111•7•••••0•••••••••• WESLEY CRURCH. The pastor will preach next Sunday. Last Sunday the pastor took as his subject "Trust and Patience" and in the evening "Measure for Measure," The rnale quartette sang "When the Weary Seeking Rest" at the evening service. a WILLIS CHURCH. Rev. Mr. Turner of Blyth, will occu- py the pulpit the next two Sundays. The induction of Rev, blr. Harper will be heid on Thursday evening, Sep tember 3rd, • The new pastor will conduct services on the first Sunday of September. Miss Resume of London, sang "Still, Still with Thee' by Speaks, last Sun- day morning. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Rev. C. 11 Jeakins, of Brantford, will preach next Sunday morning and evening. ONTARIO ST. CHURCH I Rev, Kenneth Beaton, of Toronto, and Mr. 0. S. Hawke assisted the pastor last Sunday. In the evening the pastor's sermon dealt with the European war, A large audience was present. The church auditorium;:will beers opened with appropriate services on Sunday next. There will be special music in which the choir will be assist- ed by Mr, Will Ja Harland, • NEW% WINDOW SIGN, The A,tO. F. Lodge has had their Initials ands lodge number painted on. ont:folthe lodge windows over the 1VIolsonBalnlee • TIIEWAR THE Shutting off of imports from Continental Europe into Canada due to the War,g ives many home industries an unexampled oppor- tunity for immense and immediate development. Canada will prosper at the expense of Continental Europe. Thus is not a time in Canada for repining on the part of the business man. We ' must be careful, even frugal, but we must also be, bold, Victory is to him who has courage ofI0.ELF The business' session of the I.O. officers hand. the preseetation of a O.F. Greed Lodge opened .atthe . P. G. Ma jewel to the retiring LO.O.F, Temple last-l'hursday"at, Grand Mater,- P.T. Couplanjd, the Toronto 'with, Grand Masher Coup- Grand Lodge closed its session',' land presiding, The report of the Grand Master shows that name new lodges were in sti'tuted during the year, snaking 401 lodges now le the juris0lict:ion with amem'bershhip of 53,679 During the year 1913 the sum, of $172.,ele, 71 Was paid out in relief. The report oft the hoeue balled shows there are thirteen, male, itr= mates. and eight children in It(he Home. The cosh of the new addit eon irat the Home was$21,477,20 A motion by Represenplaitive Black'- eby and Past Grand Master-alvan- son that the Grand Lodge appro- priate 31,000 to assist in frill nig• out+ the hospital ship ,now being u; nan.gedfor by the women of Canada. for s rvieeh intim ;molar, was' unani- mously zed enithusmastically adopt ed� the tintauirce Committee ap- proving of statue( and their report. beitng adopted. 'The Committee on larva o,f.aub- ordinates reported that they had approved of eighty-five sets al menu bylaws, from diefereni lodges. Reference was made to the fact that it is compulsory for lodges to have alconitir.Vge•nt fund. The Rebekah Degree ceploi'.tedl that ilifteen, new lodges haul been. added This year; there was -en in- crease of eel iamembership, mak- ing the present meinberahip 10,417. The 0,F.R.A, Committee reported a membership in the association of 26,512; a'n•imerease in The reserve hued during,.,tho year :.4'3158,292, making a reserve) on July 1st of 31, 342,838. lt was also t.rn(nhouneed that the assessment ofaniy mem- ber iiia the, relief takiaeg part in the war would, not be inlcreased. The I ecogaition of the association by the Grand Lodge was confiilnueu, East Grand Sire Campbell was contrnllred as historiographer, anu ,$500 wee set epart'for expenses i• connection with the securing of data for the history of the order. The election of officers resulted es foilows -brand blaster, D.M 1V1c- 1intyre or Toronto ; Deputy Grand 3fllaster, L.B. Cooper of Belleville; Grand Secrercary, W. J. tvlcCormack 'foroato Grand ilepresentative, F S. Evanson of Prescott; Grand Warden, S.C. (Parks