HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-13, Page 1• Established 1865, Vol, 49, No. 7 $50.0t AAAAAAAArkehowe.Arkfoosovs,v§AA vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvriv Lt the Rexall Store Best Quality Talcums KODAIRS Best Quality Toilet Waters FILMS Best Quality Perfnmes AND Best Quality Toilet Soaps SUPPLIES 'Use •'NIG''E " for Perspiration. TOE REXALL STORE W. S. R.130 Lmms Phm,B, BEST QCALITY DRUG}:STORE Th V VVVVWVWVWVvyyWVVVVVVVVV AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANViAAAAAAAA Royal Baijk OF CANADA Capital Authorized X15,000,000 Capital paid IT 11,560.000 ]reserve and undivided profits 13,500,000 Total Assets . • ,,.... 180,000,000 3700 33171.,416..NCH7ES 'With "W'orld-wide Connection i 1 interest Allowed on Deposits General Banking Business Transacted. 11. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch annAliniViNVVVVVanlanAliaVVVVVVWWWWWWWWWWWWW The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 91 BRANOHES IN CANADA A GENERAL IiANJIAa guSINESS:TitANSACTED. CIROULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS CREWE } ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING.Manaver Clinton Branch. nage•••••••• ,e•••e•••••90 Ordered .Clothing Ii.0y t0WC1 ClothingI I Special (STUR • •• • m 300 pairs of Men's nail nose Black W rst edr regularalar 2Oc Values, for Saturday only 2 Pairs for CLINT CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY AUGUST 13 1914` W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher sward •Band Concer riday Evening, August 14th, iiwW 1(WWW4`d4dll;iing Local News, MOAMMAPPAMMA C.C,I. STUDENT TOOK (HONORS Mica D, V Tierney of B1yt1s]an]d a student of the IC, C. L took honors in her junior untatriculation. •etxgatms in history, Latin, Chemis- try arta biology.' BAD A GOOD CROWD, Deepite, they cool weather on Wednesday :there) was a good arowd dowry street to hear the weekly 'bland concent, The patrio- tie numbers took the (audience! SHOP IFBLL.,IN CELLAR.; The pump shop lot Mr, a7ohrn Stephenison came ,to a sudde'n end. Mr. Stephenson 'Nine .having the building turned' When. one side of It slipped into the (cellar. The building is 'nowt torn 'down. REPORT NOT TRUE]. A widdl manor was circulated in, Clinton this morning that .1VIator If. B. Combel had, received at tele - piano calling out (the 33rd cRegi- mnent for 'Quebec. The Netw Esaa' called: up .Major; Comte who stated their was no truth in the re- port. PRESBYTERIANS 'WON.,• On Wedn(esdtay afternoon the, Presbyterilans gave, the Methodists a right good tr•3mming by a score of 25-14. The following players took Vert,— Methodist Presbyterians W. Doherty W. Brydone J. Taylor J. Wiseman E, Courtice J. E. Cons tontine N. Ball, skip Geo. Roberton skip, MINORI LOCALS. Rule Brittainntie. Sunday was a ghat day. Seed The New 'Era to thte ab- sentees. Grapes are reported to t be a good crop. The New Ena, ,telc,phoaies are 30 and 93. Half of August will be gone by next Sunday, Don't expect(a big battle every time yon open, your paper. When prices,•soar, consumers are bound to g,ell sore in proportion, Daily papers are eagerly sought for these dans for the latest war asews. ROBB-HAMILTON • The home of Dr. J. H. and Mrs, Elatmiiton of Erin was the, scene of .a very pretty wedding at, high noon on Tuesday List, when their daughter, Nora. Margaret was tanked in. antarriage to ;Mr, C. W. Robb, B.A.; of Toronto. The bride, who ,was given away by her fiatther, was prettily gowned in 1 white