HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-18, Page 6Ti�ursday, June 1 th, 1:0{t,4
+Pile June wedding month
Alwaysbrings extra liiis:ness
to our store.
Our store is replete with
;articles of l4chnes`s; and
Worth, and s1ikewirse full ' of
We invite June Shoppers'
to examine our "eite6ption4
ally varied selection ' . of
Suitable _Gifts:
Lehigh Meg' Coal
ere's n o
T anthracite li nthrac to coal mine
' in the world that prod'uces a
more perfect coal than the Le-
high Valley Mines. Its strong.
points are. large number of heat
units, and just hard enough to
last a little longer than almost
any other, Order NOW before
prices advance.
A.J..lei oll ovva,y
Toronto Markets
?Hogs . 53.10
Cattle ...... ...... ... .; $3.60
Lambs J ..,._58,50
i131treel4 .--•-- ...,... j... a._. .$3.25
Cheese . -_;..- '13.i-16
Butter 1, -- ,_..20 to23
Eggs_..._. _..._. 20C
`1Silheat _:._. _.. 1.05
Oats . _-,C,- --. , se
Barley 62 to 64
, :Potatoes, per bag $1,00
EeaDs -.- .. $1.75 to 1.25
Good advertising, makes a market
dor to-day—a reputation for to -mor
Youwill like the
rich strength and full flavor.
()cal News 1J.
seywr�iev�vvrevi every �hverVViVtVYnwTIrisreVVYN �.
The Baseball will play 1r Wing- , Exeter Bowlers are here today
ham on July 1st A�tnyone isli ng .playyng this afternoon ,and event..to :accompany the team r l tl to iri'g'•
truck should see manager Hawkins.. GARDEN PARTY 25TH.
A MASSED CHOIR, ` The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's church
A ,massed choir from the various i will hold a garden party on the
churches of the town will' .lead fin June 256 grounds on Thursday evening
the singing on Snnday"June 28th at lythe m The Kiltierred will ,sup -
the e
the C 0,1s seeviees The ublle is ply music. Refreshmeute, will be
,cordially invited to attend, served. ..
Last FridayMr. F. Leonard of the 16ti coli.,'
morning only 28 Goderich Township, who is going
tickets {were sold for the Grey- into the daieY cattle, was 'in Oxford
hound excursion the smallest 'in County last week and purchased
•The Emp'ess of Ireland distisfer four head ,of stock which will make
was nodoubt the cause nf;Am.a;ny.
staying home,.
On Monday; afternoon a rink of
bowler's compris:•ag,Messrs. T.Tay-
lor, John _Harland, J. Ford and A.
J. 312orrish won from a Blythrink
in the latter, town by,,a score of
0. 14
Hogs 157.35,
Butter 16c and 17e.
Eggs 19c to 20e,
Wheat 1.00
Peas .1.00
Oats 40c.
Barley 50c
Buckwheat 67e,
Shorts 327.
Bran 5l6
In memory of deceased membeis
of the Clinton I. 0, 0.F. the lodge
of ;the order held their memor.al
service at 'Clinton cemetery on
Tuesday evening at 0,30. About 50
members, headed by the (Clinton
Kilt ° Band, paraded to the top of
the hill and rigs were .provided
for the rest of the journey. Al-
though in most places such sere
monies are held every year by the
I, 0, 0. F, (this is the first time
such a service has been conducted
by the Lodge, The 'memorial
service was conducted by 'Revs. S.
J. Allin, Dr. Rutledge and J, Green
Wreath's were placed on each
grave. The names of the departed.
brethren of Oddfellows ere;—
Brother' Thos. Thomas,
Brother Ed, Grigg.
WOOL WANTED Brother C. Cruickshank,
Highest market price will be paid in
cash for woel.
