The Clinton New Era, 1914-08-13, Page 3Nothing•,atops..the stingiag,
smarting and Itching like Zam-'
Buie.. Don't let the children; •or
r Yourse.Ifi suffer longer.,. Applpd
'Zai -Bak and be," bite•proof 17;;,
t, {,i
,50a has. ell cid rS!?rp, ifs
August etht 1014.
ul \=\J
8303 "%
8253 8305
We put on sale Saturday 2 doz
ladies Summer Dresses, made of
Chambrey and Percales, neatly
trimmed, just what you want for
this warm weather, sil sizes, very
special for Saturday 2.49
Paillette Silk 23c
We 'put on sale Saturday 200
yards of striped Paillette Silk, nar-
row width. Colors navy and white,,;
green and 'White, brown and white,;
black and white, regular price 50c,'
for Saturday. only 23c a yard
• Last` `Call for Coat:
and 'Suits $7.49
Only 7 Coats and / Suits /eft
to clear; These are all new' styles.
We want to dear them out before.
new goods arrive. Some of these
sold as 'high as "$2o. Your choice
of any Coat or Suit in stock 7.49
Noow000eei•Heol•n soN••••••••••e••••••e•a••••o•e ••
• ••;•
gt• Al• ••
g I = „ he New Era is going' to ' place an offer ' ••
•• °• , before thereading'public that will be a winner. •
g The•'
• has
• •
�• . now entered its forty-ninth ,� •
• •g year •and during these years'it has always been a ,• ••
•� g home print paper, and .it has continually advo- •
:: cated' the interests of the people of this section. •
• • • We want a very substantial, increase in • •
g. a our list during the coming fall, and we ,want our •, g.
•• • old readers and friends to help. • ••
• • .•
▪ 22 Weeks —.— 25C
• •.
• •
•• •
• •
• •
This trial trip 'subscription, is for new.
• •
• subscribers ONLY in Canada. Old subscribers
• • • can help the cause by, seeing that their friends
g : and neighbors read The Clinton New Era.. Send
g• • us your order per return, using this order form.
▪ 0
• 1 Name of sender, Mr
The New Era,
Clinton, Ont.,
I enclose cents in payment for
the following subscriptions as per your Trial
Trip Offer ;--
• g.
••• •
i 0
• g
g g
e• g
• •
• •
g g
States for the
• o Subscriptions to the United St • •
i i 22 weeks will be 5o cents. T.
I: :wt•
• ••
••s••••e•••••••••••e•••••s •ese•e••se•s•oeele•eeea u
i•••o•••••••••a•••••ss•e•• f lismoee•••e•eeeeesosso see
The lie lkriab e
Care ;of ;You r
Watch !!
Will result in year ,watch's good,
pro onging its days of usefulness
What is reasonable care?
An occasionalvisit to a jeweler
who "knows how."
An.oceasional visit means at least ,
a yearly visit.
To put it off longer is to put'it off
,It sou are not weddee for all time
to' some one;ex,f�'ert, we would Ides
to' put some of Our good work OD
that watch of yours.
Your; watohdeserves the best
treatment it,can . et, and it is just
that which we offer.
1 •
J?. 'Counter
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage' Licenses
By the, use 'of radium ln,Pertnsyl-
vauuia, a phrysloclan 'recently re-
atored sight to a ;woman almost
totally bland for five years;
A paper dishcloth which 4 -
comes soft ,and pliable, when wet
and is durable enough to be used
several times has been invented,
Fall. Fair Dates.'
Blyth Sept, 29 and 30
Oct. 1 and 2
Sept. 21 and Ston train will run to. Kincardine
Sept. 21 to 23 that day. Sports will be ou the grog
Sept, 1] to 19 ram.
Sept, 21and 25
Distrjct Ne4'VS.
t . ,,,.,.
Alex Anderson Wes at Owen .Sound
on Friday refereeing theiptermediete
football final game on Friday between
Preston and Owen -Sound,
Oranbrcok Methodist Church, that
has been undergoing a renovation,
will he re opened on Sunday, . August
9, and a garden party will be held on
the following Monday evening.
