HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-08-06, Page 7,1,41717,V,T-• • 023,' August. 11-th, 1914. FIER LIFE TO T-A-TIVES" oth Stomach Trouble nd Headaches N, ON., JUNE 20t11. 5913. believe that I owe my life A:ail/es". Ever. siece child - ate been under the care of a and have been payiug ills. I was so sick and worn People On the street often e if I thought I could get theta help. The same old Trouble and distressing es nearly drove me wild. e ago, I got a box of "Fruit - and the first hex did me good. band was delighted and advi- tainuation of their use. I am feeling fine, and a n meeting 11180 11 the street, my improved appearance and he reason. I replied, "I am ruit-a-tives". He said, "Wel), -a-tives are making you look so ahead and take them. They ng more for you than I can". MRS. H. S. WILLIAMS. it-a-tives " are sold by all at 501. a box. 6 for $2.5o, trial c. or sent postpaid on receipt of Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. +.1.14.Z44441-44-1.144441 A WEDDING PRESENT She Simply Had to Have It 1 e By MARTHA M'CULLOCH-WILLIAMS t .1401444.444444.1.14.+ "I won't! I say it! I mean it! I , won't! Not now, never, nor the next , day! So there!" ..dela cried, her fin- gers tight in her ears and stamping her foot hard. ' "That's a pity! Such a pity!" Billy . Bruce murmured, with his most engag- ing smile. "A. pity you say it, I mean, . "because I know and you know perfect- ly that you will." ' "Who's going to make me, or what? ; Certainly not You, not the little old ... scrap of a fortune," Adele retorted, I slicking out her chin. Billy laughed - .softly, hardly more than a chuckle. ' "True, we don't amount to much, the , fortune and I," he said. "Still, there's I.. lather more to us than you can get any , -Other way." ' "Oh, you think so! Your modesty i won't hill you, not for a long time yet," Adele ' broke in, with a wicked toss of did head. Billy made her his 1 b t bow, saying half plaintively: "You . 't notice I held up my fingers for quotation marks. I was quoting -from Rob Torrens. He talked you over down at the hotel." "I don't believe it! How dared you let him? What did be say?" Adele shot at -him, a round red spot blazing in either cheek. "He didn't say much -after I got to him. Benny Driggs was with him. They were going on at a great rate an til I came. No; he spoke no harm of - anybody. Indeed, he was more sensi- ble than one might reasonably expect." I Billy continued. • "Unless you tell me I shall go straight and ask bira-nsk him if he said anything at all about me," Adela cried, her Bp curling faintly. Billy stood a thought straighter. "You can't do that. He's leaving on the evening trait. It's due, just about." he said. "I don't think you can mean to imply that I'm lying. 1 wouldn't do that if It would make you love me. Torrens said this, as nearly as I can recall his ( words: 'It is a good thing the little i Wareagirr has her future all settled ' for her. She's pretty enough, madcap enengh, to make history, lots of it, if she had a free rein. And really Billy Brace, plus $50,000, ought to console hematarly for losing me." "You -what did you say?" Adela dee mended', sparks at the bottom of her eyes. Billy's mouth was set Into a grimmi, sh smile. eIt didn't seem to me a tline for taliong." he seiald. "I said 'retiring, but Mr. Torrens got off the piazza -and thought , be was going to get off the earth about two seconds "Ifiter-while I explained to the rest that,I .felt myself insulted by the color of his politics." "Is that why he's going away?‘" A.dela asked: in a, feint, small , voice. Billy nodded. "Lreclion so *1 4did. "Mev. -Lag [UNION NEW ERA. 'PAGE FIVE WIIII0.111=110•01111.001.M trona cnanges. 