HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-05-07, Page 4°'*8'0,.' 0 THE CLINTON NEW ERA d Thured(ay, May :7th, 1914, Ready We a' Gariiient . PLox,7$tc S G Millinery. al* , Dress Making 1 of he latest styles •in ,. slid Showing t Y. AS en g Coats. Skirts eLses' Wd15iS Etc, tc. E New Spring Suits in Ga— bardine, Ottoman i Cord;' Brocade, Moires, Ubecks, and Serges in all the new shades, ranging in price from $15 to St8 We have a few Sample Suits left, reg. $22 for $15, New Spring Coats, in Silk, Serge and ,Moire, .in 'all the latest styles, from $8 to $28 What a Splendid Display of Rus ! We often -have this remark in our store. If you have not pail 'Lis some similar compliment it is be- cause you have not visited our New Rug Depart - a Depart- ment. Every thing in Rugs and Linoleum' are here and at prices• that wili•eonvinee you in our favor. 11 in needof a Floor Covering be sure and Visit ;his„lleparinient Before Buying. 1 • Lond'eshoro Mr. Frank''TaniblYn, left last MOO-' day to take charge +ofhis,school.•ou the.', Bayfield Road. . dna L on. returned'. to Mar-. MISS (Edna y , 'mending ' the nock on Saturday afters. holidays at tier home hete• Mise O. Brigham left lent Saturday for Highgate, after spending the vaca- tion with her parents t•ere. Misees Olara Young and, `Nettie; Woodman spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. Edwarn Haggit, Blvth. ' Mrs, Robertson 'ann daughter, Ivy, returned to Clinton on Mrnd,v, after visiting Lond'esbos<o, and Walkerhurn friends, Uolwesville "• "Misses'Evelyn and May McCartney of Goderich Spent the_week_end-with- fyiepc,s;ii}t 'Helmesville. •,Tt}e Quarterly Communion Service, held' here on ,Sunday' ; wee+ well attend ed Miss D. Hohnee visited in Goderich last week. COUNCIL MEETING !Council met on •'Monday,.night at 8.25 with Mayor Jackson iirlt.hecha:.r and Councillors 1Pord; Wiltse. simons, Paisley and Shepherd pres- ent, 9"Iso Reeve .Cantelon. Minutes of last meeting was t•c: t'. and adopted. A letter was read iron A, J. Hol- loway in regards to : hSI,ges at town scales and asked that they 1• e be graded to suit his+leads of coal. On motion of Ford and Shepherd, all weighs of coal under 2 tons be charged 5 cents. Th:+s motion was carried. Bylaw No. 8, 1914; to amend a for- mer bylaw for licensing cigaretts 1 was passed raising the License to 360.00. The Clerk reported that R. Mar- shall and S, S. Cooper •had taken the license. Councillor W_ i e c:ra'•rman of 'r he. Park Committee gave his report- That the various. clubs have the arse of the park free and the latb.ee to keep the grounds; in shape and that the C. O. F be granted the free use of the grounds` "'on Sunday, June 28th. The report, -was adopted The Street Confflinittee made their report -Your err(, rittce beg 'to report as followsg The main street and streets 'lead eg into the town Inas been ecrapediancl dirt removed There has also b `en'a gun/twat clean np 02 the rubble' from !behind the stores all over th business portion this the c x e se of tl s earths town,h tn, t P has mostly comeJfrom the Tforticul • tural Society, th expense to the Amen • has been, a small (alum= • ivhieh we think 5s well spent money We recommend ', that wages for `l and 'Ma 0 paid •at rate of C r.l Y p p 1. $1 75 per day an ,,$1,8b for foreman at,draa,be used We recommend d ` teas` an d+'west an R atte,nbm' s ee Y r 't.drid • s. d' Maryst ee 'sees, street r Princess tobe used .on of e, , satisfacton si Y 1+ F. C mmittc+e.ma that o rets t a Y • streets ' k m eccsear do We also re think Y via be d that t ink of Tar i. commend 4 I Mainstreet '3nd t on purchasedPr from Fairs.Mill to IPostofflee,,,'the, and ;proposed cost of the -Material putting on road would`be between. $100 andi 1$t50 The report was taken up clause byclause and were adapted "cbl`th at a discussion eccept the Tateaa question"anld the various alder- men ,voiced their opinions., The Clerk and "Mayor were instructed 'towritd to Col lingwood and, Fitton to see how it