HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-13, Page 6an, August 1ith, 1911.
,....,,,,,x:Tean,..b.,te,iii,411 uo nierhey, tine Ind ece--jd
' half wistfully. "But, Dell, have you
es se seeing nobody at all, the town will
A T yEs 13 thought a this? Iyou mope at
f home,
. have it you're [weaning your heart for
oth Stomach Trouble
nd Headaches
ST, ONT., JUNII 2oth.
believe that, I owe my life
4-tives". „Ever since child -
aye been under the care of
s and have been paying
ills. I was so sick and worn
people On the street often
e if I thought I could get
thout help. The same old
Trouble and , distressing
es nearly drove me wild.
e ago, I got a box of "Fruit -
find the firstbox did me good.
band was delighted and advi-
tinuation of their use.
I am feeling fine, and a
n meeting nic, on the street,
my Improved eppearanCe and
he reason. I replied, "I am
ruit-a-tives". He said, "Well,
-a-tives are making you look so
ahead and take them. They
ng more for you than I can".
iit-a-tives" are sold by all
at 50c, a box. 6 for $2.5d, trial
c. or sent postpaid on receipt of
y Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
She Simply Had to Have it *
"I won't!' I say it! ' I inea,n it! I
;won't! Not now, never, nor the next •
day! So there!" A.dela cried, her fin-
gers tight,in her ears and stamping her
foot bard.
"That's a pity! Such a pity!" Billy
' Bruce murmured, with his most engag-
ing smile. ".& pity you say it, I mean,
(because I know and you know perfect-
dy that you will."
"Who's going to make me, or what?
Certainly not You, not the little old
scrap of a fortune," Adele retorted,
sticking out her chin. Billy laughed
-softly j hardly more than a chuckle.
"True, we don't amount to much, the
fortune and v• he said. "Still, there's
anther more to us than you can get any
.0ther way." .
"Oh, you think so! Your modesty
Won't kill you, not for a long time
yet," A.dela broke in, with a wicked
toss of tire head. Billy made her his
el)* bow", saying half plaintively: "You
idint notice I held up my fingers for
quotation marks. I was quoting -from
Rob" Torrens. He talked you over
down ,at the hotel." ,
"I don't believe it! How dared you
let him? What did be say?" Adele
• shot at 'hina, a round red spot blazing
In either cheek.
"He didn't say much -after I got to
him. Benny Briggs was with him.
Tbey were going on at a greet rate un-
til I 'came. No; he spoke no harm of -
anybody. Indeed, be was more sensi-
ble than one might reasonably espect,"
Billy coutfnued. •
• "Unless you tell me I sball go
straight and ask him -ask him if he
said anything at all about mes" Adele
cried, her lip curling faintly. Billy
stood a thought streighter. "Yon can't
do that. He's leaving on the , evening
train. It's due, just about," be sane
"I ,dOn't think you can mean to imply
fimt I'm lying. I wouldn't do thnt ir
it would make you love me. Torrens
Said this, as nearly as I ean recall bis
words': It is a good thing the 'little
ii?e, girl' has her future all settled
for her. She's pretty enough, madcap
ectoligh, to make history, lots of it, if
'she had a free rein. And really Billy
Bruce, plus $50,000, ought to console
ben,egirly for losing me."
"You-wbat did you say r' Adele de.
mended, sparks at the bottom of her
eyes. Billy's mouth was set Into a
gramme ish smile. .alt didn't seem to me
,a Hine for talking." he. said. "I said
alio,thlat, but Mr. Torrent; got off the
piazza -and thotignt , he was going to
get off the earth about two seconds
Illiterwhile I eiplained to the rest
tnet-I nett myself insulted by the color
of his politics."
"Is that why he's going away?' Adele
asked in a, faint, small, voicesmi
nodded. .1,1e0on so,'?, lip Sad. "May-
, lie JrVh. viate and eve yoii Mother
reason. I think he had, engaged to call
on you, tonight". .
Adele put both her hands over her
face and fora minute ceded spray.,
Billy watched her with something big
-rtidil MB Vir014:' Slid011,1Y she
down her hands and faced him,
and woebegone. ,Sheewas badly
'spoiled, impatlent withal aud selfish
with the sellishiesir of eighteen,.