1 uo not want to se . - any man at all." "All right, I'll vanish," Billy said half wistfully. "But,. Dell, have you thought of this? If you mope at home, seeing nobody at all, the town will have it you're brealdng your heart for Torrens. Now I think of it, my going will help a lot. You can reasonably be supposed to be grieving after me." "Oh, you'll kill me!" Adele moaned "But where are you going? Not that it matters -if only you stay away!" "I shall stay a couple of years. It'll take about that time for leisurely globe fretting," Billy said craftfillly. "I've all along had it in mind, though I didn't mention it. I hoped so much we could go together." Adele stared at him, forgetting In her amazement to cry. "Of all things!" she ejaculated. "Why, 13111y! I never thought you'd care to go a hundred miles from home. You -you've been always so careful about money. Not that you were mean, but you didn't" - "Make a splash," Billy supplemented ab she stopped for a word. "No. That always seemed to be foolish and in mighty bad taste. But I shall be able to afford a lot ot things now. You see, I began to 10 the rents of my farm ac- cumulate as 50011 as grandad's will was read, giving us to each other. Money grows a lot when you leave it for ten years and put more to it every little while. I kept my mouth shut about it, but many a time I've told my- self, 'This to give Dell the wedding present she'll like best in the world.'" "Wby didn't you tell me?" Adele said fretfully. Billy smiled, but drew a long breath. "Telling would have broken the charm," he said. "I wanted to surprise you, and I didn't want to bribe you into taking me. I shouldn't be telling you even now if you hadn't made me see there is no chance of our coming together." "'Then why don't you go away?" Adele said, more than ever fretful. She was on the verge of fresh tears - tears she would not for the world let him see. If life had depended on it she would not have admitted, even to herself, that they were more for the hurt to her pride involved in his going without her than for the crushing out of what but yesterday she had fancied was her one true love. Torrens had awakened it-Torrens, with his gay elegance, his careless, easy assumption of authority, so un- like Billy's respectful adoration. Billy was the inevitable, the commonplace. Therefore she had resented him even more than she had resented the family disposition of her hand. Torrens had fascinated her from the beginning. She had felt it would be so finely ronsantic to fling away a lover and a fortune for his dear sake. And Ise had asked her to do it -a hundred times at least -as plainly as anything could be asked -without words. And now he had gone at Billy's bidding -gone without a word to her. Sharp across her consciousness had come the whistle of the departing train. In a passion of anger and hu- miliation she turned again upon Billy, saying in her hanlest voice: "Go tell everybody you threw me over -because of -the other -and don't let me see you ever again!" She was sorry for the speech before the gate shut behind Billy, sorrier still as the days drew into a week -a week full of stir and wondering over Billy's approaching departure. She bud not seen him again even at a distance. Daily he walked a block about rather than pass her gate. He did more - gave up his share in the money, put- ting the whole of it safely in trust for Adele. When word of it was brought to her she turned away her face, ran upstairs and was invisible until next day. Torrens had written -a light, grace. ful, lying letter, pleading imperative business in excuse for his seeming rudeness, and at the very end hinting at wishing her joy with Billy. She tore the letter furiously into small bits and next minute wished she had sent it to Billy instead. Billy was going that night -upon the same train that had taken Torrens away. All day Adele thought of nim. All day she fought with herself. At 5 o'clock she began furiously to make some small preparation& At 8, cloaked and bonneted, with a travel- ing bag clinched In her hands, she stole down side streets to the station and shrank into hiding there. Billy would , not come for half an hour. The train came at 7, but she must be in time. She had Dn a thick veil and had chosen the most muffling of her Wraps. Thus nobody recognized her, not even Billy when he came Lu, the center of a hearty group. They ,langhed mid jested with all thliting' at once and very fast. They slapped him, , the shoulder and poked hike' in the fibs, but somehow they were not very merry, Billy him- self was not merry, though be kept tip his part manfully. 