HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-04, Page 5Thursday) Ju,n^ 4th, 1914. UNE ,the June wedding month tallvays ,brings.. extra •business. to our store,, ` s Our :store als.,replete`*Lt+.[tlr , ;artiicles of , Rile'Lnnear ,,. and Worth, and likewise( fun !--attractions. We invite June Shoppers to examine our • exception)-, ._ ally varied 'selection ^ ' of Suitable Gifts: RICH DESIGNS) :HONEST VALUES FAIR PRICES, Illnannt W. 11. 11[11VAR -H CI,INTONNEW ' EV. 'ure, clean, 'flavor,. , and Strang in sealed packets. 000 good t@8 • As r AAAAAAAAAAAAAnAAAAAAAAAA`EAAOAAAAAAAAyAAAAAAAA AAAA' Locai 'NW :• VYYVYVYYYVVVVVVVVYYVVVeVVYVVI�VVVVVVVYVVVVVYVYVw{vvl,r' PLAYS HERE ON '.CRE 12T11.. FOOT BALL SCHEDULE, ` Wroxeter Foot Ball team playa Clinton at Brussels, June 5, here on Friday evenlog, June Wroxeter 'at Clinton, June 12, 12th, Brussels at Wroxeter, June 19. OFF WORK. ) K1NG'S BIRTHDAY. Some of the workmen at the Piano Wednesday being the forty-ninth Factory are off n'orlx, owing to birthday His Majesty King 6 engine being, overhauled. George V„ all the local bankswereThe finishers are still on tate job. closed,` The Postfofice flag was. A NEW DELIVERY VAIN flying and everybody else, attexnd- ed towork as it Mr, W.T. O'Neill' the "Hub'; gro- nevertheir had a birthday, King George cer, put out a new delivery van last Saturday. It is regular city LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOM, style. Mr. O'Neil believes in hav- i ing tare best, both in and out The Liberals of Ci:tkoo daave op- JEti{'ELEl1I and. OPTICIAN r at the store, owed up a Committee room up -over EYES TESTED FREE I WON FROM HAYFIELD. Li J'• Grigg's jewelry store. All Lber'al's and [those •'.n sympath a On Monday night Clinton de - with theLiberal policy olicy are cord[ .'FOMPET'E FOR FAILL TROPHY ON JUNE' 17. ` The Faill •Cup Association ' met .at Stratford Tuesday evening and arranged for the playing off of the competgti[on on June 17, at the Stratford greens. „here will be twelve rinks, [three from Clinton. H 112itehell, Seaforth and ^Stratford ° and the. contest will be ruin on the percentage basis, each tearer will, therefore, .,play every other team d -entered. Those present at the meet ing were A. Fain and C. L. Welsh, 1' Stratford, C. E^. Dowding and ^W, p Jackson, Clinton„ .W. Cole, Mitch- h' ell, and 0. Neal, Seaforth.' ' £eated the Bayfield boys by tare ally invited to the rooms.. The score of l-0, The local boys scored rooms will be open every might another' -one hut( tlicy. referee would )Bkcx IN 'Ti3E''GAME. T not allow .it. hgam qq [e Was f u'll ; of excltment' •sand • those who, at- , ; .The Stratford Beacon. of- Tuesd d ,tenderthad their "mines worth, 1i'ad the following local ;-13:;gDi Mr. Erwin of Bayfield, was referee, Tasker, of Clinton, who played BRUSSELS 130Y DEAD, 1 the Canadian League 'last year, expected to be placed on the mound The death occurred at Clinto.n'i against 'the champs,, when the ospital -on Saturday following an ! Guelph Leafs play [here on Wednes peration for• appendicitis, of • day afternoon Wilbur Armstrong, 17 -year-old' )son of. Mr ,and Mrs, W. Armstrong. KINCARDINE BYLAW PASSED. The boy )rad beeza in school a few 1 A bylaw (to raise the sum of ays ago and was ,a'general favor- $3,500 .on debentures for the to an the neighborhood. The purpose of changing the system of atient delayed to long , before lighting the - streets of Kincar- aving the operation, dine from the arc to the eandes- OMEN'S INSTITUTE cent system, received its. first and second reading by the town count:d ay yn ME Nomeseekers Lxcnrsion To points on the Teni skamin1g & Northern Ontario Railway, Hailey - bury and -North ib Northern On - tido. From all points 'in Ontario and Quebec on the Grand Trunk,and C. P, R, Railways. except west of Chalk River and north of Parry Sound on the C.P.R. Tickets at 'specially reduced rates, good going June 10th and hal valid for return until Jand7 20th. ETINGS, and a vote will ,be taken on June The summer meetings of the 25, West Huron Women's Institute has • been arranged as follows, -- WIRES GOT CROSSED. West Huron. Last Saturday morning at 12.10 