HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-18, Page 3Page gV'.
The New Era.
47TH YEAR. •
W. II. KERII & SON, Props,
t Lvslig;[PIT l"rtisitteSS 11 u1t:tger
New Era, One. Year in advance $LOO
New Era, when not paid in ad-
vance $1.50
New Era, to the United States
in advance $450
r,.. ..in
Advertising Rales on Application
- Job wont jlriees adeance on July
1st, 1913, in accordance with,
the Huron Co. Presis,,,Asso-
eitation Rates.
Office Phone 30 House Phone 95
Their Flesh Strewn Ice Huts Resemble
Slaughter Houses.
My first view of the interior of Uck-
Gluck's arctic residence would have
been a disheartening one to a tender-
foot To me, after nine hours of freez-
ing, nothing had ever seemed quite so
welcome and cheering as the hollowed
out stone in a 'hick a Liberal quantity
of seal oil and moss was burning.
(The moss was used as a wick„and so
answered the purpose of both lamp
and stove.) Three children were crowd-
ed together at the end of the igloo
staring silently. Uck-Gluck's koaner or
woman stood with an infant in her
arms, grinning broadly and cheerfully
at us.
The room was about eighteen feet
In diameter and was a veritable sham -
'hies. Uck-Gluck possessed a reputa-
tion as being a great hunter, and he
had been especially successful of late.
Masses of flesh lay strewn all about
the floor. There seemed apparently to
be no effort or desire to keep it in
one or two, piles, It lay everywhere.
There was the whole carcass of e
walrus, cut up and strewn about, and
almost directly at the head of the
raised "platform" of ice which formed
a bed for the whole family there was a
great pile of entrails, preserved for
dog meat The walls of the igloo were .
spattered with blood, and weapons of
the chase lay everywhere. These in-
cluded spears and harpoons, long
knives and a rifle that fired powder'
and ball.
A large quantity of meat, killed earlier
In the season, had arrived at the age
and stage where it possessed a very
bad odor. This was not for the dogs.
Uck-Gluck and his family would have
fed them the fresh meat before they
would hove sacrificed this particular
pile, which was just reaching that mel-
low and ripe condition which strongly
appears to their palate: ,
Bernard and Outtn came Into the
Igloo ti few moments later, and so de-
lighted were Uek-Cluck tend his wife
to learn that both of the ks 1 lo blitheks or
White mw were to ort and sleep Un-
der their roof 'tlnit they disported
themselves like ohlldlcn daneing0bout
and laughing and ehattering 10 their
own tongue. Nernni d told me that In
his pleasure tick -Gruels was saying
that in return for the honor the white
men were showing film he 0(1(11d hive
the tabluntihs the greatest hunting
that white men Iced ever had.
As we had 001110 to hunt, and as Ul-
Gluck, was noted all along the coast for
his prowess. this was highly satisfac-
v. Bernard brought in his oil
and we vegan et inline to prepare•our
supper. as we had eaten nothing but
frozen meat since morning. We fried
our own deer meat. heated a number
of ship biscuit, a eau of obrnand a can
nf•• tomatoes andmade about a gallon
of tea. ' Ue1. C111e1_ Marl hit'• family es-
cepteel the tea and biscuits as great
delicacies, but only Ishya, his wife,
took advantage of the stole to emit
her meat. With their knives the Eski-
mos crit off chunks from the' meat
strewn about and devoured it raw,
laughing and chuckling as they feast-
ed,. One of the children, a boy of sev-
en or eight. ate a strip of pure fat
that must have weighed nearly a
pound.-Jaroes Oliver Curwood in Les-
Newest Notes of Science
The di'r'ect conintunication with
the spirit world has been establish-
ed by dristrumental means cis the
cl,alm of two . Dutch scientists of
ii'i(gh repute.
Agaol. to be fastened to a bed-
stead has • been patented ry:hi(ah
holds a book in just the right p 1 i_
tion for, ,a pereen ,to read whole y
ing on hiss beak,
A Trench perfume :mtaoufaottning
firm has constructed a portable
distillery to distill extracts from
wild flowers fm' the regions in which
they grow.