worked there special meeting e to a s a .,.,i and report u P 1 is the, Fid reportedt1 . t 1 Councillor street committee would look OVC3' • tlio road • from the old Cmeen s hotel - to the Elevator . and will report at the next meeting , d £.ounriilor Ford •asl.ed, that the c tanks honied rap and ;the •pumn be remover], at the town shall rid Councillor Wiltee reported the, - had i rrs 'Institute t the 'Wove -aha 1 talked tohini of ,erecting afount- ain' on the Marl et.Square end the Property;' Committee will look an - to the matter Mc6fath of the 1st den. , visited her daughters, , Mesdames, , lrewartha for a fe'w'day@ last week. We are•eovey to, hear of the,serious illness.of 14 Liss. OolcTou•gh of the Ilth. con,, and.,;hoiie for her speedy recov era. •: Mrs. Hayes,or Detroit, who has Miss -Livermore of Clinton visitedat been on the sick list is visiting her Mr. 11. Sweet's last'week. parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wiltse. Mr, and Mrs. \a ill Jenkins were in {. Oa Thursday night last, Rev. Mr, Goderich on Saturday. I Alan gave an 'interesting address to Mrs. McCormick left for Washington the Lougee. D. C. on a visit to her brother. Mrs. ' McGorinick sr , of Trowbridge is stop 11 On .the fain Lott and settled o m 't' chi -4deceasecl died She was ,educated ,ink th' ,Clitit`oii schools `d aduate'd•fro , the( p. C. I with.' an gr, m „1 a first class professional 'cel t.f+ioate +but^ on account of .ill+health never' taught.. She is only s}trylved b5' Miss Thomas Ewart, of Trossachs; Sask.,, Who is coming to attenld the funeral. Deceased was a member of Ontario Street' church, anal a good, .lively girh For+,tbe past °7 years the farm has been,.ren(;1ed by Mr. 'T. •Hall. The ,funeral will be held. on:Monday at 2.30 o'clock and services(.. 'at 2. o'clock.:, Interment will he mala at the Clitton,Ceme- tety. t. - e, ,Loui.onyItoad . ,. " Miss Grace l Stephenson ,',returned home last week;ifrom her; visit; with, her silterose tLondon '•for the past mirnth. 4 pn Meuda'y-night Mr. Wm. Hardy met' with'a• hasty accident. 14estep' ped on a rusty nail which nearly,went through his foaa• t.between, the,to'es and ankle. Re will •he ,laid' up •for some time, but we.hope no spriptte trouble will trL.e: i - Mrs James Nott returned home;at ter spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Win. Grant of town.. Dr. `Ward, of Nsiw ,Youth, ltae a ood:'word to' 'tea sof; the Tango anoe{ He says It klelpeo}u' li4x ver lugglerl up:!tor x5onpetrimla,9 theta M VS talk int ,eueh technical terms they are -difficult to i ey\uideretpac! but the NewIprkeinppeah r, to have eut off all its e fiirge and any- boay'suffea'ing• with I :r er calmer.' should ' tango, if he is correct. Sometimes doctors differ. ping at the parsonage in her absence. • Rev. Mr; Crossley. the? noted evan gelist, will hold two weeks services in Rolniesville, commencing on the 17th of May. Mr. S. W. Miller is kept busy these times making egg crates for the Gunn Langlois Co., of this place. Our teacher, Miss Robertson, attend ed the •Teacher's Convention in Gude rich, Thursday and 'Frida.y of ,fast week. • ' Mr. Harold Forester of Ste Cathe tines had the misfortune,to fall fromn pole, while engaged in electical work His many friends hopenothing serious will.result from the same. Mr. Stoddart, Mail Carrier, had e runaway one day' last week hut got off with nothing more serious than a spill Mrs. Holdsworth has brightened up her home with a fresh coat of paint and also a new porch. There was a very large gathering at the Sacramental service in the Methodist church last Sabbath morn mg, The pastor was in charge and the new individual Communion service was used fel the first time. The 'Pou,ndi-keeper asked for a Pound and ,•corner will the fenced off at the park The band stand is also to be re - palmed, The Finance Committee brought in their report' which was adopted Tho Finance Committee also re- commended that the money be paid to the Treasurer of the Schen); Board