The Clinton New Era, 1914-05-21, Page 8"e !Page .'p
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New n 1 sh Prints rite per y rd
New Spring Gh shams roc per yard
Friday, .Saturday and all next week we put on sale i 000 yards of 1;ew English
Prints, full width'and weight, every color fast, white grounds with black, blue, brown,
red ani pink spots and flowers, blue ground :with all the new designs, black ground in
all the designs also red and pink grounds, while they last iter
NEW GINGHAMS-With the above we put on sale goo yards of New1
Spring Ginghanis, in checks and stripes, in all the -leading colorings, full width. plain
weaves and cord stripe, regular 15c values, sale price 199c.
New Cotton Biosif ry, all colors, New Summer Underwear
Nety , New Cotton Dresses. Hfoleproo'f lltQsiery, New, Corsets
House Furnishings==1•:Ilouse®ddeaning Season
RUGS AND MAWS We are showing a splendid range of Tapestry, Brussels and
Wilton Rugs, in the very newest colorings add deigns, in all sizes. A visit to•
this department will convince you of the savings by ;doing your shopping here
CARPETS 300 yards of' Brussels Carpet, in small and large patterns, in greens,
fawns and brown grounds, regular price $1.25, on sale at '89c.
AT °T=
New Straw Hats
We are' showing a complete
range of all the up to date shapes
in Straw Hats. The season is
fast coming on for these goods.
Be wise and pick out yours early
before,the lots are broken, the
prices run from $1 to $5.
Boys Cotton Jersies
We now have in stock a com-
plete assortment of boys and
girls long and short sleeve Cot-
ton Jersies, in all sizes and com-
bination of colors, at 25c:
Boys Lion Brand
If you want to save money on
Boys Clothing, the kind that
gives good wear, bring your boy
to this store and have him fftted
out in one of our Lion Brand
Suits -no better made—no bet-
ter style—no better wear, and
you pay the same price—suits
from $2,5o up.
Those owing accounts will
please call soon as
Successor to TOZER tt BROWN
Wroxeter at Brussels, 11Iay 29.
Clinton at 'Brussels, June 5. i
Wroxeter at Clinton, June 12, I
Brussels at Wroxeter, June 19,
Monday evening while two young I
gentlemen were out driving, the
¢riverturned the horse too sharp
on the crossing behind tie Norman- 1
dile Hotel, and the anneal slipped
and fell. Fortunately nothing was
JULY 1-2.
The Seaforth'Lawn Bottling Chill
has to decided r=
r have its
trour nancat
this year on. Wednesday and ''hues
day July 1 and 2 and instead of rink
games the tournament will eons et
of singles and: Scotch doubles only.
There will be two sets of prizes' for
each event—primary and consoia-
tiont 'With' 10 good greenio abet
splendid prizes the club is looking
forward] to a very successful and
enjoyable tournlarent this • season.
Raving bought out the Furniture and Undertaking huciness
of Mr, Wesley Walker, and in order to reduce stock, for the next
00 days, we put on one of the largest Bales of Furniture that
was ever held in the County of Iluron.
This Stock must be Reduced and Prices
are not to be considered:
All Goods Bought During Sale will be Cash
ilndertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28.
Night and Day Galls answered at Residence over $tore
A List of .Improved
and Up=to=date
Seasonable Goods
Lawn. Mowers
Screen Doors and Windows
Perfection Oil Stoves
Waehing Machines and Wringers.
Step Ladders
Paint brushes
Whitewash Brushes
Brooms and nd
Spades and,Shovels
Rakes and Hoes
Poultry Netting
o ` Garden Hose
Sherwin Williams Paints,
Japalac and Varnishes
Campbell's Varnish Stains.
Climax Wall Paper Cleaner
Ronna English Floor Polish
Metal Polish --5 different kinds
Silvo the celebrated silver polish
Stove Polish -10 different kinds
]elletone and Muresco
O. Cedar 51ops
Flempol and. Liquid Veneer
Brass Curtain Poles
See our assortment, of Dyer Ready Electric Flash Lights
The celebrated National Electric, Smoothing Iron
New Rotary Corn Planter
SPF, jI!,,L,-Firee'parcel post to all parties livingwithin 90 miles of
Clinton, Phone No, 7 or drop a card, and e will send bythe
next delivery free of charge. 11 pounds is the weight limit.
Hensall ratepayers Saturday car
Tied with little opposition a bylaw
to erect a new' town• hall an a site
purchased on Main Street. For the
bylaw .103 votes were cast, and
aga-lust 4t onily 15.
The grouping of the lrar:.aur.
teams made by the 0..A. L. A.. in
Toronto on Saturday; by pvhirh
Clinton has been placed en Demi:.
