The Clinton New Era, 1914-05-14, Page 7�.-'''r �!•Or e,447, T7["ay 914. e111. CLINTON NEW to Page I EDICINE CO•' T0200E0, 080 (Dourly Madssa.) n Beside, h n ed a a d r n n g s th, a e clip, s, _ (, : A p fi • ' ereei ' rig'.of some, kine': IWit., a G09,...: A1. ,:, re hltd now' heard ucomin y' , , :;• op 'E17LE OLD PEOPLE Gull Or the-, negg= a .veruou u,W, but who^.would not escape, if Je could, thereturn;reckon" doom:of the other'1 . ,.income" WOMENWHO 'A�E- Carr eLL thaaY auµ, InY88'Ohe Whitney gave no "Miters"' but tti 'sueceaslon of '"Bobs" ;and HE KIDNEYS NE' 0 HELP I°• oould 'perceive ^;the little', group, I Gonelude from verse, 25 that ;mem- "'Bills"' and ,Georges. q �Ip His gine them fhe sf hpgth of ,bulk, . d' : Then t,,merney as a black amu ge, au ountea `'fi' ure seemed to detach it-' an g leaf • from t he daakneta, and advance '! ". i. Are Told How to , Re stn . g Strength. and Vigor. ' g Aa one the the , or'ant r in the my will play an imp t Part tifferin s of'':the lost be een l' death s g .. ,. nnd,resu • ellen-the thought of -;what ALWAYS TIRED Sometimes,,;when political leaders are vistin a town, hey are either whisked away in alimousine to the house of the wealthiest man in the '°�! •Eji; ++ .:\\ s=!Ir:':6 'a , , : 1 s, . ' c viii::. -r Y ,t /� pro a, AI 1.''.' �r f toward uS.:' +'Balt. our men-sergeant,",I said Y) quietly. ,"I'll ride forward' and .learn What the 'fellow ants." w w —a. grows old waste of system becomes more rapid than re- Pair, the..organs act more slowly, and less effectively than in youth; the air- culation is poor, the blood, thin and might have been -but now it is too y `there Is ;a foretaste of,, the `unquenchable fire of Gehenna, h re, their worm dieth not and the flioeis '9uenched ix, 43, 44)., i. �+- 1 '; that , :I'lIlfl HeI •1111 TW Y - ' • Letter. i puce,, and guarded from the az e of g the vulgar crowd, or if they do go to n hotel a separate table i set' apart am o them.P sp nd their dcons et theordinary \; ., e ! ', •; 1(I,:r:c. 41 i• 1�I- -: ', 'C," N ��4w.,',4'` a."' J �.; i al ,40vl l'�nr `Lt;tale wh'r' '{'. ., / r ',' / (� ( CHAi TER XXVII. The Escort. digestion weak. d i non tonic 'without oil is the ideal not (Mask Part of the false teaching of our day is .tbdt there is no bell fire apdr that those, who die in their sins can be _„ Swan Creek, Mlch. I,canlsotspeak too highly of your medicine. When whereasmenu largely of pork stew, beef stew, baked apple, and bread pudding, a'dinner of chicken or duck, with plum pod- ?,i;. C) Yji ■ -� ,, �• ¢ y c� 6o Broad Street I'bou ht some of $ at Victoria, B.C. last Septe 1 -L; ,..1 ,." Ho , ;e, your ii; _IN l ,,.er. -. % /, �. London. PILIIS I made g The figure of the; man apPioachzn� ; he an- leaning eaued tolbenl Well forward over Ireplace the sadflle'-' Pommel; Yet my ryes' caught the. glimmer of a star along a pistol b rrel, and I drew, ,uli cautious, ly,loosening my own Weapon. "Who Comes he questioned snorts "Speakin ly, the'low voice vibrant.would quick!" An officer with. dispatches, I 1n-"• .,. strennohener and bode -builder for ol'dl;.rgsn y folks, or it contains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting; tissues and weakness with strength. Vinol also fortifies the system'against colds and thus'preven s pneumonia. v Mrs. Mary Ivo. , of Columbus, Ga., says: • "If people only knew the goad Vino), does old people, 1 am sure youY be unable to supply the dey wand. ' I never took anything before that did me so much good,as Vinol. saved after death, but our Lord brings gulf fixed between ` before us a great ', theaaved and he Post; with the mppa- ,sibili ofpassing from one place to tUe other. Llisewtaere He tangUt that those who die in Chair sins cannot' come where He is (John viii, 21, 24). In what may perhaps be tUe diciest book the Bible we read; "Because a there'is wrath, beware lest He take thee awn vrith His stroke; then ,a great ransom' cannot deliver thee" (Job xxxvl, 18). ' -, c •, 0 :\ ,I'QI' ,.,i r O- - ' ,h ^ ,., ; � , „y i - f> a i' Y \ ',' �' ; 1 .i. ' , I t It through :neglect or, overwork I get run down and my appe- , tate ie poor and T have thatweak, Ian- quid, 'always tired feeling, I get a bot- tie of Lydia E. Pink- ham's V e e g tab 1 e Compound, and it "builds me up, gives me strength, and re- ding, 7s laid before the big men.