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The Clinton New Era, 1914-08-06, Page 4
PAGE. TOURi. - CLINTON NHW Thursday, August 6th, 7.914 emeassmnsaweltavoi In Pearl Pendants We are Showing Some Very Pretty Designs In pleasing contrast to the styles one usually sees —yet they are strictly correct and follow closely the forms prescribed by those who have the "say so" In ladies jewelery. We invite you to conte in and inspect our stock. Prices from $10.00 up W. !1. IEE1,YAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE stionmememsnmser Fall Term feom Sept.1 rCeatralBnsinessCollege Stratford. Ont. The best Commercial School in the province. Our courses are thorough and practical while our instructors are better than yoo will find elsewhere. We do more for our students than other similar schools do. Our rates are reasonable. our free catalogue and see what we can do for you. D. A. McLachlan, The New Era. 49TH 'NEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE," W. II. HERR & SON, Props, J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager New Ei'a, One Year in advance $1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance.- $1.50 New Era, teethe United States in advance $1,50 Advertising Rates on Application Job work prices advance on July 1st, 1913, in ,accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- dation Rates. Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 •e..e•eeeees.....e.e•eeee Local News ••••N0•••••••••e•e•e•••eIP HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ. How far behind is your subscrip-' then to The New, Era? ,At .he small sum of t$100 per year it is supposed to be paid in advance, IP 1'I 111 -1--Zeer eee When Print 'Blur% When print blucsiilr• irl'iable temper and general discomfoe0 We poaitivel,eu'tti this condition with, glasses.. !" 4 \fie f,‘ the; i'alland' even 'though it wins done the formof demanding that they p(urchase'stock in his mining comp any,. Noe intinly justification loos ger even exotose Off,elte, 4or willing coutiebutiOPis' 9x1 tlieseren weer, trope overs 1140 licnuse iholders ex men, Interested inethe liquioa brlsa n!ess. Blit m10,131 awe;asking Wliy'does not Sir James'take' action?'. It now' Aunts out that the; fi ctjs lconnec. tion. withthe fishery laid befo2'e Sir Jaaree months, ago before he took ill.:: ie knew the fants freer); Menlo bi,a awn party: Why di l he not take action then? Did lieThink that lthe matter atter ceould be kept quiet and theublic would,', learn. notheng pf.it? Why. does he, not take) eeticin now? Wavy did Mo Meamst.who knew the facts, go into ailanitowlin and demand Ma Gana ey's re-election:? M•e(nlae asking does •NLr, ,Gamey .knew se much ,a bout inside hi teey of soame of the Gonernanent's tralnlsteetien +tlhatt11e Loverinw;etl(t 5eiefeeidi •its \'cake action?, :'c Mr. Ganiey's friends w9k.lel+o doubt e1alni that if Mr. Hhutnta; can le¢y toiafl on1Govertuaui!.e??It ioph'triacter's wlliohavel p}a4me before tram fox settlement ,agdpi.fthe :case of the Taylor, Scott pntaltter,'why should not Mr. Gamey, Mr. (Hanna's partie µlar friend levy to all on the ' fish eery license ',holders pindlthe liquor license holders? The 'Government shielded Me, iFltanmla Mr. Gamey no• doubt 'depended on ,simliltar pro- tection' ' Nene Brunswick is investigating and exposing such hien and 'Govern intent papers are denlauncing their Conduct. Why erethe Government organs (silen't, in Ontario? What Ontario. • do is the, question men are now: asking themselves. Griag Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses local slipelrilntenldant, For infringe meets of the amendments of a fine of snot more than$200 and not less than $20 will be levied. Tentative Plans for Sir Wilfred's Tour emedv for Coughs nod Colds. The familydarom all Small. dose. Small bottle. Best since 18?C. MINOR LOCALS. The Midland Free Press calla upon, the Town Council to frame aby-law for the governance of the bumptiouls tmotorie+t. Don't threw waste paper paper bags • are wspapee wrappers and en velopes on the 'streets, As .