HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-20, Page 1li Established 1865; Vol. 49`No 8 CUNTO'N ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 20 1914 :. W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher-. See How The New Era, Want Ads Can Serve You, in Filling the Needs of To=day in Business or the Home== live Them a Trial A Welcome visitor, • AAA AAAMM VVVVVVVVVVVVWVWVWVWWZ • Pit the Reran Store Best Quality Talcums Best Quality Toilet Waters Best Quality Perfumes Best Quality Toilet Soaps Use ,‘NIDE" for Perspiration. KODAKS FILMS SUPPLIES TI1:E REYALL STORE W. a; IR,, HO LZ�77 Phm.B, BEST QUALITY DRUG STORE MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVYVVWWWVYVVVVVVVVVY (M AAAAMAAAAWAAAAAAAAAAA �I'le Royal gartk € OF CANADA Capital Authorized • • • • $25,000,000 Capital paid up •••••• •. 11,560.000 Reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets • • 180,000,000 370 BR.e�NCHES with World-wide Connections Interest Allowed on Deposits General. Banking Business Transacted. 11. E. MANNING, Manor CliDton Branch WV' wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwwww The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 91 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKIN b BUSINESS:TRANSACTED. , CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLER4 OI1EQUE3 }ISSUED BANS MONEY ORDERS / SAVINGS DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at'highest current rate. C E. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch, ****041400041***444$4104,••••• • • ••••••00•••••••YMI••0••••••, IOrdered Clothing I Ready -to -Wear Clothing We'e Readv to Tailor Your Suit. dacrya armrnee We began thinking about your Fall Tailoring long before you did: We• from chose our woolens with the. greatest care, i the productions of the best foreign and domestic, looms. . • • Model School Pupils! Over The Teacups:. Students at present attendance at the Clinton Model School are :— Flora Allan, Stratford Cecelia Breckenridge, Ripley Florence B. Carbet, Clinton Veronica Carbet, Clinton George Case, Dungannon Mabel Clarke, Varna Clara L. P. Copp, (Linton Rhoda Douglas, Ripley Gladys Draper, Clinton Frahk Fingland, Auburn • James V. Haines, Wingham Sebert\G,,Henry, Clinton Leyden M. Hill, Parkhill Austin E, Hoare, Clinton, Nathaniel U. Jones, Goderich Emily P. Law, Drumbo Vera H. Lobb, Clinton Jessie McKenzie, Bayfield Walter Mc, Nelson, Clinton Hazel Calmer, Amberley Grace A. Plunkett, Auburn Mae J. Ryan, Stratford Lyla M. Sperling, Cranbrook Hattie J. Turner, Seaforth Richard Ryan, Nile Patriotism in Buying • Toronto News, i war lasts CaneAt least who e!the shuns should, as far as practicable buy goods froau= Canadian and: Brit alsh pna!n,utlacturee So the Doyens - inept, for the equipmen{t of contin- gents, should endeavor, to geit: supplies in Canada. Ini50 far as we can manlufacture and purchase inn-Cana(ada and (the Mother Country we will provide employment for Canadian and British workmen, as- sist Canadian 'transportation come pauiies, and 'increase the general volume of business. In (suclu a policy there ;would be no hostility to othee countries, We would be adopting onlyl'a legitimate war measure and making the welfare of our people the first eonoertu„ It is not suggested thati There should be any legislative compul- sion. The policy could be made effective only through the patriot iuus of the Canadian people. But 'we could do mere patriotic service than, to infeeease employment and stimulate business by buying only within, Cali da and the Empire,un- til theltvar terminates. Sys(l malt!ic! agitation amid organization to show the advantages of the proposal would be warranted. • • • • 4 •. ••Z • e Mrs. )George King of Blyth was a{visitor into en last week the .guest of (Mrs, J. G. Medd Mrs, Jas. Livermore attended the• funeral of little Clara Muir second' daughter of Mr, an,d Mrs. John -Muir in• Seatorth on Thursday. The child with two others ad climbed into (the' wheat bin to play and was snnothemecl. Warden Cantelon, 'was,in Wing- hates. Monday night meeting the Bridge Committee of ithe county. Mr. and Mrs. R. Geoffroy and Mr. N, Geofdroy oil Carsonil.le Mich spent the Satter pant of the 'week OS:he home of Jas.. 