The Clinton New Era, 1914-07-02, Page 4tr
Thursday, July 2nd, 1914:
to -Wear
Phone 78
ouch &C•o
Ladies Goats
.Half Rrice
Some of the sweetest
and most up-to-date Coats
made of the newest cloth,.
you will find here on sale
reg 24.00 coats for 12.00
reg 21.00 coats for io.00
reg IS.00 coats for 9.00
, reg 15.00 coats for 7.5o
reg 14.00 coats for 7,00
This will be your last
chance to buy an up-tu–
date coat at half price.
The Last Caul for
Millinery -$2.99
Asour. milliners leave
in about two weeks for
their holidays, we wart to
make a clearance, of our
trimmed hats, so put on
sale Saturday two dozen,
values up as high as $7,
for only 2.99
Pretty, Caol Wash Dresses
for Ladies and. Misses
Here is by far the prettiest and.
most attractive attire for ladies
and misses that has ever been
our pleasure to show, These
charming dresses, in the season's
favorite fabrics. are sure to meet
your instant approval.
Mail or Phone Orders
Sent Parcel Post Paid
'Last,Sund y a aftexn n a • 3
t oo t
o'Orpckt'the "[special religious ser -
vie sh
, under:, the auspes of Court
DTik le 'Leaf,No. '16, Canadian Order
of, (Foresters, Clinton, were
opened.,.on the Recreation Park.
There evs a large attendaned tax-
ing, the 'grandstandantd the ad
ditironal• ' lseating, 'capacity • ar-
ranged to tare full', .'the members of
the, local -Court, p(ua visiting breth-
ren, from Godes cth, ,Seaforth, Lon ,
deshore, Blyth, ' Fkolmesville, Ben -
/nil er, and,,/ other points, marched'
frdpr the Dodge room,, With Bro.'
"Wibeatley tas Marshal, headed by',
thn K ll is Band, to the Park but the
wet arranged plans were soon dis
arranged by the showers"ofrain
which caused the abbreviation of
the t service, •
The chairman then offered a few Canada. •
remarks on the debt the Church Besides 'the' Insurance Depart-.
owes' to the benevolent Sociir>s and meat, the Order operates a . Sick
hoped the tspirit of ‘''ne Christ and Funeral Benefit •Departmenit,
would always be seen in thci:• work and the increase In the funds in
giving C ,strep gth• tcf she:. move-';ithie regard during the year 1013
ment.' amounted to "$50,746.32 after the
"God Bless ,our Native Land" payment of 7,271' Sick and Funeral
was. sung, Rev. Mr. Akinpronoun, claims, ' ,amounting to $180,979,10,
ced the e t'
re J3 ned•c. sin and the geflt- Funds in this department are also'
ering ,a'oon tdsspersed to get out of invested in the same class of secur-
the vet.
iIles as the Insurance Fund, and the
The hospitality 'of the home aan,ount 'collected in. interest dur-
Court was extended to the viei`ocs ing 1913 amounted to $14,095.02, the
and duly appreciated• total anibunt at credit of this fund
''''Court Maple Leaf. ' at the lend ;of the year being $348, -
The local orga'nizatian is a strong 213.19. The General Fund of the
one lhayin a membership of about order which f3 the Expense Account
neatly decked platform was ar
rafiged• for those taking 'Dart..
Rev. 3, C. ;Potts,' rector of St
Paul's church, was the Chairman
and after the introdu'ct'ory hymn,
sung from printed sheets, offered
prayer,. Rev. G.'3. Milo,. pastor
of Ontario street, Methodist church
read', as the -Scripture lesson I
Corinthians 113th chapter, which
was followed by gcnother hymn.
