HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-07-23, Page 9IAA The attitude of the purchasing public determines the success of 'any establish- inent ; for the moment sustained secsational special selling'may resign supreme --but in the end actual merits and unvarying excellence ?ind practical appreciation. Great Price Reductions on Pretty Waists and. Dresses Waists 25 Fancy White Lawn Waists at half original price. , 1 ' , • Fancy Parasols at a traction - Dresses Pretty materials, good styles, all different, at cost and less ol their'original price. Two Extra Specials These lines are limited in quantity and if you would share in the offerings you must act NOW. Ladies Cotion Hose , Biack Paillette Silk 2 pairs for 25c 36 inches wide $1 per yard Ladies Rain Coats If the present season does not suggest a Rain Coat, a sudden downpour catching you unprepared WILL The Rain Coat can be worn anywhere. at any time, the most useful garthent a lady can have in her wardrobe, These are all Canadian Rubber Co. Inade garments; are most generously cut, most carefully tailored. BuyiKg them at any time here you pay the lowest market prices, when the superioi.' manufac- ture and fit, as well as quality of material used, is considered. We are showing an Extra Special at $6,75 We want you to make this store your shopping headquarters, come in whenever you like, stay as long as you like. We are at yourservice. [JINN'S ,assiss," cILINT()N NigW sr" ,.• ealtrareeeiies-se, • "Yi• j•dlY 9"X',d, 1944, , NEW DROP BOX The New Fara has had a letter box install ea( in the front cierr of the office( for the reception of alll et - tees containing ittems of local in threat. All communicatione Must have the name of the writer, not for publication, but as an evidence cif good faith. We Wish to make, our columna as 3WS 05 possiblee t s is 'one of tau anO e ways of securing ,m,orelocal news. The old + one which. was under ,the big window will be closed up and the nese one will be,naore eonven t. 30 DAYS OF HARD LABOR. Magistrate Andrews, on Tuesday morning sentenced la young Scotch ream who has been in the employ of a; Toronto( Art _Co. and wilt has been •boarding at the Ransenbuty House, 30'days ot hard labour in the county goal or suit of clothes and a pair ofiboots from. another boarder in the House last Saturday (monning There seems to be ,a wave of thieving go ing onlinitown and ,a fewmore may 91,avet to go over the "road" be - dose the crime lets up. mittEr12422241921142. Amismiasaloasue STOCK4ZEDUCIN0 SALE. Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking bu•lness of Mr, Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 69 days, we put on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron. This Stock mut be Reduced and Prices. are not to be considered, All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Fltueral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store I; fleet andlis cement Witlit h Et foot ,. DUSTLESS ----BY opening dust (lamPer ,aud direct draft damper when shalung vie; te, t. A -t, • • all dust is carried up arnace .smoke pipe. See ,the McC1.. dealer or, write fo,r))091ilet.ap BYAN1'& SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS' I=MMMINIMMIIIMI1 410.0}1.101•1•Immaignm•Vm••• 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • Local News • • •. •• • . • .........******************4 I.****•••••••••••••••••••• • VN 0, T. EL , , HOW DOES YOUR LABEL READ, The W. C. Te U. (meeting will1 :How Inc behind is syour subscrip- ' tin to The New, Era? At :Joe be held attic home of Mrs,. C. 1, 1 sl 'a 1 sum of IX 0.0 per year it is Wallis on Friday; ever4ng of , this supposed to be paid in ad vance. eweek, at 8 o'clock. 1 33RD OFFICER TRANSFEED LOST AT ZURICH, • ' Mr. W. W. McIver, ,ad•juta.nt of The Baseball team 'went to Zurich the 33rd. (Iluren) Regiment, (has on Friday, ,eve,ning last and soft - been transferred sto the 27biti(Lon ered defeat! at the hands of the don) Regiment as .junior major, vice , "German Peril" by, a (scores alia5-2 Ma3or J. C. t as 1 promoted to ) Harry Twitchell was the nunpire smiler; major andeecond in nom- ' end handed tout even postice to both sides. The score .by initnings, I mend. ' - MODEL SCROOL OPENS . . Clint04-110000000-2 iAugUat Atli, I I ' I Amich-30011100x-6 IS APPRECIATED 'The Clinton. Model School will If yoo aootai ttodatake to write a Open t OW A:uglist Jith. and appiiH letter to an absent friend every week Pe°, telling hint all the news, you would esnlzonto the fiod napmleaiorst.trnneittiatre. otolawa,. i get a faint idea of the task in ['lepereationS, cations, Toronto, on or before A. -11g mg a newspaper. Many of Mir town ust 1(5U\ ! people recognize this and take plea I sure in giving items of neve It helps NEW D. D. .M. FOR DISTRICT us and is appreciated,. ...00.