The Clinton New Era, 1914-05-14, Page 1ijtabhshed 1865, Vol 48, No 46 OLJNTON ONTARK T HURSDAY MAY 14 1914 W H Kerr & Son, Editors and Pqbhshe
• • •
If you hI'ijat
...•• ....•• ,.. •irantnot,• and want
•. ..•.•. .,.......... ..,.... • ..,. ••••.• ...•.., ,.......• ...• • .....„•,..Try•.••• ..•••••,.. ......"• Era Want Ads.
...••• •,..•
, .
s. s .„. ..•s.......,,,ss.
II4 MI UUI 8111 11111
aL Bark Meet 011 llltb of Juiig
Office, Montteal
aid -up 11.500,000
nd ,undivided
.SSETS -.175,000,000
arid wide connection.
t allowed n Depoolt•
Banking .business
I acted.
ants Smut on. Grain
h stock of best quality
just received.
'1 1--I.400',VID-IC
ensing Chemist.
ty Drug Stor6,,
Gotrimittse 110 4,6t as Yet Met to
Prepare iliAe•enda :for •
' • ",
The Synod„,OeHuran wiIl Meet
M Crpifyia Hait 1.,oridon, on June
16 with a largejUdget of business
to be 'disposedYof.'
Phe committee,having n herge
the preparation ',of the agenda 'has
not met, .but will !do so inva .short
time, possibly this week. The offi-
cial bulletins VIII then be issued/. .1
No direct line could be got on
the business to be disposed of, j
but there will be undoubtedly
some lively debates.
Last year the question of admit-
ting women to vestries created a
discussion that Is remembered to
this day. The 'Free Press was in-
formed. to -day, that ,the same ques-
tion -Would be brought up, again,
petitions to that effect having
been circulated. The women are
anxious for a voice fin church mat
ters, and wilt continue the agSta-,
tion until their Aenitinds have boin
The Bishop's Charge.
His Lordship Bishop Williams is
preparing. his annual charge. As
usual it will be an important de-
liverance on church matters, and
is awaited with much interest.
During the year some prominent
clergy in the diocese have died or
removed. Prominent among them
was Canon Hicks, of Sitricoe, who
, for many years was .clerical score-
, tary of the synod. He was a splen
did Parliamentarian, in .addition te
his many other gifts, and his ad-
vice and •courisel onthe floor of the
synod will be much'enissed,
lsons Bank
corporated 1855
erve ' $S,7000,000
at highest current rate.
anager Clinton Branch
•• ••••••••••*••••0*.e.******
Ready-teeW ear .0
• Clothing
1 -
e of
e to
t at
e in
' [lister Volunteers' Drilling in Ball
There is not much space in this barn to'drill, part 0” it being taken up with an old
binder. and other farm implements. But enough room is found to drill quite a number of
volunteers at once. The picture shows a Boer Veteran exhibiting different ways of flag
Canada's Next Governor General re""""""6"6"°"6
• Men and Events
London, May 7. -It is officially an
nounced today that H. S. H. Prince
Alexander of Teck, third son of the
late Duke of Teck, and brother of
Queen Mary, is to succeed the Duke
of Connaught as Governor-General
of Canada.
It was rumored, early In the year
that the Prince would:succeed the
Duke of Connaught and was plan-
ning, a tour of Canada.
His Serene Highness Prince Alex-
ander Augustus Frederic William
Alfred George ,of Teck, D,S.0,, G.C.
V.O., and Dg.0., is the wou{ngest
son of the' late Duke of Teak, Whib
married Princess Mary pf Cam,
bridge. Born in Rensington 1
eme on April 14, 1874, Pr:nte Alex-
ander is seven year younger than
his sister, Queen Mary. the eldest
of (the Teck fainily, He was edu-
cated at Eaton and the Royal MA:-
tary College at Sendleurst.
