The Clinton New Era, 1914-07-02, Page 2Page;: THSii CLII!ITON NEW whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the digestive estive organs,that these'maysoon develop into g more serious sickness. 'Your future safety, as well depend ori the comfort maydepen• '.. .as your present quickness with which you Seek a corrective 'remedy. By ,common consent of the legion who have 'tried them,,, Beecharn's• Pills are the most reliable of 'all family medi- cines. , edi-cines.. This standard family remedy tones the :stomach; stimulates the '`sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks, brighter spirits , and greater vitality come after the system has been cleared and the .blood purified by Worth a Guinea a Boa' Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Larmachire. England. Sold everywhere.in Canada and U. S. America. la boxes, 25 cents. a�!lae■er The,'New Era. 47TJ3 YEAR. "IN •THE PUBLIC .SERVICE.". ii': 1,1. KERB ll .-SON, Props. J. Leslic.herr Rosiness i'tlana;`er low Era, One Year In advance $1.00 ;:sow Era, when not paid in ad- vance, $1,50 ; ietiv D a, to the United States III €idv011Oe,,,,a . $1,50 ,}.dt e tis'.ng Rates on Application lob work prices advance on July 1st, .1313, in 'accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- dati9n Bates„ .. ruffles Phone 30 13'ouse Phone 55 - j Nourish your nerves -that is the Wim,,::., .:.:,_... _,.,...:.;• first rule of business -or ought - to be with both men and ,ti+o2nen. If you feel that you cannot, be loyal to the' firm t+hart tem,ployes you resign your position, And this feeling of loyality ought to be called on by the fast'Idioyns woman every day to help her over what at first{ often seem ;real difficulties. • It is said 'that the entrances of. women into business life has,. had an elevating influierlae on offices. The men in offices are utmost al- ways courteous and considerate. Courtesy ought to play 'ailarge part In women's business ' 'ca'reers too. It is really a women's most potent me.os. of getiting ahead. A riFvoCIi liFealidOWIll Can be Averted by Feeding i.lt`Stqrved Nerves with 111 11, Red Btootld. , ,t Code for the Woman in an Office To begin with, a woman need not. leave her femininity behind firer when she ,4hkes her place at hefµ desk, remarks the New York Times by, way of advice to women who work in offices. She may be as womanly and girlish as she pleases There is no reason why she should need to, be less refined or Ilicitls dainty than tihe girl or woman at home. 1 As. to her clothes, they too may be' feminine; Obviously a satin ,skirt -with a slash and a lampshade tunic, and a blouse of net and lace are out of place 10 an office. St,, too, are gaudy colosr. But any woman may wear dainty nod becoming clothes without run- • ning'the risk of criticism or mis- understanding, if she wears them in the right way. • Granting that a woman may be • her own feminine self in an office slie must remember that, her social duties and her business duties are two different things. Of course a woman who has worked for years who makes her work her career, • prmo,ilages that :the younger wo- man has not. The older, more ex•- • perienced business woman may re- ceive her maid at her place of business and may receive personal ealls there without incomvenien,c- ing any one or arousing comment. But the younger business -woman never' should receive personalcall- ers in hen office. She should have her mail sent to her home address and she should bet careful about the number of telephone cauls. she receives or makes. Some off' ces have a "no telephoning" rule. Where there is no such rule, the offiee''telephete shouicl be used on ly in cases of emergency. There are several reasons ;why these no -calf no -telephoning no- letter rules are wise; A young woman's employers and associates have much Inore'respect for her if they know she has; the good taste to wish to keep her own personal affairs more or less 'to herself. For another thing the employee is paid for her time, The time! she gives to telephoning and receivinlg callers and opening ther personal mail 4s time wasted fromiher em ployers point of whew. The time the telephone operator and:offiice boy gave totaking care of her mail her telephone messages and her callers is also time wasted from the business point of view. Loyality to the employer i'a , a re Your Bowels Ever °Intl ate ewestt; Notes of `Science COMPILED FOR THE, NEW ERA READERS. A netii';Coermau 'patent law pro beets 'oatizens of the empire even if they do,,not have 'a residence ,or estabiishanent in the, fatherland, Children ern Cry y FOR 'FLETCHER S CASTORI.e' Tanrtiri (statriM 'can be removed from tea cups