HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-13, Page 2•g••••••••••••••0••••••••••• g
I Phone Want Ads to
•:The ew,Era
, • N • •
a Many telephone Eubscribere •
find it quite convenient and a
a time-saver. Experienced Ad- te,
• visers are always oti The New •
• Era. end, ,I,hone 30. g
Y11141140, Augus
13th, 1914. •
oca1 Nevvs
Mt. Thee. HaVekins reteived .eone, This week pert of the plateglass
tract foe; 'eight drinking fountaina. :window and. Mr. J. ,Sceuton's
wt the Model school and they are cher fell 'ont ion the street', The
supposed to be lin position by the glass had, been erackdd for some-
, time school! opens.
A very quiet .wedding took plaice
Brinekield vr,hen 1Hiss Audrey
Rev. T. A. Symington Mi A., of
Beaverton, end, who eupplaed at
Stollen formerly of Hamilton was Willis church( one. summer for Dr.
unitedinthe holy bonds of math- Stewart, has received the uneenfs-
Many to Mr. Walter Bezzo, son et mous °alb for the ,Westinitnster
Mr. Isaac )3ezzo of Clinton. Paesyleterian church at Weston.
This week J. Andrews land the
town ean,ployees ore busy breaking
up the broken blocks of the cem-
ent sidewalks, and laying new
ones. A deeidedj improventeelewill
be made 'whensithey are completed
Three prizes are offered for the
prettiest baby of 1 year and. un'dee•
at the Band coatceet On Friday
evening on the Lalurn of 'Wallace
Wheatley. There are also about 25
prizes givenL See them at Tfarlasad
Bros, store.
Lieut. C. G.iAllin Halifax,
son of Rev. late 111.rs. S J. AIIln
of town 'will in probability be
soon serving on the Niebe, as he
, is one of thu naval in,stametors for
the cadets.
how thief would. woe* am Nome of
A cable, from London, Eng., says
that the editors responsible for the
publication of false, neevs have
bean arre-sbeI We_ Wontler
Reeve Onteilon has rented the
our city, dailies
old rink and is busy making some 1VI0VED TG DELAWARE, •
alterations foe a cooper shop. The
anatenial is being hauled from the
station now for the barrels, Over
7000 barrels will be made.
Green apple pie yet?
Any experience in .amateur photo
A notion to seek musical profi-
The New Era senit to the ,absen-
Last Friday 'evening (the pony,
driven by 'Miss' Addie IGIew, be-
came frightened at a young rady
with e red sweater coat on and
upset. the ,buggy deranging the top
somewhat. Mrs. Jordan, aunt of
Miss Giese Was shaken, up but Miss
Gleiw and; her little nephew Master
Bruce. Biggart got off alright.
Mr. JartnesnOutt jr., of Blyth, who
km for the pelt couple of 'years
been, aut'Weat land connected with
a German land Co., has been in
Ike war country. He was in Ger-
-many at the time war broke out
and ,departed as soon as possible
and Was fortunate enough in catch
ing the last's boat and only reached
Toronto last Sunday. He then
came on to Blyth, the begintning,i
of the week. • Lnton. of which he become secretary
in 1872, On the formation of the
GETS $21,606, for 1444 STEERS. Liberia Conservative Union under the
late D'Alton Me Oarthy, K. 0 , he be
Eraln thd Centerville Journal, Of came its general secretary in 1284,
Centerville, Tamen County, South which position he held until 1900. in
Rev. W. Hartley, rector of
Durham, formerly of Blyth, and
brcrther of Mr. John Hartley, for-
merly principal Of the Model
School, hag beenappointed rector
of Christ Church, Male -ware, and
will take' charge .of the parish) on,
Sunday, October 18th. .
Many schoolmaster( and school-
anerMS ',are abroad, and may End
Ot diffigult to Tech home in, time
for CHI resumption Of studies. But
their pupil' are not worrying..
It dean% It the thome ruAers.
and the .anti -home rulers long to
get together when. Britain had) to
eaee the'. Eueopeain war doge.‘ It's
a. great little land, the British Isles
May her shadow never grow, leas.
Don't forget the Bend and:attend
thele big $50 draw on Friday even-
ing of thin week.