silk' with 'train, arid trailing veil; the trimmings being pearls and orange blossoens. She carried at ,massive bouquet of, roses and lily of the 'galley, while the brides- aulaid, IMiss Ida Hallett, wore blue silk and/ carried pink roses. Miss Jean, Serval, n, as flower girl, was a picture i her ,Fren'chy frock of sliia•dow lace, and pink silk, and parried pinlc sweet peas. ' The grooms gifts were, to the bride, a. pearl hoop; toth e bridesmaid rand to the pianist, pearl solitaire rings ; to the flower girt, t toCCC- lace of rose beads witch pearls; and to the best ,nsa.n, Mr. J. Ft. Rose, M.A., a pearl set. After the ceremsony µs reception] was held and the' 'wadding breakfast served following which Itlr. rand 1Vfrs. Robb left for the St, Iaawr•eneel On their return they 'will reside in Clinton' Athlitiollal District Flews on Page 3. Ready to 'Enlist Again Mr. Ben. Webb, of Detroit, Writes to Join Again For War, On jalenitljay of this week Major 11.1B. Coanbe,reeeived :the follow- ing letter0rons an told 'Clinton /boy in, the person of Ben. Webb, of De- troit who wants to enlist again to ;aid CG,reat Britain. Mr. Webb serv- ed through the South Afrinain war for 2 years aimdt searched from Cape Town/ to Preltorila. '0 ollewin g is hie letter.— Detroit,/ ,Mich., Aug,' 81914 Major H. B.'Coombe iEsq, Dean' Sir—Pardon pny liberty to taddreseing yoso, but owing to the presetntt, crisis+ in 'England and hear ing that the. Canadian Governenentt is about to send troops or mobilize the Canadian militia I (thought I would write you in regard to same and offer en cervi•'ces (01 accept_' able) to the( 33rd •Batt.or special service. Trusting to hear from you as somas possible and hoping for success 'to British, arms once more I oral sir, yours respeetf,ully A. B. ;Webb. 879 Brooklyn 'Ave, Detroit, Andrew Carnegie Justifies Britain Advocate of Peace Says She Had no Alternative. New York, August 6.— Andrew Carnegie, the world's most distinguish ed advocate of peace, approves of great Britain's course in the present crisis. In a cable message from Scot land to the New York Evening Post, he saves; "Germany, having declined Britain's proposed peace conference, and then having asked Britain to agree to her march through Belgians, Britain was board to decline and to declare thatshe would protectBelgium by land and sea," With wear rand rumors of wart in Europe and Ireland the papers will have salmi interehting reading, 0se00600o.0seos,..4••••••0 sOOSOO rn00® a�oanO�ronOOseo�OOnO�nOOOO��O�Onn�OOOnOs� Tabloid Despatches --Best of the 'War Bulletins Today 1 • (Special to the New Era) 4 410000111O600000000000111OOOOOAOOOOO•OO000•0000f 00000•• a00ss•0/000••0OO••i0000•O! MONTREAL LIVERPOOL OCEAN + - GERMANY ASKS BELGIUM TO STOP WAR t: ROUTE CLE Ala $Montreal, Aug, 12 -“The ¢ieeant route as clear, ftom 'Montreal to Liverpool, and any ship can sail when, she ,pleases an perfectt safer ty.” 'T±Iri;a announee]menq was made to-d(ay by in. n. 'White collector London, Aug, 13.-3 am—The Daily Mail says it learns that on Monday. after the fruitless assault by the Germans on the Liege forts, the German Government again approached, Belgium, through Holland as intermediary, pointing out that Germany had no quarrel with Belgium; and no desire to be at of •onetime.