HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-05-07, Page 5Median May ` 7th, 1914.
-ice., CLINTON
Rich Indiaa " teas
leaded with fiavor",y Ceyloas.
o Beat that SehoolBell.l •
To eel down to Breakfast u
To get to school on the dot: ,Co'
avoid being • kept in" wben•nlh
the rest are out playing.
To make a h l t with the teacher.
To own a geed'tiiuekeeper ana:
R handsome clock1or your room
To choose your favorite• way of,:
being wakened -wish one steady
5minute ring or ten short "Re
minder" calls lasting 10 minutes
To protect your fingers' with
big easy winding keys. :To read
the time easily on dark morning
with large numerals and big,
bold hands To get full measure
and long time Service -Big Ben
_',ail and see him in this score S3"
� "is -• ��
ea s good tea
vw sfvvvv!rrvvvvvr orrimv
TYvv�rvwYvvvvvvywvvv w r
- T HAS Abd AUTO "
Mr. Frank McCaughey bas pur-
chased a Ford i urabput and Prank
will no doubt keep it busy run-
ning about.,
The Str•atfoid, Garage and Auto
Sales Conpany have a Clinton
motor tru-.k ;of`three and alralf
ton capacity, 50 -horsepower, which
they are using for demonstration
purposes. The truck was seen on
the streets Mon•clay heavily laden.
—Stratford Beacon.
The advertising maninger of R.
f��y� S. Williams & Co., spealeing at
�1 a �. IIEEIVAR Hamilton the other night sad that
after a -thorough trial i10 had been
found that the !advertising medium
that gave .the best! results was the
rnefwspaper. He said that by that
means every leoole and corner in
the se.11in:g field was real -led.
ou[d;.. respectively ask our
advertiser's 'who- wide to change
their adllets. to i:ave their copy en
not (later than Monday noon, 13y
allowing' as ample time, a much
more attractive advertisement well
be the result. Help us, a.; we:l,i
Extension 'Of Three Months in yourself by haling your copy in
South Riding Cannot be
W.d. Hanna Explains
The Huron Situation
on time, •
Prevented. CLEAN UP, DAY
Sarnia. May. 2,—Hon. W. J. Hanna
provincial secretary, web is s endiii
P 9. v
p g t
the week -end hece,'made the following
statement on Saturday with reference
to liquor interests in Huron. He said
"In North Huron the license commis
siouetarefused any licenses, Therefore
there should be no hotels open in that
"In Cerryyt�,ll'eHuron the coalmisioners
paused a i'Ssnlutiwi issuing licenses for
one year. We have notified then that
the resolution will be forthwith vetoed
)by t sedepartment, If the commision
eraadbere to thelrposition the licensed
hotels in Centre Heron will be c osed
the moment we can send oflicere there
The Toronto Star last Thursday
evening had the following poem
on its Eddtor5aly ,page, as May let
as clean-up day,—
If you're waving, call me early,
call me early, Sir. I say,
For to -morrow, as you ought to
know, is to be cieaef-nup day.
You'll ,ngedjto call me earley, for
extensive are my ,plans;
'1! tote a ton of ashes and aimed
of garbage cans.
to close them.
'In South Huron the commissioners
extended the old licenses for three
months. The department has no power
to interfere in such cases, the commis -
*loners having the absolute 'authority
to snake the three months' extension
without reference to the department'
Hon. Mr. Hanna stated that Chief
Inspector Sanders is under instruction
to take action at once.
Commissioners Grant Three Months.
Goderich, May 4 —License commis.
siouere of Center Huron met here this
afternoon, rescinded their renewal of
licenses for a year, and granted the
holders extension for three months in
'°'•which time to sell out.
There was litttle argument on the
question as the commissioners saw no
other course to open them.
License holders have expressed sat -
faction with the decision, as have the
temperance people-
''Grouching" against the weather
is perenr"dally :in order. Those -•s-
leeeting summer conclitnons to com-
mence in April should seek them
inthe tropic zone. Thev;wn^lit
:find them there—and much else far
epos .desirable.
fumesechers [xcuriion
Bund trip tickets to poinbe in Mani-
toba, Alberto. and Saskatehewao via
Chicago, St. Pant or Duluth. on sale
each Tuesday until October 27, incite
sive, at low fares.
Tlltrougk Pullman Tourist
Sleeping Cara to Winnipeg'
on above dates, Leaving
Toronto ti p.m. No change
of Ctrs.