Rev. .1Dr. Rutledge, of Wesley
Methodist ,church, was called up-
on to address the gathering. Af-
ter (expressing regret at the
weather conditions he spoke of a
motto iwortfhy tot being adopted
by all viz., "Each for all and •all for
each?' and went on to point out
that 'we were comrades and not
every- mail for himself. The strong
must bear the !ofirmitkes of :the
weak. An illustration of this
was la stroy of a man being res-
cued from danger who with con-
siderable 'effort iheined in the
saving of (-in associate by intimat
ding with difficulty "There's an-
other man." Thespeaker knew
that the Canadian Order of For-
esters thinks of the "other man"
'and brings comfort and reli J. 7he.e
isa close connection between, the
Order and church. The Roman
Empire took inothe of the cor--
-dittons existing that the Chio eh
was a fraternal Society and a bur
eltib and sought to adopt the same
principles. In the brotherhood
of Christi tnity swept all formality
to one side. Dr. Rutledge 're-
ferred to the inflaeree of the ehurch
and hoped the spirit of helpfulness
and brotherhood would ever mark
the Order of Foresters, He wished
the Order great prosper-i•'(y and
By this lime the rain began to
interfere with the exercises and it
'eves decided to bring the gather-
ing t o a conclurion. While the
;Band contributed a chore selection
'of familiar tunes a collection was
taken for the good ot,th , Order,
250 and is in good -bet,. Meet-
ing . of the in,
Ii held every
Thursday„ evening in the Combe
Block, ,,•.
1Ofhiberst foe this termtare as fol-
J. J. Monaghan. C.R.,
S..Gliddon, V, C. 'R.,
W. S. R. Holmes, F'n-Sec„
J. P. Shepherd, Ree,Se[;,, •
E, Beacom S. W.,
C, G. Monaghan, J. W.
Fund, its being maintained by a
levy of 10c per month on each mem
ber, ,is also in satisfactory shape,
leaving the Order iap alsubstantial
position in respect to the prose-
cution ,of its work.
Regarding Membership, also, sub-
stantial progress is indicated, the
net result of the year's operations
showing a gain for 1913 o€3,019,
snaking [titre total membership of
the Order on the total membership;
+ H,,Fallon,. S, B. of the Order on the 31st of Dec-
eo-F, Mutch, J.B.tember, 1913, 90,555.
The idea of the open air meeting Besides the ordinary benefits ac -
was all right if weather could be truing to the members of the order
depended upon (but, the slating from, Life Insurance and Siceand
rink or Town Ball would prove a Funeral Benefits, this Society pro -
batter gathering place and permit vides for special ;grants in addit-
the interesting program to be ional directions; one in respect to
carried out in its entirety. amputations,, and a further special
.A Sketch Concerning the Order. grant over and above Sick 13ene-
T'he Canadian Order of Foresters fits to have special treatment for
teas instituted in 1879 and has a six months, at any one of a'nfam-
record worthy of the pride of des ber of sanitaria making a specialty
large membership. •An interesting of his diseasel,
feature in ,connection- with the A perusal of the reports of the
business of the Order is that since various officers brings to attention
its (inception it has confined its the large amount of benefits [that
business entirely to the Dominion; have been derived by the anemher-
of Canada, and the excellent result ship, as since 1879 a sum of . -over
which the Chairman of the Medical $4000,000.00 has been .paid in mor-
orBoard has_been able to report as tuary and other benefits;
to the death rate, which was 6.12 The Superintendent of Organiz-
ner thousand in 1913, and 5,28 over ation has been able, to reportl:he
the iSociety's ,experience, is no institution of forty -mew Courts,
scattered over the Dominion gen-
High Court Officers.
High' Chief Ranger, -of the Order:
is J. A. 'Stewart, barrister, of
Perth, Ont., J. A. A. Brodeur, of
Montreal, is the Sigh Vice -Chief
clanger ; A.P. Van Somerin, Brant
ford, High Secretary; ober't El-
liott, Brantford, l igh Treasurer;
W.L. Roberts and A. tShultis, of
Brantford, High Auditors; W. M.