'Cornish. Mrs: III'art.pf Goclereeh spent the iveel7 with Mrs. Nott, On,hairo Str. Mr. and Skrs. S. V. Fisher left on Tuesday for (Edgerton, Alta. where, they will reside inethe Future Theta, Marry friends will wish them prosperity intheir new home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Draper left last week' for Neagara Falls. where ' Mr, Deeper has seemed a good position, Rev. C. E. Jeakins and Mrs. Jeak ins{ lan(d•lMasteu (Reginald of Brant- ford tarsi apenidin a week or so with 'ENGAGEMENT! ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs. W. L: Mair of, Hul lett (announces thenenga,gennent of their (tl;aughter Miss Viva Edrie to'elr. ih'rark MacGregor. The wed ding to take place early in'Septem her., ENGAGEMENT\\ ANNOUNCED • Mr, tend, Mrs S; J. Anldr'etiva wish to.announced thetengagement of their. (daughter Erma S. to Mr. F. F. iGillies-of)thia town. The wed ding to take place September the seven•teelth. OMM +RCIASI TEACHER c T; 'T' C. C I A 1VIiiss Ruby Kilty aformer C, C. I. pupil who for the past couple of years has been principal of the � Class was Llo drown ContLnwation Cas y Commercial. teacher in • • selected as the i0. C. I. this week by the board. •1• • •° • • • • • • 41, • • •• ••• • r • rite then there • is : If ort dont know our sort of tailoring, • y than now to get acquainted Intel with: time �9 , better o n• • clothes, • our C1C , S• S• s in and makeyour selection while the- assort • i Come• Z meat is at its best, • • • 1 Z 2 214 SUitS $22.00 to 3,0i 0 Morrish Clothing : 0 ( The Deal tor Man A � • :i1�re � 8th Every Square ***********************44* o***•o••!o'•BN*l*N**N1N Although in the history of all big avare,toed products especial- ly special- s Flour and 1 staples, sucha y P advanced always Sugar, have y and in the present war have al- ready done so W, T. O'Neil does not purpose taking advant- age of the war panic to raise the price of anything. but rather, if possible, to to sell at a closer margin than ever before. To prove the above assertion we will continue to sett Redpath Granulated Sugar at 'wholesale prices. We invite you to call and coin pare' our prices with some of our neighboring towns. IL W SNE T�. TI -IE HUB. GROCER Phone 48 spending ja few,days at Gerrie and p:'i] 0 n J Rue. ll C Y m ni Dakota, e R M a week Ike Rev + aink 'Hovey and family 'of Burlengt ,a ore. spending their holidiays in, Clinton. 1 e!gist ar Wm, Coates of Gode- ridh wla in town last Friday. Mrs. J. C. Arauour of Goderich a short time in Clinton this Mr. t{ s. Forbes weal ipj(iGalt on Saturda +playingg with the Strat- ford Junior football, team Ifor(tthe, Junior haanpioriship . The Strat- Porl boys. 'worn by l a snore) of 5-1 with te i players Mr. and Mrs, Wan, Munroe from South ikota, epent a -(day or so with the, farmer's brother, Mr. E. Munroe In• twenty-two years the' two! brothers have tenet oinly\twice(. •Mrs. . E Manning has a brother Mr. land as. Fisher of Denver lend their cl - nd '-dretn are iin,the war zone. Miss Rene, Pickett is l oliulaytn this wee Mr. I e iLYtattemibur'y iStaking a trip downlthel St. Lawrence. Lord Kitchener To Men Of Expeditionary Force London, Aug. 18 —Every soldier in the British expeditionary force re ceived a card signed by Earl Kitchener as Secretary of War. It promise that; their interests will be cared for and that the commissionary will be ade gnate. The Secretary for War advises the men to tear God, to honor their King and their country, and to abstain from drinking while abroad. The men are their (meanly [Mends in town. advised not to loot any towns captured 'Principahl Eouck of the Model . and to be courteous to all, "but more School arrived back on Monday of than courteous to women' this week. The army is emphatically promised Miss Tebbutt returned on:Mon,- that when it fights it will "fight on a da night often • hertvisit wiithlier, full stomach." 11 brother andSiether friends at Wiste Alt d Mi b Alta. th o er poangst, ss T e beattrihlad a very enjoina ble trip. Canada May Raise fifty Rev. !W. E Kerr, pastor of Wel- land Mth di t Cl h d former sufferen,g from poison ivy onho'th h(anids arfdllarnle contracted whae an,ta• holiday outim(g. :He expects --- tobe free of it •shortly but 'his work Ottawa. Aug."18.