Return) Limit,Ttvo, Months
Tae. Grand P.scifle Railway is the
shortest and quickest route between
Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton,
with '• excellent through setvfce to
Regina. Trains now keeping into'.
Berth-reservatiensr and lr??art3eulale
grillratide'Truak Tiek . ot3f es=.or ,: :
4� et. , c.
`_aeisford & Sonocity-
S.i\Ticket A cuts• . hone
A.O. Pattison,station 'agent
C' E. 'RORNIN ,ij,
G, D, kP .�` ".,
ion Staftion' `' 'brontti' '
!Jn f)dt.
The health laws of the province,
the eniloresenent of which devol-
ves on the boatel of health, re-
quire, that all yards, cellars and
outbuildings be cleaned out and
refuse removed or burned, arid
buildings thoroughly d s'eeeeted at
this season of the year, Wells are
also required- to be cleaned and
disisilfgdted. Maley citizens have al
relady begun the work of spi1r,,o
clelaninig and have been putting,
their surroundings '•n attractive
shape. The sanitary Inspector will
on or before May 15th make his
annual round of inspection to -
see' that the regulaffions of the
board, of health and the law are
complied with.
In every town( there are persons
ready and knnlxious to trim" and
cut down trees. The trimming as
a rule is mere butchering, theteen
•mer exhibiting neither knowledge
nor artiste eeayse;. It i9, therefore
well to note the fallowing. John
Millie, K. C., Coll'mgwo,nte hes
secured a verdict o. $93.97 .gains',
the water and light eommiss'on of
that town for injuries co three
trees out down by agenes of the
Hydro Commission) when petteee
up hydro-teectk'e light po:e
about' e year ago, The courts hold
that no trees Can either be suet
.down or damaged by •amvone:,not
iceven by the consent of the town
council, without 'first obbair4ing the
eonse(ra oe the owner of the pro-
pl:glty in+ rear of which the trees
are standing. •
Wo understand that there is n
by-law prohibiting coasting on :the
walks, and yetboys are dorsa; e it
daily. The speed at which they go
down the walks on our streere
r,elnd}ers et dangerous for pe-
destrians anr,'1 they frequently find.
it (necessary to get off the !walk tee
avoid to colds:on. If (the practice
is not stopped, action will be ta-
ken to put lam end lto it. Another
thing which the by-law prohibits'
and which is njot properly obser-;
ved is'•bicycle-riding on,the wallr:e.'
The -pedestrian, does not hear
themrt coming until they are close
tohim, andli rn h'a anxiety to get
out:oi the way,'is las likely tosltep
elereetly Sell fs•oiht of the rider as:
to the otherside of the walk, and a
collision ori that Mase Wottld be gee
mostoertaip fio , kake' 'pleeei Iec i,s
en Snore' dangex•qus t tt,tr�rghtQ',i
'than. ite Ida3ligtee Ad c&ixr ld ants:
t'e(aele l"ri. ;thus,- re ard"''ve: trust"
that ,by'8See'eil'y driswing'%htteetibil'%
tP the;;ratter , bioy,ehstis : tiv31i••, rle.'
Au ute6
As House-cleaning Season
N w,
We have purchased an up-to•date Electric Vacum
Cleaner which will clean your Carpets and Rugs
throughly. ; Rent $1.5o for each house,
- t
The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Btty all kinds of Furniture
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors—Phone 104
N. Ball 110 --RESIDENCE PHONES— J. D. Atkinson 186
On • Monday ,e` erne_; three net,
meimbens were in t aced into the
mysteries of the Orange Lodge,
No 710, Clinton, :This brines it up
dials ,to 100.
Mr. John Watt, was trying out the
bowling green on Saturday to see
that it was getting :n good shape,
We predlree teat -et will be ode,
with Mr. Watt at the !lead of it.
The windows in the • 'Mason',e
Hall have been 'frosted' and neat
signs of the Order .pain `ed oe' the
evendows, Mr. Jos. Copp had the
contract, Rn,ouglr said. '
Major Combe, Major McTaggart
and Lt. Towne 'were (n Goderieh
taking part in the regimental ex-
lereeses• and were successful: im
pte'i•'elnt'li( nn' army attack in
Sometime ago Mr J. • Nediger
was ,at Dashwood, interviewing
the businessmen- in regards to a
small electric plant for street tight
ing and' this week is installing the
system for them, A; good job will
be done as Mr. Nediger is an old
hand lat the' business.