% Sir James; however, ate with the "rest of the crowd," and ate also the same fare. The table talk on this particular day, naturally enough; was larges, reminiscent,: and Proved graphically that ,Sir James, with all his worries and his troubles, with allPERRIN his bilingual and temperance. and educational and agricultural tonal rember- ties to contend with; had remember- ed his country friends of Dundas County, and, without the trade of af- ® DairyCream Sodas ' p e mire will go far to find anything so'delightfully crisp and satisfying 2S S Dain Cream Sodas y. Dairy' Crean) Sodas are of two "kianc inquiries in New York o'` my arrival there but was unable to ' btain any inforivationabonttliem,'urxemed y,of I• find at 6o years of age, `. give me and I regret erymuch „ , sweied promptly, riding to Philadel plata—and you?"gty "We are taking a wounded moa home;' was the reply, the speaker rid- ingforward. "Areyou Continental." ' It is the finest tonic and strength creator I ever used in my life." If Vinol fails to build upthefeeble,s old neoPle, and create strength we Having found'out the awful reals of beim los he becomes desirous that brethren still on earth may be saved a- like fate and begs that one stores me to perfect 1? Health again. It I9 truly a great bless- ingto women and I cannot s eak too hih) of it. �Ttake e P highly pleaaur in recam- g - , menden It to others." -Mrs. fectation, knew exactly what to talk oof them varou iou and mor what mem ireJ the various families to an quire most solicitously. kinds -the Thin" w ch 3r b1 15 just a little Smaller and thinner than the regular `Dairy Cream ,. Sodas. Both of these are the very perfect relief g that you have not made aro an ementsmay $ to $ave GIN PILLS on s Ue in New to 'York and London, as I urge°. tly recom- mend GIN PILLS'to friends of my age Lawrence, of Max - Yes: Brigade well's Brigade." ,, Oh the exclamation was half mothered, the rider drawing up his will return your money,best W. S.H. Holmes, Druggist Clinton, `Ontario be sent to them from the dead last they also come into the place of torment. He is assured that if they' will pot believe Moses and the proph- CAMERON, R.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek, Michigan. Another Sufferer Relieved. • TakingNo Chances. A well-known Toronto lawyer Was arguing a case on appeal which he had lost in the court below, and ap- soda biscuits we know how to make. In 5c, 1Oc, and 25c sealed pack - ages, at your grocer's. as being the one thing that do, smegood. . , G. 1 OODFORD. If your kidneys need help, trengthen them and keepthem well with GIN PILIas;-the aranteed cur for Weak g:: Kidneys, Pain in the Back•, Bladderessarily horse quickly. I could distinguish the outline of his form now, the straight, slender figure of a. boy,wearingthe tight jacket of a dragoon, the face,principle shadowed by a broad hat Uric, SUNDAY ®Y SUNDAY SCHOOL ets they' will not believe though one go to them from the dead, Here we see the cause of his being in the place of torment.There was not nee= any sin in his being rich or in Hebron, Me. -"Before taking your remedies I was all run down, die, aged and had femaleweaess. Itook Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Cora- pound and used the Sanative Wash, and pealed to the High Court. Hadn't you better assume that the court knows such an elementary of law as that?" said.one of the judges. Bvery package guar- ". - anteed. �( , We would like to send you + the "Perrin's Sample Pack - n , : age" of some of our daintiest fancy biscuits, for Trouble and Rheumatism. oc. a box- relieve.6 for Se money back if they fail to daerSent on receipteh pricefayoury dealer does not handle them. Sample P box free o 'National Drug and Unless I mistake," I ventured con -Pardo dially, "you must be Eric Mortimer." '''Why se you suppose that?" "Because' at General Washing- Lesson VI I.