HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-07-30, Page 10Palm •
Beady I I pinery
to -Wear
Garinents. and
�N� oDress
Phorro 78 I ril:iking.
Bi.q Soie
Scolcli Ginglio
15c and i8c Values forti gc
Soo yards of fast colored Girfghams, in pretty
stripes and checks, including all .this season's patterns
—your choke Saturday 9c.
(See these in window.)
Dress Goods Special 39C
We put on sale Saturday 2no yards Pure Wool
Dress Goods, width 44 inches and 51 inches. Colors
navy, brown, while and green. Some of these sold as
high as 85c, no -ire less than 60c a yard, your choice
Saturday 39c:
Black Silk Waists ggc
Nine only, Black and White Waists on sale Sat-
urday. They are not the newest styles, but are made
of good quality silk, sold as high as $4 and $4,50,
your choice 99c,
25 per cent. off
All Dressess
Your choice of any Summer
Dress in store at 25c per cent off,
made of Ratines, Voiles, Embroid-
eries and Crepes.
See these early on Saturday
July e0t11, JS14,
:•.•••N•.••••••..•••••••0 •••••••0..•••.•••••.••••.•
: eueeeeee•esee•........... 0.••••x•••.••••0•••.•. s
• •
• • • • •
• • The New Era is going to place an offer •e
e • before the reading public that will be a winner. • •
: The Nevi Era has now entered its forty-ninth s s•
• ® year and during these years it has always been a ••
home print paper, and it has continually advo- • •• •
cated the interests of the people of this section.
We want a very substantial increase in
our list during the coming fall, and we want our
old readers and friends to help.
• • ••
• o
• •
• ••
• •
• •
•• •
0 s'
• •
• •
• 0 •
• •
8 ; The New Era,
s • Clinton, Ont.,
• •
• 0
it ` 0 • `Trip Offer ; • • •
• Name Postoffice = s
• s • •
s •
•. • . • 0
0 s • 0 s
• e'
• 0 • ii s
8 i
• •, Name of sender, Mr • •
e0 s
0 0 0 •
• •
• •
Subscriptions to the United States for the • 8
• s•
s for 25c
This trial trip subscription is for new
subscribers ONLY in Canada. Old subscribers
can help the cause by seeing that their friends
and neighbors read The Clinton New Era. Send
us your order per return, using this order form.
I enclose cents in payment for
the following subscriptions as per your Trial
• 0
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0 0
• •
0 •
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•• •
• 0
w •
• •
22 weeks will be 50 cents.
•. •
• emere.eseem Oi• eeeeeseeeseeeseeee:•..•
Stallions Must be
Registered Aug. 1st
New Act Comes Into Force an
Saturday;;Owners Are Warned
Notice isv
iven h ' the Stallion
Enrolment Board tr'all stallion own
ere that the Cote -lee Cote—leeStallion Act will
come into force for the first time on
August lei and that all such owners
as have not complied with the pro
visions of the act as to inspection and
enrolment before that dateill find
w w
themselves liable to aenalt .
Stallions must obtain one of the
four following certificates: For pure'
bled horses that have passed inspec•
tion; for pure breds that have not
passed inspection or for grades that
have passed or have not passed in
Grades that have not passed inspec•
tion will he eligible for service until
Augnst 1916, and those that have
inspection until August, 19,8, after
that date no grades whatever will he
Luring the stallion year 19L2, 1913
there were 2,700 horses enrolled, and,
up to July 20, 1913 1914, there were
3,150, an increase of 400 over the pre-
vious year,
District News.
Mr. Geo. Ainslie and two daughters
of Comber also Miss Alice Lawrence of
Leamington, returned home, Wednes
day after spending a few days with
Mrs. J. Elsley and Mrs. J. Tamblyn.
Mr. J. N. Campbell of Westfield
spent a few days with his sister Mrs.
Mr, Allen Elsley of Leamington with
his wife and Miss Kathleen and Doro
thy this week visited his brother, Jas.
Mr. Will Tamblyn is in London this
Miss Grace and Clara Tamblyn of
Toronto are spending a few weeks
with their uncle tear. John Tamblyn.
Lokrdon Bead
Mrs, Wheeler and daughter Grace,
of London are visiting the former's
Mies Kellington, of Toronto, is visit
ing her sister. Mrs. W. Stenbury.
lair. Will Ealidtt hes just finished a
driving shed for Mr. Geo. Layton,
League meets at Mr, Levi Wiltse's
next week.