One of the most widely known
citizen in Ontario passed away at 5.20
Tuesday morning in the person o' Ma,
Robert Birinipithant,late conservative
organizer, at the family residence, 17
Harbot d street Toronto. The late Mr.
Birmingham was horn in county Ar
magh. Ireland, July 26,1852, and came
to Canada at an early age. He first
engeged in the wholesale dry good
business, and took, as vvell,a leading
art in the Liberal Conservative
Every Page Has Newsy Items.
Try us for Job Work in al
its branches.
• A trial will convince you
that we know our
• business.
66'36°"61""•1766'altat Let Your House be Filled Advance in prices
Men A nd Events
Dakota, of July 30th, we clip the
folloveing item; that refers to the
31cMurchie Bros, who were /abed
in this vicinity and are Well known
to many, of our, eitizeris.. They are
nephews of Mrrs.cDuncanson anl a
cousin of Mese W. Brydonit. Their
old friends will be glad to he,ar of
their prosperity -
From the 'C.hitago Drovers Jour-
nal of) 14ith, we note the fol-
lowing itene regamdfing the ship-
ment of cattle to the Chicago mar-
ket by iMaMerchie Bros., Which
item was dmittedlast week Intone
hurry to get to press. "A South
'South Dakota cattle feeder had
the distinetion of selling 144 heed
lof prime steers' at Chicago Mon-
day which netted him the( largieet
arnoumit of, monn‘eY paid\ ode, %hie
yen, for -that camber of cattle. The
gross amount was, $21,606 inakialre
,ain, Average of 8150 per head. They
sold at 89.15 to $9.95 a 'hundred.
There we -el 44 Sleeted which, aver-
aged( $157( Aind 76avernerect $139.
"These cattle were fed by [IrleMen-
Chile Bros. of Turner county, South
Dakota, and shipped from Center
vale. There were many ship -
Monte ofavative, steers ontheMon-
day market Whieh averaged Item
$135 to $150 per head end over 500
which sold above $950, -whileithe
top , waS $10 00,. paid lot .30 brand
ed HerefOrdS, ,vehikh evenaged, 1441
1890 he was appointed secretary of the
Executive Committee of the Liberal
Conservatires under, Sir Charles
Tupper, Mn. Eirtninghara gave up
his active organization work in 1900,
and in 1012 entered on his new duties
as Superintendent of Iintnigratiou for
the Dominion. Throughout his life
he took it most active part in the
Orange Order, For years he was the
greed secretary for Western, Ontario,
relingniehing it to become grand
secretary of British America. and
latterly he received the grandsecretary
ship of the order for the world,
Through his organizing ability the
order's insurance system was put on 9
sound lures. When he first identified
himself with the work there were but
100 insured members. He inaugurated
a new policy, and had the pleasure of
seeing the order's insurance features
prosper and glow stronger, Mr. Birm
inghem was the lay representative to
the Anglican Synod for Elm street
church for twelve yeare, hut in later
days he had been a member of St;
Paul's In 1876 he Inarried the
daughter of Captain Fleming,' who
with three sons and two daughters,
sin vive, The children are: Mr, Arthur
M.Hreest and. '11.111 Rrbr
Alias Gertrude'at home and MI s,
George Enna., The funeral Will take
plare on rlitiredey afiernoon' at: 3 o'
clock to.Oernter.-- Mr, .Birrn ing
ham paid many an offieial viiiit to
• 111
Services las usual onl Sunday.
Stundley evening subject, "Reaping
Rev Dr. Stewart, of Toronto, will.
'preach next Surnday;
It is expected Haat Rev. Mr. Harper,
the new pastor will take charge the
first Sunday in September.
Owing to Prof. Bristowe being on,
his holiday% Miss Hazel O'Niel will,
preside at the organ.
Rev, J C. Potts is away on his boli -
days and their will be no seivice or
Sunday school.
On Sunday, Aug. 23rd it is expected
that Rev. C. E. Joakins, a former rec.
tor will preach.,
Miss Sybil Conrtice addressed the
W. AI. S. meeting on Tuesday after
noon whieh wes held at the home of
Mrs, fevase Steer,.
On Suuday evening next the pastor
will preach on "We present WM' and
its relation to proptecy and the second
coming of Christ,"
Rev. W. D4 Clarke of Torointg,
spoke on thq 'work of, the Bible
Society at the mooring service and
the lealeton, preached) at night
The pastor well preach next Sun-
• day Davenning and evening.
