HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-07-16, Page 5'Thursday, July 16th,1914.
rl� CLINTON N11-1-1;
In Pearl
We are Showing Some
Very Pretty Designs
In pleasing contrast to
the styles one usually sees
-yet they are strictly
correct and follow closely
the forms prescribed by
those who have the "say
so" in ladies jewelery.
We invite, you to come
in and inspect our
Prices from $10.00 up
W. 11. 11ELLVA1t
The train due to arrive here at
5.25 p.m. from Stratford, did not
pull into the station' 'until eight
o'clock on Tuesdays Bright. yhey
were waiting for connection at
the Classic City.
There is a Cold day Coming
Why not prepare for it by ordering
your winter supply of Lehigh Valley
Coal, none better in the world
A.J. Holloway, Clinton
r rr
a �rr�rnnrrnrnnmm�rtirnrn r
Toronto Markets
(Ho �. v 8.90
( ,.dale
Y _ 10,50
HON. R. I3. E'MMERSON, • former
Minister of Railways .wilder Sir
Wilfred Laurier, who died inDor-
ches'ter, N, B., on mutat 9th.
Over The Teacups
Dr Wishart of Londgn was in
town last week.
Miss Dell Taylor is expected
home for her holidays on.il+'riday.
Miss Sadie A. Holmes, one of
the Public School teachers of To-
ronto, is visiting .her old Canton
Mrs. Steep wishes to thank her.
friends and neighbors for their
kindness and sympathy to her
sister in, her .sickness and death,
and also to herself in her sorrow.
Miss Mabel end Miss Olive
Taylor of: 1Miioniedosa; iMac., are
visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. •Jacob; Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs, Shillinigton and son
of South Bend, Indvan•n<a, arevis-
itin:g at the home of Rev. Dr ean•d
Mrs. Rutledge.
Mr. and Mrs. Reekie and daugh-
ter Katie, and Mrs. Smith mrth of Dutton
and Miss Aggie Hall of Jackson,
Mich., motored up here on Satur-
day and visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W.T. O'Neil. They returned on
Wednesday with the exception of
Miss Katie and Miss Aggie Hall,
who will spend a few weeks at
We are sorry to hear that Miss
Bertha Gunn, youngest daughter of,
Dr. and Mrs. Gunn, has been ser-
iously ill. Her many friends hope
for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. S. L. Taylor, Who has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor,
has returned to Loprdoni
We are pleased to see • that !Mr
Forbes passed his Normal exams,
Mr. and !Mrs. Gray and three
sons are holidaying !with Mrs, Wm.
Mr. Ogle ,Miller bf Harriston
spent the week' end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, S. Miller
se. e Rev. and Mrs. Fairfull andarlias
Cheese a .l. 12 1-2e Lillian are speeiding a couple of
Butter .19e to 22c weeks with friends at Harrow.
Eggs (' .__i_. ... 23c Dr, Shaer; attended a union medi-
heat 1.03 cal meeting of the Perth and Huron
Oats ' se doctors, at Mitchell, on Wed -
Earley 62 to 64 needay.
'Potatoes, per bag $a•00 Mr. S. T. )Plum of Brussels is
Beans , $1.75 Yo 1.85 spending a few days at the ,home
of Mr. E, R,ozell.
al McNally, district officer of
health, was \inatown last Tlrurs-
Highest market price will be paid in
cash for wocl.
Also on hand fur Sale
Flower Seeds,
• Oats
Vanni Produce taken in
W. G. SMYT -1
Next door to Hospital
'victoria Street Clinton
To the Farmer
Try our Fertilizers — Potash and
Acid Phosphate, Nitrate Soda for your
soot crop. We will mix them for you
Try oar Corn Feed for cattle and hogs.
Also Seed Corn on hand.
All kinds of Flour kept in stock
Agent for Heintzman Pianos
,We are Out for a Square Deal
Inspector John(sonl took i,n the
races at Seaforth on,Wedtesday.
