HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-25, Page 9it Page JUST : PUT ON AT , SALE A` • A Large and Varied Assortent o mf Colors Tuscan Pink .rey Blue This year's Goods, nlanufactured..expressly for this firm, from the most elegant stock of the latest designs and patterns, all of thein Ilpo }f h d 0L�{, i ti,, SI This fact enables me to Offer Such Inducements to Prospective Purchasers As wifl be Found Absolutely Irresistible When the superior quality of the goods offered, is considered, SHIRT WAISTS FANCY PARASOLS at cost and less, at a fraction of their former cost Kindly call and inspect the above mentioned goods, VT. a_ SIO VV N ,.ADVERTISING -ISMS, Advertising a trade name is 1550 ,;ling an inlsurance policy on qual- ' ty. FALL OVER BUT THE SHOUTING r, By the time the New Era is pub )'shed again, the Ontario elections -Will be over and everything will ur•un on as usual, and wo hope no tone has ,made bad friends during tithe short but sharp election fight To the victor belong the crown. WENT TO LONDESBORO, Two auto loads of ladies of the Clinton Women's Instillate. attend ed the meeting at Londesboro on Thursday afternoon. TOOK IN THE POLITICAL 1 MEETING, 4, Several from here attended' .the Liberal meeting at Seafort'a last Wednesday evening when `. , !lion. I5leKenzie :King addressed. the nudi once on behalf of Sir. Rowell anti Mr. W. Proudfoot. There was a big crowd and splendid speech. STOCK-tREDUCINQ SALE sear® Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking budlness' of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 60 days, we put on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron, This Stock must be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered. All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash JAS. 1)IJNIq�°RD -Undertaker and ]Funeral Director. Phone 28. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store ar Specials For Saturday and all Next Week Our Hot Weather Goods Perfection and Quick Meal Oil Stoves Garden Hose, Sprayers and Nozzles Screen Doors h00t io 3.00 Screen Windows 15c to 40e Lawn Seats 1,25 Hammocks 2.00 for 1.68 260 for 2.18 3.20 for 2;68 2 Ice Cream Freezers regular 3.00 for 2,6s Electric Irons regular 5.00 for 4,48 reg 4,50 for 3.98 O•Cledar Mops 1,50 ()Cedar Dusters 75c' 25 per cent discount on Cut Glass for balance of this month Another sod supply of Brantford Iboling andBeaver Board A small quantity of Pure Manilla Binder 13c and 14e BRUSSELS WON DISTRICT. :Brussels 3 to 0 at Wroxeter Hast Friday. They tackle Listowel next as 'they won their district. FIXI1iG HIS HOUSE. Mr Thos. Hawkins is having the back kitchen of his house raised so that he may have a batch room in the second story, PRESBYTERY MEETS HERE, Huron Persbytery meets here on Friday of this week toeonsiderthe ;call ,to Rev, Mr. Harper, of London to' Willis church here. A.PLE AS ANT AFTERNOON. The Ladies Aid of Ontario Street church held a picnic at the 'home of Mrs. J. May, Rattenbury street, and all had a delightful afternoon USUAL HOURS, The post office will observe their usual holiday hours onlDominion Day, The office is opened all day to box holders, HOUSE PULLED DOWN. ` W. T. O'Neil has the old frame house pulled down and cleaning up the ground ready to dig out! the celllar. Ittwill make an Improve- ment to that corner. MINOR LOCALS. Huron Old Boys and Girls ;will be here on Saturday, The .election wil.L soon be;iover. How does your LABEL read on your New Era, Remember the C, 0, F. service, on Sunday,. More rain an Wednesday. • The Band will play out next Tues day night 001 account of t'h.e holm day. Dominion Day next Wednesday. CANNED GOODS TO BE DEARER, J. J. Nairn, manager of the Do- minion Canners, Limited, an- nounced on Saturday that the prices of canned ,goods for the coming season would no doubt, ai.il, be considerably increased. While it was premature to forecast' on the crops the presenti indicattons are, het said, that a general in- crease of prices Nill,l. ;bei 'made, Peaches and probably tomatoes will be scarce. TENNIS MATCH. The frust: match in group 1 of the Western Ontario Lawn Tennis )association was played off hereon Saturday last between Seaford, and Clinton clubs. Clinton Ming byl 5 events to 1, Doubles; ( McTaggart, M, D. and Beacom I (C) beat Naylor and Colmer• (8) 8-1 6-L Best and Bell (S) beat Treleaven C _ and Paull C )s 60 26 6-4 Singles. McT'aggsrt, Geo. )r. (C) beat Bell (8) , 6.1 Beacon (CC) beat 'Naylor (5) 6-0 HA LAND BROTHERS ) 46,ggart, M, (C) beat Best Hodgson (0) beat Colmar (8), 6-3, STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES Tiie next match will be played between Goderich and Clinton in Goderich p i Saturday next, n(r:: TH! CLINT• pN iff1W EaA CONVENIENT burns . coal, coke, or, wood._ Large feed doors snake firing easy. 87 Water pan' is, 'filled' rflaCe' without - removing ; [ See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. BYAM & SUTTER LOCAL :;AG NT .' ;1,•••e+•;11•++40eo♦•0000•o440000*au**om**** aoo404.4. .4r. . L�cai News • '�. .