ti\iithont1 injury 'to the finest china -by awealc solute ,ion of 1lyosulphilte of soda in vine- gar. The British meteorological off- ice has established a station' for furnishing weather infipr motion and forecasts tolaviatiters land' aeronauts. The family remedy for Coughs and Colds' "Shiloh costs so little and does ao muchts The bristles can be remove& bod sly from a toothbrut (sli for cleans- ing anda new set cambe inserted in the handle when' un old bet as wore out, French 'experts are plann'.in1g to erect awireless antenna 15 Guiles 'long and;bontainting 150 miles of for studying the use 04 long wave lengths. • Without The use! of ' any addittioal al .bin'ding, material. The." Chcamical labolatoiy of Gies sen a i+ors' '1'tere:Lisbur did. o i„ ' 1'ty '�' g , his 'epochmaking work a century ago has been restored as a shrine for scientists, Resembling 'a pair of pliers is an Illnois",inventor: s implement for quickly /fastening twine around parcels by clamping the ends. to Japan : is plannim'g• to adopt Ilei alphabet of 47 letters including, most of the Raman ' :character's some Russian and the rest orLgipal syn bols. A novel attachment for woniens' handbags holds four nickels So they may be quickly withdrawn when its 'user hoards a pay -on -entering street oar. Lanterns to project advertise menta .upon pavements are (now made with electric 'lights power- ful enough to be effective in the best lighted city streets. Russian figures place the average number of occupants of a house at eiigaitt an London, 48 in Vienna, 50 ha `Berlin, and 52 in Moscow and St. 'Petersburg. The problem of handling ore at al temperature as low as 50 below zero has veen solved in Alaska by building ore cars with steam pipes in their bottlom. Al new English mine rescue apparatus does away with the helmet and weighs only 28 pounds yet with it' a man can 'work iaf deadly•gases more than five hours. only way you can overcome life's worst miseey nervous exhaustlan, The fits of depressian and irriat ion the prospering headaches the weakness and trembling of the legs the 'unsteady hand ane{ dyne im- perfect digestion that mark the victim of nerve weakness moist end in nervous breakdown •11 neglected. Nourish your cert es by the natur al process of filling your veins with rich, red, health -giving blood Your nervesare crying out for pure blood and the mission of Dr, Willi.lms' Pink Pills is to make new rich blood. This • explains ;why these pills have proved successful in so many cases of nervous ease that did not, yield to ordin- arytreatment'. For,example, Mr, IV..u. Weldon, Annapolis, N. 8, says; "In the strenuous life I have to follow the drain on My sys- tem was se great that my nerves became shattered, the blood 101- poverish and my whole Gystomi undermined. 1 hied a number of so-called remedies without deriv- ing any bench':. Firitlltihaving read so much about Dr. 'Wil',Lims Pink Pi't's I decided to try them The result was beyond my expect- ation, I liege teed my energy; the blood and nerves were rebuilt; I'. lost the sense of con ;•.,•ant tired- ness .2 had felt and was filled with new life and energy. I have ei Ice used the pills with benefi.eial re- sults in my family and will always Have a word of praise for them. You can get I9r. Wiriams Pink Pills frons any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50' cents a box or six boxes for 52.50 by writ- ing •The Dr. Williams Medicine 'Co„ Brocltt+sills, Ont. • if you wish to be well you must keep the bowels open.Any irregularity, of the bowels is always dangerous, and should be attended to at once, for if the bowels cease to work properly, all the other deranged. r ens becomebed. organs s Laxa-Liver i Pills' work on the bowels gently, and naturally, and will cure the worst canes of Constipation.'; anchester, Ont. ' Mrs. A. Cumining, M , writes:' --'1 have been. troubled with Constipation for over dire years, and I feel it my duty to let you know that your Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills , Have is and cured'Ine. •1 only used three v ;i I cads faithfully say that they have saved' rue• from a large doctor bill." 'tlilburn's ) Laxa-Liver Pills are a wonderful remedy for all diseases or dis- orders of the liver or bowels. • Price, 25 cents ,per' vial, or ,5 vials for $1.00r..at:•all dealers or mailed direct on receipt'o£ priec by The', T. lyfiiburn>Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. EST SHORE Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S up, \V' ttrr, lin Ili i• Tests tby United Stlates govern- ment experts have shown t tiifat lignite can be briquetted f.oni ifeul Be a Booster, Not a Knocker. Do you know there's lots o' people Settin' round in every town. Growlin'• like a broody chicken Knocking every {good (t1ilag dein. Don't, you be that kind o' cattle', 'Cause they ain't no use on earth. You just be a booster rooster, Crow and boost for all raour worth, If your town needs boostin' boost 'en • Don't hold back and wait to see If some other fellow's ~villin' Sail right in, this country'Ii free., No o nes got a mortgage on it. 