HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-25, Page 6• M•hursday, June 23t11, 1914.; • , • The June'Vedditig'''inosxthi rallvays br.n 's: extra bus mess 'to, our store An 1,, eaas r( Our storea ;trot;lite ]chit a articles of I:leRnessia apd' ;Worth, and likegfisp,full {pfa, ;attractions, '- :: " We invite June Shoppers' ' to examine :.rap zxge t on ally varied ' lection of -. Suitable Gifts. RICH DESIGNS HONEST VALUES' ' FAI1 PRICES, W. II. IIELLVAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN EYES TESTED FREE folio 7t ahIei' \iodr?..= There's no an thraeite coal mine in the world that prod'iees a more perfect coal than the Le- high Valley Mines. Its strong points are, large number of beat units, and just hard enough to last a little longer than almost any other, Order NOW before prices advance. A.. J. Elolioway Toronto Markets (Hogs $8,10 Cattle , , $8.60 Lambs .:-•.,, , -.:$8,50 15heeD .f $5,25 Cheese t3 1-16 Butterl;•• 20 to23 Bogs. . a. 200 Wheat 106 • Oats Barley . 62 to 64 Potatoes, per bag $1,00 Beans , , $1.76 to 1.66 BIRTHS; ; • - GANDIER,-In -Clinton on Thurs- day June 18 1914 to Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Gandier, a son, WOOL VW -ANTED Highest market price will be paid in • cash for wool. Also on hand for Sale Flower Seeds, Potatoes, Oats Farm Produce taken in Exchange W. G. SMYTH Next door to Hospital Victoria Street Clinton NORTH END FEE» STORE To the Farmer riper Try our Fertilizers - Potash and Acid Phosphate, Nitrate Soda for your root crop, We will mix them for you YOU WILL GET THE CROP. Try our Corn Feed for cattle and hogs Also Seed,Corii on hand. All kinds of Flour`kep t in stock DOME AND, SEE] US. Agent for Heint matePianos • are out r.`'... We .S 'a ,e De '- �! .a . hu ;r , al, ANN, W EVANS CASA +r i6H0'11E i92' " TER11I Local, News..', miotttlympipmm PICNIC AT HAYFIELD. The Ontario street Sunday School rVeitre is.to ,be .held atBayfreld on Tucsdayi• July 7th,t HAD, A RjUs1AWAY.'t Mi,,;D (Prior 'while ' working up at;Mia," Rowlad',si, new house aop Friday his horse took fright, and down :Omit street at 'noon: Itwas caught down at the big mill. BANT) . 77ATES. Jeri •toij July Mt -Hayfield, ;'sa 2nd at Holmrsville , Till i at Bluj trale Vile' Band to=n4ght"plays '-sa' rt 'Panne ',garden party or the Bee - they lawn, • '`i'ON • 1'N THE TENTH: ! Qn .Wednesday • night Goderieh and Clinton boys played an lent game of ball and had to fight it out to the 'tenth inniirfgs to fetid the winners, Clinton won with two men out. The fielding once ;,both sides was good, no errors ;were made on either side. Goderieh got a two -bagger and a three base hit off Mick Tasker :but they did no damage, The only weakfeature of the game was the umpire, a Gode- rieh boy, who no•doubt gave • the best he could,,but the decisions did not please either teams„ as he was. very bad on balls and strikes. Fo,t-, lowii g were the players and score Goderieh,-Webb, Doyle; Swat'ti, Devine, •Sparling, 'Pridham, Bell, Dean, Wiggins. Clinton, -Hawkins, E. Johnston McCaughey, Draper, W. Johnson, Boyer, McEwan, Cluff, Tasker, Goderieh -1000000010 - 2. Clinton -0110000001-3. • MINOR LOCALS. More raki, Keep down the weeds. :'•'" The hay crop piomises ive1L Y ,The paper ds anxious, each- eek t r issue a spieyaiafidfntei•esttin 104' cal page, 11 each of our' subscrib- ers would hand • us in one tit ewsitem what a newsy paper we could issue Try it for +a few weeks and mark the change, The white fish and trout fishing is exceptionally good in Lake Hu- ron this year. Sunday was the year's long'erst day. CO. TRES URER HOLMES AT THE HAT. Medicine Hat Times, May 27; Dr W. ,I. R. 