{beef continues to "soar" we inay yet learn by visual observa- tion that "pigs" luny Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MUST BE LICENSED The numerous insurance compan le's have forwarded circulars, to their local 'agents advising them that owing to amendments to the Ontario Infauranee Act, they are expected to 'take out certificates be fore they cansell dmlsurance. The mewl regulatiioes takes effect on Sep temiber 1. It will be neccessla'ry for every (insurance solicitor to be a bona fide resident of the province before he 'gain solicit and he will also have to be acting for a i This tered ,or licensed company. 1 er tificaate fee is set at $3 per. year and the agents ,qualification must be vouched for by the ,company's 11111t1011Milt11tlltllt11t11111111t There is a Cold day Coining ' Why note sepal a foof1it by Lehigh Valley your winter supply. Coal, none better in the world A. J. , Holloway, Clinton IIMVa1PliPIIt11P11t11P11111P11t M!! WOOL WANTED Highest market price will be paid in cash for wocl, Also on rand for Sale Flower Seeds, Potatoes, Oats Farm Produce taken in Exchange W. G. SMYTII Next door to Hospital Victoria Street Clinton NORTH END FEED 'STORE QRA' 1RAILwAV 1.1,11:SY$T EM Ottawa It is a coast to coast dour which Sir Wilfred Laurier leader of the Oppo,si'tin has proposed for the coming .autumn Months It is generally conceded !here that the commencement of, a years cam- paign, which will cuitmintate in an election .some time next year. Tenative dates have been fixed which, lhwoever, are subject to change Sir. Wilfred it sta,tedevill make a tour of the ;maritime prow 'knees first speaking at St. 'Rohn either on, August 17;or August 24. He will speak et Halifax and Char lottetow.n also and will be accomo anied by Hon. Dr. Pugsley, Frank Carvell, A, K. McLean and ethers. Sir Wilfred will theins gc'to Qnebec Ilarvest ileip Excursi;ln AUGUST 11th and 18th, VIA ODIC,&GO LAND DULUTH, From all Stations in Ontario, Kiln,gstop, Renfrew WO west, ' $12.00 to Winnipeg Plus 1h1411 scent per 109,15 beyond First excursion, applies to all points isr Manitoba, Second excursion to certain points in Saskatchewan rend Alberta and all points in Mani- toba, RETURNING -Half cent per mile to Winlnl.peg, plias $18 00 from Winnipeg to Idestinlation in East- ern C'at eda. The Gm(amd Trunk t•Pacific, Rail- -waylis the shortest •vn�d quickest route between Wimtaipeg, Saska- toon, and (Edmonton. We keep in stock a full line of Animal Invigorator and Poultry .and Chick Foods And all the beet grade of Flour and Produce Fertilizer and Binder Twined Call and see us when in town and get prices. Agent for Heintznan' Pianos Old ones taken in'exchange, and balance on easy terms CRANI[ W EVANS TERMS CASH. PHONE 192 Full particulars front all G,T.R ticket offices or write Jull11 Eansford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 59 A, 0. Pattison, station agent C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Ont. Headquarters FOR Walking and "Riding Oliver plows Gasoline Engines McCormick. Machinery Pumps and Windmills. ALL RINDS OP REPAIRS AND EX3?i lETING. CALL ON Miller Little WAS BOTHERED WITH BILIOUSNESS AND SOUR STOMACH FOR 20 YEARS Sour Stomach and Biliousness are caused by a sluggish Liver, for when it is not working properly, it holds back the bile, which is so essential to promote the movement of the bowels, and the bile gets into the blood instead of passing through the usual channel, thus causing many stomach and bowel troubles. Mr. Charles Pettit, 2564 Richmond Street, London, Ont., writes: -"I feel it my duty to write you a few lines in regard to your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills. I have been bothered with Biliousness and Sour Stomach for twenty years until a year ago I started to use Laxa-Liver Pills, and I have not been bothered since. I wish to let it be known to all those who sutler as I did." Milburn's Lam -Liver Pills are 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for 51.00. For sale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto. Ont. Fall Fair Dates. province land will 'address a.m:eet- -ndex the ;au spices. ofAlphe1Ye Ver ville .lobo • member for Maitso+u-, nerve atMoat 'eel, He Will also speak at Quebec and in the eom- stituency of Jacques Cartier where rl.by-elech,en is pending, The Liberal chief will go west to Vancou'ger rcachiug that point on September 11. He will hold his first western, hneetip>ig either there OT at Victoria. Sir 'Wilfred wilt then work eastward and will speak at the most importaaint points: in ther prairie provinces his, tour •, ilaeting until the end of September, Sir Wilfred itis expected wither - rive at various western points a lit tie behind Premier ,Borden(. It is expected that meetings will be continued in Ontario and other provinces throughout the coming session. It is possible thla.t Sir Wil free will speak in Ontario during October, Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Corner of Princes and Albert streets. ra A Dollar 'NMI Is often an illumination as big as the sun. There is no place in: town where "money down" goes farther than it does right here, i. CIIINA CLOSET or dresser bought for 'spot cash' from our,rpreseut stock makes what you see elsewhere look like thirty cents, Its Bargains Galore we are: offering jliSt HOW in our entire Furniture Stack Our Toronto Letter Blyth B, ussels Exeter Goderllh London Sea forth Toronto Wingham Zurich Current camoient in Toronto on the handinig eef Ontario's political pluent(worth $10,900 •perlyear-to ,e,ainwel Price K. C., expresses sur- prise 'and ur-prise'and regrets, that Sir James Whitney should have made the po- anion of Chtairnvaal of the Work- nien',5 Compensla+tion,Co'mmission a piece of pasty' patronage Mr. Price is,a.law partner of T. W, Crothera Minister of;Llabol in .ithe Bordeu Cia'bin+et and am,ong,st the ' chief qualification which the ,'T'oron 'T to Mail the Toronto World, and other Conservatives Journals men • tiow,s in support of his selection, fav ors frogs Conservatives Prime ;Min ieters•, He has been a royal commis none. at various investigations and. .several times, has beengiven the opportunity to filalmle laws and settle industrial disputes. Loladingg :mien of both parties have continually stated that itis of first importance that the best nine in the country for this jpositiomi Chairman of the Workmen's Comp caseation Commission .should be se elected and that bothlhe and his confrere should be free dram' ' (arty talirrt of rpartisetship. This po- sition demands sympathy with the working mini. as well as an•'ade- quate knowledge of am,ployers problems in making the aim ounce - cement of tris "patronage nominee" after .weeks of tedious delay Sir James Whitney naively disclosed the pct sthat the 'lilotl of mares from wllich iia mlcle 'bus selection probably can teemed, more names of able;) en than ever previousfv came before mi•Governnnenit, vs lcontinued o S Whitney. e silence eelat ons occeesioniny teach adverse con meet here. Mr, Gamey professes to control the Provincial Government t patronage onf7laniotoulin Island send no, one .jus ti,fi es or excuses his conduct im erxacting contributions Iroim1 hoiclere of fishery licenses on KiLLS THEM ALL ! Sold by all Druggists and Grocers all over Canada.' In that He hungered, thirsted, was .I weary, wept (John iv, 6, 7; xi, 35). See His humility in that He consented to be thus dependent upon others on this earth; which He Himself had made. Though He was rich, for our sakes He became poor that we through His pov- erty might be forever rich (John 1, 10, 11; II Cor. villi 9). He was no doubt literally hungry, hut as there was meat of which His disciples knew not (John iv, 32), so there were•a hun- ger and thirst of which they knew not. He hungered, for fruit - from Israel, who proved to be an empty vine, bring- ing forth fruit unto himself; a bad vine, bearing only wild grapes (Hos. x). Thee lesson is recorded in Matthew and Luke, as well as in Mark, or at least part of it. Matthew says that He saw a fig tree in the way, and Mark Sept, 29 and 80 Oct. 1 and 2 Sept. 21 and22 Sept, 21 to `28 Sept, 17 to 10 Sept, 21 and -25 Aug. 2S to Sept. 12 Sept, 14 and 25 Sept, 23 and 24 o,see—seezoisoesoeeeoeeee seeo • Shaw's Business Schools o es e Torotio,Canada, givehigh grade e souses and qualify vc ung pt uple • to earn good salaries. They in- 0 ,alu gi•de'1 he Central Business Col- lege, Yonge and Gerrard Streets • O and Six city breech schools. Curriculum sent on request. Li- e ter any time. W.H. thaw, pi-ese, 0 001/0e•me0e0®®m00e0®009®0600 SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson VL—Third Quarter, For Aug. 9, 1914.. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Mark xi, 12-26, Memory Verses, 22, 23—Golden Text, Matt. vii, 20—Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns, Having spent the night at Bethany, they returned on the morrow to Jeru- salem. Probably they returned early in the morning, and He at least seems to have had no neirnhig meal, for He 'was hungry. Rev Ms real bnmanite The Cheapest Spot 101Huron to Buy all kinds of Furniture Furniture Dealers and Funeral Dir eetors—Pilots 104 N. Ball 110—3tESIDI:NCE PHONES— J. 11). Atkinson 18,13' essenannarrannesearasairmsanaseneemsreamingesseamenseasusearmssee says that He saw it afar off. Both phrases are suggestive of the facts that, while Israel professed to be in the way, she was really afar off. Hav- ing leaves was a profession of fruit bearing; His finding nothing but leaves was disappointing barrenness. The parable of the fig tree in Luke siif, 6-9, shows His patience with His fig tree. His saying in Matt. vii, 16, teaches that it requires a real fig tree to bear figs. The first reference to fig leaves In the Bible shows man's vain effort to substitute something instead of the beautiful garments of light which he had lost (Gen. iii, 7), while the refer- ence in Hab. 111, 17, 18, shows that, though all that is of nature should fail, yet we may find real cause of rejoicing in the Lord Himself. Young translates "forever" (verse 14) to "the age," and we know that, while Israel as a nation has borne no fruit since she rejected Christ, the time is coming when "Israel shall blossom and bud and fill the face of the world with fruit" (Ise. xxvii, 6). He came to Jerusalem and went Into the temple and began to cleanse it, as He had done at the be- ginning of His mintstry,(John 1i, 13-17). Jerusalem was the national center, and the temple was the spiritual cen- ter, as the heart is the vital center of our being, and true cleansing must be from the center outward. Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. He says: "I, the Lord, search the heart. I try the reins even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of les doings" (I Sam. xvi, 7; Jer. evil, 10). See a beautiful and appropriate prayer in Pe. esxxix, 23, 24. In the cleansing in II John He ac- cused them of making His Father's house a house of merchandise, while here He says that instead of its being a house of prayer they had made it a den of thieves (verse 17). The refer- ence is to Iso. ]vi, '7, "Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people," and to Jer. vii, 11, "Is this house which is called by my name be- come a den of robbers in your eyes?" The question is asked in Mal. 111, 8, "Will a man rob God?" And it is also answered. Instead of recognizing all things as given us by God to hold for Him and use as His stewards many are more apt to. say: "Our lips (and all things) are our own. Who is lord over us?" (Ps. off, 4.) The only right attitude Is that of David, when he said, "All things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee" (I Citron. xxix, 14). The temple was originally built for the Lord that He might dwell there in the midst of His people Israel and that all people of the earth might know Him and fear and serve Him (I Kings viii, 43-60), but now that the Lord had come to His own temple He was crowded out by business and self seeking. It Is even so, still in the churches, which are supposed to be for His worship, but from which He is,ex- eluded by many things and by worldly ways and in which there is often no room for Him. He is often, as in Rev. 111, , 2Q, ,Inquiring it any person will open bis Heart's door to Him, hardly expecting that a church will welcome Him. The chief priests and scribes were in- creasingly determined to destroy Him because His teaching was so opposed to theirs. He taught. daily in the tem• pie and at night went out to the Mount hof Olives, for there seemed to be no More of a home welcome for Him any- where than there was in: the temple, (Luke xxi, 37; John vii, 53; viii, 1). It was and still is the same old story, "No room for Him" (Luke 11, 7). Hie thoughts and ways are so far above ours that in our low and unworthy' way of :looking at things we cannot seem to welcome Him as we should. In the morning as they returned to the city the disciples marveled, to see' the dg tree withered away. Then came His great word about a mountain be- ing removed if we only had faith (verse 23; Matt. xxi, 21). Compare Matt. xvif, 20. Notice His "Have faith in God" and the "Have faith and doubt not" of Matthew and His "What- soever'he saitb" and "What things so ever ye desire' of lesson yerses 23, 24.' miummimmommiamisidi Make the Liver DO its Duty Nine limes in ten when tits Ikir tight tis stomach and bowels ere right. CARTER'S' LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com- pet a lazy liver to do its duty. Cures Con- stipation, Indigos - tion, Sick Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pin, Small Dose, Small' Price. Genuine mutt beer Signature. Pl 1�Inl1�T�i n� Commencing Saturday, July 25th, we place 1n sale'. hundreds of dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that must be cleared out to make room for our IVew 1+'all Stock which ©he manufacturers.start to ship early in August. Cut Prices on Dry Goods, Uut Prices on Men's and Boys Clothing, Cut Prices onBoots and Shoes Cut Prices on Hats, Caps and Shi is EXTRA, SPECIAL -We have' about 5o Boys' Suits too many—which means 5o suits at manufactur rs 'prices for the first 5o boys. Don't 'miss this chance to save money on your boys new fall suits, they will need them when school starts, sizes 24 to 35 Also extra low prices on our Pumps and Oxfords White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, Etc. Plumsteel Bros. • SMALL PROFITS MORE BNSINESS 25 CENTS. Will pay for the New Era to new 1 subscribers in Canada from now un- til the end of the year. If you are already a subscriber , accept the chance to send the New Era for the balance of the year to your distant son daughter or friend who will ap- preciate reading the home news. Advertise inthe New Era, I. 10:, 0. F. EXCURSION Big I. O. IO. F. Excursion. to Sar inroa enc l Detroit on Saturday Aug. 8th, Spechai train will leave Olen- , ton tat 7,48 , a.lm. (Return fare to Stains! $2.25. parnda to Detroit. via steamer Tashinoo, 60 cents for round trop, All tickets good to leave Sarnia via special train at 10 p ea. an,Moirellafy August :10th. nemonnssmenstettsrs w MR. FRANK TERRACE, ADDRESSING THE Good Roads Convention at Tacoma, Washington, gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads : "I am a cabbage grower. I haul my produce to the sauerkraut factory at South Seattle. Before the road over which I travel was built, I had to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning to start on my •journey. The limit of the Load 1 could haul with a team. of 1800 pound horses was 2500 pounds, and after visiting the factory I would arrive back at my home late in the evening. But look at the difference now that a permanent hard surface has been laid down. I start on my trip about 8 o'clock and need only a team weighing 1400 pounds to haul a load of 5000 pounds of cabbage, which is double my previous capacity. And, best of all, I find on my return to the house early in the afternoon, that I have finished the day's work without the horses having turned a hair." Concrete Roads Mean Road Economy They prevent your road taxes being spent in patching up roads that never will be good roads. They are thecheapest kind of roads at the end of ten, fifteen or twenty years because they practically eliminate the cost of upkeep. They enable you to heel big er loads with Less effort and less wear and tear on horsep and veleles, They increase land values, better conditions generally, and decrease the cost of living. Write for, free, Good Roods literature, and learn how good roads will benefit you. Concrete Roads Deportment Canada Lemont Company Limited 806 herald Building, Montreal 1 1 w . 1.. •.l 0 NS 1'I !rt J ttEssiellnes Midsummer shoe Sane -Final Clean up The next ten days will see the end of this, the most >! successful of the Semi-annual Clearance Sales we have yet held. To make a final cleanup this season we will ,offer you still better values than before, Women% Pumps * Oxfords New goods. patent, and gin metal, reg.3 50 for 1 9.$ Women's Pnutps & Oxfords Regular 2.50, ,sate price1.48 Children's Slippers 30 pairs only, regular prices 1.00 to 1.25, sale price.....: .49 Men's Calf Bluchers New toes, regular price 4.00 and 5 00, sale price 2.98 Men's Work Shoes Al!) sizes, regular price 2,00 sale price 1.69 Men's Patent Bluchers A few pairs left regular price t: 5.00, sale price. ....... . . —1.98 is geopavotamos=roveami. Last day of tlitis Salewill be Saturday, Aug. 15th 0 Phone 70. Clinton armemeammenteestanastaterentossmsameremensecin