HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-11, Page 4THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, June lath, 144.
We put on sale Saturday two dozen Ladies Trimmed Hats, all
new this season. As the millinery seaebn is drawing to a close we
want tovclear out our Trimmed Hate at halt price and less. Some
of'theseseold as high as 67.00, your choice Saturday 3.49
Flogwers at Half Price
We wih,also .have on sale Saturday a table of 'Rowers and
Foliageiavoar choice Saturday Half Price.
Cool. Drebses for Summer Days
Graceful and charming are these Summer Frocks. Never
before have summer fabrics been more heautitul'than this season.
They are wale of. crepes, embroidery. ratine, and the daintiest of
Dolly Vanden figures.
Fancy Dresses $5 to $25
Made of Ratines, Embroidery. Crepes and Voiles
l-louse�Dresses $1.10 to $5
Mode of Print, Gingham and Precale, all sizes.
Wt` also passed into stock this weeK
..14W Figured Crepes, Plain Crepes,
Fancy Ratines, Prices 15c to 3oc yard
Your �lChoice The Store That Your Choice
of ally Suit of any Coat
flail (Price Satisfies. Ball Price
The Rowell Temperance Policy
In the course of his address at
Massey Hall,:1','roronto, last Thurs-
day night Mei Rowell said ;-
Inthe platfq{rnri which I bad the
honor of subnietting to the electors
in the generat election of 191,1 the
following statement of policy ap-
"The evils :Qf intemperance con-
stitute agravc social peril, During
the ensuing Parliamentary term we
will consider the best form of legis-
lation to deal ,ieffect',vely with these
evils, and the electors w511 have an
opportunity of passing upon our
proposals at the following general
' election" h
Pursuant to;thi�s pledge, I now
submit to you°;,the ipolicy upon
which we ask'.the electors to pass
`"'(1) The &mediate abolition
of the bar, theludang therein the
abolition of all hotel and 'club li
ceases and [therewith the treat-
ing system.xn:
rt(2) Such -other restrictions
upon (the residue of the liq-
uor traffic as experience may
show to benecessary to limit
Its lopara iJons land effective
to remedy its evils. Local op-
Tion to be Maintained as ameans
Any hing
you w'''ant done in
Roo kH Rum
Eav -t; rou^hing
t ,
Piu4bint,* or" •
Furnace Work..
Call ant' see us before'
placing your order.
�' •
sill Sutter
Sanitary Plumbers
Phone 7.
err/W.Wvanea/yiW WWVWIONa/VV iV
of wiping out the residue of the
retail sale waere the electors
so decicle,
0(3) The strict enforcement
of the law by officials in sym-,
pathy with the law enforcement
and the elimination, of political
influence from the administrat-
ion of the law.
'4(41 'Phe regulation and !In-
spection of all Louses of pub-
lic entert'ainanent, so as to in-
sure reasonable accommodation
for the travelling 'publ:c.
This policy means ;-
Hotel liquor licenses. Every one
waged out, This means that liq-
uor cannot be cold anywhere on the
Club liquor licenses. Every nne
wiped out.
Treating system, Abol'shed.
Shops are dealt with, but in a dif-
ferent way from bass;''-`
j(1) They will come under further
(2) Theya can be wiped ,out by
local option on a majority vote
where the electors so d,ecede,
(3) New shop licenses cannot be
issued in the place of bar licenses
Note ;-In ,mine -tenths of the
municipalities (of the Province
there are at present no shop lie-
The pledge' R' made >>1 191,1 s
now redeemed, and the responsi-
bility rests upon the electors of
this Province 4:o say whether the
open bar 'shall tor(tiinue in our
midst of b'e% foreaer wiped out.
I now make (this further pro-
mise and pledge to you and to the
electors of the Province ;
®••••NN•••N•O.O•rr•••OO••e•S•••••••••N•i•N.••• They have asked Turner's Church
�., • to join 'Faith them.
• The League meets ;nett Tue l'ay
• t 'i t • nlghit at the home of Mr, 6T' f il',..zz.