"By all the rules of the genie 1
, ought to glee in to you at once," she
eakl, snapPing out the words, "but I
' won't do it. Goaway! I hate you -
almost ea inu0S, es I hate that," stop-
ping and Choking. "1 don't want to
see you -ever again -not unless my
Torrens. Now I think of it, my going
will help a lot. You can reasonably
be supposed to be grieving after me."
"Oh, you'll kill me!" Adele moaned
"But wbere are you going? Not that
it matters -if only you stay away:"
"I shall stay a couple of years. It'll
take about that time for leisurely globe
trotting," Billy said craftfully. "I've all
along had it in mind, though I didn't
mention it. I hoped so much we
could go together."
Adela stared at him, forgetting in
her amazement to cry. "Of all things!"
she ejaculated. "Why, Billy! I never
thought you'd care to go a hundred
miles from home. You -you've been
always so careful about money. Not
that you were mean, but you didn't" -
"Make a splash," Billy supplemented
se she stopped for a word. "No. That
always seemed to be foolish and in
mighty bad taste. But I shall be able
to afford a lot of things now. You see,
I began to let the rents of my farm ac-
cumulate as soon as grandad's will
was read, giving us to each other.
Money grows a lot when you leave it
for ten years and put more to it every
little while. I kept my mouth shut
about it, but many a time I've told my-
self, 'This to give Dell the wedding
present she'll like best in the world.'"
"Why didn't you tell me?" Adele said
fretfully. Billy smiled, but drew a long
"Telling would have broken the
charm," he said. "I wanted to surprise
you, and I didn't want to bribe you
into taking me. I shouldn't be telling
you even now if you hadn't made me
see there, is no chance of our coming
together." •
'"Tlien why don't you go away?"
Adela said, more than ever fretful..
She was on the verge, of fresh tears -
tears she would not for the world let
him see. If life had depended on it
she would not have admitted, even to
heteelf, that they were more for the
hurt to her pride involved in his going
without her than for the crushing out
of what but yesterday she had fancied
was her one true love.
• Torrens had awakened it-Torrens,
with his gay elegance, his careless,
easy assumption of authority, so un-
like Billy's respectful adoration. Billy
was the inevitable, the commonplace.
Therefore she had resented him even
more than she had resented the family
disposition of her hand.
Torrens had fascinated her from the
beginning. She had felt it would be so
finely romantic to fling away a lover
and a fortune for his dear sake. And
he had asked her to do it -a hundred.
times at least -as plainly as anything
could be asked without words.
And now he had ,gone at Billy's
bidding -gone without a word to her.
Sharp across her consciousness had
come the whistle of the departing
train. In a passion of anger and hu-
millation she turned again upon Billy,
saying in her hardest voice:
"Go. tell everyboay you threw me
over -because of -the other -and don't
let me see you ever again!"
She was sorry for the speech before
the gate shut behind Billy, sorrier still
as the' days drew into a week -a week
full of stir and wondering over Billy's
approaching departure. She had not
seen him again even at a distance.,
Daily he walked a block about rather
Chan pees her gate. He did more -
gave up his share in the money, put-
ting the whole of it safely in trust for
A.dela. When word of it was brought
to her she turned away her face, ran
upstairs and was invisible until next
day. .
Torrens had written -a light, gracen
ful, lying letter, pleading imperative
business in excuse for his seeming
rudeness, and at the very end hinting
at wishing her joy with Billy. She
tore the letter furiously into small bits
and next minute wished she had sent
It to Billy instead.
Billy was going that night -upon the
same train that had Mken Tbrrena
away. All day Adela thought of pim.
All day she fought with berself.
At 5 o'clock she began furiously to
make some small preparations. At 6,
cloaked and bonneted, with a travel-
ing bag elbithed In her hands, she
stole down side streets to the station
and shrank into hiding there.
Billy would . not come , for half an
hour. The train mune at. 7, but sha.
mese be in time.. She ,had on a thick
veil ,eeddiad. chosen the most pmflling
of her *rips. Thu?: naliody recognized
her, not even Billy when he came in,
the center of a hearty group.
They laughed ,aicl. jested. with him,
all MAO; at once and very fast. They.
slnjd him on the ahoulder .and
.poked'hitit in the ribs, but somehow
they were not very merry, . Billy him -
sell was not ,inerrY, though he kept up
hie part manfully.