Mrs. J. Leckie left today for Thes
salon, 'where she will visit her sisters
and endeavor' to regain her health.
She will he accompanied by Nurse
McArthur and Airs. J. H. Cameron,
of London. Mrs,.Leckie's health has.
heen poor for the peat year.
The pupils of Brussels school- who
passed the normal entrance, are Ger
trade Deadman, W J. Hoover, Edgar
Lowry, Gladys ,McQuarrie, Amy Roe
Lila Sperling, and Juneve Taylor.
A number of people from here took
in the Sunday school excursion to the
lake at Goderich, goiug on the C.P.R.
from Welton
The Civic Holiday will be held on
Thursday August 13• A Special excur
Aug. 23 to Sept. 12
Sept. 14 and 25
Sept. 23 and 24
$1,000,000 LOSS
It is estimated by the Government
that keeping the male birds with the
poultry flocks after the breeding sea
son, is costing the Canndian farmers
over $1,000,009 each year
It is therefore to the advantage of
every egg producer to get rid of all
cockerels at once
Jost Received a Carload of Bran
and Shorts.
We have a few Sacks Of Calf Meal
left which we are Selling at
Reduced Price
1000 Live Ducks, Dens and
Broilers wanted each week
at top prlecs.
The Goon -1 iii Jois Co., LlmitEa
The up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 190.
�'"�svr'+vVVW Vplyyyy,�,V
you want done in
Pitinihineo, or
Furnace Work
Call and see us before
placing your order.
,, yi'aii & utter
Sanittfary Plhimliers
Phone 7.
For Infants and ,Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears (!J!-
Sigaatutee of
While :Misses Mabel and Myrtle(
Stenson were. driving on ',Hill ter-
race their horse became frightened
at -ate automobile, and threw them
bath lrn)to,.the: ditch, They escaped
with slight injuries,.
Aha •un'knowia chauffeur, 'while
speeding 'an the long hill to, the
bnidge,.and icrashed into the fence
seine little, dietanece ahead anti
slightly spoilt; the front of his par,
Mrs. Brownie, of London, is spend -
ling le DOW' days et the Lake.
Mrs. A. Tillnean, amid her Biome Jack
are 'speeding ,a 'two weeks' vaca-
tion ea ,Mise lFergusonts
Messrs. Tomei; Tien -Mee J. Be Jen-
nings, Ed. 1iunter,,and Jack •Brown
reoItoreid up from London dor, a
two) -duty black 'bass 'fish recently
They succeeded in patching some
very fine fish.
Dr, TaJlim"atna wife send fataxilY,Misa
D'Arcy land Miss Tillman have re-
turned to 9eottdon sinter spending
two weeks' here.
Mer. Bong, of Win`dsor, has motored here, end eaten, to .sil en:d the
bialam:ce of the, season ewith : his'
wife, end,, eon, Gordon, alt their cot-
tage on the Lake sidle.
Mr. W. Johnston, wife land claugh•
ter, Helen, and 'Miss McCutehldoin,
are endi
Old Boy's s w
Lo do
nt Th
;will return at
the end, of the week to their. ieusn,-,
mem home on mu terrlalce.,
Mr. Louj Trembly amide wife have:
retbunn,ed to London peter a week:
at the. Lake.
Mir. Howey and wife, of Lontioln,
have returned Koine 'after a weeks'
Mrlid, led. Hunter 'and J. B. Jene
lniings spent (a• couple of days with
Mr. ialnlcy Mrs. Ken, Moprhouee..
'Mr. end, Mrs, Edwardes of Toronto:
eflher npelnidittig. six 'weeks, .left dor
Blass Iiaa bardin teal /Georgian Bay,
svhere their sou, Fred has hectic
spending his summer holidays.
14Ier, B enk]n, who, has been, ter
Detroit foil the past few Weeks on
e bus'ilneelss trip, ,has returned to.his
coltt,age on Bill terrace.
Mrs. Stotts/ le speindlnee la ,few
days un Detroit with her husband.