IVIrr. MolVialth 'wail appointed ee-
presenitative at thee Financial Die.
GENERAL FRENCH, who will lead
'the )3ritieh expeditionary force
inow on the Continent. He is a
dashing cavalry officer, who
greatly added to hie reputation
en the South 'African. war,
teict lneeting'Of the Goderich Dis-
trict which will meet at Bayfield.
Clinl on , hospital. on
Saturday, Angest. 8,to Mr., and
Mra, ThorntonoMuetlard A sone
WententonC-In Clinton on 'Friday
Aug. 7th, talllk. and Mrs. 12.,G.
• Winiterten, of, Orange, N. J. +a son'
Lovers.,--InZullett ,on August 7th to
Mr. and Mt s. A1lertLovet,tfnoeMise
13eistrice McBrien) a daughter.
Andersen -In Goderich township on
Tuesday. tug lith, Mrs. John Ander-
son agecl 00 pear's.
It bas been, 'proved byeactualeec
peeirm,ent that small 3:admits of
area regions haluch eat dry seeds
can 'live from, tsvo to three years
Without water.
The. Kitties band will fin quite a
levi•tall 'fair engagements this year
Brussels kallit Irate has already \en.
gaged them for Friday, October
The (Men who KNOWS is inipt
buytn.g many Calgary ,oil shares
For the' WI le fellow ti hist is a ssafe
rule to follow -when it tenses to el
stocks, KEEP OUT'.
The petty !thieving ira (town
1 over f orla, while
Clinton. WEIS even representeel at
Shalorth an riVechnesday •
If yew would like tct lhave 1000
pounds of meat oe MO pounds of
Moue be sure lauld get the ducky
tickets at the Band concert on Fri-
day evening of this week, 25 priz-
es are being given by the Band.
Each ticket as 10 centa. Be sure
and gettthere.
With Libt and
There is an intimate relationship be
tween the sun and digestion. Diger
tion and assimilation become imper
feet and week if one is net exposed to
the rays of sun every day. Have you
notice how much more inclined you
are to indigestion on damp days than
upon dry, sunshiny days?
No plant or a,ninial °en digest in the
dark. Plant a potato in the cellar and
it will send forth a tender, pale sprout
shut out every ray of light and it fells
lifeless. It cannot digest and grow in
the dark. Let in a sbrong ray of sun
shine and behold howthe. poor hungry
sine will streteh itself out toward it.
There is a richness and grandeur in
dark furnishings, but such places are
living tombs. After the eyes beeotne
aceustomed to dark rooms a glooln
settles over the mind. One cannot
think properly, and a wild desire for
for fresh air and liglit drives one awaY
from such places.
A quite. wedding evae solemnized
at Niagara Fall s ten dVIonetty when
Miss- Gladys Heiman. became the
bride of Mrc Carl Draper. The
young couple returend to town
where they are receiving thehearty
congratulations of their many
The Katie Rand is making a vig-
orous eampeign to keep their
band in good financial cixtunastan-
ces and ask that tire eitizen(s arid
Country folkS do their part. On
Friday evening 25 priees will be
given for the (lucky People well°
hold ‘tickete includnig coal, Hour
etc. They are als,o giv5ng prima
to. the young lady who sells the
most tickets. All the prizes may
be Been at 'Harlanid Bros,, 'store,
where tickets nay also be pure'
Chased.. Don't forget to see the
Eaby (contest. A refreshment
booth will ,als,o be on the grounds.
The ,Goderich District Epworth
League and Sunday School Con-
vention will be heldin the Vic-
toria Avenue Methodist 'Church,
.Goderich, on Tneaday need
meadiry, Oct 27th ,Fta 28th. There
will be three sessions, Tuesday
evening .beginning at 8 &clock,
and Wiecildesday Morning and
Wednesday afternoon,- closing at 4
o'clock, The delegates can reach
Goderich by C.P.R. and G.T.R. on
the eventing tains, and leave again
Wednesday afternoon, 'The oxen,-
tive are busy plainaiing a bright
and helpful program, A record
delegation is expeeted from the
young people of the district,
Wholesale Grocery Prices Ad-
vanced on Account Of War.