of Tononito; Auditor , Henry Clark of Elora ; Trustees of flome Board F.S. Evan - Sun 01 Prescott anld R.R. Brett of Essex. The Committee on Appeals refer - ed the Appeal of the General Be - ltd Boierci of Calgary Alberta, against Chesterviile Lodge, to the incoming Grand, Master. The. Committee an i iiterprovin- cilai relations was reappointed to cuutiuwe their work, S.A. Poplesllane, P,G,M., resigned as Grand ltepresmeta live to Dove reign -Grant( Lodge, and (James Ulmer P,�i.1yI„ was eler-,tetd ,indvs stead, lin the drill competition for the Patriarchs avl heelie Cank'ou 'Pron•.- tier• Line , 100.2, of vV:k c1sor, won First prize. The Committee on Districts plac- ed 'hie new 4oageis inr, xistricis,es follows; Massey is. Sudbury, :No.4 Gsgoode,' in n.emix villa. 1V0. SJ 1m airview, in 1 oronlco, ',No 10 B longe in Toronto, 1vo,�19A; Sioux Lookout, im, Lake of (the Woods 00. 49; ennaays:ide id 'loronto, 1Vu 190 ;Greenwood in Toronto, N•o.19 A ; lia'mlvltom, in Hamilton, No. 9 Mohawk in brunt, w 0. 10. The commit tee redistrabutett Taranto districts, Making six new districts Renfrew districts was divided and per request, )Into Lareuie ancl,iRen- Irew districts. Lucklnow was trams feared from Weigh= to iierviel district; aallaxvifle, Russel and Vanleek louge-t were ,trai sferged. from Kempf vele to Ottawa dis- trict, Stratford was chosen as the place of meeting for next year. The ame�ndmei:(J to the constitu- tion of subordinates ,fixing the .min Imam fee ,for ariation anu(degrees at ,$151 for cities front 50,000 to 100, 000 was fail over till next year, A new clai se,, 00 A, r•e(sicic. benle- flts was 'adopted as follows; "Every member on the sick list shall,xurnislr,'to the lodge a,medie cal certrfi_ate' as to his physical condition tat. least every three months, otherwise{ his illnbss shall be considered tel ' 'tmu:%4'ttld and benefits shall cease." The representatives; ito the Sov- ereign Grand' Lodge :'were instruct ed 'to support an 'clmensdment to the constitution do reduce hei,age limit for admission to the orders $0 eighteen Years. A resolution was adopted that when' a decision is(renuered by the ,Gnanid 'Master, IA which a lodge Is affected, the ,Grand Sec- eret,ary shall,;'' without delay,,certi- fy to Ipame, sec! so ;Motley the lodges affected. The following officers were ins .stalled for' the coming year ;,G.M. D. •i& McIntyre, Croronito; D4,G.lM. L. B.,ICooper, Belleville, G. W S.. C, Parks, Torontto; a. Sec, Willie= Brooks; G,'Trsas., W.IJ. McCorv- mac'k; G. Rep. F S• Evanson, Pres- cott; G. Marshal, W.;"E. Gowlfmg Ottawa ; ',G. Conductor,' Ie. G. Gra- hem • Rainy River, ; G. Chaplain, Rev, N. R. D., Sinclair, Cochramo ; G..Guardian, .A G.„Bruce, Galt, G. Herald, James14cDonaId, Tara; G. Mes:senge=', W. S. Duffin, Sit. Clath- crines. The 'following( candidates "" were no;m.entated for 'Grand, Warden for next year; C. 'IL ,Ma,n(n, Iiwmilton Gee. Hermiston Toronto ; Jo'seph W. Simpson) Slarrma ; E. r 41. Gregory Wlalkerville ; R. II. James, Oshawa H. G, Robertson Btarrie; W. J. Haan niton; Fort .William ; C. J. P,ar,ker, Bnan,tforcl ; W, IL (Moss, Dundas ; G. C, Campbell, Niagara Fella; George Geddes, St, 'Thornas ; A. B. Hm'reil, Bridgeburg ;' Geor'tge I . ;Zeigler, Elmira, A T. Lawson', Ottawa; A. Abraham, Sitratfoed; A. G. Carecad den, Toronto; G. A. Beatty, Kenora After the ,installation of the new, The 33rd Ont 9 to the Frani Orders for enlistment of volunteers' to serve in the war reached Col. Wil- son. commanding officer of the 33rd. Regi. of Huron, in following terms: Regulations to govern the raising of a contingent for overseas services will be as follows:- The force will be Imperial and have the status of British regular troops. Enrollment Will be voluntary for all ranks. Physical qualifications will be height five feet•three inches and over chest not less than 339 inches; age limit 18 to 45 years. r In regard to musketry and general