HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-18, Page 5P.C. -•.;iyxt�i;
Thursday, June 14th, i. x4.
1'hotie 7$
$3. IVII1Iinery
'Hats all
,dozen Ladies Trimmed Hats, putonsale Saturday two
a' close � we
�awin' ` to
new tis season, • .As, phe. millinery season is dr g
Dimmed Hate at.. half rice and lees. Sotne
want o clear out our
Sattirdev 3.49 '
of the a sold as•high ,ea $7 00; your choice
l� flw Halt.Price
We will also have on sale Saturday a table of F,owers
Folia , your choice Saturday Half Price.
mei Days
Cool Drebse� for .
Gr 'deffil`rind cliariii'ing'are these Summer Frocks Never
before have summer fabrics been more beautiful than this season.
They are made of crepes, embroidery. rattle, and the daintiest of
Dolly Varden figures.
Fancy Dresses $5 to $25
Made of Ratines, Embroidery. Crepes and Voiles
House Dresses $1. 10 to $5
lithe of Print, Gingham and Precale, all sizes.
V1 a also passed into stock this week
N' w Figured Crepes, Plain Crepes,
Pncy Ratines, Prices 15c to 30c yard
jay Suit of any r
Yuutt Choice The Store That Your Choice
01 a•, 111 oat '
Halt! Price • Satisfies. ]tali Price
The Synod of Huron
til .
The Syn ad§!of Huron opened on
Monday of ITAs week at London.
The execut , e committee of Ube
diocese in Cr .yon Fall Monday
afternoon dealt with many matters.
The renarttof Huron College jub
ilee fund shoved cash received
$606 promised $849 total',$1 455,
The rep erti!reappropriation of
Chatham Glebe was read referring
to the appo*tmen!t of arbitrators
re the allocanion of the interest
from the Glebe Christ Church Chat
ham was willing to appoint but
Holy Trinity Was not so the matter
was refereed 3' to a court of com-
petent jurisdiction:
The report of the Bible and Pray-
er Boole Sociefy was read, by Prin-
cipal Waller. 5T'he report, was order
ed published ;and referred to the
September meeting •of the Ex-
The secretalytreaasurer report-
ed that eight: per of the ord
inary expenditure would be nece:s-
eery for apportioning the diocesan
The question of the division of
th epari(sh of St,IJames and St.
Paul's Brantford was referred to a
commission with -power to act.
'The application, of . rt. Luke's
Brantford forleave•to mortgage
the church property was set over
till next meeting;
St. John's Sandwich ' was granted
leave to mortgage their rectory
The matter o£ erecting asnortu-
ary chapel 'Gat Cejttretery. in which
OWry/V1/�4NHW/�� .w•r,. ..
tl '
you waht done in
PlunOing or
Furnaxe Work
Call and:isee us ,before
erance Workers Pledge
!"10 Lr$,Cnjid!te
' +' " Zeilai': ii�La pledged himself �Eo sup-
'!�o`F Censer tip Cai ic. te,. ,.: ,.
Figpfy •, nes _o .1 d,, la rort,n r,ts entire:! tjhe, -piney of
1 Y
1 t'" U8S'tI0n3"f3 arc- our +1 ince 'namely; 1 0l tion Of
to ` b tan e ab
4 h
e publin i t o ti's at s s -
t 1 ba n
r , Y
l 1 g.
s mo a tie slid
ing R,ol►cy ,Wil $]t }/ �,' , `rein,.:;and dr:atlt ug,,in: rlubo,,,:.znd
Unsatisfactor i '' a• ` . !rl:e mpos.lfioa apes !rec& 4Igpor
,• '' ratf_d• of ench act,h'etio s. as shall.
s c n
t. Us. o era
moat" effe .Vel cu ta`I 1
,'Hensall June. 4t tis well an -i.