Kintaid, afternoon, June 10,' the fire alarmi aroused) the citizens St Helen's, afternoon June 12, and .lust as most of them were gett- Dunganr+on afternoon, 'June 13 ing out the ,hydro event out. The St. Augustine afternoon June 15 telephone and (hydro wires got Wingtram, afternoon June 16 crossed down near Catritelon Bros.' Blyth, afternoon, Juzfel 17 store+and the cornice was ;n ]ane7er Londesboro, aft ernoon, June, 18 of being set on fine. Several Clinton, everting June 19 trees were alsd on fire on account 'Rolmesville, afternoon, June 20 oftouching hydro w'res, Godericl1, afternoon, June 22, NOR LOCA LS. NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT. See your 'nearest railway agent Tu.R 'fOr full particulars or apply A, J, [PARR, I Pa IG,P.A., T. & N. O. Ry North Bay, Ont., i, B emember the Garden Party The children under the guidance esday evening nerxt, Y on of Principal Houck of the public Next comes the Sunday --School cnic season. Great growth these days, ass fishing season • opens June 15th. WOOL WANTED 07 lar N wo years hence this majority weekly newspaper, will be a dol and half per year in advanvie OW that the holiday sensor a Highest market price will be paid in cash for wool. Also on hand fur Sale Flower Seeds, Potatoes, Oats C'artn Produce taken in Bxa'hatlge W. G. SMY'TH Next door to Hospital Victoria Street Clinton NOR t'ND 1E» STORE To the Farmer school will march, from( the school house on Tuesday evenitac next at 7,15 headed by the Clinton Mille Band, to the Garden, parr; at the Recreation parrs. The children will be admitted free who march in the procession, ELECT OFFICERS, The last meeting of the' Women's approaching will our correspon- Institute beeng the atinuak ^ one dents write us often and'as early in the following 'officers Vawere .the week as poosible, elected ;- St. Mays are oiling there streets,Hon, Pres„ ,Mrs, Thos, •Kearns, Pres.. Mrs, E, Munroe, re-elected. ,lst Vies., Mrs. I3. Fowler, and Vice„ 6VIrs. H, B, Chant, Secretary, Mrs. T, Mason, re- elected. Treas., Mrs. 1. Dodds, Directors -Mrs, Geo. Bradshaw, Mrs. McMurray and Mfrs, Paxman, Auditors -Mrs, L. Paisley, and Mr• omets and duck trousers are appearing early this spring. The warm weather and the copious showers have brought the 'gardens with much satisfaction. Tenders are in for the 1:ne new S60,000 Forester's Orphanage at Oakville. One of our readers submits 'the following and we herewith pass it r, onto our readers ;-"A LucknowDistrict Director, Mrs, E. Munroe. On ,the evening -Of June 19th, Mrs man recently, was electrocuted_ in rather peculiar way. He was eat- ing a bun and the current went through: him. WHAT'S THE DATE ? DEATH OF MR. BESSION, The dates of dissolution of the dif- At 8 o'clock Sunday evening• last ferent Legislatures of Ontario since there passed away at his late res5- Confederation has been as follows; deuce, Huron Road, Thomas James 1871 -February 23. Ws,) L. S. M, Hamilton. of Toron- to, will address the ladies of town, under the auspices of the Wo- men s Institute, in the A, 0.F. hall, Tr' our Fertilizers - Potash and. 1b74 -December 23. .Acid Phosphate, Nitrate Soda for your 1879-April23. soot ;crop. p We will mix thein for you 1842-Novem, y 1. 1056 -November 16. OU, WILL GET THE CROP, Y 1.8 18 18 19 P rY our Cor n Feed for cattle and h ogs - Also Seed Corn on hand. Al 1 kind[ of Flour kept in;tock h SEE CO fD ANDSLD U S, out for lleiatzinan Pianos are Out for a Square Deal ANI( WV _ E AN5 4IS 4)460. PHONE 192 590 -April 26. 94 -May 30. 98 -January 29. -. t2 Ar' R ri 19, c 1.1U4 - December 13. 19118 -May 2. '[911 -November I3. 1914 May 27. It will thus he' Been that with one exception, when the Rgss Gavernment, was compeller to go to the people be- cause it had not adequate support' every Legislature had its full time, until the Whitney4Government came into power. In 1911 it made a prerna- ture appeal to the people to obtain' the. swelloccasioned by' the Daminion election, and now ;it is ahout'to bring on another premature election, ectkon p And yet dirk is made Of the great bravery of the Conservatives. Brave' hien fight fair. -Stratford Beacon. A Dollar Down Is often an illumination as big as the sun. There is no place in, town where "money down" goes, farther than it does right here. A CHINA 'CLOSET or dresser bought for 'spot cash' from our -present stock makes what you see elsewhere loots like thirty cents, Its Bargains Galore we are offering` just now 171 our entire iiuruiture Stack The pp Cheapest Spot in��99H.Tl in on/�to1-Buy all ki-n}i�dss-oft Furniture 1�.A.1.1D & +A ..IL Z -LV St.,!• Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104, Ball 110 —RESIDENCE PDOI1'•ES — J. D. Atkinson 186 Fiession :n.the 74th year of his age. His death marks the passing of one 'of the few remaining of Clhiiton's oldest fam;l.',ee, haying come here at the age of 10 to reside with his uncle the late Dr. Henry Cole, 151r. Hession was born Dublin Ire- land, June 27th 1840, the yoan,gest son ofJohn an ' d Maria Hession, his, father being abarrister at -.late inthe e f ou' courts Dublin, Upon, the death of hie parents, whichi•e-- gretably occurred during his early infancy, he, was entrusted to the care of his maternal ,gi•andn)other. He was educated at Ring's College Dublin, leaving there for Clinjton on the death of his grandmother; in 1856,' In 1860 he 'Harried Sarah Foster Ma: ten by whom' he is sur- vived, and also his six children,, Mrs Douglas Muir' of New Rochelle N. Y rs • tDr.) Cunningham nrxi ham of Toronto John W.Hession of Stratford Conn, Mrs, J. Morri son of Langside, Henry. A.Hession of University of Toronto and Mrs A, G. 'Read of .Pittsburg, P. A., and byall of whom he was surrounded at his death, with the •exception of the last named who through ill- ness was unable to travel His c11- 'ness of. four 'weeks duration Lias borne with Christian fortitude and grace, his passing untoo Life Eter- nal being i keepiag.with his, earth Iy life tranquil and peaceful: As a consecrated Christian he folio w- ed`'humbly in the footsteps of the Lord he loved, and served with un- wavering faith for fifty • years ever pressing forward ,toward the work for fie .,prize • which is ,high calling of God which is in Christ Jesus, realizing ever that the things seen are buts temporal but that, the thing') (not seen are Eter nal, -As a man and la(Citizen 'he was well known for his horksty and integrity, outstanding features ; of a character of sterling worth; and his loss' will be keenly felt, not only, by hila famitly, by whom he was greatly loved and honored, but lythe wide eitreie of friends he had hound to himself during his sojourn here The funeral which, was private [tools place Tues- day afternoon:; to Cyliinton•cemetery Ore • services at the ''lhtiilselr being, ,conducted by u"V3r, Somerville, ef, Brantford, Ont. WAS NOTA PASSENGER,. A wild rumor was •ic reulpted around town that Major David. Moore, of the S. A staff atTbronto and who 'spent the week ;'enidwith his mother and brother, Mr. Wgs ,5Moore, had o`ne down inn the Ein+• _pressof Ireland disaster, as his name was ,reported, among tine lost. The Maior Was le sail With the sec- ond continigeant' on Saturday., but: since the disaster boo cancelled his esail',ng. The old "friends of the Ma- im* are indeed [glad to have hien in the land of the, living and heartily sympathise with him jn the loss of so many of his comrade ib arms, .. De of ; the lost The older citizens will remember Staff Captain Emma Hayes, who was in charge of the local corps here over 20 years ago, She was .one of the many passengers who lost their limes last Friday on the Empress of Ireland, Official Figures Shows hoWs i That to Z4 Perished s C. P, R. Issues Table of the Lost and Saved in the Big Tregedy, Quebec, June 2 The final complete official figures furnished by the 0. P. 1t Steamship Company late to night of the Empress of Ireland disaster show a total of 452 was saved making 1 021 lost as the total number' on hoard was 1,476 passengers and crew, The fol- lowing is a snnintarc; THE' RESCUED, rst-class 36 Second-class g.7 Third•dass 1136 Officers and crew 233 THE MISSING. First-class Second-class 200 Third class 582 Officers and crew 1811 IDENTIFIED DEAD, First class 22 Second class 81 Third class 80 Officers and