• Adela; ,watching Arnim her covert.
saw lines hi his, race unseen before.
Otherwise,sbe nilght have lacked cour-
age for the desperate thing she had to
do, It WAS, a .desperate thing, consid-
ering what had coin° and gone, to
walk out and say" in a weak, small
voice, but so all could hear: "Billy -De
have changed my mind. I -I want my
wedding preient after all. Yes, there'S
1-4, gent word , to .the minister
to hive everything ready; you me. I
knew 1 could depend On you."
Subjects taught abtythexpert instructors
_ Y. C. A. BLDG.,
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. lst. Catalogue
free, Enter any Wm.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. (
ed PrincipalGbartered Accountant
• . 19 Vtu-PrInclpal
gukuing Pill for Women. to box or three for
$11). +Sold tot all Drng Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. Tnn BCoBELI. Dnuo
Co., St. Catharines, Ontario.
Vitality,; for Nerve% and Brain; increasee "grey
matter' ;a Tonic -will build you up. $3 a bolc,or
two for $5, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt
of price..Tno SconnullEUG Co, St. Catharines,
From Female Illj) - Restored
to Health by Lydiat.
PinkIms Vegetade
Compound. '
B,elieville,,N. Se Canada. doctored
for ten years for female troubles and
did not get well. I [read in the iaper
about Lydie, E..?inicharn's Vegeeable
Compound and'deeided to try it I write
now to tell you thet I am cured. You
can publish my letter as a testimonial."
-- Mrs, &mums J3Arinna, Belleville,
Nova Scotia, Canada.
Another Woman Rep:mere.
Auburn, N. le.-" I suffered from
nervousness for ten years, and had such
organic pains that sometimes I would lie
in bed four days at a time, could not eat
or sleep and did not ward anyone to talk
to me or bother me at all. Sometimes
I would suffer for seven hours at a time.
Different doctors did the best they could
for me nntil four months ago I began
giving Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable
•_Compound a trial and now I am in good
health." -Mrs. WILLIAM 11. Ginn,No. 15
Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York.
The above are only two of the thou-
sands of grateful letters which are con-
stantly being received by the Pinkharn
Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass.,
which show clearly what great things
Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com-
pound does for those who suffer from
woman's ills.
If you want spe-
cial advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkliam
Medicine Co. (confi-
Your letter will be
opened, read and
answered by a wo-
man and held in
strict confidence.
Junior Matriculation Results.
-Below is given; a list of filfirron:
County students' who passed. the
iun ine mat lieu) ation, le,xamlnation
this year ;
Group 1.-R A. tile aiore, M. Co-
nen% M. fee Carling, L S. Cowan,
G. Headman W. Al D,ancey, J. Mt
Garvey, C. M. Gilleioneon, M. A.
Gilleirneoda, IS C. lia,ys, J. E. Hess
al. X. Johnston N. U. Jenne, Ed
James, T. Kidd, M. E. Kennedy, A.
M. nandeborong,h, .A. W. 1Vlorga0
A. B MeeKereher, E. R. Menihing
W. M. Nelson, E.Pollock, G. B.
gunekelloblish, R. W. Ryan J. C.
Strang, J. Taylor, inT, Truennsier, B.
B. Walk,etr. •
Group ,MlacEivan.
Group ,III. -J. L. Allan, R. Bisset,
R. S. :Carman, P. P. Doylea, L,
Gey, M. !Gunn, 5. G. Henry, E.
U. Lowry, W. dvf. lifcNiaiugaeton, M.
R. Aelea, R. E, Soutahcott, L. Stew-
art, W. G. Stewart, cj, B. Smillie,
S, Smillie, W. R. Walker. •
Burdock Blood Bitters Cured Her
Mrs. B. Bell, Box 104, Newboro, Ont.,
writes:-"Senne time ago I was troubled
with Salt Rheum on my hands, and it
was so bad 1 could not do my work.
I tried several medicines but they all
failed to help me. One day a friend
told me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, so
I got a bottle, and before I had taken
it my hands were better. I am not
afraid to recommend B.B.B. to any-
There is only one way to get rid of all
those obnoxious skin diseases, such as
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples
etc., and that is ley giving the blood a'
thorough cleansing by the use of Bur-
dock Blood Bitters.