The, ssew',Anglican prayer book
dor Canada will be issued shortly
The committee which has worked
!ear' three years on tte revisionrof
the old} book is having Sts final
session at Toronto on Tuesday,
Prayers are made more adaptable
to Canada, and to modern thought,
but otherwise it les shbstantiallly
the' same as the old prayer boots
which has been ire use since 1665.
Wed1 esday eveneng Mr. Wesley:'
Walker, who has conducted a furni:
tune business here for the past
7 (years, has sold his business to
Mr. Jame Dunford, who :s well-
knownr•to all here, and -well take
et over next- week. Owing to Mr.
Walker being conelected with a
businctss in Guelph he wilt -devote
'all his timed ',in the VRoyal City.
Watch out for big anneunneFnerits
next week, Mr 'Walker well be
here for a few weeks with Mr. Dun
ford, and he 'thanks the people
for, their patronage in the past,
Mr. Walker will not ,movehis
fam:dy for the time rbeing.
The cry of 'swat the fly" is
stilt being proela;rr•ed to some ex-
tent. A better .plan; is to destroy.
all their breeding places, They on
ly exist where there is ffilth, there-
fore if everything is made clean
and kept elelan there will be few-
er flies, though it ie true•that the
(destruction of ole now means the
prevention of thousands before
the- summer is over•,. One hundred
and twe,,lty-three "English medical
,health officers have uhitecl to ap-
pegal to the public to prevent the.
fly'nuisan se by cleaning up meth -
ode, not 1?y extermintating cam-
paigns. More or less of the fly-
swatling may have to be done to
keep most homes tolerably free
•from' flies, but the point wheelr.',the
medical authorities make, and it is
correct," is tli•at general household
c cit:nlin: ss will do more prevent-
ing Thais willfing. Lands and nimble
feet can hope to do in ..curing.
From a leiter addres8ed to Tho
'Goderieh Star by Dr., J. M. Turn -
bell, la 'former well kumwn citizen
heere, dated Victoria,,, .11,0„ Apr:J
23rdeevet eenake the 'following
tdnestrn.,g extrac'h,—ciWe ]rave 'had
a.sple'-,dlrelethreo: nnoniths'' Stay ere
and ..,ire;.,"ss-•o,"d
n. e tel st •',,
rw [,. J 3 n eve,y
;tltay li i'C, 49 it •has. been a ,very
i dGrr ,. .
q t e r.
P ,�.
S r ,, ,.fig ;the cold' -,.of
eels �" i ia. inay well be nrauid
of tti, ': el$: ate its homes a
.. „, b0, ., , , nd :.'its'
bouly:;ukt'ds and' streets, as the: tat
ter is„kept in Art ediedirtioti. Olen-'
seat ,'p'irseress; seam's" to be rather
slow, al;th'eongh.jthere'is a lot• Of
Goetri nfela(t'w. ore ;going on at the
Outer, ' Wnvarf•. and, ' at IEsquirealt,.
ands few ronies being built. Thn'e'
altdadly.' see,d'Is ,to be enough'
heroes, fob vvthe :population, ' for
abeut,e,elety '‘'t, hied =house e, 'To
Lett' • Ttee ohly';business- bl'oek erf
any:jnipottance,einder way' at pies-
ens is the stere being buil!( by the
Huds:d'i,Buy Co', which ohcupae:s
an entire bl""osis, and will scost $600,-
000 . Their permit calls for an eight'
stor•ey building (though they only.
intend ': bruld'Ing four stories at
present) said when it it completed
they will have five and a ; Kati
acres of floor '$pace The people
here are very ,eptimisti.e over the
prospects of.bridging the Seymour
Narrows, and they clash that when'
til}at occurs and the Island is co:n-
s:eked by rail with the Mau:rand
Victoria nv•Il displace yancosiver
as the 1lTerminal City."- I .Irytend
going` up to Alberta.iri(ext week
for a lege days fishing,` and then et
will -' be back to the prairie
That limens Negro 'eempan,y
known as'iTlee Sunny South" have
en.gaged the hall for December ist,'
Keep the date in.mind. There ie
ngthinlg like lookneg ahead,.