—Second Quarter For May 17, 1914, bis having fine clothes and good food,todayentirely but it is evident that he had no use for the word of God or for its warnings or entreaties. find that I am an new housework readyoa d willebefore o 0fl7 g y our medicine it was a dread. I tryto impress the "T assumed that in the court be low," retorted the lawyer, "and that is why I lost." r"ot nor tto your gro• smdo car's name and 10c in coin M•d,oa .v.'1 Pacrog.. or stamps. se D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY , Cast. C11National uartwhile ton's headquarters Our lesson ought to be a very solemn upon minds of all ailing LIMITED of a Pills are he mentioned that word to all despisers of His word in women I meet the benefits they can A Slight Difference. . LONDON - CANADA Liver a sure Lazyyou cureforConstipatio1 . 25c. a box, 200 had asked nermtaaion'to take your father -Colonel Mortimer, of the Queen's -to his home Elm- THE` INTERNATIONAL SERIES. derive from your medicines." -Mrs. our day, but who will lay it to heart? CHARLES RowE, R. F. D., No. 1, Even some who are Bible students and Hebron, Maine. Col. White, when D.O.C. of the military district including the Pro- vince of New Brunswick, was noted n/� Lady ,( ✓ yb} /�•�° Doubt of J�lf -Rangers at horst. You left, as T understand, an hour or two ahead of us. Am I right?" "Yes, sir;this is Colonel Mortimer's party." "Then we will pass on without de- taining you longer; as we ride inawful - )ext of the Lesson Luke xvi, 19-31. rpartible; Memory Verses, 30, 31 -Golden Text, Prov. xxi, 13 -Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. This is the'only record, of the spirit' by our Lord His are sound on many points enll this a 11as though it is not so called in you want special advice the teat, and endeavor to give it some write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med- other meaning. To. me it Is a simple icine CO., (Confidential) Lynn, and, in the case of the unbeliever, an Mass. Your letter wil be opened, statement of facts -our Lord read and answered byawoman drawing aside the veil for us and and held in street confidence. - a strict disciplinarian, and was re- garded with considerable awe by the militia officers and men who came to Camp Sussex for the annual drill. On one occasion a captain was al- lowing his company to rest under a convenient tree, when he espied the colonel approaching. perm, In wniou c:Lliacrty ue umcam, thoroughly familiar with the execu tive duties now entrusted to him Following the resignation of Inapec tor Lamouche in 1909, ]ie was raise, from the rank of captain to that o inspector of the eastern section of the er to injure ns in the Jerseys. I hope to bottle him up before morning, so �� world given us except saying to the thief on the cross, "To• showing us the unseen. There came a time when another Lazarus came back South Huron Hotelmen "Heavens, men," be exclaimed; "get up; here comes the D. O, G." force. that any retreat will be impossible, // , I< J day shalt thou be with me in pare- from •the dead, but it did no good to ,but even if he succeeds in getting his army to the transports at Sandy Hook, he has lost prestige, and the victory is ours. Good-bye, major, and the Lord guard you on your journey." Ten minutes later, mounted on a rangy sorrel, my dragoon escort trot- ting behind, I rode south on the Plainsboro road,, as swiftly as its ter- would � d n- 1 "''rr° • �l d 4 QVt '" 1 + , = (Q(- •=11. �; a 1 : �- ' Ta , � l *i y e r • �f26'e; a�,m:0 <:,� �Y ) 1 e -L I n / dise" (Luke xaili, 43h There are other words of the Spirit on which the right sous may rest as on a firm foundation, such as "Willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord;" "To die is gain; * * * to depart and to be with Christ is very far better" (II Cor. v, 8; PUiI. 1, 21, 23, RPersonally I am as sure from these the unbelievers who were despisers, Granted an Exteii loll for they wanted to kill him over again because by reason of him manyof the Exeter, May 5. -Following n; Jews went away and believed on Jesus structions received from •Flon. '' , (John xis, 10, 11►. J. Hanaia, the South,Huron license In this life Is the time to believe and commissioners met there tlu �s af- be nfHc�e Thoseand who believe word of of th! ought ternoon and of tthef ;thelicense Mr. McKa alTouse. record made God a liar (I Marl V. 10). Bayfield. Mr. bar has been in five 'clays, ' `' n Pam of Lumbago Cured by Austrain Doctor's Prescription Di'. Stohr, a famous specialist of Vienna, endd a ptethan:cm that has been endorsed by the main w. A Ver i ndu try of N The lobster industry of Nova Sea tia is the most valuable in the world, The total market value of all the lob eters taken from its waters for the year ending March 31, 1912, reached the three million mark, as compared with a corresponding value of five million for the whole Dominion. New Brunswick's lobster fisheries rible condition warrant. The evidences of war, the wreck- :age of battle, were everywhere. Sev anal times we were compelled to leap )the stone walls to permit the passage of marching troops being hurried to ;some new position; several batteries passed us, rumbling grimly threugh she night, and a squadron of horse by, the troopers greeting us 1 =operation 1 ■ ' �bee's .' t0 t , Illaid 1 'gl and other texts and from our lesson today of the conscious existence of those who go out from these mortal bodies as 1 am of my ownpresent ex- istence in this body, I know that res• urrection and not death will be the time of toll reward for the righteous and full torment for the lost,but noth- ing could be more plain than this les- operation just an f tan -he ticipating that as a result of the license commissioners' decision he 'was Badly would be able to continue business for three monthle, it ie alleged IHe in a large stock of Pquor. At the meeting today rhe corn- Run Down missionera confirmed the three months' extension given to the ��pp other eleven hotelmen. Milburn's Heart and cal profession, the world over, ns n harmless and quick relief for those terrible affl:etlrns Lumbago acrd Sniat:ca. This unfa'Jing remedy is called Kephaldol and has proved to tions an that in cases of severe nervous pain, 110 matter what the cause ,t will afford quack relief Sufferers from Lumbago, Sciatica Neuralgia were valued at $743,869, Prince Ed; ward's Island at $331,619, and Qua at $363,832 during the same year. The lobster is also the most vain able of the provincial fisheries, total ling one-third the entire 'fisheries vs lue thereof, while in the Dominiol its position is surpassed only by tha of salmon. It is the main substanc, •galloped with shouts of inquiry, We took to the fields, but, as there seemed no end to the Procession, l turned my horse's head eastward, con- fident we were already. beyond the British rear -guard, and struck out across country for another north and "Merely That Tom Claire Mortimer," and Lifting the Hat, the Young Rider Was Revealed as My Lady.Her haste. I met your father once; may I ask iw his wound is serious?" son concerning the conscious happiness or unhappiness of those whom we call dead. Note also in Rev. vi 8-11, that some who had been slain for the word of God and the testimony which they held are told to rest and wait until their fellow servants should be killed. p� HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS, Nerve Pills Built p ®®�� Write on one side o1 paper only, U . Mail to reach us Wednesday of each week or sooner. --- Avoid all items respecting on per- Mrs. Prank Slough, Sarnia, Ont., sonal character but send Alt the writes: -"I embrace the