Miss Ida iTwitchell is 'visiting
in Toroigto.
Mre W. McConnell is visiting
with friends ir!Toronto!.
Mr. Stewart Jackson returned, to
New York lasts week to play with
the Red -Heads" Tor a few weeks
and will then return for his va-
Rev. E. G. and Mrs. ,Powell. and
family are now settled inethe house
recently occupied by Mr. ane). Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kilbride spenlb
a few days with friends at Sea -
forth this week
Mr. E. "Tip" Miller of Listowel
spent the week end with Ms par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mililer, of
Bev, and Mrs. S. J. Allt) and
Master Shurwyn, fare visiting fors
a few weeks, lin ant) around Wind-
Master Oliver Johnson is spend-
ing part of his vacation at Toronto
Ex -Mayor and Mrs. Taylor cele-
brated their 30th, anniversary of
their wedding last Thursday,
Miss 13. Ward, principal of the
Clinton School ;of Commerce, is
visiting with Miss Stone at Essex.
Mr. James Smith was calling on
old friends Iat Woajc'tstodc • this
Seek.; •
fr. W.F. )Ferguson, who has
.been accountant here at the Royal
Bank for the past few( n oinLhs,
has been moved to• Brillgeburg. It
is is neve Bank ' there. Mr, Fergie -
Son is! boarsttd( sl to •sn'ove up) the
ladder, • as, he ;is ,(a clever ac-
Mr, W. G. Mose of Calgary is the
new accounitant at thei Royal Bank
herd, Mr. Moss' home is atGrand
Valley, • but has been in the Wes-
ter0 provinces for some time.
A D011 0or
Ie often an illumination as big
es the sun. ').`here is no place in
town where "money down" goes
farther than it does right here.
or dresser bought for `spot cash'
from our present stock makes
what you see elsewhere look
like thirty cents,
a, Its Bargains Galore we are
offering just now in our
entire Furniture Staelc
. The Cheapest Spot in Unroll to Buy allkindsFurniture •
JV,C].1�I.i.� `t�.J .:C9. �6„ E IINTSO N
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
. Ball 110 RESIDENCE PHONES—, J. D. Atkinson 186
Local News
The rink -'6 fain' en 1 -levelers who
were at Owen P.,1111,1 tae week came
home with one prize.
The St. Pani's Sunday Scheel wil
hold their annual picnic to Bayfield oc'
Friday of this week
Onterio St 8 S held their pienie nn
Thuredsv list and Willie church on
Wednesday of this week, Both whorls
had nice warm days
The Gnderich Tennis Oluh acenm.
panied by a host of enpporters were in
town last 'Saturday afternoon. The
visitors is on the 6 events.
Many are attending the races at
Seaforth this week 7 he beavy rain
on Monday night and Tuesday stop
ped the races on Tuesday.
The Fireman have been 1 usy this
week getting a petition signed asking
that Wednesday Aug. 5th be made -
Civic holiday eo that the firemen and
Kiltie Band may attend the fireman's
demonstration at Seaforih on that day
Magistrate Andrews had a case
before him, when a well known citi-
zen was charged by the health in-
spector with having anuisance in
the shape cog pigs, A fine ani
costs were ,added to the defend -
apt. <
Brown as berries and in good spirits
the local Cadets , returned last Satin
day from a week under canvas at Carl
ing Heights, London. at the annual
Cadet camp. The lads speak very
highly of the manner in which the
camp was conducted. All had a splen
did time. On Friday. Col the lion'
Sam. Hughes' Minster of Militia, in
spected the cameo and expressed setts
faction, at the general conditions.