This sterling remedy has been on the
market for close on to forty years and
you will find that it will do all we claim
for it.
See that our name appears on the
bottle, label and wrapper.
The T. Milburn Co„ Limited,
"•• Toronto. Ont.
txpe;ts. to .0ad
• lit thrge Weeks
• Canadian Army Division for Bri-
tish Se'rViCe With Sa'leif:
• Orders.
• After many yeare of effort lnhe
first successful ,artesian well has
been bored ere Tripoli by Italian
army en,gee eiersi
If vinegar be boiled in an open
vessel at the same time that onionts
are cooked the clis,a,greeable odor
will disappear.
Ottawa Aorge 7. -It is •expected
that a Canadian tansy division for
service witht British troops onthe
contiaiMat Avila eail with sealed or-,
dors in three 'reeks' tine °entraps
ports provided for them
Recruiting commences alt all
points today( 'and the wheels will
be rolling on all the railways bring
log men to Quebec to the big traan
gronande) at Valcartier at an
early dlate.
Tive,nty-flive thousand ?nen will
be taken to, Valcartier,, though
°may 21,006 will be neat, On 200
targets now in process of erection
shooting practice, will he carried
°al for about a week and there will
be ,eaeelua selection' of already e ;se-
• lected Sorcee, ,
The army division, will emasist
of three brigades of If OM battal-
ions each. 'There will be 12000 in-
fantry'. The 'artillery 'veill corlsist
04 field horse and heavy, with 3.S000
artaletry mem Five hundred cav-
alry will prob,ably be included and
,the remainder will be made up ot
,auxiliacry corps
The ,gerris,on troops will net go
tor garrison duty, but Its) eesint
the Great Britain, )expeiditfioimey
tomer on the continent in the foe*
home of the beetle. Such is the ex
pectetion it headquarters here.
Patin paid, eaunanipal work al
over Qamada has seopped om ec-
collet 01 the wee,
. ,
airs. Benavick br,Seeftirth, spent
Sunday the guest ofeher
(Mr, Audi Mrs. Jas, Mania:, sr. ,.
Miss „LoVee of lTioeoreto spent a
few. .dayel ::the,„ guest of ;iler , instate
• Mee. Ed.sEutionv
Thesetludor, sr., Of Eugenia,
spent a few' days tile wriest en his
daughter:Mrs. Jas. Mann and
'us son Dunfewn, (fu,dor of Con-
Joe RileY has engaged with Mrd
Thos.. :Beatty . for the thresblIng
eea,son:1 • ,
London Road
London Road London Road none •
Miss Maplq„Livermore of TOTS'S.
to, is speading., a ample oe weeks ,
at (her horme lieret
Mies Gretna returned [home from
Guelph after spendiin a pleariant
and profitable( week with the D. A.
0.11;IsredhL71w1 re:noel-Stephenson return-
ed home last Saturday evening 'ef-
ter being nway a year and, half in
British Columbia and Northern On
A large number of the friends
and neighbors aseembled at 'the
homo of aldr and Mrs. Leva'Wiltse
lest Friday to PaY theslast _respects
to the rembilne of their daughter,
Men l3laiyess who died, unexpected
ly at Detroit last 'Tuesday. Rev.
S. 11. Allia con,ducte,d the •fu,neral
services. There was, a large nume-
ral. Friends from McKillop and
London were) present.
A good mlanyhilarnaers will finish
harvest this, Week if the goodaVea-
ther continues.
The reintat the be inning of the
week was .welcomed by all it,he far-
Miss Tillie McCartney, of Detroit,
is ;visiting hen sister, Mrs. George,
Miss Ingcalm .0S London who has
boein, visiting: at the hope of Mrs.
Sohn, Walker has returned home.
Miss Emily Neniaa 011 aacithsay, is
the guestnof (Mese litiggens.
Our mere:bats ,ded a big busimese
fin Itionia• this week.
Mrs. Eleoat visited relatives 111
Sarnia this week.