'Adele, watching ,,from her covert, saw lines in his face unseen before Otherwise,slie Might have lacked dint, age for the desperate thing she had to do, It was.a. .desperate thing, consid- ering. what bed come and gone, ta walk out and say in a weak, small voice, but so all could hear: "Billy -I - have changed my mind. I -I want my weddilig present after all. Yes, there'ii time. 1.4 sent word to the minister to have everything ready, you gee. 1 knew I could depend on you." be ' *Ric cia ;IVe` yon another sewn. r think he had engaged to call on you. tonight." . Adele put both her hands over her face and for a minute. cried, stormily., Dilly watched: her with something hig hard his,thrOPW' Suddenly she down her hands and faced him, teary .and wP,ahn,pa,e -Phe if," #01,tY 'spoiled, impfaient Withal and selflah yrith the selfishnesii of eighteen,. "By all the rules of the game 1 ought to give In to you at once," she said, snapPing out the words, "but 1 won't do it. Go' aWaYi 1 hate you - almost as much es' I hate that,' stele ping afid Choking. "I dOn't 'want to see you -ever again -not unless my , SUFFERED TEN YEARS ' From Female HI'S= Restored to Health by Lydia, E. Phs yegetable :cOropOund. BUSINESS AND SIIORTHAND Subjects taught abtytheexpert instructors Y. W. C. A. BLDG,. LONDON, ONT: Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 1st. Catalogue free. Enter any time. .1.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, 30., ,r) Principal CearterettAccountast VIce-ilsacIsal Belleville,,N. p., Canada. - 'I dqctored for ten years for female troubles and did not, getwell. .1 tread in the paper about Lydizi, E. pinkhain's Vegetable Compound anddecidig to try it: I write now to tell you ,that I am cured. You , can publish my letter as a testimonial." --Mrs..Silvana 13ABINB, Belleville, Nova Scotia, Canada. Another Woman BeetnierS. Auburn, N. Y.-" I suffered from nervousness for ten years, and had such organic pains that sometimes I would lie in bed four days at a time, could not eat or sleep and did not want anyone to talk to me or bother me at all. Sometimes I would suffer for seven hours at a time. Different doctors did the best they could for me until four months ago I began giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am in good health." -Mrs. WILLIAM H. GILL,No. 15 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York. The above are only two of the thou- sands of grateful letters which are con- stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which show clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound does for those who suffer from woman's ills. If yon want spe- cial advice write to Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co. (cpnfi- dential)Lynn,Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a wo- man and held in Strict confidence. Junior Matriculation Results. • Below is given, a list of Enron, County students, who passed the iuni or malneelatiom bxamination this yeae; Group L -R A, bite:110re, Co - %till, M. W. Carling, K. S. Coevan, G. Deadman W. Ai Denney, J. Ml Garvey, C. Gialcioneon, M. A. GflIrifneoln, R. C. J. B. Hess M. K. Johreston N. U. Jones, E, James, T'. Kidd, K. E. Kennedy, A. M. Itaandsborough, A. W. Morgan A. „H. MacKercher, E. Manning W. (M. Nelson, E.Pollock, G. B. Quackenbush, R. W. Ryan, J. C. Stratng, J. Tayloe, N. Trimmer, R. B. W,alker. Grotup IL -G. G. ,MlacEwan. Group ,III. -J. L. Allan, R. Bisset, R. S. ;Cprmialnr, P. IF. Daylell L, A Gairvey, M. !Gunn.. S. G. Henry, E. E. Lowry, W. (Ivr.IsteNalughtcort, M. R. ,Roiss, R. E, Sathleott, le Stew- art, W. "G. Stewart, ol, H. Smillie, S. Sanillie, W. !Et Walker. . DR. DATAN'S 'FRENCH PILLS 1:',Ireegt: gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for $1.5. iSold at -all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of price. TEEM SCOBELL Dann Co, St. Catharines, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. 34Vernd Vitality; for Nerve\ and Brain; increases "grey ran,tter"; a Tonle—will build you up, $1 a box. or two for $5, at drug stores, or by Mal 031 receipt of priee.