—Canada will pre wlas supplied ior\ltim, last Sunday pare itself to spend $50,000,000 in its by, an Am�eellewn, pastor.h lyofl(OntaroioStr.ChurchClintiMillions To Aid Briton Mr. (amid Mrs. Nathan Wade of Bothwell announce the evgagoment of their daughter Mabel Annleitte �o V,IGlemlawon Blackwell son of Dr. and Mrs., Blace4well of; Bothwell fonmeely ,of Clinton. The marriage willltalae place{ eaa'ly i.nSeptem,ber, Miss Margaret Davis who has been resiidimlg for some .time, past at Stevensville Montana, intends shortly taken uptDeaconess Train ing ,world In-Chu•c�ako. Mr. land airs. Joseph Wheatly an- nounce the engagement of their youngest .daughter Pearl to Mr, Dmbro Sitringham of Wo,od:stock the Marriage to,lake place en Sept. Miss Rosum of iLonidom has been the guest ,of.Mr, and Mrs, Bert I�,angfbrd: Miss, Mary Jackson has returned .-a holidayvisit to SVaInWtLpe,g alter with her 6isters Sirs. F. E, East and Miss (I', Jacksons Miss Fanny Jackson spent a heat clays visiting. in, Goderich this �vierp:,' Rev, tanditirs, Diehl of Paisley are apelndi•gg a+few clays with Mrs, Me- Glarvra, Rev, an�dlMrs. Colcough returned it here Week build., ilei lost `veel A a t Y tLlo dtown. tothen flume � , y Mrs,' S. S.Cooper pod Miss Beryl were, visitors Iat Hensalt last week. Mr. J. Johnston od Toronto was the guest of his n-ephetw Inspector O• Johnston during the past week. averandah tot ave Mrs. A,B.0 Chant g 's err the her sisters tris, do honor of h Misses Holmes of St Catharines last Friday) afternoon. Mr,' and Mrs. A, L, Trick announce: the engagement ofrtheir daughter Jeune WetolVlr. William, W. Wise l: f Goderich TownshL the mar- riage G d. P t at amearl date. lase ridge to take py i A New 'Terni Opens Sept. 1st in the Popular ELLIOTT iMr, and Mrs.Lack Ken(aedy and flanily of Win,gham autoed through Clinton, on Mondays night. Mr, Paul rertunn�e;d fromi his. va- cation at;Morrisburg and other poilnits Mr.'1George Cook of•Toro ire, pie spending' his vacation at the parent althom° Mrs, John, Emmen-ton has' return ed after la -visit with friends at Porter's, Hell,. ,Mrs. Johnston iandMiss Isabella are in Blyth ,owing toehe illness of t place. Johnston,f that Mrs, Robert Mr R, Mr, Chas. Hawke of 'Northwood was a visitor in, town ewe, a few dwysi Sr, and Mrs. 1 ."H. Davis aged children` of Toronto are spending w few' weeks with the aormeles. father, Mr S. Davis. Mrs,. • W.18. Shaw of Vancouver and Mrs. Jos. billow of. Brussels spent a!ld'ay last week ',with Dr ,and Mrs. Anew. Mrs. !McCool land two children pi Walkerton 'are the guests of Miss;. J( aolme,e. ' Mrs. .Geo. Me Hall aln,d, children' returned on,Tueedtay from a visit .and friend s in and wi0.Qil relatives f around Simcoe.. Miss Clete,. Dienilorn as,]hpliday Ing in;IBrussels,. Miss Margaret Mua(ray, wito is a Verse in, New'York, zs, hol♦iday- ing in, and around Clinton Sr, Feank Walker or Winnipeg here fisc holida,yin,g at his homee Mr. Norman Holtzhuuer of :Pres- ton is'spending his holidays at • Rev. C. CE. and Mrs. Jeakins and song Reginald, are - holidaying among their many friends in town. OnSuntd'ay !Rev Mr. Jeakins will occupy hits old pulpit in St. (Paul's Church. •••••••e•••••••••••••••••• District News.••0•••0••••.•.•00• 1lI Ingham Mr. J. Stewart. the new division court clerk, took up his duties in the court office, having received his ap- pointment from the Goverument on Saturday. Stanley Mra( Falconer, Mrs. Weston and soneof Bayfield were visiting at the. home. of,Mrs, John Gilmour this week. MissS Margaret Falconer, of Gode rich visited acquaintalnees otr'the line on Tuesday. ' task of assisting Great Britain in the iMise 'H, Ii.IGraham ret•unred to European war. her home on Wednesday after This information was contained inwspen,dim•gg a eV' weeks on the second the terms presented the notice i of Robert that A,number of'the klarmers e s eshe,d den,p presented by Sir Robert Bor theS rharvest before the heavy rain den, prime minister, to the committee fall on (Tuesday which was much of the whole house, on Thursday next needed as.wate rwas getting scarce. The motion reads; "It is expedient that n sum not exceeding $50,000,000 •. he granted to His Majesty toward de fraying any expenses that may be incurred in the authority of the Gov ernor in Council during the year end ing March 31 1010, for the defence and security of Canada, the conduct of na val or military operationsin or beyond Canada, promoting continuance of trade, industry, and business communi cation, whatever by insurance or indemnity against war risk or other wise, and the carrying out of any mea sures deem5d necessary or advisable by the Governor in Council. and that. S the Governor in Council he empowered , to rise by was of loans, temporary or otherwise, such sums of money as are required