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The Clinton New Era, 1914-08-06, Page 2
' 1i•de••••••••s•ll••e••••e•elle e 1 Itione Want Ads to • AP The New Era •• • , Many telepb:one Subscribers i ,-,Ti; if kid it quite convenient and a • • tune -saver. Exper'ie'nced ad- • visers are always on The New • • Era end. Phone 30. le 2••••••••••ee••••••••••s•••• Th liJ, rs,n Thursday, : August Oth, 1014. PAGE TWO. Every Page Has Newsy Items. fi •••o•••e•••••••••••••••o•••tir • Try es for Job Work in all • es • its br tnchf.s. • A trial will convince you I • that we know our se et • business. so :•••a••••••••O•G•••••o••••o • RULER'S WHO ARE INVOLVED. ''It _I2AI5r1. Willilnra II., Emperor of Germany a soldier by training, was, a,major- general Sn,.the German army be-. .fore he !ascended the throne le 188ti 1%'s 55 tared, aggressai•e., Has de- •cdiaaeid faith is "the divine right of kings" Opposes Socialism, Has seven ohildeen. ,••r00Oo0••••••oos04.40e4,oOo® WA R SU3111.41 RI •40000••'-- ee0000000000••••• !also, without Concatenation. Japan will aid Britain if ,cireuur- -stances governed by' the alliance • $1:ds et Coanpa•nties of the Royal Canadi- an anladiurn, Regiment left London and To- ronto for Halifax amid sren(es of mathiusilasml. • The Cabinet :was in sessipa all :day art Ottawa dieenesinlIgg plans for Canada's aid to the motherland in nese of uecessitty The, French Ambassador is still in, ;Berlin and .the German Ambas- sador still remains in (Paris Slalturday A. e;nenal Der'opeai1 war is still •greatly feared though it may yet be .aveted. (Ther day's develop- ments revealed more ,widesprelad Ilreraartione and preparations, and inte'Tiisified the 'anxiety and 'uncer- tainty: 'Some ocean. steamship companies nancelled sailings. A grim( byproduct in Britain is .'•the anneiuncement that the Ulster volunteers, are ready for heave ser- viees and the militants have lath aside their `ear" 'tactics Germany, by the 'Emperor's .ppro- - lamaation is !under martial Oa.w, 'though) this is not positive eve- _denlee of is determination to fight, German. 'warshi'ps displayed ag- gressive Movements off :the coast ,of Denlmarl, and were warned from ,proximity to Copenhagen. French eoldders manoeuvred close to theVrenmau fron;t0er. The Russian mobilization of army. .ands 5tavy its coan.pleted. Ther Bank of England experienced .a, rus1L for gold and raised its dis- .count 'nate to eight per cent. Areport 'that the British Gov- .nrnmvent haccll asked the railways to lite :ready to (move troops is not >oronErmed; Telephone and telegraph !corn- m,wnioati:on between countries ac- tually or potentially at war is be- ing lnte.rrupted. The, C. P. B. Steamer, Empress of Asia has been requisitid fed by •the British authorities ,at Hong 'ifCong. !Friday A despatch published by The _Lowido'n Standard this :(jFriclay) tnornenlg'g reiterates the report that Belgrade, has eben occupied by the Austrians. Official Austrian and ' Serviian: despaitches received earli- • er !spoke of the boanbardment ne etfid,L proiceedeng on Thursday, Austriansl 'atte,'m,ptiii g to cross 'the River Danube were elriu'e(n, back by ]the Sorbs at s.oime points The Serveanls .have success'firlly restisttedi Austrian 'adven(ces at Losn8tzai. It is !said 'that the Austrians will rnontenare the bombardment of Bel -•greidtet to -day. The British navy is prepared.for -wear at a moments h(otitce. The whereabouts of (the first fleet is t still lcep't secret. 4ierreatny demands explanation of liRtussOan ancbilization. A large section of the eegineer- 'saig staffs of the British territorial orgies' has been ordered on ,duty. Japan, is said to have declared its readiness, to j'oim its ally, Great S 3rdtain. Greece) is ,apparently ready • to ,aback up 'Servia. Thursday MAGICREAD THE. no: BAKING.' G -- D,, ALUM POWDER been polstpoiied for nearly a en ontle- A linlalnitestel Orem the Czar is hoiurly expected, London, July 30.