HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-06, Page 8t.•i•aa • • 1 1 , ,-'1",; • :• In BROHN'S Tailored Clothes you get your money's worth in honest wear and solid comfort, andbesides • Brown's Tailored Clothes give you an air of distinction which influences others and smoothes the pathway to business and social' success. We can Make You a Suit Which will Just Suit Your Personality. Drop in and see us. Our Stock of Fall. Woolens Have Arrived MEN'S FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS Any Straw Hat in Stock at Greatly Reduced Price ORDERED CLOTHING MEN'S OWN' S FURNISHINGS THE CLINTON NEW RRL , .• atas'aaff DURABLE --Fire grates are three -sided; last _three times as long. Shaped in tb.e 411 • Ij Td Atignea 13 , • ,rrystoNeW. 1 •Fibrrnace to grind up clinkers - z when "rocked". See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. 3. BYAM & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS • Local News' • • • WWWWWs/Vs/VVVVVVVVVYWY AaPioaaavaataft/SAAASSAAAAAasalAAAA LINE it B. Steamer "State of Ohio" FOR CLEVELAN Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on odd dates in August, even dates in 8ept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 6 30 aan, Fare from Port Stanley one wav $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 Saturday Excursions On above dates $2,25 round trip Lake Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Fare 25c . WNNYVVVVYYVVVVVVVVYNANWV AAAAAAAAAAAMAAANSMAANSA" STOCK -REDUCING SALE . .Baving bought out the Furniture and Undertaking business of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for bhe next 60 days, we put on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron, This Stock mw'it be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered. All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash JAS, D FIORD 'Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store 1111111.1111111111111112.1P• NEINEMOINIP Four Choice Bargain Lots For Saturday and all next week 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c All Useful and Needful Articles (Articles displayed in our big window) Special Cut Prices on the Following to clear 2 only Lawn Mowers, reg.. 5.5o for 4,38 I only Lawn Mower, reg . .. 5.00 for 3.98 it only Hammock, reg 3.00 for 2.25 2.75 for 2.00 " . . . . 2.25 for 1.75 Galvanized lined Refrigerator x2.00 for 9.75 Enamel lined Refrigerator. reg 17.00 for 04.00 ice cream Freezers............zo per cent discount 1-11ARLAND EIRO71-1ERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES itmaximmemigazampassamimmszmumeoNnanamaliza 4 aad • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• aa••••••••••••••••••••••• INDIANS ARE HERE. CLINTON MARKETS, 'To leads of Indianta 'passed `.1..1..'Eqf'l "5°' a through town on Friday. last item a"u'er, 18° ian.1 19e' Brucefield, to the alax sfields. E gs 20c and 21c. heat $105. Oats 41e. Peas 1.00 Healey 50e Buckwheat 67c. Shorts $28, , Bran $26 WON AT CBRITSSELS. The Clinton Tennis club were at Brussels on, )Weduaasciay hast and won •from the •club lila that town. ADVERTISING -ISMS. It 6akes mote thiani a T square 'amid a perfectly willint artist to get soutsa good :a•dvertasing draw- itaa. A NEW "VALET" IN TOWN The &tote, laeeently occupied by Mr. Sams pautles, is (being (axed over for ,a presser and cleaner who will open, sup ishortly. HURON 'REGIMENT READY, At a [Meeting of the officers of the Taarty-Third Regiment at Clin ton on August 6, it was decided to offer the servisces of the regiment to th,e Go veamment Tor active ser- vice or airy duity that smay be re- q,uirred. 25 CENTS. Will pay for the New Era to new subscrieeis in Canada from now un- til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era ror the balance at the year to your distant son daughter or frieud who will ap. predate reading the honae news. PRICE OF, SUGAR ADVANCING. HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ. How far behind is your subscrip- tion to The New Era? At 'The small sum of $1 00 per year it is supposed to be paid in advanice. MEDICAL EXAIVIINATION HELD HERE. The volunteers of the 33rd Regt. for service in, the win' Were 'exam- imed by the 'medical oftficers at Clinton. on Tneadary, CLINTON 12 ITP, Four rinks of Blyth bowlers were here on Friday eveding and had sin teniaciyable time, but lost by , 12 shots, FolLowilng were the play ' ers and ;Bowe, - Blyth Cantata R. Robinson A, MOVIttie J, Denholm G. E. MeTiagg,art 21 Dr, Alaison- Jos. Strothersc A. W. R,oilain•soni Thonalas 13 Jos. Comae Moore E. Mitchell A, W. Sloan E. a. Cantelon Jlas, Hamilton 14 J. afaHovey 24 A. 'Somers A. Mitchell T, Stewart W. Johnson. J. Emigh. W.sCartanit Dr. MeTlaggart 16 E. G. Candice 18 64 • 76 Mr, Coinsbe is how the Ye -beton bowler in PuresaY County being in his 84th year, and can lay down a mighty good bowl • yet. The visi- tors dame, ololwzr by auto. J. Wiseman J. Harland Dr. Axons N. Bali 14 A. J. Greig C. Paisley 11..Wilst se P. Towne 20 L. Harland, 111111PRIIIHm '1111111,1111111Fililliti[ '„ (10 uP, " .. .,.., 1/44: Man& 44F9nt[ t:5; VSVC§Stqtit Ours we\ would have you be That's why ,our 'ads, SO( frecputintly, won see. Thel Goods we Bake - We Bake Sam YOU, And take the greatest care. Thai( in Quality and Cleanliness They shall be beyond compare. 