Clear out your dark furniture and
hangings. Replace them with the
lightest substitutes yon can find' Let
in sunlight all day and illuminate your
room well at night. lf you expect
wit from your gussets you must see the
expression of their eyes. The most
brilliant verbal expresdion of mind
vequire a glance of the eye to denote
their trend.
Notice the atmosphere in the dining
room da,ltened by splendor and pomp
of fashion. When guests are seated
do they inunecliately become jolly?
No they whispev their formal greet-
ings to each other, become confiden-
tial in thsir manners to theirneighbors
and finally settle down to pick at the
food that they can scarcely see and
wish for the end of the whole affair.
Suddenly turn up all the lights, let
everyone see the whole table and all
the guests, and a load is lifted from
each heart. A grasp of delight is ex-
pressed by every one present a nd iname
diately conversation becomes light
and jolly, foods are digested properly.
and everyone is happy to be there and
sorry when it is ended.
Start your day in a sunny breakfast
room; sit if you can with the sun pour
ing upon your back, It gives you
electricity and warms your heart for
the whole day. The only peaches that
take on those beautiful red cheeks, the
only grapes that become perfectly ripe
and sweet, are those that hang from
the sunny side of the trees and vines
uncovered by dark leaves.
Denmark hes been termed the pare
dise of the small preprietor, and the
London Chronicle says; "Nearly two
thirds of her popmation inak a liv
ing end a good living -from tbe
land, one half of the sg•riculturists
being their own masters. The secret
of success has loin in technical edu
cation and co operation. Every farmer
big at little, belongs to one of the
great co operative associations, which
geide him le the (lure of , land and
cattle and dispose of his prolate to the
best advantage without the needless
WaHte Of competition. The result of
the system bas been to make Dan
mark one of the eichest countries in
Europe in proportion to her size." We
need to apply the Demme k methods,
or some of them, in Ontario,
To the -married man who cannot get
along without bis drinks, the, follow
ing is being suggested es a etneees to
feeedem from homdage of the salcaens.
Start,a, sakeen in your own hewn,.
Be the only custOther: YOU *ill ,b,ive-
no license to pay. Go to, Your. wife
,and give 'her tWO doilari4 hci buy a gal
lOn of 'whiskey and .retneiriber there
are 99 drinke in a gelldu, •
Bey your driuks from no .ote but
yoursvirenand bythe time elle, first
'gallon is gonewhe will heve $8, to .put '
in the.bank and .$2.t o statt, .hesiness
again, Should you live ten,yearcaand
continue to buy bouge from her and
then die With snakee ire your boots.
she will have' Money enough' th
yen decently, educate Ythit children,
buy a house and lot, marry ' a •decent
man and quit thinking al out yeti.
Write on one side or paper only
Mail to reach us Wednesday of
each week or sooner.
Avoid all items respecting .011 per-
sonal character but send All the
Chech off this list it may assist
you to remember an Important
Births, Marriages, Deaths.
Accidents, Church News
Suppers or Presentations.
RemoVals, Visitors,
Lodge, News, Fires.
Public Improvements,
Law Caaes, the • Crops,
School Matters.
• Correspondeets will please re-
frain from sending ,notices of en -
1 tertainraentist where an admission
fee is charged, unless rthey send
word who is responsible for the
payment of such adv ertisment. The
charge is' five cents a lime -six
words make a line.
In last Weeks' issue the Canadian
Grocer _ pids the., following table of
pelee adyances during the Fen(Opeen
As a direct issne of the EuroPesu
war, the follOwing advances have oc-
curred on the Cisnedian Wholebale
Sugar -10 cents per cwt.
Flour -30 cents per bbl.
Rolled Oats -20 nents' per cwt.
Oatmeal- about.25 cents per cwt.
Rice -50 cents per cwt,
Beans -40 cents per bushel.
Advances have also occurred in
canned meats, future prune's;
cream of tarter, and others are pose'•
ble in Mediteranea,n foodstoffs English
goods are up some 20 peu cent and
French goods practically doubled.'
If safe transportation is guaranteed
vessels bound for Canada:: products of
countries not actually engaged in the
war may recede. At time of writing
secession of transportation is having a
tendency to hod prices on this
continent down and to cause prices in
the East to be withdrawn or to
Pickles Made From Tomato- es
Peel and dice one peck of ripe tom-
atoes, ()hop six large peppers, twelve
large onions and put porcalain-lined
kettle and add four cups of sugar. Put
one tablespoon of celery and nmstard
seed in a bag and tie to side of kettle.