- ,tion and remedy, as ;evils, • tlierefpra:
`tended'': tem �.Hance .:e.,,+rt One •r,
�,; ...P .,, • .,, � r"btut�„TL'. resolved,tl;afl'we ,as`�a, tem-:
held he0ie this e'ven:tng the% {Strew:- t 119141.1e 'convemt.oif ',indorse the
in�S s,eees'ojulpon ii+as ;,ntnanut ;ousfyt,• caaidat of Mr•. B, Zeller, and call
Y >
seed •� `
IIh ti t^ :d r I l to ei
::all 'Christians an m
so -
-a sv ! r dotheir u roost to
' whereas the 'reply ' of Mee nee i ar l.e s to t e t
That the r
h Y
r i
H. Either to•the letter sent outby i secure his election.”'
thetem erance organi,�at;on as 1 g A resolution was -,passed' recort-`
didates to statIa their attitude 1 'mending that a aeries' of (purely
in regard: to securing leggislation to !temperance meetings beheld prior
banisht he bar its very definite and to the election etc which bile pose
unsatisfaetor••y totdae ".lemperancc tion of the temperance party will
;people, :and whereas Mr. Edmund , will',;be., rn1 ace nla.el. '
r - Brussels
• Mrs. G. A, Headman, who went to
Merlin last,week to nurse her hest and
who was ill there. was suddenly wick
en with neura gia of the heart, ten t
after a few hours suffering passed
away. :;Che funeral rook hln eon Sat,
urday afternoon to Brussels t t+tnetery
Iingine,er Roger, of elitchell, was in
town this week in conection with the
pt oposed Turhbet ry street sea'•r.
•The hearing of Kirkby vs the Cor-
poration of Bvuesea over the consrrnc
tion of JohnStreet sewer, was to hiive
come up at Godei.ch, but was post-
poned in the absence of some of the
viii t nesses,
Horsemen have brought en experi•
enced trainer here, Rue the tt•auln is
.heing,placed in peahen co,rditiou,. „.
Trinity Church /Galt is interested
was looked upon favourably by
the committee.
St. James' Parkhill was granted
leave to build attower.
Echo Place Brantford was gran -
ed a redution of assessment ,in
regard to stipend.
The applrcateou of St. Davide' Lon
don for defining of boundaries was
referred to the bishop for act:on
The report ofRev.B.S.W. How-
ard recommending an increase in
the assessment ot Dutton and Rod
ney from $750 to $820 was adopted.
The sum of ($100 was ordered pla-
ced in the hands of the :13'shop to -
Wards the establishment of a 'mis-
sion in the vicinity of Emery and
Chester streets, South London.
The usual steps looking toward
superannuation were ordered taken
in the case of Rev, E. G. Edelstein
who applied for such action.
« PO tea's MN
. Bethany ;Presby lerian congrel; e -
tion. will hold a StrawberryFesti-
n" on the
r Friday. June 20t1 , o
i or Pi.
j- Lawn: of Mr, Sterling McPhail:' A
good' program is being prepared..
} Admisqn fifteen cents ani! 21 cents
Come and have a good tame.
Isar. Henry Either. M. P. ,I'e eaten.
date for the Legislat nre in South Hui-
on will address the meetings at tee
following places: At Verne, Thursday
June 18.9 p. m.; at Baylie!d, Ntidav,
lune 11) 8 p. w.; at brand Baud. S„ .
urday, June 20. S. p. in. Dr. Martyrs.
of East Laurbtun, will attend the
Grand Bend tweeting,
South Huron Fatmei's Institute will
give an excursion to 0. A, C.. Guelph,
on Monday, June 22nd. The train ant
leave Centralia, at 7 a. in.
Mr. Robert Williams has left fur
Northern Ontario, wbeie he has secur-
ed a position as fire ranger,
Word was received here of the
death in Moose Jaw of Harry Van.
Egrnond a tot'mer well known and
highly respected young man of this
town He is survived by his wife a
daughter, of Mr. Rohn t Grenmill of
Guelph The remains were brought
home for interment the funeral took
place on Sunday under the auspices
of Britania Masonic Lodge Seaforth.
1 ennatarce '
Mr. Russel McIntosh of Chatham
stent/ Sunlla in the village.