Rev. Charles,(Mustarcl, and family
of Tbrontto are vieitint; at his
holmei Mr. Mustard has a charge
In /Teeonito rend Is this year build
ing a Maw( ehmoh
aVI,rs. Turner, and daughter Mabel
have returned •hogne from their va-
Roes Scott and sister Elizabeth,
halve returned froin, VisitilnIg r,ela-
tions at Bowenan.villet
Follinviug.are the prizesa warded by
0.8. Nicholson cif Guell he in conneo-
withehe standing field crop, cow -
petition of East Huron Agriaultural
Society, in older of merit: James Spier
Morris; Oliver Turnbull Grey; Wil-
iam Moses, Mortis; George Cardiff,
Morris, Wm. Armstrong, Grey, John
Orerar, Grey; Elston Cardiff, Morris.
J. P. Rowland, manger of the Stand-
ard Bank here, out short his vacation
by order of bead office because of pres
ent financial condition?.
The army worm has been doing
much damage the last week in Morris
Thursday is civic holiday here. One
of the events of the day will be the
annual Sunday school excursion to
Grand Bend
Mr. G. Elliott of Exeter, received a
telegram to be prepered to go to Hali-
fax with the volunteers.
Guests at Brenner House are: Mr. A
Stanley, Liman; Misses Stanely, Liman
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, London; Miss
Moore and Miss Truman, Strethroy:
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Creasman, Detroit;
Mr. Geo. M. Rose, London; Mr. Bar-
ber, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bhomire,
Berlin; Miss McIntyre, Detroit; Mr.
Allan, Dettloff; bin G. liurdon, 'Exeter
The Main Street Choir, of Exeter,
picnic here was a great success.
Mrs. Senior and daughter, of Toron-
to, are visiting friends in Exeter after
spending a week at Grand Bend.
Mrs, Marlin and Miss Dow. of Mit-
chell, returned after speeding a week
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrison, of Berlin,
are guests at the Holt House.
Mrs. Woods, of Fxeter, returned
home Saturday.
Mr. Will Haines, son, of Mr.and Mrs.
W. J. Rains, • has been engaged, as
teacher in,the school at. Merlebanke
near, T,weed. Miss Janet Breck. has
been enkaged,as Teacher in ,the, •june
tion school and,Miss Ada, Haines has •
been ye engaged as as teacher in
Holmes school. , • ,
Mr, Jamee A Me Connell. chief of
police of Sebewaeh, B. 0. a son of Mr,
F. McConnel, of thin tiown,„ recently
captured George E. Bell, who is want
ed in e'er:Peed:no wit) .# :robnery and
murder on a great Nerthern Railway
.train recently. A: reward' of $10.400l
wasofferect for the. capture of 'pelt
and Mr McConnell will be entitirati to
• the money.
' dliest Thursinsiat about • lie o'clock
William.D.ey,eleeontitiettir and &Alden
and John ,Grbves' stciwinelerle of , Whig!
bean; were returningfrom) Brueepts.(
where they hadl'ebeen --attending an
Oddfelkee's • installatien of.offieere,
when one mile and a half frorii lIrosj
eels threeenen in their sleeves-, sprang
from their buggyevithherse vs,,hins in;
their hande. One :of them seized e the
horse by, the bridle while eke ,other,
Iwo then attacked (1V1r,,Deyell andeleirS
Gropes. A general fight took place he
whichetheasilants ,got horrible
Pulling , and threshing. .Mr., Doyen
and GroYes have several nasty , marks
upon theirfaces where they .were
streets with some ,weapons. There ia
no queation er doubt. but Provincial
Officers PhipPen these men were after
as he has been Minting, down some of
the law breakers tfiet way lately and
Deyell was driving the horse eths
offlicer uses. As one of the assailants,
name is known. No doubt these men
pogsk $10.65
Cattle . 91.00
Laen,bs ,...... ...,... _se 91,50
Sitb,ep, ' 7.00
Cheese v 11 1-16e
Bott•er • , 22e an 25c
Eggs ,•
I 22O to, 240
'Wheat.s.. 1.10
Cote • , 4 e
Barley62 to 64
ilseMatoes per hag, 1.25
Beans •• $1.75 to 1.85
now will be speedly brought to justice.
During the struggle the horse of the
assailants broke away. •
Unknown thieves entered the Hotel
Bedford. owned by John Redford,
carried the cash register out to the
back yard and robbed it of $20. The
police believe that the malefactors
form pert of a gang that has been oper
ating in Western Ontario for some
time, but they have no further clue.
