HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-18, Page 9rage mimium•mmaMmoramommiam,o6imommmmilmin'mmemi, . , Vali- CLINTON NEW reu. (111.10111•••••••••1110•1110M40M1=•=4111.108110•11.1••••111.1/11! JIJS' T PUT ON. SALE AT AT\ A Large and Varied Assortrrient of• Colors. !;!... Tuscan Grey Pink Blue • • This year's Goods, manufactured expressly for this firm, from the most elegant stock of the latest designs and patterns, all of them Imported al IL Ives! Markel Price This fact enables me to Offer Such inducements to Prospective Purchasers As wilt be Found Absolutely Irresistible When the superior quality of the goods offered, is considered. SHIRT WAISTS FANCY PARASOLS 331:34 at cost and less, at a fraction of their former cost Kindly call and inspez,t the above mentioned goods, °71\T ADVERTISING -ISMS. Be sure your message is as .1,4 as the man. you Want to talk to, ,50 CENTS. • Will pay for the New Era to new , subscribers in Canada from now un- ptbe end of the year. If you are already a subscriber accept the ,' chance to send the New Era for the :II balance ot the year to your distant son daughter or friend who will preciate reading the home news, DUSTLESS---- By opening dust damper ,and direct draft damper when shaking azyjrzace- all dust is carried up smoke pipe. See the NIcClary dealer or write for booklet. BYAM & SUTTER LUCAL AGENTS • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • , . ;' •_. o•••••••••••••••••••••••oo•e 0**46*.e•e*e0944(..6••••••••• ADVERTISING -ISMS.. • ' ATTEND. ONT. • ST. CHURCH. Life is a procession. The thing, , Clinton Lodge L.O.L. will attend of yesterday moves on—for ever. •DivMe service -at Ontario Street The successful advertiser :s always church. on Sundai, evening, July trimming his sails—making ass- 6th. The Brethren had better take nbunicemests up to the minute. down, the date. A SMALL ATTENDANCE. I MAY PLAY IN WINCH-1AM. base ball team tea of 1 nt:at s; The' meeting •!,n the interest The Cli I play in Wiingliamt on the is let et Dr. Macklin, the Conservative Can- i July. A little practise would not didate for Center Huron, on Wed - amiss if they intent 1.(s teke the engagement. . MR, ROWELL WILL SPEAK .AT nesday evening, only drew- -a small crowd, Warden Cantelon was chair man: CARD OF THANKS. The . Oddtellows wish to extend their thanks for the floWerS.given for their service. Also to-Mr.Ons- low Crich the caretaker of the cemo try for his services which *ere well planned and eourtuously courteously .given and much appre- 'dated by the brethren. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. - s ADVERCISING-ISMS. 1 The summer meeting of the Clin- 1 Advertismg. is not a raft Not ton Women's•Institute will be held something on (which you can ride 1 in the A. 0.F. Hall Friday evening to •success, It is ha plus element sJune 10th.art eight o'clock. Dr. of activity and stretigth—pnt in i'L.S.AL Hamilton of Toronto Will ad ; dress the meeting and sur Sprite- motiom tion is extended Joel],IDr. Ham- ilton subjects nee;— The health of 'WILL CLOSE. Women, Teaching Life Truths and The office of W. Brydone, J. TaY- ; physical House-cleaning. A short ler and C. B. Hale will close, -Wed- musical prograns will be given and s.esday and Saturday afternoons refreshments served. Silver co- until the middle sf September. 1 -lection at the door, A HOT GAME TOMORIIO W Brussels plays the final game in the foot ball district in Wroxeterand they only have to tie the home team to win the district as Wroxetar has now lost a game and the Brussels team has not lost any. Tht game should be an in teresting one to watch. PROMOTED TO STOCK#REDUCING SALE ' Having bought.out the Furniture and. Undertaking business of Mr. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next. 60 days, we. put on one of the largest sales ,of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron. This Stock must be Reduced and Prices are not to be consideredl All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash .121,Sa 1)UNFE,RD "Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store Our Specials For Saturday and all Next Week A Bargain Sale of Graniteware Pie Plates regular......10c for Ec Pie Plates reg12c for 8c Dish Pans reg 35c .for 25c Dish Pans re 50e for 35c Preserving Kettles reg '750 for 50c Preserving Kettles reg 450 for 33c Preserving Kettles reg 40c for 30c Double Rice Boilers only • 40c Sauce Pane regular....30e for 19c • • Sauce Pans reg........15c for 10c Water Pails reg 60c for 40e Water Pails reg 85c for 50c Wash Basins reg25c for 16c Pudding Dishes reg 25e for 19e Dippers, reg...... ,, 25c for 14e Basting Spoons only 5c Electric Irons ..... . . .... . .. . .. 00 and 150 Vest Pocket ,Flash Lights (very useful.) from 1,00 to 1,50 '2,00 Hammocks, for ... .. .... . . .... .... 2.50 Hammocks, for -..................................225 s- 3,00 Hammocks, for .. . .. ............. .. ... ....2 75 ' • 25 per cent discount on Cut Glass all this month We have a big Assortment of Seasonable Goods nossmiessesnruermsw HARLAND. BROTHERS STOVESt HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES VISONSIDIBUNI STRATFORD, JUNE 23RD, Mr. N.W. Rowell Liberal leader in Ontario will be in Stratford on June 23rd and will address a pub- lic Meeting on the main issues of the present provincial election. SIGN YOUR( NAME. Last week we received a letter with an ,announcement erldosed, A LAWN SOCIAL. but was unsigned. Our rule :e to put all sush, letters in the waste The Ladies Aid and Mission Cir- basket, A19 correspondence is re- garded as confidental as far as the writer's name is concerned. TGRONTO, Last Thursday afternoon (Mr. J. J. Weir of the Royal Bank staff received word to report at Toronto on Saturday morning and left 00 Friday afternoon for that city. He will be missed here ashe took an active part in sports and,was cap- tain of the foothell team and had to leave before, )-,ecould play the final game in the district, His many friends here will wish for ,a speedy and successful rise the banking business. MINOR LOCALS. The peonies are not a ;great suc- cess this year In scme: parts of the town, ole of the BaptistsChurch wall hold a lawn social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL .iPennebaker, High St. on Friday evening June 19th. A short program will be rendered refreshments served. Silver collec- tSons Everybody welcome. ,A.NEAT PLANT. Dashwood can now boast of an excellent 'electric Might plant. About a month. ago Mr. J. Nediger placed the plant in Operation and the streets are lighted with 10, 100 Watt lamps and 15, 00 Wat9s. iDo- ring the past week he has be1'7en wising up the stores and some houses. Mr. Nedigersqsnows his bus iness and does an A.-1 job. FRIDAY EVENING. Dr,.1., S. M. Hamilton, a •graduate in Medicine, of Toronto University and for past fh e years connected with the Canad'en Purily Eduea- tonal Asseclation of Toronto, will address a .meeting of the Women's Institute in theZ A. 0. F. Hall, Fri- day evening. of ;this week. This will be a public meeting and they extend an invitation 'to every lady in 'town or vicinity. MINOR LOCALS. Don't let the weeds gettahead of you. They are much easier con- trolled- when they are small, The London conference meets. next year at St. Marys. In addition to his Milers( al- ready published Inc the last week of the campaign Mr. Rowell On Mile 24 will speak attExeter then motor to Clinton and w(ind up the day with a•mass meeting at \Ving ham. Clinton was welt represented at the C. 0. F. service at GoderSch, on Sunday. There was a little frost Saturday morning—don't take ,our word though—we didn't see ijt, we only heard about it. Its been cold enough to make the ice man look sick. • The people who took in the Grey hound excursion know a was cold • enough. Nomination day at Seaforth next Monday. , Ond day you are growling about the heat—the next day about the cold, W hat's the matter with you anyway. Wroxeter brought a goodly ,number