Cooper, Montreal, High Registrar;
Rev. W. J. West, Port Perry, Ont..
High Chaplain. Dr. Stanley, the
Chairman of the Nlediscal Board,
was not up for (election as the
3 year period for which he was
previously elected had not exit red
The elected members of the Execu-
tive Committee were ;—W, J. Stev-
enson, Toronto, Ont.; R. T. Kemp,
Listowel, Ont.,: J. R. Davidson,
Winnipeg, Man.; tA. R. Coffin,
Truro, N. S.
Just to help the thing along?
'Cause if things should stop agoin'
We'd be in a sorry plight ;
You just keep the horn abiowint—
Boost her up, with all your
If you, know a fellow's fati'un's
Just forget 'em cause ye know
That same fellow's got some good
points. ,
Them's the one's you want to
"Cast your loaves out on the wa-
They'll come hack" is a sarin',
Maybe to
they'll come back blot-
tered' '
When some fellow
boosts fr,
Flogs $7,75.
Butter 16c and 17c.
Eggs 19bto 20c.,
Wheat 1.00
-Peas 1.00
Oats 40e.
Barley 50c
Buckwheat 67c.
Shorts ($27.
Bran $26
doubt very largely due to the orig
'nal decision of the fonmders of
the Order to operate only within
this ,,Dominion. In all depart-
ments material betterment is shown
in the financial position of the
In the year the increase in the
Insurance Funds amounted to
$375,095.86, the fund standing at the
end of the year under review, after
the payment of 554 death claims,
amounting to $562,361.19, at,$4,365,-
072.07. In this (conneetiin it is
interesting to note thatthe rev-
enue accruing from investments
realized last' year $188,416.28„which
was ;asufficient income from this
source to look after 33.34 per cent,
of the death losses.
In further refezence to the matter
of investments,•it :will bo of in-
terest to our readers to know that
the Order confines its investments
entirely to Municipal and School
Debentures of the Dominlan of
The Reasonable
Care of Your
Watch ! !
Social and Personal
t�+�*.'�••. +r .1V1issiBeata:lie Sproat of Toronto
and Cher sister Ruby of Stratford,
.� Mrs, Iddo Crich, for a few clays.
5. �.
3... ewsLocal5.
'The baseball team lost at Wing -
ham on' Wednesday by a score of
7-3. They claim. that the umpire
was "Mellon” overripe, A am -
turn game will be played in the
n ear future,
Master Charlie Cook, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook fell , l!his
week out of an cherrie tree and
broke his right arm between el-
bow and wrist and twisted his
wrist. The young lad about three
months ago had his collar bone
expense money the Club decided
to stay at home,
Mrs, Wm. Cooper received the
sad news of the death of her grand,
son, Kenneth Armstrong aged 8
years son to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Arm
strong of Ontario ;California. The
death took place op (Wednesday
last. The Misses Cooper left on-
ly recently for Ontario to spend the
summer. To the parents, the
heartfelt (sympathy of their old
friends here goes out to them Li
their home of sorrow.
W.C.T.U. CONVENTION Early Wednesday morning the
The 17th annual convention -of spirit of Miss Rowe passed away
the Huron County W. C,T.V :will from this world of care and sorrow
after two weeks of illness , from
pneumonia. Deceased is survived
by her sister Mrs. Steep Mary street
where the deceased made her home.,
The funeral service with be held to
night tat8 o'clock by Rev. Dr.
Rutledge pastor of Wesely Church
where the deceased always attend
ed and the body will be taken on
the morning train o Friday ler
Brampton and interment will take'
DID NOT' PLAY AT GODERICH place ht Eden Cemetery.