••••••••••••••••••"•••"" rf it) New Boo "Just. Out" ------L--"Just in." mi.......ciase•mgaawaismNossira One is Diane of the Green Van. It's a $10,000 prize novel. Over ioo,000 sold at $1..35. The "best seller" tor April in both Canada and United States. A clear, clean, clever romance, Stirring, entertaining and consistently interesting. The other is Overland Red a stery tingling with the virile life of the West. One of the brightesr, best novels of the year, perfectly clean and decent, and at the same time full of romatic adventure, Price $1.35 1119111111=1111=1211 The W. D. Fair eo. Often the ehapast-741ways the Be t 11111/1111111, rierieil Paris GPCC11 At the MasonIMPROVEMENTS Masonic Grand Lodge con- at Niagara Falls on Thursday, H. C 4 IS.OS. CUopee s Ilick $5,.a ‘13..iiti bus vention which concluded its sessioe Dunlop Of Goderieh was elected lis • painted. triet deputy grand master for South the( brick house "of arr. zas.t. Huron district ix which Clinton is Mair has been brightened by the situated. The officers appear on painters' brush, land's new residence on High Street another; page. The outside work of Mr. R. Row CIVIC HOLIDAY AUG. 5TH. has been SiegIshecl, Mayol Jacksbn, Juts proclaimed prockiinled hd frame house 'being ereWed Wednesday, Aug, 5th, as Clinton's byftiWetre O'Neil on °nolo Street Civic; 'Holiday on the request, of is progressing along. nAanguely, :signed aiet9t6on on fth ,d 'Ice] /fire (brigade. TO WATCH CHAUFFEURS BAND ENGAGEMENT The Kittle Band have an engage - anent at Varna on Tuesday, July 28 when they .attend the Presbyterian Garden Party WENT TO SEAFORTIL Two loads of A, +0. 'members drove to Se,aforth Sunday morning to attend divine service with the 'lodge of that town. NEW SLAUGHTER HOUSE COMPLETED The neve cement slaughter house that Mr, Chas, Middleton, is having erected OM his team west of the , town, is now completed except for the attachin,g of -the town water ain,d1 hydro. The ;building is 24x16 Our Specials _ • For Saturday and all Next Week Hot Weather Goods Perfection and Quick Meal Oil Stoves Garden Hose, Sprayers and Nozzles • Screen Doors 1.00 to 3.00' Screen Windows 15e to 40e Lawn Seats 1,25 Hammocks 2.00 for 1.68 2,60 for 2.18 3,00 for 2,68 1 2 Ice Oream,Freezers regular 3,00 for 2,68 Electric Irons regular 5.00 for 4,48 reg 4,50 for 3,98 0.0edar Mops 1,50 0-Cecla,r Dusters 75e 25 per cent discount on Out Glass for balance of this month Another goodsupply of Brantford Roofing and Beaver Board A small quantity of Pure Manilla l3inder 13e and lie essu assurauxamaxameamenemass••••=sminswins••••••• ta ' HARLAND BROTI-IERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES ...m.monsommon... 'wall to divide the large room into a killing and dr easing room. It will' beoccupied by R. Fitzsimons and Son. ,Wm. Elliott has the con- str a ea l'or, cement woes:. Tans- 15 the first step foo: tbe pros:wage snapped out by the Health Officer Dr. Shaw, IN' MEMORIAM. Annie D. Counbe. Died ata priv- ate Hospital, Leeds, June 21st,"int her 74th. year. Interred in Wood- house Cemetery oe,Jutie 24. Miss Comnbei wasa daughter (of the late Rev. Alexander Combe of Colyton Devonshire at one time Minister at Idle. 'or many years she was a -worshipper ain,dthou.gh otknewne to many of the present members partly lay reason of ,e re seaved and retiring nature and also becialase of late she had not been able to bet ta regUlar attender yet at dell time she was sin mane st Worrar En good' .causes in Lseda, 5 e taught atlftlhe ,Mechanics /Warm and foul tweloty-tive wears was the Secretary oi thea (Yorkehire Ladies Council' of Edueati000. She (had. 