The Toronto board of control recons
mended a definite plan contemplating
the appointment of a fire prevention
commission to consist of a representa
tive of t he Toronto Fire Prevention
Association, the chief of the fire de
partment, the city architect, the medi
cal officer of.health and a representa
tive of the. Canadian Fire iJnderwrit
ers' Association,
While waiting for train last Thurs.
day the North Western College Glee
Club of Naptrsville Illinois were here,
They had been in Zurich and were en
route to Shakespeare They are mak
ing a tour of Outario under the ars;
pices of the Evangelical Church
Word was received in town of the
death of Mrs Victor O French, of Wet
askiwin, Sask, who died on Sunday
last after 'a serious illness of pneu
amnia Mrs Wm Cooper and Mrs
McNeill, mother and sister respectively
of the deceased were at the bedsiae
She is survived by her husband and
four small children The old riends of
the late Mrs French in Clinton will
indeed share the sorrow of the hue
band and family in this sudden be
reavment. The burial wi.1 take place
out West.
The Public School Board, • on
Tuesday night re-engaged alt the
teachers for the coming year at
the same salaries as formerly. The
board had +advertised for a new.
set of :teachers, 'ing to the
fact that •an'Snlowci'ease had been
asked for, and 'LN( was •thou(ght
that the expenditure, was not war-
ranted'; An agreement Was later
reached, however, ,and all take
their former positions. In addition
to this the services of W.(E. Hog
Barth of !Hensall have been se-
cured to assist in the prinhipal's
room with Model School work.
The action was for 13,000 the price
paid for a garage owned by Borland
vs W J Nediger of Clinton tried in
the supreme court special sitting last
Friday at London was handed down
Tuesday by Judge Mar,Beth who dis
missed theaction with costs The ac
tion was for 53,000,00 the price of a
garage in Stratford The plaintiff had
advertised his garage for sale and the
defendant, atter looking it over, gave
the former a check for 83,000, proved
ing certain conditions were fulfilled;
then later the defendant wanted to
call the deal off Borland went to Olin
went to Clinton to cash the cheek, hut
Nediger seeing him on the street stop
ped payment at the bank as 'he had
not received a copy of the lease to the
garage Though the judge intimated
that `Bot
land had no chance in the
action. yet the. decision will be appeal.
ed by J M McEvoy, solicitor for the
The picnic season is here
Churches were very slimly attended
on Sunday )hap isnot right "Folks
should wisely beinteie.ted in learning
how to escape a warmer climate •
Secretary A. W. Deacon of the.
Stratford Old Boys' A-snciation has°
sent an invitatihn to every O d Boy
and Girl whose name was submitted
to bin If you did not receive yours it
was an oversight But come anyway
and receive a right loyal welcome
The fireworks at Stratford Old Boys
Reunion will be worth going miles to
see Try to be there
Over 82,000.; is being spent in special
ly electrifying the streets of Stratford
for the Old Boys' Reunion Aug. 1 to 8
a gorgeous display
The P'erari Greater Exposition
Shows at Old Boys' Reunion Stratford
Auks, 1 to 8 are the finest and most
varied ever seen in Ontario
Several games in the Western , On-
tario Baseball
ntario•Baseball League will he played
at Stratford during Old Boys' Week
Aug. I to S
Goe. Goulding worlds champion
1 to 3 mile' walker will compete with
five others at Stratford Old Boys' Re-
union Aug. 1 to 8 '
Write Secretary Deacon for official
programe of Old Boys' Ieeunioh Aug."
1 to 8 if you have not received one
ltedlrced fetes on pall railroads to
Stotrastsord Old Boys' Reunion Aug. 1
The funniest caluthumpiau parade
ever seen in Ontario at Old Boys' Re.
union Stratford Aug, 1 to 8 Oorne
1 and see it
District News.
•.•• a••••• o•••••••e•••••
Mrs. James A r Belt is visiting a
niece in Grimsby.
Word has been received acre of
the safe arrival, of Mrs. Craig and
daughter in ire) entl, As Mrs, Orajg
is well up_ in years the journeyJwas
quite an undertaking , ,
The business of the lioyal Bank
of Canada at Wioxeter'has been
over by the Bank of Hamilton and
the business of the Banter . of Hamil
ton at Ripley has been(taken over
bythe Royal Bank of CCanlada. Mr.