»••Oeas••••;•••• •••••ae
* DIM American College
le Leads in age,, infiuetece andsue•
j eessgpl graduates, ,.Specializes'in
.l. Gregg add Pitman Shorthand
+ audail comtnercial suejects, Fall 4
+ term opens Aug 31st.'' Write far '+
.1. our catalogue. Address T. W.
I \Vauchope, principal, Yonge&.y
leder Ste„,Toronto• I
men t�, When
ook �II'}ell
is t C
they escape
,the sallow .. skin,' the pfinples, black
fiends, facial b1etllishes due to indigestion or bilious-
ness. At times all woirien need help to rid the
syste llm 'Of poisons,, and the safest, surest, '; most
eonverilent and most econdiieal help they find__ in
.,.Ilei I , r,. er.,
This famous f amllyremedy has an excellenttenie effect upon
the ,entire system. It quickly relieves the ailments caused
!by ,defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion,
]headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nervousness.
Purifying the blood, Beecham's Pills improve and
Clear The Complexion
The directions with every box two very velyable—especially to womnt.
Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helene, Lancashire. $n5Inod,
Sold everywhere in Canada and U, 9, America. In boxes, 25 cents.
Trinity .ghatrch held et moist :s,uc
celsafui fgiarden'parity at ithe Rec-
tory on Pburetlely evening, The
KHtie Mand, plinkon was in at
teridarace, 'and treadle a greet bit,
Mr. F.'Gem'imeterdf en/d' Mr. Geo',
Castle►wade a ilius catch of troutalt liVbi. IPomtelr'd Creek,
For the esenleffitt of'anglees, black
blase feshing.has been excepitioeally
g,00di this season. '
The country, .(es very 'much in
meed of rain) and things are, actin
ally bunadiag up ; the dust is tunusu-
sally 'thick,
,,Wood's Phosphotl.lao,
The Great •English Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
in old Veins, (aures Haryana
Debility, Mental and Brain WormDeapon.
decoy, Lose of Energy, Palpitation of the
Heart, Failing Memory. Price 51 per box, six
for $5. One will ph0aec, six will cun:;e,8old by all
druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of
price. New pamphlet moiled tree. THE WOOD
ME01CINE CO.. TORONTO, ONT. (Ferning: Windsor.)
Egrman t,AMaedel, of -Detroit IS
spending a few, days with his
mother, Mrs. IMlaedel. ,
'The, trustees' .of S. S.. No. 2 have
e'ngaggedl Mlles, ,Yates, tel bIntelve;i',l„
flor lklhe , Notating : term.-
A number ort people )f' this uteigh
boyhood; tookin the fdrember's tour-
nament at Seaf'omth'on Wednesday.
hest, r
Mr. McCall, of Toroxsto,who has
been visiting at (Wm, Strau '^hen's
for severiai drays, has returnel, to
that 'city;
Me's!sa's. Albert tend Londe Oak,
who, (have been visiting their re-
spective homes ;harve returned t(o
Tor'ontto. -
Mr. Bea•rifmfamy who has peen Work
ing (for the John Stewart Estalt(e
left oanT'hvursdwy, Be will reside
10, j oderieh 'for a time.
'The flaraners of thisdistrict re-
port better crops than they have
had for years. The only drawback
is the scarcity of'binder twine.
Jessie Ciled4vill ,has purchaseld thio
machinery Of the woollen mill of
\Viaterburn•t; Hullett, His linen.tre
mow busily engaged drawing Atte
his factory ;here.
Ton Need the TonIe Treat—
ment 01 Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
When the' food you tike fails • to
nonrishwhen it causes you pain end
oflten tvfeelipg of extreme;neru.seal
ihe. envie is indigestion. Ycur stem
aches sec lieeble. to do its 'week and
you will conitinue ,to puffer until
yo'u strengthen. digestivepowers. Your d(iegestion, has failed
because your atbmlachris not receiv
Mg the pure,red blood of ;health
to give it strength .(for lis. 'work. I
a ha tome treatment of indiges-
tion by Dr. Williams' Peek
.Pills for, Pale people
sueceeds by building, up and
enriching the blood supply, so that
the feeble digestive organs are
strengtheni,ed appetite is restored
and tone ,given. the whole System.