• p ••••••4•••••••••••+•4.44♦oo 8•••e®•ae•••••••oe••e•••• SUNDAY SERVICE. WAS A. SUCCESS Don'tforget the C. 0, F. service at the Recreation Park on Sunday afternoon next. • NEW EDITOR. OF WAR CRY. Liet,-Col. Bond, of London En,g- 1 land, has been appointed eaitor-I in -Chief of the Salvation Army's , publications in Canada 'to succeeed the late Brigader, Henry W. Walls-' er, who was lost in the Empress disaster. HURON OLD BOYS EXCURSION The 'Huron Old Boys are arrang- ing ,for a bi,g, crowd on their excur sion to Goderich and Wingham, on Saturday, June 27th. This is the 15th annual trip and the outiirs; seems to be gaining in popularity each year. 1 ENTRANCE EXAMS OVER. Friday afternoon the Ent'ranbc Exams were finished and the small pupils breathed a sigh. of k•elic. Judging from appearance a high Percentage of the pupils will quali- fy for the Collegiate Institute. The results should be announeeci about the middle pf July CREATED A CANON. At the Anglican Synod of Huron meeting last Thursday evenin; Rev. C. R. 'Gunne, who for many years was the much beloved Rector of St. Paul's Church, Clinton, we, created a canon. The many friends of the reverend gentlemai. offer congratulations upon the elevation In his Church work, WHY THEY LOST. The Wroxeter News reports on the football defeat) of their boys here recently. -The Wroxeter fool. ball teem with a large number o. supporters jourr.eyed tot Clinton on Friday and cavae home with the small end of a 2-1 score1, Thele defeat was largely clue to lack of condition as they were tired and stiff after a t'hirt'y mile rick in L Bondi's motor truck. tdAY KILL TUBERCULAR CATTLE. " The new Goverarncnt regulation whichaempowers the Federal De- partment of Agriculture to co-op- erate ,with all Canadian cities in the stamping mei/ of ,tubepulai cattle in dairy herds is, regarded with .satisfaction. Heretofore cht department has been handicapped by not., having complete aul;horit;y in the hands of hovine tuberculosis It is 'understood that. the new regi latgons, are very strict, and that affected cattle ran be destiroyed by local boards of health after eon elusive tests have been made, MINOR LOCALS. The New Era gives the news. The •river is getting down to low t)tae. Election next Monday, The 'entrance exams are over for another year. What will the results till? 50 cents gets the NewEra to any Canadian: postoffi'ee address for balance of 1914, ' Local and district news are al ways welcome, at The New Era. Drop us a note or call up telephone 30 or 95 and we'll da.the rests! There will be a few who will ac- eompan.y the Baseball team, to W9'prgham on, the 1st. Next Wednesday is a holidya. Some of the health experts say, that during hot weather a person should sleep a long time at night, when night hen you're pu(fif;'lin' away for a lung full Of ozone, in a temperature of about', 85 degrees just remember this advice.' SHOHIILD CLEAN UP EVERY WEEK. Notwithstanding the fact that Clinton has had its official clean up week, it is important' that citi- zens make special efforts to main- tain cleanliness asnkllabout,' b eir premises, andt this is (of even. greater importance than the, spec- ial clean-up week, Many people seem to think that once InS('ving. attended do their part of the 'work during' the clean-up- week, -Usti it 'does t n mauler how careless they. are during ri the remainder o •the n r f year This is_a mistake.It 1s the accumulation of this litter int iour homes, and in the yards and lances this careless l nadling of waste which, its the cause of the new fad of clean-up week; a general action on the part ,of all citizens which. is all might 90 its way and produc- es good results. But while gather' ing 'together"these belated boxes; and barrels of refuse, it would be well to learn the lesson that the interests of general :improved health "conditions is (that "When clean,',stay clean. . !Tidy up, your back. yard once each year is as bad as guying your body a yearly bath As you require to wash yourself daily, so -int is essential tlhat,eaclr eit izen should care for the domestic re fuse and 'prevent the accumulat,on of rt ',}vpoaahis premises. .Clean-up week-'afterialli, is of little import Mace unless the work thus begun be continued tarot" ,the year with regularity and system, Despite the cold night the Gar, den party under the auspiiees of the Baptist church was a success: ADVERTISING -ISMS. The advertiser who thinks his business le, to try tlo drag people in belongs to the door ofa, .oircus sideshow and not to agreat Modern store." TENNIS SCHEDULE. June 27. -Clinton at Goderich. July 4'.-Goderich at Seaforth. July 11.-Goderich at Clinton. July 18.