Miss ileabel Toni and Mss AlMit
Dancey have offered there services as
nurses to the Government.
The following Goderich people are
in Europe: Rev. J. B, Fotheringharn,
Van. Archdeacon Hill Miss Mabel
Strang and Mn'. 8. E. Hick
Chester M. Elliott, of the Alberta
Farmers' (Jo operative Elevator Com-
pany, Calgary, is home on holidays.
Res Peniderstood here that 'word
'has been recieveel endetifying offie
eilals of the elevator companies here
-dale of the elevator compel:lite:9
here that ail:military guard will be
'sent for the grata elevatorsjimre.
Simitae actiom itt is reported is be-
ing taken with, elevators et jForti
Walhjanie and other points. ,Goelee
rich elevators have a total capa-
city for several milliom bushels ;and
for theemost piart the ,grain that
comes through is ,whee,t,
Fred Davis a:nd 'Lester Jetrida,
two 12-year-eld boys residing at
llohnesville, Were,' landlY inluired (h9
a runaway accident near that place
on 'Saturday. Levis hadj his skull
fractured and Jervis sustainnd se:
sere injuries to his hack when: th,e
horse they were driving :shied at
a block of turkeys. 0113, the road and
bolted,throwing both boys head-
long flrom, the buggy,
Rev. P. Id Langford, rector of
Middleton end Hoimeaville Angli-
,den Churhes, has resigined,. His
neisignation 15)to take effect next
im onith.
' Varna
Harvesting is well on the way in
this vicinity. The oal. Crops is good
in most localities, but the bean and
root crops at e suffering for want of
Quite a mumber from here attend( d
the annual garden party held in Bay
field last Thursday evening. A good
crowd wee present. The tables were
laden with good things provided by
tne ladies of St. John's Church. Music
was furnished by the Kiltie Brass
Band, of Ulinton.
August 18 is the date fixed for the
garden party in connection with St -
John's Church. Varna, to be held on
Mr. MeAshai lawn. Music will be
furnished by' ths Seafortli Brass Band,
also the Lohh quartet will be present,
good time is expeoted.
The heat Monday Was intense! regis
tering 100 iu the shade. Thunder
storms hovered around, but only a
few drops of rain fell here,
r I I I I ise4 on
, GrntletiCtir ToWnShip
Mrs. John Anderson, aged 90, one of
the pioneers of Goderich Townsbip,
died at her home on Tuesday. Follow
lug a fall, she.hed been an invalid for
ten years She leaves seven sons and
two daughters -R. J. in Winnipeg;
James, ofTopeka: George, of Mortlack
Saske and Mrs: John Thompson, of
Goderich Townshin. Tbe funeral will
be held on Friday and interment will
be made at Bayfield Cemetery,.
Mr. E. Ha Wine sold a thorobred
Shorthorn bull, °ate ,yenn old, to,
Mdorn rollatudl."; Plumsteel ofrthe Lone
Ma. and /Vire, thirtright sr., of flat-
let, accompanied by their granddaugh-
ter. Miss Argent, of town visited at
Auburn. Dungannon and other points
last week.
Mrs. S. Appleby and son Thos.
spent Mereday with her ,taolisise
Robert Hunter, on: the aeondon
Road. ,
Sales O'Brien of Haeueliton is
s,penclintg a fewl weeks her
.conaln, Miss Elsie Rarrquhar, and
also [fel:ends at •"Isollet Farm?'
• N,ersonslifilll end R. Vodcien have
purghased • toeweautos.
Mrs. Robert ,Smeth 'land Mrs. T.
Little are 'under the d,octor'lli
care. •
Joseph Oanter is able tonbe out
eiganntifternbeing laid atp ,with[the
pasillis51.4 • .14 • .t '1'1:
41Tie4416, thiPlitOb 1301DPOf Wesley
Vosiden, hadfsthe • onelafOrtunne 1 to.
)bre,ak hie collar, bonte by tailing
Off a water. nal*. ,e• • .1,1
Miss Fear} 11,13.44 is spending Je a
flew weekanwith ,ljer friend; Mips.
