The Clinton New Era, 1914-07-23, Page 2'Nip, 1 • r".- • • 4'1 THE CLINTON 1-01W 477 Strengthand Beauty Come With Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery • This is a blood cleanser and alterative, that starts the liver and stomach into , vigorous action; It thus,assists the body to manufacture rich red bleed which feeds the heart -nerves --brain and organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like machinery running in oil. You feel clean, Strong and strenuous instead of tired, weak and faint. Nowadays you ean obtain Dr. •Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Tablets, ae welt an the liquid form from all medicine dealers, or trihl box of tablets by mall, on receipt of 50e. Address R.V. Fierce, MX., Buffalo, N.Y. D. Pierce's Great 1008 Page Illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent FREE, Cloth Bound for 31 Ontreent Stamps. The New Era. 49111 TEAR, "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. IL KERR dlt SON, Props. J. Leslie Kerr Business Manager New Era, One Near In advance$1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance 81.50 New Era, to the United States in advance •$1.50 Advertising Rates on Application Job work prices ad -Vallee on July 1st, 1013, in ,accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- ciation Rates. Office Phone 30 House Phone 05 few days after was apparently ae live, ly as ever. Zaeh M.:Callum met with a serious accident while hitching up his team. One horse was preceding its mate to the wagon when it kicked, but un fortunately landed on Mr. Mc Callum. Several ribs were broken and one lung was perforated. He is getting along as well as could be expected - The town is full of summer vistors. In scores of schools in Huron county as many as six to eight in some town ships, salaries continue to rise. Hay cutting is becoming general. "clover and alfalfa are good crops, but, timothy is light, although better than last year by a good deal Fall wheat harvest will commence next week in various places- The crop is good. All spring grain is.coming on well Among recent deaths are those of David Taylor, ot Lire)/ township, and Mrs, Killington of Morris Township. Both were o!d residents and highly esteemed. Miss Gertrude Ross is home for a vacation from Prince Albert. She will return to her school at the close of the holidays. ' Miss Stella Stubbs, of Calgary, is here on a visit to relatives and old friends. She was a former resident. The Misses Beuoit, of Montreal, are guests of Mrs, (Rev.) Page, thier sis ter in Brimele, Imeaosossesembesseemmemm District News. eim•••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Jensen Miss Sheritt daughter 04 Mr. John Sheritt ex -M, P.P. for Parkhill very kindly name sover tcatensall last Thursday evening ,and addressed the .girls of the McGregor 'Circle Carmel Presbyterian Church,. Miss Sheritt expects to sath for China in October next,as aMissioa3ary sent by the Methodist church. She is a pleasing earnest sneaker and made a, great impression ion those 'who heard her. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rossof ,Cleve- land Ohio have been visiting Mr. Ross's sister Mrs., D. B. McLean. The contractors, H. Soldan and T. Welsh, have commenced to exca- vate for the, furnace basement and foundation of the new town hall They intend; -pushing the erection along as quickly as possible, Dr, W. J. Neelands, 0.1). Ss, 'wife and little daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Roe and little daughter, of Evert Mich., have beenthe guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. iNeelan'ils. 3liss Vera Welsh of Toronto, for- merly of Hensall, is spending as few weeks with relatives here. James Johnston, who left here for the West some three years ago has xeturned. to Heirthall with his wife and family and intend making their home here. ' One of the ',old time residents, . Robt. MeHordie, of (London; called on old friends there recently. Miss McDonell of Exeter, is vis- iting her brother, Mr. C. 'A, Mc- Donell. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ltraSSeIS A young lad named Archer Grewar received quite a pinch at the G.T. R. depot the other day. He had been for a ride OD the dray, had jumped oil at the back of the rig and was caught between the dray and freight lama; pla.tfoein, as the former was beins backed into place to load up' Stream, to say, outside of a bad scalp cut he appeared to be little the worse, and a bilk Boy as Net Expected t Live Is taken Sick with Diarrhoea They Were 30 Miles From a Doctor SO'GOT DR. FOWLER'S Extreict Of WILD STRAWBERRY, Which Cured Him Mrs, Fred Schopff, Pennant, Sask., writes:-" I used Dr. Fowler's Extract ef Wild Strawberry when my little boy was not expected to live. We were thirty niles from a doctor, When the little 'ellow took sick with Diarrhoea. He at first would sleep nearly all day, and at light woulcl be in pain, and would have passage every five Or ten minutes. This vent on day and night until he began to mss blood. 1 gave him " Dr. Fewler's," hut without any good effect at first, so : began to give him a larger dose, and Qua he began to get relief. It was he only medicine I had in the house at he tirne, and I always keep it now for aside of three days my boy was out play- ag, and was as well as ever." This grand remedy has been on the Canadian tnarket for nearly seventy years, end is without a doubt, the best known remedy for all Bowel Complaints. Refuse to take any other preparation when you ask for `1Dr. Bowler's." There is nothing else that ean be "JUST AS COOD." Price, 35 cents.'q' See that the name Of The T, Milburn Co., Limited, appears on tile wrapper. • The family reined for Coughs rind Colds. Small dose. Small bottle. Best since 1870. HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one side of paper only Mail to reach us Wednesday of each week or sooner. Avoid all items respecting on per- sonal character but send All the News. Chech off this list it may assist you to remember an important item. Births, Marriages, Deaths. Accidents, Church News Suppers or Presentations. Removals., Visitors. Lodge News, Fires. Public Lnprovemen ts. Law Cases, the Crops. School Mathers•. Correspondents will please re- frain from sending notices of en- tertainments where an admission fee is charged, unless :they send wordwi who is responsible for the paym en t of such adv ertism en t. The charge IS five cents a line -six wcrds make a line Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Apprehensive. A customer had ordered lunch in a restaurant at 2 o'clock. He waited half an hour without result. "Waiter!" he called out "What time do you dose?" "Half past 6, sir." With deep concern in his voice the customer said, "You are not going to lock me in, are you?" -Brooklyn Eagle. A Deficient Fad. "So you don't approve of this danc- ing craze?" "The only thing I have against it," replied Mr. Growcher, "is that it doesn't go far enough. It hasn't yet en- abled a man to get up in the morning and go tangoing to work with the same elastic step Jie displayed the night be- fore." -Yonkers Star. Criticising Father. "Father used to have to hurry through his work in order to get to the golf links in the afternoon," said May- mie. "Yes," replied Maude, "and now he has to hurry away from the dancing party in order to get his breakfast and go to work in the morning." -Washing- ton Star. Newest Notes of Science • • COMPILED FOR THE NEW ]ORA Rl3lATIERS. A acetylene burner used with or cob easier ancinleater a New jersey clinary, coal gas Will give a hot man has invented: alonife 'With non-' i'lanie 110r smoJcleritug .almelst eq- cave teeth to.loosenthe kerntals. ual to.a blowl pipe .' In -'rebuilditog ,a? church ;spire 'in (Dhe .water of the Swiss city of England recently a 15, horsepower Basel (Iis 50 .injurions to)teeth tbat electric inotort dlcl •the work • apitimeipal dental cilnic hes been elk Men at about onoetwentitetb the established. tost 1.13y pressing lat.spring at one end 1tAt0ectional suit easel is ' a nevel of Anew suspending device for 'ty permitting the use of onVy as electric lights it can be raised. or I many parts as may besnPeded to • loweret1 twLlI.hold the,larticles that are to be Wrench road builders are experi 1 carried. Inejuting bvitkal mixture? (Alton fi Expert4 have figured that Ecuac- bres sand and cement as atop (less dor try the application of scientific ling for highways. methods could increase its present eye cup has beeed which applies 'a lotion tit? For the. housewife there has been A cloublel nunvent agricatral yieldtby 150 per cent. both eyeq at once as a rubber Invented la set of three reeeisuring bulb at one side is pressed, spoons ol,difierent sizes hastened A. steam. driven street sprinkling togetheat atlhe handles trill a cart, thetank of1whichf parries rivet. 