HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-07-16, Page 4TIDE CLINTON NEW BRA Thursday, July 16th, 1914, Ready - Io -\year Viarincuts. Phone 7$ lllillinery and Dress Making; 8287 !8 '1, 8903 8,153 1114 i1.1 `, 8305 'tf._ a, 25 per cent Off all Dresses 'We put on sale Saturday a'1 our ' Pretty Cool Dresses including the season's smartest styles, made of patine, Embroidery, Mull and Voiles. Now is your time to buy a pretty dress at a big discount. Fancy Parasols s 25 p.c. Off, Saturday we make an offering of surpassing interest in Fancy -Parasols. Important because unmatched in variety and style, your choice of any J'arasol 25 per cent off. Millinery 1.98 As our milliners have left for •their holidays, we are anxious to clear out the balance of our trimmed hats, so put on sale Saturday, fifteen hats, regular price 5.50 for 1.93 .Aprons 49c. We put on sale Saturday 10 dozen Kitchen Aprons, splen- did quality of percale and gingham, and shaped to ftt the figure. Don't judge these be. fore seeing them, all colors, all -_ Sizes, one price 49c West Huron Jr. H, S. Entrance Examinations The Reasonable Care of Your Watch ! The following High School Entrance candidates were passed by the En ! trance hoard of Examiners and approv ed by; the minister of Education. A report of the marks *obtained in each subject has`been sent to each success full candidate The certificate of the sueceesful candidates will be sent to, the teacher or to the secretary of the `School' Board early in August, The standing„required to pass is 40 - per cent on each:subject and a total of `390 marks and for honors 487 marks. The highest -marks obtaitred ineach subjects as follower - Reading -Rea Currie, 47 Writing -Hazel Phelan 46 ' Spelling -Muriel Spain Agnes Mc Donald (Bayfield) Samuel Gibson 'Leonard Buk 50 Litlerature-Jean Griffin 97 Arithmetic-Wilmei McManus Mur lel Hogarth Milton Hev ock .1.00 Grammar -Elgin Schatz 91 •, 'Geography -Violet Stewart 82 Composition -Emma• Wallace 80 Total -Alex Hume 580 Central. School, Goderi;h Charles Brown 447 Milton Bradwin 437 Harry Buchanan 420 Olive Clark 489 Robert Clark 467 Jean Griffin 5,'53 Alfred Babel 406 Marjorie Jones Ag nes McDonald 437 Warren McOluskey 429 Melville McNevin 495 Gladys Mc Kay 426 Elcla Stoddart 480 Anna Stew art 410 Harry Sanderson 455 Albeit Smale 443 Loretta Stewart 417 Reggie Telford 429 Mary Vanstone 486 Victoria School ' Goderich George Baechler 488 Grace Curry 365 Davis61 •0 9 Bernice Davis Bertha Down 4 Pearl Fraser 402 Mabel Halliday 441 Harry Howard 405 Claire Hays 432 Alex Hume 590 James Hunter. 44)) Myrtle Johnston 500 Victor Kerslake 553 Iladnah Leonard,409 Greeta Mart in - Edith Murney 431: Bruce Noble 393 David Ross 427 Ethel Stokes 480 Nora Stathan 493 Ismay Thompson 450 Jessie Wilson 435 Emma : Wallace 554 Aazel Wallace 438 •Separate School, Goderich Hilda Austin 463, Gladys Jeffrey 392 Margaret Kelly 4t8, Joseph Moss 390, Hazel Phelan 4e4, Muriel Spain 530, Blphonse Thoroval 437. Helen Webb 423. Winnipeg :Paper Reports The Crop Outlook Good tONDITiONS IN MANITOBA -RAIN NEEDED MANY POINTS -MORE ENCOURAGING SITUATION THAN AT THIS TIME LAST YEAR. Winnipeg July 7, -The Free Press in alfortn4(ghtly crop report says I 135 correspondents in the Prairie Provinces queried as to the neves city for rain an(swc•red as follows 47 points plenty of rain 29 suffic :lent rain 37 rain 'needed, 2.2 rain badly needed. As to damage froth droutlr 21 points reported slight .and wheat on spring ploughing are 4 very Serious damage. A cumber of points ,sta'te• that `while do definite damrage has occur, :red the absence of rain has lessen sad the probable yield. Late oats and wheat oinsprin,g ploughing,ea ported Buffering