1 Conner's Bakery Phone 202 MANY WENT: TO BAYFIELD. Many trona town went too Bay - Sold on Tuesday tniglht to attend dance given by some ofthecamp era, ADV RTISINGAISMS. The words and pictures -a vital 'advertisement -are bub symbols of the palatal 'advertisement. The real advertisement' is the message It Is al Imenstal picture •colnye-yed by the sence of sight. WERE AT STRATFORD. A local grocet who had :sent an, order to a London wholesale house for 10 bags of Redpartlas, granulated augaa, was to -day notified that, while this ordea would be filledthe Erna could book no anere, (orders as the augaa refiners had refused ltolbook tiara orders ea the whole- sale house. ERNEST MCMILLAN SAFE. Mr. Eeriest McMillan, organist at Con.voeatian Hall, Toronto, cabled Fnidlay that, he was safe and well nt Bairouth, Bavaria. Mr, McMil- lian weala to Paris to &Indy, . and left for Baireeth before the :wax' commen,ced, Mr. IVIacalillan is well known an Clinton being a nephew of Mrs, (Dr.) •Glaillin. DERAILMENT AT SEBRINGVILLE sat :brake began broke on one of the coaches, as the trait' from Gocleticu was near 'Sebrinlgville, Saturday morning, and derailed two of the. coaches. The train due lat,8.40, was delayed fox: about an how, aincl a small train had to con- vey the passem,gers arena the other CANNOT DODGE PROSPERITY, The man with a good article, who consistently' advertises it In the newspapers, cannot dodge pros peaty if he tries. Newspaper ad- vetatisiag in Tightly. 'used in; the most profitable lavestment any business osia make. Newspaper readers patronize advertisers be- cause expeaion,ce, has .taught them that it pays to trade with daylight men. HOWl WAR WILL EFFECT CLINTON. Among those who registered sat the Old Boys' Reunion at Sratford liom Clinton av'ere-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. alouse Harry and Alvin House Irene Keller, Gladys Keller, Mrs N. Kenefedy, Berry E. Munroe. THE NEWS ERA WOULD LIKE TO SEE - A Veld day for Clinton echool Good prices for all kande of grain Clinton Old .Boys' Reanson in 1015 Subscribers practice : common sensein lasing the telephone. All the sick people couvaleacent THE SALT OF THE EARTH NOT THERE. ille newly elected Ontario Legis- lature willcontain one lone) news- paper ma,a). in striking contrast to the Legislature elected in 1803, in which ao less than ten newspuncr mea had seats IN SERVICE. • Harold Korrof Welland, son of Rev. W. Es'Kerr, formerly of Can- ton, is a Lieut, in, lac Voluntesa Co. at \, elland. The. Co. has been called out to guard the 1Velland canal and aqueduct. Harold las clay eloped into quite a •soldier but we hope he will not be called upea `to stop any of the enemy's bull, ts. • $50 BEWARD. • The Clinton Katie Band offer $50 reward for ipeople who will attend their big &sawing contest •on the lawn. of •Mr. Wallace Wheatley, Huron Street, ons evening of this week. Ovea $50 worth of prizes will be given away. ,J'acli clayaw costs 10 cents so that oto one should reinain away. a..lome out and, help the best basil Clin- ton everahad, the boys. wall .appre- elate it, A good musical program will be given. "Just Out" ----"Just in," One is Diane 01 the Green Van. It:s a $1 prize novel. Over i.00,000 sold at $1.35.. The seller" for April in both Canada and United Stat clear, clean, clever romance, Stirring,"enterta and consistently interesting. The other is Overland Red a story tingling the virile life of the West. One of the brightest, novels of the year, perfectly clean and decent,. an the same time full of romatic adventure, Price $1.35 The W. D. Fair e Often the ehapest-FilwayS the Best MINOR LOCALS. Advertise in the New Era, When, buying mention The New Era, Labor Day, Monday Sept. 711), be next holidlay. The green apple is gettiag in its tiinte wools /again, , Indications point to a large class p10.Clintoin Moclet School. Actors in iiVaeaicoas war , Laraine RI the akerraains fleet is still at have been relegated to the avints. lairgse for, the next few; weeks 'nd A sal ishipping aat a standstill,a51 visitors, from' the• North says Iva) mean that the Jackson Cuniton,s, main street has them all beaten. ilactory will be out of material an eight. Heae'shoping that ' the rmaterlal will soon arrive we i want. all our faatories to be 'w'orking full time. • ias month or 00 With no stack an Kitcheaer doaq 'Salk trauch but 'at "doing" heis a whialwintl. RECEPTION, The Chatham, 'Planet saye of a reverend gentleimiau well-known in Clinton and vicinity -Theemembers ot the Vietorla. Avenue Methodist clausch g.av'e a reception to Dr. Medd, theta new pastor lasty even - The affain was held in )the' church and it was greatly enjoyed by all The prospeeta are that Dr. aVfeclids will aave a very successful pastor- ate in the Maple city. NOTIFY US tATi ONCE. Wbeln, thq eabseriber's address is changed the publisher should be notified rat °Mee. This matter should not, be lett to the postmas- ter. While it is true that Ole