opportunity to News, Nervous Headache. etc.. will raw relief Witt the first Tablet, If you find difficulty in: obtaining locally sand 50c. direct to the manufactur- ers who will immediately forward you a large tube. Kephaldol Lim- ited 31Latour St., Montreal, of some 20,000 fishermen, and au many as 14,000 persons, male and fe male, find employment in the can Caries. The amount of capital invested h this industry is very large. Beside the value of boots and outfits whic are used for general fishing purposes south road. We advanced now at a swift trot, the sound of our horses' hoofs on the soft turf almost the only and, within an hour, came again to parallel fences,, and a well travelled road. • This was the road running a mile, or so, to the west of Elmhurst. It led as 'straight as any, toward Phila- the Serious, yes„ but not octal; he was shot in the riglit side when Monk- 'ton fell. His' horse was hit at the same time, and tbe animal's death struggles nearly killed his rider, The surgeon says he may be Laine for life." ' I reached out my hand, and with just an instant's hesitation, he return- ed the clasp ii'armly. "My When our Lord told,His disciples not to fear them which kill the body (Luke' sit, 4) Be evidently did not consider the death of the body a great calamity. In our lesson the contrast between these two men, both in this life and in the life beyond, is most marked and ,striking. What could be a greater con trast than that of a man !Tying in the luxury of this rich uiac, with all that write you saying that I have used Mil- Chech off this Iis'tit may assist burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and found you to remember an important them very helpful to me. b was very item, badly run down, and was taking doctor's Births, Marriages, Deaths, medicine. My son, out West, wrote Accidents, Church News me saying, "Mother! you use the Hist- Suppers or Presentations. burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, they will Removals, Visitors, be better for you than doctor's medicine.' Lodge News, Fires. This I did with good results• • I often Public Improvements, recommend then to other people. My- Law Caere, the Crops. doctor did not know I was using them, School Matters, 'Why! An Educated "Cop." Deputy Chief of 'Police N. L. Graudchamps of Montreal, who has just been given that title by Mont- reel's Boars of Control, is a man who has worked his way up from the bottom. He is a big fellow standing over six feet in his stockings, For as well as the lobstery, there was 7 1911-12 some 766,067 traps, vale at $644,110, and 227 canneries val ued at $236,945, in addItiou to th capital invested in cola storag plants, fish houses, and other amaile allied industries closely connects with the carrying on of the lobste ' dustry. delphla, but whatever stragglers British army had left behind would be found along here. However, they .would probably be scattered fugitives, unwilling to interfere with as strong an armed party as this of mine. If an I was alone it would be safer to turn aside. Then, it was a strong tempta-would father is suffering too much for me to ask that you speak to him, Major Lawrence,' he said a little stiff- 'ly. "Perhaps later, at i7lmhurst-" "I understand glad to ha ]: interrupt- 1. ed. 'I am very glad have met you. We shall ride within a short distance of Elmhurst. Shall I leave word there money could obtain in the way of food and raiment and a mnnsiou to corre- spend, and the poor, suffering, home- less beggar desiring the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table, a com- panlon of the clogs? What multitudes gladly share the rieb mans por-dna he used to say I never saw any Correspondents will please :e- one's heart gain up like yours has. You frain from sending ,notices of en- do not need any more medicine:"' tertainments where an admission bfiiUurn's Heart and Nerve Pills are fee is charged, unless :they send 50c. per box, 3 boxes for 81.25, at all word who is responsible for the dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of payment of such advertisment,The rice byThe T. Milburn. Co., Limited, char e ie five cents aline -lis P gq. Toronto, Ont. wends make a line. years he has been a terror to evil doers, figuring in many sensational raids. 