Also on hand fur Sale
Flower Seeds,
Farm Produce taken in
Next door to hospital
'Viktoria Street Clinton
To the Farmer
Try our Fertilizers — Potash and
Aciil Phosphate, Nitrate Socia for your
soot crop, We will mix them for you
Try errrShorn Feed for cattle and hogs
Also Seed Corn on hand. ,
kinds of Flour kept in stock
Ajent for Heintzniau Pianos
We are Out for a Sgnaro Deal
Brother John Smith,
Brother Wen. Foster.
Brother R; ;Heywood.
Brother H. B. Kerr.
Brother A. IH. Mann` -(ng.
Brother Thos. Walker.
Brother R. Stoneham,
Brother Wm. Menne!.
Brother Mal. Dowzer.
Brother Harvey Devis,
Brother Alt Barge.
Brother Alf Thomson,
Brother H. Steep.
Brother J. Callander.
Brother T. 'Wheatley.
The picnic season is at hand. Its
no !use starting the peenic season
'until the mosquitoes, ante, bees,
flies and -.spiders have, loosened up
in goodly numbers for the summer
season- There's always the enthus-
iastie man on the spot who comes
early with the ladies. He's a migh-
ty useful•article, too, for who else
would squeeze the ' lemons, carry
the water and crack the jokes, for
the early arrivals to convulse over.
And then the supper—what can be
more delic'aous than the good old
salmon sandwiches and 'steep h'.nd
of cake, and a bottle of sour pic-
kles fished out with a hat pin. The
fact that the aforeside flies, spiders
etc., are promenading on the grub
simply gives it that smack 'so nec-
essary to round out the picnic idea
Yeseand dont forget the little chap
who has 'the camera, and - who
groups;' the party, the ladies w1Qh
the men's hats on, and other reel
boisterous cut up trieks, All tthnt
remains is for some nifty gent with
a ,pair of white.: duck pants .:to sit
on ,the strawberry short cake. Af-
ter that comes the grand rusli for
the car or bus, whilelthennembera
of ;the Ananias club, stand around
and say "We've had a charming
timet' Yes, by all ,means, have a
picnic T.hey are such jolly affairs,
A DOIhr Down
Is often an illumination as big
asthesun. There is no place in
town. where '.,money down" goes
farther than it does right here.
nt dresser bought for 'spot cash'
from our present t ient stock makes
what you see elsewhere look
like thirty cents,
Its llargains Galore weare
offering just now in our
entire Furniture' Stack
The Cheapest Spot in Duren to Buy all kinds of Furniture
BA..11 J ts7,► T II S.01
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
N. Dail 110 —RESIDENCE PHONES-- J. D. Atkinson 186
a fine addition to his presenttoek
The four cows are the best oftltair•
.kind + r
• This week MreeW., T„ O'Neil pure
chased the old frame house, on the
corner of Ontario and. (Gibbings
street from
S. S. Cooper, and
p , a
workmen are already -tearing down
the building and the new propriet-
or will erect a small house, hut
with all the modern conveniences.
Mr. O'Neil has the new home Tent-
ed before the old one is torn down
and also about -half-a-dozen more
offers, It .goes to show •tha"4 an
up-Ro ;date house can easily :be
rented in this town.
The Huron county coencil Friday
acceded to, the demand or certain
off1e:.als of the county for an in-
creased salary. Dr, Shaw acting
physician of the house of refuge,
will get 5350; John Torrance, in-
spector, will receive, 5300, while the
assistant matron at the :mstitution
will get 5250. The county rate was
placed at 2 1-20 mills, instead of
1 9-10 .mills as previously.
•'•:Ad•S'ertiae i,n The New Era ,
No sports on July 1st,
Now for June roses.
The .next holiday Se 'Dominilen
Ontario Provincial elections, Mon.
day, June 29th.
`Exams for Entrance to. High
School commence on the 17th of this
When in doubt what to buy for
a, n eddiingg' gift, always choose a
pickle dish,
Warm enough last week?