(' C war with her, and asked the Belgian Government to recon mss /newt( hlad.aw(u sent re- sider its refusal to allow the German armyto traverse Bel iusm im officially tfrozf Ottawa, and its re- g in order to save useless expenditure in blood and treasure. The Belgian Government, according to the newspaper,• made reply, again refusing the German request. salt should be pronounced in the easing' of insurance and exchange On oargoee, with the result that the wheat now held an Montreal /.]arbor should, enoetdaly start an ,Its wlay, to Liverpool. In addi- tion, •to tine It (will mean thail;Zor• the, present, at any rate, there 'will be littler dettle de'itay'or difficulty in the sainting of passenger ves- sels from' Montreal ancl. Quebec. BELGIUM WINS BATTLE IN OPEN. Brussels, via London, Aug. 13— 3.40 lam.- Tlid first battle in open country is ,reported: in the fol lowtntg official commu,n cattion. - "After leaving paesed the night (Tuesday) in the, position they had reached. after; their retreat of yes- terday, the Germans this morning advanced in force, towards a point in our dispositions, 'which they nailthoughnailmot held,. Our staff however,was alert and informed by cavalry reconnaisaneee, was able to give the tneoessary 'orders, with the result that the enetnyy fount! their ]advance checked, An en- gagement took place, iia which our trooprl were successful/. Ten. thous,and Ileal took part tin .the tight•" First Transports With Canadian Contingent The first transports with the Canadian contingent may sail' from Quebec September zst. Winter Kit for or in C oto t eat al British Troops The British troops now going to the continent are pro- vided with a full kit for a winter campaign. Atlantic British Shipping Safe The British Admiralty announces that the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are all safe for British shipping. Briiish War Office Says Important Develops., ments Imminent London, Aug. z2.—The War Office official statement explains that it is necessary to withhold all news because of BROKE 'HIS ARM, important developments which are imminent. Harry, the, 11 -year-old son of Mr, and .Mrs. ,Prank Glew, of Iiullett, tell at the; wagon and broke leis arae on Tuesday of this week, German Boats Maybe interned in Dardanelles, this Chauffeurs mvay pact be aware that a lalcenee le necessary if they drive for 'hire. The lams says.—"No pers.otn, sbaula for there, pay or gain drive to motor vehicle on a high- wlay armless theirs licenlsed to do ao• and no person shall employ any one so to drive a motor vehicle, who is mot 3o licemhed." The li- cense to be carried with ;the car so that at array be producedrif asked for (by an, °Nicer of the law, London, Aug. 12. --It is officially confirmed that the Ger- man cruisers Breslau and Goeben are in the Dardanelles and may be intern there. German cruisers !leered fs'om Mediterranean;‘, Gibraltar asserts that all the German ships have been cleared from the Mediterranean. Social and Personal Mr, Blarry7 'Hunt, of ,Galt, ire visa Miss Francis; Hasvkin'a of Hamil- ting in to,vn, ton spent over Sunday the gue•at of her brother an: 'town. Col, Wilson, ofineiatfortla 'turas in 1Vr. I . John m lr of a L v Blyth th s g y alias in town to-dlay-, • Rev. J. Greene is supplying at town tine week in :connection with Galt an Sunday, work of the 33rd. Regi, ,Mise Violet R. Argent was a Bul- let Mrs. T. Smith and the Misses visitor+ hast week, Sniith of S m tfordt are holidaying 'Mrs: Wrn Graham and Mrs, Grey its et in(ton arnd 'Brayfiie;lc'l, are visiting at Hamilton(. Mims Mary and Jean, McM•ur- Miss D. Shaw, ,Of Winnipeg is the chis, of Blyth, are the guests of guest of her brother, Dr. Shaw. Mr; and