T e Le-a*.le enjoyed v ,y? ,!¢ rh Miss Helen Bell ciyr'•st,.e Q. 0. I
• .' d► su lrfup(,?' �\ = the address given by lVl lea' �n miss Gandieirwilot,fras been spending
• 21 . Wiltse,'and wall welcor "x Fals . eek the paet month whirs her brother, Dr:
again. r • g' J. O, l homer retaADi - >d'on Mondayto
Mr. Stanburyhas r r,ta re,ai is
• to her home in H�'G,r,',irg.
• raising his barn tlr a:V.4s. Mr, and Mae
,"sono werek in Tor
onto tbe ear
ly pxviu ()Mho .week,
O ' Afar alias 'Vodd•en at" Londeshoro spent
llil'iharlalg t l wJ "6.13 til bs the week ead with Miss Bessie Mc
Mrs; !''air at Pnronto is the guest of
• BIR,:es her sister, Mire. Wi R. Helper.
PL11aVISTEJ]L = In S?, ?r -, :tit, Mr. and Mrs. S. Moffat and Dr. and
on Friday, June`, 5, , [iq � r , ind Mes Llayd Moiiat of London motored
Mrs, Perry Pluntste o uarx. urs bo'town on Sunday and tailed on
' iriendswnd relatives here.
REID-In Bay City, M ci.., ','•'+,Urns- Mrs, Ross of Toronto is the guest of
!h h t et tested. Fisher go of ll Reasonable
t'iriham esIlt ur ted thele golden iE
Weaning apt, Plea; 24th. .
T Mise o '
e a .r
h s ll�i' .G and e e
"f _sr Bell)
d + M"
an London are ., , ,('�' • `e
LHuuu rete of their Care ®f
G err else I our
rItWIIlllllulll11111111G�� ,,,111�����iilllu0~' flu nnm
Who will move to Thedford at the close
of his pastorate at Londesboro and Con-
stance Methodist Churches, on June 28th.
Rev. Mr. Osterhout has done good work
at that charge.
• Mrs. Henry Ada us has returned
home atter visiting friends in Seaforth
for the past week,
The Ladies Aid of Burns' church
are holding a banana social len June
12 on the Harlock school grounds. Tea
will he served from 0 to 8. Refresh-
ments and bazaar, Auburn hand in
attendance. Admission lOe and 25c.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter and
three children spent Sunday with his
cousin Mrs. S. Appleby.
John Knox of Harlock was mail
carrier for a few days in place of R.
Shaddick who was framing Inc a few
P.oward Snell and Miss Clara Ander-
son daughter of tbe late Richard
Anderson were married on Tuesday.
They will take a two months trip to
Saskiston, where she will visit ger
brothers there, We wish Mr. and
Mrs. Snell a happy wedded life
Mr. and Mrs. A, Weymouth Mr, and
Mrs. Jos. Garter, and Mr. and Mrs. 11.
Oaks spent Friday at Goderich.
Eph Bown spent this week on petit
jury at Goderich,
The .ratepayers of S. S. No, 5 had
the grounds of the school beautified by
planting ornamental and shade trees
around it on S.turday afternoon.
Wm. Vodden left for the Weet this
week, where he will spend the sum-
The council has been most fortunate
in the matter of the well for lire pro-
tection and steeet watering purposes.
having at a depth of a little over fifty
feet struck a 'gushing spring that
makes it next to impossible to even
brick up the well, It seems that an
almost unlimited supply c f coater has
been found and that without going to
much of a depth,
Mrs. T. Neelands spent Tuesday in
The Rev. Mr. Hicks, as secretary of
the Landon Conference, is io Sarnia at
tending it.
Mr, W. Hoggartli has been quite il•1
for a couple of weeks with ear trouble
which was so bad that be went to Lon
don recently to consult a specialist.
Mrs. Hoggarth meow panted horn. Be
is now considerably Netter.
Mrs. William Mitchell a much re-
spected resident of this village for e
number of years passed awav on Wed-
nesday afternoon after several months
The King's birthd'ry wee not obset v•
ed as a general holiday here, hitt e
number of people took in the rices at
Dr. Cherney. veterinary surgeon.
who has practiced here for a number
of years and is very papular, has sold
out his practice and good will to Dr.
