HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-04, Page 8rage411.11. $ • ,I) TIM : CLINTON ATF! W , Thursil,y, :Tis; 4th,; 1914.. • D U R A 13 L E --Fire grates ' are three -sided; last : three times as long. Shaped in the (W. C. BROWN, Successor) Dry Goods and House Furnishings Merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings HE . underaigned;begs to.announce to, the residents of Clinton and the surrounding countrythat'he will,continue the'bustnesg'' formerly carried on under the firm name of. Tozer &BZa' , and feeis warranted'in soliciting the patronage of the citizens, and guar antees satisfaction in all purchases made from the firm, , Thanking you all for past favors. Come and examine the magnificent stock of STAPLE AND FANCY, DRY GOODS Comprising in part DRESS GOODS of all the Newest Patterns and Latest Designs in SILKS WOOLENS COTTONS PLAIN FANCY BROCADES PLAIN CREPE RATINE RIBBONS, GLOVES, CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and TIES as well as all the staple COTTONS, MULSINS, PRINTS, TABLE LINENS, Etc., Etc,, ususa,ly found in a first-class establishment Asesuraisaisasse W. C. RO N Solicits an Inspection at this Store lace. the McClary dealer or to grind up clinkers `! when "rocked°. See write for booklet. 32t BYANI. & SUTTER 'LOCAL AGENTS' er pT•«� t4.o+wo•a/om®saoe000aosa'a•eo®4.rab.bm...04ado®e0oeoPe a4! e • e e • o....•,••••ONi••••••4••••e9 f Oo•••••••••••••••Ne®o•o ADVERTISING -ISMS. A TIE GAME. Too ma':ry advertisers do not Last Friday might Wroxeter and study advertising as they should. Brussels played ate game ar. the and what is just as bad they do not latter town cn ata Irl storm. No permit anyone else to study it for score was made. • them. ADVERTISING -ISMS. SHOULD OBSERVE THE LAW. As motor cars are so numerous , .The declared Policy of a bus!)loess man or of a firm) has afar in thus town and the traffic on the ' wider acceptance when set forthq Streets heavy especially on Satur by sensible studied advertising. day in las therel'le a great danger HAVE COMMITTEE ROOM. The Conservatives have opened up a committee room :9n the room up over the store of Mayor Jack- son. NARROW ESCAPE. Recently Mr. Will Moon, of Tor- onto, formerly of Clinton; and son of Mrs. E. Moon, had a narrow es- cape from a serious accident while be taken at the tate and all hinds boarding a street car. An auto and of refreshments lavill be served. car were coming. down street side The hockey boys' are running the by side, and fully expecting both garden party. • would stop at the proper place, he caught the hand rail of the car, fell on the step, the auto pinning him down by the leg. Fortuuately he was not injured beyond some bruises, but he has a sore let, , Locai rw • • • ofnem dents unless the driver ob- serve the law strictly. Blowing the motor horns at the crossings is forgotten by some motorists. GARDEN PARTY. Remember the first garden party bf the season will be Held, on Re- creation Park, on Tuesday even- ing of next' week, The Clinton Katie Band will furnish a choice program. A silver collection will WROTE FOR ORDINATION, Examinations commenced last ••-week at New St. Paul's Church, Woodstock, for carididatesc for or- dination into the Anglican priest- hood, The following candidates were present -Fl. 17 Vair, Otter - :vile ; Mr. Jacques Eastwood; Mr. `Shaw, Atwood; Mr. ,Langford, Clin ,eton; Mr, Alexander. Woodstock; Ke ue- Mr. 1\Ic i le Y Junis,R g y> Mr.Ripley :Ealing ,• Mr. I-Ieakes London Mr. ',Ryott, Kirktonl The examiners were Canon Sage of London and Rev. R. S. W. Howard' of Chatham ELECTIONS ANNOUNCED. •s announced the moa Saturday's la lex . i y 1 1 .Provincial elections for June 20th and nomination day for the -22nd; The campaign will be short and sweet, A REMINDER. Again the New Era has been ask ed to remind persons that papers os where be kept loose not shoald n p they can .be blown into the streets. A serious accident may 'happen from this cause, » i ■ STOCK EDUCING SALE Having bought out the Furniture and Undertaking liminess of 91r. Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next 69 days; we put on one of the largest sales of Furniture that was ever held in the County of Huron. This Stock must be Reduced and Prices are not to be considered All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash JAS, DUNFeRD Undertaker and Funeral Director. ' Phone 28. light and Day Calls answered at Residence over Store Our Seasonable Goods Are more complete now than ever and we are adding daily Improved, Up-to-date Novelties. Lawn Mowers Sherwinf-Williams 'Paints Screen Doors and_Winflows Japalac and Varnishes 'Perfection Oil Stoves Climax Wall Paper Cleaner Brushes of all kinds. 1 Bonus'English: Floor Wax Poultry Netting , r Silverand Breast 'Polishes Garden, 'Hose Ten" Kinds of Stove /Polish Lawn Sprinlltlers' • a, Jellstone and Mureseo: Wall Famish Brass Curtain Poles O -Cedar Mops. Spades and Shovels Flempol and 'Liquid. Veneer Step -Ladders ,Brooms and Whisks - a Cut Glass 25 per cent discount' 1drthie monty only 1 only 'portable, Blubber Bath Tub regular 16.50 for 4,25. Watch next 'week for our Big, Graniteware Sale Don't miss seeing our 'Vest Pocket 'Flash Liight+ Exhibit. Next Saturday evening, 8 to 9.30 no person should be'witb- out one espeei(ally,:„av'hen the lights go curt, .TUNE Electric Irons, regular $5.00 for $4,50 Electric Irons, regular 4.50 for 4 00 MONTH I'H Hammocks, rc cuter 2.00 for L75 Hammocks, regular 2.50 for 225 SPECIALS ]ALS I'tammocks, regular' 3.00 for 2 05 h parties g SPECIAL -Free parcel post to al p living within 90 miles of Ohnton. Phone No 7 or drop a card, and we will send by the next delivery'free of charge, 11 pounds is the weight limit. HARL,AND OT II E S STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES GOES TO BRUSSELS TOMORROW The Clinton Football team will play in I3,russels to -morrow even- ing-. The club will try and send the strongest team possible to make up here, so as to try 'and defeat the Northern :Boys. LAWN •SOCIAL AND BAZAR, MADE A BIG 'HIT. The London Advertiser the moaning edition was the only paper to give all its readers the account of the disaster in the St, Lawr- ence when the Empresss of Ireland was struck by another boat and• sunk with nearly a thousand lives. That was a scoop with a vengence and took well wiht the reading .pub dlc. •. WHY NOT AN ELECTRIC BELL 2 Now that we have continuous power why not have. an electric arrangement for the fire bell. Any one who has pulled the rope knows 1 that there are lots of easier jobs to be done. An electric arrange- ment would give a steady alarm until turned off, The ,council should 'take up this important matter. STANDING IN THE W. F. A. DISTRICT. • won lost draw Brussels 1 0 1 Wroxeter 1 0 1 Clinton ...... ..... 0 .'d 0 Clinton plays in Brussels on Fri- day evening of this week• and a good crowd of rooters will accom- pany the team over to Brussels. MINOR LOCALS. June. Council Meet on Monday, It pays to advertise, The snow balls .aro here again. The football team goes to Bruss els on Friday of this week. This is the month of exams. Pity the poor students who has neglect ed Tris work. Ringli,ng's circus is tb be at Strat- ford on the 10th, and a big crowd from here is. likely to attend, The various councils of the town chips should get the tuts out of the main roads. flullett, McKillop and' Tuckersmith made a good job of the •,Huron. Road last week, The House of Refuge committee met here thie week. s Church 1bofWil1l ' s Cu The Girls will hold and bazaar alnwnf social i bazaar on the lawn of Dr. Goon's resi- dence on 'Saturday afternloon of this week. All