It was announced that the Climi-
ton Football team would play in
'Goderich on.the 1st but as ttrte
notice was to short as well as the
be held on Tuesday and Wednes-
day July? and 8th in Wesely Church
Clinton, beginatng at ,9 o'clock,
Tuesday Morning, lOn Tuesday
evening there will be a gold medal
contest, and the contestants will be
from all over the county. The ad-
mission Ito' the contest will be 10
and 15 cents. The public is cordial
ly invited to attend all sessions.
you want done in
• Plumbing or
t`urnace Work
Call and see us before
placing your' order.
B am &Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers,.
Phone 7.
The, tennis match between. Chat:
ton and the Goderich Club on Wed-
nesday ,at the Co„ town resulted
in a. •tis. 3 events for each club.
Doubles, :.t
Fotheringham''and Proudfoot'(G)
beat Hodgson and Geo, McTaggart
C r8-6 6-•1 941, •
1t. D. McTaggart, and Beaco�ni•(C)
beat Sootheran and Williams (0)_
6,3 6-4. .
Singles •
Sootheran( G)' beat Beacom (C\ 6-4
Fotheri�nghany -4!7-)^•)beat _ McTa
gart 1M. D. (C) 0-'1 6-1. g
1VIcT.aggart Geo. (C) beat Morson
(G) t9-7 6-3, ,
.Hodgson (0) beat Prd-udfooti,G)
6-2 '6-3,t-
London Advertiser, Jgly
is possible that Rev, Frank C.
Harper, pastor of Chalmers'° Pres
by-terian Church, will accept a call
to Clinton, The call (was .sus
tained by the Presbytery of Enron
at its session Friday night at Cain
ton. " The matter will be brought
up for consideration •at the btiei-'
r.ess session of the London Presby
tery )neeting at Port Stanley on
July 7. During the years of ,Mr'..
Harper's association with the
church the congregation has
grown' rapidly and its members are
desirous • 't�rat he remasi,n with aria
present s
p t charge. A meeting of :the.
congregation- has been called . for
Sunday night to oppose 'the hall
Mr. Harper is president of the Pres
byterian Ministerial ! , Association
and the iPresbyterian Extension
Stratford Beacon,—Dr. Lorne Ro-
bertson left Saturday for Philadel-
phi'a to attend the ' meeting of
the American Association of Sur-
geons, which was to confer upon
him the degree of Fellowship of
'"that body.. Ile has been spending
'some days at the renowned John
'Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore,
Mr. Joe. Match of Goderich was re
ewing old friendships iu town on
Mr. Stewart Jackson who mikes
is A
he d 5nr
to s
r in New York
01. is
penning his vacation with his father
r, Tont Jackson Jr.
Mrs. John Wiseman is visiting with
ter daughter Mts. (Dr.) Ma0alluur at
Miss Dell O'Neil leaves next week
or a trip out West.
Mr, Arthur Forbes spent a few
ays at Hamilton and Waterford.
Miss Eileen Armour spent Domin
on Day with, her grandmother at
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Townsend were
isitors at Goderich ou Dominion Day
Mrs; Rowe and daughter Miss Reta
f Exeter are visiting the former's
nether Mrs. Holloway sr. Ontario
Goderich Signal—Registrar Coats
as a showing beautiful show the of peoney
loons in the garden fin the rear` of
his house, probably the finest in
own. Hos roses sn.rear of the
egietry office are beginning to
how their glorious bloom,
'While Rev, W. E. Kerr was here • d
:on 'Thursday afternoon last from
'four' o'clo^k- until bed', ne, he '
made 27 calls, ,not inciudleg see-''
lag people,down street. The rev- G
"erend gentleman can give "Ned"
Lewis a go for his reputation. I v
Mrs. (Dr,) Belden of Toronto was ,
the guest of her brothers, Wii irm n
and 'Thos, Jackson, jr., over Sun-
day. Js
Miss Evelyn .11 of Vn.nleek
Hill is spending he of holidays at I h
the borne of her Mr. ,Ralph b
Mr Ed. Bloody o Toronto and an t
Old Huron Boy spe few hours in r
town. on Monday- s
Mr. T. W. Steve who is build
ing some houses in to came up a
wnh the Huron O1 s Excursion _E
and spent the wee here.