Maltby. who came here a few months
ago from the Weet. Dr. Malloy at
time lived at Staffs, a few miles away
and will no doubt do well,
Miss Nellie Carmichael has returned
home from Stratford, where she has
been attending business college and
has been successful in passing her ex-
am i nal ions,
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, secretary of
missions in the Presbyterian church,
preached two very able and impressive
sermons in Carmel Presbyterian
church on Sunday last.
Thealoc,il hand furnished music at
the races at Dashwood on Wednesday.
James. Petrie • has sold- his farm to
Eeary Horton i.. Tuckersmith near
ourvillage. At is a good farm of 100
Mrs. Craig and family formerly of
this neighborhood, left Hemel' this
week for; Ireland where expect to
stay foa time, Mrs.Craig has one.
son •tthe Ola Lahcf, iThey'left,Itelend
about 20 veatt ago and 'are novo return
ing for a good•visjt. They, rented their
.farm of iteary 500 acres :tt Moose jaw
'Sash theirerdany friends wish then,
a'finevisit and a safe return to 'o'ur
Land. They,go .by the Allen Liner,
Corsican, from Quebec
Mrs. A Kitchen of Goderich is visit-
ing et the home of John Kitchen, Stan
The Presliyterian congregation.of
the late John }loss held services in, the
Methodist church on Sabbathlast.
Rev, r. McDonald who has just come
from Scotland conducted the services,
Mrs. Graham of Clinton is the guest
of elrs B. R, Biggins.
Mr, Waterfield who recently came
from Ireland has moved' into our ail.
Mrs. 5, Carriere, of Grand Bend',
was visiting ' on the line last week,
Rev. Mr. Carriere es attending the
Assembly at Woodstock,
Mrs. Jas. (Mustard, of Chicago,
is visiting at the home of Mrs. D.
McEwan at present:
Miss Jean Mustard of New York
is at present home fcu' her holidays
Mr. Jae. Came] on. ofWahierton,
is at present (at the home'. 0f' bis
uncle, Mr. - 'Neil McGregor.
Mrs. Wm, ILAwson and sister;,
Miss Margaret Mitchell former
residents lief the ,Parr lane. Stan-
ley, called at the home of their
cousin; Mr. Alexander Mitchell, near
Varna, and other relatives and
friends in Varna and vicinity last
week. They have since returned
to their homd in Detroit.
Goderich Townshii►
The folio wing es the report of S.
S. No. 11, for May. Nantes in order
of merit. -
Sr, IV-Elvira tChurcltall, Percy
Currie, Veva( Trick, Myrtle Powell
Mabel Castle,
Sr, III -Ruby (Churchill, Else
Ferguson, Pearl !Churchill, Verna
Bllj ott.
Jr. I.II-Richard �Weislt, Franc:s
Sr, II -Howard Currie, Frank
Welch. Glen Ferguson.
Jr. II -Clifford Castle Elmat• Le
Beau. •
Sr, sat, IL -Arthur Le Beau.
Teddy Welsh.
Primer -Alfred Le Beau, Laura
Currie, Elmer (Trick, Oliver Fer-
guson_- r E. Diehl, Teaelher•.
Mr. W. 0, 'Rob(nsbn, of Goshen
appointment, a student in Toronto
Universsty, preached very ac-
ceptably in theMethodist church
last Sunday in the absence of the
pastor. the Rev, T. J. Snowden, who
was attendings the annual Confer-
ence in Sarnia.
'Miss Etta Jarott. who taught
very successfully for the Last two
years io No. 10, Stanley, has been
engaged to teachafor• the coming
year in No. 14, Hay ht an ancreased
Messrs. J. Musters] and R. II. Par-
sons have built fine large cement
silos this year. They recognize the
importance of having cheap Win-
ter feed for their stock. thea en-
abling them to keep a large stock
an absolute necessity on most
farms noon-aesdays, On account of
soil fertility. t
Spring crops never looked bet-
ter for many years than they do
now. Rains have been abundant
and the warm weather has promot-
ed growth, As a consequence farm-
ers are smiling.