*Tnu Secant', 0500 10., St. Catharines, Ontario. HAD SALT RHEUM ON HER HANDS SO BAD SHE COULD NOT WORK Burdock Bleed Bitters Cured Her Mrs. B. Bell, Box 104, Newboro, Ont., writes: -"Some time ago I was troubled with Salt Rheum on my hands, and it was so bad I could not do my work. I tried several medicines but they all failed to help me. One day a friend told Inc to try.Burdock Blood Bitters, so I got a bottle, and before I had taken it my hands were better. I am not afraid to recommend B.B.B. to any- body." There is only one way to get rid or all those obnoxious skin diseases, such as Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples etc., and that is by giving the blood a' thorough cleansing by the use of Bur- dock Blood Bitters. This sterling remedy has been on the market for close on to forty years and you will find that it will dn all we claim for it. See that our name appears on the bottle, label and wrapper. The T. lalilburn Co., Limited, as. Toronto. Ont. DISTRIC donstasee Mrs. Beow;Dok Of Sesta:rat spent Sunday the guest :of, her parentle Mv tlindi Mrs. Jan, Manny sr: , Miss ,Love( of, Tomonto spent, a aelw. dayel Ante, Iguest of ;leer .Sister, Ws: al. (Buttons . Mr. TlhOlaitTudora ere of 'Eugenia, a, a few 'days the :guest of 'his aughter, 'Mts. Jos,Mann, pet. and hile • eon. Dunban, H'udor of Con- stance. . jun Riley has. enga,ged. with Me. Thos. , Beatterty r the threstlling Season, " • Expects to Sail Ill Three Weeks After naaay years of effort the first, succeesful artesian well has be:en bored in Tripoli by Italian army en,giete,ersl, If vinegar be boiled 111 011 open Vessel at the same time that onions Orel cooked the disagreeable oder will disappear. LondonRoad to,ndort Road Lonclion Road Lott- 1VEfis 111a,plt.,Livernapre, 01 Toron- to, is ;speeding, a Couple on weeks at (her homes hero. - I Miss Grant retuanancl home from Guelph, after spendinig a pleasant and proilitablet week with the i0. A. C. 'school n Mr. Lawrence Stephenson return- ed home last Saturday eventing 'af- ter being away a year :and; half in British Columbia ,ated Northern On tario. A large number, of the friends and neaghbors as.spantbled at the home, of Mr antd Mrs. Levit 'Wiltse Fat Peidan to pay the.last respects to the rembins -of then: daughtee, Mrs, Hayes, who died, unexpected 1'?' alt Detroit bast Tues,day. Rev. S. 41. Allia conducted the funeral seevices, Mere -Was, a large tune - nal. Friends from McKillop and London weeei present. A good unlainyltfarmers will finish harvest this. week if the goociewea- ther continues. The- rain:kat the be inning of the week was ,welcom,ed y all the far- mers. . Miss Tillie McCtaetney, of Detroit, is ;visiting hen sieter, .Mrs. George Henley. Brireefield Miss Inge:aria of London who Itas been vasiting' at the hemp of Mrs. John :Walker ha,s returned Ihoim,et Miss Emily Nevin, alcith.say, is the guestaoa Mrs, -Higgins. 0.urr m:ercleants did a big business like Com this week, *Mrs. Eloolart visited relatives itr Sarnia tlds week. Rev. Charles.(Mustard and faraday of Toronto, ore vieitiadoe .at, ;has hotne, ,Mr. 1Vtustaed has a charge 10 Moronto and 'is this. year build flog ainevl chuirch, Mrs. Turner, and daughter Mabel have returned home from their va- cation, Roes Scott end sister Elizabeth, have returned( frolro visiting rela- tions at Bowmaville, Canadian Army Division l'orBri- tish Se'rViee With §e'leff` Orders. r.m .torOittO Markets , , • $10,65 Tattle ................1 0,00 Lambs Sheep , 1.00 Chieese ---------I:- 13 1-16c Butter 22c to 25c Eggs "Wheat Oats 55c 62 to 64 Pettatoes per bag Beans, $1.75 to 1.86 now will be speedly brought to justice. During the struggle the horse of the assailants broke away. BruaSels Following are the prizeea warded by a S. Nicholson of Guelt h, in connec- tion with the standing field crop,com- petition of East Huron Agricultural Society, in.order of merit: James Spier Morris; Oliver Turnbull Grey; Wil- iam Moses, Morris; George Cardiff, Morris, Wm. Armstrong, Grey, John Orerar, Grey; Elston Caidiff, Morris. J. It Rowland, manger of the Stand- ard Bank here, out