HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-06-04, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 48, No. 49. CLINTON \ONTARIO THURSDAY 'JUNE 4 1914 Election June 29, Nomin W.,1-1. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher ation, June 22. THE t Dry D. De Ellis Grand ()yak NADOF arpk Master Orange lodge dead Office, Montreal H, B. Morphy is Deputy ---Win Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 000 Reserve and undivided Prbftts ... - ... .... 12,500,000 TOTAL. ASSETS 175,000,000' 825 BRANCHES With world widq connections. Interest allowed' on Deposita General Plinking .business trans- acted., R. E. MANNING,; Mgr, CLINTON BRANCH SHULD BE FIED. The Council should take up the matter of fixing the Qrand Stand at the park at once. 'The floor has gone in one place and seats • are not any too secure: The stand will be packed to full capacity on Sun- day June 2&th and it should be fixed before that time. Let us ,Prepare Yon for a business career. Attend I �jE/LiLI�O,'1�-/Ty TORONTO, ONT. ( where you will get correct, instruction'. and assistance in obtaining employ' ment when competent. College open all summer. Enter any time. Cita Logue free. nipeg Next Place of Meeting, Regina Sask., May 29—Por the first time. in Vie 'history of the Orange'Order it's Rakish,' America a westerner has been appointied Grand Master of, the Grand Loyal Orange Association of British America. The new Grand M4Iaster is D. D. 'Elias of Fleming Sask, who •lras during 'the past three years occupied the chair of the Deputy Grand Mester. Dr. Ellis who ,suc- ceeds Lieu-Cgi J. H. Scottin , this position is one of the veterans mem bers of the association) in the west. He will have as his Deputy !Grand Master H. 13. 1VIorphy, K. C. M, P. of North Perth Ont The following are the Grancl offs vers elected this afternoon for the coming year ; Ni. W. Grant] Master Dr. D. D. Ellis Fleming Sask., M. W. Deputy Grand Master H. B. Morphy. Listo}vel, Ont_; 11. W. Grand Chaplain, IRev, H. A. Fish Owen Sound Ont., IVI, W. Grand Sec- retary Win,. Lee Toronto M,• W. Grand Treasurer, J. E. Thompson Toronto M. W. 'Grand Lecturer J.W. Whitely Vancouver, M. W. ,Grand Director of Ceremonies T. G. Wal- lace M. P. Woodbridge Ont. M. W. Deputy Grand secretary John -Est on Winnipeg 111.W. Deputy Grand Treasurer. H. C. Hocken. Toronto M. W. Gran i Auditors J F.'Harper Hamilton Ont., ' J. H. Deleanere Minden It was decided that the next meet ing'place of then (annual convention should be in Winlnipeg in July 1915 which will also'at the same time be the meeting of the Imperial Grand Trie:naiial Council of: the World. The MolsonS Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $5,7000,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL RANKII\a, IiIJSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS CHEQUES }ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEBPARTIVIENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest enrrent rate. C E. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch, 804.00•••••40* •••••••••e•• • • •• •. • e 2 ••• • • You will Enjoy the Pleasure • of Buying a Hat Here `Empress of Ireland.," illnstatio:.s, etc., page Canadian Salvation Army Officers Who Where as The IH -fated [prey irelarni • *t* *., ` �D�;IT�OR*IA,L *��•� ; 11 Dominion Day Celebration. Com- mittees' are already' busy, over the preparatory preparation for having a big time on; July 1st. This will be the 47th, anniversary of the Confederation of Canada. While there are -many( holidays observed in this land Dominion! Day' is one that should not be . overlooked, There is much to be gained by cultivating a national spirit. Make the Statute Labor a short campaign in the Good Roads move- ment. Let us take a pointer from the lands •across the sea in our road making. Perm,aneney usually spells economy in this work as well a3 in many other features of life's activities. It is not economy to haul sand or rocks on the IMipg's highway. There's a mission for a strong arm and 'a stonier hammer and a w'll polished shovel. e 'Home Rule received :it's third reading in the Old Lanc3 '!louse of Commons, the vote' standing 351 to 274 or a majority of 77,. None of the terrible things Have happened yet that were prophesyed would by carrying of the measure and the people will have, to wait the pxiomised