Thousands have proved 'this by
personal experience as, is shown by
b tore fallowing typical
Mrs. Jramers Boyle, Dartmouth, N.
S., eaays, "For (years I was a suf-
fe'rer from; ',indigestion. I could not
teke feted without feeling terrible
distress )lfterwa.rds, and in cone
segm:ence I ws,'badly run down.
Sometimes )after eating Iwoula,
take spells of dizziness throughout
i morn ty add gat other times my
( palpitate so violently.
that I feared I would dee. Nature
ally I \vas
' .y dodo ”
I nun continually,
t n�tvnnta
but g e Yr
:without. geettiing beitter,t Then
my exisbend 'gat me •a supply of
Dr. ' illiamst)Pink. Palls and before
long I found they were heipingme
and I contineueedto take theme' ian-
111 I was; restored, to ,health, I was
never imq tbertter (health thein lam
mow, and q owe it all to Dr, Wil
Blame' lalnls' ;Pine' Pills."
'These pills are sold by ell Medi,
cine dealers .or you can gent therm
lcents a box Or sixey
es$2,50 from, The pr. Wia-
na'ms IMed±cine':Co., Brockville Onit,
Mrs. Terra s Diinsdale of the.
town line, near ).ere ha,d the tents=
fortune. to flail while a emovintg her
chair beck 'from the tablet entering
herself considerable. Mrs, Dinsdale
is mewl 87; a,; e,
Mrs. Deyel.l lend, Children oil Peter
boro, are, visiting for a few days
'watch )the fiormer's sister, .Mrs. T.
N. romsythe and ,other of her bro.-
there and sisters, lvlrs. Derail, was'
ilne,yearrs gond by a Kippen resi-
dent, and has always a hearty wel-
come here.
;Mer: ,sad Mrs. Albert Taylor, of
London spent Monday visiting 'his
father. send Mother, Mr. and, Mrs.
George Traylor.
Idir, hinds M s Lome, Scott and coil
dren tend Mjss Gertie Petty, all of
Toronto ;;psvi!de h visit -'to (Mr. and
NIes. 3. B• fpl(nsdkv1e the latter pare
out the meek. .
Mrs. J !B, {shim djale attended the
fleneeryd 'of, tier ',cousin, Mrs, , Alex.'
Doiw (oq.lMonday, who was, killed;
itm:the automizbile 'accident on Sat-,
The women,and children of the;
COyatuldt ,11Zisatan Baroid hold ' their
monthly ine.etim(g en Saturday af-
temno m Aster , t+he •• itee'eeting; they
the ,
were invited, -to e Minbe:byMrs,l,
Richardson,, to ,have'' refresbinelnes,
which was served ate the lawn and
to; ;pend ia, few ilvouas- in games
and eoetal ep(tertainmment.
The (aatm'y•worm, whish Was taus-
itng .comtisiderable excitement toile
farmers around our commusiiity, a9,'
gradually dyiing away, doing very
little dvann . .
Mr. Jacob. 19traut, of flew York
is spending h few days with, his
another-im.11,afw, •1 Mrs, teeter iDay-
moenide. Mfrs. Sitriaeut :and children
have ,been there foe thiel past two
or three weelks,
liervest is on in full blossoin and
with the ldehl weather the farmers
are wasting see Bene in geetteeg'
the crop sladeely hrarveeteed.
Mr. lend 11Irs. ,Alfred P•oleter, w.ho
heaver :been 'spe'nding a visit with
their grhndt-parent){s, ,1r and Mrs,
Wtllilam Iviaon, tat our village, left
for their home in, (;ion City, on Slat
Advertise lathe New gra. ,.
Burning The Mid -night Oil
H E , thinker knows • that . a light,
easily digestedand assimilated food
is conducive to hard mental work.
His knowledge of what is good
for him leads straight to tl 41
_rt.l� 106
Be sure of the right signature. 10c per package*
after any sickness is purely a matter of
nourishment, whether the attack was
anordinary cold or severe, illness; the
weakened forces cannot -repulse disease
germs, ,and this is Why at relapse is so
often fatal or why chronic weakness often
follows sickness.