'entered (Intel rest after bay ing passed the allotted span (of three score years aso,dtten. Miss Ann 0. D. Coombe was the youngest sister of the late James H.,Combe of Clintons Everyibody will goand 'visit Sea forth that day as it is the Eire - men's). touenament. SEND US THE NEWS leorrespo,nelenst should bear in lmind ircriending Indhear budgets that arm aibuneeent of socials and entertainment which are held for making money are pure advertising and have to be paid for. It takes ndan(ek, kg run anewspaper and advertising is oefet oft its (chief scources ot revenue, Hereafter an- nounanmeets, of the above nature will be, eat out Of the news, IS YOUR, NA'AIE ON, The Clinton Voter's List 'was first posted lop on July lith, by the elerk it is 111) to everY person to examine thedist tosee it their names are -n on Do ot blame another for yoaus 0 \Val megogience. Come pi your friends are trying to look at ter it but they may miss 'your name lists May be seen at the Town. Clerk's office the post office or the New Era _Office. Do itnew. Ten more constables are to be ap pointed by the provincial secietery's department on Friday to assist in en forceteent of the Motor Vehicles Act They will be stationed at points titre' out the province . while all infringe ments of the act will be watched for what was especially provochtive of these appointments is the hoast of a goodly number of chauffeurs, some with much expelence, that they,have taken out no license and will not do so Other drivers have passed parts but not all of the necessary examination and.are driving veldt- es. MINOR LOCALS. tr-Cosno hot days'S Slack buggy tires ere in fashion until the ,bliactsmith gets at theme DAMAGED BIBS iThel Brussels (Post of last week speaks of a -citizen of, that teown who hast been visiting hinds in enet with an accident last 'week by being kick ed la the left aide while passing a horse in hm is blaeksith shim. eve - erg ribs were damaged which laid him aside for some days, He pluck shod the horse tit l'aloamk oinids" with him before he quit 'work. We hope Mr. Plum will set- tled in e harmful results from the accident. MINOR LOCALS. adivertisints literature 'rend Aa vertisements for the Toronto and London Pairs have already appear eed,Goe. G-oulding w ovals champion V 0;3 mile mediae: will elmieete wit h ave others at Stratford Old Boys' R. linen Aug, 1 tohe T, wecent ralinis have helped berry, crops. The Bowlers went to Seaforth on Monday aa lost, irlave you, appendicitis? ,Auetion, Sale 'onteaugust 1st of W. 11. Watt's house and 'term alutlit (Seel advt. on Page 2, MOTHER' DEAD. The following obituary notice to 1 the daily press, refers to, the uno- I thee of Mr. George, Bailey, of Clap, ton' -who ,died ati Listowel an Monday eventing. -At six o'clock Monday ,eventing the death oc- curred of Mrs. A. ale,,,,ailley, aged 58 -who shad been taken with convul- sionla shortly , after noon, as a result of ,acute !kidney ti'ouble. Mrs. Bailey had been in, apparent good health during the earlier part of the day, having dodo a large washing and manned 'some fruit. Her ,huslaand is •caretaker of the pceitotfiee, ,aind they resided ilia the po,stoffice building. Justtatter a ,o'clock neighbors heard her call for help, and Mrs. IVIabon,ey and James Tremain. rushed tOthe post - 1 ,office and( tfountl the unfortunate tady1 in is state of coll9apse. When (medical aid arrived life was ex- tinct. Mrs. Balle,y is survived, by I five( eons villta three daughters I Frank( of fVonid,en Se sk.', William 1 oil Dowlansclown k Geo, of iClcinton, i and Harry; Mrs, Thos. Blamer of I Wallen,steiral, Mrs. T. L. Rogers of Aylmer, and Margaret at home The( family hacl resided there for the 'mat fifteen years. The funeral 0 took place Wedi.esday to Shipley Stratford Old Boys' Reunion Aug, 1 toS promises to be a week of the healthiest kihd of am !smelt There won't be an unei enilit minute See that year name earn the -Voters list. Small fruits are an the market. Clifton Civic holfIday will be August 5th. Sect fanny A. W. Deacon of the Str.I.Iford Ole Boys' Association has scut 10 invitatihn to eery 0 d Boy and Gni whose name was submitted to Min If von did not receive yours it VirL4 an oversight But come anyway aini receive a right loyal welcome Raspberries, currents, •andrgoose• berries are on the market. (New Potatoes, green beano, new carrots and peas, are a common bill 'of nfare, these days. Over 52,0M, is being spent in special iy electrifying the streets of Sttatford fou the Old Boys' Ria sunn Aug. 1 to a gorgeous display (How tar are you behind on,your subscription, to the New Era. 4.0 cents gets the New Era to 1915. 