The army worm bas made the
acquaintance of the farmers in this
district, but so far no great damage
has been done, If they quietly walk
away and do nothing farmers will be
satisfied, but if they continue the des
truction, farmers will give them a bad
name. Down near Brucefleld farmers
worked all last Sunday cutting their
grain, ripe or green, It will he a great
loss to the farmer to have to sacrifice
his oats in that way.
What might have been a serious
accident happened to Mr. John C. Rees
on Wednesday night. Be was in the
hay mow spreading the hay from the
unloader when, by some mischance,
the load of hay, weighing about 700
pounds, fell on his neck as he was
stooping over at the time. If the hay
had fallen on his head the likehood is
that it would have killed him. Dr.
Miline was sent for and brough him to
his home in an automobile and under
his attention itis expected he will
soon be around again,
Quite a strong gale of wind swept
over here last Friday morning but the
only damage it did was to blow down
the smokestack of the power house.
It will be a few days before another
will be secured, and in the meantime
coal oil lamps will have to be used.
The Reasonable
Care of Your
,Watch !
Mr. C. N Griffin, clerk of the eighth
divison court and general insurance
agent;will he Winghan's new post
master, and will take the place of the
late Mr, Peter Fisher. There were a
great many applications made both
from the town end the snrr•ounding
country, but Wingham feels that the
right man has been chosen for the
place This will necessitate the
appointment of a new clerk for the
eighth division court
The Bell factory, of the Canada.
Furniture Company, is at present
undergoing repairs, parts which were
decaying being, replaced In cement,
The death occurred in East Wawa
nosh on Thursday, of Mary Jane Stein
widow of the late Peter Mason, in her
fifty ninth year. Funeral will leave
her lite residence, lot 30 concession 9
East Wawanosh on Saturday, July 25,
at 2 30 for Brandon cemetery
Prosecutions will toltow as a result
of a charivari near Bluevaie, about 4
miles from here, that developed into
a riot when the demand of the mob
for 55 was refused. Mr, Joseph Smith
aged 61', living near Bluevale, was
married a week ago to Mrs. Bothwell,,
of Lucknow. The couple returned
Monday night from a week's honey
moon and a gang of men from the
neighborhood gathered to charivari
them Members of the mob were armed
with circular saws, tin boilers and
every other form of noisemaker, They.
demanded$5 which the elderly bride
groom refused. They then began to
stone the house. One, bit Mrs. Smith
in the back between the shoulder
blades. So great was the noise raised
by the rowdies that neighbors for over
a mile around were aroused", and a
hurry call was sent in about 10 o'clock
High constable George Phippen, of
Wingham. who was informed that a
riot in progress. He immediately
secured an automobile and hurried to
the scene,of the disturbance, As soon
as the mob caught sight of the con
stable as he stepped from the motor,
however, it hurriedly disperse many
going into an oatfield opposite Mr.
Smith's house, belonging Mr.William
Diamond, who now threatens aoticn
for, the damage thus done. Eversone
escaped in the darkness hut one young
man, named Churchill, who returned'.
to Mr, Diomond's,where he was cap
tared by Constable Phippen. The
names of a number of the other mem
bers of the gang were also secured and
prosecution will follow. The neigh
bore are greatly incensed over the
affair, About a week ago a similar
occurrence near Wingham was cut
short by the production of the $5 by
the bridegroom, Mr. James. Fowler,
who married Miss Finlay, of Louver
Wingham. „ At the time great inrlig
nation was expressed as the noise
was plainly heard in Wingl:,'im.
although Mr. Fowler lives three guar,
ters of a mile distant.
Will result in your watch's good,
pro'onging its days of usefulness.
What is reasonable care?
An occasional visit to a jeweler
who "knows how,"
An occasional visit means at least
aearl visit.
To put it oft longer is to put it orf'
too long,
If you are not wedded for all time
to some one expert, we would like
to put some of our good work on
that watch of yours.
Your watch deserves the best
treatment it can get, and it is just
that which we offer..
W. R. counter
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses'
A (Sappy event took place in the
Methodist church, when Miss Alma
Mae Fisher, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Fisher was united in marriage
to Mr. Wallace J T. Cown, sales masa
ger of the RicP Lewis Company, of
Toronto, The Rev. A. W. Barker per
formed the ceremony. The attendants
were Miss Ivy Mcloy, of Seaforth. and
Mr, J. W. McMaster, of Toronto.