program—that 5s if it is not delayed so long thatthe ex- pectants will have shuffled off. Taxing life insurance Compan- ies is an 'unfair way of fattening the revenue of the Province .of Ontario as it imposes a penalty) on,'the man who desires to provide for his ifamfly or in other words he is fined for commiitting the folly of laying by a penny for a raary day so that hint heirs may be safe - They were members of a party of 165 who,left Toronto early Thursday morning last to attend World'sguarded from want,The Provin- Decennial Congress of the Salvation Army which is to be held from June llth to June\21st. Corn- ! cial Treasurer struck a diseer missioner Rees was the commanding officer of the Army in Canada and Col. Maidm ?nt is Field note When he urged such le Secretary. Both were accompanied by their wives and both were Lost with their wives tion) Social and Personal 4 Mr, W. Jacicson was in Toronto last week. Miss McTavish is in London on professional duty. 1'Iiss Ann,ce Bartliff is visiting friends :nr Wingham, 11Ir, and Mrs. T. Jacicson, jr•„ and ( family spent Sunday in Seaforth. ®OmNO.OeO•e0•m0.0.0©00000! Mr. De La Penetowi of Niagara o • (Falls spent the week and intpwn, Miss Hattie La\•is has returned 4( from a two weeks tiisft in Goderich 4' Rev. A, Stewart and wife of To- o ronto, formerly pastor of Willis Ordered Clothing 1 Ready-t0.Wcear Clothing, , Straw Tim The assortments are so complete in Panamas, Sennettas, Splits, and Soft Mil8,ns that you will surely find just what you want, Boys' Bats 10e to S110 Ben's Bats 50e to 7.50 We will fit your face as well as your head PITL In` Mien's Stiff fiats FOR SlikTURDPiY • Five dozen Men's Stiff Hats, in black e• and colored, regular $2 and $2.50, to 2 • The following announcement has been issued by Sir James clear on Saturday at m • • •Whitney : y 2 a* "A proclamation has been;issued dissolving the Leg - 2 islature. Nominations for a new Legislature will take 2 2 • place on June 22nd, and elections on June 29th. The..ov- 2 4 +, ♦•♦ + •• •2 2 ••i • to 2 e David Moore, Toronto, .,son of Mrs. Moore, Alpert street, who has long been conlnectedl'with, the Sal- vation Army in an official capacity was to have accompanied the To- ronto contin,gent to. England on. the ill-fated Empress ' of Ireland and had made ;arrangements to go; but was detained atthe last mo- ment. - Fortunate for ;hint, other- wise he Alight have suffered the same fate asso many others. church, take up their 'temporary residence in Bayfield this •'week where Mr. Stewart will supply the pulpit of the Presbyterians church for a few weeks, Isis numerous friends ;,n this vicinity will be pleased at the opportunity of hear- ing him again. Rev. R. B. Stet enson, late of Ta- vistock, who moved last week to his new ,charge at Sheibourne, Motored to Clinton on Thursday last with his femily, and made a short visit at the i home of Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Downs, From here they went to Listowel, ,also in- cluding Atwood, Clifford and Har- riston in their tour, while their) goods were en route to their nen home 4 • • 2 • • • •• e m • • • • 2 • • 2 S. • • 2 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning spent Wednesday in London. Rev. S. J. Alli( is attending the London Coniference at Sarnia. Miss Betty Backus of Hamilton is the guest of Miss Jean McTaggart Mr. Frank O'Neal is visiting friends in Toronto and Merrick- ville. Mrs, W. J. Stevenson left last week to jbin her husband i!ni To- ronto) Mr. David Gardner of Winnipeg is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Gardner, Rev. Mr. Ross of London was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Gunn, last week. Those who will attend Confer- ence as repre'etdatives from Wes- ley Church are T. A. Irwin and R. Manni(n,'g; and Messrs. R. Tip - lady and James Midier from On- tario Street Church, There will be other prominent laylnencfrom the two churches who will attend dur- ing the weak, Mr. Douglas Stewart, youngest son of Rev, Dr. Siewart, graduated this week from Toronto Univer- sity with first-class )honors in classics. Douglas has Bad a splen- did course, entering (with the Prince of Wales Scholarship, and taking first-class honors every year. Harold Churchill, eon of Rev, J, W. Churchill, pastor of St. John's Methodist church, Winnipeg, was One of those wile carried (offa scholarship an connection with Wesley College last weeik, R:e,'. Mr. Churchill 'is al native; of. Gode- rrch Township, and spentt all his boyhood days in, this neighbor - ,!hood. ••.