HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-07-30, Page 7Thuredlay, July ,30th, '1914, dB CLINTON NEW BI& n Pearl Pendants We are Showing Some Very Pretty Designs In pleasing contrast to the styles one usually sees —yet they are strictly correct and follow closely the forms prescribed by those who have the "say so" in ladies jewelery. We invite yon to cone in and inspect our stock. Prices Irom $110.00 up W. 11. IILLLYAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE 'WILL'' LIKELY LIVE 'HERE. The New Era has beard on good •nmthar' thatev. David Rogers wh.a is now stetionfre fet1 Ft.. , Tlhotnias ;wile nest June superannu- ate mull spend the rest of hie days din: Clinton. Ma'. Rogers is too well %kinolwn li thile vicinity toneedlany Introduction 'lathe citizens. 'tntntrnrttrnrnrnntntnnnrttr There is a Cold day Coining Why not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh %alley •41oa1, none better in the world A. 1. Holiowray, Clinton °mnrnnrrnennrrnrnntrmnrnr Toronto Markets I, 10:t 0. F. EXCURSION essimmei•••••eemSs•S•oS••• Local News TIED SEAFORTH The/ Tenants (Club ein.ished their league math at Seaforth last Sat ur aty : afternoon, and; jela ed ' a draw. Goderich wines the district, HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ. Howfar behind is your subscrip- tion .to The New Era? .At 4j small sum of 1$;100 per year it re supposed to be paid in.+advanbe. 25 CENTS. Will pay for the New Era to new subscriters in Canada from now un- til the end of the year. If you are alreadya subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era for the balance of the year to your dietant son daughter or friend who will ap- preciate reading the home news. VIOLATNIG LAW LND C1 -00D fTASTB. Several uncultivated lofts in town are covered with a menacing, and illegal harvest oaf inoxbous weeds. Foa' the shire at least of surround - kg properties the weeds should be cut end burn(?d foetlrwittlr. IS APPRECIATED If you sbonld undertake to write a letter to an absent friend every week telling him all the nerve, you would get a faint idea of the task in pirpar ing a newspaper. Many of our town people recognize this and take plea sure in giviug items of news, It helps us and is appreciated. FALL TERMS, The Elliott l3ueeness College which has been, located for manly yelams at Yonge and Alexander Streets vyas roved into its hand- some new home at Yonge ,and Charles Streets, Toronto. The Fall Team to env well••kntrvn t;chool opens on Sept lat. Catalogue free to all interested, in a business or !shortharnd education. SEND US 'TILE NEWS Correspondent should bear in iminid is riending in(theer budgets that a triinonncenient of 'socials and entertainment which are held for making money are pure advertising and have to be paid for. It takes tmpm(ey, toren ,atnewspaper and advertising is ogle of fits eerier scources of revenue. Hereafter an- mouneemeute of the above nature will hecut out of the mews. CLINTON VOTERS ,LIST. The Voter's List dor the town of Clinton has been presented and potted up. The, List this year con- tains the, names of 015 voters and theme are 312 persons qualifeed to serve as jurors. There are 30 days after the 14 days of July in which appeals may be made. It would be well if parties entitled tot vote would inspect the list nand see that their names are properly entered, Hogs ..... 950 ICattl{p _.... ...... ...1..., _-.e. '8,75 ' Big I. 0. 10. F. Excursion to Sar Lambs -10.50 tntia pn(d,Detroit onSaturday Aug. sheep •_.._- 6.50 8th, ,Special train will leave Clem - Cheese -_-t_- 12 1-2c ton let 7.48, a,lm. [Return fare to Butter ..... ___ 19c to 22c 15laainial $2.25. ,Sarnia to Detroit via EE�ggge , -.-t..- .--..- 230 steamer Tashmoo, 60 cents for Iwheat .._`.. -.. 1.00 round trop, .All tickets good to Oats .. L.. ... s" leave Sarnia via special train at Barley .................. 62 to 64 110 p m, anlMondlay August 10th. Potatoes,' per bag ..... $1.00 Beans ... .. ...... ...... $1.75 to 1,85 CLEVELAND BOAT P, R. Shannon agent of the C,&B. Line was here nn Friday and he in l formed us that their steamer State of WOOL WANTED Ohio made her first trip between Port Stanley and Cleveland on Sunday June 12 leaving port at 12 midnight, and thereafter will leave port on even da' es during July odd dates in Ang ust and even dates in September There will be week end exeursions to Cleveland on Saturdays the steamer is scheduled to leave Port A decided advantage to excursionist this year will he the side trips to Put in Bay and Cedar Point which can be made at an expense of 81.00 giving ample time to stop over