F,S Sturt. IOC rlY of Wingham and
late haanag me of the Bank of Remit
ton at Ripley has been trasferred to
Mr 'Harry Siaaly •a• torm:er well
known Waif bane boy has been in
town this weekend taken pos
session • of the National Hotel prop
erty and will reopen the house an
theery neafuture The houso
will be run eee.a tem'peranee hotel
and general boarding house.
The Misses Burgess( who have
been residents of Wingham for the
past 11 years have broken up
housekeeping 'and will move toTo-
ronto shortly s
The annual m;aetin,g of the East
Huron Women's Institute *as held
at Walton onlSatur'day June 27
when delegates wero present from
Belgrave Brussells Jamestown Gor
tie Bluernale Molesworth • Ethel
Fcrdwieh and Walton. The reports
showed all branch Instutes to ,be.
doing goodwork,
Considerable excitement prevail-
ed at the dock pf St. Joseph .on
Sunday when a. report was sent up
the incline that a man had fallen
into the lake. Two young hien 'left
Zurich ou bicycles for the lake
shore and descenlied the stteefi
roadway on the wheels. After
achieving that risky 'feat they start
ed to take a spin opt the {clack,
which projects a considerable:da-
tance into the 'water. They had
worked kr p a fast motionand the
young has in the lead, Taring his
companion would run against'' hint
made a quick turn to avoid him,
but he lost control of his) machirf_,
and went head long, into. the lake,
bike folllowing him. The ' young
man, who is an . expert swimmer,
tried to save his bicycle, from the
deep, but failed to da so Without
assistance, • , • •
Miss Sadie Bowie milliner who has
been near Ottawa the past season is
home for the holidays
Mr, lilac Robinson, wife and chit
dren of Brantford were the guests of
i1lr. Jos. Swan over Sonday and went
to Bayfield fur a couple of week. .
The showers of Sunday will do a lot
of good to the crops which was badly
in need of them.
The Oddfellows intend bolding a
picnic to Bayfield onthe 24th inst.
Mr Jos. Coombs Toronto is visiting
his neice Mrs, James Dallas
Dr. Hugh Ross of Clifford paid a
sbort visit to his nephews William and
Daniel near this village
Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Scott Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Scottn family Mr, and Mrs
Neil Yellowless and daughter held a
f:tinily picnic at Bayfield on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pattifon G.T.R.
agent motored to Sandwich on Sun
day and spent the day there
Rev. Beverley Kitchen, Hamilton is
visiting bis parents Mr. and Mrs, John
Kitchen 2nd con. Stanley
Rev, S. J. Allin of Clinton preached
in the Presbyterian church on Sab
bath evening we are always pleased
to hear him he preached a forceable
sermon that appreciated by all .
Mrs, James Turner has gone to visit
her son George Turner at Drayton
Miss Sadie Bowie has returned home
after completing her season in millin.
Miss Mabel Turner camping at Shoal
Mrs. John Elliott and daughters
Misses Alma and Madeline visited
friends in doderich Township on Sat
urday last
The Kelly circle was entertained by
Mrs, Woodson Friday last
Friday of next week is appointed
our civic holiday the Oddfellows will
hod their annual picnic that day
Goderiell Township
This township was well represented
at Goderich on Monday to attend the
Glor ous 12th.
Lots of rain now.
Haying is on the program.
L. 0. L.'s No 300, and 180 attended
divine service in St. James church. on
Sunday morning last at eleven o'clock
The 'incumbent Rev Bro Langford
had cherge of the service and preach
ed a sermon for the Orange brethren.
Mrs •Mary Ann Jordan passed away
at the home of her son law, Mr
Robert Huck of the 10th on Monday
July Oth. The deceased was 88 years
of age and; had been a resident of the
township for the past dozen years
Previously she had resided in Bramp
ton, where a son still lives Ole Pune
Fal took place on Wednesday to 0 n
ton cemetery, the service bring' c, lq
ducted by Rev Mr' McCormick the
deceased having, been a member of
Etenez-r Methodist church.