The Teaks are a soldier famfly,
and the young Prince, Eke Inc bro-
ther, entered the army,
The Prince's graatfather was a
General Mahe Austrian cavalry,
and his own father, who began hs
career in the Austrian army, serv-
ed in the [Egyptian campaign.
Prince Alexander entered the, 7th.
Hussars as a Second, Lieutenant on
October 24, 1804. The Prince went
ID . 0
• 0
•• ,,LaTes er,congregations attended
: last. .i.a,' services on Sunday
vere baptized
by t oasterlateerlooeie
present with their motheys.
The pastor preached in the evening
to young men and women,
The floral decorations were quite in
keeping with the day.
Rev. S. Robinson, of Strathroy oc-
cupied the pulpit on Sunday. It was
Missionary day.
The Young Ladies Guild of St. Pauls
church will serve tea and have a sale 1
of homemade candy. fancy work,
aprons etc., at the Rectory on the
afternoon end evening of Thursday,
May 21st, beginning at 4..50. Admiss-
ion 10 cents. Come and bring your
Last Sundey Rev. Dr. Rutledge took
• his morning subject ”The,Mother
of Jesus," At the evening service his
subject' was "The Law of the House
hold.P, Mr. T. E. East:saug '",0 eyes.
thate<';are Weary" at ttieeasivenitig ser,
vice:' _ 1, ' " - ...
The w . M. Will meet in the seneoF
roonfon Thdrsdity evening at 8 o'cleilek
Speeial progrele: All ladies vvelconsee
The pastor will preach in the morn.'
ing %text Sunday, and Rev. A W.
Barker, B. A of Setiforth wilt preach
in the evening. ' ' ,
Rev. Fairful will occupy the pulpit
on Sunday, both morning and even
Mrs. H. Pennebaker and Mrs. Neal
were elected delegates to attend the
Annual Baptist Association to be
held in Goderich the first week in
For. This Week I
.15 ;Boys Suits, made from
all wool Hewson Tweecl,
Bloonier Knickers, sizes
28 to 33, price
These are genUine snaps *
Bring your Boy in t
Before his size islsold :
1 tor Every Man
The 'fifty fifth Anniversary of Willis
Church was fittingly observed last
Sunday, when, nt bath seri/ices large
••• t
cougregatiene tt0udeci to hear t
• Rey. Mr. Reid of Termite'who in the
evening was assisted. by his .brother
. ; Rev, Reid of r Lotidesbm m the interim
Moderator of seeskin. The 01311S(th WAS
prettify decorated with baskets of.
out to the Matabele campaign of
1896-7, acting as staff officer, end
was mentioned in despatches. In,
South, ,Africa he served, two
terms on the staff as A.D.C. For
drotinguished service there the
Prince again figured in despatch-
es, and had the ,Distinguished Ser -
vine Order conferred upon him,
Prince Alexarider of Teck :s tall
and handsome, and is a popular
member of the English Royal fam-
ily. He accompaeied the Xing and
Queen on their Emp're tour in 1802,
during which they visited Canada
as Duke and Duchess of Cornwall,
Married en 1904 to Her Royal High
ness the Duchess Ahce of Alban,'.
the Prince has one sora and one
The Prince w:11 take up his duties
in October at the expration of the
term of the Duke of Connoughfe
The Prince -.!,s a keen. soldier, but
he has/ had little adm:mistrative ex
perlence. He is, however, a hard
worker and a good organieler. Re
has -done much in the cause of
charity, especially in behalf of
hospitals and in the furtherance of
cancer research.
The PrMeess of Teck o ag,reat
Aavollite and voted the forettrest
and best dreSsedof the Bria:sle
Royal Princesses,
spring powers and ferns. Special
music had been prepared by the choir
under the able leadership of ' Prof.