from time ,td•time as 1(t Is required, In regards, to the drain at the pro petty of W Butts, Victoria street'. the Council will remedy the matter at once, The Court of Revision Will ho:d their first meet:mg,.on Tinursceay, May 28th Council .adjourned JOHN M. ROBERTS DEAD. Once Ran Against Present Chief Justice Carrow, Goderich. May 1. -The death took place this morning in Dungannon of Mr, John M. Roberts, one 'of'the old. est residents of this, village, aged 75, He moved from Goderich to the village 45 years ago, and conducted a general store and private hank. Some twenty years ago he sold' the store, continu- ing the Nanking business till his death. In 1890 he ran for member of the Ontario Legielature against Mr. J. T, Gamow, now chief justice, but wse de. feated by a small majority. For some time back he had been in failing health, but death was not expected so soon. _ He leaves to mourn him, besides his wife, one sister and two daughters,. Edith and Cora, at home, and one son, John, in Toronto. • this' ant -douse ib - Roofing -you w y, Roofling g ' a,• ';ti , Ilin avetrou Pluulbiner'or °`> , ' C, ''' ork Furnaec W Goderich Township Miss Edith Neal 'of, Toronto, is visiting her Uncle Mr. Albert ,veal Goderich Township.' Th'e following is the report of S. S. No. 11 for the month of April. Sr. IV. -:Percy Currie, Elvire Chur- chill, ,Vera Trick, 1tabel Castle,. Myrtle Powell. _ Sr. IILr-v erns El- liott, Ruby Churchill, ;Petrel Ch,ur, chill. Jr. •III.=-Picleard bJatch. Fiaiicia 'Powell Si. , I,l r.,f+'ra?.1:' Weigh; Howard Currie. Jr., II, - Clifford, Castle, Elmer, •Le Bean. 'Pt. 10.-Alfrtla i,'.cfieeen, Tecicly. Welch. Primer. -Alfred Le Bean, Laura Currie, Elmer T;ric:k. • E, Diehl, Teacher, Homs', (of the Lmboral 'Provincial MJP.P.'s .are .ehquiriag it the 'car- ving of Bruce' Co. comes snider the heading l' of the -Government that "is bold'enough to be honest" or ;whether ' ,'thley have •dropped the old' headpieoe? • • Baylield The news that the Scott Act was to be enforced, arriyed.here on May 1st and while the "wets" paraded the street with a downcast look of bewild erment the Temperance people moved alien-, with an air of triumph, and again The. Ladies Aid of St. Andrews alter ately,,threw their weight on the cuuich ,bell rope to signalize the vic tory over, the fallen foe. But the foe had not fallen and midday hadecareely arrived when the bars were wide open and free drinks 'going from all direc tions while the Temperance people contracting the look of bewilderment seemed so stand and wonder why. The concert given by the Bowling Green club on Friday hast was one of the finest foi some tiine. The enter 1 tainment-was conducted under Rev, i Mr: McFarline, Chairman, Dr. Smith. R. Bailey and Mr, McKenzie, composed the ;;Quartette and performed the general. acting. and a good program was well rendered. The Clinton orches tra was greatly appreciated and we hope to hear them often in the future, Call and see us' before " placing your order, p g i . & ut to Ii am S t Y Sanitary Plumbers Phone one 7. Brucefreld Our village was saddened on Friday last to hear of the death of Miss Eliza heth H. Taylor of Stanley. Her death was not unexpected as she was a severe sufferer for sometime cf Cancer from which there was no hope. She had many friends in our community who were sorry to hear, of hes' death. She was a member of the Presbyterian church here. Sbe was of a bright dis- position and always ready to do a kindness. The funeral took place on Eonday from the home of her sister Mrs. Eetchen. She services were con ducted by tev. tv1r. Woods. The bearers were. "Goldie Graham, Dun. can McDonald, Arthur McQueen, Murray Gibson,, Feed Burge, Dunces Aikeubead, The remains were buried in the family-t,urial plot at Reused cemetery. A large number stet at the house to do honor to the one they loved and respected' Mr. Wm. McGee has returned to Toronto after a brief visit at home. Mrs. John Swan is still very ill. Mrs. Jones of Birton, B. C., and