1000 'gallons of water has been With ta yearly? at erage tempera brought out in. En(glancl, Wye below: zero, Verkoyansek, c.,and id bellutg .built put to seta northeastern,. Siberia is beltieveldto fromthemouths of the Mississippi be the? coldest inhabited place ?in, river at an estimated average rate the world. of 300 feet a year, • A Kansas farmer has built a wat The French . army has several es for supplying Ms entire farm on automobiles equipped .as field hos top loe.a.sild, the whole structure pitais wherein surgical operationti being made nfIrelp forced e?on- and: X. -ray work istpoksible, crate. • Am inWentor has brought outa Australia avoids orphan asylums dust pan with a wire loop attached by sending parentless children to to the handle fell' hanging it and a private homes 'which are paid for broom. together on ava1l, their care until they are 14 years English paint manufactures have old, , fund oil made from seeds Of An Ordinary electric push button Brazilian rubber trees an accept- coo' be used? as a 1 oor push by able substitute for linseed oil. kaOlultItileg ill under .alloor end us That skin cancers can be mired sing along nail through the floor by the sun's rays focused through to tpress it, ain ordinnryt magnifyng glass a The supreme court of Panama the claims of a New York A noisefeati bowlituna 'alley is a has sustained a recent law whore Frencht novelty ,one laving been by. the government reserves owner invented itt Paris in which the ship inmetal mins and desposits clash of falling pimp is silencedof coal and oil- • Official figures but recently coin - Anew' attachment f or motorcyles pleted show( that the rn,etallic zinc is an electric gen(erator thattprov procauntton ofthei :United , Stirtes ides lightning and ignition and al. last year exceeds all former rec so servea to start 'the Motor. ords. Of Engish invention is anew °en There are nearly 228,000 pleasure trifugal pump directly connected cars nearly 180,000 motorcycles and to nafeleztrie motor that rime eq 18more than 19,000 commercial mot ;Daily avell irrbr out of;water. or vehicles registered h.). the United To make eating loom from' the Kingdom. She Had, Her Suspicion. Mrs. Styles -john, I wish you wottld take me to the opera tonight. Mr. Styles -I can't, dear. I have an engageraent to go and see "Julius Cae- sar." ' "John, I do hope that isn't one of those men you played poker with the other night!"--Yonkein Statesman. Extenuating Circumstances. Seedy Boarder -Haw! Yon -haw - may not believe It, don't you know, Polly, but I was born with a -haw - silver spoon in my mouth. Polly -Well, fancy! An' me an' mother thought you spoke like that on purpose. -Sydney Bulletin. This Labor Saving Age, "Bjones is going to get rich." "What's he done to deserve such a fate?" "Invented a soup spoon with a month harmonlcon attachment to do away with cabaret shows." -- Philadelphia Ledger. CASTORIA • For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of - COURTESIES OF WAR. Christmas Boxes the Boers Dropped Among the English. When the Boers advanced on. Lady- smith in the Transvaal war the late Melton Prior was one of the twenty newspaper correspondents who threw in their lot with the English army in- stead of making the' hurried retreat that was still possible. In his book, "Campaigns of a War Correspondent," he tells many Interesting incidents of the siege. The enemy succeeded in placing thir- ty-two guns on the heights above the town and kept up such au incessant fire that the troops and -civilians were soon engaged in digging bomb proof shelters. in a short time they learned to distinguish the different Boer guns by their sound and gave them amusing names. Three of the large ones they called "Long Tom," "Puffing Billy" and "Weary Willie." Then there was "Silent Susan," so named because the bursting of a shell was the Orst warn- ing we got that it had been fired. "Bloody 'Mary," as you may suppose, was looked upon as a beast of a gun. In spite of the havoc that the can- non worked, the soldiers soon grew ac- customed to the shelliug. One day the Second Gordon highlanders were play- ing football, when n shell plumped in among thein, Fortunately, no one was hit and they went on playing. The Boera were so Interested, apparently, that they gave up tiring and actually sat on the edge of the hills, watching the game. Then. when it was all over, the firing started afresh. But this was not the only courtesy the enemy showed. Ou Christmas day they saluted the happy morn by salvos of shells. The first two that fell into the camps of the care bineers and the imperial Light horse did not burst. When the shells were picked up it was found that wooden plugs had been in - sorted in place of the fuses. and insid0. the shells were plum puddings. On the outside were the words, "With the compliinents of the season." 