1Goderich 'will 0iave a unilitary camp next ;leoh. The guevserks at Stratford Old Boys Reunion vv,11 he worth going miles to see Try to oe there The, Ban,d. splays at Varinn on July rdth, ‘atthe, Preebyteerlan GardeP n arty, Civic Holiday August 5th. It will not pay you to experiment with Paris Green cf inferior quality Bergers can be depended upon to do the work quickly and surely Absolute certainty of results makes Bergers Paris Green the hest to Buy -the best to Use THE PENSLAR STORE .. 1-1 T., EL Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE ISIEMOINft NATIONAL Portland eement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand. of Portland Cement which has always :given you such..cont- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements..row cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ANDREWS CLINTON Several games in the Western On- tario baseball League will be played at Stratford during Old Boys' Week Aug. I to 8 A -week frosn Friday and July will be over. Mosquito! thou the, greatest Pest that eVer flirted 'wing. Whenanight fall comes you never rest but sing and t sting. i The Fsrari Greater Exposition Shows au ()Id Boys' Reunion ;Stratford Aug, 1 to S are the finest and most varied ever seen in Octavio CROPS PROMISE WELL In ,a repOrt to a daily paperetheir corre,spondent has visited Perth Co, nd 'also Huron Countys, ;Here is what he says about 01'Huron Reports from Huron County shoev that the same, clop con,ditioncs Pre v,all as in Perth ADM:a end barley ecu fine; peas are exceptionally good; the corn is doing 'well. 'W(hceat as in other places ds poor alnd no7m,e, tiaerners have already cut the wheat ,f or hay. The h,ay la light. „A. considetrable area is( de- voted to ,a, -razing around Goderich, 4 Sea(fiorth wad ;Clinton, and a fine quality; of beef cattle: is being prepared( for the fall, market Most of,the genie here' is Seed ter the cattle. The roots will yield as in eth.er places in 4)ntario a.,good crop. The apples promise a first-class yie/d. Huron does not appear well °Mier farm labor as isolate other ,eounties. -• Ours we) would cave you be That's why uone ads, , SO frequently ;you See. ;1:M.1111112.10•111.1.111411=1,150.... ,F,017MMINO..111661.161210•RO Th Goods wd Bake - WO Bake for YOU, And take the greatest caee. Thal in Quality and, Cleanliness They eltall be beyond compare, .. Five Strong, Points:In Hotta Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Psctt, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, riretilar Water Pen, Saving in Coal. CALL AND BE CONVINCED 'OR Phone 53 FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 se,cond-hand FURNACE and 1 "Radiant Tlome" with ovena The eorner Store "Live and Let Liver For Breakfast ,Cooked Cereals, Rolled Oats., Bacon, Eggs, Marmalade, Jams, Fruits, Coffee, For Luncheon Sonps, Pork and Beans, Meat Patties for Sandwiehes, Salmon and Sardines • Kippered Herring, Coolted Man Bologna, Jellied Hock, Tinned Meats, Rice, Tapioca' Quick Desserts, 'Jelly Powdee, Tea, Loaf Sugar, Waternaelltina Olives, For Dinner Cooked Meats, Potates, Canned, Tomatoes, Peas Corn, Beans, Eta, Pickles, Catsup -se Meat Sauces, Salad Dressing,. Cucumbers, Olive Oil, New Tomatoes, Bananas, Shelled Nuts, Raspberries, Preserved Strawberries, Ete, Butter and Eggs -Wanted Dighest Market Price Thosellawkins-E. E. ilunnifor Plumbing and Ileating PHONE 45. ePOIMMIONOMMIMNIMI. ••••••=.1•••1111•1111MMINENINIMMILIIIMMINSMINVASSMIMS 4f• I A SHOE SALE Clearance Sale our prices have been a magnet. Shoe Asenz nommw, 4. Since the a.nnouncement of our Mid -Summer buyers with good heads on their shoulders have ti been corning here from near and far to make in, 1: vestments for themselves and their families. t. thing strange about it either, when you learn HOW Much Shoe Value You Get tor Little Money Just Note a lew of our Magnetic Prices It certainly would be strange if buyers did not flock in this direction., Make hay while the sun shines for it won't shine always, and this Golden Shoe Opportunity will soon be a thing of the past. Drop in and see what's doingt , Men's 55.00 Tan Shoes...83.49, Boys 52,50 Calf Shoes....$1,a8 Men's 5.00 Patent Leather 3.49 Boys 3.00 Pat Leather .. 2 39 Men's 4.00 Pat Leather 2,98 Boys Shoes, all sizes, 1.09 Men's 2,50Farm Shoes .. 1,75 Ladies Pumps, Slippers and Oxtords HALF PRICE usassacumsaisassinsommiseammor FRED. JIACKSON Conner's Bakery THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 191°Ille 202 to14:44,fffekleEIRIEFEEff.R.1.04.11+1•1*.ifEtEfstif•itif+Eiti***01144