most. !adult half thepfsints ireported Arena t 5Uro'50 per eenta oravne•a.t )headed .rout :a Ealy reported 75 , .per ,cent in head and the balance from '41.5 to 25 point head, A!few poll -Ike ,only report coslditions aaactually poor and the great majority report the crop' ' a1'weelatolten ldaye1n ad vance of•aaet year. Expressions e� r'o�"od fair. excellentcoulld not be t,, ,e,Eter occur frquently, 'Mae report is. highly ,saisfactory conlsidealing the' weather which the , crop :bee passed through and bears ,oust the Statement made in ,earlier xeports ;thatltepe)akrng of:the,Count ry hs hr:wholefl',1014iiern5s haft an ab- celp`,ionall'oq j start' 'was well, stooled ad•.etr i3g .root ,and was aaa,ble .to and adversity. r• The 22 points reporting rain badly needed will avndoubtedly suffer a considerable reduction in yield,but the general outlook is still for a crop ,Gully upto if not over the average. Very few points report verY slightly hail damage. No dam age from fly reported but a (few points report minor damages from cut 'worms and gbphers, The fact that the past few days, of intense heat have not brought hail is most satisfactory. The rgen401 Fon diti on is anuciv more encouraging than at cor•re- e.spondinE. date last year. New $2 Dominion Note Ottawa July 9-A new two -dollar note is being', issued by the Doman ion Government. It bears the like ncieses of Their Royal Highness the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Canadians will have ,circulated a- mong them most agreeable 'souven irs of their first prince end princes. It is decidedly an ore attractive than the old broivsr King, Edward note: Itis far whiteir and,;clean(er ;look- in)g1, The 'hack bf thei .note has'a' centre Ipiece:withthe) K""anl dian Coat of Arms .,surrounded' by arms of, each of the mine pro'v'incesi'. eilieneeeiew ESTERN F LONDON, eTIN1ADA Ontario's Popular Exhibition September lith to IQth. 1914 INCREASED PRIZE LIST Magnificent Programme of Attractions, Two Speed Events Daily New Fireworks every night, CORE AND SEE The Dcininion Experimental Perm. Exhibit and The Canadian Royal Dragoons The Con. T. Kennedy Shows wil) fill the Midway, Music by the Best available Bands 7R. in tclnber lith a hates Cornu➢ienc-Sc rg A Reduced Railway p• Special Excursion Days, Sept, 15th, 16th, 17th. l Tile`et9 good till Sept. 21st. ALL INFORMATION BROJl TH.�E SECRETARY W. J. !MID, president A,111. HUNT, Secretary Public School, Exeter Grace Carling 465; Gordon Davis 390 Gladys Harvey 477. Jack Hurdon. 365 George Ortweio 368, Earl Powell 452, Marguerite Pickard 490 Charlotte Rice 429, Margaret Sharp 476 Millie Walker 478. Lillie Walker 460, Gordon Wells 394. Heneall Marie Miller 4.16, Alex Mcalurtie 360 Ernest Shaddick 393, lhos, 0, Smith 423. Will result in your watch's good, pro onging its days of usefulness What is reasonable care? An occasional visit to a jeweler who "knows how." An occasional visit means at least a yearly visit.' To put it off longer is to put it 025 too, long,. If you are pot. wedded for all time to some one expert, we would like to put some of our good work on that watch. 01 yours, Your watch deserves the hest treatment it, can, get, and it is just that which we offer. and honours 825 The highest per tentage received in each subject are as follows ;- Oral Reading -William Fitzgerald 90 per cent. Writing -Bernice Drennan 84 per calm( ; English Literature -Jessie Stoth ers 15 per cent. Bngish Composition -Jessie Stoth ers 85 per cent, . English Grammar -Ethel Brown 83 pea' cent, • Spellicent'.t7.