'Holmes county treasurer of Huron County Ontario, was a Medicine Hat visitor tye'stiirday. The doctor who is on a tour ofthe west for recreation' and incident- ally with ran eye open for a 'good investment, is a veteran of tlhe American Civil war, where he sery ed in the medical corps and ea the Canadian (militia, seeing sere vice On the Fenian raid, He is also the hero of several well ;fought battles for the Conservative party though funfortunlatlely the odds were ever against him MI politics He is much impressed with theosi tion advantaaee and the future of Medicine Hat aria says the city is apparently holding up against the present despression as well as any • city in the ;west and much better than some. ••••••••••••••••ti••• • • WITH TRR CHURCHES. " • • • •••0•••••d•••••••s•• WESLEY CHURCH. The Congregational picnic willbe held at Bayfield on July 16th, The pastor will preach next Sun- day, - Last Sunday was flower Sunday and the pastor's subject] at the evening service was "The message of the flowers." BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. Fairful wilt occupy the pul- pit next Sunday, both morning and evening, the anrflual offering for Grand Lygne Mission will be taken Prayer meeting to -night as usual instead lIoft*aking uptit; e S. S. lesson lthetpastor wilt talk on Grand Lygne Mission among the French Canadians, one of the hest loved missions of the Baptist De- nomination. All Welcome. ONTARIO T. CHURCH Next Sunday evening will'anawer the question "How can one help to banish the bar in OniLario?" The annual Sunday School pic- nic will be held at Bayfield on Thursday, 'July 9th, Last Sunday being "Flower Day" the pastor preae'hed in the morn- ing a$pecial sermon to children: The floral decorations were ex- ceedingly fine. At the close of the evening.service "Social ry a Half hour" was , spent in the school room to which young people were particularly invited Mrs. Wood man and Mr.•Len, Weir sang solos and'. short addresses were given by ,Russell May,: and Arthur E. Agin of 'Poron o. • The young"womena League on Monday evvlepin 'pas addressed by Russell Mai' Dike (Pearl Shipley gave mer a+sing ''`4ind. Miss Potts sang a pleasing 1010. The Lea- gave will 'ho.l.,dd • ""Lawn 'Festival" 'onl,'th&i' 'radnds f Mrs. Beacom r �' 9 � t �.e�.' u ch on July 6. t.oPlfA ...91,ark, .ate ,•. 7 1•, f:4 to s oftmAarr'allumiiiation as big as the sun. There is no place in town where "money down" goes farther than it does right here. „A CHINA • CLOSET or dresser bought for 'spot cash' from our, present stock makes what you see elsewhere look like thirty cents. Its Bargains Galore we are offering just now in our entire Furniture Stack The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all kinds of Furniture Furniture Dealers and Ftlnerai Directors-ll'li.one 104 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES W. D. Atkinson 186 - rill CLINTON NBW SL I Rich Indian ,tens Mended with flavory Ceylons. 0oz, Icod tea, -.:.0. ' " Auburn M* G, •L Sturdy has the foundation completed ler hie new house; , Auburn was well ,rejlhsenIed in' the, crowd that took in the excursion to Guelph,on Saturday last. The rifle team carried off the silver cup at the 'tournament at the pntnt farm last Wednesday also twenty live dollars in prize money. Rev.S. Youngo' of Clifford rd , i ccompan- ied.by his wife and daughter called up on old aegpaintanees last week. Mr. A. A. Naylor of Seaforth Collegi late Institute is visiting friends here and at Westfield, The poliical meeting held in the inter est of Writ. Proudfoot and Mr. J. G. Anderson on Saturday eight was well attended, Mr, M; Lockhart spoke for the opposition. Porter's Hill Ur. Elliott of Wiogham visited at Wm; Johnston's lust Reek, • ()resale 5 liott syas-anlong the Milli- bar who took in the excursion trip'to: Detroit. ' Ma and_ Mfrs:�'Wtn. JohSston'�'are visiting their daughter. Mrs, Lorne Tabor of Trowbridge. Miss McDougall of Seaforth visited in the neighborhood last week.