—I't Es at,aited in connection ;with the blowing up of thel bridge aleross the River Sava by thee Beryline that elle _Austri- ans uistrian's (nave another bridge, in sec- tions', ontltheir side 'oi' Ithe river which they. caro put up int a few drays. •Beigeede was bombarded lfrom s'Austrian: warships on the Danube, `.many( buildings were destroyed ,:mn'd the Se-rviaws',retreatedl. The :gravest Dear Is felt in' Eu :rope that a 'general war canlwot be avoided. , R(ussiilal and Austria have`, failed to agree on a coimprcmise, have ',broikeml'off negotiations, and Esuis- SU is mobilizing 1,280,000 men:. A heavy artillery duel is proceed tug between, the two forces a't Viehnitnea, near Belgrade, The British home fleet has sailed -under sealed orders, 'while the fleet. ,In thel Pa,•ific is (mobilizing at ';'Wefu-Iiai-iWeL • Important moves are taking splac'e in German, Belgian; {Russian French and Italian armies. Lanido;n, b;adthe blackest clay in -twenty, years on ;its Exchange, Rev en 'failures being reported. The war its 'hurting business' 'in .8?erus,ain!d f'a'shion bpenings !have RULERS WHO ARE INVOLVED • Cr v . K.ltL 0of 1.TtaLY King Emmanuel of Italy is called the "hardest working king in Eu- rope" Work is ;his hobby. He has (lad a'm:ilitary traindeel but he'd rather study than. fight, 'He's amass of simple, democratic tastes and devoted family man He is 45 years old. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only sato effectual Monthly Regulator on which woman can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength—No. 1, $1 %No. 2, 10 degrees stronger $3 ; No. 3. for by cases,6 por box. Sold by all drug sits, or sent prepaid on roc° pt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THS COoKMEOI0IN5CO.,TORsIITO,I1IT. (formerly Windsor) "LEVINSKY" WON. Gast !week at Buffalos J. B. Hoover skipped, the Mahoney rink odi Emelph to the first prize in the Consolinition• in the, interneltno•na1 tomalntemen't JUST A WORD Deer Subscriber, we dont bother you very 'often, for m,oe4ey,1 but •we meed: scene right Sway. A member owe us more ,than, they should. Just look at your ,label, them walk light en: here with ,the fiwooi iyl Fund relieve our taeceessmty so that we may meet the other fellowde- mand. DO IT NOW. Had Pain Arend Her Heart for Three Veers Was Not Sale to Leave Her Alone Day after day one reads or bears of many sudden deaths through heart failure, and many people are kept in a state of morbid fear of death, become weak, worn and miserable, and are un- able to attend to either their social or business duties, through this unnatural action of the heart. To all such sufferers Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief. Mrs. Norman H. Esau, Ship Harbor, N.S., writes:—"For three years I have been troubled with a pain around my heart. I took medicine from my doctor until I found it was of no use, as it only seemed to help me while I w._s taking it. I got so bad at last that it was not safe for me to be Left aloes, so having heard of Milburn s 1 .,rt and Nerve Pills, I took five boats of them; and I can say they helped me so (nuc., that I feel like myself again.: Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50 cents per box, or 3 boxes for 3i. u, E'er sale at all druggist and general stores, or will be mailed Chest on reeej rel U' rice by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Oto, Ont. MAYBE DRAWN INTO WAR tillthilifiWithWiittilliAiN14Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so Local News heat is forced to travel over top of oven' in LODGES AT SEAFORTH. Clilnitou friar iwell represented at the Sutndllay, service 'od the com bind, lodges et •Seaforth on 'Hun - clue and with the. Old Boysereunion, crowd Seiaforth certainly had a orolwdl. BROTHERHOOD MEETING Last Thursday .evendines the Wes- ley church Mena Brotherhbod'held a:meatf!nig at the home of 114,x. S. O. Rowe Omtar3o Street. Rev. Dr. Rutledge gave an address on "Ro- maine" R,effreshmelljts were served fat the close of the meetitoigi. PICNICS ON 'WEDNESDAY. The Wesley Epworth League held their efnntual picnic at Bayfield ORE 'Wednesday. The Congregational and Sunday School picnic of the Baptist church was also held at Bayfield on Civic Holiday, PLAYED IN THE DOUBLES. Last Thursday Messrs C. E. Dowding and J. Taylor continued iin,lthe• double contest at Exetest but were unsuccessful. The games played were .JOHN 3RUISMOND, Irish leader, electrified the, house of Co,malione Monday afternoon wh:en, in an ianpassioned address he declared that the Government can withdraw every s!oldi,er from. Ire Bund. "Ireland will be ,defendechby her ohne sons," he shouted,' "the Protestants of the north armee ehc' Oatliollic, 'off ghee south will eland shoulder to ,shoulder in this great nlationi,'rl ceisiUs," First Everett, Dowddling 91 Gladanen, Exeter 8 end Round Dowding 8 'Seldon, Exeter 13 