1 t Deputy Chief. Graudchamps also has the reputation of having an edit - cation second to nano on the Mont- you hare the first real police force; he can note Latin system, and nervous veal their aches Greek, can discus's ancient dna silence, while, 2 ARE Hl' syulptotnof people t000ftenco. and pains and neglected,this r 1 arun-clow Suffer i conditio tion to me to pass thus close to Elm- burst; It would be after daylight: 'when we reached there; I. might even get a glimpse across the apple orchard of the great white house. Would Claire be there? It seemed to me quite prob- able, el Eric was taking the wounded colonel home for nursing. The girl's face rose before me against the black that you are coming?" "Oh, no," quickly, his horse taking a stepbackward, as though to a sud- g den tug of the rein. "That would be useless, as there is no one there,`' "Indeed! I thought os i 1 a p s b Y your sister.”ing. The lad shook his head, glancing to- 'ward the carriage. The slight motion tion, but there could due be found to take the beggar's place? How often the ungodly prosper in the world and increase in riches, but it is also true that often they are brought into deco• lotion as in a moment and utterly con- sumed with terrors (Ps. lxxiii, 12, 19). Both men died, and now we see the realities of eternity. We may easily Good and Poor Cows. y To show that tisane is a vast differ- �D11 S ®� Root Compound. epee in' the profit producing capacity ' l sOfc, rcifablercputaff„0 medicine, Sold in three de- of dairy animals the records of three r grecs of strength -No. 1, Si; different classes of cows found in the s�=i. No. 2,y 33; No. 3, Si per box.Sold Wisconsin university herd is interest- ; ePrapa'rbd all druggists, tofonrr ies One lot averaged 426.9 pounds of a ;' Free pamphlet. Address: butter fat per year, another 301.8 ' THE COOK MEDICINE CO„ TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) pounds, and a third 195.8 pounds. The modern history quits learnedly; often foreruns morserios trouble. speaks English without the slightest If those so a(Hicted would stop talcin accent, in fact, he is often mistaken medicine containing alcollol or drug for an English officer; he even writes which menace the foundations of heal shorthand. Although still a young and just take the pure, strep hems is J it erviceesaas, When a Ecom parative create new nblood M. pulsatesthrou woulh th youth, he "pounded the beat" in St. organs, refresh their bodies and build a Henri, later joining the Montreal go' j the whole nervous system. It is ricl lice force. For several years he anted sustaining nourishment, free from wine night, and my heart beat fast. When I came back, I would ride to Elm- made me think again of the wounded •man we were detaining, and remind, imagine the pomp of the funeral of the rich man, though our Lord makes no return over the feed cost for the best • producers was $70.64 per year per cow, ATE WITH THE CROWD. as • private secretors- to Chief Cam- alcohols or drugs. Shun substitutes. burst=surely she would be•there then, The sergeant touched my arm. "Pardon me, sir, but' there are horse- men ahead." "Indeed? I was lost •in thought, •Conroy. Coming this way?" : No, air, they seem to be traveling awth turned. I corner ahem las we turned the corner back there;ing d could see outlines against the sky." "How large :a party? They form ing me as, well of my own duty, "Then good -night, sir. Sergeant, we will trot on." The lad touched my sleeve, even as .I Pricked my horse with the spur,. and I drew the rein taut in surprise, ? "What is it,"the Could you se0 e am omen ment rward, and ride with me a moment? You