• Ruby and Lillian Potter rre spend- ing a few days at Currie'scrossing this week. Don't forget the Strawberry festival at Sterlin McPhail's, Friday evening, JnuO 2th. Exeter A memorial service for the eleven members who departed from this life during the year was held Sunday morning at James Street Methodist church. N. W. Howell, M, P. P. addressed a temperance meeting in Exeter at the rink Wednesday at 1.80 o'clock, TWO of Exeter's oldest residents, Mrs, B. V. Elliott and Mr, William Drew, are very ill at their respective homes.. The TvivittMemorial Ohurch is hold in a garden party on June 28. The ladies of Clasen church will hold a raspberry festival on Mr. Oeristie'e Jaw July 8. Tea will be served from from 5 to 8 o'clock. Mrs. James Allen and son of \\•rex- eter are guests at the home of John Grigg, Misses Eva and Mai tha Carling. of New York, and Miss Wi•inie Darling, Brantford are guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carling, M rs,,0obhledick is ill„ at her.home heti; liippen A very pretty and interesting event took place on Wednesday, when Flor• ence May, Daughter of Mri, Squire, of Whalen, was happily married to Mr. Joseph A. Daymond, of Tuckersmith. the ceremony was performed by Rev. Steadman, of Eimville. The bridal party took their stand at 5 30 p. m, under an arch of handsomely decorat• ed evergreens, They were unattended After the nuptial knot had been tied and all good wishes were extended to the bride and groom about 170 sat down town elaborately spread table. The presents were both numerous and costly. showing the high esteesm in which the bride is held. The evening was spent in games and social conver- sation. At a seasonable hour the con pany dispersed, wishing the voting couple all happiness and prosperity. Mr. and Mrs, Daymond will take up house keeping on their fine farm on the second of Tuckersmith, recently purchased by Mr. Daymond. The young people's picnic held at Bayfield on Thursday proved a success Young and old' alike went right in for a good time around old Lake Huron. Mrs, Jackson of Ripley, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, J. B. McLean. Mrs John Crawford, London Road, has gone to Toronto to undergo some treatment to her eyes, Miss Maud Davis, of Exeter. spent this week with her friend, Miss Flor- ence Mc0lymont, of this village. Mrs, Henry via the M s e I on.`oFtownline near the village, Gathered some eggs from her fine flock of hens, of whc one measured seven inches one way and eight the ,other, Miss Etta Jarret who has been teach ing school on the Bayfield Road, has has been hired to teach in No, 14 Hay, at a good salary. Miss, Ivy McUlay of Seaforth. is spenditi ';rte fete/ i iiohd Rl sista s. SibliMeGrego'r. ' Mr. Gordon Gauid of Toronto /7k} versify called on few of his old Kipp friends the latterart of this week. Several from here attended ,the '£une rid of Mrs. Kal'efi pf Zthtieh + Wbo'.`died so unexpectedly on "]Tuesday, " ' The -refreshing showers of Friday did a world of'vood'tas the ground' was becoming very dry, Mr.: William Anderson attended the funeral in Hansall' of his mbt'her in• lett, Mrs Bengoughron Friday. Brucefield Mr. Zeller Zeller of Zurich Liberal condi- date for the riding of South Huro n was„ jp. (,he ,tillage for a couple of rawest this- week. • ' ' The Presbyterian Ohurch gavea strawberry festival in the basement of thethurch on Wednesday evening The liensall°band in attendance, Miss Jean Mustard' trained nurse is 'I horse from New York on a visit. Dr, P. W. McEwan of Detroit is spending a'few days at his parental i home west of the vil age. The rain which fell yesterday will be a great deal of good. The dust was uabearable and the hayaro was suff- ering for lack of rain. The spring, crops are looking fine. There appear- ed to be no damage done in tbisi dis- trict, - though slight frosts t'iis week. 