end Event Dowding defaulted to McTaggart oft (Blyth. RULERS WHO ARE INVOLVED, fo • r'MPPROr oAUSTRIa Pnan,cis Joseph I, of Austria is oldest of the European "war lords" He is 84 ,and he has reigned for 66 years. His reign is, (marked by many wars, among them the Seven Weeks war with Prussia in 1867. His consort, Elizabeth of Bavaria, was assassinated in, 1898, CLINTON WAS 9 UP Last Friday afternoon two rinks ofl Seaforth Bowlers twine up (for friendly gartne and were 'defeated by 9 ,shote„ The Clinton players were,—W. Cermet, C. Libby, J. Fearla,nd, E,, G. Conlrtice, skip; B. Hovey, J. Rlansford, N. Ball and D A. Forrester, skip. MAYBE DRAWN INTO WAR EMPEROR OF JAPAN' Who ;will guard the Bast for.' Great Britain in ease of war. HAD A GOOD GAME AT ZURICH I 'There are Malay people friom Horan County and Ontario who are (mow'(mow'touring Canada and'the Colntte:tent, The •argent of Thos. Cook and Sons in Toronto Bnasl is- sued the .followdinig statement; "Wo have, ,a. ,number of Canadian • pas- sengers ore Inc tour whichis in Freiburg teeday, Our agents will intflounn us of their moveraereistand no. worry need be caused to rela- tives, tas, the •tour coni luctor will keep oletanfy prospective war goner" Mies, Rudd of town is some lidless in the Old Land ex on the Comtierent. Fast :week Messrs Barry '.Combe Gia'. aollio'way, Dr. Holloway and' Geo. Robemtan, motored toLuriah and played two ,gorses with the bowlers oft ithlat town and: (were dewire three shots on the total. The remarked; to the Editor that miter a retirement for 31 years from l3owlituig Berry Combe could' lay doiwin, shots. anywhere he was :asked to :put them and lie believed could event bowl better than, John Rens ford. NO NEED TO WORRY. (MAYBE DRAWN INTO WAR is e dawn behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McCiary dealer. 81 waled by Harland •Brothers wi i aitt, I'l'Y varli; ► AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA©AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA; ► `1 VVVVVVY999VVYYVVVVVVYVWYVVVVV`VVVVVVYVVVVYVVVVTI9YV\I► r r LocI News ADVERTISING -ISMS. -a advertising is acontiauous peafroreance before the sane audi- ence. No better definition was ever invented'. It tadmits of, no excep- ians or variation. WILL OF THE LATE. H. G. 110 PKIRK Henry Glassford Hopkirk real es- tate. broker of ,74 Admiral road To- ronto read formerly postoffice in- spector of Stratford and Loudondie tricts left ran,esitate wheniheitlie.don Join, 30 of $16,818 avccoda'iing to, his will which, htae been (filed fof pro-. bate. 'The infventoay of the estate is. as Hollows ; Household goods $000 promissory motes $4,212 mortgages $1,450' imisunanpe, $7,869 stocks $119 clash $2,066; equality on:74 Admiral. rela,d $600 In, 'his will dated Zane 10, 1907 he divides his estates as follows—Mary Ann 'Hopkirk anal Basra Ht11 Hopkirk sisters $3;000 each with his fur'Indture Mary Laura 'Hardie, Hopkirk niece $500 and the family silver plate andthe residue of the estate to his wife Frieda Margaret Qioskirk. RULERS WHO ARE INVOLVED. 141,16 afE'MGLAND England's king, Gecrge V., is a man. of ivxr. He won distinction en the .nisvy before :he eucceteded to the' throne. He, h(as done a great deal to strengthen Britain's fight- in,g forces, BOOST—DON'T KNOCK. Boom1 your taws, If you dont who will? I99ake a.11 the newcomers and prospective residents think it is go ilnig to beta metropolis of this hart of the country. Get fat live and en ergetic nl,ea, ,and, the towut cannot -help fruit prosper golloa"warcl slid growl, You never saw -a town a- mount to an(ythii,n,g where business menl'Eijnd citizens were always et gialgeid in telling how dead 1.t was. REACH our iFOR THE TRADE If ta'town like, Clinton does not reach atter the trades it will only mese as fast ask has to, But if will grew Ask le forced to. Bid if ourlmerehlanits g(o•anter easiness in, the eurrouiticliug (country 'adver tieing in every' possible way and tnlakeng gaud every word of their advertising trade will comae from an ever creasing radius the town will gain a reputation, for !being awake and it will fiorge' to the from$;, BAR IMMIGRANTS. A circular has tjust been issued by the Department of Immigra- tiiOtny •decla:in(g:its intention hence- forth ;not only to, :seam all but 'agricultural laborers to the denies - Ares tagainat coming to the Domin- iogr, but also to reject them if they Pall under of the