could catch up with them easily with-• in'a mile or two. I -I have a word f reference to it beyond saying that he was buried. Be does not say that' the beggar had even a burial; but, leaving the bodies, He does show us the men who had departed from them. Angels ace of ha i - beggar the pp ness, but the rieb man finds himself in torments of the lost in hades cry out for a drop of tuatara froth the awful scene, a Fearful JiangItis an comfort of wealth on earth to the suf- Who would not be the second $42.1S. and the last $19.01. • Although each group required about Sir;James Is "Jimmie" Among the the same care and feed, the total pro- Men of Dundas County. duction and profit varied widely. To Sir James in Toronto - "Jimmie" become skillful and successful in the in Dundas County! and .it is prom- care, feeding. selecting and breeding able that Sir James Whitney in the of dairy cows means to be successful bottom of his heart has always pre - in the b siness of dairying Kansas ferred the homely accosting of his G'armur, _ _ ___ _ old Friends in Uts native county to -- many of the more formal salntatioua 'in connection with his official life as Prime Minister of Ontario. One ThatAgrees With merely a lumping shadow to my eyes," Not more .than three or four, air, � -_- - wish to say to you -alone, The voice was low, tremulous; the prangs of the lost. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS One of the last occasions when Sir tiret: James visited the haunts of his earl - A•ged •rerl,Uest one I saw no reason to. re- fuse, "Why, - �� ■ �, meeting Pill for Women. $6 a box or dance for ier days, was in December of .1911, gid. Sold at nil Drug stores, or mailed to any when he went to Winchester Springs addressonrceeiptof price. Tun S coma, Dauo g for he certainly: Sergeant, take your men down the road at an easy trot. I willjoin you presently." They went by us like shadows, leav- ing a cloud of dust behind. The boy spoke a brief word to those in charge The , dam/ World The 'f il{���iii m( V 4 Confidence - any article intended to relieve Co.,S to be nominated the seat Si.Catharines, Ontario. se Restores, long represented, In his trips to the PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Yim and 'constituency, which, through the Vitality; Nerve and Brain; you Increases “grey m tality; fa orTonle-will rve and build n; up. $s es “firer merciless, press of business and re- two for $6, at drug stores, or by mail on receipt sponsibllitma y were none too frequent, of Price. Tun SconELL Dnoa Co., St. Catharines, he ontnrto. usually want tr Morrisburg, his home town, and from �. y. ' ` ••••.' . � \' r • r l ` sy r the carriage, and it also began to+ g move slowly forward. "We will, go ahead," he said, suiting the action to the word, "What I wish the sufferings of humanity 18 not lightly won. There must be continued proof of value. But for three generations, andand would proceed v there to whatever point he was to CLUBBING HATES visit. This lime, however, he went -- down on C.P.R., got off at Winchester Globe drive the ten or twelve miles to i J ,; v •f•. ;.'. ' ' ` . , 1. <; ,; I:}• j� .' _. --- * $k ,e the Liver tilmg its Do Duty, to saywill not take long."' Within a minute; riding side: by side, our horses walking •rapidly,' we wereEmpire out of sight of the,lum fn shadow g p g adow of` throughOUt the, world, endur- and growing fame andr faVOr have been accorded New Era and Dail $4.50 Winchester Springs. By this method New Era and Daily Mail and he cut off three o., four miles from ' ... 4,5b the distance he had: to drive in,.anr, was a co Ne* Era and Daily World:..:.. 3.35',' open cutter, and this, was a consider- •. �i• ...gip" �' .,�s. .R4, ��• -t , .--- •._ ,QB?•+. tin , ' T s: NOWT v u,t, i t iS4 rr k u •glanced is ht the t he ambulance. T aside curl- 9 ECHAIhd Nev and Daily News 2.85. able item. when' it is considered that the temperature degrees C �� •� ! RI " 9 *o Jrb j z t+r1: q t iii f ; J',r,, u Nine times mien whengheliver stoma and bowels ale rale. CARTER'S LITTLE c - CAy LIVER PILLS / gentlybutfirmlycom ;; '' .