Mrs, W, Bryclon(e, Co, Constable "Whittesides, of Hen- Rev, mon Mrs. S. J. Allis,'returnl. shall, vvag an town on Saturday. ed home last Friday from their hol Mr. S. 5, Cooper lis an Hepahtail, idly 'trip around Wintdsor. lookimg oaten hie interetats there. e. Mr. M . SUarold Jo ns. lr on of Toronto rno Mr. Prlaser• Brown of. New York is the guest of his parents, Mr, sa visitantgt Mr. farad, Mrs, Brown, and Mrs. Oliver Johlulson. Miss 1'. Husband of In(gersoll is Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Brown, ,of Tor- -visiting liter:sister, .Mrs, K. Chawla'n onto spent a t£ew days with their Mr. 'Eddie% Shepherd of Toronto daughter, :Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr. is spending this vacation 10 towo, Mire, Sara 10'. Downs of Iona, Ontt, • A,single stroke of bghtmrrng an v id t • t Mr, S, Brown of ]Guelph Is r•e- • the Belgian ;Conn. o killed minpe e en ne vaig o laeq•warn incest an town • • and a•womasa and severely in- (Mrs. P. IB,earng as visit'fnig with. • jured 32 others persons, two of relatives and friends at 2'alanen • wholm,, died biter'. atom, , Z Miss anaidal Armour of ,Goderich m is !renewing old aquainrtanoes in • town. • • Miss 'e Dillon, Mta+wa of Port Huron 44 ' • • • • • • •• •. • • • •. • • • • • •• 25 Gents The Morrish Clothing Ca. A Square Deal or Ever Mau Every • 'ltil!►NN.tl41A• • **************.***414******, **.*N!l4**f11,e*, • 4 4 O O••. • 4®a • • WAR Although in the history of ll big wars, food products especial• ly staples, such as Flour and Sugar. have always advanced, and in the present war have al- ready done so. W, T. O'Neil' does not purpose taking advant• age of the war panic to raise the price of anything. hut rather, if possible, to to sell at a closer margint n ha ever before. Tprove the above assertion, we will continue to sell Redpath GranulatedSugar wholesale a t g prices. We invite you to call and cam pare our prices with some of our neighboring, towns, W. T. O'N IL TI. -HE 111.113 GROCER Phone 48 A New Tern) Opecs Sept. 1st iia the Popular • �r �r,r< f • �/, M>, au a to d g sx Charles Sts, Toronto This 'School - enjoys A .GREAT ;REPUTATION for superior trainin- n'g, [Write; tondlay, for catalogue, us aenelwial(g 018 ,acquaintances in town. Mrs, T. McNeal and son arriv- ed ]some. last Friday from W etas- lrl awin Prof. end ,Mrs. Bristowe are holii-, drying 'at Crystal Beat qn g Y eh for two weeks. Mr, Johni Crooks .is spenfdting a felw weeks an, town atter his (West- ern (trip. Mrs. 1i.' PL t t t some ee, andr Miss Emma tPlumsteet are tholtidaying'at 1layiieldt. Miss' Violet Onepn30o of Torant,o, ;. ra a ,r•;numn her � Mime here vacahaon at iter 'Mrs. W. R. Counter ;and Master 'Billy are visiting friends at Brant- ford this wreak; is spending a few weeks at the home of herr, eon, •W, S. Do.w,ns. Mr. Chats, Broadfoot of 141roosejaw tend an old: •Seafor thbo , spent a few hours in town on Saturday, Rev. and Mrs, Nielly, and Miss ar art f e o 'Hamilton M to spent few days with ,Mr. ants Mrs. J. B. ,Lintd- elay. - Misses Hattie, Holloway, 0tlinlrtu Pimping and Ida !Wilkin are. en- ioyang the lake (brelepels at Bay - Mr. and Mrs. Chambers of Strat- ford ase visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pa a ul � f l for two weeks. Mr. Harry Cook, 'of :Trenton, le spending a few, drays in town, Mr. Cook mat at sen of the ,late Jars Gluest. Rev. urney Airs. Herman and: chili- area have, returned to their hoane at Caledon: Eaett after a holiday vis it There. Miss Masg,aret