Among the Masons who earns up
from Stratford to attend the *led
ication perviees were Messrs. e. J::
Malllo'n, le, A. Copus, Smith Shaw
and( C. Packed -
On Wednesday Mr. Joseph Car-
uso, our; fruit merchant purchased
an International Auto true]. from
Mr. W.J. Kilbride, The . Mechem
will be here on Saturday. Mr Kil-
bride and 'Mr. Caruso went. to Lon-
don to see one work there; •
Mr. Devitt A. Lapraik, who !a con
elected, wft:i the Knitting' Co., lies
:,v+elnted the douse +.owned by Mr>
Gordon- 'Cu,r[nnghafne-and' his
lluiniture.has,arrieea already.elle
expeets hie family shortly.
The exe sot. ve:'' - of the W F. `A;'
met at Stratford on Tuesday night
and arranged the groups. .Group
No. 4—Brussels,^ Wroxeter and Clin
ton. J. Ballantyne of Brussels
convener, meet at l3eussels. Sched-
ule to oe dr'a•,vh out before May
12th :and' first round group `winners
must be retained by, June, 20.
On Tuesday morning Mr. J Tay-
lor received: se tlfydrange plane
from " this daughter in Tonento.
The plant is in bull bloom and„was
admired by agoodly .number of
flower lovers. Mr, Taylor is a great
lover of flowersand. geeera:ly has
a nice (windrow •display at his of
The (tragedy "(file Bells,” which
has been presented in the fittest
theatres and by the 'elor•emeet 1e -
tors: of the ,age, will be given :al
town hall on the evenings o:
May 14t1i".and ,l5th' linden' the aus
ausprce'(s • oe the Clinton Dramatic
Socfcty. There avill be spec:>al
scenery and evtirdrobes and as re-
hearsals have been in progress for
see esae weeks it is expeelre-1 the
presentation will be ,greatly en-
joyed(, Plan (tivill(be at Fair's
Boom Store. -
T'hei Dungannon News of last
week' gives (the eollowing news
among the riflemen) of that burg
and out former townsman Mr, d,
Johnson did some excellent shoot-
ing,—Aar previous records were
smashed to' atoms yesterday at
the 200 yard range, No or(e in rille
shooting circles ever did .anything
like it, To fire fourteen slro'ts• at
a six-inch centre and:put "then all
inside, is Ipher.(,menal shooting
an -df that was what J. Jonston
did, thus 'enakir-g a possible: 70.
Pwei weeks ago la 09 was made;
've(sterday Ralph Disher made 68
but it was loft to Jack to do things
Such shooting was never done be-
fore anywhere at this range.
On Friday evening of last 'week
the quarterly meeting of the Clin-
ton Board ,of Tiede was held
the] 'Council Chamber anld :`Cater-
er Bartliff had a good spread laid
Tor 30. After supper ,a general
nliseussion took place and" ,Work
was left to committees which will
aid Clinton a great deal if fortun-
ate enough to see a completion of
the plans. A connection is needed
with colborne township and'a coni-
mitte.e will try and arrantse with
the Bell 'Telephone for the col: -
motion Letters are also to be
sent to Anc new' Carnegie in re-
gards to an additionr(to our Li-
brary, Dr. Shaw and W, Brydort-s
gaele interesting* facts and figures
of .the growth of our library" and
lash" of book room at present. A
movetment is also on loot to get
the wide -(awake farmers to • join
the Clinton Board of Trade so
that by co-operation much good
may bed accomplished,
Several 'announcements 'were
made. by the, .postmaster -general
during the diseuss,'ron( of his bill to
am.elesl the postceffice act in the
commons Monday night at Ottawa.
Hon. IMr. P,eFletier said that et was
proposed to insure parcels 'met by
snail to the amount of $50. ,Ile, ex-
'peleted.'io 'be able, after the closes
of the present sessioi),I to reach ei
decision as to the rates to be char-
ged for the carriage -.of (newspap-
ers,. He said that the Canadian
newspaper rate of a quarter of a
-west a pornd was the .lowest In
the world, and that the newspaper,
proprietors themselves agreed that
it should be-incieased, " He told ,of
the negotiations between the -Cana-
dian post -office 'de:par tmentt and
the British 'sok-Office 'department
respecting the postage on English
magazines. At present the rate 6n
magazineii :coming 'from Beetain
was a peni,y a pound, and the Bri-
tish post-e(ffioe took the evjrole of
,10 to cover the postage between.