Miss' Vesta J Snyder of the 16th con
who recently tried her exam in Grade
2 pianoforte under Prof W iligoose at
Clinton passed with let class honors
Much credit is due Miss Elsie Lobb,
the teacher.
The Commissioners of the Goderich
Township telephone system have
arranged with the Sterling Bank at
Bayfield to take assessments due Tele
phone system, this will no doubt be•
convenient for subscribers living near
that village,
Mr W. -Marquis has just shipped in
a load of cows and calves from Middle
On Wednesday evening of this week
the infant son of Mr and Mrs Philip,
Potter passed away aged 10 days. To
the parents the sympathy of the con
munity is extended.
Print Blur's
(0))/ )When print blur.ytir.
1 ,ritable temper end
,gOnerel' dlicomforo
We poslliveli curs
fhb condition with. ,I
_lt�L�L�Mt®, -_ ,
J. Griag
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
a day or so at the old homestead last
League meets next Tuesday at Wm,
Mrs. Jordan of Porter's Hill visited
her daugnter last week
From the premises 6f the under-
signed, onf/Mor_day, July 13th, e
red ntilch .cow With white` face.
Anyone sexing same pleasophonc
an 141 or write,
Porter's Hill
For Sale by Auction
The 'undersigned has been in-
structed to sell :by public auction
on Saturday, August 1st, ata 2.130
p.m., at Clinton; A good, well-
built cottage containing • parlor,
dining room, three bedrooms, kit-
chen and pantries, and a good
vemandah--ons half glassed in—
and other (half open, also stone
cellar, with ;cement floor Funder
entire house, good large +cemrtnt
cistern, and good new furn:acein-
stalled last summer, electric light
in every room! rand cellar. Adjoin-
ing same are three acres of lan 1
in good state c aultiY.a'4i911, and
about two acres opasture,
eluding orchard containing a.good
variety of ' lapplda plum, {peach,
cherry and pear trees in bearing,
also good 50 -foot bank baragicon-
tainietg box stall for horse, two
cow stables, land accommodation
for pigs, chickens and, roots, and
is equiPPed with three large metal
lined grain bins There is also sit-
uated on the property, a good
gravel and sand pit which would
yield a good revenue. There will
also be offered for !sale at the same
time and place -1 light wagon, a
heavy wagon, cutter, open buggy
pair bob sleighs, pair harrows, a
single plow, scuffler, wagon (tongue
a Daisy churn No. 2, mangle pulper
chaff cutter, set single harness, 24
hens, good layers, •Irrru,m,ber . of
good cedar r. Anchor posts and
square timbers, wheelbarrow, The
property is situated on 7 orth end
of William Street and facing Re-
creation Park, and is well adapted
for chicken raisingt
Proprietor Auctioneer
New Telephone
The Bell Telephone. Company of
Canada is soon to print of new
issue of its Official Telephone Di-
rectory for the District of
Western Ontario
Parties who contemplate be-
ccsning subscribers, or those who
wish changes) in their present en-
try, sh,o:ulS pLa ei their orders with
the Local Managesi at onge, to in-
sure inseetiom in this issue.
Connecting Companies
Should also report additiolns and
changes int their 'list of subscri-
bers, either to the Local Manager
or direct to the Special Agen'J'e
Department, Montreal.
The Bell Telephone Coni
patty 01 Canada
While Canvas Shoes
Ouc,stock of these goods is now fairly complete
both in women's and childrens lines, and consists of all
the' new lasts in pumps, high and low button and lace.
Children's from 81,00 a pair up
Ladies from $1.50 a pair up
Our prices on these goods are very low and it will•pay
you to see what we are showing before purchasing
See our Men's and ' Children's Straw Hats, dozens of;',''
styles, prices from 10c to $2,5o.'