ahorthis vacation by order of head office because of pres ent, financial conditions. The army worm has been doing much damage the last week in Morris Thursday is civic holiday here. One of the events of the day will be the annual Sunday school excursion to Kincardine. Ottawa Aug., 7. -It is expected that a Canadian army division for service with British troops outhe conrtilisit can with sealed( or- ders Ma three `weeks' time ontnans poects proVided tor them, Recruitintg conanaenices at all points todialA 'mita the wheels will be rolliaig on all the railways brieg nig men to Quebec to the big train Pug grounidal 'at Valcartier at an early date,. Grand Bend Mr. G. Elliott of Exeter, received a telegram to be prepared to go to Hali- fax with the volunteers. Guests at Brenner House are: Mr. A Stanley, Lucan; Misses Stanely, Lucan Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, London; Miss Moore and bliss Truman, Stnithroy: Mr, and tars. Chas nrossman, Detroit; Mr. Geo. M. Ross, London; Mr. Bar- ber, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bhomire, Berlin; Miss McIntyre, Detroit; Mr. Allan, Detaoit; Mr. G. Burden, Exeter The Main Street Choir, of Exeter, picnic here was a great success. Mrs. Senior and daughter, of Totem - to, are visiting friends in Exeter after spending a week at Grand Bend. Mrs. Martin and Miss Dow, of Mit- chell, returned after spending a. week here. Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Harrison, of Berlin, are guests at the Holt House. Mrs. Woods, of Fxeter, returned home Saturday. Twetnity-tive thousand men will be taken: to, Valcartier,, though only 21,000 will be Bent, On 200 targets now an process of erection shooting practice, will be carried on for about a week and there will be :eatref ul selection of already;se- lected forces, , The ‘anny etivitsion will consist of thaw brigades of slour battal- lona each, 'Theme( will be 12000 in - faintly, The artillery will corAslat oe field, horse and heavy, with 31000 artillery men. Five hundred cav- alry will probably be. included ami the rernainder will be made up of auxiliary corps'. The garrisoe troops evil! not go far tgarrisost deity, Shut to assist the Great Britaan expe(ditiortaoy forcer on the continent in the fore fs:onk of the battle. Such is the ex pectation in headquarters here. I. • / 22e to, 24e Goderich Unknown thieves entered the Hotel Bedford. owned by John Bedford, carried the cash register out to the back yard and robbed it of 820. The police believe that the malefactors form part of a gang that has been oper ating in Western Ontario for some time, but they have no further clue. Miss Mabel Toni and Mss Alma Dancey have offered there services as nurses to the Governnaer.t. The following Goderich people are in Europe: Rev. J. B. Fotheringharn, Van. Archdeacon Hill, Miss Mabel Strang and Mr. S. E. Hick Chester M. Elliott, of the Alberta Farmers' Co operative Elevator Com- pany, Calgary, is home on holidays. It is huelerstood here that word the's been recieved •,notifyin.g offi- cials of the elevator companie.s, here cads of the elevator compelling here thlat a military guard will be &emit for the igraira el.evators here. Similar action 14 Is reported is be - sing taken with elevatoes at Fort William and other points, .Gode-. rich elevators have a total capa- city far several million bushels ;and. or the, most part the grain that, mentos through is ,wheat. flolrneavllle Fred Davis and 'Lester Jervia, two 12 -year-old boys residing at Holmesville, were? b:aelly la:spired tirn a runaway accident near that place (=Saturday. Lavds had his skull falactured and Jervis sustained set vete injuries this black when the horse they'. were driving shied at a Hoek of turkeyson the road and bolted.throwing both boys head- long from the 'buggy. Rev. P. L Langford, rector of Middleton, paid 'Holme,syille Angli- an Ch.urhe.s, has resigned, ...His resignation is, lt o take effect next month. ' Varna Harvesting is well on the way in this viainity. The oat crops is good in most localities, but the bean and root crops ate suffering for want of rain. Quite a mumber from here