Boil slowly until reduced one-half.
Great care must be taken not to scorch
Make in August -One half bushel of
ripe tomatoes, twelve big .green cu.
cumbers, two quarts of onions, nine
stalks of celery and six green peppers.
Boil all together until very soft.
When cold put through a coarse sieve,
then a fine one. Put into porcelain
lined kettle and add one, cup of salt
three cups sugar, four cup? viuegar.
Put two ounces of whole mixed spice
and it teaspoon of mustard in salt nag
and tie onto flange of kettle and allow
to stay, in cateim as long as it is boil.
ing. Keep hailing until a spoonful,
put in saucer, will drain no water to
side of dish.. Three hours should be
eneugh tithe fer
Peel ,eiglit pounda of , ,y el low., „tom at
tees./Adri evea poundsiof sugar,and
the juice of four lemons. Let ,,stand
overnight, Dm:it:1,MT syrup and boil
ten IllifinWS, skinitnitMettil,,,tfiR SCUM
from top, Add' tiothdtoes and: boil
gently 20 minutes. Remove tchliktbes
•withskiearner, arid SpreadOn dithes to
cool: Boilthe syrtili'down MAO' one
half of the original amount' Pack
tomatees, in glase,je.rce and etrire. boil
ing Byron otter end, seal While Itot,
Peel add slice twelve rine tomatoes.
Chop four, large red peppers ,and , one
large onion. Put in porcelainylined
kettle and boil, until all will go through
coane siceee: 'Stain„add add cine'heap
ing teaspoon' of salt; two of sugar', one
half cup of vinegar and boil until' thick
ne catsup add bottle in small bottles
while luit.
To peel Tomatoes put them in a
wire basket and drop the basket into
boiling water. The skin will then
Blip off easily,
Scald and peel one dozen tomatoes
of even size, Have them large and
firm so that von can take a good deal
of pulp out of the center. Mince one
cup 'of cold'hean, chicken, veal or any
• cold meat or. fish. • Dine one cup of
mushrooms and one half cup of bread
crairnbs. Mix these with the toinatoe
pulp, Season to taste with salt and a
little paprika. Add one tablespoon of
mince parsley and two tablespoons of
melted butter, Mix all together and
fel tomatoes. Bake twenty minutes
in hot oven.
.1..t......ase`.....47%..... 04t,„‘
46 War Summary ir
"NlegZqZ4Zesneweloesieeseeerine •
26 .Geeralan army corps are Io-
dated betweept Liege and Luxem-
burg" • . •
Britain is at war with ,Austra-
Hungary front miderifight:
Heavy German losses are re-
ported on leussIans frontier.,
A naval einearuniter is reporteid.
off NeW Hampshire. A message
sent in cypher read, "Unab,aga is
sank." The British ,cruisers Essex
and Saffolkt are off the coast.
Every man) of A•usitilia ,cavalry
brigade was mowed down by the
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate beunkt and sold
Money to loan
Office Isaac Street, next door to New
British Cruiser Art*1'110111 was
sunk off 'Barwick Thursday by con
•tnact :with) Mine anti 130 'men lost.
The straits or Dover are ,being
held so strongly that no ,Gerunan
ships, can pass either inward ,or out
A score of die, lVlarureta.nia's pas-
sengers, be retahatal as prison-
ers of evar at Halifax.
Ion,perial Governmentl accepts
Canada's offer for 20,000 men for
service 'abroad:
Battle still wages at LiegeieBel-
glum'. The 'German shell fire has
reduced two of the Liege forts.
The British imuis,er Essex is clear
ed tor 'action at Halifax. It was
this vessel) which 'assisted. atethee
time of the Empress of Ireland dis-
The German) soldiers are acf-
eancing into Pranee over a front
Of sixty miles
French lanny holds, its own in
battle near Muelhausen.
The Russian s ( are Mow
getting inter action and have
driven the Germans, out of Po-
The Geismar), joss at goungto is
rerportecl es2000 deal;,20,000 are
wounded, aneit 9,700 prisoners.
Cruiser IlainhoW, on Pacific
coast is cleared for action.
By superb •work of the British
ganceVtirse only two shots were
required to siin•k' the German sub-
oniarin,e on, Sunday.
