HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-13, Page 5• L. PAGESIX,' -. THE CLINTON NEW RRL Ili BROWN'S Tailored Clothes you get your money's worth, in honest wear and solid comfort, and besides rown's Tailored Clothes give you an air of distinction which influences others and smoothes the pathway to business and social 'success. We can Make You a Suit Which will. Just Suit Your Personality. Drop in and see us. Our Stock of Fall Woolens Have Arrived MEN'S FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS Any Straw Hat in Stock at Greatly Reduced Price ORDERED CLOTHING MEN'S OWN'S FURNISHINGS VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYNAAN MAM>^MMM/1MM/W\ MMM HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ, ® ° a How far behind is your subscrip- tian to The N ern Era? A't small sum of '$1 00 per year it is supposed to be paid in advance. Steamer "State of Ohio" FOR CLEVELAND Leaves Poet Stanley 12 midnight on odd dates in August, even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 0 30 a,m, Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,20 round trip L.ke Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m 5i Fare 25e WWVVVWVVVvvvvvvvvvvvvW AAAANVeeukAAAMAM AAAAAMM musgsgesomeneauemenesmureammulartimut*praramtgov STOCK (REDUCING SALE Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking business of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 69 days, we put on one of the largest Bales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron, This Stock mutt be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered, All Goods Bought uring Sale will be Cash JAS, D Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store Four Choice Bargain Lots For Saturday and all next week 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c AiI Useful and Needful Articles (Articles displayed in our big window) Special Cut Prices on the Following to clear 2 only Lawn Mowers, reg 5.5o for 4,38 I only Lawn w Mower, re ,,, = onlyHammock re ' g ""' 5.Oo for 2.25 g 3.00 for 2,25,. as 2,75 for 2.00. ' 2.25 for 1.i5 Galvanized lined Refrigerator 02,00 for reg 9.75 Enamel lined Refrigerator. 17.00,for Iq:,Oo ice cream Freezers Io. per cent discount HAR.L.AND 13R,0141ERS STOVES,,'liARDWARE AND/NOVELTIES ndomaummmannislogussalesitt Id 1 14IEDICAL EXAMINATION, HELD IIERE, The volunteers of the 33rd Regt, for service in: the war were 'exam- ined by the medic/al officers at Clinton on Tuesday, CLINTO 12 UP. Four rinks of Blyth bowlers were here o,n IFricllay evening and hact anlert,ioyable time, .but lost by 12 shots, Following were the play ere and/ ,score,— Blyth R. Robinson A, McVittie J. Deniholan G, E. McTaggart Dr. Allison, Jots, Strothersr A. 'W. Robinson Tho,mla.s 13 Jots. Combe Moore A. W. Sloan Ja,s, Hamilton A, 'Sowers T, Stewart J. Haigh Dr, McTlaggart 16 Clintotn J. Wiseman J. Harland Dr. Axons 21 N,BalIll A. J. Greig C. IPaisley H. Wiltse P. Towne 20 L. (ggarland, E. /Mitchell E. ,G. Canitelon 14 J. IR.Hovey 24 A. Mitchell W. Johnson•. W.,Gran,t E. ,G, Coua•tice 18 64 76 Mr. Combe: le hew; the vetesyatnr bowler in TLuroit, :County being in his 84th1 yelar, and can lay dawn a mighty good bowl yet. The visi- tors e'airn,e, cdolw,nl by auto. I,I!l iihi!!!gimtll°''i11111NUIilp,aal110111 MP 4 ll& 9' U 'i1o9` n U'•I ... Overs Wel would ;have you be That's why ,our ,ads Sa frequently you see. The Goods wd Bake-- We sake—We Bake Voir YOU, Anik, 1[ to a ,the greatest care. Thai( in Quality anal', Cleanliness They, shall be beyond compare. 1p i DU R A, B L E --Fire grates are three -sided; last _ three times as long., Shaped in the to grind up clinkers Jirzzace when "rocked".. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 32 BYAM & SUTTER' LOCAL AGENTS 4,t ssess.+•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•♦ • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••.•.•••••••$•$S•••••••••.•.......•••.•. Local News • • • • • • • INDIANS ARE HERE. ' 'Two loads of Indians 'passed through. town on Fridlay last from Brucefield, to. the flax fields. WON AT (BRUSSELS.. The Clinton Tennis club were at Brussels on ;Weduiesday last and won .from the .club irrx /that town, ADVERTISING -ISMS. bt takes more than a T' squa land 0 perfectly willing artist get ,outua good 'advertising dra ling. A NEW "VALET" IN TOWN The store (recently occupied Lr. SamOastles, is (being (fix over for A. presser and cleaner w will open, sup ishortly. HURON 'REGIMENT READY. At a meeting of the officers the Thirty -Third Regiment at C ton on August 6, it was decided offer the services of the regime to the Government for [active s may or any duty that ay be quire d, 25 CENTS. Will pay for the New Era to n subscriters in Canada from now til the end' of the year. If you already a subscriber accept chance to send the New Era tor balance of the year to your dist son daughter or friend who will preciate reading the home news. CLINTON MARKETS. Hogs $9150. Butter 18e