Many want to Stratford on! Wed-
Bowlers from 'Clinton, Mitchsl', Sea -
forth and St, Mary's were in Stratford
on Wednesday competing for the
Alex I'nilf trophy, The competition
is being run on a percentage basis this
year, each rink playing every other
rink present -Those who went from
Clinton were,—A. J. lJollowaiy, Fred
Jackson, D. A Forrester. and John
Negligee skip, W. Grant, W. Jackson,
J. Watt and U. E. Dowding, skip. The
greens were in `excellent shape. The
Trophy was won by a .Stratford
rink, Se. i6c second prize going to
Mitchell, Dowding's rink was a
tie on the last end for second
prize, but he lost out by one shot
on 'the finals.'
The following is the record of the
different towner—
Cash Stratford 73 points
Sawyer, Mitchell 61.
Doweling, Clinton 00
Northgraves, St, Marys 51
Tovell, St. Mary's 47
Ford, Mitchell 47
Best Seaforth. 46
:Humber, Goderioh 4.4
Nediger, Clanton 43
McIllardy, Stratford 39
Edmonds Goderich. 39
Greig, Se iforth,' 38
The many old friends will be sor-
hear that John Guest; was
n dead •fn bed''2a°s't Thursday
at Lucan at the home of.his: son.
Ernest, with whom he had been vis
li r a retired trre in :usual' . health.
but apparently was stricken w;tlh
heart failure as he (slept,. Mr,
Guest is survived by hwo sons'
Ernest, of Biddulph; W. S. of Tor-
onto, and four daughters, Bertha,
at home' Elena, a teacher, in the
bleat, E'dit'h, in !Belleville, and Dr.
Edna, a ,missionary in India, Mr,
Guest was buried at hie home town
near Luean, He left Clinton about
a year ago after the death off hie
wife.; The, funeral of John Guest
held -from! the famdlly residence on
Concession 17 to Bier Methodist
cemetery was very largely. attend-
ed. Mr. Best was one of the hest
known fruit "
growers of',Western
Ontario, death, Has d . r Which '
at 1 .1 W,
� as
quite unexpected, was due to acute
dilation of the heart. Mr. (Guest;
started farming on Concession 13.
of London Township, near Ni;ssouri
but soon after, moved tot{he pres-
ent homestead on the Proof ' Line
Here he established a reputation as
a horse dealer and Truitt producer,
his fruit farm hein,g one of the old-
est in Western Ontar'ito, He belong.
ed to one of tthe oldest familiesiia.
Middlesex County, itis grandfather
Mr. Francis Guest, having settled
in London Townshp in 1830 {fie
'was born in 1842 and was, aL1b-
beral-Conser2 ative ' iand member
• of the 'Methodist ,church, bong
chow. leader for many years,
llruesels at Wroxeter, June i,9,
Owing to the Keltie Bead! having
made an engagement for Wedges
day night, before the tonne,' :ele'-s
'dried on the evening 6pn the' OP en
air concert, the Band will play in
Clinton at the;band strand on Tues-.
day "eveningi June 23rd. 'All other,
band 'nights, will1 be W(ed resclay ..
- ''Atthe •specia1^'kneef1ng"'on Friday
'night the Coune31ranted '200'tto
the KLIt3e Ba'n'd The `-Band {tfi1l.
give their Ooncer is et ery' We 1oks
day—evening from, '81:toi 10 ro'cloeit;
The band have tentedlthe,hail, ovex
r 3radshaw's store fore'tlieit" , band
John Watt Lias donated a silver
cup for the best individual bowler,
who is bowling for ,the. first time
this season. The contest will open
shortly. The President ,and. Vice -
President will hold their contest
soon and the schedule will be drawn
up this aveek. Messrs. Dowding
and Nediger were appointed skips,
'and to select their own players for
the Faill trophy 'series to be played
at Stratford on Wednesday,
Over The Teacups
Mr. J. J, Weir, who hats been with
the Royal Bank here fortin past two
years, was moved to Toronto last Pci'
Mrs. Marshall, Rcttenhury street,
enier•tained her lady friends lust Thur
day evening.