For cooking. small articles a Min-
nesota inventor has patented a pan
adjustable at varying heights; along
a rod tobe clamped ossa gas light
If the holes in the cap of a seldom
used founlaur. pen be plugged to
keep oat the_ airthe ink ,in fibe•pen
:will not dry so rapidly.,
Old rails erected en pairs are
used by a Brazilian railroad for.
telegraph poles in a regiton where
insects destroy wood rap,ldly. v,
An ornament for woanen's hate
which can be made of as costly Ina
tenial as des:aed .has been patented
to hold afeather at any 'angle.,•
Two Austrian engineers • have in -
✓ ented a process for casting false
teeth in metal by which "the neoes-'
sary uniform dentistry is obtained
All the light from a new, rear.
lamp for automobiles Ssconcentrat
ed ,to passthrough a perforated
plate showing; a aar's license num-
In Gerniany tinfo,l is cheaply im-
itated by coating paper with a mix-
ture of 'finely powdered metal and
resin and subjecting it to friction.
White shoes can bedyed brown
with ten drops of saffron mixed
w ith three teaspoonfuls •of ol:,ve oil,
two coats being applied with flan-
'The newest Alpine sport (:s coast-
ing down] mounta'In railways fon
specially designed cars, 'which
sometimes exceed a speed of e'ig'hty
males an hour.
Eleven surveying, parties will ee
sent out .his year by :See Ucndt.
States Geological survey to !elves-
tilgate the mineral resources of.
An En(glisdi scientist who raises
Wheat in record breaking time says
that he treads; the seed with ,eleic1-
Itr'leitty so that her rebles the ''life,
force within it. ,
Ordinary 'spectacles can be made
to serve as binoculors by the In V011
kion of a frame holding an auxiliary
iprair of lenses to be fastened ,lin
front of the others,
French scientists have adopted
the word "frigory" meaning the
amount of cold necessary to reduce
the temperature of a kilogram of
water one degree Centigrade as a
unit of measurement for refrger-
uII sting and allied i.ndustnies',
uron County Council
The proceedings •epene'd at'3pi assistant matron, from 5200 to $250
m, on Ifuesdays June 2nd, all the including :the current year. This
was carried except as it relates to
salary of Inspector 'Torrance.
Moved in amendment by Elliott
and MciKibbon that John Torrance
be paid salary of;4300"per year;
which is about the same as last
year. 'Carried.
A letter from Turnkey J. Knox
asking that he beallowed light and
water for his residence was filed
because not received th times
The following committees were
read and passed 'Road an.d(Brldge
County property, Education and
Mr. J. A. Mallough addressed the
Council with reference to the ap
poinment of a district rePresenta-
rive for the county.
members present, and Warden Can
telon outlined the busi,ncss likely
to come before the Council.
Communications on the following
matters were read and referred to
the committees as named ;
Thomas 1Vlorrow, respecting his
meat contract for supply at. jail
executive comm:lttee.
Sheriff (Reynolds urging ad-
vantage of Dominion Government
supply of selling (trees and the
adoption of a system of reforesting,
certain lands. Special committee.
Secretary of Provincial Winter
Fair offering of special 'Po/10.y
tallies as in former years. Exeau-
Resolution from Duffer in •county
council relax on motor vehicles.
As motion to appoint Dr. ; R, C.
Redmond on the High School Board
for balance of Dr. Kennedy's term
after any sickness is purely a hatter of
tourishment whether the attack was
an ordinary cold;' or severe' illness; the
weakened forces cannot repulse disease
erns, and"this is why a relapse is: so
often fatal or why ,, h chronic weakness often
follows sickness.
Restoring strength to millions of people
for„forty years 1 as proven the real need
for taking Scott's Btnulsioti' after any
Sickness; nothing equals' it nothing
compares with it, :Its pure, medicinal
nourishment, free from alcohol or opiates,
promptly creates rich blood, strengthens
the nerveS and lilugs to avert tuberculosis.