proficiency a high standard will be re- quired The term of service will be for the duration of the war, Other conditions being equal appli- cants will be selected in the following order; Unmarried men, married men. without families, married men with families. Officers on the reserve and others with military efficiency, who, although not belonging to the active militia, fulfil the foregoing require- ments are eligible. Senior officers cif units will, through officers of come mending companies collect the names of volunteers, officers, non commis• sioned officers and men, who should he medically examined by an Army Medi cal Corps officer, where available. Those who weae examined here were Martin O'Brien W. J. Britton lioward A. Sterling Sam. Caruso T Hans'ev W. G. Bezzo A. B Webb W. S. Grant m, George Webber - C, VV. Hodgson Word followed from Ottawa that, Britton, Caruso, Hensley, Bezzo, Webb and Hodgson were picked to go from Clinton.3 Test Was A Severe One, Although a large number of those who presented themselves for enlist- ment in the first contingent failed to pass the required examination, it. does not necessarily mean that theyare physically deficient as tne term is generally understood. They may be in the very best of health, but the test to which they are subject is so. rigid that the least physical blemish is sufficient to bar them from the ranks of the accepted. The regula- tions governing the examination are sent out from Ottawa and the Local examiner had no choice tut to carry them out Many of the applicants were two small of stature, it being re- quired that they 1)e 5 feet 3 inches tall and have a chest measurement of 339 inches. Defective eyesight, unsound teeth, flat-footedness and even crossed toes are some of the causes for rejec. tion. _ That the test is a severe one, there seems little doubt. Only tne very flower of youne manhood is being re lected; men who are well nigh perfect • specimens, Those who have been rejected therefore. have suffered no 5 disgrace. and their friends need feel no alarm for their health. On Friday morning headed by the Kittle Band Britton, Bensley. Bezzo, and O'Brien marched to the station to entrain for Goderich and Hodgson fol ' lowed later. Caruso. owing to parent al objection, did not go. A report from Goderich says: -As yet Lieutenant Colonel Wilson, of the Thirty third Regiment who is in charge of the contingent here has had no woed yet as to the date of depart ure but thinks it may be on Thursday morning. Lieutenant Hodgson of Clinton and Adams of Wingham will be in charge and during the last these or four days they have been putting their men through stiff drills and now they are in excellent shape. NORMANDIE! STABLES DAMAGED {1T' CLINTON Fire at 6,30 last Saturday evening seriously damaged ,the Normandie Rotel sables. 'It was discovered the hayloft amd•thjis made a hard. fight` for the 'firemen who were prompt in gettin(g fours streams on the blaze. The roof and side of side of, the,ad'joinin,g bui;ldiingawere not tdamaged. A hors e belonging to Mr. Copeland ldveryman atlBay- field which had been driven here by some youngladies was got'out by chopping a hole in the wall It was in somewhat bad shape but iftwill likely live.' Insupasipe of ,'9600 ,on the building islcarried the, iRlan,dNiin-(hand 'and ,$600 on.. STIR THE LIVER U' BY THE USE OF Milburn's Laxa-Liver P IIs. If the Lrvee Is LAZY, Slow or Tereie it is necessary to stimulate it by, the use of a medicine that will clean away all the waste and poisonous matter from the system, andprevent, as well as cure 'Constipation, Sick I3eadache, Bilious. nese, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, tiver Complaint, andthll sickness arising from. a disordered condition of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are a specific for all these troubles, and have been used forclose on to twenty years by mllxny people for these complaints. Mr. Thomas