two and two children are visiting at the home of. her .parents Mr. and Mts. Grangerof our village. ' Hallett Miss Cora McCool left for London this- week 'where + she has a position of stenoerapher,there. Thos. Appleby i•s engaged with Wm. Jamieson for a few months. Miss Violet Argent of Clinton spent a iew days with. her grandmother Mrs. James Carfrignti: Thos. East of petroit was the guest of his cousin S,' •;Appleby a few days a e Bedford and little r J"hm n lti . r a daughter Pearl ent Sunday with' the fg2niere uncle E ,Crawford 1 .S e the report of, U S he following', p... G fee 'the •and .Halle Nie '12, Goderich tt 6 r !Sent th of April' s 1' `howio the •non g. P t P predent 'on of >i nle as' ar'ran d f3 iflcati , y cls s P e 9 gg 'one tion 'examinations; e• recent pro t th b of merit. are in or ' d 'ee na . Sr. 4. -Mable Hervey'Jean Lindsay Jr. 4, -flora J:rlvle Mervyn Fiircju bar`:, ,`n'send le Sr, 3, -John:, ,low,Marv' f Besse mdse: ' Wright, y y _' . Jr, 3rd, -Amy- YfcBrren, Mary Mc- rien Nellie Bearam Hilda Btorbes.'' ''se. 2, -Jean F,,igeshar ''',l1 ' -Eddie' Jobbettln, Neenah Jr. 2 E right, First -Water It!orbes, Robert John CLINTON MARKETS. Hogs $$125 Butter 22-24. IeBgs 19 -20 Wheat 1.00 Oats 90 Peas, 1.00 Barley 50-52 Bran $.26 Shorts( ($27-$2B Toronto Markets 'nr Births, ,Marriages- '& Deaths BIRTRS„ BELLi In• G, ° .. °nn1VAriday; May ,4th,. to, r. aild''Mrs, red' • Ball, a daughter. FITZSTMONS.-iii rl`'in'ton, on Mon ,d,ey, May :U(tli,,, to Mr. ancle1Virsle +Bert Filtzsimo:is, a-ddaughtere •., DEATHS. TAY .OR -In Stanley, Maylst, Mass Elieabeth'I1. TMlor.ea the Jhome of. her brother in law, •John Ttetclien. IIIT'CH. Im„ .Helleitt, on 'Wednes- day, May 6th .Ad'ith.Hitch, daugh ter of the 'late James and Mary • 'Hitch, agecll 36 years., Hogs :.,,. - $9.10 Cattle", ..... $8A0 Lambe .-,....., $9.50 p Shee •• •• '$271502 Cheese Butter 221-' CO 23 Eggs ,- 21 Wheat Oats ...,.. ...,,, Barley ...... ...... ...... 'Pdtatoes, per bag Beans .-. Ston; Mahle Wright. Printer - Russell .Jervis gr. H. Forrest, teacher. Mr. 'Wil1 Oockerline and Misses Bes sic Oockerline' and Grace Stewart of Blyth Sundayed et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, 1)eath' of Mies Hitch -After an ill mess extendingover five • weeks of pneumonia and ;pleurisy and later with Paralysis, Miss Edith Ilitcb, daughter of the -late James and Mary Hutch, passed away at her home at the age of 3 y.m ears. Deceased was hot in Dssex om+the 22ud of October, 18759 and was the youngest daughter. At the age ot• 5 years the family moved, to Hul- 0 are correct .statistics r Hut - $1.00 45 62 to 64 $175 t10 1,85 Local News 7r 'lAI 'I IrI.Rs 4PlP ; Shbeciibe'POW for TLeNe,y Era, The easonable 60 centsefor'balence of year, Lµst'wall (toe v+eanember, Tho •+ Davie 4ttfmtetto will be here'. care.,of!: Your morrow F. id,ay •+•-' fs'st t im. seatst»all e d'.off for • iflheBettis”',Yo )kna,!chat chs W atch l! tontalentlar done 1 e 1 re ' Oleanir(yards, making •li sgardens andrpientin ^lawer",iaeds, .have itepil':Many ""blithe citrza es very y busil engaged, this week•„ n•, inb Lindsay,'lhaSh...B:Iblti, 301 Years old. : Beats all how, remark,- abs' ' erI.1 preserved the ,ai^erag,e Bible ia.,,rThe++,4+yst doesn't seem to hurt it at all Aceounts'•overdue more than 6 Will result in your watch's good, pro"onging its days, of; usefulness .What is reasonable cave An oceaaionel vial to ' a 'jeweler'' who ''"knows bow, , (years are outlawed, 'unless a pay- Are occasional visit means at least meet ;has been made, °ten acknow a yearly visit. kills n f tlidebts e s ems ° { e an 'Tout it off longer }s to'pet,ltoff gx4,04 wit i ;.'he• past ,6 •3 ears, • Loo ion There-hfte-I been,' aro rrecent, chiangse g, , in the laiv'"''hs to ,,the time When a If you are not wedded t'tor alt tune #iccquntr. b.einlg:eemes outlawed to someoneyexpert,, we, would like pg put som ` of ouragoodi work -oh P °'. °,.r.