'It's just yours as ranch as hiss If vour then is shy on boosters. 'You get in the boosting biz,; If things don's seem to suit you And the world seems kinder wrong. What's the matter sviith aboostin' Just to help the thing along? 'Cause if things should stop agoin' We'd be in a sorry plight; You just keep the horn ablonvin'- Boost her up with all your might. 1f you know a fellow's failin's Just forget 'em cause ye knolw That same fellow's -got some good points. Tliem's the one's you want to show. "Cast your loaves out on the wa- ters, They'll come back" is a sayin', true. Maybe to they'll come back Mut- tered' . When some fellow boosts for you could be made against the anuli ici,palities which now control the road and . franchise, by, virtue of legislation past Last session . if any the $105,000 worth of unguaranteed bonds which Moyes'_, had in his ;pobsession have been sold. lIr. Proudfoot and not think the bonds were stolen property and the purchaser of stclen .goods could not claim remuneration. The solici- tor said that the municipalities might (hese to resist some such claims, but that( would be all there would be to it. Purchaser Must Finish Line. There was some suggestion of the municipalities completing the railway and linking it up with the prospective hydro-radials,'In this case it was felt that some ` assist- ance ', thec lv i ' in Ova of u sudes might be forthcoming from; the. Federal and (Provincial Govern- ments. The tenders that wilh. be' advertised forw ' 1 be for the sale of the line as;t resent aid and the charter which includes a riight-of-(way to Owen Sound. The. condition of this sale is that tjhe purchaser must finish the)' line. 'should no satisfactory tender be re ceived it was agreed that Trustee Thomas Struthers tnay(with the consent of the municipalities•. •'ad- vertise for tenders for the sale of ties, bridge timber and rails a 4r - ready laid which are depreciating as a result of thecti n of ele- a ]o menti#• The municipalities (represented at the nieeting were Goderich Ash field Township Huron Township and hineardine. Town.:Mayor Raid oft ►Goderiehlp ,resided. tidal' Cotton Root Compound: • 439 it safe, reliable reankieyna --" - ,nedictne. Sold in three de. ghees of strength -No. 1, 3B; No. 2, -83; No. 3, $6 per box. Sold by all .drugosteoor sent: Frreepeaid nmpreempAddppeo: THE COOK MEDICINE TOSOilTO.ONT (Ftrmorli Wloder) • The Ste..-- Quo. Cook's Cottoq Root Compos n&1 The great Uterine Tonle, ands only sato effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Boldin three degreea of strength -No. 1, $1 f No. 2, 10 degrees stronger $3; No. S, for special cases, per hot Sold by all druggists, or sono pj1repaid on receipt oe price. bice pamphlet. Address : TN COONME010INICO„TOHONr8,ONT. ifortaz-luWindtorr ,+'1':.511-•a'•F3'3'4' 14+4.3.4• B3" PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. Biliousness. ' Coffee does not, as a rule, tend to cause indigestion or affect the nerves. Its 10 effects are due to the fact of its causing bilious- ness. Persons of what is known as a "livery" type had better avoid It altogether if they have found it to have this result. Yet they might as well ascertain first as to whether it was the coffee or the milk which they took with * it which accounted for their dis- comfort. It is a mystery as to why .per- sons who cannot on their own assertion take bot milk without upsetting their livers should drink it when its taste is dis- guised by that of coffee. The milk is there just the same, and the after effects are bound to be as bad n$ if taken by itself. Let such persons take their 1 coffee thin, malting it with water •1. and adding only as much milk as they would put into their tea, and it probably will turn out that they can take it without 3• nay bad after effects. 4• 4444.14+44.14+4,4.1.44++.