1 Y
•iYliUsea Annie Taylor and Vera
i Dunlop are trying their entrance
examinations this week at Sealerth
quite a number around here at-
tended the lawn serial at Jlar•lock
from visiting at,'the hone of her • 14th of May with .a,carload of ef•
father, 1VIr, Cochr•apne of gay Town fects includingthree ,Horses, for
• Fort George, 1,:0 arrived.safely
Mrs. Burnside, and ch;dd, (who, on the first of June all in yspleni-
did shape. That is flair tune for
dh su ala Burne ng 1, y
43::Adams ; ivhile still very
jil, sive are pleased ,Itosay s im-
proving d
cons ei,ably
'',"-11(1r,,`", andMrs. George King, who
have bee
grr a
for t eayt 'couple of anent l
1,9,tried. to Mon ay> coming'
c r let
. Ith tl' c ex son s
� �
have been, .visiting at ,the home of
her parents, Mr. Henry Cartel and
wife have returned to the:g hone,
faear, Wingham
A tent dhow is being held in our
.Y,itlerge ,witthr a Eau:'cjegree eft su •
,Cees t ;'
Frank AiiltenIhead' 4e • •last<wee'
ft lr.,
the 1 e h vill:'i m't m
forWes whet �
k o ,
for k
al tiitrie
Mro rte iea he ne r
our, v
'lags 'sends 10 pupils to tri
the en- Rev. ,W.Hibbert, of Wingham, con
trance exams., ;Miss Jarret, sent 3. ducted 'thd services in the Me:1a
,nd ; he
fu � it eh reH s:' asf- Su a .>: t
'We hope theymaybe successful dle�k u fl il y ,,.
' o'wer 'Sunda
e: e
b "" 'Fl n
^e. e n to ti , .. as e" _ .., Y.
ethe tea..her s h�av r c a
o g
ab e
g o ben
piepar mg ttlir, m ; , Miss J err ct. ,; conhection Suntlay School
has resigned her 's'chool, the section Count was,held herd 'ail° 1VIondaty
is sorrY'holloose her
as she an
, the parties
excellent t a her 'ehtwas°: eachinb be1n M orates,• Wm •+Fohnston!- and,'
aschool. Hoar her!oma 1n tStaoleY' 'Thos Cenlist Aftei• 'hearing'.the
j people have been ,very much -,evidence, bath':were
bound over to
afraid of fros•tsi thus week, do many keep] jtlhe peace to the .i enient of
1501ds of ,beans are out, 11tt would 4290 for a year and also pan their.
be a heavy less. own costs ;i
'Garden Panty,—Strawberry, Pesti
yal, at Bruc f,ield, underthe sus-.
p$ces oflthe Union Church on Wed
,'n"Rsday, June 24th. Tea will be
qerved in Basement of Church from
6;to 8 p;rh., HeresalliBratenBead in
Mr, and Mrs. Geo hail i 'of Cline
ton spent tie week end at Mr, 11
Mr. Alfred Holmes of (Detroit;
spent. Sunday' with llrs,,u role d t.
Holmes. ,
• Mrs. lktullholla1nd,;anannr; Ornraee
Alcock took in .the'•exceirsion1to De
irolt lhst `bi.'ctaY, on-t;he' �ll•roye
Miss Tillie Tebbutt of Woodstock,
who has been spenil_n„ a few weeks
among her friends here, returned
home last week.
Wedding bells will bet ,ringing
next wee!:.
M`r. Bell and family visited in
Goderlah over Sunday.
The `Reasonable
Care of Your,
Watch ! '!
Will result in our watch's
o!on sip?itsda s of usefulness'
•, pg g Y
' care ?
What is reasonable.. ,
in•occasional : visit to a jeweler . •,'
who " owe how." w"
visit means at least `•
An occasional
'lu..earl visit.
To put it off longer is to, put it off
too long,
for all time.
you not wedded
If yo
to mime one `expert, we would like
to put some of our good work on
that watch ot yours.
Your watch deserves the best
treatment it can get, and it is�just
that which we offer;
Th'e `Lrberi'ils. held is mass meet-
dn •in!' Ind istr'y Hall Wednesday
crowd rested
and alar a cr
n g I
the speakers, a lather striking con- I
trait to,Ine .one tk,lveek sago striking.
r attends ce, admisall t 25e. attendance ' Part ' The speakers'
;Cxeorge Simpson Of Rothsay for were W. Proudfoot, ' fnrem,her for `/v R eounter
merry a merchant. of this' place, fs Centre Huron and J. G. An;derso•. , W. •
visiting relatives here. the member, r.ttnning for Noi'tlr Jeweler and Optician
The Tuckersmitly council is hav- Huron: Mr. 'Anderson is a man of
exceptionally iWinning qualities, Issuer of Marriage Licenses
ing the Mill Road graded. .:;Ph�. especially- en the personal can -
.grader is hi the hands -o£ Boyce, vassing method, and we are sure,
Thompson and Berry,
Aex and know it to be a flier, that he is
C :dLame
Ross and wife of ar
getting teat encouragement flrom
r res
's !tin relatives 1 e
visitinghe c`,v
Miss Jean Mustard of Brooklyn,, someThere ware e e r notexile trth'.