at either of these Exchange points and etell have 5!, hour ssight seeing in C,eveland. A week end W. �g� • e l�$ a trip among the islands of coot Lake �I[ �J T1-1 E,ie is bound to become a most popu v e lar vacation outing Lake rides en Wednesday aud Saturday afternoons at 3 p in The great snip Beeandhee is scheduled to be in Cleveland on the same day the Ohio is there giving an opportunity in seeing the largest of lake passengers ahipa. Highest market price will be paid in cash for wool. Also on hand fur Sale Flower Seeds, Potatoes, FLate nl Produce taken in Next door to Hospital Victoria Street Clinton NOR l'H Eeti) FEED STORE We keep 1a stock a full line of Animal Invigorator and Poultry and Chick Foods And all the best grade of Flour and Produce Fertilizer and Binder Twine Call and see us when in town and get prices Agent for Heintznlan Pianos Old ones taken in exchange, al.d balance on easy terms; pprr n ANI[ EVAIVS TERMS CASH.." PHONE 192 ROD AND GUN, The August 'number of Rod and Gun Issued by W. J. Taylor Lim- ited Publisher, Woodstock, Ont., has appeared and is up ter the usu- al standard oft (excellence a aiin- taitned by this represen$jIative(Can- ad0an magazine of outdoor life.. The cover cut is an, attractiverone and illustrates a big catch o1l tuna int Nova Scotia where the sport. of .catching ,this big dish •wittlh rod and line is growing in, favor. The contents include ,many interesting stories and articles, among them another cantoe story "To /11t'oose Factory by Canoe" which is in so fpm as territory covered is concern- ed' forme acontinwation of the account given in last month's issue 04 a Trip from Lake• Temiscaming to Lake Abitibi. BolnmgcastleDale gives a graphic description of "Wild Fowling with the Kwakiutls" and the issue includes stories of inter- est to ,the general reader asiwell as ,articles and departments gon- teal: mg'special information for the sportsman,. Is often an illumination as big, as the sun. There is no place in town where "Money down" goes farther' than it does right here. a CHINA CLOSET or dresser bought for 'spot oaeh' from our present stoke makes what you see elsewhere look like thirty cents, Its Bargains Galore 'we are offering ;lust now in our entire Furniture Stack The hca seer Spot in 8 . C Huron to tt w 1 •• P Buy all ^ak-ierQs of Furniture B,.A.,L.t C�6i «Cs.A.�-n��.!•e. Furniture healers and Funeral ➢Directors—Phone 104 N. Bali 110—RESIDENCE PHONES— T. D. Atkinson 186 samsamanneisamonsomaseimasszoit Where Print Aura When print btueepir• lritoble temper and •gcnoral diacomlorp I'Wo p. e pos lei ware • 4hcondition condttlon with,. lessees. �tu4rr A. Gria Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses FAIR ENGAGEMENT !The( 'Brussels .lair Directors leave engaged the Clinton Kilticj Band for their tall Fair on Friday October 2ntd, LOST ON THURSDAY The Bowlers' who went to London last 'Week lost two games on Thews day last and came home air the even Lug train. The games played were. Teoumrseh Trophy • • Sixth Round Dawdling 8 Retell Toronto...10 McNee Trophy Sixth 41omind Dowding _.. 0' Miller, Brantford 10 THE PRESBYTERIAN COLTS WOle On +Moin(lay evening Tom Jack- son's Presbyterian ,Colts trimmed "Jake" Taylor's Methodilst Boys by 5 score of 18-9 Mn a 15 en,d bowling Match. Pollowilq'g were the kitty touchers send the score by ends. Methodist Presbyterian C. Wilken E. Mitchell Doc. Johnson, C. Paisley R. R'uimtbal I A. Mitchell J. Taylor skip T. Jackson, skip Jackso n-300200111204031-18 Taylor+ -011022000010200-9 NO ADVERTISING IN POST OFFICE. For ,years .past it has been the custom• to 4png up all Walls of posters, 'advertisements, .etc. in the post office which was contrary to negul'atonis but they were net en - f orced. Now, the fPostmiae'ter-gen,- esial has sent out a Iiotitce to‘ the postmiatstea•s to the effect that law must be strictly (observed, and only, gotten pertaining to poost office matters will be allowed iu !the lobby off the Post Office: Notices of mee'teng,ge of (only kind for ieiraretable, ,religiotee or (social purposes, or advertisements of varlons kinds, must not be allowed in the ,porstoffice, and the post- anaster es warmed to carry out the inetructiojnil contained intthe de - cults. Our citizens will govern them'selvem 'aceord'ibgly, need save the postmaster any trouble, MINOR LOCALS. The fireworks at Stratford Old Boys Reunion will be worth going miles to see Try to be there Yes, Augustus, you would be cfuite safe ii>anproucing to vour were that the rhubarb sauce seas - an ti's closed The Fermi Gieater Exposition Shows at end Boys' Reunion