Beistowe. Iu the morning Banby's
authein-"0 Row Amiable" was bean.
tifully rendered and Dr. Gaudier and
Miss Babera MacIvoy sang solos. In
the evening Mrs. Frank Saunders cf
Goderich sang veiy pleasingly "The
Lord is my strength" and the choir
gave the anthem 'Send Out Thy Light'
Rev, Mr. Reid is; a speaker ef great
earnestness and power and his ser
mons, both morning and evening
delighted his hearers. In the evening
he spoke of the church and its short
comings, making mention of Church
ill's, "Inside of the cup" He
displored the f act that th e church failed
to reach either the extremely rich or
the extremely poor and declared his
belief that it the church as she now is
powerless to reach all, God is able to
raise up a church that will do so. One
of the greatest needs of the church to
day is a feeling of -true brotherhood
among its members. The collection
for the day monied to about 500
Rev. R. A. Cranston of Palmerston
will preach next Sunday.
Local News .*
, .
1.7.n pre'praring, aelivertesing; eoPy,
it is the better part of {wisdom tu
write just as you would talk and
above all, avoid the use of meaning
less superia,tives." -- Elbert 'Hub-
The regular meeting of the Wo-
man's Inatitute, will be held at the
home of Mrs. Lionel Paisley, on
Thursday, May 21st, at 2.30.
good attendance Te requested as
this is our 'anneal meeting, and;
election of off e.'"-
Word. Was received here on Tues-
day frank New; York of the death,
of one of Clinton's pioneer book
merchants, W. II, Elmsford, bro-
ther of Mr. John Radefoed. He was
65 years' of age aild went to New
York about twenty-five years ago.
F. INWOOD, for some
years organizee for the Liberal
party in Ontario, and Canada,
has resigned his position to
become Grand; Secretary of the
A. 0, U. IW.
District News.
The 'draniatid society of Trinty
Church went to Belgrave lasI Fri
day and put on their play before a
large anti appreciating audience.
Mrs. John Stewart is speeding at
few days with her son who is ill
in Toronto,
The Messrs. McGregor Bros, cf
Tuckersmn h have just received a fine,
new threshing outfit for the coming
season's work. It consists of a White
25hp engine and a White separator
London, Ontario.
, The porcupine captured by
Mr. Fred Fowler in the woods and
attracted so man g to go to see it is
(ci •
eau. AS many as f ot•t diff y meet
persons went to see it en one day.
Mrs. Maud Ricker has returned
home after three months' visit in
London 'toad
Mrs. Arthur Stevenson is visiting in.
Louden this week. • . •.,
There was born in London oh the,
llth of May, a daughter to M. Mrs.
Douglas Wheeler.
Mrs, Jos. Shipley has been suffering
this week from a felon on 'her hand.
League eieets next Tuesday night at
Mt. Frank Grant's, '
, , a. • • - • • - ,
• , •
IL Rack of Moises has eritered
an action against 13russePs corpL
oration foe 6700 which he claims
as extra in icantftection ,with con-
struction workron the John sreett
.sewer recently emetructecl. A. de-
fense has beenentered by the core
oration mei the case will come -to
trial at Goderich, In the near future
The council has .decided to the re
quest of property owners ore Main
street south asking for a sewer on
that street to the exte t of ;
u; Plop?, •
kg a by-law for the work, w,bikeh
will probably be completed this
The Ewaa,, Carriage Company
erecting a large new garage.
; Work has been commenced on the
construction work of 'the Melville
horse shade.
The old stage linebetween Bruns
els airdi lSeafoath was disconeebed
last ;week, ,.
Some vigorous , protests have
been made by governrrient support
ers against the C..N. R. request for
,backing of a very_heavy draft type.
$45,000,000 is a trifle steep.
Prohibition is flourish,int• in the
State of Illinois, 1,000 saloons went
out of business, largely by enfran-
chised womanhood. There is not
much doubt as , 'to what would
happen the bar if every woman
'had the ballot.