1$290,03 (lase. $30 fees paid) be paid
ori account of Huron County pupils
attending thatsch.pol,
1, Recommending that county
pass 75 per cant of cost of(tempor
„ary bridge at Bayfield 'thetia:moun,t
not to exceed( $100, ;,he village of
ayfleld :agreenng to furnish all
lights reduired. (2) that ' snow
guards be erected an Zetland bridge
(r3) That sidewalk pn.Exeten bridge
be put in proper : state of i'cpa:r.
(4) That a balance ofi$104.40' due on
read south of (Win
gli n be par
(t5) That no actien beltaken 1.0
bad at Dicky y Hi 11. (;G) That co-
mmittee meet: ao'minii t(ee of Bruce
Council and leave D7eky Bridge put
propel' shape,
During ''the riot spell the health
of the baby must be carefully
guarded. Diarrhoea, cholera In-
, !lantern and dysentry carry offs
thousands of precious :little lives
every summer. Babyy'ssOwn 'Tab-'.
,lets are especially adapted to keep
the Tittle ones well dariSng the
summer. They regulate the bowels
sweeten• the stomach, and an oc-
casional 'dose (prevent the
dreaded summer complaints, or
if they ' do' come on suddenly the
prompt use of the Tablets will set
baby right again. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr,. Williams' aVtedicine Co., Brock
yille Ont. , •
The following reports were read
and passed; ,Special, Road and
Bridge and Finance committees.
Messers Cantelon and Govenlock
and Clark made aformal report of
their attendance oa Ot,'cawa to
The jailer's report was sent to interview the Dominion Govern-
County Property committee He went re Goderich harbor improve -
reported one male pr'ifsoner at meats and Messers, Crovenloek
present and again asked that a Livingstone and the Warden made
coal and wood shed bel built, report regarding ;insular railways
Thr matter of repairs it ;.(Gal- as applicable to this county. Both
ley bridge on thelake red en Ste- deputations received a vote of
phen and Dickey br:;dge on Huron thanks for their services.
Brace boundary was discussed ank.l The committee on radial railways
11. and B. committee promised to was continued as matters regard -
report. Ing such roads may come up before
lotions on the following( met- next session.
ters were also referred to the, same COi1IMITTEES REPORTS(.
comin>Itteo ; ()1 refloor:,ng of side-
walk on Bxete" bridge ;( (e) slier'
guards to be placed on Zetland
bridge between Turnberry and
East Wawanosh (3) that Council
Have the road at Dickey hill com-
A deputation from Bayfield ad-
dressed the Council and,presentltd
also two petitions against• ,goin[i,,, on
with repass to the bridge at 'Sins
season of the year. A counter, pe -
edition signer, by 37 residents in
and near Bayfield was also pre-
sented and after diecuss',on a
motion by LeckSe and Milne that
the work be not delayed was car
The report of Messers Lev stone, Shortreed Elliott of Stephen
as the special committee to, revise
the present bridge by-law was die
cussed and amended to react that
the county assume all bridges on
boundary lines within the county
and that the Lake Shore from north
to south boundary of the county be
considered a county boundary, and )1t0,191,81.
a by-law prepared accordingly. EXECIUTIVE.
A request from J. H. McClilnt(on
L Recommending the following
for a grant to the Huron Poultry
Association was sent to -Executive
g1'anits $25 to County: Poultry Show
s$25; to P.roviincaal winter fair for
Messers. Lindsay and; Brown two prizes on beef animals, and $25
moved that a grant of $100 be made for prizes}oar draft horses.
, deviation, road Mel2. That not action betaken on
to help build'
Bayfield while
letter of.Thomas Morrow as Co loss
temporary bridge at Bayf
petting on al cement Floor on r the
on:meat contract and that hes
steel bridge. R. and B. committee.tender to supply beef fit for bold
ing at 14c per pound be accepted.
THIRD DAY -THURSDAY Reporting visiting Jails and
registry offitce, and finding every -
kiting in good condition and'rec-
ommend no faction be taken Stere
gard to building a coal shed.
Reported regular visits to
the House of Refuge• and every-
thing found satisfactory; 80
inmates in the place at presentl.