land 18c, Eggs 20e and 21c. Wheat $1,05, Gaits 45c. Peas 1.00 Barley 50e Buckwheat 67c. Shorts $28, Bran $26 re to MANY WENT,' TO BAYFIELD. • Many fronni town (went in Bay- field on Tuesday( night to attend a dance. given by some of the camp era. ed by A DV ERTISINGAISMS. ho The words ,and pictures—a vital ,advertisement—are but symbols of the printed advertisement The real advertisement is the message of It is al Mental picture conveyed lin by the sauce of .sight. nt WERE AT STRATFORD, Among those who registeredtatOld Boys' Reunion at Sratford from Clinton were—Dlr. and, Mrs. J. .L1.3'ionse Harry and Alvin House Irene Keller, tiLadys Keller, ,Mrs eve un- N. Kennedy, lElarry E. Munroe. aretine THE NEW; ERA WOULD the LIKE TO SEE— ant A (field day for Clinton school P' Good prices for tall kinds of grain Clinton Old ;Boys' Reunion in 1015 Subscribers practice common sense in fusing the telephone, All the sick people convalescent er- re- .PRICE OF, SUGAR ADVANCIN A locall grocer who had, sent order to a London wholesale b'o for 10 bags of Redpatlr's,l, ra,nulat sugar, wast to -day notified th While this orders would be filled/ t firm, could, book ,no ln;ore ,ord as the. sugar refiners had refits to /book that orders oft the who sale house. ERNEST MCMILLAN SAFE, Mr. Ernest McMillan, organist Convocation ,Hall, Toronto, cabs Frtidlay that, he was safe and w ,at 13aireuth, Bavaria, Mr, MeM Ivan we*to Paris to study, a left for Baircutir before ,the w commenced, Mr. MacMillan is w known in Clinton being a neph of Mrs, (Dr.) .0 un, DERAILMENT AT SEB.IIINGVILLE Ai /brake beam broke on: one the coaches, las the train fro (aodericn was near Sebringvil Saturday mooning, and cler•ail two of the coaehe.s. The train d tat 8,40, was delayed for about hour, and a small train had to co vey the passengers from the ,othe G. an, use ed at, he ers ed ler at ed ell 11- nd ar ell ew of ley ed ue an n - r. CANNOT DODGE PROSPERITY, The arta/, with a good articl who consistently' adventiees it the newspapers, cannot dodge pr perity if he tries. Newspaper ad ventising is Tightly 'used in, the /most profitable Investment can ,man business caake, Newspap readers patronize advertisers be reuse experience, lnas taught :the, that it pays to trade with, daylig men. HO WI WAR( WILL EFFECT' CLINTON, e, =a1 OS THE SALT OF THE EARTH 1' N0THERE. The newly elevated Ontario Legis- lature will, contain one lona news- paper mane in shriking contrast to the Legislature elected in 1903, in which no less than ten newspa, cr Incn had seats IN .SERVICE. Herold Kerr. of Wellaatd, son of Rev. 1V. E.' Kerr, formerly o1 Clin- ton, is aLieut, in, tae Voluntesa• Co, at Welland, Ire. Co. has been called out to guard the Welland canal and aqueduct. Haroldhascan eloped into quite a soldier but we hope he will not be Called ul,on 'to stop any of the enemy's bulaete. $50 REWARD. • 'The Clinton Kiltie .Baud offer $50 reward for people who will attend their big, drawing contest •on the Lawn. of Mr. Wallace Wheatley, Huron Street, on Friday evening of this week, Over' 550 worth of prizes wi1L be given away. each drama costs 10 cents so that noone should remain away. ,Come ort ,and, /help the best bath Clin- ton ever had, the boys ;will appre- ciate it, A good musical program will be. given,. MINOR LOCALS, Advertise lathe New Era. en• When buying Mention The New Era, Labor Day, Mon,dery Sept. 7th, be next holiday. The green apple is getting in its tine work again,, , Indications point to a large class at /Clinton Modell, School, t IActors an 441exico's, war , !drama have been relegated, to. the winos. m ht If( (chs ,German fleet is still la d. A visitors from' the North says Lan• .e for the next feay. weeks an: till stripping at a stand still, will mein that the Jackson d4Ifg factory will be out of material !al month Iso 'with no stloick .1 sight. Here's hoping thnt, th material will soon) arrive we ,van all our factories to. be working ful time. RECEPTION, The Chatham, Planet says of a reverend gentleman. well-known in Clinton andvicinity—Theanembers of the Victoria Avenue Methodist gave a reception to Dr. Medd, thein new pastor last) even - The• jaffain was held in the church and ft was greatly enjoyed by all The :prospects/ are that Dr.kIed'd will have a very successful pastor - tate in the '.loLaple city. NOTIFY US LATr 'ONCE,' When, the/ /subscriber's 0ddress is changed the publishes should be (notified at onb=e. This matter should: not be left to the post-pa/as- ter. Whiffle it is true that the postemaster should nlotaity the publish- er when a subscriber ceases to re- ceive mail at his office, it often that massy/ of thea/ apparently ne- glect this duty, hind quite of ten' when they do ,attempt to do it, the proper information, xis not given. .A postai card/tend a nvinute/s time tivadl 0lave a lot 'oaf oowpla5ngng, WHAT WAR (DOES, Somr,et1'mi s people /imagine that will wawill not hurt Theon, but Clinton has had ,many examples, anthe