Stratford Aug. 1 to 8 are the finest and most varied ever seen in Ontario IPionickers in,1014 ,are lucky, The season's orily have way through tend there's )ryo sign of the canned salmon running short. Several games in the Western On- tario Baseual! League will be pbr,yed Stratford during Old Boys' Week Aur Ito S Saturday last was tree llundredth Anniversity of the Battle of Laudys Line. They :say grasshoppers are to be the (next plmlgue Geo. Goulding worlds champion 1 to 3 mile walker will compete with five othersat Stratford Old Boys' R. un'on Aug. 1 to 8 The Novila Scotia and the Met- ropolithIn Beelike have united and it will be known teethe doa+tner. The two blanks have, a n'um'ber • rf 1 branches ilni'Western Ontario. The Bank !04 Noviar Scotia has branches fait London, 'Woodstock, Brantford laud Berlin while the Metropolitan has 'branches at /Guelph Elmira Brussels, Britten, and ,Pettrollea, DISTRICT NE\Vs Mr, and Mrs. R, F. Adams of Blyth visited their sons,' Earnest and Toni Adams and other friends last week. Mrs. McIntosh and child of Stratford are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. Col. Clough, Mrs Cook of Yer•kton is visiting her brothers Ernest and Tom Adams for a coin a of weeks. • Tom'and George Riley visited their uncle, Mr. Charles Riley of Tucker- smith on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay and Mr. David Milson attended their} brothers wedding last week at Attwood. Stanley. Rev. Wm. McWhinney of Crow - stand Indian School accompanied by his wife and two daughters visited at the home of Mrs. John Gilmour on Thursday and Friday of last week, Mies 16. I. Graham of Seaforth is visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo Baird this week, • The Second and Third of Stanley was well represented at the Oddfel• lows picnic, held in Bayfield an Friday of last week. Rev. Dr, Stewart of Toronto held a prayer meeting at the home of Mr. E. Glen on Monday evening, The Dr was welcomed by a large and appreciative audience. Auburn The renovation of the Methodist par sonage of this place has justbeen com- pleted "under the direction of the committee appointed for that purpose The work was done by Mr. Steinoff, of 13 yth, The erection of a new church in the course of a few years is being contemplated. The Late principal of Auburn public school has resigned his position. He intends to rake a course in manual training at Guelph, but is at present attending military school at Ottawa. Mullett Miss Edith Stewart of Clinton spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Adams, Miss Elva Shaddick of Hensall rs spending her vacation at the home of her grand mother, Mrs, Brumly. James Hazelwood was laid up with blood poisoning in his arm but is improving. John Weymouth, Wm. Beek and Albert Weymouth autoed to Grand Bend on Sunday. John Snell of Morris spent Sunday with his cousin, Wm. Tamhlyn. Joseph and Wm. Gray shipped a car of cattle to Toronto on Saturday, Joseph Vodden, D, Wright, Bert Nott and \Vestey Vodden had the Blyth phone installed in their homes last week. Miss 0 ive Lobb has returned borne after spending a few months with her sister in Radisson, Sask, Hippen Rev. Mr, White, of Bayfield, eon - ducted the service in the Methodist Church here on Sunday and delivered a fine sermon. Thos. Meths and daughter, Merger et, are spending a few days with friends in Stratford- Mise Beatrice Grant who has been spending the past year in California for her health, has arrived hone feel- ing much benefited. Mies Florence Snow, of Weston, is paying a visit to Mr, and Mrs. John Alexander and other friends. Five men from Mitchell motored over to our village on Sunday to pay Mr. Reynolds, station agent a friendly visit, James Dick of Seaforth, and John Stewart called on 0 few of their old friends in the village on Sunday, Peter Cameron of Kindersly, Sask., called on a few of his old Kippen friends recently. Mr. Cameron says the crops are not looking particularly well iu some parts. Henry Ivison received a shaking up the other day. While drawing in hay a colt which heas drivingbecame w frightened and tried to run away. Luckily Mr, Ivison was near tbe barn at the time to avoid crashing into 0 wire fence steered into the foundation of the barn, which they hit with a crash, throwing Mr. Ivison heavily 1 against the wagon and shaking him up considerably. , Threshing has commenced in this neighborhood. The village onion growers have started to pull their crop, and report an excellent yield. Advertise in.the New Era. a.