the ladies are cor- dially invited to attend. Remember the date, Saturday, Jana 6th. HAD TI•IEIR . PICTURE "TOOK" Last Thursday evening' the Clin- ton Kiltie Band in full dress and numbering 25. ltnarched to the bowling green. where' Artist Fink took their picture. After la few selectibns they marched back to. town hall and ,gave a short pro- gram at the band stand, ENGAGE THE KILTIES. The Clinton Kiltie Band is fast making engagements for the com- ing summer months and also fall dates for Fairs. If any organiza- tion or soeaety wants to hire them :they do not want to put .off too. long to secure good dates. Mr, T. Herman will supply any person with the necessary information'. IMPROVEMENTS. Mr, Thos. Jackson; jr., is having his residence ifrsshened; up with the painter's brush. S. S, Cooper has had the brick work of the Sloane block repainted. It 1a decided improvement to Main street. The livery barn of W. J,Elliott is being. repainted Mr. Ha -cry Bartliff Chas let the contract vto Mr. Hiram Hip to erect a cement addition to his store for a new bake shop. Mr. Bartliff' will then have all his business in one store then Thos. McKenzie is having his of- fice painted inside, MINOR LOCALS. Get ready for the 1st of July. Clinton will thave a good day. Huron County Councilis meet- ing this week, ! The farmers could, ,have Ad com- plaint to matte about the amount of rain' last week. ` , This community just missed &,bad storm on Friday night, but we got" the rain instead: , r The papers were much) sought after on Friday and Saturday on ,account of the disaster of the Em- press of Ireland. ' A number of the citizens are cora, ! plaitnl•:ng, ,about not having the streets watered. Its np to them to have a petition and also pay full charges, which a number refuse to do. June -the month of brides Wednesday was King 'George's birt'adax. The Kiltie -Band are fast making engagements for the summer and . fail 111,9 your organization is need- ing a bated don't forget to get,your d to set ,1•r ith the, band boys. The footl,lall boys went;.; over to ayfielcl lam' Wednesday;; buil ow - :pug to the trunk'going wrong it.was /hlate before the game was started and the game ',.l.acl to be called be fore ,time. No soave wee anade'=by I either teams, In Your House for Wall Paper? Wall Paper sir Our House icor ANY ROOM Obey that impulse' and have your,horne re- decorated. Of course, we don't sell all our papers under. many a snap for you in Some with borders and price, but there is our stock:just now. ceilings to match s!ele 'r{ as 3c Per Roll DR. SHAW'S TEAM DEFEATED, St.. James Vc a1'd defeated Dr, Shaw's All Comers last Tuesday by a score of 7-5. Following were the - players, St. Janes Ward, -1I, Man- ning, C. Peokitt, E. Judd, 11.1. Tier- ney, R. Schrenk, A. McGuire P Ladd, • O. Murphy, W. Sloman. All Comers. -G. Evans F. Wallis, F. hlc Neil, L. \Vest, S. Allin. 9. Little. Lawrence, W. Welsh end A. McKen ale. Score bywinnings. St James. -2 0 112 0 0 10-7 Ali Comers, -0 110 0 210 0-5 CIRCUS DAYS. The circus season Is with us once again. With it comes the press agent's letter imform:ng, the editor that if he will use the "enclosed notices," the circus people will simply be ticketed to death to give him a couple of tickets, No -,they put it smoother than that -they ask the editor to be their guest at the circus. We kind of like that word "guest." Although you' would only have a hard boarcl sent you'd be able, to feet sorry for the fellow who had bought a ticket and was not a "guest" oflthecircus The "enclosed Latices," $d paid for at regular rates would be worth be- tween 97 and $8. So we are asked to swap two 'circus tickets for about SS worth of newspaper space. Well,. this is 'once 1v'h.enr we'll have to revert to the vernaccular of the small boy and exclaim, "No't11in' dorm'. A HURON