* •".1* 3• "Does Dolly love Fred well enough to marry him?" "Oh, yes, but Fred believes in letting. well enohgh alone!" -Cincinnati Com- mercial Tribune. • ELECTRIFIED CELLULOID. Pulling a Couple of Strips Between the Fingers Changes Them. If you will take two thin lengths of celluloid, put them in contact and then suddenly and rapidly pull them be- tween your fingers you will observe l8ed-not they both' have become electr ev only on their outside surfaces, where' the friction of your fingers caused a negative electrification, but also on the inner surface 'of the celluloid. The strange part about, this is that oke of the Inner surfaces of the piece is positively charged and the other one, Is negatively charged. If one of them Is slightly curved `during the friction the convex one will be positively charged and the concave sided one will be negatively charged. It seems, therefore, to depend upon whether the surface is concave or whether it is convex -depressed or ex- panded -to produce negative or posi- tive electricity. Even the most minute, Imperceptible curvature is sufficient to rive the expected result. It also is im- possible to pull the strips of celluloid through the fingers without, producing such strong electrification that one piece will support the other. Even the vapor pressure of liquids is stronger at the convex surface than at the concave, if electrons are •consid- ered as 'particles of gas dissolved in solids -las they ouco were -or as nega- tive electricity, tbere will be a greater tendency for the 'electrons to escape 1 3 , from the convex side, which therefore + 1 will be :left positively y ebur ged. This also Is in perfect accord with,xhe latest researches upon electrons. Interesting experiments can be made by •following the above directions. Cel- luloid has'peculiar properties for tests. ./4 ' YUur►aor and Philosophy i 23y 9VJVCAJV•M. SMITH PERT A PAR GRAPHS. OAin men are 30 obtuse that. you S have in to show thethe door when, theyare 'poking right at it. It doesn't fol- A Fortune Hunter. Mrs. itoxley-I'm afraid there's not much energy in that young man who is calling on our daughter. He doesn't seem to have much snap. Mr. Roxley-No, but I think he is after one, though. -Philadelphia Led- ger. Forestalling His Honor's Ire. Captain of Local vire Brigade (to zealous fireman) -Here, T say, old chap, don't put the fire out too quickly. The mayor's coming along, and he'll be aw- fully disappointed if it's out before he gets here. -London Opinion. In a Sorry Predicament. "Ma's worried." .g "What's the matter?" "Pa's got $100 saved up In the bank, and she can't,think of a good excuse to spend it." -Detroit Free Press. • Righ% of Way. '"Excuse me, can I speak to your typewriter a moment?" "You cannot; she is engaged." "That's all right: I'm the fellow she's engaged to." -Texas Coyote. low that because a man continual- ly makes thought - fess remarks he I s remarkably thoughtless. A thick skin Is not beautiful, but it, is often com- fortable. . There are as many different kinds of women as there are wo- men. P9 Nobody is going out of his way to carry a barrel of flattery to you just from love of you or because he is needing exercise. Remember that. You may be rich w- ithout being hap- py, but you can't be happy without be• ing rich. Speak well of you- r friends. Their enemies will do all the knocking neces- sary. George Washington was tempted to go fishing, but he always remembered that he had a reputation to preserve. Don't listen to the - voice of trouble, for trouble is apt to be a liar anyhow. Thanksgiving. No fireworks to light the skies And neighbors' barns to burn. No shooting crackers while you wait And everywhere you turn, No shouting In the public streets • Nor spouting in a hall, •vn On this delightful, festive day - Just eating; that is all. No presents that you have to buy, Although you may be broke, For nieces, nephews, neighbors' kids And all the other folk; No heavy packages to mail, No janitors to treat - 'Just' coming home to see the folks And sitting down to eat. 7 - Not even postal cards to send To comrades far away Or mottoes wishing them returns Of this auspicious day, No pranks to play on any one, No jokes, refined or crude - lust simply drawing up a chair And dallying 11 with food. Yes, only e1 Thanksgiving day Of all the festive .dates On which the world puts by RS work And gayly celebrates Is there the single, central theme That makes this day the best. Just bring along your appetites. The cook will do the rest. What Could She Say? Mrs. Outlate-What time of night is it? Mr. Outlate-Shame time -I ushed to go home when I was. Courtin you.- New York Sun. A.