2. Recommending the painting of
outside of ina:,n building land the
substitilon of an electric : motor
for the gasoline engine now used
also the building o$ a'vault for
keeping papers and documents In
safety and sundry items connected
WW)itlr eternal management' of the
1. Reporting certain ( accounts
paid and approved land that cert-
+ain other accounts paid.
2. That county expenditure after
taking Seto accounts the receiptla
will be $37,127,7, requiring a rate of
2 1-20 mills on the dollar on an
equalized assessment f 1$42,501,400.
The increase in the rate is due, on
account of a doflict in 1913 of
The reports of the Executive
and Houtt a of Refuge ycomm(ttees
were read and adopted,
Moved by Messers. Leckie and
Bunter, that the sallarila11s of Dr. DIT,CATION
Shaw, medical attendant at House Recommending (1) that Dr. R. C,
of Refuge beUncreased from $300 Redmnd be aPPi
nted trustee on
tq350 ; that of Inspector Tor-Wingham H5g)1 School Board and
ranee : from( $200 to $250 and that of (2) that claim of Harrilston H. S.
How the Milkmaids of Holland
Carry Heavy Loads.
Two Pails Are More Easily Borne Than
One When Balanced on the Shoulders.
Things of Interest to Little People.
Puzzles and Games.
To carry two pails of milk or water
is easier than to carry one if you know
how and have a yoke such as the girl
in the picture has balanced on her
shoulder. Every boy who has ever
carried water from the well in a
bucket knows it is a pretty hard 'job,
Daring Militants Attempt to
Wreck Coronation Chair
London, June 11, -The Militant
suffragettes staged oneef the most )
dramatic acts `o£ theircam,paiggn this
afternoon „when they exploded a
bomb in Westminster Abbey attihe
very moment that ilhe (Sight Hon.
Reginald McKenna, Secretary of
State for Home Affairs, was de-
livering an optimistic speech in
the House of Commons nearby re
girding the Governments method
of dealing 'Wirth the "wild women."
The bomb' was placed beside the
famous Coronation chair in Edw;ard
the Confessor's chapel. ,Although
St slid little damage, like pa'evions
attempts ' at destruction of :the
same kind, =Sts report pentetcsted
to the chamber of the 'Hoose, in-
terrupting Mr. McKenna's oration
and bringing some of the members
into the otreet( to learn whathad
The detonation was heardfor
many blocks,' around and acrowd
quickly filled the egiiare in front of
the abbey, but the Police were in
immediate possession and closed
Scotland Yard's Report,
A' statement issued by Scotland
Yard gives the facts in a most con
serviative form. s
At 5 o'clock," !says the state-
ment, a small bomb was exploded
in immediate proximity to the cor-
onation chair. It is supposed that
some member ofa large ;party of
s htseers lagged behtnd the rest;
and deposited' ihe bomb when the
others had left the chapel. For-
tunately the damage done 'was
slight, A portion, of the (carved
chair was
r of thel eh rr
wood at the bier �
blown off and some of the stone
carving of the screen of the great
altar was damaged, apparently by
some iron note contained ise ,''the
The bomb itself was made Of thin
metal, niakelelplated ; ih was ac-
;ploded by a fuse, A woman's feall
er boa, a guide .book. and a) snia11.
black Sills Tag was found on le chain'
nearby: No material damage has
been done, as hiappily,. ;Che: p.lecea
blown off :can be put' together a-
gala( The police . are making ino
(Nudes in contjunetjon with . his
Don't Put Off
seeking relief from the illnesses
caused by defective action of the or-
gans of digestion. Most Serious sick-
nesses get their start in troubles of
the stomach, liver, bowels -troubles
quickly, safely, surely 'relieved by
Said everywhere, In bows, ZS cents.
