HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-07-09, Page 8it 180 TBB CLINTON -N79W SEA'.' migasuablesemminammummeniu Clinton's Greatest Merchandising Event 0 D obery nser1hll SALE T7huraday July 9th, 1914, DU R A B L L --Fire grates are three -sided; last three times ` as long. Shaped in the O 'Just Out" "Just in'•' The People ofClinton and the Surrounding Country are already too well acquinted with this store and the methods governing the conduct of this business to need any words of an introductory character. We can assure our friends that this will be by far the most important sale we have ever held in our Lace Department in our business history. We honestly believe that no. sale event in this store has ever rivaled this one in importance. Time Has Been Spent: In preparing for this occasion, Words cannot be marshalled that are strong enough. to do full justice to the extraordinary values and vast assortments that here await .you OVER TEN THOUSAN.D YARDS of the very best made and most perfect Lace, Embroidery and insertion will be sacrificed in this great sale. Facts are Stubborn Things That quotation never applied more forcibly than' to this great trade movement. If we can only impress youwith the facts and the values, we will have the biggest suc- cess we have ever attained. THE PRICES ARE AMAZINGLY LOW. IT IS A FACT That we have outdone our greatest efforts of the past IT IS A FACT That we are better equipped to handle an immense business than ever before IT IS A FACT That the bargains are the greatest and the assortment the largest that have been offered in this store for years WE IJRGE YOU 'To come and investigate these facts. We are offering matchless greater part of the story remains to be told, It will pay you to store from any distance—this will indeed be a sale. Vast in Scope, Ininiense in Volume and Magnificent in Value Giving presenting unparalleled chances of saving money on all kinds of Lace, Embroidery and Insertion. An array of goods that is a credit to the manufacturing ability and equip- ment of any firm or country. Sale now on, First Come, First Choice values, and still the make a trip to this 1113103.==1rscare ;ter - .vmasc u HAD A LONG TRIP. long trip Band had a ' Ba n "t4. The h,l h on Tuesday, evening when they fill- ed an engagement at Bluevale, The band gave entire success at the garden party. PLAYING IN OWEN SOUND. Messrs, N. Ball, W. Grant, C. E. '1 Dowding and J. Taylor, left Mon- j day afternoon by the latter's car for Oven Sound oto take part in the tournameht there. S.S, PICNICS TO BAYFIELD. i Ont, St. Church July 9th, Wesley Church July IGth, WILL GI'V'E PLAY AT SEAFORTH; The Clinton Diaivatie Company will give 'their )play "The 33e11s;' at ,Seaforth during the Old Boys week. The Company will no doubt; give as good n rendering as they gave here it should be F'1 lot bet- ter after their former expeuietnce The Company deserve a full house The Phalen Orchestra will supply the music. to grind up clinkers barntice when "rocked". 0 See ,the McClatydealer orwrite for booklet. r 32 BYAM. & SUTTER LOCAL AGENTS •90+04.•••4004,0.00000••00•oeoe4.v2,e0000.0s•0+e*•*00.4..0•4 Locat News • • e • o •0•••0.0o�e00••o••0000.000• 000•e0oes0••o•00•0•0••0.0 ADVERTISING-ISBIS. DLM:,EGATION-FROM MITCHELL. • 0 e • AFTER FAIR DATES. Band are making The Kiltie Bau t g Pall Fair dates. ar- rangements for FI They are in communication with the Secretary of the Western Fair at London for a day. The Clinton people in town and urroui4di.ng country go down to London so strong that the band would be an ',added attraction for the day. A number of fall fairs are making Inote of this Band. DEACONESS APPOINTMENTS, Among the appointments Guade �� @�. ,�,��„���+� by the stationing board of Meth- ��odist dea)oness are the following Miss Bessie Irwin, daughter of Mr, 4, A Irwin of Clinton, at the old n d • , n•„raw ,,sola r,,.r '* 04 •4444,-?,,..