'John Mustard -has bought a Sdtu- debalter antomobile'froln Mr. Bart- liff fbf Clilnton Murray':Gibson and sister attend ed the funeral 01 Mr Stoneman, of Chiselhurst on Tuesday last. Ter raneei $ in'swho'ha has been visiting in the Higgins has return ed to Toronto, Miss Jessie'Aikenhead has eorn- plefed his course' at London' Nor- mal school. ' - • Many gardens were ,badly "spoiled by the frost on; Friday night A number of fields of corn 'and beans also suffered, The Concert Company left our Aililaa'e 'on, Monday {For Owen Sound Oni Sabbath. next Pa43'iotic,; Sun- day will be, observed in the pres- by terian Sunday School there will be (special Innate Tor the. chiil`dren The praise service will be conduct edi by the Sabbath School hoer of scholars, Only eleven „tickets were sold for the Farmer's Exeux'sion 'tpt Guelph,, Miss. Ina. Gray of Buffal'cb is, tis-: ili'ngg at bet +]tome inaTiirlieiignlith. The Presbyterian crae' leiChoir, will Bold their 'annual y geld goal( Friday, r A number of farmers were oblig- ed to plow up their fields of beans owing to` the froatt it is quite a heavy loss to thein. r ' •Stanley .`' .`I _. Mr. Alex Young .of Ashfield visit- ed at the Ixome of Mr, Thofi; Baird one day last week Dr, P. McEwan of Detroit•v'elted his mother Mrs.A.McEwan'.1 and other friends last week, Hepurp oses going ,toLondon to'a1tend a medical conference there, Mrs, Jean -Mustard left - for her home in Chicago alter -a two weeks visit with friends here. Mr, Wm, McQueen aformer rest, - dent of Stanley but new of,;Mitihi- gan U.S. was visiting atthe home of;hls cousin Mr. Wm, Glew last week. • Ilelwesyille Pickard-Lashhrook-On Wednes- day, June 21, at O o'clork at the resi- dence of Me. and Mrs, Ezra Pickard, Holmesville, there took place a very interesting event when their ' only daughter, L ' g illian Mable, was united in marriage to Mr. Llewellyn U"•Lash- brook of Mitchell. The beautiful bride attired in embroidered net over cream silk, hearing a handsome wreath of !roses, was given away on the arm of her father, amid' the strains of the ]wedding march played by Miss Rhea McRoberts of London, neice of the Rev, U. J. McCormick B, A, was the officiating clergyman. About sixty guests did ample justice to a symptu- ons wedding d inner set out on the 'lawn A valuable assortment o£ -pres- ents testifying the well wishes•,of the many friends of the contracting par ties. The groom's gift to the ='bride was a handsome diamond studded locket, and to the pianist a pearl brooch. Itir. and Mrs, Lashbrooic motored to Mitchell, their future lime taking with them the kindest hopes of all for a long and prosperous life journey. Blyth Mr. J. A. Gleonie manager of the Bank of Hamilton Lueknow and form erly manager here the sad news of the death of his mother in Aberdeen Scot. land. Death which was due to heart troublecame very suddenly. The Sheriff of Oakland County Mich. after a search around here for a few days in quest of one Alex Stewart who had stolen' a horse ann gugg at Wesiakin Michi, secured the man on Monday evening and had him placed in the goal here. He later appeared. before Magistrate Milne waved extri- dition and was taken back to Pontiac Mich., on Tuesday morning. The facts as near as can be learned' are that Stewartbeam c e enamored with a girl of his town and with her hired a ilive- ry and drove to Pontiac where ' the outfit was disposed of for 8125 the money mad Stewart a t Swart after haw iog the girl incame Pontiac ' to Can. ada to friends near Westfield. f tl Constance /, - ; 1 Louis, Stevens has purchased a ditty ing from horse o f W. Mason of Blyth. Mr. and Mra Chas. Hoggart ]spent Satprda and Sunday at the home of ,Juin! S'Ilrrler and R. Bradsha,v('of )'ruasels. •r(C1tta5IHd11from near`f St. m 4P oas'spent'Suntlay thegtketoi his parents Mr, and and, • Mrs, !Hall ,t. - iNlrs', J; E "I4inndry and son return, ed to Terbsit& ton Monday after •spending • 18 month with her parents Mr, and Mrs. D, 'Sutherland,, - Mrs. Dr. Sloan of Toronto is vis- iting her nephews, Messrs. Andrew Ver The Teacups and Ben Snell: N Ahern , itritit• ElTut ,, ,1 ' 'Whitt print blure-tlr. :«,:1 eunoia temper stud i$gna,!nl dlscoton!'or,Q roeult. ') pye positive ti cue* ' O` �dthis condition with �,,f ta_' ��iasAmmia�1 vow a Cria Jeweler and Optician Issuer. of Marriage Licenses est: cf the Conservative party,- Dr.