Duesling, Waterford, Ont„ writes -" I' was, troubled with rimy stomach for twenty-five years. I doctored with doctors in • Canada and Michigan, but got no relief, There was a friend in Michigan who advised mete try your Milburn's T axe -Liver Pills, and'I did so. ' I now feed like a new man, and I dan't praise them enough to my, fellow men."; Milburn's 'Lasa -Liver Pille are 25 seats per vial or 5 vials for $1.00. ` They are for sale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The, T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Termite, Ont. JACOB TAYLOR eLINTON ' Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and mold Money to loan Office Issac -Street, next door to New Era contents; in the Merchant. Mr. Cooper did sot arrive leant Sunday as hel is{runnling the hptel at Hens all. ,. Mouse auli Lots for Sale A :bargain 11 ;taken at once. A commodious Mine noon, storey and admit frame, in good' repair, stones foundation and teeter. About three) fourths offal], acre, with a number of( goold (bearing apple trees,. Situated' on: east side of Victoria St., anal next to Doherty switch. Known as Butler property Terms to suit Apply on premises ox to • -W. IS. DOWNS, Rattenboa•y Street Kindergarten School, 1 dm re -commencing my private Kindergarten an Sept. 1st, in the little school, fa'cm 9 a.m. to 11.30, and would 'lake a limited .number of ,pupils between the ages of 4 an,4 7 years. Tennis 01.00 a mogth in advance. HAZEL, O'NEIL Court el Revision. Notice is hereby given that a Court' will be l'eld, pursuant t to the Voters' List Act, by His Honour the Judge oe the County Comrt of ,the County ,0f Huron, at the Council Chamber, int the town of -Clinton, on 'Tuesday, ,the first day of September, 1914, at 9 o'clock a.m. to. hour and determine complai•ntts of errors amid omissions in the) Voters' List of the ,Munbc3- paiilty of Clinton. far 1914. Deted'at Clintono'thi,s 19ltlh day; of August; 1914. , D. L. MACPHERSON, Town Clerk, Clanton Executors Safe of Farm 'There will :he •affeted• ,for sale b public auction, at ,the t awns hall, Clinton, Oa Sla'tuirday, September 12th, 1914, at 3 o'elo`ck p.m„ the following lands, viz., Lot 10, Huron Road concession, (Goderich Town- ship (excepting G.T.R. right et way), containing. 156 acres, more or less. Om the premises are erect- ed a good 11-2 storey brick house with kerne kitchen. On,e bank barn 50x44 fleet with hay bast an- nexed 28x35 ifeet, end an open shed 33x15 feet, •and ane bank barn 116x 56' feet with atone sttablfr(g There is also ,goodriencinrg and a plen- tiful supply 0f water from, wells and spring creek. The soil is all arable, wild, in good state of cultivation; TERMS -10 per cent. cash, •or equivalent on day of sidle, balaince on 15th of March, 1915, Ilurther particulars and con- ditions of ,sale May be had on application to Alex Osha'id'esto,n Goderich John, Iiaithby, Auburn Executors ar 'W. Brydone, 'Clinton, Ont, D. tWattson, ,tluctioneer. Farill for Sale 135 acres, Lot 36, Can.)), Hullett A first-class ,farm, well watered; g•o(od' buildings, hell fenced, 8 acres of young orchard. Also his 100-a;ere farms as the (Base Line, 11-2 miles intern, of Clinton. Apply to WALTER MAIR, Faris for Sale The Executors of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres, east half of lot 28, con. 6, Bullett. A first class tarm, .. ell watered and improved and with good buildings. A good or. chard and 7 acres of bush. Apply to R. J. Southcombe on the; premises, or Clinton Postoftice; Drs. Geo, tt M. E. Whitley Heileman, Osteopathic Phy1 Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Dison dere !Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattembury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. ORD lilcLEO!Q We'renow selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa. Alsike, and Red' Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market. Prices paid for Hay anti) ail Grains. FORD & MeLOD W. BRYDONII. BARbISTER' SOTLICITOR NOTARY PU87u10„ ETO CLANTON OR0 RLESJ IB. naLB' Oonneyauce,. Notary; Public,' Commissioner, etc: EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses. HuronjSt., Clinton. H. T. RANGE r Notary Public, Conveyancer,' Financial and Real Estate. INSURANCE -AGENT-Representing 14 Fire In sumacs (companies.. Division Court ,Once. Medial. DRI S. W. THOMPSON Physician. Surgeon, Eto 0055151 attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat,. and Nose. Lyes elully mined, and suitable, glasses. prescribed, Of6ce and Residence. Iwo doers west of the Commercial Wore Huron St. DRS. f.I'1Cl rind CAE11JI IE Dr. W. Gunn, L. n, C. P,. L. n. C. B.. •EMU Dr. J. C. dandier. 11..8. 11f,B. Office- Ontario Street, Clinton. Night oallo at residence, Rattenbury St. or at hospital DR.d. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. ecnncheur, ole„ office and residence on tenbury St,,. ounosite W. Farrau's residence. iDR. P. A. AXON DENTIST' Crovrn and . Bridge Work a Specialty: Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and R.O,D.5 Toronto, Bayfield on'alendsys, May let to Dece DR. 11. FOWLER,. DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'B stele, Speoite care taken to make dental trent. men* oe painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auetionler GOD•ERICH ONT kat m atom sales a epemalt,,. OtCena all at NEW ERA office, Clinton, prom, u7 attenese to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' sale nota discounted! G. D, McTaggart 101. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. RANKERS ALBERT ST , CLI TUN General Banking - B ninon transacted. NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed deposits - The McKiliop Mutual Fire Insurance co. Perm and Isolated Town Prays erty Only Insured. 1 OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godedeb,, P E. Hays, Sec. -Treas., Seafoxlth, DIRECTORS. Jae. Connelly, 'Hclmesville, John( Watt, 'Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. Evasr, Beechwood, J G. Grieve, 'WinthEop J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Meg L"wan, Clinton. Each Director ie Inspector of losses labile own diatrict. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Much-, ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney. Eg', mondville; :J. W. Yeo, 'Hoimeaville, Payments may bs,, made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Cliatom, ,or, R.H. Cu't. Goderich. Grand TrunkRailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart..... 8.30 am 4.40 p.m Csntralia 9.33 5.43 Exeter 9.44 6.54 Bonsai! 9.55 805 Kippers. 113.01 6.11 Brucefield 19.09 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro ' 11.18 8,52. Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 '7.13 Wingbarn, arrive11.51 7.35 South Passenge • Wingham, depart6.35 a m 3.30 p Belgrave 6.50 3.44 Blyth Londesboro 7.041 4.0044 Clinton 8.10 4,23; Brucefield 8.27 4.89 Kippen 8.35 4.47 Hensail; 8.41 4.52. Exeter 8,54 5.05 Centralia 9.04 5.15 London, arrive10,00 0.10 Buffalo and Goderich Wee Passenger am pm pm Stratford........10.00 12.80' 5.25 10 225 Mitchell 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.49 Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.18 11.11 Clinton ...,11.07 1..35 6;40 11,28 Holmesvllle 11,16 1,43 8.46 I1.38 11.35 2.00 7.05 11.55 Passenger am m Goderich 7.05 2.35 m 4,50 Holrnesvilie ... 7.22 2.52 5.06 Clinton,.,..,7,32 303 5.15 Seatorth 7.51. 3.21 5.32 NLitchell8.16 3.44 5 55 Stratford 8 40 415 6 20 Goderich East Cook's Cotton Root Contoweli The great Utorino Tonic, and' only safe. effectual Monthly Regulator onwidchwomen can depend. Sold in throe degrees `Yp of strength -No. 1, $113No,' `!1 10 degrees stronger, 39; No. 3. for special cases, 35per boa. ( Bold pby all druggists, or sena perepaid on receipt of price. Freoppamphlet. Address: TII CDOKMEDIOINECO„TOEONTO,051. (formerly Windsor,