6111•12M=111.811•ONNIMOIP affairs, and concluded with tee words, "We. owe the salvation of Europe to one man alone." "Before he gave me time to blush," said the duke, "he put his band on his heart and continued, sro me.'" GOOD PIE CRUST. uveeu 'in -canny: not :laciest iitieravarti. coceznst, elna In elintly.- by• this recipe: 011e eoeualiut: 005 and oile-half aeueds eta nialated •suff- 11r. Plit ruga s a nd in 1 I k LLI eeeriatuil , together, heat slowly until the 51:01L' 10 inelt'C'd, tile!) 0011: lire ,milatifes; ' 'lldd Secret Lies In Having Pastry Cold and Oven Hot. When making pie crust one must use the best lard, butter and sifted pastry flour. If possible have a marble slab for rolling out Have the butter, lard and water as cold as possible, handle as little as possible, work quickly and keep the crust cold until it goes into the oven. All crust Is greatly improv- ed if mixed and placed in a bowl di- rectly on the ice for five or six hours before using. The true secret of good crust is to have 1t icy cold and the oven very hot when the pie is first put into it. For one ordinary pie with an upper and a lower crust, use six tablespoon- fuls of sifted flourone-halE teaspoon- ful of salt. one generous tablespoonful of lard and a scant tablespoonful of butter, with sufficient ice water to hold the paste together, Sift the flour and salt together, and with a double chop- ping knife chop in the ice cold lard and butter. Do not mix with the angers. Chop thoroughly until the flour resent. bles coarse meal; then very gradually add the ice water and mix with a wooden spoon to a paste that is not crumbly, but sticks together without adhering to the sides of the bowl. Now cover with a slightly damp napkin and set on the ice for four or five hours. When ready to make the pie divide the crust exactly in two with a sharp knife, dust the board and rolling pin lightly with flour to prevent sticking, but use no more flour than is absolute- ly necessary. Roll the crust out quick- ly into a. very thin sheet, always roll- ing away from you and be careful when you lay the paste in the well greased pie plate not to stretdh it, but see that it covers the plate loosely. Al- ways brush the lower crust over with a little white of egg to keep the liquid from the filling from penetrating it. ' Then put in the tilling, wet the pasto .. around the edge of the pie, fay on the upper crust, press the edges together with the tines of a silver fork and make several vents in the upper crust, for the steam to escape. Brush over the top of the pie with a little milk (to give a good brown color), trim off the superfluous paste and bake in a very hot oven. .10 a lower pie crust only is to be made, as for lemon meringne pie, use half the recipe and prick the paste shell across the bottom to keep it from puffing up. CANDY RECIPES. Old and New Ways of Making Sweets For Children and Grownups. No matter how much candy one is able to buy, 50010 10 a pleasure in mat- cocoanut (geated boil, ten ,.0110. ,ntes Imager and.Stir constantly Lase vent bMillas. Pellr 011 'buttered plates and' cut' in 'squares. The eandY wlli take abont two holirs 10 harden.' When • coldcut into small squatea.. " • , Candied Popcorn.;ut into an iron kettle, one .tablestioanful or nutter,' . three tablespoonfuls. of wafer, ope tea - 001)2111; of white pulverized sugas, then throw In three (Marts ofnieely popped oorn 5t11 bridkly until the Candy is evenly •dietributed.ever the corn. Take the kettle from the lire and stir until it Is cooled a little and each grain is crystallized with the sugar and nen. arate. Be careful not to burn the corn. Cream Candy. -One pound of manu. lated sugar, three • tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one teaspoonful of extract of lemon, one teaspoonful of cream of tar. tar. Add a little water to moisten the sugar and boll until brittle. Put in the extract and turn out quickly