� y 6 outlinesofslender, erect anfl figure, g wandering vaguely what his message could be.'' Had Claire spoken to hfinm�r. of me? Was he stood at ,ten d Daily` Star 2,3b below zero, New Era an - w Qew Era and I soil, Herald At that time, although even then and 4yeekl Stal 1.85 Sir James was an old man as years New Era and ,Weekly Witness 1.85 go, the Prime Minister was in splen- , jj yt f i ,.: t 5•r,w ,, xip,:. , s"`, , .a. , "� - fs a r ' r . •,,, , y ;: (, �•: i i' ?r: ' ' 1 `r/ , y yo' K �' r'� ( alar liver to Pd Y do its duty. Cures Con- .a % ,, non °�' Ittpat , Indigen- ,� tion, _ Sick Headache, and Distress 'after Small Pill, Small Dose;; must bear :Sig CAD'E,,,, ITTLE ,11fyER- vitas. `� Eating. SmallPriCE% Signature : going g • g to tell me about, his sister? We must have ridden a quarter of a mile before he broke the' 'silence, e• "Major Lawrence," he began, and I g noticed the facie was not.. turned .to- ward me. ."i am sure you are,not de- ceived, although you act' thepart Voll." ontinued next Week.manent ' ' C' " beC8u9e the have roved to Y p be the best corrective and preventive of disord ered con- dations of stomach, 11Ver, kid- neys and bowels'. The first dose gives uick relief and per- i at improvement' follows theirp syatetilatiC use. Atrial will' SNOW why, in all homes, New Era and Northam Mes- dil health. He had gust completed Sell er ....., 1',60 4 an election tour of the province, and Farm 1,85 '.,;had gathered up energy as he went. New Era an.. Canadian ever did he look ohne virile; never . New Bra anti Faimei s Sun... 1.85 Nr. New Era and !Dairy Free did he more, vigorously, command the Press. morning 3.35 ;whole -hearted 'admiration of those an when, after his ', • - y N^`v Era and Dail '-k}ree+ wife: saw him tlx Press,,'evening .,. 2,85 -twelve-mile• driver in the piercing New Era and Weekly Free cold, he buoyantly from the jumped,; Press aleigli, beat his arms across his chest New Era and •Daily Advet'ti's 2.85 , er 2.86 ' gni• warmth, clicked his jaws togeth; Ad'vpr- iow T'i a ,and Weekly er, and began greeting his friends ,. .� ;, ;•�' : / :p :> .... i •: �.r Ir �_ ; •a. r �.• ,.n> , r,;?• a 4',.' •;+ 212, n'% i'' " -. .. . .. -. t., �OQI ii;e1309�1Od�®g f r . ' ,zed i, The b?ant rin;r Cos tl s t 76 , . r o and. invigorates Tho.. whole �. .. Tones a ag... norvouesYetegymelce9 nory l3loori o Bee h Til' Pills the use f c. a s i s . , ,, y®qq� ... �! °� pig, - j� ,{ , • •i,s Conti i nes 11511' ..... 1.60 who; had aro vied around him. His w w Saw Era and. Faith and Dairy 1,85,:friends-sturdy and active farmers ,e1v Era and Farmer's Advo- r .., they were, but Sir James was just caro ,.... 2,35 : as active, . _ just sturdy as they • �.;<:' 4 ks,;.,,, . i. p t �{ 'ry i �" i, ,f:^ °q r;: �'laud.- i,e ) ,+ ! . tis { A r 5 4, t i . ',C r° s l 1 ayev, },, ; .Z _, ,�, _ (r'. .,.0 . ;a'k :, !o " :;,; ,Iia i , !s,�. ,$ �{r. x „-.. ..' ti+Ly�. d yS u... p . 't ,k {,,�`}�p "v, ,2i, rb'' h' - : .:dense, ,',-- •„ • • •' tp..rfltV;i "' in,.old Voine, CxcresNervonu, Debility Mental enn,0;El sem Worry, Dcapse- Lose of EYergy, Palylitatdon of EJee Heart, Failing Mentorp, Priue 51. per box, six for $5,' j One Will Ocoee, six, will vnre,lf,Sold,byalr druggists or mailed in plain. picg, on receipt of Nrgononnyrhla;maild ireeTHE KISS;r!'\],sT TA Increase --., : ,Sold everywhere, • 1n boxes, 25.conte. 171n kracat ode elany med,cmo No oda ehaold /y y, " ] ry just a5 much like iron, just as whole-ihs . � -•-•�---r—^— -, we1'e,. Hisgripon theit'..handswas .. L.! �1+ � r 8 C. Z'.y' '.' _ some;. and Just -.as genuine as theirs ' y, :hn his. 'fhe Tsai .11r James" -" FOR FI.ETCHER 5- was A em 1. A heard olive 01' tY'iCeI bttt. .Tim}.and• ,1;.;'Ued?, ,, ,�. Op,. .. is , r,,• . , "' EDICINE CO•' T0200E0, 080 (Dourly Madssa.) n Beside, h n ed a a d r n n g s th, a e clip, s,