The British, cruiser Drake, is
reported off ithe Gulf of St,
Lawren,ce, '
Kitchener coils for a second hun-
dred thousand Volunteers,
France has :declared war on Aus-
Belgian main army advancing on
North Sea has again) closed
to !the fishing fleet.
Cruiser Essex reported, to have
paptured the Liner Kronpring
as is taking her to Bermuda.
British ships to stop Germens at
&avian's in States event to enlist(
with ClanadMntse
A ,becli which rah be folded come -----
pactly when hot in use haebeen in- British, fleet' enconliftered, the
vented byte Waehington doctor for German fleet and the latter are
the transportation of invalids, in retiring in the direction of the
aotobiles, Hutch Coast.
The first of,fleial despatch says
that 22,000 British troops have
landed o.t Ostend, Dunkirk and
Calais and proceeded. at ,ontee to
Belgium'. Over 100,000 more lame
One of the Crutilser squadrons of
the &fain fleet of England had been
attacked by ,Getronain• submarines
None of (the flattish, vessels ,were
damaged one( they succareided in
sinking one of ahe ,Gerralan pub -
adenines. -4
Canadian Gov•canonent will send
ane million Liege of flour t•oGreat
Freineh •troopa rout (Germane at
Alsace,. •
Liege is taken by +Germane but
the forte 'are still iin the hands of
the Belgians
Germany and Austria threaten
Italy for mot .going to war with
Liege holds out ag,ainst enemy.
Over six millions ready ta fight
for Russia,.
yoBiluainntatIeeorst sogiand h,as
Prance is accepting Foreign
ream- ed
mite to etve per cent. \
A Jelaaittese Warship comvoys C.
P. R. Miner from Yokohama for
Hong Kong,.
Britislt goldicrs have landed in
File.aehnereeiPtince of Wales nos r'essiv-
ed his commision with the Grenhe
dim Gulands,
[lad Severe Stomach Trouble
and Sick Headache
Codd Not Eat Aizellmg
. Without Agonizing Pain
My health is better now than it has
been for years, and I. owe it to Mil -
burn's ;axe -Liver Pills: -writes Miss
Rose Doyle, Connaught, Out, "I was
for several years troubled with severe
stomach trouble and sick headache.
Could not eat anything without agoniz-
ing pain. My sick headaches were most
violent, and I coldcl not rest night or
day. I became emaciated and thor-
oughly desponderit, and no medicine
seemed to help me until I took Mil -
burn's Lase -Liver Pills. In five months
I was entirely cured."
Milbura's Laxa-Liver Pills are without
a doubt one of the best remedies on the
market to -day for all the troubles arising
from the wrong action of the Liver.
You can procure them from any
druggist or general store. If they haven't
them in stock send direct to The T.
Milburn Co., Limited,Toronto, Ont.
Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for
Executors Sate ol Farm
Conneyance, Notary', public,
Commissioner, ete.
Issuer of Maeriage Licenses.
HuroniSte Clinton,
14. T. RANCE
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estat
INSURANMEAGENT-Perreeenting 145ire 1
sumac° Conmanies.,.
Division Court IOIRee.
There will Ibe Offered dor sale by
puhlia auction, at the 1 own hall,
Clinton, 'an Saturday, September
12th, 1914, at 3 .o'clock pan., the.
following lands, viz., Lot 10, Huron
Road concession, IGederich Town-
ship (excepting G.T.R. right ,of
way), containing 156 acres, more
or less. Om the premises are erect-
ed la good 1 1-2 storey brick house
with Irma kitchen, On,e bank
barn 50x44 fleet with hoy bann , an-
nexed 28x35 (feet, mild an open shed
33x15 feet, and care bank barn 136x
56 f eet with stone sibablingt There
ice also ,good dencinlg and, a plen-
tiful supp.ly of Water drom, wells
and sprinrg :meek. The soil is all
arable, and, In good state of
cultivation TERMS -10 per cent.
itt c,ash tor equivalent on day of
sale, balance an leth of March,
1915. Earthen particulars 'and con-
ditions Of hale May be had on
tosbaldeston, Goclerich
C John' Raithby, Auburn
or 'W. Brydione, 'ClinIton, Ont.