N. IY., is viisiting' at' her home atare some utheciddd tier nce
here. , 1 matter; (but IA is the Temperance
January i
Wm., McQueen, of :Snover Mich, question last they stood out! so
isvisiting. relatives here. '
strong. (against I:�tlasit
vote. However the Liberals are :.n
- a fair Way tto win out in North
Huron. '
Rev, McCarriere and tt fe return-
ed to their home nt ruiner keno
On lFridayi of last laveek, aster
spending a few days among friends
Mrs. Woods ;of St. Helen's, was
visiting friends and'relatives he.,
last week, and returned to er
home on 1Moniday. She was the
guest of her sister Mrs. 'phos. Camp
Miss Charlotte Johnston has gore
to St. Helen's to, vis'tl her • sister
there. a•
Rev. JolSn lildEwan of .Fert tC 1
liam, Ont with his wife and cal: .t
Iter are visiting a1tet'be home of ms
father,Mr. Mal: McEwen.
Mr. Robert Douglas vis'ted his
sister, Mrs. Alm Sparks an Fr'd;cy
of last week.
Last week the roads on the See -
end. were improved by Statute Lo-
Mr, N illiah G. 'Hess .has been ap.
pointedmarager and operator of the,
Hay Township telephone central of.
flce at Zurich a position held by Mr.
Zeller for several years. Mr. Hess
is to receive $1,200 per year for hie
services. As he is a •practical electri.
clan the change will likely be satin
$rusiis els
The death occurred here of John
Wilton' son of Samuel and Mrs, Wil
ton, in the 21st year of his a ge, He
had been a member of the staff of the,
Metropoilitan Bank, his last station
being Picton, Interment took place`
from the Roman Catholic church
Melville M rein of .Go erieh , and
James 117icM alhan sof• Port $iirdu�s will
come befone,the police magistrate here
on Satur°day, charged with assault on
Robert Durrell, a farmer, with intent
Sto do bodily harm Martin has been
: arrested' here, while McMillian was
2 placed in custody at Port: Huron, c
arrival of the steamer, .Greyhound, at
noon Tuesday. The attack on Ourrel,
of which the other two are accused,,
took place on June 10, Core el was not
seriously injured and has virtually
recovered, although a report got
abs oad that he had died in the hospital
here,' McMillian was arrested at Port
Huron by Immigration Inspector Coe,
on information given by William D.
J3enaway, marine clerk in the United
States customs department, who was
a passenger on the Greyhound. He.
gave, his age at 22 and his occupation
as brass molder.
placing your order,
ti S iiia
Sanitary Plumbers ,
Phone 7:'
3 •
DIeven, surveying, g• P. tieswr
will tie
sent out this year byte 'Uurlt.3d
States Geological survey to !inves-
tigate the -mineral resources of
' • Winghant '• Weddieig.—One pf-those happy
' The home of '},Robert Saint, on Ed. events which} unite two parties as
.ward Street *as completely, destroyed one, took place et the hoine of 14Ir•.
by the Friday night when hie two and Mrs !George Leith on Morris:
little daughter's were about to retire, street, on;Tuesday at 1101 tri,., when
an oil lamp upset and the blazing oil Mr. Herbert McElroy, eIdeet.songf
minikr, the furnishings and spread Mr• W.l}3. McElroy, 'and Miss Emma
quickly. So quickly did the flames Lee* were nnnted in holy nratrin
lcninte e to d that the children had barely
rnony, liyljhe Rev„ .A. Turner. The}{
aescape: They tris acnose th were unattended. The' Wedding
road add gave an alarm. hut before the march spas played by. Miss Taylor,
fire department arrived the house was of Toronto. The presents to the
doomed, and in a little while nothing were'. most beautiful and numerous.