After the ceremony the happy couple
left in their car for a trip to Detroit
and other American cities, and on
their return will reside in Toronto.
An Indian medicine man and his
squaw who put on a show on the
street the other night, here afterwards
put in the lock up because they could
not agree as to who was to handle the
proceeds of the evening's sales. They
were later given there release and
cleave out of town about 2 a, m.
Mrs. Oliver Querin has gone West
owing to the serious illness of her bro
ther, George Ardell.
The Presbyterian and Methodist
churches held union services during
the pastors' vacations. Rev. Mr.Perrie
of Wingham, and Rev. Johnston Mc
Cormick, of Holmesville, took charge
for two Sundays.
The Bible 1Societty imeetipg will
be held iln the Presbyterian church
there on (Wednesday evening of
,next week, Mi Clark o4 Toronto
will give nn iitusleated lantern
lecture oai the Bible inj Africa.
Miss Jean Ingram, of London, and
formely of Hensall, visited (rinds here
during the past week,
Miss Martha Butt, one of our esteem
ed ladies, was married last week to
one of Tuckersmittfs popular farmers,
in the person of Mr. Murdock, and
during the past week have been enjoy
ing a trip,
Mrs' McHerg, of London, was here
during the past week visiting her
parents, Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Peart.
Mrs, H. Donley is in Glencoe, visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. McAlpine.
Mr. H. J. McDonald has improved
his dwelling on King street by paint
Dr. S. J. Coulter is home on a visit.
The following mentioned, now of
Toronto, and formerly of this village
are visiting relatives and friends:Mrs.
D.Cantelon, Miss H.Bolton and Miss
Welsh daughter of Mr, Wm .Welsh.
Miss Emma Johnston, ole Willow
Hall has returned, from a three
months' visit at Woodstock.
'3 hoinas Johnson, for many years
proprietor of the Colborne house, and
a well known citizen, died Wednesday
in his 45th year, following a lengthy
illness. An attack of pneumonia about
a year ago from which nee er recovered
was the cause of death. He is sun
vived by his wife and three children.
The funeral of A, M. Todd,formerly
of Goderich, and late of Port Dover,
who was drowned there on Sunday,
was held here Wednesday to Maitland
Cemetery under the auspices of the
local Orangemen, of which he form
erly an official. The funeral was also
largely attended by citizens of the
town, The late Mr. Todd was ra
years old.
A very successful garden party
was held on Tuesday evening in
,connOvctiau with the ,Presbyterian
Church, en T, J. McAsh's grove.
Clinton Kiltie Band furnished the
music, land was deservedly praised'
for the excellent mimic providieel.
The receipts ,amounted to $142.
.Mrs. Sadite Johnson of 'Clinton
and her tilttle tiisnghter, Isabel,
were visiting at the Manic.
Mm. and Marlette of Hamilton are
visiting at the home of the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.,Dinkini,
Vienna's Civic Holiday is to 'held
qn Thaur, T'th'ehlurces
are Iholdvngsdaya C he u* onree picnic at
you want done
Plumbing or
Furnace Work
Call and see us before
placing your order.
111 &Buller"
Sanitary PlluubeleS
Phone 7.
Passing Thoughts
The sad inelws As already to the
fos•e of obilda'e'ni suffering injury by
geittimg, in front of '(arra: machinery
In the harvest field, .It is 'worth
While to ke sharp eP a L p 1. s m oolt out.
A new binding enlachine has been
introduced into' the Western .wheurti
field In ,Much i0 gasoline engine
reinforces the, horses so that onlei
team does the work, 'Suppose the
next (Move will be to discard the
egtuthnes altogether.
!There won't Ibe (much doing in
harvest; (Excursdon.s from Ontario
to Saskatchewan' this year as ow-
ing to the large number of iune.ni-
pioyed mon fin, the cities and
towns they will .supply the needs
to a large extent.
;One more turn • has been made
in (East Lanzbton and Dr. Martyn,
Conservative, is now the 111 P. P.
Possibly a protest May be)the next
number on the Liberal pro-
gram. The bungle is due to the
botch ,work of Deputy (Retunninig
officers. Dr. Martyn, is declared to
be, elected 'byr 4 votes. ,
Local News
The Kiltie Band will play at Bay
field on Thursday. Aug. 6th at Trinity
Church Garden Party. •
Hogs, $8.50.
Butter 17e and 18c.
Eggs lee and 20e.
Wheat 1.00.