Sanath, toe Lack- now, anca la former, modelite, spent etw, 2 ys� theg ',guest of Mise J. Hollme.daa. 1 Mrs. . G. Ea Slaville here tittle 1M1MrnTMBert^ l�inlaufif a GbNcago }vas alnico, Mane/ Marara •Wand ebetela visited, cells in Le r deaboro oven ,the yell elIIld4. ]Mr, and Mrs. Moon oil iTorlonto is and: Mrs. !Adana, Walken•, of were elsstors in an(d •arotun,d 01Ln- Toronto were gaests .orf tMr, tanyd ton o ter ' v 5 a � df y Mra, 'Wtesley, Wwliker dusaing tenth': Mrs. Dungannon was a recent pastweek string; fah r&Iitchetil, few weeks alt his home, hereefore visitor- at ,the home of Dr. Arm•• Mr. Alex I .Mitchell 's spending Mr. George Webber is mitten:die g going to Guelph -where a position the 1, 0. O. Fan/rand Lodge, t at awaits Kann„ Toronto, thin week. Rev. Tanta Mrs. I7. Colclonzg+lr, l of Lioydttown, taro renewing old briendsl ips int town, Miss L. ,Gibbintgs is ,spentdintg her holildlays at the home of her father Mr, Joh GLb'birogs, :Man. W. i3': Kilbride (rjaturiaed on Monday aht atter a visit at leer home an et. Tbomtas, Mrs, Harry Cook and son of Trenton elniton word viSitoI's in town . for a felw' dkiys( tbi's week, The Misses iitoLmes, of nt.'Oath- teatime, ares the guests of their( ais- ter, Mrs, 'H, (B, ,Chpint, IA2fss Helen !Roberton ;]and her cousin, Miss Mary Crawford re- turned thin, week from their visit at lnnseaicip;, Mats. E. Ji aaniteaoln and .Miss M. Clark have returned,- from a visit With their sister, Mrs, 0, Cobper os iColtaintgvv,olod The Misses Argenta+ accompaniedl by their brother, Carl, spent last Wednesday at Seaforth. Ali re- port a good] tiin, ;Miss Jennie Efoltmes and her friend, Mies 3, Sneyd, of Vi?aurina peg, spenit,,the week entdinnitb oid friends At Brasi ttordt Miss Nettie Brown who has spent the past week with her sister is fg ie cl , t Brussels before vusr ret fro sr, it a returning to Toronto. Miss Olive MaBrienh of London, rettanned 'home Joist week after spending a month visiting friends in'an,d around Clinton. n c was Mr. Z. T rouse of Wopdsiocl a , I a visitor ova :' Sugrclay with rola- 'tives and frienkis., Monday was Woodstock's Civic +liolidlay. ]Miss W. O'Neil was .utnable to attend tto her duties at the "Hub" store om tacoaunt of a severe cold ;for la, Lelw, days, last week. Mr. Elvins Nlaso'n of Detroit, ac- companilled. by 'Mr. Tongiy and Miss , Ti nplotyare the uests of Mi.taud Mrs, T. Mason; for t (mouithi MYIrs. Jas. S Miller spent the holi- day In Lennon, with her ,daughter Jeanjie and while (there was the guest of Mrs. A. B. 'MeBrien. Rev. C. Langford B. A. su,pport- ed his college chum,Av, tLrnest Jacques 13..x8.. at the letters ,wed- ding at 'Fordlwiclt on( July 29th, Han,, W. J. llantna, Provincial Secretary of Ontario one of the prominent Canadians now abroad wandering how and when they can gest home. Mr. tandt Mrs. James Smdth .re turned Saturday,, eventing from Woodstock. where they brad been tn called owing to the serro s ill- ness semen 'dearth of Mr. S,n1th?a sister. Moles Gertrude Clbanit' is visiting hem brother, altar, (Fred Ch(anti of Pi'ttefieid, Mass. She will also visit: her sister in, Auburn, N. Y.., Miss Client ex pP ecta'to be away a couple Y P ut weelas. Landon \Advertiser—Mra. Mc - Hardy -Smith of Vancouver, 13, C., Who hail comer n this citn tot jeanthe London ,Conservatory of athlete, is nowt registered' at the T'ecamnseh, el ster, (Mr mon Mrs.J. W b who , 'swerve visiting'/Mrs. Ed. S!aviile, and the former ?sl parents, (Mr. tarn ]Mrs. James Webster