Sat one wallremained.orchildren
andMrs. Both parties,. were helc'e in . high
Suint and two other children were P s
visiting at Bluevale at the time, and esteem by everyone; tiia young
the two little girls were alone in the lady iholding !the position as
hells, organist an St. 1Andrew's church Baron Wallace
The semi annual meeting of the for years. They left on the 3.53 G.
County Loyal Oranee Lodge was held T.R., train for Toronto, Niagara MONDAY—Will leave his own
in Wingham, Tuesday afternoon, Falls and other points east, on stable, lot 40, West End, Tucker -
when delegates were present horn ail their return they will make their smith, go to Huron !Road, then to
parts of the county. Master, Thos. 'home i:n ,town, living on Queeglst. Graham House for noon, then to
Stewart in the chair. Rev. Mr. Bib They have the hearty 'conratulat
Gilbert Ma.z
S for
pert was elected county chaplain to fill ions of the entire community and TUESDAY—By Holmesville and
the vacancy caused by the removal of all . hone they wi'l1 have la prosper Maitland to Wm. Durst's for'noon
Rev. L+. 11. Oroly. There will he no ous and happy life, then by way of Bethel Corner and
county celebration this 12th of July, BenmiIler to Wilmot Haake'e,
and some to Arthur. The represents {Yat, Ii Huron Road: for night,
Fob Lost WEDNESDAY—Huron Road east
Lives all report the order being in to Wm. Flick'sfor noon, and then
flourishing condition in their several 1 -- by way of 9th con. to James Gra-
districts. at the close of the meeting,A gold Winch Feb initialed i. L. R. ham's for night/
steps were taken to organize a branch ost either Thursday night or Friday THURSDAY—To Wise's • Corner
of the Canadian Unionist League "to morning. Finder will kindly leave at and Bayfield Road to James Jen -
help Ulster in its fight against home N,ew ;Era Office kilns', 2nd of Stanley for noon,
rule and the dismemberment of the then to his own stable for night
British Empire. where he will remain until the
A large number of guests assembled Cattle Wanted for Pasture following Monday morning. "
last Monday night at the home of Mr. G. W. NOTT, Proprietor
and Mrs A E, Green, Scott street, to
join with them in celebrating the loth
anniversary of their wedding. A very
enjoyable time was spent by all pres
tint in various amusements and a
bountiful repast was served in excel
lent style. Before leaving. all joined
in wishing them many more years of
health and happiness.
on Friday evenog.
Mr. and Mrs Wake:•field and cb:l
dren of England have this week ta\
ken up their abode int .lien Snell s
Mrs. Ben Riley sr. of Hensali has
been visiting ,relatives faround
Mrs. Bert McLean' of Buffalo is
visiting herr mother, bins Neilson.
Mr. David Nelson spent a lett
days, the guest of his 'brother Jack
at Bothviile,
Brumfield •
• Mr l'at t_soti took i,u the Grey-
hound cieurs on tb°Detroit.. Mr
Hodgen', tool, his Mace 'here in the
railway station
The news of the Senate throwing
out the •.13111 for the rel.lef of the
t1Faeiner's Emil:" was received with
much surpr"se, none front here has
yet been obliged to go to the ref-
uge on az count of the Bank fa:lure
is ,one great blessing, our people
usually get 3 meals a clay.
Mrs .Hugh Cameron has returned
Rowell at Clinton
LEADER N. W. avwea-aa,
A Meeting in the Interest of
�ili•ia: . Proudf®o.
:: and idate to tib Legislature ;if. C'entre'gu on
Liberal _;C d , e ; �,,, f
• will'be held ln.,
.. r,: ra s
ednesda ,Allem®aN
W �'
June 24th _ o'd ock
A Ccrdiel Invitation is extended to all,,
Special Acco,mnodatinln for Ladies
at4 m.
Chair will be taken j .
t uiue.: ` Gold
The noted stock Horse, 'idainea
Gold," will breed a limited num-
ber of mares at his own stable,
Lot 40, West 'End, Tueacersmith.