of rooters with them last Friday,night but it did not do them any 'good 119 • they bad little chance le cheer( The Fife and Drum is beginning to practice for the 12th. CANADIAN PRESS TO • MEET IN TORONTO. At a meeting in Ottawa the exec0. tive committee of the Canadian Press Association decided to have the 56th annual meeting of the asscienttion held in Toronto on Thursday and Fri. day July 9 and 10 instead of June 20 and 27 as previously arranged. The chaiige .vas made in view of the fact that owing to the elections for tbe On. tario Legislation having been fixed for June 29 many of the officers of the association and speakers at the meet- ing and many Ontario newspaper 11180 •would find it impossible to attend if the meeting were held on the same date originally set, Arrangemente are in progress to follow the convent- ion with an excursion to Muskoka lakes immediately after the conv'ent. don as guests at the Royal Mnskoka 1 ELECTION WRIT. The proclamation, for election in the Rldimg of Centre Huron on June 20, with nomsnation. on ,June rthmete ; 1.30 to 3.30, IsiSerature. 22, has been issued by W'. Beacom, Returning Officer. Nomination will Friday,imar;l Jel-1t 0 12 et19-0, itowilta ,fElgngllis3101 take place from 12 a.m.! til p. m. Grammar; on June 22 at. Cardno's Hall, Sea- to 3.30, Geography. forth. July 2, at 2 p. m, is the time set for; the official summing up of LEAVE NO MONEY IN BOXES. the votes cast and tthe declaranon of the election' of the bansl!clatn receiving the largest number of Votes;''' BOUGHT BARN. On Monday of this • week the frame barn which has been used for a great number of years as a livery barn, opposite the Norman - dM Hotel, was purchased by :Air. John Ellhott, I!.veryman, who, has had it rented for the past year for a storage barn and garage. MAY TAKE ACTION. Thursday, June 1,.h, 19114. momommommommummoim.....mmammmmYmalr ass. tsmaummarsomrsmassalstpeadossawassresusaussemz Two New Books "Just Out" Out" .. "Just in." • One is Diane of the Green Van. It's a $10,000 prize-lcovel. Over too,000 sold at $1.35. The "best • seller" for April in both Canada and United States. A clear, clean, clever, romance, Stirring, entertaining and consistently interesting. • • The other is Overhand Rd.a story tingling with: the virile life of the West. One .-of the brightest, best novels of the year, perfectly clean and decent, and at • the same time fullof romatic adventure, Price $1.35 Te 0 Fair eo. Often the ehapest-241ways the Best 19 is stat.sd that relatives nI Robt. J. IReid. , of West Wawanosti, for- mer Winnipeg, policeman, killed sit Stoney Mountain penitentiary; in- tend taking action against the Do- minion Government, based on the jury's finding _that the scaffold on will/eh Reid and another prisoner were working fell and cart' od 11110 to death because of its faulty con- struction. SENDERS WILL BE REIMBURSED Those who sent money orders to Europe whicli were lost 00 the Em- press of Ireland will ndt 0 '01.1 of pocket," as dupricittes of the money orders, held at Ottawa, Will be copied and despatched to Lon- don, • There the parties concerned will be notsfisd and paid the mon- ey at their nearest posk' office. It is estimated Oak over 8110,000 in money orders went down in the St. Lawrence in the mail bags. ENTRANCE EXAMS. Below is the program of the en- trance examinations which coin- menced on Wecit esclay, June lith, and last for three days. The usual large number of ,candidates are on hand to try the examinatkins. Wednesday, June 17-1.30 to 3.30 Composition, 3.40 to 1,25, Spelling, Thimgday, June 18-9 to 11,30, Ar- HENSALL MAN D. Ds b1.M. OF ,ODDFELLO WS. The I. 0. 