- Jessie 5trothers ;, 98 per ceHntis;tory-Liella (Finlayson 86 Per Geography -Jessie Stothers 74 per cent, Arithm tic-Winnifred Cudmore 87 percent Algebra and Geometry -Ethel Brown 92 per cent. Art --Alva Ingram 76 ;per' cent, i'Eookkeeiipinlg-iWis1nifred Cud- more 87, per, cent, Art, rt, \Boo'kkeepinig and Geometry were the weak subjects for several of the candidates. Dwogapilron, School', Hazel L. Augustine 692 Wm; Fitz gerald 710 Mihai Brown 805 Jessie Stothers. . Remelt School 1Winniitre3 Cudan.ore 787 Alva Irigraml 704. Aslrfield) To wrnship S.S. No. 3-BessieMcKenzie 745 S.S. No. 3-Leilla Finloyslan 829 West .Wawanosh; S.S. No43-Lottie LA. Johnston 711 S.S. No. 14 -Margaret Laidlaw 678 R. counter Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses Dashwood Leonard Birk '468, Nettie Broken shire 484, Writer Fassold 461, Ada Fite sold 410, Karl Graupner 461, Harry Guenther 4-49, hlyrta Hoffman 474. Ida Routledge 473, Kenneth Routledge 5I0 Ernest Stire 454, Elgin Schatz 543, Crediton. Russel Clark 329, Louis Guenther 302 Addie Geiser' 408. Laurette Holtzman 414, Victor Kestle 430, Arthur Sam brook 398, Oren Winer 393. Zurich. yerda Fuss 392, Milton Heyrock 485, William Seibert 390, Genvieve Zettel 314, Dungannon. Rdby Allen 400. Iva Carr 430, Mel villa Culbert 390.. Delos Disher 300, Lillie Errington 428. Bayfield Sidney Castlp 438, Irene Currie 427, Agnes MacDonald 485., St. Helens. Della Cranston 449, Ewart Mac Pherson 319, Mary McQuillin 397, Wilfred McQuillin 457, Gladys Webb 400, Verna Woods 392, Saltford. Cecil Baxter 404, Lloyd Currell 441, Elsie Jones 459. Wilmer McManus 489, Harry Symonds 401, Arundel Laieb 422 Nile. David McDiarmid 421. Howard Mc Nee' -Lc rne Pentland 468, Marion Ry an 428. Adeline Smith 406, , Muriel Smith. 165. The following students 'of West Huron public schools passed the Si. H, t5, Dntranee ''or Sr. P. S. Graduation examination. Dashwood alp. S. -Ora B. Hoffman Pearl E, Tiem,,an• Addison V. Tie - man. i , Dungan!' ore 'e S. -Rae J. Stothers 5•sricn P S -Erna B Fritz Elva M. Heyrock Anna I. MaeDonald, II. E.R. Zeller (Lower School). Bayfield P.S.-Dorothy i,Pow lie Annlie L. King, Dollie'Saloss Sallie J, Woods (Lower School). Exeter P.S.-Gordon Morley, Ashfield Township No. 3 -Belle McKenzie ,419 Not 4-Boderick MacDonald 191, Margaret "'McLennan 456 No. 5. -James Gibson 192, Samuel„ Gibson 437, William Helm, 434, John Webster 435 •Nov 6 -Harvey Maize,, 391. No i7 -Graham ,1VICNay 480, •N�o). 94`,t8er31,. J"ph4itten, r.459 -"No. 10 -Fred Johnatosi• 390 Thee. Little sale. ,a,;,,,, . . ., e a ,,._ 'Ethel Graham 449, Ma& Menary 403 No. 11 -Mildred Dougherty 393.. Not 13 Wesley Agar, ,iljl,'' Irwin Gorde 447, Lorne I�LacDanald,• 39'{ I' No. 6 -Violet Kilf,alrrelr i 5,11day Mena I 390, Irenle, :1S 03441 4 463. No. ;11.7 -Vera M, J nation 50 e R 0 h , Charlotte Simpson 451 '(dolborne Townbh'ip. Not :1 -Louisa Snell, 408 ., ,..No. 0 -Verna Hamilton 412, Real- to Levy. 425, Roes, McPhee 420 No. 4-Elifred 'A. Moore 397 Noj, 8-1Jaane5, Feagan 396, Olive Fowler 402, Ralph Million 421.• No. 9-Ammye Barker 393, Hamil- ton Clutton 404, Edward Williams 42li oderich Township. vns lir , P No. 1 -Stewart Aldous 391, Thel- ma Laithwaite 420', , Not- 5 -Alex Andersosr, 491, 00**690000000000001111110000000 e. British American College A Leads in age. influence and sac- 4. cessful graduates. Specializes in. 4+ 4, Gregg : add Pitman Shorthand j, eii and all commercial subjects. Fall 4. term opens Aug, 31st. Write for 47 Address our catalogue. A d c g 4, 4: \Vauchope principal, Yonge & os 'a, McGill Ste.. Toronto. Nd 110 -Lulu E. Elliott . 463, Lil- lian Hutchings 450 West Wawanosh Township, • • i • • • • • •. No -'lAngela Brophy 495, Mary North HuronLeddy 455. No. 5 -Hazel Finnigan 398, John Cr ahystorn 4456,. • r • • •' • No. 12 -Viola Jamieson. 