••••••••••••••••••••••. ••••••••••••••••••4•••••••. • • 1 Provincial Elections- to be • • • 2 41 Proclamation issued Dissolvinglegislature and Calling for Nominations for New Nouse on June find HeId on June 29th • The Provincial elections will be held on June 29th. • 9'cents 2 • • � 2 • The Morrish Clothing c, 2 'kl i • 2 A Square Beal or Every Man • 2 • ° .•_•••••••OSN•aM•ON0•••••••0•••0••OetooA • ernlnent having received information that the voters"lists., will be ready, the uncertainty which has delayed actionine this: matter is. removed, and writs will be issued in a, day or 2 two in accordance with the proclamation:' 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44+4++++++++++4++++++N Mr. Isaac Brown of Blyth \vas ill town on Monday. Rev. G. T. Powell of Exeter was a caller in town on Monday. 1 Mr. Acheson of Goderich, \easy a 'F caller in town on riday last, Warden Cantelon is atten di if; the County Council this week. Rev, Mr. Osterhout of Londes- boro was in town: on, 1londay. Mr. Donald Patterson of Auburn, and county engineer, was in town A last Friday. Mr W, J, Nediger and falls>iy sp topic in the sports at Dashwood bu on Wednesday, Inc Miss Lily. Kingston of Seaforth u' a tv Many of the ,church br have been meeting in and District meetin past month have n in the resolutions natory of the eulogistic of N of banishing dear broth vote as th the valu don't th to still s.. spent the week, endf with herauint Mrs. Jos. Townsend. Mr, 3. Scarlett of Winthrop was in town last. Friday evening at- tending the L. 0. L. meetm . Mr. John Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. R. Stubbs of Brussels, motored through Clinton ori Saturday, Mr, Charlie Macpherson of To- ronto was the guest of his uncle, Mr. D. Ma:phorson, this week.. Mr. and Mrs. !Herbert Manln;iing and children of Brussels', speri'L Sunday 'with Mr. Ernest Pozen. Miss Myrtle Reynolds of Lonclon formerly of the C.C.I.staff, was the guest of Miss Helen Bell last weer., Macklin of 'Godericll,i the Conservative candidate for Cerise. Huron, was calling) pn.thel faithful here. on Monday, Miss Lyl Brown returned to To- ronto on Saturday atter spending the past ten Weeks with, her sister, Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr, Zurich ,herald,—Mr. Oliver John- son of Clinton audl son, Harold of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas Johnson, County Constable ?lrippenl of 'Wingham was 4n,town on Mon— day, taking 'a pprisoner to Gode- rich to stand trial on a serious charge, Miss Agnes Middleton,, who ,has been in Ottawa for, some time pur- suing her art studies, returned to 'her home In Goderich township this week. 112x, EJ. Archibald of the Mon - areal Daily Star, covered the Em- press • of Ireland disaster' at Hi; monski, Mr. Archibald is 'a well known Clinton boy. Mr, George McT'aggant' accom- panied h4is sisiter,l Miss; Kate Mc- T'aggart, to (Atlantic City last 'Week Mr: McTaggart (will only stany a few days. Miss Edith Neal, who has been visiting at the home of her uncle Mr. Albert Neal of the Base Line„ returned to her home in Toronto Wetaskiwin Times—Mid T. J. O'Neil and sone of Clinton, Ort., arrived in the city on Saturday last to spend several weeks visit- ing at the )homes of her slater: Mrs; V. C. French, We are ;pleased' to learn that Dr. IL Worthington, son of Mrs. (Dr.) Worthington of tows,, has passed the Medical Council exaininatipnu recently held in Edmonton, andie. now licensed to practice medicine and surgery, and Is pracctioing,'at Canmore, Alberta. ;Continued on page 4 t] d Get One Now If you have not got a Kodak you are missing a lot of genuine pleasure you should be enjoying. We have in stock a full line of EASTMAN RODAKS BROWNIE CAMERAS PRE910 CAMERAS Alco a complete line of Films; Printing Papers, etc. Developing, Printing and kin larging properly and promptly done at ' THE REiALL STORE W.Q.R. Holmes BEST QUALITY DRUG S'roRE Pineapples This will be Pineapple \veek, The Largest, Biggest 'Most Juey ;Pineapples ar now; ready for canning. Special prices 'in doze fort canning, Altho wo the \t a a bi at 13 at g€ to till de to s' a to M fu ha be e 1l c 0 e