See our Men's Special at $1 and $1.25
Women's and Children's Wash Dresses
Never before have we, shown such a large range
of Wash Dr,=sses as we are this season, and never were
values as good.
Children's Dresses from '25z to $2.5o
Ladies Dresses from $1.00 up , •
Plumsteel Bros.
At Bayfield bridge, on July let
auto. -top hood Finder wilt bore-
warded by leaving same at Dr.
Smith's office, Bayfield, or Chap -
man's Shoe Store, Clinton.
- 111•11111[99.111121
Gh uea Gold` '
The noted stopk horse, "Guinea
Gold," will breed a limited num-
ber of mares at his own stable,
Lot 40, West End, Tuckersmith:
G. W. NOTT, Proprietor
Baron Wallace
MONDAY -Will leave has own,
stable, lot 40, West End, Tucker-
smith, go to Huron Road, then to
Graham, House for noon, then to
Gilbert Mafir's for night,
TUESDAY—By llohnesville and
Maitland to Wm. Durst's for noon
then by way of Bethel Corner anti•
Benmiller to Wilmot Haalce's,:
Huron Road, for night, •
WEDNESDAY—Huron Road east.
to Wm, Flick's; for noon, and then
by way of 9111 eon. to James Gra-
ham's for night?
THURSDAY—To Wise's Corner
and :Bayfield' Road to Tames Jen-
kins', Ind of Stanley for noon,
then to his own stable tor night
where he will remaira ehtil the
• following Monday morning.
G. W. NOTT, Prop'r'ietor
Loudon Itoad
Mr' McQueen gave a very interest
ing talk to the league on 'Pioneer life
in this locality Mr, lalciaiueen has seen
a good deal of. pioneer life.having
came here 70 years ago settling with
bis father nn the farm near Granton'
Corners '.
There is a great deal of a smelts in
the oats this year which will make a
great deal of difference to the yield
and feeding quality of the straw he
sides making it very disagreeable' at
• Mrs, John Hunter of Clinton, spent
Private Sale
From now until the 17th of July,
a private sale of furniture, etc.,
Terms Caere.
Corner of Kirk and Townsend St,
The Price
Of Success
Big business is not an accident—it is a re-
sult. It is the fruit of purpose, energy,
persistency and ADVERTISING.
You know the story of Rip Van Winkle—
the man who went to sleep for 20 years,
and who, when he awoke, expected to find
the world the same as it was when he
entered slumberland.
There are men to -day very much like Rip
Van Winkle—their point of view and their
practices are those of a generation past.
They do not believe in advertising.
To succeed in these modern days one must
be in accord with the spirit of to -day. For
a merchant, this means he must advertise,
if he would prosper.
Where are you served best and most
pleasingly ? The answer is almost sure to
be—"Where we're invited and made wel-
come. At those shops 'which prize our
custom enough to seek it, and who ask'
for it every week through the medium • of
advertisements in THE NliiW ERA."
shop where You ore Dried to Shop
You -will find the best values of the season in,ou
Third Semi–Annual Clearance Sale. Now is your
..time to save money in all lines of footwear. Corrie and
see for yourself the extraordinary values we are offering
just now.
A few of the many lines
Men's Calf Bluchers
High toes, regular price 4.01)
and 500, sale price ........ 3.48
Men's Calf Bluchers •
High toes regular price 4.00
sale price . .. , y„ ...2.98
Men's Patent Boots
30 pairs only, regular price
5,00, sale price.,,,.. .,..... 1.98
we have ;placed on Sale
Men's Work Shoes
30 pairs, all sizes regular
price 8 75, sale price......., 2.00
Mien's Work Shoes
40 pairs, all sizes, regular
price 2,00, sale price 1 09
Woineu's Pumps & Oxfords
New goods, patent, gun metal
and Suede, reg 3;50 for ....2.48
No sale goods on approval. We will refund your
money if you are -not satisfied with your purchase.
• S.
Phone 70
A `