School Report. -The May month
ly report for. S. S. No, 14, Stanley
is as follows. Names are Tai order
of merit;-
Sen. Fourth -W, C. Johnston, An-
na Fisher, L. EWasmann,
Jun, Fourth Maggie Cooper.
H. Rathwell, Tillie .Nigh.
Sen. Third -=W, Parsons, A Per-
sons. -•
Jun. Third -Norma Hood, Grace
Cooper, Elia Fisher.
Sen, Second -W. Ross, W. 3, Har-
vey, D. Mei ver. •
Jun. Second. -Agnes Nigh, Fred
Parsons, Loretta Si`ttton.
Second Part -W. Workman, Amy
Appleby, Wallace Ross,
First Part.-Exi:or• tNligl , 'Lloyd
Workman, Gordon" Harvey.
The best spellers in the monthly
spelling matches were ;-
Fourth Sen. -Cecil Johnston,
Junior Fourth -Harold Rathwell'
Third -Ella 'Flsher.
'' Senior Second -Willie ' Harvey
.Junior. Seeond-Donald McIver.
Iliorides oro
The Londesboro laranahhOf ' `'Poe
West 'Huron: `. Wonders Ip tiitute,
will be held en The evening of June
lath iaetead.ofthe afternoon' as
formerly announced, 'Dr. J. `;S, 11I
Hamilton avall'address the Meeting'
A cordial invitation: i' extended. to,
all' women of,the �`neighborlrood. :
NOTT M COOL -=A pretty weds.,•
ding 'took place '-at'the' stone Of
•Sauel McCo al' oneW-iedoesda' at 11"
o'clock 'When his eldest datightei•,
Mabel Laving, wast united 1n'mar-
riage to James Albert 'Nett'''. The
ceremony was performed by Rev;
J. II, Osterhout, R. A. B. D, in the
presence of about 40 guests The
wedding march was played by afar
garet vleCool, sister of the br'de.
London Road
Issa ea Bezzo is burningthis
kiln ofll .. ,,1a this nteckIthird'
Mr. Ptarry `Plumsteel is the hap-
piest mi,n on the Road th's'week
A li,ttleaboy arra'tecl: at his home
on Friday last
London Road League; are .going
day, June 1st, to,'Mre ana ivirs,
James Reid, (nee Dolly Cooper of
Cliastott(, a son.
WORKM tN-In Stanley on Sun
day, June 7ith, 'to Mr. and Mrs.
,Thomas 'Workman, a son,
SNELL-ANDERSON-ln Hullett nn
Tuesday June 7tb, Howard Snell and
Nies Clara Anderson, daughter cf
the late Richard Anderson,
MCCOOL_NOTT-At the home of the
'brides'parents Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
"• McCool on June 'Ott by Rev. Mr. J.
Osterhout, Mable Laving to Albert
Nott son of Thee, Nott.
MARSHALL -In Clinton, on Wed-
nesday, Junel lath, William J.
Marshall, aged 35 years and 8
Over The Teacups
Mr. G. W. Pinner came nu from
Toronto to spend the week end in
town and on Monday he, accompanied
by Mrs Pinner and her sister, Miss
Jule Bartliif, lett for Vancouver, Miss
Jiarttiff will remain for a couple of
Mrs. Thos, Trick lett last -week
for Sarna, achere she spent, a
few days with .Mrs. C. II. Pugh.
Rev. Fr. Blear of• W ngham was
in town on Thursday last.
Revs. W. H. Cocper of Milverton
and John Holmes of Talbotville,
have been superannuated from the
London Methodist Conference for
one year. Bots preachers have
been minlaters;. at Blyth, and are
well known to a goodly number
In Clinton and vicinity,
Itomeseeiters Excursion
Round trip tickets to points itt
Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatche-
wan, via, Ch§cago, St, Paul, Duluth
or Sarnia, and Northern Navviga-
tion Company, on sale each Tues-
day until Oct, 27, inclusive anon:.
Through Pullman Tourist
Sleeping Cars. to Winnipeg
on above dates, leaving
Toronto 11 p.m. INo change
of cars,.