Prom the reports of the visit of
the Duke of Connaught en this re-
cent trip through -Westerly . Out-
ario he has proven Ihianaelf a good
' mil er"-a most desirable
in a public man twhen tempered
with a fair share of common sense.
' Take in the excursion to the
entail° Agricultural College and
Farm at Guelph, on Monday; June
22nd. You :will profit by it if you
never went previously, and enjoy
the visit all the more if you have
taken- the trip on, other occasions.
Provincial Election Day may not
roll round until the early Pall. It
looks at • this stage as „there
may be a reversal of parties .
the next House. There may not be
much said just Tet' bet *ere ;is
an undercurrent at ',Work that
'bodes inc goorl. for the present
Floavard Ferguson, M. P. P. gave
himself away when to offset charges
against his party he attempted to
cover these by insinleating that N.
W. Rowell was "another." • Fables
may be all right en their place but
facts weigh better and Mr. Fergus-
on is old, edough. and kute en-
ough to know this. '
—0__ .
Every user of illyeleb4electrie
power hopes the rumor that the
price is to reduce is the "Gospel
truth." If the supply is adequate
the larger the cumber .of •consum-
ere the greater the blessing to the
public at large. "A, penny eav ed is
a Penny gained," es a maxim that
has not outgrown its veracity.
"All things come to those who
wait" is an old' addage that is not
always verified as strikingly as it
poured in upon Hugh Flood, He
was doing time inCalgary jail when
apprised of the good mews that a
relative dm Easterly Ontario lad
willed him S60,000: It is to be hoped
he will make good use of his,coin,.
At 69 years of age the Duke of
Argyle, better known inlCanada as
'Lord Lorne, died on Qday 2nd. *He
was a former Governor-General of
this Dominion and filled the posi-
tion well. He was a son-in-law to
the late Queen Victor!a, his 'wife
being the Prinkess Louise. Death
is no respecter of persons, both
the King and the peasant have
to answer the call,
South Huron Liberal Convention
will be held at Hensall on Wednes-
day of next 'week, 20th. inst. at
1.30 p.m. A candidate for the com-
in,g Provincial Election 'Tell be
chosen. On Friday of the ,-ane
week the North Huron Liberhl Con
vention will assemble in the Wing -
ham Town Hall at 2 pen. flies ex-
pected that a standard beerier will
be pat in the fighe.
Despite all the warmu-gs people
will contefue to do reckless things,
one of which is recorded of a resi-
dent of Mount 'Forest who looked
for a leak in ai gasoline tank by the
night of ri match., ft was not a
wreckless course .of events that
transpired shortly alter. When
Will folk learn serfse (and take the
word of somebody else that gaso-
line is still explosive?
There are towns who still con-
tinue to exercise faith iinotheir own-
future. Waterloo Is one of them,
the manifesto:bon being•in the
shape of a loan 06 9150,000 and ten
years exemption to the Globe Fur-
niture Co. on., ecndfition of a $125,-
000 addition to their factory. No-
thing succeeds like success, and to
put the "go" into. the"eight kind ,
of an institution is quite a science
Alberta Provincial authorities
state that a very much larger acre
age will be 'under crop this 'sea-
son than An 'any eprevioue :year.
Othervouch that the same condi-
tion 'applies to Saskatchewan as
well. A good harvest, 'well saved,
would mean much toilet ',only the
West but Ontario would be a great
. gainer by a loosening up of -the
purse strings en Alberta and Ssk-
Next Governor-Gerieral cif Can-
afa will 'be, it is said, alio Royal
Highness Prince Alexander of
Teck, a brother of Queen Mary.
',He litIll assume office next Octo-
ber. ,The Peincess ,of Albany will
be •the queen of Rideau She
denomidated as largely endow-
ed by nature, and is the Mother
of .a son and, daughter, His Royal.