G. W. NOTT, Proprietor
London Road
Mrs, Wm. Hardy visited with
Mrs, Challenger at Goderich ,last
week prior to the latter going out
west to s is`,ther• son.
Mrs. Levi Wiltse took in the ex-
cursion on the (Greyhound tr. De-
Mr. and blrs. Fred Nott Sundayed
in Heinett:. They visited the latter
grandmother Mrs. Hazetwood,
League meets at Mr , W}Il',am
Falconer's next Tuesday night.
On the 20th the Temperasee p^n-
ple will have the chance to hitt the
Devil the hardest crack. in the
Province, Will we do it?
There are quite a number who
will avail ithemeelves of the trip to
Guelph on Saturday.
We had quite an Interesting wed
ding Tuesday in our burg.
The many Ifrke•nds of Mr. T. L.
Adams who left Londesboro on the
,• I. ant now prepared to take a few
more head of cattle in, apply to
Clinton R. R. No. 2
or phone 12 on 143 Will stand for the Improvement ot
stock this season as follows,—
ollows;TUESDAY-Will leave his own
For; Sale Cheap. stable, Commercial Hotel, Clinton
and will go to, John Schwanz,:God
erich township, by way of 'Huron
A Scuffier, in first-class repair Can Road, for noon, thence to Thelon
be seen at my blacksmith shop on Hotel, Goderich for night.
Ontario Street. WEDNESDAY—Will go to Thos
R. JONES Doherty's, Sheppardton, on the
boundary, for noon, thence to
George Drennan's, lot 5, cop. 10,
For Sale Ashfield. for night.
THURSDAY—Rill go by way of
10th con., Belfast, to Robt. Agar's,
lot 12, Gravel Road, for noon, then
by way of Lu:know, Gravel south
to Glenn Hill's for one hour at
Jos. Irwin's. ,thence 6th con. East
Wawanosh, to . Donyybrook, John
Wallis' for night.
FRIDAY—Will go to Belgrave
by way of boundary between East
and West Wawanosh and east on
9th con. fort noon, thence to Com-
mercial Hotel, Blyth, for night,
SATURDAY—Will go to Londes
boro Hotel for one hour, thence to
his own stable, Clinton, for noon
where he will remain until the
following Tuesday morning,
J. J. McCaughey Jas, Bell
Proprietor Manager
Red Franklin
A Baby Carriage and a Cradle
apply at The New Era
A Safe wanted, in gcod condition
Apple at
For Sale
Twos driving mares and a buggy
in good renals'. Apply to
u •00000000000000000000• D••S ••••••••••*••••••••300•000 •••0••••••••••O••••••0•••• •
• A hair •
.erom The public•
• •
• EF ., publishers of newspapers were Think of this 1
• ' • to cease i'ssu'ing their' paper's, ' Have those other servants of the
o during the suntmer months, people—the merchants who supply ••
• saying, "it's too hot in July and %Aug- them with their daily necessities— i
• •
ust to publish papers, and .anyway any right to be silent with respect to
e - people don't read papers in summer,' " •
s —what a cryofprotest would go up the news they have for those who de- •
• pend on them . Has not the public +r
•e: all r• The
the land ! thepub-,.. a right to demand that the,,n'ews of,
e l he public would' say to ,the stores shall be published along•
0 lishers .,...:. ` with other news 'of value alit0,}:ifat • r,est? ;o
e --41 '' We,must'have'the news and'' you, p a •'
Y We put it up to ilii people of tLis •
'," ' must{ give i:& to• us: •.' You are our ser- community and to the merchants of :
O vants-in this platter—our news ' ath• •
g this town that the store news of this i
ererS and scatterers. We ars ready community is necessary news and e
to pay you for this service. You have ' should appear reirularly in the public
no ribht or liberty ,to take it !loon press at all seasons of the year,
yourselves to cease publishing your Think of this, you merchants of this
paper at your pleasure or conveniellce, for n.
Think of it ! The newspaper exists Y
by the mandate of the people. It aline
You can obtain helpful advice•
among; all publications,, may not con p on 0
tinue or cease at it •pleasure, for it • advertising free of cost and without •
• holds its charter from the people obligation by consulting the Business
Department of the Clinton New Era. .• is
• p i
, •
• whose servant it is.