for the purpose of making any payment authorized by any act Wounded on these regulations," Aid For Banks. Hon, W. T. White, the finance min ister will also move on Thursday. that it is expedient to provide that in case of war, invasion, riot or insurrection real or apprehended, and in any case of any Taal orp apprehended bended financial P n• . crisis. the Governor in Council m y by proclamation authorize the making of advances to the chartered banks by the issue of Dominion notes, upon pledge, of. securities. Such advances to be repayable at such times as the interest t • fine withcrest at , determine, d may board a rate likewise determined b y the 5 hoard, of not less than per annum, to banks to make d authorize the chartered It payment on the bank; notes issued by such banks instead of in gold or Do minion notes,to authorize the banks to issue excess circulation. suspend gold redemption , 'n o Id o f Dominion inn notes, and to authoriz e the postpone P one went of the payment of all or any debts under certain conditions. Teln(ge ianid Charles Sts.,, Toronto 'This School enjoys A 1GREAT„ REPUTATION for superior trainee gig. (Write to -day for catalogue, the parental hence here,. Dr, 'wind ,Mrs. Thompson arrived here ,on Saturday, after his lengthy land; enforced holiday, and "looks N The New tui. e' sine as eV w it Ua s s i i � • •d tae EBONBONhodhod hie m'vn'y 5a-ia.t s a fightd to see him, expel hope that he will notS be toadied 'tenon to suffer like the' rest 'of: us leave to Mrs. 1. L. Kerr, accompanied by sen smother, phis„ G. (Browns are Canada is Paying •$1,050,000 for its Two Submarines Londesboro Misses. Myrtle and Violet Phillips have returned home after spending a month with friends in Sarnia and Clare, Mich. HLear has gone to the Soo, 1VIrs, Mills ofifBlyth visited daughter Mrs. C, E,. Kaine wee -S Ottawa, Aug. 18;-A return tabled in Parliament today s thatthe haws Government pays 51,050,000 for the two American built ' submarines bought from Chili. One of the submarines bas a length of 144 feet and the other a length of 153, feet, and each can.move under water at therate of 13 knots, The vessels were brought just before the declaration of war by Sir Edward McBride, for the province of British Columbia, and turned over by him to the Dominion, In.this way'interna tional complications with •the United Stateswere avoided. An order ,of the Government pro- vides that any army division of 22,213 then' and officers is to be raised for ser- vice abroad. :This number is being se - looted from hho 25,000 being gathered at Val Cartier, Of this force, 90 are commanders and staff, 157 cavalry, 3,888 artillery, 442 engineers, 100 signal ler, 12,025 infantry, 507 army service 698 medical service, 11 veterinarians. 1,750 of ,core and men at the overseas base and 2 305 tor reinforcing. The Government hopes to obtain its fifty millions and yeses Parliament on Saturday. , her this Loudon Road Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nott spent Sun day with friends at Blyth. Mr. Albert Livermore. of New Tor onto, is spending his two weeks vacs Con at his home here. Mr, Frank Grant and sister held a picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday. 0060110011000000.000000.0000 Local News 0.000 • MATRIiMONIAL A very quiet wedding eves solemniz ed at the home of the brides parents on Wednesday of this week when Rev. S. J. Alfie pastor of the bride tied the matrimonial knot between Miss Net of Mr. and Mrs. tie B. eldest daughter John Wasman and Mr, John Little of Essex Out, Only the immediate - rela tives were present. TOO BUSY FORA HOLIDAY At the last meeting. aaf the official board of the Methodist church, on Wheatley circuit, the ` eatery" of the pastor, Rev,R,Fulton Ii'wbn. was tin )aanmously increaeed.$100,1:1e was also voted six weeks' holidays, but declined tnetn, as be le in the midst of church building. The reverend gentleman is a bi'c ther of Mr. Irwin of town. APPOINTED AGENT AT DUBLIN heen re r ..R •c hasho 1VIr.Paedlotic.tex v leiviet, agent on the middle Division of (5. 