London and Liverpool, The' Cana -
died degeertmr nt :had,.urged it
should receive at 'least if of the
one n cent'
a smudge to,
P . , cog'-..
ei the transportatiol4 ,of the_;;p"ub-'
lications across the,Atlanit3c ..,and.
'their .drstrebdtionin;;Canada.' Mr,.
Pe(li!etier's•hill to'gills d the;.poste
office act ivhic , also l li, so Ideals „swish
the salaries' of rel w,a: ma"It.c
t .. Y , l9rka, :
and his bill :dealing with the salar-
,of employees in 'city pest eoe-
"Jiees were bout read la, third 'time
end ''passed;,'•
Personal Not as44.
1! those having relatives or, friends 44.
44 visiting intown or going away ,,e+
- notify neat the fabs eaoh week: We .4,
,+ would annonnoeit in the Naw ]tae,
Continued From Page : 1
fourth member of the family to
make this creditable record. Coe -
grate latioans all,
Blyth Stendtarci, -Mr., Sohn Mc-
Caughey„ of Clinton, visited hie
blether Frank, ]:ere over .•Sunt ay.
He was aeconpanierd by ,his,
scums Mr, Patrick McCau hej•, of
Chicago, Ill, who by the'(shy` is
a contractor ante. had been looleng
ever some work at St. Caiharenee.
It is over 14 years` since the left
NInyety per cent.' of,
headaches are causedr
by (.perfect eyes.:.
We can- per,nanentla
catre such headaches;/
with glasses.
If we fall we will, re:
fund 'your' .aoaei. .
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
here' and he Mee eeever 0etee hacrll,
He has been very seceessrnl end ':s
now very wealthy.
Mr 1V, T, O'Ne ! received. word
on Tt'enchay that hes broths Cy -
nus ONefl at Meraxkvile, vvasser-
iously 111 and lees lett on the even-
Mg train for that place•. Worcl,.was
re+elved here eleelaesdaJ anemia')
enig the •death oe Mr. O'Neil -and
lu neral would be held 'esi I+r•rclay,
The Huiv,,ving mambas are .now,
Frank' of Moose Jaw, .Peter. of
Clenseiiland and W. 1'. O'Neal of
town, The .deceased •was marred
and, is survived by a Wife 'and 4
cistIdloe{nl, It is over 25 years sluice
he visited in arkl around Rruce-
Meld lend once• the 'older : citizens
well remember him.•
• 'a
'Rely. Alr Reece et Toronto will
pregtclil lann•:versary serrnons;, en
Willis Church on. SunOiy. A spec
al bffering is asked for by the
On Sunday, May 10th, Commun-
'on will be held, conducted by
the moderation, Rev. Mr. Reid, of
Special services on Saturday and
Sundtay by Adjt. finblc°ri: Hc=,.tor,
of Toronto. The gentleman IS a
'Seaforth old boy and has been do-
ing good work with the. Army. All
the citizens are invited!: +o at-
edadl theset meC,t:lutes.
"Mother's Day,', eunday, May
10, will be observed in Ot_(ar:lo bs
as follows,—At the morning ser-
vice the pastor will preach a spec-,
ial sermon to "Mothers'' and: in
the evening a 'discourse to °Moth-
ers Sons and: Daughters 1, In the
aftditnoon there well be an inter=
resting (program for the Sumclay
School, service and ,all the schol-
ars are requested to wear a whim
Rev. F. Fairful, of Stratford has
accepted as unan(lmous call to the
the Clanton 'and ,et uburn Baptist
churches and well ,eater upon his
r]}ut:res"newt Sunday, he gave two
eery impressive addresses last
Sundlay;• ark:h sang a solo in the
etveneteg„ which was much appre-
(c:ratte(d,: Rev, l01 Fairful has rent -
led the res:,deneo of Mrs. Elias Ball
on Mary St and ]expeets to move
lin a couple of 'weeks,
Pastor preaches next Sureplay,
The Quarterly Off:,::fal Board met:
or Tuesday.
The''Lsague held theles• itrcnual
election( of officers and reecivle".i
reports from the defferent cicepart
relents. The following is the list of
Pnes'tdent, John A. Sutter.
lst Vace, H.S. Chapman.
2nd Vice, Florence Cuninghame.
3rd Vice, (Literary and (social)
Olive Cooper 'and' Gertrich? Chani:.