crew, 12 When:the Emprees of Ireland sailed from Quebec last Thursday afternoon she had on hoard 0,476 souls on fol- lows: First class 80 Second clafs 206 Third_ class ' 718 Officers and crew 413 Total 1 476 MANX RNOWN 'HERE Among those who were saved as well as those who lost their lives onthe great St.Lawrence disaster are many well known, to the Chl- ton citizens, Staff Captain, 1VIc- Ammond, who was reported lost, and was saved was a captain here 16 years ago, Captain Emma !Hayes lost her 111a hacl charge here over 20 years ago. Ensign Ernest Pug - mire,. a survivor, was a, brother of Capt. Pugmire who was stationed here two years ago and was e visit or here a year or so ago when . the S. A. band, of Toronto, played here The Band is now practically wiped out, Major M.3rris, of London, who swam for sometime wit ll Commis- sioner n Ca - s si.oner Bees, paid Clinton a visit to give an address ,about two months ago. The g loss is a greatone to the Army: Belgrave Henry Hooper of Belgrave received this post from his uncle James Grigg who is supposed to he lost on the Em- press of Ireland which reads as fol. lows: "Quebec, May, 28, 1914 " Dearie S tel and Brother -Just Just a few linesto let, you know that we are sailing today from here l' to Liverpool' on this ship, We started from home on the 753 and went son to New Or leans and New York about 4,090 miles; Will hope to see you later on our re- turn trip. Prom your loving brother J. Grigg and wife." Mr, Grigg, was born in Belgrave about fifty.five years ago left for Manitoba a few years ago taking up farming after which be went to Fraser 'Valley British Colum- bia where he and his, wife prospered in forming and sheep raising. He ree eptly began a holiday visiting frie.ids in New York and New Orleane, He intended going for a visit to the old country and as he stated on this card he intended to visit his birth place in Belgrave, Mr. Hopper is his nephew and after receiving this card he left for Montreal to see if he could identi fv the body and if possible bring it to Belgrave. ••e•••1•••••••••0••Y • ' • WITH TUXC.H'URCHF.S`, • a • • •••••••••45•411••••001011 ONTARIO fa'T. CHURCH Rev. K. Beaton :fo, A„ of Toronto, preached on Sunday qveninn,g' last.' Next Sunday in the 'absence : of e �CddeuW. hez Whenprint Worst/fr. s•y/r .Print Blua$1 rWdeenaebpl od Iespcaomcsruo'5lo(j Iea this condition .��i. wttlra 0 .f J. Criag Jeweler and Optician issuer of Marria.e Licenses the pastor, the{ pulpit will be sup- plied M by r, W E Treloaven, of Lucknow , • The third Sunday June Will be Flower Sunday. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, The annual report of St. Paul's church has been Issued and i L shows the church in good condtior.C, Daring the year the rece'pts reach ed the sum of 54390,37. The various organization of the church all had balances on hand at the close of the year. WESLEY CHURCH Next Sunday Rev. J, Greene will preach owing to the pastor be:ng at Conference. The Ladies Aid meets to -day, Rev, Dr. Rutledge took as his sub. jeot last Sunday eveii5 g. "The` Gospel of Hosea." His morning subject was "The Unchanging Christ." SALVATION ARMY., There will be, aMemorial service for the lost comrades on the Ent -- press of Ireland on SundaykaY even- ing at 8 o'clock. The resident ministers and ,general public are cordially invited. Special music. A meeting will be held in the hall at 2 p, ^m, the four of the funeral service at Toronto on Saturday, WILLIS CIIURCI1 Rev, H.H. Turner.. of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. A meeting of the church members will be held on Monday event':ng, June Stir, to see if the congregat- ion is ready to proceed with a call. COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the town. Council for June was held on Mon- day evening. with itIayor Jackson in the chair, Reeve Cantelon and Councillors; -Ford, Wiltse, Fitz- simons, Paisley, Shepherd and Wallis were present. The Clerk reads that minutes of the last regular( and, special meet- ing which were confirmed as read. A letter )was receit•ed frorn Guelph from the [Hydro Radial Association and Waterways Undou asking for