Restoring strength to millions of people
for forty years bas proven the real need
for taking Scott's Emulsion after any
sickness; nothing equals it—nothing
compares with it. Its pure, tnedicinal
nourishment, free from alcohol or opiates,
promptly creates rich blood, strengthens
the nerves and lungs to avert tuberculosis.
The council hers raised the pool
roam Iic'emses from $30 to ,$50 for
three tables.
'Hotel ween There, have raisedithe
rates fatnidl (are anakierg a special
charge' for -shed. room.,
By, puttlu�g Trp ,at 'tank and dig-
ging a supe y well, the council is
effecting a raving i'a'street avater-
im'gthsoof over' four dolleaxs a day.
Mrs. McLeod.: of Detroit isl. the
guest oe her sister, Mrs, H. Bon-
Mrs. Sedley and children, • Who
have beentivieitinie her parentss eler.
land. Mrs, IW. Moir, have returned
to Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lorn Scott and
chicken of Toronto wave been vis-
iting 1Headslatll relatives.
In new
on tP adloc
the tumblers fall ihnta the locking
position' as soon as a person's hand
is (removed' ,front {the knob.
Distinct testees of light ihave been
detected in 'the peetan at deptihhs of
(more• than three thousand 1eotbby
am (English ocesnographdcal ,expe-
The skunk (brin+ 'annually to the
happen of the Betted Stabes $3,-
,rink' .
r urn � stem
h d as a fur
bearing animal min to the mins
Simple hwmnd operated apparatus
has been, patented, for nutting large
quantities of butter , into regular
sized cube's from italble use quickly.
Concrete brackets support 1500
feet of {a busy Paris street that
had to be mndenmided to form ,a,n,
:approach to an (underground rail-
wlay station:.
Far motorists, who have lost pine
or both, legs there has been invent-
ed. drive 'meehenisan enabling all
the controls to be operated by
the hands.
Am, alm:use.menit ,pars; novelty
bakes its passengrs in imagination
through the Manama canal, thle
features of•which are realisti-
cally reproduced. '
The Summer Complaint of
Many Children Die gratin this
Trouble When They Could
be Cured by the Use of
A. remedy which will quickly offset
the vomiting, purging, and the profuse
diarrhoea, accompaning a case of this
Mrs, George Henley, Boxgrove, Gate
writes:—"I can recommend Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry for Cholera
Infantum, • My little girl was so sick
1 nottd not lift her tup, for nk she cwhen ould lweive'm moved heras we .
her bowels would move. I gave her
"Dr. Fowler's" "'
r s and the first dose helped
her, and one bottle cured her. I recom-
ister whose child
ssiick, and it cured it to dsher also. Theis agaas
I have told other friends about it, and
they have found that it is a grand
medicine to have in the house all the
There are many preparations on the
market to -day, claiming to make the
same cures as "Dr. Fowler's" but these
go -name, no -reputation, so called s
rY compounds
nothing then
g more le
less than rank imitations, and are liable
to be a detriment to your health.
When you ask for "Dr. Fowler's"
be sure you get it. Do not accept any
other as these substitutes may be dan-
See that our name is on the wrapper.
Price, 35 cents,
The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Fence Pow
Last Forever,
`HEY never rot
away i n the
ground. They aria'
the WOO �,ltpec'ca and •e'evee wr
have to bS 'aplaced, tfo 4thepE
are pnctieslfy elfe(r lasting.
They ere easily and cheaply'
made aild'are the thee slid..`"
factory of all fence posts.
Cannot Decay
Concrete drains do not decay and
are cheaper, because they do not
!t''• crumble and stop up drains, hence
they need no digging up or relaying,
Let us send you this free book, "What
the Farmer can do with Concrete,"
It shows you how to make concrete farcee
poets and will save you many dollars when
doing other ;wilding 'round ;the farm.,
Farmer's Information Bureau
Canada Cement Company Limited
524 Harald Building, Montreal,