` Macklin and "Rev.' Jos, Elliott ,01 Goderieh spoke, Mr. Thos, McMll-' lien spoke for the opposition. ". London ]toad Mr, George Hanley is building a cement Silo this week. Mr Spikeman of Bayfield is- busy' putting a cement basement under. Wm Stanbury's baro, League meets at Mr. 'Fred Wal- dron's next Tuesday evening. Vote for the closing of the barroom and you close one of the greatest shops the Devil has for making drunkards. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Hardy attended. Miss Pickett's Wedding at Iiolmesville on' Wednesday -of this ?'peek, " , Haire-er^,hnc .71'. d;.„,+y.. ;¢+•.9441 Rev. Fr. McCarthy of Ridgetown, Mrs. Thos. Williams, Prince Albert;`' Mr. Manning and Miss Hanna Mc Cat thy of Chicago spent Wednesday of last week with Mr, and Mrs, Jnb � Carbert. Miss Margaret DeCowrey is visiting with her cousin, Miss Maty Uarlfekt of Hullett. Mr. and Mrs, Ellis of Morris spent, Sunday at the home of Wm. Grayi It Miss Maggie McCool of Toronto is spending a few weeks at the parental home. r. isle Mr. Jas. Cartright and niece, Miss Argent,. and Miss Jarvis of Clinton took in the excursion to Guelplr�, QJf Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph.Manning spent Sunday with the former's cousin, Mrs, Herb: Modgridge, Mrs. Thos. Cole of Waterloo spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Jos, Carter, Mr, and Mrs.' John Woon, jr., spent Sunday with the former's sister Mrs, Charles Stewart. • Mrs, Fred Shobrock of neat Clinton and Mrs. Gilbert'Mairs spent a few days last week with Thos. Shobrock, Mrs. Cooler of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Chas Stewart, , A quiet wedding took place at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. George Garret, on Wednesday when their only dough tar, Margaret, was united in marriage to 'Derwin Carter youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard.. Cartel ;The' ceremony was conducted by Rev. J,. Osterhout. The left in the afternoon for a few weeks visit with friends in Elora and St. Mary's and will reside on the grooms farm on the 9th con. on their return. Londesboro Mr. Reubun Gibbs visited Detroit friends this week. • Mrs. Dr. Hanlin of Cetroia Mich is visiting relations here. Mrs, T. Cole of Waterloo is visiting friends in this vicinity. The Misses Bridgen Mitchell are guests at Mr, Geo, Bredgrns. Quite a number from here attended the garden party at Harlock on Fri- day evening. 14Ir, Robt: Townsend left on Monday for Lueknow where he has secured a position at the G. T. R. station. A meetingof Lundesboso Threshet Co. was held on Saturday evening when arrangements were made for the coming season's operations. Uri. John Nott will art as engineer Me. Wm. Addison as seperator man and Mr. Wesely Voddeu as water man .The rates this year will be the sameriis0 those of last seasonal A very pleasing event took place on Wennesday June 10th at the horns ick Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCool 8th line when the daughter Mabel became the wife of Mr. Jas. Nett :a . prosperous farmer of this section. At precisely 11 a. m, the bride leaning on the arm of her father entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Cora' McCool sister of rte bride Rev. Mr: Osterhout •of the Methodist Church Londesboro tied the -nuptial knot and Miss Eva Smith act ed as ring bearer while Miss Alice Alperta daughterof'Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Nott and niece of the groom was flow er girl. After t thea about ceremony gn y thirtyguests the immediate friendsof R e mediate the contracting parties partook of a ,sumptuous wedding dinner after, which a pleddartt'hotrr tae speo� ' . to the newly wedded couple taking the train for'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Nott -returned, home on Saturday and have taken uptheir residence on the groom's farm th line eir many friends extend to them best'wishes for a long presperons and happy'wed ",: ded life. c - , Mr.• Oliver Anderson setiingledone 'half of liis barn last week.