support. Councillor Paisley asked at to be filed but Reeve Cantelon thought it was an important work and wan(eck to pay the assessment which, i;s 410, and on motions of Cantelon and Wallis the amounti will be sent to the secretary, Councillor Paisley opposed the motion. The 1VIedical health Officer, Dr. Shaw, made a speech to the council in regard to the-sfaizglrter houses of, the butchers and he asked the Council to consider thea question of building a slaughter house and the the butchers would pay the rent. On motion of ,Cantelon and' Wal- lis, Messrs. ;Paisley, BTiltse and Shepherd were appointed a special committee to look r:,nto the sub- ject and report at a special 01 regular meeting. Councillor W:.ltse chairman of the Paras committee, recommended that the grand stand be put in a safe condition at an41a and, his wish will be carried out, The Street Committee made the following re port ,- C o nr Yotu mittee beg to report n. p rt s follows, after receiving , and ^onisidering the report which has been re- ceived from the deputation sent to CoIlingwood,• advising the count oil not to use Tarvia, as the con- dition of our roads at present time would not warrant us receiv- ing value for money - expended. and unless the) eounkat recommend the use of oil',[ for keeping down dust, we recommend that the macadam) streets be kept swept and watered throughout the sea- son providing g a properly Y signed petition be received by clerk. .We recommend that William Street in front of public school, be drained and basins put ink so as to carry water off school[ grounds, which. now runs across Mr. 'T'hos, Mur- phy's property. We recommend that grass be out,on streets where, necessary, also an 8 -inch tale drain be placed on Raglan Street oppo- site H. Cantelon's property. We also recommend (that, a macadam road be ,built 'from Vectorial i55. to Ring 'S[t, bn Maria Street. The report was adopted. No report frown the Fire and Water, Cemetery, and Charity com- mittees. The Property Committee r•eeom- niends that (lid band stanrd be re paired onine 'and painted. Councillor Paisley made a report closing the 'tanks,; but as'' they are credited with theundorwritersre- port :nothing i 44., be 'dons at present, "The 'Finance Uonimattee report 'was read and ,adopted: Mr. W. Turner, ;a representative, of an oil :company, addressed the 'Council &nailing g the streets., The Council adjourned 'to .meet again on FFri[day; night when other mdiatscutersssed; .!of Ampop•tance . aviiI be Sur stock of these goods is now fairly complete both in yoxuen's and children's lines,„,and consists` of all” l; the new lasts in' pumps, high and low" button and lace, Children's from 81 00 a pair up Zadfes' from $1,50 a pair `up, , Our prices.. on these goods are very low and it will pay .. you to see what we are showing before purchasing See cute Men's and Children's Straw Hats, dozens of styles, prices from 10c to $2,5o. See our Men's Special at,$l,and 311.25 Wol'nen's and Children's Wash Dresses Never before have we shown such a large range of Wash Dr -isles as we are this season, and never were values . as good. Children's Dresses from 25o to $2:5o Ladies Dresses from $1.00 up missoinsrasellsoo Plu steel Broso SMALL PROFITS MORE 1RI1g1NEs. i; ' r r cl Ain:; t The Venue of the People Iknieb, JJune 2nd, 1914, Er. To the Editor sofw Era the Ne Dear Sir -Ili last week's .issue of the Clinton News -Record Editor 'Mitchell tries to make political capital by attacking me for the stand I took in (the recent Canada Temperance Act campaign. In niy then capacity as a private citizen t claim to have hadr.a perfect} right to refrain from advocating 'a mea- sure which, I considered at hest a temporary skirmosh to the real bat tae. whirl, Ls now on not only in 11Iur on but throughout the province for the advanced legislation[ as advo rated by N. W. [Rowell and the progressive temperance element throughout Ontario. I s,tupported the C. T. A. with my vote but not with the idea, that it was to be the last word in Temperance legis- lation in this Province, If Editor Mitchell is as good tem- perance man as he pretends to be he should help to strengthen