- STOCK EDUCING SALE having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking business of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 60 days, we put on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was everheld in the County of Huron. This Stock must be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered. Ail Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash JASs QiDUNFORD udertaker and I aneral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residonee over Store brewery Mission, Montreal, be- , comes a field worker in Ontario Miss Clara H. Renton goes from Norfolk street church, Guelph to be s+lperintendant at Hamilton.: Miss Sadie M. Whitworth, formerly of St. Mary's is reappointed to Cen- tral Church, Calgary.. These, ap- pointments take effect September 1st, HARRIS—MAHAFFY WEDDING. A very pretty event took place at the Methodist parsonage, Ful- lerton, on; Wednesday, Qunp 21, when Anniik Louise, youarf'est daughter of Mr, and Mae, �Villliam Mahaffy was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Wilson 'Harris, youngest son of Mr. Olivir Burris. The bride looked charming gowned in white silk, trimmed with shadow lace, and pearl trimmings and car- ried a boquet of pink and white carnations, After the 'ceremony they motored to the home of the bride's parents where they partook of a wedding dinner. The presents were costly, the (groom's gift to the bride being a handsome gold watch, The happy couple left 'on the afternoon train for Detroit, and on their return they will (settle do}vn on Mr. Harris' farm, "Pleas- ant Arbor", Munro. The bride is a niece of 0.VIr. Mahaffy• of town. MANY THEFTS MAY BE CLEANED UP; Last Friday evening tP. M. Aur drews held court behind Closed doors as a minor was being tried for stealing a watch from the auto owned by Mr. Boles, of Stratford, p -who -whowashere on visit Mr. up Boles had heel to t e 'fard'eh party, att'Holmesville and return- in,g had run his auto into the Nor- mandie Hotel barn. The next morning he missed his ;watch and notified the 'hotel proprieter who in; (turn reported it to the police Ser t. Welsh got out a search war- rant and Meeting!, a young fellow' on the street talked over tnattter,a. with him. !,iter seeing how things were going be confessed to the of- fi, el and a pr a;'ed in court that l ip; 11-. and s lined ;q .00 curl costs T.Th 1 . oh the zv i ih tin the. utlhor- 'ills disanti he b 1:',at severe': other ,'things fazr bee) ta.i-eo from tutees nn;l .:t is ex -poet -n(1 that a -.lean np w;1.1 be merle r. cnn't keep their 'fins re o o.•:her peoples goods 1 1 n r 'iht taken as a warn nm for ne, v o+ >~' boys to attend rt -lel- to their own. , affairs, Benefit:, is ti.e lest policy in the long run.. If you are really the "greatest ever" there is no use talking •about it. Somehow{ it will leak tout. THE GLORIOUS TWELFTH , Next Sunday will be the eventful "Twelfth." Our Specials For Saturday and all Next Week Hot Weather Goods 1 Perfection and Quick Meal oil Stove Garden Hose, Sprayers and Nozzles Screen Doors I.00 to 3.00, Screen Windows 15c to 40c Lawn Seats 1,25 Hammocks 2.00 for 1,08 ZOO for 2.18 3.00 for 2,68 2 Ice Cream Freezers regular 3.00 for 2 O3 Electric irons regular 5,00 for 4,49 reg 4.50 for 3.98 0 Oedar Mops 1,50 0.Oel u' 1)114te11170 25 per cent discount on (lut G sos f•rr halanee of ,his month Another good supply of Re ,rnrf,r• 1 It .911 tr; nlid fl+nv,•r Board A small quantity of Pure Manilla 11ru ler 13 i wn 1 11 I-IARL.AND oT -• E S. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES A delegation was here on Mon- day looking op. our ' gdfacadam roads. They appeared well' satis= lied with our streets Mitchell -would be an A i1 town with Clin- ton's streets, GOT THE CONTRACT' TENNIS SCHEDULE. Arthur Cantelen was awarded the contracts of the electric an July 1L—Goderich at Clinton, l d the July 18,—Seaforth at Goderich. c Reservoir for the waterworks syhs July 25.—Clinton at Seafortb. tem fol fisc Town of orwa! whloh lies on the Port Dover and IBAESBALL TONIGHT'. Stratford Railroad. Mr. iCantelon 7atri.ch Base Ball team will play Was one of the .highest tenders an exhibition g•arne here to -night but he got the Job. The German bays always put up WILL PLAY AT BAYFIELD. a good game. The( Stewart Orchestra of Gode- NOW USE HYDRO rich; composed of 11 members, in - The Telephone Co. has been coni tend 'holding their annual picnic, if netted with'the 11ydho and the' weather permits, at Jowett's grove Bayfield, on t power is used instead !of the wetthe afternoon of Wed - battery as in former !days. nesday, July 15th, and in the even- ing 'will put oni a dance in•the pav- ilion. Don't miss a treat. A LONGER DAY FOR VOTING. It is not improbable that when the next