4th Vice, T. E L"ast.',
5th Viee, - ,Janior League) Bessie
Davis and Marion Irwin;.
Sirjenetary, Carl East,
Cor -Secretary, Viola Rowe,
Treasurer, WelI:ln.gton •Cook,. ,
Pianists, Gladys Cantelon and
Ruby Wise. •
Rural Problem"lies at
Oon'tinuedl. From Page 1'
swing and in the the third place, a'
giant stride, He strcngly recommend
ed baseball with a soft ball, played
a good am
for the
genie, and games
Playground, oma, School and
Gymnasium,by Miss Jessie H. Bran ;
croft, as a splendid. book,
There were 114 teachers present, the
largest attendance for; the first 'day in
the history of the:Aesociatiou,
Evening, Entertainment `
Inspector 'Pum occu ied� the sag's'
A'veiry ;plea$aint aI ct profitable;
itersio '
a nwa'heildi't' '
lr A elubly.Ft
of the: ;'beautrful'.:Vrcto'tf
.: „Prof. McCready,: „sof the' O A. C.
Idellivered an- excellnat address on
Progress ,•iar.Agricu tural teliucation
.at Home and. Abroad: The gifted
lecterns stated>there isn't a cousr-
rtry in the lyes li ti tut ha ye t a rural'
px•,obtem; tatt'and, 'viz, ,Denjnarkoe 1
Ontario leas been Well -organized
'jeweled .,agriculturgl in3ormation,r:n
the av'ray of Farmer's Institute's tete,
,and yet she has a problem.
In 1867 Denmark was crippled and
discouraged after' her dis'astroua
war with; Prussia, ' but by tate esrcab-
lis,hnnlctr,t sit Agrieulturailr II;,gg1i,
Schools the (people became well ealu
eabed, with their arab (tions. and pa-.•
telethon arousesi to n ake the most
ofttheir opporturitfos, • .with the
result that to -day her rural popu-
lation are the wealthicet and most
progressive people in Europe.
I'D a lesson can belearned from.
Denmark, then Ontario's +hoph lies
in the teaehinig„of lAgr,euiture in
•hea public, schools, the anpojntrnen,
by County, . Counhits of district re-
prelsentativcis anlfl the les.:tahlish-
mielnit of -am, agricultural depart-
nyc(nit far, our High Schools and,
We have just received our first shipment of new,..
Rugs and while they are wonderful values, : stillwe,at'et,
going to offer some Extra Special prices during the
next two weeks in order to induce early buying. We
have Tapestry Rugs, Brussels Rugs, Velvets and Wiltotl• ''
Rugs 'and all specially priced for the next :two weeks
See our Special $Io.00 Rug.
Also big Values in Linoleurns and -Lace C"Urta�'
Bigger Values - in Better Shoes
Spring time means Shoe time in most'fanailias
"We are and,
Mere With the Goods to supply those wants
and at a big saving'in price to you. Don't miss us when
looking for your next pair. "It pay aYwell."
Collegiate'Institutes, '05 foresha-
dowed by :Prof M:cCready. The
Ontario is ,sperec ng nearly a mil-
lion. this.year (;A the interests of
Agriculture. Huron Coucety should
have one or more .distreet repro-
eentetives, because Jhe is, los:ng,
more than lardy: other, country: id
the province. The other provinces;
eepgcially: ' Manetoba and Albenta,
are alive to the situation add are
cdoing ,a good work in the cl•,asem
ination of agricultural .education.
Dr. &allow'.gave a good address,
on School Secretion and forged
especially that school:, should not
be overcrowded; that the venti-
lation ;should he so, attaniied to
that an "abundance of warm fresh
air should always dio available,;
that the eigbt1r,gg should be from
be(hind or the side,' ,preferably the
left side; in, the heats -see, pro%is. ol
ehould be made for suffic:entm.,'-
ture en the air; the water should
be rcare.lully iookedt after, the
water :should be tested and :he
•children. should have individual
drinking cups; the outhousee(and
general cleanliness e1rould. be care-
fully attended, The address was
interesting and profitable.
Tho muaieat part ,of the pro: -
gramme was
ro-gramme'was excellent, the instru-
mentals beineee given by Messes
Elliott, Mrs, Bunter and Master
Wibireld' Akehurst, and solos by
Misses', McClinton and Stoddart.