•••••••••••••••••••••O•• • Shaw's Business Schools 3 • Toronto, Canada, give high grade • • courses and qualify young people • • to earn good salaries. They in- ; • elude The Central Business Col- • • lege, Yonge and Gerrard Streets • • and Six city branch schools. • Curriculum sent nn request, En- •• •ter any time, W.H. Shaw; pres, • ••••••.••••••••••••••••••• Holinesyllle Mr. Will Elliott of Washington St. eon of Wm. Elliott of Porters Hill oc cupied the, Methodist pulpit morning and evening last Sunday. Mt, Harry Sweet had a successful barn raising last Thursday. The union picnic of Goderich and Colborne Townships was very poorly. attended from around here. Mr. 3. Potter is having his house brightened up by a coat' of paint,_ Next Sunday morning the quarterly meeting services will beheld kere, Mrs. J. Russel of Sunshine has been spending a few days with her sisters the Misses Currie. Goderich ' The annual tea and garden party given fast Friday night by the wo men's Apxilliary, of St Gegnge's Church, was a great success. There were on sale: Fancywork, homemade candy and baking, •etc. A musicalpro gram consisting of solos, recitations, etc, were given by the Misses King, Larned; Messrs. Taylor, Parsons, Shirdy and Poter. J.'he sum of $278 was cleared. The funeral took place Friday after noon from St. George's church of the late Mrs, D,J. Naito], who died sudden ly ou Tuesday. The deceased was highly respected citizen of Goderich for,many years. One daughter, Miss Emily, end one son, Walter of Brant ford, survive. The O. P. R. freight, sheds have been electrically wired throughout. A time clock has been installed and every thing is about ready for the flour boats which Mr. J. 81. Marshal, the agent, expects will arrive by the first of August. Secretary A. W. Deacon of the Stratford Old Boys' Association has sent an inyitatiho to e very. Old Boy and Girl whose name was submitted to him If you did not receive yours it WAS an oversight But come anyway and receive a right loyal welcome Brumfield Farmers report a splendid crop hay was good barley is an unusually fine crop, All are looking for the dreaded army worm which has come in the neighborhood. At time of writing it has not done any great amount of damage. A few fields of green oats has been cut and in a week or so the oats wo'ild be almost to ripe for much injury. Those who have fields of corn and beans are anxiously watching for the worm itis hoped that it will not be so bad as it is in some places. John Murdock of the London Read has happily been married to Miss Mar the Butts of Beneall. Mr, Murdock's frionds in our vicinity extend hearty congratulations. Friday which was our civic holiday was well observed. Our village was almost deserted and the neighborhood joined in going to Bayfield a good time wee spent. Miss Edna Daymond is the guest of Mrs. Dan Ross. Russ Scutt and sister Elizabeth are visiting triends at Bowmanville. Developing The Army Worms Peculiar Information Relative to Rapidity with Which It Multiplies. Frank 71yd, of Woodstock, who has interested himself in the army worm pests that have alarmed the farmers in Oxford, Brant, and Waterloo coun- ties, has been conducting a series of experiments, the results of which he has given to the Sentinel-Beview, in the following statements: Since collecting a number of specimens of the army worm Thurs- day last from • the farm of J.A. Thomp son in Burford township. I have been conducting a series of experiments for the purpose of studying the lite and habits or this particular species of moth, during the caterpillar or larvae and subsequent transition stages from egg to imago or adult. I selected five of each of six different sizes or develop mentsand confined each selection suit able surroundings or as natural an environments as possible, feeding each on foxtail grass, which I found they devoured more readily than any other kind. On Friday while the largest had notapperently 5rown, each of the smaller had appreciably advanced to- wards maturity, while upon inspec- tion Saturday morning considerable transformation was noticeable, The largest worm bad wholly shed it cater pillar coat and appeared as a white wriggling grub. The two next sizes were in the process of emerging from their skins. but aside from a curled up dormant condition the remaining specimens exhibited no alteration. "At five o'clock on Saturday after- noon all selections of worms, except The Battle of Lundy's Lane Fought 100 Years Ago One hundred years ago Saturday old July 25,11914, was fought within, the corporation. of Niagara Falls, Ont., the battle 'of lenedys 'Lane and the event was commemor- ated onthe battle .ground onwhi'ch' there are now ,situated the Drum mond Hill 'Presbyterian Church and cemetery the letter dantainin:grtlhe bones of manly who participated and fell he the battle which, was pa actieally thelast tot the ,;war of 1812-15. Representatives of ,both Canada and the United States took part. This must be regard eider; eepleasilo'g feature of the com memoaatiam but other events of alike (character '.have occurred tliere before;notalbly when the mon um'ent was erected a few ,years' ago. 