attend( d the annual garden party held in Bay field last Thursday evening. A good crowd was present. The tables were laden with good things provided by tne ladies of St. John's Church. Music was furnished by tha Kiltie Blass Band, of Clinton. August 13 is the date fixed for the garden party in connection with Si - John s Church. Varna, to be held on Mr. McAsh's lawn. Music will be furnished by ths Seaforth Brass Baud, also the bobbquartet will be present, i A good time s expected. The heat Monday was intense' regis tering 100 iu the shade. Thunder storm( hovered around, but only a few drops of rain fell here, W Mr. Will Hainieneg,hseainn.of Mr.and Mre, W. J. Heins,: has been engaged, as teacher ninth° school , at .Marlehank, near. Teed. Miss, Pipet Brock .has beep engaged se Teacher in ,,thet.;june tion echoed arid Miss Ada. 'Babies, has - been ,„re ,engaged as as teacher in Hohnes school. Mr, Jaynes A Me Connell, chief of police of Sebewash. B. 0. a son of Mr, P. McConnel, of this i,town,„, recently captartd, Gleorge E., Ban, Who la .want, ecl'm CPUE9Cti9E .yritli.a :TOL:WY 5n4 Murder on a great Nrirtliern train recently.. Aereiward of mthooq, wateoffered fOr the' captnre, pfeltalt and Mr -McConnell will be entitled to the' trioney.I , ThiniRd95i.RAU:Alt ' 11;; o"clocia, WillianiTtey;e14contractor and builderi arid John ,Groyea"-triwn;cierIle of Nylrigf bran; Were rethrning„,frolh;Brirstsels4 where they had ebelen eiftendittsr an, Gddfellow'selestallatinn ofe.officersa When one mile 'and: ta half from Bine sela theee,menintheir tsleeves- sprang from their buggY,witlphoree Whine in their halide. One :of then% seized ebbe horse hyttbethridiel =while( the ,,otber. twothen attacked Mielletaelt andoltIra: GroYes. A general fight.took place he witiclitthe.esfailants,:got at.. horrible pulhing,a»d threshing. Deyell and,Oroyesbave several :nasty iarks Ewen , their: feces whe,re,,,they ,were steuelt,with some, .weapons. There id no question or clouht- but . Provincial Officers. Klippen. these men .were after as he has ,been bunting, down seine of the law breakers that way lately and Deyell was driving the horse offlicer uses, As one of the assailants, name is known. No doubt these men ' Public and,. anieralcipal Workall , °Vet` Canada has eltopped on" he - count of the War, Goderick TowirShiP Mrs. John Anderson, aged 90, one of the pioneers of Goderich Township, died at her home on Tuesday. Follow ing a fall, she had been an invalid for ten years She leaves seven Sons and two daughtets -R. J.. in Winnipeg; James, of Topeka: George,:of Mortiack Sask,; and Mrs. John Thompson. of Goderich Township. The funeral will he held on Friday and interment will be made at Bayfield Cemetery, Mr. E. IL Wise sold la thorobred Sblorthorn bull, one year old, to, Mr. Perry Pluto -steel of( the Lone don. Road. • .!1111.01plitg Hatic17.4..Extaidedit9.'411-67..MiddleAged Woman 71/BERE comes a time imeyery woman's ",life when she undergoes attimportant 'change. This is a critical period, It is a time when a woman heeds her full health and strength. For your, own sake you 'should anticipate this. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Thelatestin med. ical science is contained in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser—newasdre- rhea edition .1 1008 page.oanly 31e. Ad- dress Dr. Pierce's In. Hotel, Buffalo tom44444..s.straor has been recommended for over forty years as a tonic for women. It is helpful in the equaliza- tion of the circulation of the blood a,nd in regu- lating the action of the bowels. Nervousness and low spirits disappear. Happiness and con- tentment take their place. Sold in tablet or liquid form by Medicine Dealers -or send 50 cents for sample box ' George Ir. MeOullny, lefaator of Wesley church; and a former pas- tor of the groonnt After theecere emen,y and, congnatulations, ;the par'ty enjoyed a -daintily served wedding breakfast,. furnished by Mrs. Doyle a after which theyoun.g couple left 'on, the eavornang tnaan for Killarney where they within:eke their home.. SummerhIll aujmmerliiil summerlihll 1VIrs, John\ McDowell :and daugh- ter, and Miss