7 R. for the hast two years has been appointed agent of Dublin sta tion taking charge Monday last. His many friends here will wish him suc cess at his new post. A PRESENTATION, The women of Ontario St. Method ist Church had a set of tea knives, forks and spoons sent up to the home of Mrs. S, V. Fisher last Friday with s, note wishing her a pleasant future in her new home out west, Mrs, Fisher was a splendid weaker in the ehurch. MARRIED WEDNESDAY A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday. at high noon at St. Pauls Church, when Miss Winnifred, eldest daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs, Richard Walton, was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick Fraser of Goderich. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. E. Jeakins of Brantford. The young couple were attended ;by Mies Pearl Huller of town and Mr. Ernest Fraser The happy couple will reside in Gode', rich, MINOR LOCALS. The thresliers.are now busy. The Model School opened on Tues day morning and on Wednesday got down to work. Tho days are shortening, Kincardine will have a rate :of 32 miles this year, Shop where you ars invited to shop. Dominion Parliament met on Tues' day. Drying to increase in cost of pro duction many weekly napers 'fu Pn tario are raising the price of subscrip tion from 51,00 to 51.60. Good morning! Have you procured your winter's coal supply yet?`, The G. `.L, R. announced that French resel`veists sailing to join the colours of their country and who are able to pay their fares, would be furnished with second rIasstickets is ft ee to Mont teal from prints in Canada, � Sugar and flour are soaring. Nem hers of hotselioldere in town have b5en buying. ep eunplies of these and other provisions the past week. I Look at The Label: No matter whether you are 1 sure you are paid ahead or not, the Mailing List of The New Era was corrected up to Saturday, August 15, and the date against your name is the date to which your subscription is recorded as being paid on our books. We are human, and make errors, and if any subscriber considers we have his date incorrectly, will he please write at once and get it straightened out. - If you find your date does not read to some date in advance, this note is especially directed to YOU. The subscription price of The New Era is $1,00 . There are some who are owing us for several years, and have taken no notice os our appeals and unless part is paid before September 21st, those accounts will be handed infor collection at 51.50 a year instead of $1.00. If you settle now we will take $1.00 a year, but after Sept. 21, it will be $1.50 and collector's fees. To the United States subscribers it is $1.50 strictly in advance Duty the Watchword Says King a to Troops King George Declares He Has implicit Confidence in the English Army. „r. 1'0 NG 0 f "E NGLP N f5 London Aug. 1S• -King ' George In an address to the British troops on the Continent sent to Sit John Wrench en You my soldiers have left home to You . fight for the safety and honor of my country we i . Empire. Belgium whose u arepledged to defend has been attack ed, Branae is about to be invaded by the same powerful foe, I have im plicit confidence in you. Duty i watchword I know it wilt be nobly done. I shall follow you every mom n • cut with deepestiteteiest and nark the with eager satisfaction your daily progress. I pray God to bless you and bring you hack victorious. fatallyInjured B In� y fall from Hay - Mow Blyth, Aug. 18, -George ,Quinn of East Wawanosh, was fatally injured.. this afternoon- when he slipped from a hay mow. He died a couple of hours later. Mr. Quinn taught school -in this dis- trict tor many years before commenc ing farming. Besides his wife, be he leaves a grown up family. The funeral will be held under Orange auspices. da Pope Pius Di lass Died Wednesday Word was received in Clinton about 3ro'cloek yesterday afternoon stating that the Pope was dead. An Epitome of the Pope's life— Born at Riese, near Venice, June 2, 1835. Studiedin Riese, Treviso, and Padua Ordained priest in 1858. Served as curate 9 years Apnoin-ted parish priest of Salzano in 1807, Chancellor of the diocese 1776. • Vicar Carpitular, 1877 Bishop of Mantua 1884 Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice 1893 Elected Pope August 91903 Died August 19 1914. Births, Marriages tt 199.11 the BIRTHS. Forrester.—OU 'Tuesday Aug. 18th at a private hospital, to itir. and Mrs. Andrew W. Forrester, 080 Stein St, East Hamilton a son, (Andrew Dunke)' MARRIAGES Little—Wasmaai—On the 18th that. parents brides � •' s of h :rest residence l ' at the 0linton by Rev. S. J. Anita of Ontario Church, Miss. Nettie B., eldest. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Was - man to Mr, John Little of Essex, Ont.