on but tered plates. When cool pull until white and cut into squares. Ice Cream Candy, -Three cupfuls of sugar, crushed or cut loaf; a little less than one-half cupful of vinegar, one and; one-half cupfuls of cold water, piece of butter the size of a walnut. Flavor with extract or vanilla. Boil untilit hardens, then pull until white. Good Dishwashing Machine. Dishwashing is still the bugaboo oI many women. so any device that 01111 assist this part of the work deserves to be used and used extensively. A new washer is lust on the market which has been tested with good re. sults. The makers claim that it washes the dishes from the .average family meal in three minutes. It washes the silver and glass as well as the dishes, and, as it uses boiling, water. the dishes need not be dried. It is imposible til break a dish with this washer, which in itself is a wonderful recommenda. tion. It occupies the same space as a kitchen chair andas it is on rollers, can be moved easily from place to place. hia.thdtsty.;,•jUiy ,ns3sd," n n • 1' , • , , • .ADVERTISING4SMSs. , • .• • • TherightlItind .of • advertieilag. •strikea a responsive chord in human insittureL-tend 'hulnan, nature, is ithe sande Sn Augoat ae • ISI December. • ,g-iaarmismamsmm,,r . • . • ' , ' ew Telephone,: .Dtrectory... ua, Make snaving names. To shave easily and save the blades of safety razors, leave a pleas- ant feel on the face and make all razors take less stropping, adopt the following plan: Lather the face well and wash off the lather. That gets rid of all dust. Then with a small brush work into the skin a little vaseline, and without removing this relather the face well, and then shave. Tho first day or two the plan does not seem so successful, bat after that the advantages are very marked. -London Field. Changed the Bidding. Some excitement was caused at • Chrlstie's recently by the peculinr nll- ture of the bidding for a Rembrandt portrait It is 0 pieture of no old emu in a dark dress trimmed with fur on a panel, and the 'first bid was only 121. No one -seemed anxious to secure It at lirat, and the 11111130 IIIVII need ery slowly to :1190 10s. At ilea iigine the ham tner was about to fall when a newcomer suddenly hurried into the salesroom and oh'ered a higher hid. Comp:et:Rion 115 013(0 set in. mid by rap- id bids the price was carr06 up to 1992 10s.. when it 01111 10 Mr, ilertuttin. -inn dim A imwerd„ THE CRUSH OF WORLDS. It Will Come When the Solar System Falls Into the Sun. The whole of the present solar sys- tem is ultimately to fall into the sun, causing an explosion that may result In a new solar system, Such is the theory put forward In the Journal of Natural Science by Professor Philip Fauth, a well known astronomer, whose reputation has rested principal- ly upon his researches into conditions on the moon. The novel feature of Dr. Fauth's theory is that it is based upon the stip- position that a great part of the known solar system, including especially the planets Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn, are not composed of mineral matter at all, but are tremendous masses of ice, or balls of ice surrounding a mineral kernel. Furthermore, he declares, a part of what is now known as the Milky way Ls not mineral or gaseous, but "a ring of ice dust," masses of particles of ice suspended in space, the outer planets receiving a constant ad- dition to their ice mass from this source. Professor Fauth declares that the world already at some remote period has bad a similar experience, resulting in the death of nearly all animate na- ture, and that all species of life as we know it have arisen since then. Even- tually the planets swinging through their narrowing orbits will fall into the sun, causing a new explosion and per- haps the birth of a new solar system, but for thousands of years before that time all life, dither on earth or else- where, will have disappeared, -New York Sun. His Cnceit.; Abbe Pradt, a minor light of Na. poleon's time, was a most conceited man. The Duke of Wellington met him, in Paris at a dinner given in honor of himself. The abbe made a long ora- tion. chiefly on the state of nollUcal Ing certain varieties of sweets 115 00)110 Besides. the lanue lIL1111l101105111eCI prod- uct Is much cheaper 13)01 miser than the 'kinds purchased in the shopsfor small sutra of inones. When ma hti ng n tly gra 111111Ited nngn is preferable. t2i111dy .50011101 35 stirred while bellingand 11111 13) id' ta1. tar should :sat be :111ded until the 1301131. begins to boll. Reiter Idtouid. he 11111 1(1 3511e15 the .01 Li(I) 11 I 1111,181, 11(111i.' lire (WM ' 11113 ((33 The Bell Telephone, Company of Canada 1010011 to print ai new issue oS its Official Telephone Di- rectory for the/District of • ; Western Ontario Tarties Who pontemplate be- coming subscribers, or rellose who wish changes; io their present en- try, should pineei their orders with the Lodal Manager( at one, to in- ure inseetioni in this issue. Connecting Companies Sbotald alao report additions and changes int their list oS subscri- hers, either to the Local Manager Or direct 'to the Special AgenIl's Departme;nt, Mointseal. The Bell Telephone Comb For Sale by Auction The ;undersigned has been in- structed to sell by public auction. on Saturday, August 1st, at 2.30 p.m., ot Clinton; A good, well- built cottage containing parlor, dining rooni, three bedrooms, kit- chen and pantries, and a good veman.dah--one half glassed in - and other half open, also stone cellar with !Cement floor under entire house, good .large !cement cistern, and good new furnace in- stalled last summer, electric light in every room and cellar. tJ'own whitely io lathe ;mama -feted. Adjoin- ing same are three acres of tang in good state ef,oultivation, and about two acres of pasture, in- cluding orchard containing a good variety of'; apples plum, Meads, cherry andpear trees tot bearings also good 50 -foot bank balsa-icon- tailnitt(g' box stall for horse, two cow stables, land accommodation for pigs, chickens and. roots, ;loci is equipped with three large meta lined grain bins There is also sit- uated on the property, 1111 good gnavel and sand pit which would yield a good revenues There will also be offered for sale at the same time an•d place -1 light wagon, a heavy wagon, cutter, open buggy pair bob sleighs, pair harroays, a dingle plow, scuffles, wagon (tongue a Daisy, churn No, 2, mangle pulper chaff cutter, set single liarr(ess, 21 hens, good Layers, Riainm,ber of good cedar 5 (anchor poste and square timbers, wbeelbarrow, The property is situated on 0:Orth end of William Street and 1aeing Re- creation Park, and is well adapted for chicken Immo W. H. wArrs, T. GUNDIS,Y, Proprietor Auctioneer pally of Canada CLUBBING RATES New Era and Daily Globe $1.50 Now Era and Daily Mail, and Empire NOW Era and Daily World New Era and Daily News New Era and Daily Star NOW Era and Family Herald • and Weekly Star New Era and Weekly Witness Neen Elsa and Nostheito Mes- senger . 1,60 Naw Era and Caeadian Farm 1.56 Now Era and Parmer's Sun- 1,85 NOW Era and IDaily Free Press, meson n g 3.35 Nosy Iliea\-90dinivtaily Free 2.85 • New Era and 1, eeddy Free Preis( 1.86 1 Now Era and Daily Advertiser 2.85 lew Era and Weekly Adver- o tiser , 1.60 iew Era and Faun and Dairy 1.85 q ow Era and 'Farmer's Advo- cate 2.36 1.60 3.35 2,36 2.36 1.85 1..85 misigsmost WANTED A reliable man of good address and ability to act as our representative in the County of Huron. A splendid opening and permanent position for the right man. STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont Private Kindergarten 1 am starting a private kindergarten in the lower rooms of the little school on Townsend street. immediately after Easter, and would like a number of pupils between the ages of four and seven. The class will be held in the afternoon between the hours of 1.30 and 4.p m. Terms Sia month. Apply ' HAZEL O'NEIL, Ontario Street Boar For Service • ••• P4ItExownn so.I.,zorTon-E o , FuSX;i0,,ETO . • • . • " . 011141055' • , • enani.Etn' '1141.13 • • (Jooneyancet Notary: Public, Corntnieeioner, ete. • EAL ESTATE ANI) INSURANCE, , of Li . Iesuer Marriage censes, -• • HuroniSts, Clinton, '• Having purchased from Mr. George Dale of liinburn. his Tamworth bog f will keep the same for service at lot 23, 3rd con. of Oullett. Terms al 09 at time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. 1 L. TYNDALL Rooms to Let 1.