Highness has been in Canada as
a visitor. Be has seen military
It semis really too bad that such
scenes., have to be enacted as weme
programmed recently in the Color-
ado strike squabble, Troops had
to be called on thescene and the De
salt was a tangle betWeen them and
the rioters with loss of life as a con
SeCellellee. Suc1 occurrences have
happendecl often enough for the
strikers to note that lads a poor
way f settling le imur troubles.
Better laws, fair to both employer
and employee '; arbitration boards
to meet at, once the ,clifferenne of
opinion arises and their decision
to be final; add; sw!rft, sharp pun-
/ishment for people "who ,cbinstitete
eanadiou kGovern
ittent Report'
The following is an leltet
/ taken from the report °Mho In-'
land Revenue Department. 11
serves to show bhe excellent
position held by
Deaf, WiHe and lion
In Beef it is 3i times stronger
than His average of all others,
and 14 issues stronger than the
lowest. in Iron it is 15 per cent
higher than this next best prep-
aration, and 33 per cent stronger
than the lowest,
Tnis preparation costs you no
more than an inferior article, 11
is for sale at
W.SR. Holmes
Baked Beans
House cleaning season is the
time for Baked Beane
WHY? BECA USE , they /met
quickly and easily prepared for •,
a hungry man's dinner. Besides
they are cheaper and more ap.
petioine than meat. Try a can
while they last
3 large can Baked Beans 28c
I can Peas
1 can Corn see
1 can Tomatoes I „
Special for Saturday
Fresh Strawberries
Fresh Tomatoes
Fresh Rhubarb
Fresh Lettuce
Fresh Green Onions
Phone 48
Let us Prepare You
for a business career. Attend,
ELLIOTT e"2-7,
where you wiil get correct instruction
and assistance in obtaining employ-
ment when competent. College open
all summer. Enter any time. (Data,
logue free,
mobs, In. a great ananry cases .
there is a great need of a stronger
bond between the proprietor and
those who work for him, but the
fault is not always on one "side
only, and in many instances em-
ployees pay' too much heed to the
fellow who is too ready to advise
"stand up for your rights,"When
perhaps, the supposed aggrieved
parties are getting a full share •
of consideration. The Golden Rule
would solve many a labor trouble
If it;were allowed to.
Dr, Bruce Smith, Inspector
§resons, says the Toronto •jail is
the worst on record. It is funny
hedid not find this ;out sometime • •
ago and carry out his :threat to
shut off the government grant
not remodelled or rebuilt at °nice -
several moons ago. Very little syra •
pathy is wasted; on the ordinary
prisoner who la ids din the toils brit
they are entitledl tout least ordi-
nary /decency in their quarters.
'even irshorn of what would be -
considered comfort, •
Toronto World land Telegram,
neither of witch cani be chargedh
with an,y particular love for Lib-
eralism, have said some very pep-
pery ,things boat the 'gerrye
mender of the Provincial Legisla-
three especially, as 11 related to
the County of Bruee Te meore
isnot nettled yet ` and etiore.'Athan
ope. fellow may find ileireself .j.n- a
blernet's nest before eioll1eg l:day
is ovee. The politital hold:
too apparent to be misunderstood.
• • • • •••
'I'the drank bill for the 'United;
Kingdom for 1013, in said' to1*1033,
4400,000, ' '$25,0QOE0acs,
er the revinus 1S Wog --
land and ; ales he figures are,
615.85 per head. If figureSepon't
Ile et is not much wconder that there.
should be a "making up, acrosla ,the. •
Atlantic against t.he•drink quelatione
Such a ratio of increase will aeon
wreck the country unless it is corel
batted with a pere.etency that will
call into the fight every lover of
morality and improved 'conditions.
Toronto MorlietS
lidgs . A-$3 60
Cattle' .t•-• 7 'VG;
LaKbs ' •
Sli ep • $780n
Ole se 1-2
Bulter 12e Ito 22 1-2
' 21
Oats) . 151%
Barlay 02 to 04 e
Potatoes, per bag 81,0ii.0
Eeanii , L85',