• Alex, IYIelaWan, ot Harlcieke
Me:earl:de, Mre, cJateess Snell ,spent
a few- dank:fleet week with Strat-
ford .friendae
,Mr. and Mra. •Williams anelettepee
lilldren of-Hbirgeanille spentSam-
•day at the home op ,Wesky
.Totident: • ' t
Mr.elen,ct Mrs. Willis Mote4ain
, and daughter Gla,dn,s, and Miss F.
Lawson.spentt a dew days last
week evitle the latte,r's sisterMrs.
James, Fla eh , of , Stratford. ,
Wos Weymouth as engaged
with Jareen.Lelper, an fireman, for
the threshing, SSISSOIS.
MiSSOS Mabel end Being. Lee
spent a tewl days with Stratford
Mr. an,c1, Mrs. Stainer of Ingersoll
spent ta. few days with D., lGedd•e,s.
The, tollowin.g xefers to n,e,plew
of 'Mrs, Me Mains of Loatidesbene,
and, Mr. Edmund Crawford of the
Sin con.ce.ssioni-Onj nloncla,y morn-
ing,• July 20th, at the, home , of
Rev. Manson Doyle, a pretty wed,
ding riv,an solentsailzed, the con-
tracting partied beingl Mr. Artleuz
Benson Ceawford, youngest son
of Mrs, W. S. [Crawford, on the
Hullett • District, New Killneney,
Man., elect Miss Eileen .Agnes Eire -
arson, of K1hIarnieye Man. The eel.-
c,mony was performed by Teen.
A "Helping Hand" g Extended it -o'71 -11-e'
Middle Aged Woman
THERE comes a tinie in everywoman', .411
life when she undergoing unimportant
°hang°. This is a critical period. It is
a time when a woman heeds her full health
and strength. For your, own eake you •
should anticipate this.
- ,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
has been recommended for over forty years as a
• t011iC for WOM071. It is helpfIll in the equaliza-
tion of the circulation of the blood and in regu-
lating the action of the bowels. Nervousness
and low spirits disappear. Happiness and con-
tentment take their place.
Thelaktest in med-
ical science is
contained in Dr.
Pierce's Common
• Sense Medical
wised edition 08 1005
rine. b
valid's Hotel, liUttalo
Sold in tablet or liquid form by Medkine
Dealers -or send 50 cents for sample box -
George T. McOulloy, (pastor of
Wesley church, een,d a former pas-
tor of the groomi. After thenen-
erao.n,y :and. congratulations, the
party enjoyed a -daintily served
wed iing breakfasts furnished by
Mrs. Doyle e atter whilch, the !young
couple, left on the anornang linain
for Killarney where they will Make
their home,.
suonmerhial sunamerlilill
Mrs, JohnMcDowell and daugh-
ter, and Miss Mintile anid Robert
Snell of Westfieldidepeaat Sunday at
thehome of Wan. Lobb.
Misses Mabel tand Elsie Brown
Sun,dayed with their Mend, Miss
Gertrude Oakes.
Mr. Charles Asquith has commenced
packing apples, The outeook for a
good crop of choice fruit is verv pro
mising at present,
Mr. Joseph Lawson has a good deal
of the material for bis new home on
the ground. and the work is being
pushed rap:dly forward.
• The V olunteers have been ordered
out to came next Monday.-
Mrs.,51cIlveen of Clinton is spending
a few days with friends here.
The greater number of our citizens
spent Civic Holiday (last Wednesday)
at the point farm. others went to Sea
forth and the rifle aseociation spent
the day in Dungannon.
Rev. Mr. Turner of St. Andrewli
church, Blytb, will preach in Knox
church next Sunday.
Mr. 0 W. Beseey of Hamilton, with
his wife passed through Auburn on
their way to Goderich, while in the
neighborhood Mr. Bessey called at a
number of hie customers, •
Miss Brown of Blyth is at present
visiting at the home of ber nephews,
the Graham Bros.'