Return Limit, Two. Months.
The Grand Trunk Pacific Rail-
way is the shortest and quickest
route between (Wins ipe , Saska-
toon and Edmonton, with excell-
ent through. service to Reg'na.
Trains now, running into Calgary.
Berths, reservations, and parts-
milers at all GrandTrulri), ticket
officesor write
John Ransford & Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
A. 0 -Pattison, station agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
Ira, I inlay'tivan.
Mr. J.• D. Atkinson spent a few days
in Exeter this week
Mise MetJoo1'1•and Mre: Warren at
tended the Knox -McCool wedding on
Messrs Ear] O'Neil and Stewart
Scott took in the Ringling circus in
Stratford on Wednesday.
Dr, and Mrs. McGill of. Michell visit
ed Mrs Axon -on Saturday.
Miss Spencer, of Kingston is the
guest of her aunt Mrs. Robert Mar.
Master Geo, McTaggart was fourth
in his class for entrance to the military
college at Kingston.
The Christian Gardian.-By e. note
from his pastor we learn that Rev. .1.
W. Holmes of Saskatoon, has recently
passed through an exceedingly painful
and serious' illness. At the time of
writing he was still confined to his
room. Mr. Holmes is one of tbe hest
known of the senior ministers of our
Church, and many of our readere will
sympathize'with him: in his affliction
and pray for his recovery.
Mrs. 5, Sutherlaud.'of Hensel!, was
a visitor with Mrs. McGarva last Fri
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ponnebaker spent
the week end in Shepnardton the
guest of the Tatter's mother Mrs, Bur.
rows who is inher 90th year and still
hale and hearty.
Mrs, G, E. Hairand little Mies
Evelyn 'spent a couple :of days last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Crooks of the Base Line. Mrs. Hall
and Mrs. Crooks being old friends and
neighbors before removing to Huron
County, a decade ago.
Mis. James Steep returned last
Thursday from visiting her daughter
who is progressing nicely after her
Mr. 3..1 -Toward and Mrs. J. Series of
Auburn spent the week end in town,
the guests of Mrs, C. Akam.
Mr. E. Rozell was a.visitor in Brus
eels last Friday,
Stratford Beacon. -Mrs. Twitchell
an daughter Mahle sf St, Thomas are
visiting in the city.
Mr. Edward Munroe was in London
on Monday.
Mr, and Mea Wm, Coates spent the
week end in Toronto.
Mr. and airs. W. Brydone were visit
ore in Toronto last week,
Mr. Harry Bartlitl was in London
on Monday,
Miss Jule Bartliff left on Monday to
spend the summer with her sister Mrs.
Pinner at Vancouver, B, 0.
Mrs. Corless and son. Benson, of
MSudbury are the guests of Mrs. A. J,
Mr. Clarence Copp is home from
Toronto for the summer vacation.
Rev. Dr. add Mrs, Stewart were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walkinshaw
on Saturday on their way to Bayfield
where Dr Stewart is supplying the
pulpit of Knox Church.
Mr, Harry Kilter. M. P. P. of Credi
ton was in town on Monday.
Mrs* Howson and Miss Edna Cooper
Auto Tire Lost
Inside and. outside !Goodyear
auto tire between Bayfield, Varma,
Brucefield, Clinton And Holntes-
ville. Finder return to Conner's
restaurant, Suitable reward.
For Sale
Watch ! !
Will result` in your''wateh's goad,
prolonging its days of usefulness
What is reasonable care ?
An occasional Visit to a jeweler
who "knows how."
An occasional visit means at least
a yearly visit.
To put it off longer is to put it off
too •long, +
If you are not wedded for all time
to some one expert, we would like
to put some of our good work on
that Wateh of yours,
Your watch deserves the hest
treatment it can get, and it is just.
that which we offer.
W. R. counter
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
B. A. of W ingham spent the week
end with 'Mr, Wm. Cooper.
Mrs. (Rev,) J. E. Ford of Goderich
is the guest of her daughter, Miss Kate
Guinea Gold
The noted -stock horse, "Guinea
Gold," will breed a limited num-
ber of mares at :his own stable,
Lot 40, West End, Tuckersmith.