Minnie and Robert Snell of Westfiehteispent Sunday at the home of Win. Lo;bb. Melees Mabel and Elsie .Beown, Sundayed with their friend, Miss Gertrude Oakes. Auburn Mr, Charles Asquith has connnenced • packing apples, The outlook for a good crop of choice fruit is very pro wising at present, Mr. Joseph Lawson has a good deal of the material for his new home on the ground. and the work is I:eing pushed rap:dly forward. The ;Volunteers have been ordered out to canna next Monday. - Mrs. StIcIlveen of Clinton is spending a few days witti friends here. The greater number of our citizens spent Civic Holiday (last Wednesday) at the point farm. others went to Sea forth and the rifle association spent the day in Dungannon. Re.v. Ur. Turner of St. Andrews; church, Blyth, will preach in Knox church next Sunday. Mr. 0 W. Beseey of Hamilton, with hie wife passed through Auburn on their way to Goderich, while in the neighborhood Mr. Bessey called at a number of his customers, Stanley Miss Brown of Blyth is at present visiting at the home of her nephews, the Graham Bros.; Mr, John E. Bryant of London is spending some time at the home of Me John McCowan. Rev. E. H. Sewers, formerly pcs or of Union Church, Brucefield hut now of Bruce 0o. is visiting on the and this week, He is accompanied by his wife. They are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Baird. Mullett Mr. aud Mrs, Cartright sr., of Elul. let, eccompanied by their granddaugh- ter, Miss Argent, of town visited at Auburn, Dungannon and other points last week. Ides, S. Appleby and. son Thos. spent lllo.nataty with her ,bousint Robert Hunter, on the liacenclon Road. Miss O'Brien of, Etainadaton is spending a fewl weeks , with her ,conisint, Alias ElsieFlarquhar • and also feionds .Ihi IPoft Farm!' Nelson, Hilll and R. Vodden have porphased mteavet autos. Mrs. Robert ;Smith( land Mrs. Tet Little are under (the cloctdr h caret Joseph Carter is able to (be out 'affainc;ailter: thane, laid Iry with 'the ereitsey. , Lgtiold4le,:thesI1ittle sant.O6 Wesley eVoildens hadeithe anasferteme 1 to aliareak his collar bane by failing Iola a water, tank'. e Miss Pearl :Hart 'is sPentltilake' a flew weeknewith ,her frienicte ; rs, Alex, IVIcEwatins oft Harbick;.s ailreeentela,Meset,Tailies. Scaoll agent a feav-daysOast Week With Strat- ftopd s. a/fr, on DIPS. '/VilliEMIS and, three ' Aldldren spent,Slun- 1day at the hoone 1 oh Wesley "Vedalette „ , • , ; .1, Mrs. Willis .1VIostitfltain .an,declatughter Gladys, and Mos F. Lawson spenn, a (few days last 'w'eek with the batter's sister' Mrs. James. Fiach of ,Stratford. VVra, Weynionthl 'has antgagecl with Jramest Leiper, as firetman, for the thresthing, seeson. :Misses Maaiel lan.it 'Edna Lee spent a few' days with Stratford faineds, Blytle James that, who has been in Ger many for the past two months, has just arrived and says he got out of the country just in time to escape being detained. He stetes that Germany was all agog over the prospects of war, and ali seemed to be of the opin ion that the Kaiser's forces could sweep the country. while he was there they were of the opinion that the other countries would be eithee neutral or join with them, "The whole country is an armed force." he said, "and ready to fight for the Kaiser In my opinion it is the son who is more anxious for this war to go on than the Kaiser, and as he is very popular in Germany. the people are greatly elated to follow him. Mr. Outt is of the opinion that the Canadians have a wrong impression of Germany being adverse to war they are anxious for it and want to beat France and Britain, The reshingling of the Methodist church has been completed. A number of the shade trees are badly affected with a small grey rater pillar whieh is stripping the leaves oft the branches. Wm Philips has had a new fotge built in his blacksmith shop. It is his intention tomake other improveinents to the building having new window frames placed thereiu. Voters' List was first posted up on July 25th. List this year is slightly larger than that of 1913 and contains 186 names in Part 1. 