YOti 1,00t< E'F>;'CIPyl,1J(
�11f IILMIivG YoDAY,
a sr
Photo by American Press Association.
and he usually sticks one arm out to
help balance the loaded side, When
he has two buckets the job is easier,
if they are net too heavy. The weight
of one offsets that of the other, and
he is able towalk erect, but ends it
difficult to prevent the pails knocking
against els legs. The girl in the pic-
ture is -a milkmaid and she lives in
Holland. or the Netherlands, which
is a famous dairy country. You no-
tice that she has a wooden yoke
placed atthe back of her neck and
resting on her shoulders. On enchend
of the yoke she suspends two great
pails of milk andis able to carry them
with ease. The weight is balanced on
the shoulders. which she relieves Some-
what with her hands. But one of the
pails is 'shown, space not permitting ,
the other to aPPear
in the picture.
Those who have to carry water any
distance might use this scheme to
lighten themselves.
Are an
Pimples are caused by the blood being
out of order, Those little festering
on the nose,
sores appear on the forehead,
on the chin and other parts of the body,
and although they, are not a dangerous
trouble they are very unsightly to both
you and your friends.
There is only one way to get rid of
them, and that is to purify the blood.
Burdock Blood 'Bitters' is without a
doubt the best remedy on the market
for this purpose,
Wm, P. Donohue, Jr., Hamilton, ,Ont.,
writes: -"About six' Months ago my
Tittle son's face was literally covered with
pimples. I tried, every preparation I
was told of by my friends, but to no
avail. Soon I thought i could not have
them fixed up, awl would have to wait,
end let him grow out of there, but
-thanits to Burdock_,rood Bitters. they
are all gone, and, I; gladly recommend' it
to anyone."
Burdock Blood Fitters is manufac-
tured solely by The T,, Milburn Co.;
Limited. Toronto, Oat.
Majesty's:Inspector of Explosives„
--, ,,fir„r.,•7
An Und irable.
"Why dill you 1 t t t c }'our engage.
ment With Mr. Su ithortuu?"
"I was fortunate tnoutrh to Ond ant
before it wile too late that he always
files a cross hill when 110 le s i l for
divorce," -Chicago Ile:•urtl'ller:tiQ.
The Poetess - A Denny for your
The Poet -Well, I don't Itunyv, rep
hall worse offers from milill hers. -
Philadelphia Itec•ord.
Thursday, June 14th, 1014.
T °oo6.Ye P11.0$91aoa3 ,a,
The Grr"E :190"l1S2 Rem,nc77r.
'? Tones and Invigorates rho.. wholo
nervous System, makes now Blood
in old Veins, !oars lrerooie,
Debilit7l Meatal and Brertn r71, I)es ion..
deuol/, f oofiof 1117,e7'p1/, Polp1nites1 of the
ilec0't, J u/Dw t Ilion ,o p. Price 91 per vox, six
for. i5,0 Onc Will' 1110000 . ar will oore0100/1/;Sold by all
druggists or mailed in pIfin'pkr. on receipt of
price,, ` T' or 1,nings11, f e+ oil oree 6HE W000
bs )t0lelit0 ca.,9'Oa0N.t0, OUT, Siarnaily Wlndto,,)
'Wing -What 1s meant 1/' the "ram
mon run of people?"
Wage - Commuters tatrhlng their
morning trains. -Burton 'fr:tn.eerIet.
Quickly stops coughs, cure,; colds, end :,r=..:
Die throat and lungs.• :: 20 wire
Morigage Dale
Under and by virlue of the
powers contained It a certain
ia e. which will be.produced
mortgage. P ,
at the time of sale, there w.al be
offered for eale by public `'aue-
tion by D. N. Watson, auctioneer,
at Graham's Hotel, in the town of
Clinton, .on Saturday, the 20th clay
of June, 1914, at the hour of 2
o'clock in the afternoon, the fol-
lowing property, Lot Number thir-
teen in, Hagyard's Survey, in the
village of Londesboro, contain!
ing one quarter 'of an acre of land
more or less. On the property is
erected a dwelling house. For
terms and conrliltilons of sale ap-
ply to
Solicitor for the Vendor
Dated this 22nd day of May, 1914.
Keeping -Company.
"What can that young fellow find
to tall: about fur three hours every
"Oh, he lags plenty to talk about:
He has to tell :IG1bcl he loves her and
go over it four or five thousand times."