Peas 1.00
Oats 40c,
Barley 50c
Buckwheat 67c.
Shorts $28.
Bran $26
We are pleased to note an increased
desire ou the part of uur readers to se
care at first possible moment a copy of
this paper and soon call at ,the (Abe
to get a copy as it falls from the press,
The reason is that we publish alt the
news all the time. We want you to
help us make it still better of notify-
otifying us of the deaths, marriages and
important transactions in which any-
one from this community is coueern•
Jimmie Emmerton, aged about 7
years, son of G. J. Emmerton, of Rip
ley, niet with a very, serious accident
on Wednesday morning. Jimmie was
spending a few holidays at the farm of
Thos. Holmes, 11th con,, of Huron.
The little chap got caught in the
mower, and according to news receiv
ed at this office, his leg was cut so
bodly that amputation will be neces
sari, Three doctors are on the scene
and every attention is being given the
unfortunate boy,—The young lad is a
nephew to Mr. John Emmerton of
The Austrian Demands That
On W:edvlesday two rinks com-
posed of Messrs. C. E. Dowding, P.
Town, J. Talyloe, A. J. Morrish, J.
Watt, W. Grant, W.efacksonl and
W. Brydone are taking in the Ex-
eter frournalitemet, The taames'
played werer,—
Trophy first Round.
Dowding 19, Grieves Exeter, 9
Jackson, 14, Hunter, Goderich 15
Second Round.
Dowding 9, Hunter, Goderich 10
South Huron Trophy •
First Round
Jackson 20 Grieve, Goderich, lg
Second Round
Jackson 10 Taman Seaforth 10
Dowding, 15 Hunter, Exeter 19
We are exceedingly sorry to record
the death of Bertha M. Gunn, young
est daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gunn,
hich occurred early Sunday morning
at the parental home. Deceased had
been seriously ill for the past month.
and an operation had been decided on
two weeks ago but the patient was too
weak to stand it and no relief, appar
rently could be afforded to her. The
funeral was held on Tuesday after
noon and the services were conducted
by Rev. Dr. Stewart assisted by Rev.
Mr. McMilian, of Mimico, Rev, Dr.
Ross, London and Rev. Mr. McKay of
Beaverton, The pallbearers were. —
Messrs Thomas Jackson. jr, W Bry
done, G. McLennan; J. E.Hovey, W.
T. O'Neil and Dr. Gaudier. • The
friends of Dr. and Mrs Gunn : will
sympathize with them in their'bereav
The.. death took place, Monday, in
Clinton, of. Wm. Mathewson Clark,
aged 72 years, fortierly of Toronto
and Port Arthur. iThe death took
place -at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
J. E. Cantelon, where he nee been coo
fined for many weeks. The late Mr.
Clark was very well known in Toronto
and Port Arthur, where he lived for
many years,' engaging in the building
and contracting business. He ' was
born in Vaughan Township, York
County: in the year 1812, His six
children survive, including .Mr. Joseph
T Clark, editorial writer on The Toron
to Star; •Mt'. James Clark, of Pickering
Ont: lItrs, J. le Cantelor, of Clinton
Ont ; Mrs. Ogle Cooper,, of Coiling.
wood; ,Mrs, Bort Marquis, of Pickering
and Miss Mabel Clark of Clinton. A ,
funeral service was held on Tuesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock and remains
were taken on the 5 train to Flesher
ton where interment was mado on
wV1lNVNV Wednesday afternoon,
Broughton the War.
The ultimatum of the Austrian'
Government x anis t
to Servia
which maybe
the immediate cause of the war nd
which tbe'Servian Government was
asked to answer by Saturday night,
dealt with the assassination at Sara
jevo, on June 28, of Archduke' Francis
Ferdiand, heir to the Austian throne.
The note
reviewshe re
t lattonswr "t
Servia since 1909 and complains that,
although the Servian Government
promised loyalty to the Austro•Hun-
garian Government, it has failed to
suppress subversive movements, and
that this tolerance has incited the
Servian people to hatred of the Aus-
tro-Hungarian' monarchy and con
tempt for its institutions. This, says
the note, culminated in the Sarajc:v
assassinations, which are proved by
depositions and confessions, of the
perpetrators to have been hatched at
and explosives
haying been
supplied by the conni-
vance of Servian officers and func-
"The Austro hungarian Govern
cent," continues the note, "Is unable
longer to pursue an attitude of for
and sees the
duty m
t imposed
y P tare
upon it to put an end to the"'mtrignes
which form a perpetual menace to the
monarchy's tranquility. It, therefore
demands from the Servian Govern
cents formal assurance that it con
demns the dangerous propaganda
whose aim is to detach from the mon
arehy a portion of its territory, and
also that, the Servian Government
shall no longer permit these machine.