-IGfA'I CER OF: ANITIAZS: Quiok Wit Relieves the Tension of an Embarrassing Situation. An" "engineer who was repairing a railway line in South Africa found a cozy farmhouse, which he proceeded to occupy. Promptly came u telegram which read: G. T. M. wants house. The engineer wondered who "G. T. M." might be. ,On inquiry he found it referred to general traffic manager. "All right," he murmured; "if he can nse hieroglyphics so can I," So he wired back: G. T. M.can G.T.H✓. Two days later there came a very indignant and self impatientgentle- man. man.. It was. the general ramc man - t man- ager. In coldly polite tones he asked the engineer what he meant by send- ing sash an insolent message to his superior. The engineer said innocently: ' "Why, it wasn't insolent" 'wasn't insolent, eh?" snorted the great man. "What do you mean, then, by saying I can G. T. H.?" Simply an abbreviation;' explained the engineer sweetly. "I wired that the G. T. 1(1., the general traffic man- ager, can G. T. H. --get the house," - Philadelphia Ledger. ii Thursday, July' 2nd, 19:4, ` u.ontton Urlslc,ses New Yorlt. The little'dltfeiences between life in London and New York are by no ll'440s ail to the credit of the latter.,: Oily letterpost crosses London In ii, coi1llle of hears; theirs often takes n ecjuple of days to erose New York. In London the goods you purcluise in the. teeming may be selit flume 17efore the. evening; in New York you areaucky they arrive • next day: The parcel pot, too. is quite a new thing in America, :SO the telegraph department has not yet advanced to the stege of 'ltliowiug, prepayment. Add to.tbis such facts as. the absence of "boots'.' in the hotels, the Guests' having to resort to the street corner "shiners, and the die- play c4 dustbins, even in fashionable street; along after midday, and it twill. be seen that he "smart" and "slow of which the American is so fond when comparing himself with us are not al- ways to be applied as he applies them. .-London 'Chronicle. On His Guard. "What did the olu man say when you asked him .for his daughter's hand?" "He asked me if 1 had any money." "I suppose you showed him your bank book." "No; I evaded the question. S don't know what will happen after 1 am married, but he isn't going to make a touch on me before that." Fine Stock to Own. The Colonial Diamond Mining coin - pony of German Southwest Africa Is probably the world's biggest dividend payer. It "reduced" its 1913 dividend by 1,300 to 2,500 per cent, having paid 3,800 for 109.2. In 1910 2,400 was paid and 2,500 in 1911. The company's capital is only $2,500. Its managing di- rector and chief shareholder was once a humble railway official named Satuch. Now he is a multimillionaire He will soon be made chairman of the German imperial diamond administra- tion. Didn't Dare. "He told his wife that he was going out with the boys and wouldn't be home much before morning," "What!" "Fact." • "Right to her face?" "011, no!" "How was it?" "Over the telephone." Scientific. "Why is it that all widows know 11005 to manage men?" "Can't you see at a glance?" "No." "The man is dead that was her hus band." "What has that to do with it?" "Simply the survival of the fittest" For Everybody. Happiness 15 free to all. Co not be so glum, And, to know you'll be delighted That it is not copyrighted, Help yourself to some. Neither Is it patented, You should understand. On a claim at once be filing... You cannot be pinched for. smiling In this happy land. - - Private Kindergarten - I am starting a private kindergarten in the lower rooms of the little school on Townsend street. immediately after Easter, and would like a number of pupils between the ages of four and seven. rhe class will be held in the afternoon between the home of 1.30 and 4 p m. Terms 81 a month. Apply HAZEL O'NEIL,,keai Ontario Street Clever. "Can I have the dist word?" said the tenacious husband to his wife. "The last word?" "Yes." "What will you do with it?" "Keep it." "Yes; you can bait it if 1t will be a promise of $10." Sure. "Riches have wings." "Certainly. That's the fun of it." "But they get atplty from you." "But not till you have flown Taiga with them." Boar For Service Having purchased from Mr. George Dale of liinburn. his Tamworth hog I will keep the same for service at lot 23, 3rd con. of Huhett. Terms, 81 00 at time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Bargain Day. "He is 0 good quarter horse." "That much?" "All of that." "Better make it i5 cents, and call 11' a sale." Stating It Differently. ,, has any the dog human in- telligence'?" "i don't know. 1 have seen men al- most assidart as some dogs.". CASTO A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature 0 s L. TYNDALL Wanted A bright boy with fairly good education, to learn the Printing, Apply at THE NEW ERA Clinton Ont. Rooms to Let W. :ll$IiYTBOPIE. ' BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PIJBLIO, RTO 0LINTOR HI#RLE'a B.''"isat.is ;. Oo rneyance;. Notary; Public, Commissioner, etc. • ;AL ESTATE,' N 1N SURAiF' Issuer of Marriage Licenses, TlurosiSt„ Olinten. 