0, F, district lodge, No. 15 [for Huron alas held in, Hensel" this rule, in the cases of medicines last Friday afternoon, with dee- • from the, local doctors, and bread. gates from Clinton, Goderigh, Hen- Rural, box holders have in the past Exeter, Myth, Seaforth, Dun- gannon, Brucefield and Lucan. The delegates reports showed that all the lodges are gradually growing in, strength. The, following - were nominated for district deputy grand master ; • Bro. Scott dr Seaforth Bro. Bailey of Dungannon and Bro. McKay of Heneall. After anumber of ballots Bro. McKay was elected by the casting vote of Om chair: erger's Piiii1GFCCI1 It will not pay you to experiment with Paris Green of inferior quality Bergers can be depended upon to do the work quickly and surely Absolute certainty of results makes Bergers Paris Green the best to Buy—the best to Use TUE PENSLAR STORE mE1111191MISSOOMMINIZIOM, M.. 1-1077 ITMY .Dispeusing Uhemi.st THE QUALITY DRUG STORE . -. AMA The post office .department has issued a circular letter to nostmast ers throughout. the Dominion noti- fying them that rural mail carriers are prohibited from receiving and delivering parcels under 11 pounds unless prepaid at the regular rate of postage stamps, at -6 cents to a Parcel. An exception Ss made to THE, HNE.KPECTED 1-IAPPENED. Last Friday evening. the 'iVroxe- foot ball boys came to town with the idea that all they had to do Was to play foran hour and( the game would betheirs. But briside of a ,minute from, the kick-, off Brown Draper had scored the first goal for' Clinton and shortly after- wards the goal tender let the' ball slip through lua hands for a second Wroxeter then, got to work and scored a goal on the rush. Forbes had a penalty but hit the goal post and missed for a third. The sec- opc1 half was rag as the CFA-1ton boys played the ball any old,place and the visitors seemed dazed, All the Clinton, boys played veil (and made- every pass count It is too bad that! they have got; salted so late. The referee, Mr. Osterbury of Stratford, caught everytlhing 111 sight and deserves a medal as Le is the first referee in three -years that did not fall down at, a ,crkical moment and( awlard a free kick to the visitingteam agarinstl Clinton The -following Were the Clinton players ;—Goal, Couch ; Backs, Bea- com and Mustard; half backs, Smil lio,, Wan and ;Inn's ; forwards Smittiln, Dale, Forbes, Wright and Draper„ This game ends the dis- trict as Inc as Clinton is concern- been in the habit of placing mons ey for stauips with the lettArs for the mail gatherer, when ltaek stamps. The department are noti- fying all box holders not to do so, nor to leave .money In the boxes for any purpose. 11 I Iii!IIIIIIP".1111111111111liuss„,,,,,,,m1011111111"111111 Which we 'are proud to be As„we conduct a san'tar High -Class .Bakery. Fos' Your custom \ye are anxious For your trade we're striv:mg hard, Your patronage and favors We hold in hlghl regard. Comer's Bakery NATIONAL Portland Cement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such corn.- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON LEA Your Order for EMT - troughing', Piumbing. and General Repairing IT US Prices (Moderatt Workmanship and Material the Best. Call at ltowland's Hardware or Phone 53 Thos.liawkins Plumbing and Heating 41202.101.11.4 The. cornier Store "Live and Let Live" Breakfast FoOds.for Mot Weather Corn Flakes, Puff Mee, Puff Wheat, Shredded Wheat, Gusto, Grape Nuts, Triiscuits, 'Post Tosties, Dutch Busks, Force, (MaltaVita, Just received a shipment of Flower Pets, Jardeniers, Dimmer Sets, and Toilet Sets,— CALL AND ioarri PRICES. FRUITS-Barianas, Oranges, Lem- ons, Pineapples, Strawberrle& and Tomatoes. Butter and Eggs Wanted Bighest Market Price E. E. Hunniford PHONE 44. o.1.4.44++++++++++44t++++++0'4 04+44++444'+++++++44+14433644, ammo BAREFOOT SANDALS. wrimisimarmuommummulimms. Barefoot Sandals for children's summer wear grow more and more popular every season. • We have several good styles in right leathers, and a lull line oI sizes. • o: 51 91 • • 4. Fix out the little folk, with SANDALS • and let them enjoy themselves. Barefoot Sandals are not at all expensive 75c ti 1.25 FRED. JaeliSON THE SHOE MAN • • • • Phone 202y- 04..0443"1•18f!EGGtiqii...+G.G..*EiGirEtrItitGi!itiEGIF.16.18i+GlitHEF.GLEGE4GAGil