1 tions and this criminal, perverse pro
British American College
•P• Leads in age. influence and sue.
cessful graduates, Specializes in '
T. 1'
Gregg add Pitman Shorthand rip,
and all commercial subjects. Fall a.
•' term opens Aug. 31st'Write for •t•
't' our catalogue, Address T. W.'II,
\Vauchope, principal, Yonge & >.
McGill Sts., Toronto. it
The band concert last night despite'
the chilly weather was again attended
by a large crowd. The music was ex
cellent and was appreciated by those
• •
• •
1iev. John Holmes wilt preach next
Sunday morning and evening,
Rev. Mr. Lyons, of London w ill
preach next Sunday.
Sacrament will be observed after the
morning sermon on Sunday morning.
During the past two Sunday morn
ing services there have been baptismal
services for the babies as well as some
larger children.
The pastor will preach morning and
At the morning service the Misses
Keller sang a duet and Mrs. East, Miss
Greene and Messrs Moffat and East
sang "I will arise" at the evening
Mr. Chambers of Stratford occupied
the pulpit last Sunday both morning
and evening. In the evening he gave
an address on China which was very
instructive as well as interesting. .A
hearty welcome awaits Mr. Chambers
when be visite Clinton again,
The pastor expects to occupy his
own pulpit next Sunday,
Prayer meeting to night as usual at
S o'clock. Everybody welcome,
On Civic holiday the Annual Sun-
day school picnic will be held at
Births, Marriages 46 oaths
Charlesworth—In' Port Arthur on
Sunday. June 26th,' to Mr. and Mrd.
R. J. Charlesworth a son (nee Miss
Zada McRae),
Clark—In Clinton on Monday, July
27, William Mathewson Clark in his
72nd year.
Gunn—In Clinton on Sunday, July
29• Bertha M. Gunn: youngest daugh
ter of Dr, and Mrs, Wm, Gunn, aged
14 years and two months.
Street—In Tuckersmitb, on Monday
July 27th, Henry Street, aged 63
One or two geri(tlemen: oan have
mdcely furnished rooms with board
la private family.' Home privil-
eges, !Apply ;to/,c
TAKE NOTICE that the Council
of the 'Corporation b0i the Town
of 'Clinton has constructed as ;local
improvements cement sidewalks on
Bast side of Orange Street, (be-
tween Joseph Street ,aad Dunlop
Street. laVest side of Orange St.
between Joseph Street tared Dun-
lop Street. Bast side of Bayfield
Bond (fronting part lot No. 50.
South sides . rot Princess s. 'Street
fronting part lot No. 12.
The cost of the wont is( 075,58
ori iwhih. $88.88 to be paid by
the Corponation.
The 'special. rate per foot front-
age annually is 3.53 cents.
The special assessment is to be
paid inl;twenty equal annuak 'sn-
lThe estimated lifetime 'of the
work is twenty years,
A Court of Revision; will be held
on Moniday, the 17th day of Aug-
ust, 1914, at 8 o'clock pan., inithe
Council Chamber, Ctin`ton, for
the purpose of hearing complaints
against the proposed assessments
or the accuracy of the frontage
measurements, and any other com-
plaint which persons interested
May desire to make and which is
by law cognizable byllthe Court.
Dated: at Clinton this 30th day of
i July, 1914y
Town Clerk,
We have just recede ed into attack
a carload of Choice Western
Atari a 'ear Of Canada Portland
Phone us for prices. 'twill pay you
It is better to. advertise intensively than
extensively when the sung to be devoted
to advertising is small. This means the
regular use of THE NEW ERA -52
messages a year, addressed to the same
Constituency of readers.
Interntittent or divided effort is not likely
to be resultful. One full -powered blow is
better than two half blows.
Concentration of appeal will do a work of
conviction and persuasion that will sur-
prise you when the year's returns are
totalled up.
There's advice to you in this little homily
to advertisers, it is: Reward with a full—
not divided -custom the merchant who
steadfastly solicits your good -will. The
more you strengthen the' hands of the
man who serves you, the better will be
the service returned,
silo Where YOU ore lolled Qo Shop h®p_.