'l'he rooms above feed store, opposite the mill, Albert Street. Six nice airy rooms, front entrance, soft water and town water inside, Reasonable terms. Phone 102, F. W. EVANS Feral ton' Sale The Executors of the Southcombe 15state oilers for sale 50 acres, east half of lot 25. con. 0, ,Ruilett. A first class farm, z ell waterer{ and improved and with Food buildings, A good or- chard and 7 acres of bush. Apply to 11 J. Southcombe on the premises, o0 Clinton Poetofll.ee, H. T. R A NICIEll Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Read Estate, INSURANCE; AGENT -Representing 14 Fire;In surance Companies., Division. Court F,OIflee. • TIDY',.. Cleo, A; 11„ ('a %Vililtley leilenla„ 1111 Osteopathic Fliy. Medit,.a,i. DRi '8. W. THOMIPSON Physician. - Surgeon. OM' • special attention Oven to di.r.aen et She • Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nope, Eyes carefully xamined, and suitable glasses' proscribed. OlSss and Renideneo.. Two doors west or too t]drumoretal Dote Marini St, '. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders ;Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m. FORD & Me.LEOB We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have onhand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and sill Grains. DES, GN1®'N and GA1lIiIEI4 Dry w. Gurus, L. lit, C. l"., L. D.E. S.. Edict Dr, J. 0, randier, LA. ;ILII, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight calls at residence, Oattenbnrr! et,. or al bonito] .. FOND & McLOD CDEds d. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. egouelisum, etc„ oilice and residence on ieubury St,. opposite W. Patron's residence, tkAAAAAAAAAA•AAAAAAAAkaAAAA a ► i 4 4 4 i a dl PIillOSC C See and here our finest E ► New Stylish of y designsCE Doherty Pianos and 'C Organs, ectal valves in Ant ► Cases .4 Pianos' and Organs rent ► ed, choice new Edison p Music & l phonographs, variety goods. I HR. 1F. Pi. axe* DENTIST r' ECrown and Ilrldge Work a Specialty.;, Graduate of O.C.D.S..t Chicago, and 11.0,0,5 Toronto. Daylleltl on Monde ye, May 1st to Demob D • . FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental tree.a• msnt as painless as possible. Music Emorium 0. C Ho re l coosmoiscanosococcoiscsasesiscg ii, S1111111,11 salvia. Always PayQ.. n, THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction tee GODERIOH ONT Bat stosaeaie9 a epecmnl, Order. et, at NEW ERA odice, romotiy attended to. Terms reasonable. Clinton,Formers' sale note discounted? (2, D, McTaggart M. 1). McTaggar McTaggart Br s. BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON' General 'Rankin®• 131181a®ISG transacted • NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed n deposits The Niteliciltop t>ilfinaa6 Fire Insurance (coke 41eram and Isolated Town Props erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. .1. 13. McLean, President, Seafoa+,th. J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Godesieli, T E, Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforlth, DIRECTORS, Jas. Connelly, Hclmesville, Jobst Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton ; D. I'. McGregor, Seafortb ; J. Evans, Beechwood, J G. Grieve, Winthrop J 13enneweis, BrodIiagen; M. Mco Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses 3'n his oWn district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock ; Ed. Hinch- ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Yeo, holmeaville, Payments may be, ,made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R, Iii Cult, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR eLukrrom Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Iesac Street, next door to New Era Grand TrusskRailway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.40 p 1x9 Osntralia 9.33 5,43 Exeter 9.44 5.54 Hensen 9.55 6.05 Kippen 10.01 8,11 Brucefieltl 10.09 6.19 r Clinton 11.00 8 3r Londesboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7.022 Belgrave 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.54 7.35 South Paesenge Wingham, depart8.35 a m v 3,30 p ^. Bel ra e, 6 56 3.44 . Blyth 7.04 3.56 .' Londesboro 7.13 4,04 Clinton 8.10 4.23 Brucefield :;8.27 4.39 Kippen 8.35 4.47 Hensali.... . 8,41 4.52 Exeter . 8,54 5.05 Centralia 9.04 5.15 London, arrive 10:00 6.10 Buffalo and Joderich Wes` Passenger am ,pm pm pm Stratford........10.00 12.80 5.25 10.25 Mitchell 10,22 12.55 b.5510.49 Seaforth 10,45 :1,20 6.18 11.17, Clinton 11.07 1.35 6.40 11,28 fl' 6,46 1138 I3olmesv le 1'1,18 143 " 05 11.55 ' crick 11-35 2.00 1, '°1d4E+ast Passenger Goderich am pm pin 7(05 2.85 4,50 2 l 5.06 13o_mosville 7 2- 2.52 Clinton 7.82 .3,03 5:.15 Seatorth ..... .. 7.51 3.21 5,822 Mitchell 8.16 3.44. 5 55 Stratford......... •540 415 6 20'