post, anlaister should, uotity th,e publish, es when isi subscriber ceases to re- ceive knlall 'at his office, it is! often that many/ of them apparently ne- glect this dulty, and quite often 25 cents avill pay forr The New Era ;to new subscribers in Canada atom' now until the ena, of the year If you are already a .subscriber ac- cept the chance to 'send, The( New Eras fox the 'balance of the, year to your distant son, daughter or frie.nd who will ,appreciate read- ing the home news, SUSPEND ISSUE OF MONlaY ORDERS Postmaster Scott has been advised by telegram from the district inspec tor that orders had come from Ottawa to discontinue issuing postoffice money orders for transmission to Eng land, any country to reach which they would have to pass through Eng land. or to any country in Europe, pending a more definite settlement of the rate of exchange. The cominer mai companies suspe.,ded the issue of money orders of any other paper call. ing for payment of money in Europe but up to last week the posteffice had continued to issue money orders, The order, while it involves only a tem - when they do attempt to do itt the poraly discontinuance of money order proper information kis not given. A business, is bound to result not only great inconvenience but, in many cases, especially where men here have been sending money to Europe and Great Britain for the support of their families there, a very real hardship. A hank check, even, is not a very certain vehicle for transmitting money across the Atlantic, Even if is' reaches its destination safely it is entirely tTroble- rcatical whether banks in England or elsewhere in Europe would cash drafts which possibly might never reach the bank of issue and for which therefore payxnent might never be made on this side. For letters of credit on England baoks here are charging at the rate of about $5 to Rib This rate how ever is not fined 8410 special arrangements postal: eitaldt and a ininainalteki time will save a lot 'of colmplakine, WHAT W10R DOES. • Sornetimei people ',imagine that la war will /not him't them, but Clinton has had Many •examples, the past week am the rls0 of flour etc,, but the latest onset the New Brio has heard of is from Dr, Axon, The Dr.lrecently sent an •order, to his wholesale house f or goods in- cluding gold and received a fetter fast weeftistating that they. were selling the o1c1 only ton cosh in advadve and 'Were drawing on hilm, before ohipping it. The wholly slalers expe-t a Tine kb all limes- in ifew days. are made to fit epecial cases, Berger's part Green It will not pay you to experiment with Paris Green of inferior quality Bergers can be depended upon to do the work quickly and surely Absolute certainty of results makes Bergers Paris Green the beet to Buy -the best to Use THE PENSLAR STORE EL IIOVEYY Dispensing Cheniist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE amass* NATIONAL • Portion We have just received a Car Load of the same 01c1 Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaccion. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. AN EWS, CLINT9N 11111..1105•301. kiwi: Strong Points in Heela Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, Circular Water Pan, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED OR Phone 53 400110 SALE CHEAP, • 1 second-hana FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Home" with oven. Thos,Hawkins PluInbing and Heating ,..1.11M101...11101•• 4.211,V0122.1.1.10.=1,1M111 Tilt • eorraer Store "Live and Let Live" Headquarters fur ill° Hest Pickilng Table Vinegar. Every housekeeper who puts uP her (own; pickles kaeWs the im- portance of Good ;Vinegar. Reim White Pickling 153 egar is distilled Swans cereals had be- s lag free from vegetable matter; is a Follett Preservative It is labsolutety pure and whole- some, of ,greart strength and fina aa flavoa. ALSO HEADQTItaRTERS FOR THE BEST PICKING SPICES f Butter and Eggs Wanted Highest Market Price E. E. Hunniford PHONE 45. MeiNmasmanmaxidnominalsoxemoseurp/ ,• .......t,....,.......,.......,,,....,.....................,......, . A Dollar Shoe Sale ÷ . ,...,, : . N 4. 4 Here's a Dollar Shoe Sale without ally .1- 4. 4/ i. Dollar Shoes. Strange, but True 1 4. Here is a Mighty Good Chance to get souse 4., 4. Nighty Good Shoes at Mighty Low Prices. t .5. 4. We have many lines of shoes that we are not going to T to continue. We have many styles of shoes where we have only one or two pairs of a kind. We have placed all these 4. shoes on tables by themselves, and while they last, you may + , take your choice of the lot for past One Dollar per pair. + 4. 1% ' 4. There are Shoes for Hen, Women and Children , 1•4 ,,, Eyery Shoe is worth two or three times our asking price .A.t., .1. aa Never before have you been offered such shoes for One Dollar, and you may never again have such a chance. This will be the first, last ard only call that you will ever have to attend this great Dollar Shoe Sale which will be of very short duration for the shoes will sell immediately ii-ers THE HOME OP GOOD SHOES 11-44:+gact`fttgi4)..i4e...itistqaitirmuiltiiti-Ja*.t&attbutu,sitiakt.444111*.tt