eset unitive, clalus'es; of the mmmiga•atian regula- tlorne,. The fleet that a (man who comes under the c,aitegory hash a Promiseof employment will not keep him from rejection as 1oem,ealy. In each 1 n case ,the department takes the ;view that 4f he securtir such a, ,pposditioln he, does so by taking a joib w'hieh (otherwise entitle have been fulled by Ione of Canada's un- empployed, among 'Whom every triads and ocoupation is ` already represented. The" •department is becoming alarmed at the applica- timinle 'for deportation evhich et is diallly reeeivinlg (roan points where the unemployed are p(o5n ilfL1, 'itriASTI i'. r. FM For Infants and iYhildre Children. The Killo i11Haa' Bought o Always Boars the Signature of A COMPLIMENT. The Brussels tallest 'week had the following local.—Clinton Kittle Band has been engaged for Brus- sels Fail Fair. They look quite gay in their mew uniforms and play good music. MAYBE DRAWN INTO WAR KING ALBERT The text of the Belgian Kints's telegram, to King George was as • l$ollo:ws ; "Resnemberilnl' the numerous proofs of your majesty's !friendship land, that of your pre lessor, of the friendly attitude "el .England in 1870 and the proof if the (friendship which she leas just given us agailn I snake a supreme appeal to the ddplonllatie intervention of your anlajesty's government to safeguard thio inite:grity of Belgium." SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION! Anveirican, subscribers should, look art the label an-theie papers, as, our rulers require the paymeintt of such subscriptions in 'advance. Hun- dreds fro :our Canadian (readers Would (do well. to (take the some hint, especially 'those w1no are a year oc more in arrearal. 'We want money and must (have it, • RULERS WHO ARE INVOLVED. Nichollas II, of Russia is notable for ihfs p,essee a'escript . ire 1898, which led. to Tho Hague peace con- eerenee, Re is 46 wad, has reigned for 20 years. His reign, will be me- morable, on. account of the Russo- Japa.n,ese iwar, which cost Russia position ire! the Far Bast. Bus 10 y.eai•-aid song Alexis is ,the heir - apparent LIKES THE OIL. 'The Saafoirth Expositor had trite folllo.wing .local last week.,—The Council axe having'(lodericl Street and Werth. Main Streets oiled; for the :sec•omadi tiime this season- The oiling keeps down the dust nicely. The aid costs seven, cents per gal- leln, GOOD TIME AT BAYFIALD. A very enijoyfable summer chance was held aft the pavillon at Bay -- Mead (lash Friday evening by the young people of like tows4 The young people among who:iu here many almoner vasdd:oes had a few hours of regal merriment, 'Phalealis Orchesltee pat on, to :(mule musical program, GETTING GOOD. Once ,again the givamterly return of, (c'onVlctione. by Magistrates, as published by Inct°enmity Attorney ,shows la, great tailing ore in busi- Inless las ooinnpared with "the good olid ti(neets" The :sclrectule for the. ninon:tor ending May 31 !s!hoiws but. 2 (daises in hall, ,8 of ,which, were a charge ref 'trespass made at Riding- , Maim,•aundt the other a {case ,of )theft 'The tines ,heSte] aggregate fin, th,o tnleighbgrllood of $1.2. KING CONSTANTINE King of Greece a'n,d his Imdniettry has decided to maintain an atti- tude of Ineutnality during the pres- ent (War. IS TAKING WELL. The New Etta hacl ,n>o,t come off the press last Thursday be£ore,we( had two slew subscribers of our big Coffer salnd from that clay on, 'we have, been platen; on new ones. Let OR our old readers help., See caw ofser on, phage 3. DR. DeVAN'S'FRENCH PILLS blo°Re.. guluUn Pill for women. $5 a box or three for 910. )Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address oil receipt of price. TILE SCOBRLr, DRUG Co., 81. Catharines. Ontario. PHOSPHOY L FOR MEN. Vhri R,d Vitality;for Nerve and Bain, increases "greymattera Tonle --will build yon up• 13 a box, or two for ?i, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt of prlec,^ia0 Scoata.L Daum Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario. iiisluti l for Sate W. BEYDONE. BARRISTER SOLIOITOR NOTARY. PUBLIC, ETA CLINTON . 