'The war ;of 1812-16 was declared by the Unirtedt States against Great Brittain LandIreland on several grounds 'impressment of British sealmen who had joined the Amesi 00>) war vessels_ to find such des-, erters the bloc14s»de of ll7uropean ports withthe consequent interfee entce' with American commerce and the alleged ;efforts of IGt{et,'rt Brie twin testis -wp'the West Imtdians against the tUnlited ,States, The .Ameriavn pee le were divided in opilnion as to *he ousttifications of the ;War Great Britain was very much occupied with Napoleonic Wars hurt the Canadian people put up such aneffeetive defence against territory the invasion of their'erre or yY� that the war was waged without any great success on either side up' till this time when the finlea hat - He le was fought almost two •years. torn the time the 'war was declar ed. The Niagara :Penii$ula., -was brought into great prominence dur ing the whole of the war. Here Gen'enal Brock fell en October 1813 whelp, repelling an invasion at Queenstoln( (After talong series of detached conflicts .'pn, sea . land band amidllluctuating !success the Government ;of United States deter mineed oatalsupreme attempt en the heart of Canada by again in- vading the Niagara ,Peninsula. A large force and well equipped force crc+ssed from Buffalo to Fort Brew( under able and experiene ed generals, Brown, Scott, and Rip ley. The'- o,ppositn'g Canadian force was largely made up of Cana diarti voluj teers under the command of Gelnenal 'Riau.. Fort' Erie was tialcetn on •Tuly ,2.` 'On the 5th General Ritall was defeated at Chippewa .an'd forced to retire ton hie entrea hments...To prevent his communic 'tions being cut otic In the rear he was eopnpelled to move towlards Queens'ton and on his way Melt ,General Drummond: with a can tigentt of British IPendnsei6an veter en'stan(i' thetwe aeries met at Lesdys Lame, The Ameni'oans'aft er the rbattle withdrew to•FortlErio and finally left Canadian territory op the fifth of November. With the exception of area fight at New {Orleans after the treaty of peace iiadl been signed, so slow was communication in those days. -this was the Last battle in the last war between the two great countries,' the United States and the United Kingdom:, lanst it was the last on Calnaadian, territory. This gives tit a,distinctive place dal, history, fit was also a battle 80 which ;both sidles, have always claimed success, There ale: no question that the Ames -loans retreated after the bat- tle, but they retired im,tgood order without being closely pursued. < It mlattems not aiow, Both sndes. 1olught bravely and, the hope of every, Canadian .will be and it 15 believed of every worthy citizen of the Umiltecl States, that the 1Sntoe which was made shortly after will not !ontly lost another 'hundred years, but until the time when Ana tlgns yluall Lear' ,w,ar etoparore, rioneamerememeseimmemmermr i 13 MONTH OF AUT I?RICES Commencing Saturday, July 25th, we place on sale hundreds of dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that must 1?e cleared out to make roo:n for our New ,fall Stock which the manufacturers start.to ship early in August. Cut Prices on Dry Goods, (Jut Prices on Men's and Boys Clothing, Cut Prices on Boots and Shoes Cut Prices on'Hats„Caps and Shirts ,EXTRA SPECIAL—We have about 5o Boys' Suits— too many—which means 5o suits at manufacturers prices for the first 5o boys. Don't miss this chance to save money on your . boys new fall suits. they will need them when school starts, sizes 24 to 35 Also extra low prices on our Pumps and Oxfords White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, Etc. P1umsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS MORE UUSINESS the originally smallest, had assumed four gradations of developments, The first to change. now was in com plete dark brown shell chrysalis, or pupa. The next was in light brown chrysalis, the third in white shell, while the rest remaired in the larval form. On Sunday morning, every worm, without a death occurring, had passed into complete chrysalis that is in less than four full days thirty army worms