5, of the intermediate series, coni-.
promis:,ng, Wingham, Clinton, Sea-
fortb and Mitchell. The juniors
will be en group 3, consisting 'of
Wingham, Seafortb, Mitchell and
St.Mary s W.• Gurney of Winfa'ham
was elected Convenor acid the • con-
lventiosi well 'meet at Clinton, The
schedule of games will be made be-
fore May 22nd, Owing to Seafortb
and Clinton teams not being organ
izecl as yet, the Wingham Interme-
wi.11'ask to be groupedevithLondon
and St Mary's.
The Goderieh Star reports pro -
gorse at the (Salt works The
yards atthe Ransford Salt Works
the old North American Chemical
Co's plant, are stored with, a large
amount of iron and other material.
for the addititon of the now vacum
process of manufacture. Air,
Ransford hopes to have this install-
edlit a few weeks and well ,then
have exceptional fac;Sities for the
manufacture of salt of all grades
from the finest, table an4ll daery-tot
the coarser grades. This week the
tubing of, the well had to he drawn
for some needed repairs, but ,this,
is only 'an incidental experience
not 'often neeennary.
Last week we recorded the death
of a former resident of town in the
person of Fred W. Watts, of Tor-
Mr, Watts ,was born in 1847, oat
Bath, Somersetshire, England', and
two years later came with his par-
ents tothis country, where the f am
ily settled at Wellington Square,
mut known as Burlington. Soon
they moved) to Milton, where Mr,
Watts spent his acheold4ys. A
few years later, he went &alio the
chug business with his, father at
Clinton; where they also 'leas: the
telegraph agency, He eo!ntti ued
the s'
until business n '
l 1904,which
tikne he entered Iti3ie $atµead offece
of the G. N. W. Telegraph Company
at Toronto. In 1941 hteacompany
opened- a School of Telegraphy and
placed (Mr. Watts in charge, Inc 'sit-
structor, whilch position 'h e held
up till the (time of iris :death.
In 1'888 he married IVIvss'Lavina Mc
1Gil,Land two children blessed their
union, a son and( daughter, the lat-
ter dying Ira early childhood. The
son, Hartley W., well known- here,'
fs,left with his pother to mourn the
logs of la kind ,and devoted father
Mr. Watts is also survived, by three
isters,-Miss M. E. Watts. of Et,.
ouis, Mrs, Bretton and Mrs. Gam -
am, of New York,
He was a member of St Paul's
e io i nurc , 'Toronto, a
]>( u
HA M tl dpt Cl 3i
LA. ':
N Conser^v. t'
BROTHERS tine ini po fres, and had
held high office in all the fraternal
STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES societies of which lre,vt'as a member,
viz, The sons of England, Ancient
.i�rtrtsa Order of Forrester's, and The Roy
' al Tempiars of Temperance.
CONVENIENT Burns coal, coke, or
wood,. Large feed doors make firing easy.
Water pan is, • filled
arnauu without removing.
See the McClary dealer or write for booklet.
*i _ f Fi{• ;P.' -j'. a7
11 Ltyiy hilly( e Fi,K,
06e1.49N004>4.4904.0.®A04)00A440•0®4 440d41.0000•04+040004000
May 25th will be observed as
a,public (holiday in C1iinion and
citizens are asked to govern them-'
selves •accordingly. •
The Telephone Committee • ap-
pointed by the Board of • Trade
have called a meeting of the var-
ious ural Phone Compai1'es acl-
joiio`m (Clinton to meet in the 1
pouneil Chamber. next Saturday
afternoon all 30. with a view of
securing better 'conMect:on with
the Town system. •
Now that the streets have been
cleaned let everybody help to keep
them -presentable, How? By fail-
ing tei drop envelopes. paper Wrap-
pers candy bags, lialnfana skins
and orange peels on the street or
pavement. Many are thoughtless
in this regard and as aresult • the I
streets- are littered, Don'tl be a
guilty one cn,this respect. Let's
all be tidy!
The annual (meeting of Huron
Rural Deanery and Sunday School
Association - was held in St.
Thomas' church, Seaforth, on Thurs
day, May 14th, when Rev. W„ J.
Doherty, B.A., of Hensel], was re-
elected Rural Dean of Huron, • A
special tprograni was provided
cons{style of addresses on "Mis-
si(onary Literature," by Rev, Mr..
Page, of Brussels, and "Duplex
Envelope System and Every Mem-
ber Canvass" by Rural Dean Doh-
erty. The afternoon session was
devoted to the work of Sunday
The following press report from
St. Marys tells what the (Minted
Cit:gens niay expect who attend
the Bell Rdegers coikeert in the
town hall on Friday evening of
this week Lu
hand Well ringers cceghtet
large audience on Monday evening
at the opera house,They present-
ed a splendid peal of bells rang-
ing :n weight frons 2 ounces to
10 pounds, Every chord wassire ek
with' pert e:t correctness snit en sem
b and evoked much applause.