-Kansas City Journal.
Private Kindergarten
I am starting a private kindergarten
in the lower rooms of the little school
on Townsend street, immediately after
Easter, and would like a number of
pupils between the ages of four and
seven.T'be class will he beld in the
afternoon between the hours of 1.30
and 4 p.m. Terms 151 a month. Apply
Ontario Street
"'(Vhnt's the mourn': ltntl't 1 lulow
haw to rut moil':" +lrmandvtl the ills-
rhar;:ed lmtr•hvr.
"you /in." (1 liar 111e proprietor 01'
Il o r:,et f tutr1.1 t 1,61 ).u!. baud does
not' mare ,'polish 1 ' r tail it ,•,111.
New Era and Daily Globe $4.50
New Era and Daily Mail and
Empire 4,50
New Era and Dally World 3.31
New Era and Daily News 2.35
New Era gird Daily Star 2.35
New Era and Family Herald
and Weekly Star
New Bra and Weekly Witness
New Era and Northern Nles-
New Era and Canadian Farm
New Era and Farmer's Sun..,
New Era and (Daily Free
Press, morning,
Now Era and Daily Free
Press, evening
New Era and Weekly Free
New Era and Daily Advertiser
Taw ra and Weekly
tiser •
Sew Era and Faim and Dairy
;few Era and Farmer's Advo-
Boar For Service '
W.:13HYDOti Eo
Having purchased from Mr. George
Dale of Wilburn. his Tamworth hog
I will keep the same for service at lot
23, 3rd eon, of Hullett. Terms 01 00 at
time of service with privilege of re-
turning if necessary.
Book orders for Baby chicks
Order mow for baby chicks one
day old, Rhode Island Reds wad
Barred Rocks 15c for day old and
20c for week old. Crosses Ione
day old 10c.. The stock is a Vest -
class 'strain and chicks will be heal-
thy, and strong.
NomeseeItP$ [xcuIsioo
Round trip tickets' to points in
M'anvtoba, Alberta and Saskatche-
wan, via Chiicago, St. Plant, Duluth
or Sarnia, and Northern Navviga-
tion Company, on sale each
day until Oct27,inFlusiv
e at low
Through Pullman Tourist
Sleeping Cars to; Winnipeg
on above dates, leaving
Toronto 11 p,m. ;Ido change
of cars.
A bright boy with fairly good
education, to learn the Printing.
Apply at
Clinton Ont.
Rooms to Let
The 1 ooms shove feed store, opposite
the mild, Albert Street. Six nice airy
rooms, front entrance, soft water and
town water inside. Reasonable terms.
Phone 192. •
Return Limit, Two Months.
T'he C4rand; Trunk Pacific Rail-
way is the •shortest and qu'Icl.est
route betWeen (Winnipeg, Saska-
toon and Edmonton, with excell-
ent through, service to Regina.
Trains now' running into Calgary.
Berths, reservations, and parti-
culars at all Grand Trunk. tickett
offiiees or write
f rd c�, 5 .n cit •n -
jam Fan,oo &Son, yassc
gci' and Ticket. Agents, phone 57;
:1..0. Pattison, station agent
(S I$Itl.ES 1E, i1741J3
Oonneyance, Notary: Public,
Commissioner, etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
HuroniSt, ,0linton.
Notaryar Pu
1 c Conveyancer.
and Real Estate,
INSUR;ANCI]"AGENT-Representing 14 Fire:Ia
scrapes Companies„
Division Court 011i&a.
DR) t:. Qtd. Tli1OMHPS6ZIi
Physician, Burgeon. Et0
societal attention given to diseases of. the
Eye, Ear. Throat, and Nose,
I9yes carefully samined, and suitable gamest
Oaioe and Residence.
Two doors west of the Conu aerctal. Ram
Baron M.