•Reeve Beie of.
Wroxeter, was in
town un Friday last to "root" for his
own towie,
Mr. a ld' Mrs: f1. Sutter, of Stratford
aunoun'ceth, engagement' of their
ciaughtrr; Clara E., to John aBeatty,.
D.D.W,,, of Stratford l•Thehnai,rriage
\will take,Place on+June 29. •' The. br%de
to he is a sister of Mr, J. Sutter of
Rev. J. C. Potts is attending the
Synod meeting e g atLondon this week.
Miss Bessie Brown, of Detroit spent
a few days with her parents in Hullett
Mr, George Lavis has had his right
hand tied up for few days during the
past week on account of having come
in contact with a rusty nail. Blood
poisoning was threatened.
S. and Mra. Carter announce the
engagement of their neice Miss Eva
Elizabeth Cantelon, of Brussels to
Hebert Alexandra Dorrell, of Oxbow,
Sask, formerly of Base Line. The
marriage to take place in June.
Messrs. J. bViseman and J. W,
Moore attended the district meeting of
the Oddfellowe at Hensel! on Friday
Miss Mae Brehler, of Detroit, was
the guest of Miss !Nellie Bram-
fileld, for a few days returning to
Detroit on Tuesday.
Mrs. (Dr.) Ilamlen, Sof, Detroit,
was the guest of her cousin,. Mass
Graham, this -week,
Mr, and Mrs. Fraser, of Leaming-
ton, were( calling fn town on•'San,-
day. They came up by auto He. is
in the fruit (business there, sand
is very loud in his praise forthat
section for fruit l'rowin,g,.„ They'
were visiting Mr. .and Mrs], Hugh
Ross and Mr. and Mrs, Maxwell,.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bantlif1 and
children motored to Brussels on
(Mies Lillian Fairfull and friend
ofrSltratford spent the week end
in .town, with her parents Bev. and
Mrs. Fairfull,
Miss Edna, J'ennebakei leaves on
Friday lfor a !months Viol with
friends In Toronto.
Mr. Walter Stringer, foreman in
the Mitchell! Recorder office, gave
the New Era p .call on Tuesdays
while enroute ]lone after a hol=iday,
clr. John Ransford is attending
the Synod at London this week:,
Postmaster Sutherland, of Hen -
salt, was In. town on Tuesday,
Mr. W. H. Ball of the Base Line
vas in town on Tuesday,
Mrs, W. S.iR. Holmes and son, is
visiting her Ijrarent's, Mr, and
Mrs. W.1.1. Ball of the Base Lime.
Mrs, E, Walsh of Detroit arreved
on Monday evening and ad•:4l be the
guest of Mrs. hekam for a few
veeks. She expeetslter leave in
July for 1 he (Coast to,visIti her
son for a couple of months,
Mr. Wilson 'Wylie spent a few
lours in.+town on Saturday visit -
ng hiss sister and brother, Miss
Jean and James Wylie.
Misses Nellie. Brimfield, Ila Ba:w-
den, Mary 113raaufiold lend Mies
Brehler of Detroit autoed to Weg-
eam on Saturday.
Mr. Lads' Kennedy, of :Winglian,
was a visitor in town on Monday.
r, Andy Mohn
were ;m DetrSteepoit •forand ther, yvedk
end, going' down on the GreyhJohn
Mr. and Mr,s Lorne Welsh, of
Wallaceburg, are the guests Of'
the'former's •iparents, Sergt. and
Mrs. Welsh Ratlenbury street.
J. W. Irwin, Mrs. Irwin :and Miss„
Agnes, 483 English street, London
left Tuesday fora Niel' ' to tli✓:ii•
son Walter, and Dr. Irwin, Mo set
Jaw, Sask Illiss MoLaws • of St,
Thomas will accompany them. The ,
many friends of the Irwin .family;
wish them a Pleasant And • safe
journey to the West and rerjurn.