-4.1•••=1 The rooms shove feed store, opposite Shemin, Albert Street, Six nice airy rooms, front entrance, soft water and town water inside. Reasonable terms, Phone 192. . W. EVANS Fault for Sale H T RA 1\1'01E1 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial a,nd Real Estate, INSHRANCE,AGENT-Itearesen ing 1171reIm suraace Comparties.: • Division Court OffiCe. The Executors of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres, eat hall of lot 28, eon. 6, Rullett. A first class farm, well watered and improved land with good buildings. A good ox. chard and 7 acres Of bUSil. A.pplytto R. J. Soullicornhe on the: premisesnor Olinton Postollice, DRI• q. W. THOISPSOIll Physician, Surgeon. Etc soecial attention given to diseases of )be Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose. , Byes (dully ';„ %mined, and suitable glasses, prescribed. , Mae and Residence. Two dors west of the Commercial Illote • Huron 85. DRS. GIINAI and G A lallER Dr. W. Gunn, 0.0, 0, P., I.. E. 0. 8.. Edisa Dr J. 0, Candler. B.A. MX. Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight cells at residence. Rattenhari'St„ or at hospital D. J.,W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. cconcheur. etc., odice and reodence on teninnw 81 onoosite W. Ferran's residence. DR. F. 13. AXON DENTIST r.gCrown and Bridge -Work a Specialty.; Graduate of C.C.D.S..1, Chicago. and R.O.D.B Toronto. 'Mayfield on'Illondays, Mar let to I)ceemb DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special oars taken to make dental treat ment s painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and general Auction se' GODERIOH ONT • katrr, stosn sales a special/. Olden of NEW Etta orhee, Clinton, pa= t.y untended to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' ettle note discounted! Drs. Geo„ tt R. E. Whitley Heinemann Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute; Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. \ FORD ct 3IcLEOD Were now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Earley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid fox. Hay and all Grains. FORD & MAUD .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAikAAAAA 4 1 4 Plan9s I 4 r. 4 I. See and here our finest New Stylish designs of DohertyorgPuiansn,os and,. 4 1 D. 4 I.• 4 4 ,Special vaallsreess in Art E Cases 1 a 1 Pianos and organs rent 31 :11 ed, choice new Edison 1,r, 1 phonographs, Music & variety goods. .11 illuSie EMporitun i :.Zili F. 1 Ila ib lb' la. 1 4 seeclooeuseas004)0,,e(aGeningine6I C. Hoare .1 Small Advls, Always Pays G. D. McTaggart M. 1). MoTaggar McTaggart Bros. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Essineas transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts honed. Interest allowed deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perm and Isolated Town Prope erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Sear orth, Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderiels. T E, Hays, Sec.-Treas., SeafortIN ; DIRECTORS. Jae, Connelly, Holmesville , John Watt, Oarlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D. MeGregoasSeaforth ; 3. Evans. J Beachwood, G. Grieve, Winthrop J 13ennewels, Brodhagen ; 31. Mc - Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses 10 his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Oarlock ; Ed. flinch-. ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- raondville; W. Yeo, Bolmesvilleb Payments, may be „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, os R. H. Cult, Goderieh. JACOB TAYLOR e LINTON --- Fire, Life and Accident Insurance • Real estate bought and sold • Money to loan Office Issas. Street, next door to New Era Grand Trun1(Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce, North Passenger depart • 8,30a m 4,40 p ro London, BOsxnettrear1.1 ...... . . ...... 99:3344 5.48 Kippen 10.01 6,11 Hensel' 9.55 6.05 Botiuncteofineld 11.00 6.35 19.09 6.19 Blyth 11.27 7 00 ) Londesboro ..... 11.18 6.52 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingharn, arrive11.54 7.35 South 676...805liaasmsen333g...54430e.6 p BOIriuncteofineya .. II LBBWoleyil;gtdheahsvabemo ; o depart,. ... . . . : 7 .1 3 404 8,10 4,23 - 8.27 4.19 KHei Pirseelill" 8.41 4,52 8.85 4.47 Exeter Centralia 8.54 5.05 9.04 5.15 London, arrive.-- 10,00 6.10 Buffalo and Goderich Wee Passenger am pm pm pm Stratford 10.00 12.30 5.25 10.25 1VoSieltiatufetollitillii 10.45 1.20 6.18 11.11 10.22 12.55 5.55 10.49 11.07 1,35 6.40 11,28 Holinessille 11.16 1,48 646 11.38 I3oderich 11-85 2.00 7.05 11.55 East Passenger p. Xr1 &) ..11). Goderich Holmesville . 7:22 2:52 5,11'6 Clinton 7,32 3,03 5.15 Seatorth* 7.51 3.21 5.32 Mitchell 8.16 8,44 555 Stratford...-. .. 8 40 4153 020 MIEVAPPWWWWWIrrillTrini,V”, 806901)80600000e0800060tegge