the faith of his readers and picture to them the possibility of a barlese Province, such as ,the majority of his readers gavel prayed for these many years, and which condition is manifestly only made possible by a united stand of the temperance forces, irrespective of past party affiliations. With such unity the Province -wide curse of the open baz' and drinking club would be speedily ban_shed from il'Ale land. The timeseems, to have gone by when a few anent In (any party can dictate what stand the rank and Ole should take on an impbrtant question such as the one now agit- ating the public, and serious amen are beginning to think ;and act for themselves. It is encouraging when this independence .of thought and action is showing itself so strongly at the present time. I sincerely believe that the coalition of the progressive forces in both Parties will make themselves heard in no uncertain way, on,the 29th of this month. I trust that all, who want more advanced temperance legislation than the Hanna-Snider:brand, will array themselves openly onthe right side of this [great issue. and forget mere party names for the time being. Hidebound party Journals of the News -Record type may try to dr'tw aherring across the trail, but the issue as etwee_n Rowell and Hanna is so clear-cut, that it is impossible for the elector` to he misled. by irrelevant argument's, I confident- lyand conscientiously solicit the support of alt the electors of South Huron, who hat e the -welfare of oar. fair Proviunce seriously at heart. Thanking you fort your valuable space, I am,, Sincerely Yours Guinea Gold' The noted stock horse, "Guinea Gold," will breed a limited num- ber of mares at::his own stable Lot 40, 'West (End; Tuckersmith, G, W, NOTT, Proprietor Baron Wallace stable, lot 40, -West and, 'Pucker - smith, go to Huron (Road, then to Graham House for noon, then . to Gilbert Matr's for night. TUESDAY -By Holmesville and Maitland to Wm, Durst's for noon then by way of Bethel Corner and Benmiller. to Wilmot 'Haalce's, Huron Road, for night, WEDNESDAY -Huron Road east to Wm, Flick'sr for noon, and then by way of 9th con, to James Gra- ham's for night? THURSDAY -To Wise's Corner and Bayfield Road to James Jen- kins', 2nd of Stanley for noon, then to his own stable' for night where he will remain until the following Monday morning. C, W, NOTT, Proprietor Iced Franklin Will stand for the iniprovement°of stock this season as follows, - TUESDAY -Will leave lite own stable, Commercial !Hotel, Clinton and Will go 'to, John Schwaitz,tGod erich township. by way of Huron Road. for sioon, thence to Unfon Hotel, Goder•ich for night. WEDNESDAY -Brill go to Thos Doherty's, Sheppardton, 'on the boundary, for 'noon, [thence to George Drennan's, Jot 5, con. 10, Ashfield, for night. • THURSDAY -Will go by way of 10th con., Belfast, toRobt. Agar's,' lot 12, Gravel Road, for noon, then by way of Lu^)snow, Gravel south to Glenn Hill's for cmc hour at Jos. Irwin's, thence 8th con. East Wawanosh, to . !Donnybrook, J ohn Wallis' for night, FRI.DA'X-Will go to Belgrave by way of boundary between East and West Wawanosh and east on 9th con. for: neon, thence to Com- mercial Hotel, Blyth, for night, SATURDAY -Will go to L'ondes MONDAY -Will leave his own boro Hotel for one hour, thence to his own. Stable, Clinton, for noon where he will remain until the following Tuesday morning. J. J. McCaughey Jas. Bell Proprietor M•ona SUMMER FOOTWEAR- . .............. Mensh Our new styles in Men's Shoes �� for this season make it easyfor them to gratifytheir indivival' tastes. There is fine custom modeling in every line,` and suchctlon f e e ' of r p fit alio finish as well as durability ucabilit •. ,: that it .will be a pleasure to wear them, Pumps and Oxfords Ladies, you cannot afford to miss the opportunity to look at our very wide range of new and up-to-date Summer Footwear in all leathers—patent, gun metal caif, suede, also white nu -buck leather and canvas. We are satisfied :that once you see the t' style, fit -and quality of these lines,, you'll ' be convinced that they're as we represent The Best Valdes Made for the Money • Phone 70 Clinton