The local quartet instrumetScal
trio. and selections by. (Hiss Jean
McDonald 'were much appreciated.
The 'credit of bringiyng such
pleasing (entertainers to 10 is
cine to our -popular .townsmen. Mr.
John Gray." Plan of hall at Fair's
book store.
Announcement was made last
'week of the death of Mrs, S. AlaI-
oomson widow of the late S. Mal-
comson,of G-oclerich, 'wh'e hoecurred
at1'ancon e'er "Mr Ma leo nison_pr•ac
ticed law 'en Clinl:on during his six-
ties, moving to G,oderich, where he
was appointed 1ieg:,strar cf. (the
Surragate Court, apositi,on he held
atthe time of ids death, Mr. Percy
Malcornson, Barrister of K',ncardine
is a son of the late Mrs, Malcom -
son, and, was born in Clinton. firs.
MaLcomson had: resided for several.
years with members of !her fatnay
in eche coast silty. TheMateonison's
were rather a noted! family, .as
nearly all the members of it were
lake captains tvilth headquarters ,
inr Hamilton. and they acquired dis-
tilnethon in the earlier 'days of lake
shipping byialtegrity and heroism,
The death of waiter Percy
George Moon, aged! five months,.
only son of John and vViolldtt
Moon: nee Hoffman of Sebringv'lle
occurred on Tuesday morning
of last week ot,the residence of ie
,parents 20 Sit, Clain Gandleene, Tor-
onto, after avert brief }linens of
cholera infan(tum. The funeral was
held( Thursday afternoons at,three
o'clock to Prospect cemeteryin.the
presence of a great ,mainly friende
and relatives. The Rev. Geo. Dorn
who offiated 'atithe marriage of
the parents anid the baptism of the
baby conducted the services. Rev.
P. Bryce of the Central Me:thodwst
Church assisted; Messages and
telegrams of condolenlce were re-
ceived from
ateat many
out -of=
town friends some .coo!Ing from
Arilzona, Prescott, Phoenix ,and
other parts of 'the Unsalted States
and Canada. The Floral offerings
were both numerous and beautiful
among thein; beia,(g,-Cross-Rather.
and Mother; Wreath Mr. renal
Mrs. Hugh MacDonald-,— Sprays from
Earlecourt Lodlge Dominion Elks ;
Wisteria Lodge I0 0'F Earls-
coi}rt District Voter's Association;.
Mr. and Mrs, Guy, Alfred 'Hoffman;
Mo. and Mrs. Fred Miller :vrr,and
Mrd: Ed.( Miller ; Mr. and ditrs. -J,
Young ; Mr. and Mrs.. 1W, Foster ;
R.:Themes, Mr, Mel Dudb„e,;
Mr, add Mrs. Allison,; Mr. and
Mrs;: Charles; Mr, ated Mrs, Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. "Nor bitt ; Mr, and LVI'r.s,
Fit Bell Mrs, B. adci Miss A., M.
Reid; Mr. and ' Mrs, John Reid; Mr;
anid'Mrs. Jeffrey; Mr. and Mrs, llev
Doran and others. The: pall -bear -
ere were IVCasters (Gordon Young
Wilbur Bouson, (Kenneth, Halal, and
Orville ,Pennock.
A :new mare has been appointed
as inspector of cigar factories Sin
the Dominion). This is a sure sign
of an' early election;.
At the quarterly official board
meeting (of Main street church;
Exeter, the finances' in all depart=
menta were shown to be in amost
flourishing condition: A resolu-
tion of appreciation was tendered
to Rev. E., G. Powell,. who closed
the pastoral term, and with ill
a check for +$100. Mr.. Powell is
leaving the pastorate to oversee
the temperance work in Huron
Under the auspices cif the Clin-
ton Kiltie Band, the Clinton Dram,
atic Club gave two -excellent per-
formances in the town hall last
Thursday and Friday when they
presented "The Bells.” The gen-
eral verdict of ,those who• saw the
performances, is, that ,they well
deserved the praise given them,
for it was certainly a splendid; or-
ganization, the equal of which is
very seldom seen inn permanent
company play1gg fim this Mown.
The story of the play was given a
week ago. Mr.. Von Rohl gave an
•excellent ,renSlering of Mathias,
the Burgomaster, (While Misses
Sewell and Coulton' and Messrs, Me
Caughey, Webber antcl, Gillies gave
excellent aid to their parts. Fol-
lowing was the caster of characters
Cast of Characters
Mathias, the burgomaster—Paul
yon Rohl.
Christian .Lienee quartermaster of
gelndlrme.s—Fred tx hies.