+ • Mr, Geo, Stevenson returned after attending -the (Grand Lodge of C. O. F. at Quebec as delegate from court Constance Mr. 'Howa_d Armstrong: intends tofsbi;ngle the half of his ;barn:. soon, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hinndhley of Sea fea^th apent 'Sunday, the guest of Mfrs, Mils;in. The Canadian Order of ;Forrest;. ers held their annual ptenlq onliNlr. Thos, Dodds bash on (Thursday: Quite a number attended a good program of music 'and speeches Dr. Macklin 01 Goderieh speaking for ai short time. ;t1 -song service ;will be held in the Methodists ,churcnb on 5bnday evening 'when the llev. Mr. ,Heidi of Lordesboro will (preach. ` Quit e ,a rousting 'meeting wins held on Tuenclay evenifng +in 'meeting Omtter- Q _,ate Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Mustard and tehildren, (of Toronto, are spending the (holidays inland a- round Clinton(. Mr, W. Brydone, was at Goshen,, Indianna, on -legal business in; connection with (the estate of the late Dr: Cook, aClinton ':old boy. Mr, • and Mrs. H. Jeffery and Miss Norma, of Seaforth, -spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and' Mrs,' Jas. Dunforel. Mr, and Mrs.' J. S. Miller were'. the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Canteton on Sunday in Goderieh township. Mr. Will Taylor, son of Mr, 'and Mrs, J. Taylor, of town, who is teaching , fo 11e Collegiate In- stitute at INapanee, received ' a $200 ,increase fin his eatery, His ' prospects • are 'bright for a rapid Our'stock of these goods is now fairly complete both in women's and children's lines, and consists of all',.'. the ,new -lasts in pumps; hi; l and lonbuttan a>dlace ^ Children's from 10,00 a pair up Ladies from $1.50 a pair, up ' m ,. 4 r eM Our prices on theseoods" are verylow:.an g ... d it will pa you to see what we are showing before purchasing„u See our, Men's and,Chlldren's Straw Hats, dozens Of styles, p?hc�s fom 10c to•.'$2s5o.• "...: • '•0.11 :See our Mens Special at $ir`and $15 1.2 . t s Women's `and'Chi'idren's Wash Dresses • l,• Never before have we'shown` such a large range of Wash Dr-sses as we are this season, and never were vanes as good. 'Children's Dresses from 25o to $2.5o Ladies Dresses from $1.00 up hl u gel S11IALL PROlG'PTS outsmisentaimismaiem res. •;:'. MORE BUSINESS .4.eMIlv _ .r�rf` a1 • advancement to he t,,,.,. the (Principal's Mr, J. Johnston of Dungan,npyi •tz, chair. visiting friends in town for a few 141-44' Johns is visiting her brothel at (Seaforth. Mr and A'Mrs, A, E. Allin, of (Tor- onto Ayre „guests at: tarhe On o St, ,ijn. ge, , l:r'', s. ilP.lumsteel and M21es,Em ma Plumateel- (were visitors .nt 8ehfispth ¢ii Mon )y, ' ' Mrs, J ' • Tierney and children motored Own from Blyth on Sat- iiiday an spent a few hours with the a 1 e corm i s another,Mrs. Thom- ' kr, Albert street. )�5r, Ge `” ge McKenzie, who was up in Du gann;on for ashort time to• ?the barb 'there, has been moved 'Mionktot'i and eft last week for that place only spending the jli ek end eat his home here: Mr. Seale' ;Kemp and daughter motored tai London on Wednesday, :l Sirs. J,v,S,esliel Kerr returned home afthr spending three weeks with her parents ,and -other efr,lenda aix, Torontq. At the ,London Corferenpe held at'Sarnia,?Mr. R. E. Manniisgl was elected a Iay delegate to the Gen- eral Conference 'Which convenes in Ottawa in September. Mr. Rufus Keyes, of London, for- merly of Clinton represented Olin, ton lodgeaat Quebec last week by attending'•+qhe C. O. F. ]sigh Court. Mrs, if/ley.) ]Diehl, of Paisley, spent a day with her mother, Mrs. J. tMeGarva last week, Miss Jean McTaggart and lady friend returned to Clinton last Thursday after a few days in Tor- onto, and Hamilton: :-:-Mo, Berwick Sherrill who was n former employe in the Monson Bank here recently underwent a opera-. tion for appendicts and is now at his home -i•nLucknow. He called on old friends here last week, Mr, Edward Howard of London was in town over the week end He made the trip on his rmotnr- cycle, Mr, Charlie