Y' echo
Old Boys
Mr, Robert Holmes of Toronto,
lid 'formerly ,editor of the New
ra, :was a visitor in town over
unday, He• came up with the
'oro Boys.
Mr. • Wesley Newcombe spent a
day or'so imitown last week vis -
ting his aged father,' Rev. Mr.
ewcnmbe, and his sister, Mrs.
Dr.) ',Evans.
Pri?neipp al Bouck of the Clinton
Puble School, left on Wednesday
or Bracebridge. where he will
each the Summer Model School,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Muldoon of
russets autoed tot' Clinton, on
unday and spent the day with
and. Mre J. Leslie •Kerr; -
Rev. Mr.. Martin of,Londor55who
vas form ly Pastor •; of Exeter
resbyterian Church,' took • the
civic '� ,.,
v es ,'m :
Church, h -on
unday 'last.
1%19 Moore of St.Marys spent
a feta days with Iil'Ir. ' and Mre, . J
WXseman, r.
Miss Dell O'Nei'l -who is ,eaching
Toronto, returned here' for the
acation .last Friday ,evening,,
Miss S..Mulioy, of Toronto' paid
visit 'to her sister, .• (Mire. -';Tames
Twstcheil over '•Sunday;
,141rse' Marson„ ;�larvey of ,Norwich
visiting ' at the 'lli.orne^ of - Mr.
G. ,.Cou.ti(ee.
-We are pleased' to report ' that
ord was ,receivecrth•at Mrs,^Victor
rend of Wataskwin Gs holding
er own in her rerious illness; For
few days nearly all( ,hope was
iven up.
James. Burns who i
residing in Goderich was here to vote
on Monday,
Mr Earl R Parlmer, of Hensel) has i
taken the position as Junior at the
Royal Bank. Q
Miss Kinde.e to teller in the Separate
,School,•l ullett, left to spend° the vaca
;tion at,her home in St. Thomas.
Mr• s now' in
Hut Old B
We are glad:to report Dr. Thomp
son -is progressing favorably after hie
operation for appendicitis, ',"
Mrs ;Chas. Middleton 'entertained
her lady friends at her home ,on'Tues
day afternoon
Mrs.S. L, Taylor of T andon who
was the"�•uessof'Mr, and Mrs 3 -Taylor
fora e
f ii^ldasie
visitinga •
yUBa Bayfield:
"Mm Frlgqnk',Buchanan, of Wingharn
was: callif g on friends in town en Wed
needs;.}) l •: ,
Wellafld Telegraph. Mrs. .Dr:, Mc
Bride gave : a• delightful' verandah tea.
on Friday afternoon. Miss Fantay
Best Ms Katrine McKeon and Miss
Kathiee Stanley assisted.
ric e"
:4=D. onto i
c4paking`:6,n eittended.visit with Mt, and.
Mrs J Taylor, and other telatiyes in,
kits vicinity. .. , ,. ,.1;41
'441Mrs T. A. Greig .and Mise Hattie
leave today to ;spend. a month in Tor
Mr,avid hIrs. Jas: Watson and Mise
'Mary of„$eaforth i -pent a few home in
town with Mr. and Mrs. W. ' D. Bair
on ,Dom,inioe Day.
,Mr. Frank Metcalf,: of ,Blyth, was a
visitor in town. on Dominion Day.