past week m,` the rises of. flour este„ 'brut the latest one ,'th,e New Era has beard of is from Dr. Axon. The Dr.lrecently sent en $ord,er, to his wholesale house for goods, in,- eluding gold and received a letter Last weeAstating that si0tey, were selling the gold. only /or cosh be advarfve and :were drawing 00 him before£Ihlpping it. The whole talers`expe:t a rise in, all lines•" in, a Ifelw, days. Ft Clinton's. Main .street has then- all n be{alten, Kitchener don't talk /much but at e "doing" he's a, wharlwin$, t 25 cents 'will pay for The New 1 Era cto, new s,ubseribers in Canada from now until (the end of the year If .you are already a subscriber ac- cept the chance to send, The(, New Era for the balance of the year to (yonr distant son, daugghher or friend who will .appreciate read- ing •the hoarse news, SUSPEND ISSUE OF MONEY ORDERS S Postmaster Scott has, been advised by telegram from the district inspec. tor that orders had come from Ottawa to discontinue issuing postoffice money orders for transmission to Eng land, any country to reach which. they would have to passthrough Eng land. or to any country in Europe, pending a more definite settlement of the rate of exchange. The comuter cial companies suspended the issue of money orders of any ether paper call. ing for payment of money in Europe but up to last week the postoffice had continued to issue moneyorders. The order, -while it Involves nly a tem. porary discontinuance of money order business, is bound to result not only great inconvenience hut, in many cases, especially where men here have been sending money to Europe and Great Britainfou the support of their families es tb ex,p a very real hardship. p. A bank check, oven, is not a veru certain vehicle for tranemitting money across the Atlantic. Even if he reaches its destination safely it is entirely proble• reaticall whether banks in England or elsewhere in Europe would cash drafts whish possibly /tight never reach the bank of issne and for which therefore payment might never be made on this side. For letters of credit on England banks here are charging at the rate of about $5 to 51, This rate hog ever 1 Thureda'y, August 13 wo New Boo "Just Out" "Just in," One is Diane of the Green Van. Its a $1 prize novel. Over 0.00,000 sold at $1.35.. The seller" for April in both Canada and United Stat clear, clean, ' clever romance, Stirring,'enterta and consistently interesting. The other is Overland Red a story tingling the virile life of the West. One of the brightest, novels of the year, perfectly clean and decent,, an the same time full of romatic adventure, Price $1.35 The W. Do Fair Often the .ehapest-rwnys the Best Be?qel's Poris G?edo It will not pay you to experiment with Paris Green of inferior quality Bergers can be depended upon to do the work quickly and surely Absolute certainty of results makes Bergers Paris Green the best to Buy—the best to Use THE PENSIAR STORE Ta iio .7M—Y Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE a®o N22ITIONAL Portlan Ment We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ,AN 59CLINT }N Flvk Strong Points in Hecht Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal, CALL AND BE CO7VINCED OR Phone 63 FOR SALE CHEAP, 1 second-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" with ovens, Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating The eoirraerr Store "Live and Let Live" fletialtlariers lair the Pest Pickling rind Table Vi AT gar. Every housekeeper ;who puts up her fowl pickles knpws the im portaaoe of Good Vinegar. lfteixiz Pac ;lin w n eg a r is distilled from cereals ,and be- ing free from vegetable matter; is, a Perfect Preservative It is absolutely pure and w'hole- some, of ,gr•esvt Strength and fine .flavor, ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST PICKING SPICES Rutter and Eggs 'Wanted Highest Market Price E. E. Hunniford PHONE 46. a.4. .1.44*++++++++++++ 4le14 +4. t1.+4144.4.4+++a.++1 r s .p. a 8 % L DolIar ShoeSale 6 • t• 5. is not fined and special' arrangements ,eg are made to fit special cases, „• 1ti 4L .4 t tleLd t Here's a Dollar Shoe Sale without any Dollar Shoes. ' Strange, but True Here is a Mighty Good Chance to get some Mighty Good Sloes at flighty Low Prices. We have many lines of shoes that we are not going to to continue. We have many styles of shoes where we have only one or two pairs of a kind. We have placed all these ,shoes on tables by themselves, and while they last, you may take your choice of the lot for i.ust One Dollar per pair..' Where are Shoes for Hen, Women and Children Every Shoe is worth two or three times our asking price Never before have you been offered such shoes for One Dollar, and you may never again have such a chance, This will be the first.' last ard: only call that you will ever have to attend this great Dollar Shoe Sale which will be of very short duration for the shoes will sell immediately sae SON THE 80.144E OF GOOD S11OIES •;' w