135 acres, Lot 38, Coin. 8, Hullett, A first-class farm., well watered, gosod buildings, Well teethed, O acres of young orchard. Also his 7.00-derefarm en, the Base Line, 11-2 miles • (north of Clinton, Apply to WALTER MAIR, Farm torr Sale The Executors of the Southcombe Estate oifers for sale 50 acres, east hilt of lot 2S, Don. 0, Eullett. A first class farm, ell watered and improved. and with Food buildings. A good or-. chard and 7 acres of hush, Applylto 11. J. Southcombe on the; premises,:or Clinton. Postotiice•, Drs. Geo, & H. E. Whitley lleilel►►ainn Osteopathic i'liy. Specialists In Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Bar, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office—Rattenbury Rotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FO1tD & Ith'LEQ)D We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We alsohave on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid tor Hag andi alit Grains. FORD&-McLEOD RULERS WHO ARE INVOLVED. " RrsiLfE .T1E-FiNC£, Riaymond, Poin'care is untrained in the Ways of wad. Before lie was rased to the presidency of France in 1913 he was a successful lawyer 'ansi a diplomat. He is noted for his dem,00ra:cy, and he makes fre- quent visits among the rural popu- lation. of (France, Re Is 5.1, and a devoted family man, • MAIM ARRESTED T,Ia.ny people suffer the tortures of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each suc- ceeding attack seems more acute until rheumatism has i ti vaci cd thewhole system. 10 arrest rheumatism it is quite as im- portant to .improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature 'sgreat bleoil- nuaker, while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your Streiiglh. Scott's 1 inulsion is helpingthousands ) ever y daywho could not find ther relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. , P,+ llPiRLES B. RIILB Conneyance, ' Notary' Public, Commissioner,' Ste. EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer: of Marriage Licenses, Huroneet.,• Olinton. H. T,''R A N;OEi Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate, INSURANCE:AGENT-Representing 14 PIre.In surance Companies.. - Division Court (Office.: Medi.,ai. DR T.. W. T(-IOMPSSON Physician; Surgeon, Etc medal attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, -and' Nose, Eyes. °fully xamined, and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and Residence. - - Two deers wase or the Coeeunerclnl nets Huron St. iOJIS. (JtIIR a5n0GAP]'IIiR Dr. W. Cann, L. n C. P.. 1. It. O.8.. Ma Dr ..I. c. Gaudier. B.A. M IS, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night oallp at residence, Eattonberr St, or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON.' recurhenr, etc„ office and residence on teabury8t„ opposite W. Farran'n residence. DR. F. R.1 XON DENTIST )- Srrown and Bridge 'CI,,nlc h Specialty.: Graduate of C.C.D.S..Chicago, and 5.0,0.5 Toronto. nartleld on Mondays. Mar 1st to Decent DR. 11. FOWLER::, DENTIST. OSioes over'O'NEIL'S store. Special Dare taken to make dental trent. meat as painless es possible. ^ THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction les GODERIOH ONT I1 ar CR stoaK Bacaa epeoiniti. Olden of 81 NEW ERA office, Clinton prom, t.y attended to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale aoto discounted! G. D. McTaggart 141, L. MoTaggar McThggart Bros. DRAINERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Business C transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Props arty, Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth. J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godes'icb. 'P, E. Hays, Sec. ;Treas., Seafostth, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, JoIa Watt, Earlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D, F. McGregor, Seafortb; J. Evans, Iieeebwood, J G. Grieve, Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me+ Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses im:hie own district. AGENTS. Host Smith,. Harlock; old. Hinc'h- ley, Seaforth; Wm.. Chesney, Eg- mondville; .1. W. Yeo, Holmesvillq Payments may be „made at The Maorrieh Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. Ii. Cubt. Goderich. JAOOB TAYLOR eLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door 'bo New ErR Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S' a rte 0_.E RULERS. WHO ARE INVOLVBD. KING 01`x5' L' RvI,r,t I Peter I. king of Serv.ua, has reigned since 1903, He was recalled frolin lane (exile of 44 years to suc- ceed the .assassinated king, Alex- ander, tic was t1'ailnted •in French military schools and served Frantee in, tlie 'I'iatnno-Prnasian iwar; lie is credited with. liberal views incl pro - Russian sympathies.