D. tWatsan, 'Auctioneer.
Farm tor Sale
135 acres, Lot 36, Con. 8, Hullett
first-class ,farm, well watered,
g,o(od• buildings, 67E111 fenced, 6
acres of young orchard. Also his
'100 -are farm on the lBase Line,
1 1-2 miles north of •Clinton.
Apply to
Farm tor Sale
The Executors of the Southcombe
Estate offers for sale 50 acres, east
half of lot 28, con. 0, }Lunen. A first
class tarrn, .• ell Watered and imptalved
and with good buildings,. A gated or-
chard and 7 acres of bush. Applyl,te•
Southcombe on the: prernises,lor
Clinton Postoffice,
Drs. Geo. & H. E. Whitley
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
s Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Diem ders
Eye, Ear, Nese, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 pm.
Ftl111) 4k IlleliEt1D
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Pea's, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
anct all Grains.
Physician, Butgeon, Etc
seenial attention given to diseneen of *be
Eye, Ear, Throat. and Nose, '
Eyss dully smined, and suitable glasses
(Nice and Residence.
Two doora west of the Commercial Mote
Unroll St.
DRS. GINN atoll cfAlktll
11r, W. Gunn, 0, P., L. M. (5.0., FAllat
Dr. J. C. Gaudier. B.A. 111.11.
Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night calls at residence. Eatteu0ry St,
or at bonital
teniTZI eShtnimOtaTt'eaVTI'lgtarr'71rdeasigVg.
and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Graduate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, and 12.0,13.13
Baylleld on Mondays, May Ist. to Decem
Offices over O'NEIL'S store.
Speoial care taken to make dental treat.
monk as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Aucticin tee
lizGte0aIDERIO14 ONT
minatont sales a enemata). Oideta at as
Nnw ERA odlee, Clinton, ur,...smuy abtencied
to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' mole note
G. D. McTaggare M. Li. MoTaggar
MeTaggart Bros,
General Banking Business
Drafts issued. Interest allowed n
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Perm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured. •
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth,
Connelly, Vice -Pres., Goderich.
'I' E. Hays, Sec.-.Treas., Seaforth,
Jas. Conoielly, Hclmesvihle, John,
Watt, 'Harloek ; G. Dale, Clinton; D.
F, McGregor, Seaforth ; J. Evans,
Beeehwood J G. GrIeVe, Winthrall
J Benneweis Brodhagen ; M. Mo.
Ewan, ellutc:n.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in MS own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinch-
ley, Seaforth.; Wm. Chesney, Egat
mondville; d. W. Yeo, Hoimeaville,
Payments may he ,made at The
IVIorrish Clothing Co., Clintem, or.
31.31. Cult, God,erieh.
Grand TrunkRailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart
Londesboro11.18 2
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave. 11.40 7.13
"Wingham, arrive..". 11.51 7.35
8.80a m 4.4Opna
9.33 5.43
9.44 5.54
9.55 gm
10.01 6.11
MN 6.19
MOO 6.35
South Passenge '
Wingbam, depart.. 6.35 a m 3.30 p
Belgrave 6.50 3.44
7.04 3.56
7.13 4.04
8,10 4.26
8.27 4.39
8.85 4.47
8.41 4.52 -
8.54 5.05
9.04 alt
Hensel!! .
London, arrive 10,00 6.10
Buffalo and Coded&
Wee' Passengei
am pm pm pm
10.00 12.30 5.25 10.25
10.22 12.55 5.55 10.49
10.45 1.20 6.18 11,11
11.07 • 1.35 6.40 11,28
11.16 1.43 6.46 11.38
11-35 2.00 7.05 11.55
East Passenger
• Holtneseille
am pm p re
GoderMh 705 9
Hohnesville .. 7.22 2.52 5,06
Clinton 7,32 3,03 5.15
Seatorth 7.51 3.21 5.32
Mitchell .. 8,16 3,44 555
Stratford 8 40 4 15 6 20
Cook's Cotton Root Cootind.
'ittoyars°aPO tratiZmibitiVga
Li Rogulatoron whieli women con
depend. Sold in throe dggrees
of strength -No. 1, $1;14No. 2.
} 10 degrees stronger 43; No,
for spoefol eases,d5 per bolt.
' all drug sts, or sentt
COOK1121111012.21110,,1011110TO,ONT. Uornierillelf *4%0 ,