Dr. and Mrs. Axon and Mrs. Axon
sr., took in the Detro3tt tiip last
Mrs. Johnston and daughter Viola'
of Heward, Sask,, Lire spending the
summer with the former' another.;
Mrs, George Nott, Coterie s'treel
i;Miss IZathleen East. was a vigil -
tor in Detroit .over' 4tkre week end.
i'. Mrs, G.'iRisoox and Miss Hiscox
spent ant
'with M
and Mra. Jos. Rottenbuy
Miss Laura Wilken took an tthe
"Greyhound" trill to Detroit,
Mrs, D. McCorvie spent a few
days in Detroit.
• .
0e0eso•emae seee'eaesott
Rev, 3..11, Fa'rful Occupied to the
pulpit of this church both morning;
and evelnitig.
M se . Mihail Fearful sang a solo
at the evening service,
W,e .positla'jd, curtt ,.
thla condition wit.,
;epaaava '
1A. J. Griag
Jeweler and3Optleian
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Prayer meeting' as usual at
eight o'cio_k on Thursday evening
every body welcome.
")dower Sunday" services on Sdn.
day next.
The pastor Rev. S.J. Allen ;, j\viill
preach specially to Scholars' after
the Sunday! School _at the morning
At the close of the Evenin'O.sery
ice thein( Will be a Social Halfhen
in the school room foetal!. A'oung
people to which all young men will
be especially invited.
An address on Missions Work in
Winnipeg was given on Mon►,lay
Evening to the; young ;Women El
League by Mrs„ Atdeews,
Next Sunday is flower Sunday.
Rev. Dr. Rutledge will r n)reach
morning and evenrmk;.
The annual meeting of the W. C.
T. TJ., will meet at the home of
Mrs. Geo. Levis on Friday evening
at eight o -clock, !.lection of offi
cers, Those contributing to the
lumbermen's fund will please gave
their contribution.
Western Ontario
loses 4 Seats
One Member Less from Huron,
Kent, Middlesex and Grey in
the Dominion House.
Ottawa June 10—The Dominion re•
distribution hill haelbeen laid before
Parliament after five months in con
rnittee, Phe Government, with the
possibility of a general election at any
time and dread of an adverse major-
ity in the senate has prepared a mea
sure which though not a model cannot
be called a gerrymander,
Huron County herettofore three rid
ings is now divided into two north
and south each electing one member.
North Huron consists of Wawouash
East and `west Colborne Ashtield
Turnhury 21lorris liowick Grey Gode
rich Wingham Blyth Brussels and
South Huron consists of Ilay Steph
en McKillop Stanley Tuckersmith
Usborne Hullett and Goderich Town
ship Clinton Seaforth Bensall Exeter
and Bayfield,
Distrkkt News.
st Ingham
Farmers here were excited 'when
they found out thetla disease called
"blackleg" had broken out ,among
some Of !their cattle. One farmer
recently bought a cow for breeding
purposes paying $1.25 for it and
discovered that ft (Was beginning
to swell around the .legs, Soon the
swelling went to the body killing
the anitmal. Two ether e animals
caught the sante disease and died
A 'veterinariian, was called in and
...pronounced it blackleg and at
once vaccinated( other cattjle show
ing signs of infec'tsont It is
thought that,' the disease is ,now
under control,
Miss Katie llaymoutir.spent a
few days, 'tthe. ,'guest of her.; friend
Miss W innie',',Sandercocki ., i
Miss May. ;Appleby;'has returned
home' afher/spend7ng a few .days
with 'friends•in Detroit.
The death ofMra W,'m Hoy, sr.,
took plane on,ITuesday aald; the
'funeral ,was held , On '. CThiirsday,
She leaves a„soh and dangh'er be-
sides . her hueleantl to+HYronrl (her
loss. She has been: im(poor',(h,ealth
for three years;
' Wedding will soon l e :ringing for'
an lesteemable young man on the
9th,' con. ..