from the very minutest to the largest to be found, had changed from the voracious larval plague state to the chrysalis, form from which they em- erge next spring in there adult state, the larger brown moth celled scien tif'e illy, 'Lencenia Unipuncta.' "Knowing that J. M. Cole, Public School Inspector, wasvery conversant with this branch of study, I submitted my observation to him. Mr, :Vole was able determine the exact parent of this ravenous family and kindly furnished me with the following infor oration given by Holland, the highest authority in tbe world. This is not the regular armyworm as recognized by science, but the Northern Army worm "which is batched from eggs deposited on blades of grass which curl over them, as protection. They are to be found commly in old pasture. While the eggs are laid in late spring they do not hatch until midsummer, Wet and cool weather following a previous season of drought is most favorable. They live abott two weeks in the larvae state, and grow to be one to one and a half inches in length: They then go into the chrysalis state. remaining that until the succeeding spring, when they mature into the adult brown moth, about an inch long with white spots on the . forgwings. The regular army worm belongs to the midge family, or wheat pest. which devours the point' of the wheat stocks, These insects are only about a quarter inch in length and tarn into flies in the adult state, "Holland gives as a means of fighting the northern army worm the use of a very weak spray of Paris Green used where they frequent and also to fore stall them on their march, this solo tion of poison will readily wash into the ground with a good rain and will not endanger cattle subsequently feed ing there, but it should be very weak t He also advised the burning ori of meadows in the late fall or early spring, which effectually destroys the dormant chrysalis. "Saturday evening I placed on exhi bition in my window specimens of the various stages of development, which I considered of more than usual inter I est. I should say in deduction that if the progress of the worm could be arrested by curtailing their supply of fuod an earlier transformation would be brought' about from the caterpillar form to the crysalis or pupa state, Then the advice of Holland should be taken and the chrysalis destroyed by burning off the infested area or mea dows late this fall, Guinea Gold The noted stock horse, "Guinea Gold,” will breed a limited num- ber of mares at his own stable, Lot 40, West ,End, Tuckersmith. G. W. NOTT, Proprietor Baron Wallace • MONDAY—Will leave lies own stable, lot 40, West End, Tiloker- ` smith, go to Huron Road, then to Graham House for noon, .then to Gilbert Mair's for night. TUESDAY—By Holmesville and Mabtland to Win. Duret's for noon then by way of Bethel Corner and Benreiller to NV -Minot Haake's, Huron Road, for night. WEDNESDAY—Huron Road east to Wm. Flick'g for noon, and then by way of 9th con. to James Gra- ham's for night! THURSDAY—To Wise's Corner and Bayfield Road to James Jen- kins', 2nd of Stanley for noon, then to his own stable for night where he will remain until the following Monday morning. G. W. 'NOTT, Proprietor .11140 WVONVVVvvvVvVVVVVVVVVVVY AAWAAMAANNAAAAAAAAAAAM C, t B. Steamer "State of Ohio" LINE FOR CLEVELAND Leaves Port Stanley 12 midnight on even dates in July, odd dates inAuguat, even dates in Sept, to Sept. 10th Arrive in Cleveland at 0.30 a,w. Fare from Port Stanley one war $2.25, Round Trip $4.00 Saturday Excursions on above dates $2,25 round trip , Like Rides Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3 p m Fare 25e VVVWVVWWVVWVVVWVWVVVAAAMMM/tAMMMMAAMAM MID=SUIVIIVIER 51108 SALI3 r You will find the best values of the season in ou Third Senii—Annual Clearance Sale. Now is your time to save money in all lines of footwear. Come and see for yourself the extraordinary values we are offering just now. A few of the many lines we have placed on Sale Men's Calf Bluchers High toes, regular price 4.00 and 500, sale price ........ 3.48 Men's Calf Bluchers High toes, regular price, 4.00 sale price 2.98 Men's Patent Boots 30 pairs only, regular price 5.00, sale price...... 1.98 Men's Work Shoes 30 pairs, all sizes, regular price 8 75, sale price 2.00 Men's Work Shoes 40 pairs, all sizes, regular price 2,00, sale price ..... ,.,.1.69 Women's Oxfords New goods, patent, gun metal and Suede, reg 3 50 for .:,.2,48 No sale goods on approval. We 'wi'll refund your mono ifyou are not satisfied withyour purchase. Y ; IA O. 1:N.,' 1 i 0O 4OP,te'-F,1, iii • ern, Phone 70 CdPisoi 1, 1 Clinton