451 Following are the Official returns of the Provincial Election on June 29th Nq. 14 --Leola Naylor 415. in North Enron. - No. 15 -Irene Jefferson 405 A nderson No 17-Gradys Riiers 446, Stanley Ashfield ,Rivers 431, Marie Sproul, 437. East Wawanosh Township No. 7 -Irene Boyle A31, Eva Boyle 392, Stellla James 470, Annle Rob- ilrisoln 399 V0000000000000..0046000000 • Nq, 8 -May Bone, 414, No. 11 -Rea Currie 487. Stanley T'own•ship. Sep. S. S. No. 1 -Verna M. Rau 392 Nq. 3 -Ruby Taylor 40' No. 4-(North)Hazel Sparks 435 Bessie T'oug'h. 528. No. 4 '(South)-Winnifreu hEtue, 390, No 6 -Lorne Epps 416, Fred Mc- Clymont 400. Nor, 7 -Agnes Love 397. Nc( 10-Emm't Higgins ,aged 10 years 300, Lawrence Reid 392. No. 13 -Roy M. Keys 419. Nol. 14 -Wm. C. Johnston 985, Louisa McClymont 444, (Lawrence Wasma(nln 401. U. S: S. No. ;1 -Edward Laporte 400. c IFtay! Township. NO. 2-Gretta Case ;450, Hazel Laing 407, i3ern(iece Tuckey 393 No. 3 -James McAllister 393,Luey Redmond 40.1, Olive Redmond 402 No. 6,-Thaela Smith 412. No. 8 -Lillian Broderick 408, Chris tina Becker 420, Cllara Kuntz 404, Ottis Treumner 440, Clara (Weigand 392. Noe 11 Ruby Hendricks 001, 1 No. 12 -Clayton Pf11e 403. Sep. S. S. No. 1-RichardF Laporte 416. .'Stephen Township, Not 1 -Muriel llo,gai•th 456. No. 3. -Corsina Parsons 402 Lila Sanders 396, Amy Shapto:n 391 No. 4 -Clara Morlocle- 421, Carrie Schroeder 448 No, 7 -Vera Finkbeinmer 412 Erna Finkbein*ner 425. No 8 -Kathleen Poiolccck 395, Richard - (Oliver 413. George Stebbins 436. No. 10 -Wilfred McGregor 4.30, No. 12 -Bae Falls 431, Isabel Web le 401. No. 14 -Hazel Essery 438Rex Mills 438. Sep. S. S. No, 6 -Marie Carey 417 Winn fired Guinan 452 John J. Hall 432. .Usborne Tow.nehip 3, S. No, 1 -Katie Sanders 395, No 2-Wtnnifrecl Knight 392 Violet Stewart 452, Charles Turnbull '402, Na. 4, -Harry Coates 401, Carrie Thomson 4118,. Not 5-Thentia Ford 4691 !Ferrol Higgins 4112fGarntet McFalls , 411, Maggie Moodie, No. 10 -Nellie Anderson 420 Willie Horton 301, Bessie Ryclaman 391 No. 12 -Minnie Millson 400. The following etudents were sue cessfavl at the Junior Public School Graduation exaniin,ation held in June. Marks have been sent to the teachers and the diplomes will be sent wlienfreceived from depart ment of education. Tb pass, ,a candidate shall baake 40 per cent on each subject and 60 per centt of tiler total. The pass marks is' 660 a"wWwvwwv�nr�wvvvW WwV Anything g 1' you want done in - IRodtim tav ctr hints � ou rwi fi+ Plumbling or I?urnactz Work -Call and see us before placingyour our order. Sanitary Plumbers Phone7. VVyVVVVVVV N'o 1 Not No 3 No 4. No 5 No 0 No 7 Majority Blyth Not No 2 0 Majority Howick No. 1 No. 9 No No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Majority Turnberry No 1 Not No 3 No Majority Morris No 1 Not No 3 No 4 No 5 No d Majority East Wawanosh No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 46. 10 49 29 61 03 60 Musgrove 06 58 46 60 25 13 19 357 287 70 42 53 31 43 76 90 20 .14 83 42 75 110 76 05 65 340 47-1 13:4 52 75 78 49 5S 85 67 01 41 47 47 39 213 232 19 57 50 32 49 50 33 4... 44 43 54 51 70 239 286 3 30 44 52 55 35 22 66 84 28 20 225 170 Majority 40 West Wawanosh No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 Majority Wingham Not • - No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 54 28 33 57 50 52 51 40 37 27 222 - 207 15 34 30 45 65 18 198 Majority Wroxeter No I. 53 Majority 20 SUMMARY Musgrove Ashfield West Wawanosh.. Beet Wawanosh.. Blyth 20 Wingham ,... 111 Morris ,,., Wroxeter Tnrnheery....:,.., 19. Howiclt 131 281 Majority for Musgrove, 180 57 01 74 67 47 309 111. 33 • • •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00,••••••••••••••••••••410: • ••• • • • Their Beautiful Premiums, or any • other article in the store Free in ex- • ;