Father Walter, farmer—Geo,
TC elbher,
lIans, an old poacher—John Mc-
Dr, nu:ever—Bert Kerr.
Joseph Kovesky, a Pol'eh Jew
y I
—Ray hurnb
Clerk of the Court—II. Remi;all
Notary—Clues. Hutt sol.
MAsmerist C'lu'i s. hod geon.
l cs;dent of the (Noise
Fritz, old character—b'. Cook,
Tony, old eliatactnr—Samuci
Caerine , wife of Mathias
—Violet Sewell.
\nn'ette, daughter of Mathias—I,
Sozcl, servant of \lath as --Lulu
Synopsis eV. Scenes
Act 1.—Xmas Eve h'tchen in
house of Vlat'ilets. • lIat1J,Las re-
turns, The story of the /Murder
of the 17ulislr Jely, fifteen years pie,
vious, is relate I. The crinin begins
to prey on Mathees. mina.
Act &, Oiiest roan 5n whine's
housc1. Mathias is ill and his go:-
ty conscience is his worst accuser.
S.gninlg of the marriage contract.
Annette be..onres the bide ofeChris
than. Song o11 thee betrothal a and
wedding feeteVIties. Mathias mind
eillected. .
Act 3.—Bed room in Burgomas-
ters' house, Mathias returns and
in hes :dream( Hunks hie is hong
mesmerized and forced to relale
the story of his crime. Ile is over-
come (by the terrors of his dream
and expiras.
Spe.ial painted Scenery PIM-
ear -s Orchestra will be in attc ;-
dance -both slights Plan ,n hall
at Fair's Book Store, •
The scenery used was po4eCeed by
Messrs, Chas...Dickson and George
Cooper audit added greatly to the
play, It is altogether likely the
play will he repeated ,au( the fall.
lirnllfIIII,I'IIIi1Mpeeti ee e,1111''Illnlollnn11111
W Eich we appease
Bakery Delicacies
Sure to Please
Bread, Buns and Cookies
Fresh every Day
Pies and Cakes s D • i
e t Doughnuts
Baked the sanitary way.
(� o Bakery
Thursday,' May 21st, 1,911;
In Your House for Wall Paper?
Wall Paper in Our Flouse for
Obey that impulse and have your home re-
decorated. '
Of course, we don't sell all our papers' under
price. but there is many a snap for you in
our stock just now. Some with borders and
ceilings to match
e e D0.Falr coo
Often the ehapest—TYw.l'ys the Best;
Picture Taking Time
If you have never taken pictures. now is the time to
begin—when nature is at her best. Do not let another
season pass without the enjoyment which a good Camera
affords. We handle tha
Eastman Cameras. Itodaks and Brownies
the most highly developed Cameras an the market
In Photo 'Supplies we have everything you may need
Prompt Printing and Developing.
T. M. II O V E
Dispensing Chemist 'THE QUALITY DRUG STORE
Porn lL , d Cement .
We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand
of Portland Cement which has always given you such com-
plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. Yost
cannot make a mistake in using the-NationaI. 4"
S. .I. AN 1" E S, CLINTON-4'
The corner roue
t:I Let Live"
Foyer Ordei' for Dad'e-
tl'otaaliiiu, Plumbing,
and General Repairing
Prices Moderate
Workmanship and Material
th<< Best.
Can at Rowland's ]hardware
or Phone 53
Th ilh s. Hawkins
Phunbing and Beating
We Like to (Meet Yon
Fate to Face
That would be our choice, hot when.
this cannot be the case, we hope to
hear your voice,
Use Phone 45 for Choice Groceries
Pineapples for preserving are now
their best. Outland leave your orde
Batter and Eggs 'Wanted
highest lIlat'keih, Price
E. E. Hunniford
'r4.4'+4.4.4'4'4'4.4 +++++++++3e+++.7*41.4.++++4+•D++++++.+++++*1+ r i
Woolen's shoes
is+4+.Fl},N++'H'+++3++++'»'3i+.4 t++++i...+4 .*.i ++ ++'O+l
The woman who wants Better Shoes. Distinctive
Shoes -can find in our Spring Lines exactly what she
is locking for
We have handsome Footwear, in High and Low Cut
Modelo, frdm makers who have a world wide repute,.
tion for making good shoes.
Finer Footwear than our Spring Models
Was Never Made or Shown
Beautiful bright and dull finish leathers,
Oravenette and Cloth Tops
The new Colonials and Pumps are beauties
Cuban. Spanish, Louis and Kidney Reels
• 'Receding toes of the new English models, etc.
$21O, $loe,; $4 00 to $4 50
We show the best of Shoes at any stated price. Our
experienced shoe service in fitting is or. the greatest
value to a woman who wants a shoe that is
" Just Right in Every Way,"
J 7�4...:CC ON