Farm f:9o' Sale
The Executors of the Southcombe
Estate offers for erre 50 acres, east
halt of got 28,- con. 0, I4ullett. A first
class farm, . ell watered and improved
and with good buildings. A good or-
chard and 7 acres of hush, Apply to
R. J. Southco/nhe on the: premises, or
Clinton Postollice,
Drs. Cco tri M. E. 'Whitley
Osteopathic Pity.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
-Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Bye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattlenbury 'Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
IDIIS. Gil1GN an1dGiAMMHi1�.Il'.
lir. W. Gunn, L. E. 0, P.. L. 1r: 0, r1.. Tulle
Dr. J. (1, Gaudier. R.A. 81.E,
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton,
Night cans at residence,-`Rattenbasl'St.
or at hospital
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
Wo also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all .Grains.
DR. J. W. SHAW.,
eennel`eur, etc., ,mice and residence Oa'
tonbnry St,. opposite W. Farran's residence.
DR. F. n. AXON
3.110509(11 and Bridge �,br111 n Speeheity._
Graduate of 0,0.0,8..1 Chicago, and R.O.B.O:
Hayfield ou'lliondays, May 1st to neeemb
.., fi$
Union ,station, Toronto,' Ont.
Ofoee over O'NEIL'S store.
Speoiai care taken to make dental treat
meat as paiinless as possible, •
Live stock and general Auction te"
$atm atom: sales a apema111. 0108es at xu
New ERA otlac, Clinton, prime' aiy attended-
to. Terms reasonable. Farmers' sale note
discounted! •
G. D. McTaggart 111. D. MoTaggae•
Pianos i
See and here our finest .
New Stylish designs of E
Doherty Pianos and it
,special values in Art
Pianos and organs rent t.
ed, choice new Edison '
hone ra hs, Music &'
P g P
- E
variety goods. " •'
Music Enupor ulll
C i4re
McTaggart Brill,,.
er General Banking Bantaefr.a&
tr onalaeted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed e
The Mteifillop Mutual.,
Fire Insurance eo.
Farm and Isolated Town Frey
arty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President,' Seaforlth,
.1 Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goder'leb.
T• E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seafoalth.
Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, Jobmi•
Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton ; 1)i.
F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. Evens,
Beechwood , J G. GrIeve, Winithrola'
J Benneweis, Brodhagen ; M. Mew
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector of
losses in his own distriet.
Eobt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Hinch-
ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, 1B,gg-
mondville; .i. W. Yeo, 'Hoimeeviilay,
Payments may bo, made at The
Mnrris'h Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cutt, Goderich.
G'' LINToI'0
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, nest door to New
Grand Trnnkliailway System
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8;80' a m 4.40,p ps
Centralia9.33 5.43
Exeter 9.44 5.54
Bewail ......,9.55 6.05,
Kippers 10,01 6.11
Brucefield 10.09 6.19'
Clinton _ 11,00 6.35
Londesboro 11.18
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 '7.13
Wingham, arrive11.54 7.35
South Passenge'
Wingham, depart6,35 a m 3.30 p nt''
Belgrave 6.50 3.44
Blyth 7.04 3.56
Londesboro7.13, %; 4.04
Clinton 8.10 4.23
Bruoefield,.... 8,27 4.30
E ippen 8.35 4.47
Henaall. 8.41 4.52'
Exeter. 8.54 5.05
Centralia .. 9.04 5.15:
London, arrive 10,00 6.10'
Buffalo • and Ooderich
Wes` Passengee
am m pat m
Stratford........10.00 12,30 5.25 102255'
Mitchell.....,...10.22 12,55 5,55 10,49'
Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.18 11.11
Clinton 11.07 1.85 6.40 11,28
Holmesvrlle11.16 1,43 6.40 11.38
Goderich11.85 2.00 7.05 11,55
East Passenger
am pm pm
Gooleriob 7.05 2.35 4,50
Holmesville .. 7.22 2,52 508
Clinton 7 32 3.031
5. 5
Seatorth .......•..... 7.51 3.21 -5,32
Mitchell .............. 8.16 3..44 5 55
Stratford............ 8.40, 415 6 211
oa ommocamtpooesee®'u,too®®41,56aro
► Small /idyls. Adw«a, s Pays
I1/"4f's9'7" '9®®9.
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