'd' our catalogue, Address T. W. t
British AmerIcan College
Le 4•
•^f ads in age. influence and sue -
,t, Gregg add Pitman Shorthand ,p,
Miss 'E.Louisii:Holmes ofEdmon-
ton was the guest of her aunt; VIrs,
B. Chant, over the week. end.
Mr. 'W 11 Rellyar was called to Row
anville owing to the serious illness
his father
Mr John Pickett was 'in Toronto
ssful gradun,tes. Specializes in 4, lii
et meek attendiing the funeral of his
Mr Colin .Devinne, of Goderich, was
town on Wednesday
Miss Johnston of Stratford is the
nest of her sister, Mre. Byam,
Mr. A. F. Cud/note was in Toron-'
onl Monday.
d all commercial subjects. Fall 4.
term opens,Aug 31stfor +M in
Wauchope. principal, Yonge & g
McGill Sts",;, Toronto. /.
10106111/1118009001101141,11111111111111111 to
Mies Jean Wylie leaves today for
liar home in Durham.
Mr. James Wylie holidayed in Gode
rich. Mr. A. F. Collyer of London holi
Bayed in town Mrs, Oollyer and chil
dren returning with him.
Miss McKinley, formerly a tstu-
dent of the Clinton Model School
is a visitor with the Misses Lavis.
Mr. John Sutter attended the
1 wedding of his sister, at Stratford
, on Monday,
Mr, and Mrs. 9V', (H, Kerr of
Brussels spent Sund .ay with Mr,
jand Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr, r
Mrs Bouck and children left on
IWednesday to (spend the summer
vacation at Iroquois,
1 Master harry Munroe celebrated
his 112th birthday on Friday last.
Mrs. Grant of St. Marys was vis-
iting her daughter, lolre. John
Wiseman, over Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, 3, Beswick of 'To-
ronto are visiting friends in this
i icinitY. IYIrs. Beswick is the eldest
daughter of 41/Ir. Ale*. Armstrong
of Toronto, but for years -a Well-
known C1!nton:Pan.
Mr W B Taylor Al A, has re engag
ed with the Napanee Collegiate, Ineti
lute as Classical Masters Mr Taylor
turned down a good offer from the
Belleville Institute as a salary offered
of $1600
Miss Ward was a visitor in Wing
ham on Monday
Mies Rudd, the obliging Librarian
of the Public Library, sailed on Thurs
day -of thio "week from Quebec with e
touring party for the Old Country and
the Continent The many friends of
Miss Rudd will wish for a pleasant and
safe journey
Mr.�and Mrs. H. Le Baron Hartt of.
Medicine N. Y. announce the engage
meet of their daughter Ethel Irene to.
Albert Bohle Helmkempt which •took.
place on 'Thursday June 25th. The
young couple will live ib Pittsford N'
fihe'oid friends of the Bride will
loin in .offering hearty, , congratulation
Mika. Porter sails on IJnly 11th
fort,.' England- where she will pro-
bably -stay till spring vie ting with
A sister, Miss Porter will be miss.
ed ,in, WeselyChtitch,'work,,and her
Many iassnefates wish her a and
journey, and hope that slid, Will
return to Ch 'utbn in Ithe'spring, - .
He a Booster,
u ' 1 '• • Nota Knocker
Do, you know: there's lots o' people`'
Settin' round in every town.
Growlin' like a broody chicken
Knocking every (good thing
Don't you be that kind o' cattle,
'Cause they ain't no use on earth.
You just be a booster rooster,
Crow -and boost for all ' rfiour
If your town needs boostin' boost
Do:n't hold back and wait to see
If sorne other fellow's w 1?in'
Sail right in, this country's free.."
No cines got a mortgage on :it.
It's just yours as much as hse1
If your town is shy on boosters.
You getin the boosting biz„
1f things don's seem to suit''you
And the world seems kinder
What's the matter with aboosttin' as.
Lawn Festiyal and Cooking
The n'oung women 'of the ;Street League will hold a
awn' Festival and Cooking Sale,
the lawn. of Mrs. Beacom, the xltaii•ch; on Monday
July 6th. 'The Kiltie Band
lattendance, If weather is um.-
vorable 'the' ;program will he
carried tout in, ;[the easement of
lchnrah. Ice.. cream, .etc,; 'will
e 'served.