S. S. No. 9 picnic in George henry
Ball's bush on June 26th, - Bring
your baskets, Everybody wel-
Mr. Hume prkiuc',pal •of the :Crede -
rich pubilo eeh:oo1i ggave a very inter
esting address in the Presbyterian'
drum!). on tile' -budget the' 'de
ination teat Stnday.inorninie.
Our bra,ia band attended a lawn
social at :Garlock last week
Sunshineon .Tuesday i
esda evening of
this week and have anumber of
engagements booked for the next
two weeks.
The Auburn League of the Meth
od'ist church entertained the West
field' and Donnybrook last i hors
day evening a program was given
In the church, and refreshments to
owere served on,thje parsonage.
The people of ,the 13aptist Church 1,
will hold a lawn social on, ;John
Raithbys lawn on Tuesday 'even-
ing, June 300, The Auburn Brass
band will be M attendance and a
suitable program well be given,
The merchants and business men
0 the „nil ag have ddecided to close
I+ '
Oursstock' of these goods is now fairly complete”
both in women's and children's lines, and consists of :all
the new lasts in punps,,high' and low button and lacp
} Ciiiidrkri,'s(f`rom:s1.(p a pair up
4 r. .•r
, Ladies £ro`cn $1,50 a pair up
Our prices on these goods are very low and it wngill pair'
cni,to se'e what we arei,showing.before<purchasi' qe
i -r
See Four Men's and Childrert'q Straw 'Hats, dozensl,Qf'f , $`
styles, prices front 10c to $2,5o. "
See our Men's Special at:St and $1:25
Women's and Children's Wash. Dresses
Never before have we shown such a large range `4•
of Wash DrIssesas we are this season, and never were
•:'val'ues as good.
Children's. Dresses from 253 to $2.5o
Ladies Dresses from $1.00 up
Piumsteel Bros.
their stores and shops one Lever
VS'ednesday afternoon commencing
June 17rth until September 1.6t'h• The
post office will close at 2 o'clock
Mr. John Short who' underwent
an operation for appendhcitis a few
weeks ago is slowly recovering.
Excava'tioh,on the evaporator
has commenced preparatory xta'
building a'eernent sidewalk,
Strawberry festival under . the
auspices of, the Ladies' Aid of Pres-
byterrlan church on June 22. Re-
member the date
Letting the
Light in
Shops and businesses that are illuminated
' by advertising have vitality and efficiency
not possessed by shops and businesses
that drape their service and activity with
a pall of silence,
Everybody. knows that it is in all ways
good to let much light into dwellings,
factories, shops ' and stables—into all
places where life is and where health and
efficiency are desired,
We commend to the merchants of this
community the advantages and good re-
sults of persistent advertising in our col-
umns, for the public always goes where
light is—the public shuns dark places.
Light means welcome and confidence.
Advertising will go far towards retaining
the loyalty of of old customers and win-
ning you new once. Fifty-two advertise-
ments in our co'umns will prove an ex-
cellent salesman—one whose yearly cost
to you'will be less than what you are now
paying to some salesman behind your
shop where You are Wiled to Shop
Warm Weather
Looking Smart and Keeping Cool—We can help
you solve the problem of keeping yourself ;.•
cool during the'warm'days of the 'loot season.
Are You Ready for it . If not, we have ready for'
your' inspedtion the ,newest in light Summer
Shoes to suit every need you shay have—for
the street, home or sports.
Voineu's. White Pumps in Canvasor Leather
� iron ter
1 $1.50 to $3.50
W ell
pVi><te'Buttoneil Boots,
Canvas or Leather, troni $2 to $4
Men's White Canvas or Light Leather Shoes—hi
all styles and shapes. Broad lasts so that your
feet may rest easy on the tread of the soles.
These will give you the comfort you require
just now.