Hall, of the Molson's Bank, St. Tltomas, came up for the week end on his;notor ,cycle, Wetaskin Times ;- Mrs. V. C. French wag taken down , with' pneumonia on Sunday last, At time of writing she is progressing as favorably ascan be expected, Miss Etta McBrein attended the Lieth-McElroy wedding at Jilytli last wedding. Miss McBrein play ed the Wedding ,March. Miss E. Lonise,'Holmes of Edmon ton, formerly of Clinton, is vieitin,r ler,,,,parents :in. Toronto, -and will 't`thb'" fn the Huron Old Boys excur- 51011 on; Saturday -in order to visit her old Clinton friends, She hdlds the position of Secretary to the Edmonton Exhibition Associa- ti,,pph and has been int. receipt of 4.17,200 a year, The directors, to show their 'appreciation of her ser- vices, recently increased her sal- iva 0-41°00 is year. She wilt be the vilest of her aunt], Mrs, 'H. B. Chant. 1:otn. e' Mrs, A. P. Collyer and little miss- es Mary and 'Phyllis arrived on Sat urday ,evening •and ie;npw- The • guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs; James Steep. Meg Lillian- :Fateful. arrived ,,,on Monday from Stratford where she remained to try her ientlrahee exams, •, Miss Edna Pennebaker is visiting friends in Toronto. Rev, W. E. Kerr, of Welland was in town on Wednesday. Heleft on Thursday for Bayfield toapack'up his goods there as they will camp on, Lake Erie this year instead of at Bayfield. A Great Audience. • Government and the (bar." The Government thought they could trifle(tywith the temperance views of the (temperance 1Conscpr- natives fun this 'Province Tliient ij got the (suppoat lof tlhe t'g stlrit n .'f terests arid then • Sxpected i Conservative friends to stand ]lay thein, All (honor to the Ci M5e- vative temperance (men �nfdio If y re fused to follow this plli+anee hal,,' stood by thew awinciples, pu'1(ang;, patriotism above partizanship. Piidl Province over we have h degree vof interest and 'enttlnusiaam av;haelb:llas e. ..• not marked any recent (proviin(et'al election 'campaign ail told , 07 the 'candidates that .neves;b,ai;e'.r• they found it so 'easy tip get volun' ' teers for service, so easy to get the pe very best en inthecommuni+ty to lend •(their ;support kinds fir; aii;�.1�:'• This its an tindicatson pf t'he gen,-• eral opinion oaths people of the Province againatt the existence 10f the open bar •enld ?their determin- ation to wipe 5'A out when they get' a chance. The situation in the ;Provin'cais Old. There (are 1,300 hotels and alit licenses and 200 shop licenses: The Government says 'they de- serve great credit lhecause fix he eight of nine ?years they , have been in power, }the IDcenee+s have been greatly (reduced, Did fife Government reduce them? DH the Opposition? No, it was lithe •vote of the people that reduced ;them, What the .Govenrment d'.d ,was to pu+(!:S barrier in the way by f.vfiach over 400 licenses are retained which would otheraise have been wiped out. The Governenent actually cut off 120 licenses, but for everyone cut off,' three were; kept onwbytli three-fsfths clause. Mr. Rowell tautIiried hieploiicy and the other planks on*,18,lilatla form, • The meeting (closed with tale audience (singing the Nationiel Anthem and. tcheers for' Mi' Rowell and Mr. 'Proudfoot, 9n"a Warm Weather F OTW tl ast•,atesa1:ra • Looking Smart and Keeping Coo 1 —Wecan help l p you solve Ole problem of keein yourself lf cool durin he warm days of the hot sa§n. ,�.,,. ii � , Are You Ready1dk;' t 2 If not,, we have ready for your yyo r inspection the newest. in Light Summer . - Shies to suit every need t ou' May have—for -1,`, , the street, home or sports. • l'Women's white Pumps in canvas or Leather irom'S1.50<to $3.50 Women's White Buttoned -Roots, - Canvas or Leather, from $2 to $4 Men's White Canvas or Liglit,Leather Shoes—in all styles and shapes. Brdad `lasts so that your feet may rest easyon the tread of the soles. Y. These will give you, the comfort you require Just now. • • S. el-62:11-?M11N Piilone 70 Clilt:ton .5150,7