Experienced House to
House Canvassers
Wanted lin- every townand city
by an old established husinese,,to
sell to household necessity. Only
fifteen 75e sales writ net a clear
profit of $4,50 per day. Asplen-
did opportunity for the right
mean. For ;particulars apply with
reference to Box N., -this office.
A reliable man of good address and
ability to act es our representative in
the County of Huron. A splendid
opening and permanent position for
the right man,
Nurserymen, Toronto, Ont
Will result in your watch's good,
pro'onging its days of usefulness
What is reasonable care ?
An occasional visit, to -a jeweler
who "knows how."
An occasional visit mens at least
a yearly visit.
To put it off longer is to put it off
too long,
If you are not wedded for all :time
to some one expert, we would like
to put some of our good work on
that watch of yours.
Your watch deserves the best
treatment it can Ret, and it Is just
that which we offer.
W. R. Counter
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Tanrlirt (stainls can be removed
from tea cups alithoat' injury to
the finest china by aweak solut-
ion of hyoeulphicte of soda in vine-
gar. •
Public Notice.
During the months of July and Aug
ust the stores •in the Village of Holm
esville will close at live p.m. en Wed
nesday of each week.
Hoimesviile, June 20, 1914
For Sale
Two. driving mares and a buggy
in, good repair. Apply to
Guinea Gold
iiomeseehers Excursion
Round trip tickets to points in
Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatche-
wan, via Chicago, St. Paul, Duluth
or Sarnia, and Northern Navviga-
tion Company, on sale each Tues-
day until Oct. 27, inclusive at low
Throtigh Pullman Tourist
Sleeping Cars to Winnipeg
on above dates, leavi,r13
Toronto 11 p.m. lNo change
of cars.
Return Limit, Two Months.
The Grand Trunk Pacifc Rail-
way is the shortest and quickest
route between [Winnipeg, Saska-
toon and Edmonton, with excell-
ent through service to Regina.
Trains now, running into Calgary.
Berths, reservations, and parti-
culars at all Grand Trumps ticket
offices or write
John Ransford & Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
A. 0. Pattison, station agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Out.
The noted stock horse, "Guinea
Gold," will breed a •15mited num-
ber of mares at his own stable,
Lot 40, West End, Tuckersmith.
G. W. NOTT, Proprietor
Baron Wallace
MONDAY—Will leave his own
stable, lot 40, West End, Tucker
smith, go to Huron Road, then to
Graham House for noon, then to
Gilbert Mair's for night,
'TiJESDAY—By Holmesville and
Maitland to Wm, Duret's for noon
then by way of Bethel Corner and
Benmiller to Wilmot tHaake's,
Huron Road, for night,
WEDNESDAY—Huron Road east
to Wm. Flick's, for noon, and then
by way of 9th con. to James Gra-
ham's for night;
THURSDAY—To Wise's Corner
and Bayfield Road to James Jen-
kins', 2nd of Stanley for noon,
then to his own stable for night
'where he will remain until the
following Monday morning,
0, W. NOTT, Proprietor
Iiow is
Business ?
Advertising, backed up by the 'right spirit
the right goods and the right service, can
rescue a sinking business and will make a
prosperous business more masterful in its
own community, -
When John Wanamaker, the prince of
merchants, began business, he resolved to
force matters,, Be was not content to • .
WAIT• to be found out—he determined
to be found"'out. In short, he advertised.
He.threw 'on his business. small as it was;
' the light f publicity, g t
o,. and the public 'of
Philadelphia= entered the shop on which
the light shoivtt
In this conomunity the public is entering
those shops'on which the, light of adver
tisingls' falling.
Be sure of this—those who are using our
columns week alter week do not give you
poorer :goods or service, or have higher
_Shops which are illuminated by advertis-
ing, court with full confidence your favor.
slop where Yon ;ore lnviled to 'Shop