G. W. NOTT, Proprietor
Baron Wallace
MONDAY -Will leave itis own
stable, lot 40, West End, Tucker -
smith, go to Huron Road, then to
Graham House for noon, then to
Gilbert Mair's for night.
TUESDAY -By Holmesville and
Maitland to Win, •burst's for noon
then by way of Bethel Corner and
Benmiller to W51mot 'Haake's,
Huron Road, f or night.
WEDNESDAY -Huron Road east
to Wm. FLck'si for noon, and then
by way of 9th con. to Jamas Gra-
ham's for night) •
THURSDAY -To Wise's Corner
and Bayfield Road to James Jen-
kins', 2nd of Stanley for noon,
then to his own stable for night
-where he will, remain •until the
following Monday morning;
G. W. NOTT, Pro?'rieter
,•. sir.. ),[[,[•
Red Franklin
Will stand for the improvement of
stock this season as follows, -
TUESDAY -Will leave Ws own
stable, Commercial Hotel, Clinton
and avill go ;tot John Schwanz,;God
erieh township, by way of Huron
Road, for noon, thence to Union
Hotel, Goderich for night.
WEDNESDAY -Will go to Thos
Doherty's, Sheppardton, on the
boundary, for.,noop,.,, thence, to
George Drennan's, lot 5, con. 10,
Ashfield, for night,
THURSDAY -Will go by, way of
10th cone Belfast, to Boot. Agar's,
lot 12, Gravel Road, for noon, then
by way of Luekitow, Gravel south
to Glenn Hill's for one hour at
Jos. Irwin's, thence 6th con. East
Second-hand Coal Furnace for sale i Wawanosh, to . Donnybrook, John
cheap. Apply tin Wallis for night.
THOMAS HAWKINS i 'FRIDAY -Will go to Belgrave
Plumber and 1`fnsrnith by way of boundary! between East
Clinton and West Wawanosh and east on
9th con. for pooh, thence to 'Com-
mercial Hotel. Blyth, for night.
SATURDAY -Will go to Londes
boro Hotel for .one hour, thence to
his own stable, Clanton, for noon
For Sale
where he will rema:m until the
TWot driving mares and a buggy following Tuesday morning.
in good repair. Apply to J, J. McCaughey Jas. Bell
DR. EVANS, V. S. !Proprietor Manager
• ••O.ee stoe000O••o•o••ot••••dN•••N••1•NNN••MN•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1
• •
•• An Openin••g
for Sumoier GOod
3 ;c t
: AEl
• .•
. N•• N •NNN••N••NN•••N•11•••!•••••••NN•N••••••i•••N••••••N•
w'1 •;p f 1 ,fit,, A
'_ or Winter
Jntroduce,Yourum ' er Goods . s-
• lu 1.r. Spring Fail
troduce those of S p i
war, , .,
g... 'or Winter.
w.• „
` The mostradical 1. change .of the
, year. in' weariingapparel, cont.es' in thea
Suinrner mont1 S:. °i
Each seas on in the year sees its.
® changes and modifications in dress.
In Summer comes the greatest
ei change of all.
You' announce your new Spring;'
• goods. You announee your Autumn
openings. You spread broadcast
• the news of the arrival of sturdy
mg Winter wear
NTROD'U'CE our :s mer
Goods as you introduce'.•.
those 'of the 'bpring;'alI"='
to .hold ear p chic on July 3rd
at the:buoh of Mr, Henry Peacock, r®Q1N•0••ON''J
YQu- -'dress ,your store (with • .our:; ,
Summer' styles as o d f y '` i'
S Y you or your
Spring and Fall openings. Why:',
not a g'"Opening" ofSumer good
Call„ the people in to. see your •
Summer goods, Send the summons
far and wide by '`means- of ' the mer-
er-chana s trusted servant—the, advertis •
in g colurins 'oI}r
f 'the week tie M _ ewe •
Think of this idea. It inay be
new and it may be not. ,But it is
well worth your consideration.
You canobtain helpful advice on•
advertising free of cost and without
obligation by consulting the Business
Department of The Clinton New