BOY CANDIDATE FOR NORTH PERTH. Stratford Beacon. -•'I have always been a Liberal and I stand, on the plat• fcrm of Mr. Rowell," So spoke Mr. R. S, Robertson, city solicitor and Libe,.' al standard hearer for North Perth for the local' Legislature. "While I have never heretofore been ambitious for political honors, the present platform' of aholieh the bar is especially the rea- son that 'at the present. time I have come forward as a candidate," he add- ed. R. S, Robertson first saw the light of day in the town of Goderieh on the shores of Lake Huron, His , early, education he received in the pub. lie schools of that town, Later he attended Osgoade Hall in Toronto. graduating in 1892. For the succeed• tug six years he was deputy clerk of the county court, of York, al Teronlo' under the late if. M. Roes, at o.le.i,iate provincial treasurer, In December 1878. 39r. Robertson carie to Stratford and practiced, law with the present. Hon. MT. Justice Idington of the Supreme Court of Canada, On Mr, ldingtoa's elevation to the bench in; the spring of 1004 the present partner. ship, of Robertson and Coughlin was' formed. Mr. Robertson alas always to ken a big interest in temperance work and enjoys the deep respect of the entire community, irrespectvie of poli- tical praferenoe, Illp41).11111111listimanititionlimainia`Ill) PI Which we are proud to be As we conduct a sanitary HHgh•tClass Bakery. For Your custom we are anxious For your trade we're striving hard.. Your patronage and favors We hold an 1r5ghl regard. Conner's Bakery Phone 202 T� � r0 i e often the ehapest-A1Ways the 'Fest ]Picture Taking Time If you have never taken pictures now is the time to begin -when nature is et her best. "Db not let another season pass without the enjoyment which a good Camera affords. We handle the Eastman Cameras. Itodaks and Brownies the rook highly developedOamerast on the market In Photo Supplies we have everything you may need Prompt Priming and Developing. T., 0 -VM -5r Dispensing Chemist THE QUALITY DRUG STORE STEAMER GREYHOUND ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Return GOING F .° JUNE 12 RETURN FiJUNE 15 ROUND TRIP $1.50 BALL CAME/313th and 140 NEW YORK & BOSTON In Detroit .. y 4' R4a:i 'i r1tlil J2s:+ia'' 551 Len s'+s ('liartori' 7.55 ran. 1'50135111 't'1'llo Iso' O<irpit • I:9] GODBRICH BAND MOOK10111 EXCURSION JON1 IIiG H.AYER WHITE STAR LINE on,;m, NATIONAL rtland @ement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, CLINT-1iN LE V Your Order for Eave- ta'ougbinr, Plumbing, and General B.ellaia'ing ITH US Prices Motleratb Workmanship and Material the Best. Call at ltowland's illardwere or Phone 53 Thos. Hawkins gPlumbing and Heating The eornner Store "Live and Let. Live" •Breakf.a,st, Foods or Hot Weather Corn aloes ' • Flakes, Puff Rice, Puff Wheat. Shredded Wheat, i# Gusto, Grape Nuts, Triscuits, Post Tosties. Dutch Rusks, Force, (sraltahVita. Just received a shipment of Flower Pots, Jardeniers, Dinner Sets, and Toilet Sets, - CALL AND GET PRICES. FRUITS -Bananas, Oranges, Lem- ons, Pineapples, Strawberries, and Tomatoes. ]Butter and .Eggs 'Wanted highest Market Price E, E. Hunniford PHONE 45. Cri** l••i•++I••II•+•II +•N++4.3r+d• •rIIi+.1.1.,•el•d.4lir ••II•+•II•.drt••Nd••1,•1••t 4..* *344. 0312x4 .IT r FOOTWEAR i• 4. 1 ossmoo. a• We're showing the finest variety of good White Footwear that ever graced a shoe store in Clinton, Oxfords, Colonials, Pumps, Etc.. I. Many of our styles cannot be found elsewhere •r e� Moderate Prices lilere---You Know . to 11.00 $L50' 1.7,E 2.00 . We hardly see how a woman will be able to live through the coming' summer with- out some sort of a selection from our line of White Footwear. 4 4. 4. 10.4. F Et/ .I4r'°heESON •huh•N�••41•t••t•,kt<II•4•��•4•.•II�•1•�;•B••II•�+4sai.•t•+4••1•ik�3i�� kii••k>Q•a^+��'.•9•;>i:�i e 7