The male quartette, Messrs. Thom-
son, Brandt, Hunter and Kitts, de-
lighted) everybody,
Luncheon was thoughtffutly pro-
vided by the Goderseh teachers
and was enjoyed by all.
Friday Morning.
The eessjon, opened with the
Peelsiden:t ire the chair. Devotional
exercises' weee conducted. by 111t.
P. Hume.
The. minutes of the aftern,on
and. everting sessions were read
and approved
The Auditor's report showing a
balance ars hand of 4145,25, was
read and adopted,
The report of the 10501uteon
Committee recommended the Iel-
lowing resolutions.
Ro{;,lo I ved.
1. That in tee opinion; of this
association the Department of
Education bo asked either to al-
low teachers to use School and
.Home Isr to prepare a series of
help to be issued to ithe teachers
at least monthly.
2. That this association reque-I
the Dominion Government to
prohibit the manufacture, sale aril
importation nt cigarettes or ci-
garette material, and that a copy
of this resolution be cent to the
members of the county.
3. That the Department should
state a simpler an:d more clefie to
course for the Art course in the
public .school and authorize suit-
able, books contais4ing graded ex-
ercises for ,the drawing and bru;p
4, That the thanks of the asso-
elation be tendered to the Godua
rich School Board" for the use, ,„A,'`
their beautiful. and corieeneent
school in which to hold oris meet-,
ing, and, to the Goderich teaeh-ers;
tfor the , 'delightful s,oeial enteee
tainmc(nt of last .evening/' and for ,
their .lcindn2is en procuring accoin
iodation for .the, vis tire;. teachers; ;
and: Stb all others who took .patten
in last evening's enterta:a teem
The election of officers was nu i"
pnoepgded with, with the foliew-
ing result.
President, Geo. Mawson, Exeter;
Vice -President, Mess/ 74 A. Briley
Dunggannon; Secretary lie. ret
W. H, Johnston, Kippur..
Geo, Spark, Exeter; Geo. S. How-
ard,. Zurich; felt 12edmornd. lel
grave; Miss L. J. Clark, St. Ilelens;
Miss 111.A. Etlii4, Hensel!.
Miss Ada Burritt taught a spiea- •
did .lesson in Spelling with Second
Class, illustrating her plan of teach -
ing the jshort, and long vowels and :
how certain consonants follow eer ,
tain sounds and combinations, thus e'• '
k 'Renews long vowel sounds• and is
ar as lake, like, dark, etc.; con-
slonan-c are fieubfed after short ,
vowels as doll, miss, etc.; • einien"
soft jg•- fellows ice short vowel
sound, d is ins limed, as ee ter rr,'''`. • . .
bad; e, sets,; letters should Ise
d r I
(Jn b e;d. n=herr, those is
sound btCtve+en ar shortrt vowel
and ;tie, as rattle. middle, seneleely_
before ow as mellow, biliowebe d 'ra '''` "' R,.
great many other rules, thus mak-
ing the study of cpollingendefebeleee eeeee.
than it usually is.
Prof. McCready spoke eloquent- ••
ly on the need; of teaching Agri-
culture in the .schools and how to
tretach' it. Ile pleaded fob:7ttln-"''•ie";i'{'•''r
turalization of ell etud,es.eeeile' x".:
would 'fill every pupil with an at-
titude of pride towards the o:c,l-
pation of farming• Ile would
have individual pupils do in-
dividual work at hornet as for In-
stance, our boy could manage the;
Bowl at home, another could care
(for an orchard, .etc„ one girt could
bake something, another de • some
canning, ete., and through these
things he would create an inter-
est in thie work. He would teach
Agriculture by the Nature Study
Method., He recommended es
pleleially the use of The Soil by
,King, The Elements • ,of Agricul-
ture by Warren, and Farm Manage -
ment by Warren. To illustrate the
value of Agricultural inlornisi0 en
he told 'that; la ton of alfalfa is
worth 120 a ton, as much as bran
and. at the 0. A. C. they 'have grown
!Deur tons to the acre. He would
organize 'Progress Clubs arming
.the boyo, and girls,'to do syreeiel
wort: . as growing potatoes, etc..
for boys, cooking or serving, etc...
for girls.
A vote of thanks was tendered
to the Gotkerich teachers "for• the
luncheon' provided et noon on kn-day,
I'he,singireg of the Nateonal Ar' -
them brought one of our most
successful. convereti t • I
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Shoes faithfuliy reproduce all the style
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