general election is held tho polls will not close until 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening. The probability is that the ,proposal to make election day a holiday will not be adopted, but that the hours BUILDING GARAGE,Dr. Evans is having the old shed on his;.property next to Mr. Josh. Cook. Torn down and the lumber used to build a garage on his home on Albert St, North. DIVISION COURT Judge Holt cam,edow.n (Satur- day 'morning to hold 'Division of voting Will be extended, Court but there was no cases to try. The Court fakes their annual DID• NOT SIGN CONTRACT YET. holiday now, 1 .. AT CADET CAMP The Clinton Cadets left on Mon day -morning for London 1.o at- tend the an(mei camp, They were accompanied by the Bugle Band Lieut, .Bert Johnston accompanied the Cadets to camp. The boys will on Saturday. ATTENDED FUNERAL Last) • week ,many from here and vicinity attended ,'elle funeral of the late Francis McCaughey at Blyth. Deceased was an unele of Mr. J.J. McCaughey and father of • of T-Iullett, A mol Mrs, M. Ca: bet t extended item may be read in the Blyth news. YOUR VACATION The Hensel. Observer of last week reports as follows on their proposed. new town hall;—S S. Cooper, of Clinton, was here on Tuesday night but dict not sign,the contract to erect the ne'witowWhall. it appears that he objected to put- ting certain cl•isses of material at the price at which he tendered. The Council may ask for new tenders, FORMER P. 0. INSPECTOR DEAD Henry Glassford Hopkirk, for several years inspector of post - offices in Stratford district, died in Toronto last week h'Ir. H op- 1frQwas known to mr nCl1nton cirizens and was generally' respect- ed, He entered tho postoffice de- partment as secretary to Sir Alex- ander Campbell, 1postmaster-gen- Will not be enjoyed to the full mot in the Macdonald Government extent unless you have thejhame and remained fait until his super - papers. Leave your address or annuation, by the Laurier Govern-, phone the circulation department went. When Stratford was made No, 30 and have your 'New Era 101 the centre of apost office district low you. Keep posted on what is he 'was made inspector, and upon going on at home. 10c per .month the amalgamation of the London. return on Saturday. and Stratford .districts, went to London. Ile was amember of St. THANK YOU! Andrew's church. The funeral took place on Thursday to Kingstori, thrJ family home, COUNTRY PUPILS One is Diane of the Green Van. It's a $10,000 prize novel, Over ioo,000 sold at $1.35. The "best seller" for April in both Canada and United. States. A clear, clean, clever romance, Stirring, entertaining and consistently interesting, The other is Overland Red a story\e• t gling with the virile life of the West. One of the brig'�tcy-saes, novels of the year, perfectly clean and decent, and at the same time full of romatic adventure, Price $1.35 The ..t V� t ®Do Fair eo. a ' Often the ehavast--Tillways the Be t flierger's Poi'is c een� Stratford Beacon.—The Clinton New Era has .entered upon its forty-ninth year ,of Publication. Its present proprietors Messrs. W. H. Kerr & Son, have had control for the last five years, Mr. J.Leslie Kerr being the manager. It has continued to make progress under the present nlal agement. 00 CENTS. Will pay for the New Era to new eubscriters in Canada from now un- til the end of the year. It you are already a subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era for the balance of the year to your distant son daughter or friend who will ap- preeiace reacting the home news. MINOR LOCALS. Getting warm again. ' Council meet onMonday. Seaforth Races next 'week. Tho 12th will soon be here. gg The ppia-nic Beason is now on, ercises seem pietty silly.'