121 in Part I I and 18 in Part I I I, a total of 328 with the names of 113 persons qualified as jurors. Roht. Slater left on a visit to his daughter at Smith Falls, He expects to retnain for sume time in the hope that the ch'ange will prove beneficial to his health, which has not been the best for some time. • Frank and Mrs. Metcalf and Illisa Ella left for Sarnia where they took passage on the N. N, Co. steamer for Fort William. on,their -return to Medi- cine Hat, Alberta, where the former willereaume his duties, as Domiaion. Fruit Inspector. They expect to re, turn to -Myth -in December to spend the Winter here. atmo , Seaforth Clara, the ten -year-old dang.hter of Mr. and Mrs. (John Muir, pet with a aacil death 'On Tuesday lalltennonna !While men were en- gaged in loath* a icar with wheat at No. 6 warehouse, the withi her sister end anioth'er giel ,comptanion, climbed a ladder leading to the bin, land wereplay- in when the (suction of, the grain caused Clara to be (drawn toward the Ispimt. The other gage immeddately gave the alarm, but before she could lbe extricated Muir have the sym,pathy of the life :wale extinct. Mr. aMr nd 's. etiltetir sudden rcillveere'ilbugitrareilim Wife of President Woodrow Wilson Died Thursday Afternoon Washington. August 6 -Mrs. Wood row Wilson, wife of the President of the United States, died at the White House at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Death came after a brave struggle. of months against Bright's disease with complicetions, . The President was completely un nerved by the shuck, and his grief was heartrendering. He hole up well un der the strain, however, and devoted himself to Ms daughters, - The end came while Mrs. Wilson was unconscious. Her illness took a turn for the worse shortly before 1 o' clock in the afternoon, und from that time she grew gradually weaker HAVE PRETTY HAIR Thick, Soft, Fluffy, and no band - ruff -Use Parisian Sage. If your hair is losing its natural color, coining out and splitting, or lacks that enviable softness, floss and beauty do not despair -pretty hair 19 largely a matter of care. If it is too thin make it grow. If if is harsh and brittle soften it up -lubricate it. If you have dand- ruff it is because the scalp is too dry and flakes off. Freshen up the .sealp evith. Parisian Sage --:all dandeuff disappears, falling hair and itching head °ease, your hair ia doubly beautiful. Parisian Sage sold by W. S. R. Holmes and at, all drug counters, 10 just what you In'aeid-a laPge bdttie coats 50 emits. It surelee makes' the hair lustrous and seems twice as abundant. You cannot be disappointed in Parbsian Sage. Londesboro Mr. iand Mrs. Stalker of Ingersoll spent a few, clays with D.,1Geddes. The following aefers to a in,e,plew of :Mrs, Meal/tains of Lanidesborlot and, Mr. Edmund Crawford of the 8th coneessiont-On Monda,y morn- ing,I Judy 20th, at the home ' 01 Rev. Maneon. Doyle, .a pretty wed- ding wee solemilzed, the con- teacting parties( beisAgl Mr, Arthuz Be.neon Clawford, youngest SOD . of Mrs. W. S. lerawford, oft the Hadiett District, New Killarney, Mien., land Mise Eileen A.gnes ;Eine .arson. of Killarney,' Man. 'The cer- emony was performed by Rev. AAAAAAAAAAAA41,41AAALAAAULAAA* 4 41 4 4 i 3 4 Pianos 1 4 3 4 4 41' 4 4' 4 .1 4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs. ,5pecittl values iu Art Cases Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Emporium 3 4 3 C. Hoare - irctrwisrvvvvvvwwwwww.. - _ wwwwrim '"I l''',. a ea I a, AdNIIII•=11 lemesuumwer WESTERN PAIR LONDON, epiNADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September iith to loth. 1914 INCREA,SED T"RIZE LIST Magnificent Programme of Attractions. Two Speed Events Daily New Fireworks every night. COME AND SEE /The Dominion Experimental Farm Exhibit and \ The Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con, T. Kennedy Shows will fill the Midway. Music by the Befit available Bands Reduced Ktaillvay Rates Commencing September itth Special ExeurSien Days, Sept, 154h, 164h, 17th. All 'rickets good till Sept. 21st. ALL INPURMATION t'R061 THE SECRETARY W. J. REID, presidkent A, M. RUNT, secretary usetaMMOMMIMMINIMOSMISMEMIIMMAnitialettlit