of Lontdes- boro, have renamed, to their home in Torontto. Miss Jelnwiet%Bronvn was a visitor'' in (Detroit and spent \Suunday and Monday visiting her sister and aro ther, going. ant the I, 0. paw, Ex- cursion from Sarnia nt, the Steam- er 'Tlashnnoo and retuning on the city of (Poledo,- steamer. kb. rand+ Mrs. John McKinley, of Stanley Township announce the engagement of 'thein dlaughter,, Illebel :Elva,, to, (Mr. J; Bartlett Ltav'a, of'Clilniton, eon of Mr. and Mrs. ,Geo. Latvia: 01 iCliniton, Ont. The wedding will take place mn August, Mr. and/ Mrs. John Robb orf Sea- 1orth, Cann, ,atn{nowniere the engager. mann of their daughter, Eletaase' Morrison, to Mr, Clarence Lionel Whitby of 'Howardten, Sask•,a son of Mr, land{ lyfrp. Olaver R. /Ma tby of Paris, Ont. The marriage will take plane um, Torenito early iii Septet)), hen'. t i f t The :Weyburn Herald of July 22 had the following local which is of;interest. 'lrl •e- ' s er Mlsa Tillie e Alcan of Clintons Ont,, is visiting tart the home of Inspector, Lea of this city. Miss Alarm sang a solo nuc the evnnmg service in the Presbyter- itani church, here last Sunday. Her s ngi ng was very mean aP1 z e- Caa od • Among the many Canadians now detained in Europe are a number of prominent •Winnipeggere who in elude Rev, Dr, Geo. t1', Stal:tont, pas- tor of 1F,ort, ltiogn'e Methodist church, formerly, of Clanton, Mand Mrs, Salton, a it Dr. and .Mrs. Salton a on were Naples for making t and in- tended leaviarlgl,that city far home inl i(August . Rev, 4aad Ma's. R, !B. ,Stevenwone antd Master Harold, of \Shelburrnle,. inotored to ;Clinton 'lash , week via Clifford, bringing Mrs. John Scott ,and. Miss E}thepwyn -from the latter tea , lana all }vele viartors • for several days' et the (home of Mr. ;and Ma'sS W,Donna. A fL ' w torther hr motor trip, of,a couple ,of days wawa also made, visiting frietide an Stratford, Pavlattock, land St Marys, reltu.nnlinE' to Clinton: on Saturday last; talk leaving fon• their respec- tive homes on, Mosssiey except Miss ' Ethel w n Scott, who will V a rat. rt3 her atunit, Mrs,. Downs (tor 'a couple beawceks, • OUR COUNTRY FACTS ABIIOIYE CANADA amprowelar Population of the Yukon Territory: 1911, 10,512; 1901. 27,219. Decrease 18 707. Vancouver's new buildings' 1012 519,423,432. Manitoba has 49,755 farmers' with nearly six million acres under culti vation,- Number of sheep,' 42.085; of horses;' 273,302; of cattle, 407,611; pigs 2, , 19.. 3b(i, Maritime Provinces The Mara e Pr v noes :have 3;925. , post offices and 3,171 miles of railway. More than sixteen billion gallons of water are pumped in Montreal an nually,' Daily average about forty, three iuillion gallons, New Brunswick hie severmillion, acres of crown Two lands, a this de of the province is forest area, Ontario fall wheat, 1912, 15,089,885 bushels grown on 759,888 neves, or 19.8.1 bushels per acre, Cobalt's thirty one producing silver mines produced $64,322,180 in seven . years: other metals, 81,057,691, Toronto's first street cars ran in 1SO11 Earrings, 1912, $5.373,874. City's share $795,058.. Saskatchewan's flax yield, 1912' 1,111,651 awes, produced 14,171,210 bushels, or at rate of 12,7 bushels per acre. Average price obtained byC for Westrlands during 912,$15,91.. per acre; The .Grand ,3 rank is the longest con tinuousdouble track railway in the world under one management. Halifax bank clearing last year 5100,167,672; increase,„of $12,473,634 in, year. hew buildings, 3570,775. 'As'. sesement, 331,004,750,