—J. O'N. Raspberries will soon be ripe. The above appeared in Saturday's The vacation 13u.g is Buzzing. Globe, the writer is swell known Good reading nnatter 'on all Clinton young lady, being Miss pages. g4. School Board meets next Friday Jessie O'Neil, 'who is teaching out night, West this summer, The Cadets will be home en Sat- urday. AND CALISTHENICS, While teaching a summer school in the Canadian west, I recently inet with a peculiar experience. I hate been insisting on a ten-minute drill in calisthenics every morning immediately after opening. The pupils did not hake 'to it at all, however, and I inquired the reason one intermission. An eight -grade pupil answered;—"Well, ma'am, it malt be vary well to put city pup- ils through such exercises as that. It may be very, well to tell them that lots of exercis wilt do them good. But wheny-ou:harp that -in- to a country pupil who has to get up athalfl-past five, go ter the cows, do the milking, walk two • miles to school and go for the cows. again at ni ht; well, the ex - 'Have you applied for one of the school roomla? "Says rumor" is responding for Many unfounded guesses. A big crowd will go to Goderich next Monday from) this vicinity. The Canadia.) Press Association, is meeting to -clay and to -morrow at Toronto. Tho local gardeners are placing their "green, goods" on the inno- cent people. P at the Cana is alh This ace Year dian' National Exhibition Toronto Aug. 29 to Sep. 14. There was a good crowd in town on Tuesday and Wednesday attend', ing the W,C.T'.U. Convention/' See that your name is' :on the. Voter's list as the Donhninion elec-� tion may be pulled off this year. Clinton is well billed by'the Seafortlhr people for the Old Boys, rs tourna- ment. 'F' •mo.n he ine week sand t How does your label read? Mr. Blank, Dec. 14. That's how it should read 'to be even with the publisher. Nobody was drowned on Doniin ion Day the abolish. ,the bar cam- paitgn having made folks so sore onwater that • they kept away from ,it. Lineman spare that tree, Touch nota single bough! Keep off with axe and. wire, Or there will beair ow, Which we are proud to be As we conduct a sanitary EllghaClass Bakery. For Your custom we are anxious For your trade we're striving hard, Your patronage and favors We hold in ,high: regard. Cornier Bakery Phone 202 It will not pay you to experiment with Paris Green of inferior quality Bergers can be depended upon to do the work quickly and surely Absolute certainty of results makes Bergers Paris Green the best to Buy—the best to Use TBE PENSLAR STORE Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG- STORE NATIONAL Portland eine We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. AND EWS, CLINTON 4 -est ar iv Strong Points in Recta Furnaces Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, Fused Joints, Cast Radiator, (Circular Water Pan, Saving int Coal, : CALL AND BE CONVINCED Phone 53 OR FOR SALE CHEAP, • 1 second-hao h FURNACB and 1 "Radiant Home" with oven Thos. llawkins Plumbing and Heating The eor113er Store "Live and Let Live" For Breakfast Cooked Cereals, Rolled Oat Bacon, Eggs, Marmalade, jams, Fruits, Coffee. For tramliarleeo@i Soyps, Pork and Beans, Meat Patties for Sandwiches, Salmon' and Sardines • Kippered HerrinCooked Ham Bologna, Jellied `Mock, 'Tinned Meats, Rice, Tapioca Quick Desserts, Jelly Powder, Tea, Loaf Sugar, Watermellon, Olives, .For Dinner Cooked Bleats, Potates, Canoed Tomatoes, Peas Corn, Beans, Etc., 'Pickles, Catsups, Meat Sauces, Salad Dressing, Cucumbers, Olive oil, New Tomatoes, Bananas, Shelled Nuts, Raspberries, Preserved Strawberries, Etc, Butter and Eggs 'Wanted Highest Mai1ket Price el E. E. t inniford PHONE 45. mosalmonessogoss 3•rp�o�Eo�: ��1 idkFNF�t it3��3 €BN+D H�fiA3II�k�3i!3�b .0 I A SHOE SALE •I- h'- + Since the announcement of our Mid -Summer Clearance Sale our prices have been a magnet. Shoe o- e buyers with good heads on their shoulders have •a •I- 4 • How Much Shoe Value You Get for Little Honey been coming here from near and far to make in vestments for themselves and their families, No– thing ,strange about it either, when you learn '* It certainly would be strange if buyers did not flock in this direction,, Make hay while the sue shines for it won't • shine always, and this Golden Shoe Opportunity will • soon be a thing of the past, Drop in and see what's doing! • Just lane a Gena of ourlIa„gnetic Prices "•!i 41 !Mens '$.545..L10.11(11:1'''':':!,:1:.: 5,00'' rt 5hnne 4^1 ova c2 ,) Oalf Shoes.. $I 0 hien s 5tr i'rr. u l_ e,sI1, r;i 4.1)1914). Ill llrt; Pal. L•* b .' *. 2;;R r, v i,• nr, ' v-� id ,rt t.,al r ly r.c;uues `a,l .. Gin ]' lVlen's a,l(r L. J f Mans 2,Ii0 lint in :*0..r a .. 1.10 Ls(lies I'urn,rs, bi!pq 4. and O's trills BALI' Pi. ICE r., FRED.,: IJM, rw . t41.�`' iL �?t. .,,a � rr c.� � �., 1� � �ia..•3� tom THE HOME OF G :OD SHO tar 4.. r lket+ 1.114, wr4.4 e•++.1: •4..•w; •kms+ s; ie see Bee tte.e. -4 44•(i