-Seaforth at Goderich, July 25. -Clinton .at Seaforth. THERE WAS A FROST. There was, a heavy frost last Friday evening. The great dam- age was donein the country ,when. the -'orn was injured and the bean crop got ai set back. BAND NEXT' TUESDAY. The Kiltie Band will pla,y out next Tuesday evening oaf account of Wednesday being Dominion Day After which the boy's hope that the Wednesday band concert will not. be interrupted. WON AND LOST', Last Thursday Exeter Bowler's won and lost on the Clinton.greens In the afternoon both rinks defeat- ed the Clinton rinks and m dtlre evening lost too two other rinks of Clinton bowlers. 50 CENTS. Will pay for the, New Era to new subscriters in Canada from now un. til the end of the year. If you are already a' subscriber accept the chance to send the New Era for the balance of the year to your distant son daughter or friend who will ap- preciate reading the home news, PRESENTATION TO REV, C. C. COUZENS, Rev. C, C, Couzens, who is giving up his 'pastorate at, Huffman's Corners near Blenheim, owing to flailing health, and will reside in London, was very pleasantly sur- prised at a ,monster meeting ion Tuesday night, when he was pres- ented with a purse and an address M'r, Couzens was formerly oir the Ilolmesviile circuit. PRESBYTERY SUMMER SCHOOL' The number of applications al- ready reaeived indicate that) the Presbyterian Suim er School to be held in Goderich, Jane 29 to July 6 at the Hotel Sunset, willbe a gr(a.tifyiing success, even more so than last yearThe program is one that deals with many important and interesting questions religions moral and social, and the 'list, of speakers is a guarantee that these will be well handled, For instance Rev, D. F. Smith and wife recently returned missionaries from, In dia, will be among the speakers on the ' Mission problem, and others equal- ly( capable will handle other sub- jects, AN OLD CLINTON BOY HURT. Mr. P. A. Malcomson of Kincar- dine received w message the past week informing frim of an auto accident in New Westminster, In which his .brother, Mr. Sidney Mal eo:mson, was the principal victim. Besides having'',leg and arm bro- ken he, was otherwise hadly bruised. It is pleasing to ,know that his physician holds out, strong hopes for his recovery. It is only a short time since Mr, Malcomson's mother died can British Columbia and proves the gold saying, thai "troubles never ,comes singly. a Mr P.' A. Malcomson expects to start for British )Columbia the fore part of next week to visil6 his brother. II�i�IIIIII��I aq�'l��ili111' nunu0illlill���I11IIII'IIIIIII tow n Which we are proud to be As we conduct a sanitary Hig'li-,Class' Bakery. For Your custom we are anxious For your ,trade we're striving hard, Your patronage and favors We hold in high! regard. Conner's Bakery Phone 202 '1hrmeday, Julie 25th, 1914. wo New Bay imattuttl.IIIIMILMSSO 'Just Out:! "Just in.' One is Diane of the Greed Van. 'It's a $1:0,000 prize novel. • Over 9oo,000 sold at $1.35. The "best seller" tor April in both Canada and. United States. A clear, clean, clever romance, Stirring, entertaining .and consistently interesting. • The other is Overland Red a story tingling with'' the virile life of the West. One 'of the brIghtest,'best novels of the year, perfectly' clean and decent, and at. the same time full of romatic adventure, isamestiminmataira Price 1.35 Fair Often the ehapest -Always the 13esit It will not pay you to experiment with Paris Green of inferior quality Bergers can be depended upon to do the work quickly and surely Absolute certainty of results makes Bergers Paris Green the best to Buy -the best to Use THE PI NSLAR STORE S. E_ IIO'T Y'- Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE s, rbc NATIONAL Portland cement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You' cannot make a mistake in using the National, 1 S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON E AV E The Corner Store o "Live and Let Lire" Your Order for Eave- troiighing, Plumbing. and General Repairing l r, W1US Prices Moderatt• Workmanship and Material the Best. CaII at Eowland's Hardware or Phone 53 Thos. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating Breakfast Foods for )lot Weather Corn Flakes, Puff Rice, Puff Wheat, Shredded Wheat, Gusto, Grape Nuts, Triscuits, Post Tosties, Dutch Rusks, Force, gaita�V ta. Just received a shipment of Flower Pots, Jardeniers, Dinurm Sets, and Toilet Sets, - CALL AND GET PRICES. FRUITS -Bananas, Oranges, Lem- ons, Pineapples, Strawberries, and Tomatoes. • Butter and Eggs 'Wanted Bighest lUarket Price E. E. Hunniford PHONE 45. 6-++++++++4+++4.++4!+++4'13+4+'++'14++4.++ 4 4. 4 SII• 4. 4 �4• 4. 4. 4 ,3 : 4 4 .4. 4, 4. 1' 4 4 4.+4E. E+Eti3+4. BAREFOOT SANDALS ®r Barefoot Sandals for children's summer wear grow more and more popular every season. We have several good styles in right leathers, and a till line of sizes. Fix out the little folk with SANDALS and let them enjoy themselves. Barefoot Sandals are not at all expensive 75c to $i:25 FRED. J2.eKSON THE SHOT; MAN fiFairlE arf+firt+t fri..+1.'1.4.+44+"*.1• + i!