Mr. John E. Bryant of London is
spending some time at the home of Mr
John McCowan,
Rev. E. H. Sewers, formerly peel or
of Union Church, Brucelield hut now
of Bruce Co. is visiting on the 2nd this
week. He is accompanied by his wife,
They are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
1 • Seafortb ,
Clara, the ten -year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, (John Muir, met
'with a sad! ,delath "pin Tuesday
labiteerioonn Waffle men, were en-
gaged in lloadmin. a (car -with
wheat at No. 6 warehouse, the
child, with; her sister end another.
gild .conapanion, climbed a ladder
leading to the bin, and wereplay-
In the (bin when the (suction of, [the
gluin caused Clara to be draevn
toward the 'spout. The other girl,:
im,neednartely gave the alarm, but
before she conld be extrieated
Iriele Wale extinct, ilYfr. end Mrie
Muir ,have the syinpathly of th,e
entire comenunlity in their sudden
land severe bereavemendS
Wife of President Woodrow
Wilson Died Thursday Afternoon
Weshington. Auguet 6 -Mrs. Wood
row Wilson, wife of the President of
the United States, died at the White
House at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Death came after a brave struggle. of
months against Bright's disease with
complications. .
The President was completely un
nerved by the shuck, and his grief was
beartrendering. He bore up well un
der the strain, however, and devoted
himself to his daughters.
The end came while Mrs. Wilson
was unconscious. Her illness took a
tern for the worse shortly before 1 o'
clock in the afternoon, 'end from that
time she grew gradually weaker
Thick, Soft, Fluffy, and no Dand-
ruff -Use Parisian Sage.
If your hair is losing its natural
color, coming out and splitting, or
lacks that enviable softness, floss
and beauty do not desjpair-prettr
hair is largely a matter of care.
f es too thin make et grow. If
if is harsh and brittle soften it up
-lubricate it. If liou have dand-
ft it
Baird. ru is beeauee se scalp is too
defy and flakes off. Freshen up
the stalp with Parisian
Biytk dandauff disappears, /ailing hair
and itchin% head cease, your hair
Parisian Sage, sold by W. 5, R.
Holmes and at ali drug counters,
le juet what you In eleict-a large
bdttle coats 50 gents. It surfeit
makes, the hair lustrous and seems
twice as abundant. You cannot be
disappointed in Parisian Sage.
James Cutt, who has been in Ger is doubly . eautiful.
many for the past two months, has
just arrived and says he got out of the
°outline, just in time to escape being
detained. He states that Germany
was all agog over the prospects of
who and all seemed to be of the opin
ion that the Kaiser's forces could
sweep the country. while he was
there they were of the opinion that
the other countries would be eithee
neutral or join with them, "The
whole country is an armed force." he
said, "and ready to fight for the Kaiser
In my opinion it is the son who is 1,
rnore anxious for this war to go on 4
than the Kaiser, and as he is very
popular in Germany. the people ars
greatly elated to follow him. Mr.
Chat is of the opinion that the
Canadians have a wrong impression of
Germany being adverse to war they
are anxious for it and want to beat
France and Britain,
The reshingling of the Methodist
church has been completed.
A number of the shade frees are
badly affected with a small grey cater
pillar which is stripping the leaves
off the branches.
Wm, Philips has had a new fotge
built in his bia•cksmith shop. It is his
intention to make other improvements
to the building having new window
frames placed thereiu.
Voters' List was first posted up on
July 25th. List this year is slightly
larger than that of 1913 and contains
186 names in Part I., 124 in Part I I
and 18 in Part I I I, a total of 528 with
the names of 113 persons qualified as
Robe Slater left on a visit to his
daughter at Smith Falls, He expects
to remain for some time in the hope
that the change will prove beneficial
to his health, which has not been the
best for some time.
Frank and Mrs. Metcalf and Miss
Ella left for Sarnia where they took
passage on the N, N: Co. steamer for
Fort Willialn,on,their rebut' to Medi-
cine Hat, Alberta, where the termer
will, resume his duties as Doininion
Fruit Inspector. They expect to re,
turn to'Blythin December to spend
the Winter here.
See and here our finest
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
special values in Art
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Mune Emporium
I • C. oare
Ontario's Popular Exhibition
September lith to 19th. 1914
Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily
New Fireworks every night.
The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and
The Canadian Royal Dragoons
The Con, T. Kennedy Shows wilt fill the Midway. .
Music by the Best available Bands
Reduced Baihvay Mato Commencing September lith
Special fixeureion Days, Sept, 115th, Intin 17th.
• A ti Tickets good till Sept, 21St.
W. J. REID, presitlent A, Ifir. HUNT, Secretary