• . that'watch of loupe, u,w Tho play that mad Sim Henry i. g 'IE. -one ht to ' b , Your watch deserves„the best:: r a, , ,,,e fr eseinte npus Jitid on nig ,i treatment it'aan get, and its just „. tea n the Clanton plasia-' - tJe l ea tet` 3 that which we offer., tcil Ho a ,.smaty on t7°h,ii1•stlay ,ai add' T11-; ' r• `'day;''' 1VIay '14 ::and '•1'5; 'n .fil': l te Indy- • • ; ,, not a 1 +by rea- ! ably f !jtshthrllIg, n Y y _ + i, { eon of :its thrilliniig aceineo and tea- g'!'e end ma. but ley Att.-thread • of ., • COMING FRIDAY MAY 22ND. The Imperial English Hand Bell Ringers will appearuoder the Doherty,; Concert Course management In the town hall on Friday, May 22nd. Plan et, Pair's Book Store on Saturday May 18,; .See postero and, Newspaper items next week,. SiS.MA THI„i,G$ WEAYJ2 PECT Rhubarb pie. Garden Parties Early swimming, The Sanitary I v:spector. Barelf!oot boys and Girls. People conrplainir{g of heat. Music from the lawn mower. WILL HAVE A BRANCH AT IBLYTH Mr. Otto Fink will opian up. la photo studio ,at Blyth and will spcfnd portiont;of the -week in that hustling. p(orthern village. The Blythites will find Mr. Fink a first class artist in every respect. EDITORIAL 1. ri4444444444-1,4++444441 Ulster Anti Home Rulers are mak ing a call on the Orange brethren of Canada to .aosist them in, a ii- ran8ial way in the•'1 I'i;•nt. 9 request comes 'from Hon. Walter Long, M.P.( Toronto is stilt'facing the prob- lem of lack of accommodation for public echoed pupils. , Whileia nmm- ber of Inew, school +buildings have bete(n srl6(eted this has not kept Peale with the rapid increase of school population. This is the merry month of May, The Ontario Legislature pro- rogued last Friday. A good many People think the Go'penirmerit• lost prestige over their gerrymander- ing of seats with political advent tage as the basic Principle. No strength was gained by refusing tr, ,permit the. Boevmam investiga- tion concerning the interference of Inspe(etor Snider during theCan- ada Temperance, Campaignl. Mr: Snider will never esquire a nerve tonic, comedy acid harrier that perttneates the whole, story. A number of esti zees have, seen the play as prel- st•(nited: [:In the cities for some years . by Thomas E. S°a.e'a and fall speak very h;lgiily of its worth, 'The llelad:ng character ,ill be takenrby one who Inas had several years ee- pi1lt'lelnce in 'rmaterir theatrical worst and w5th ;oni;e for two lexcep tions the ' ltehole caste have been 'piorim:Inelt8t in .local, productions 'Cast of Charaeilelrs Mathias, the 'burgomaster -Paul von Rohl. Christian Bene,' quartermaster of gelndarmes-Fred U`dL•es. • Father Walter,: a farmer -Geo. Welbber, Hans, an old poacher -John 'Mc- Caugl..oyt Dr. Z!inr ''er-Bert Kerr. Joseph Kovesky, a Ppl sh Jew -Ray Rumball. , Clerk of the Court -R. Rumball Notary-Ches. Hodgson. • 1M4smeriet-Chris, • Hodgson. President of the Court -\V. Moore Fritz, old character -W. Cook. Tony, old ,characteer-Samuel Lewry, l Cather!ms , ' wife.- of Mathias --Violet Sewell:. 1 Annlette, daughter of Mathias -I.' Collins. Sozel, servant of Math:as-Lulu Howe. Jeweler and (Haitian Issuer of Marriage Licenses BOX SOCIAL Clintote Orange Lodge hold a Box Social in the town hall on Tuesday evening next and invita- tions have already been issued. An interesting program of speeches and music has been arranged- and Mr. Musgrove, 11. P. P„ will ad- dress the audience. EVERYBODY'S DOING 1T House-cleaning is the order of the day just now, and the sound of the carpet -beater is continual- ly heard. in the land. livery good housewife in this town counts on having her 'home in •immaculate condition by Viktoria Day. A grand rush is therefore on, ONLY FIFTY CENTS! ` In order to introudce The New Era into every household -in wll'Ieh itis not now going; we will give the paper until ,the eicd of the present year for fifty cents, Over eight months nt the price of half -a -year 4uhscr!ption; '\t ” eve the rows without bias, and ask you to help ne, IMPROVEMENTS. The fence in front of C.T,Dorvd- ings r esiderl: e •:s being brightened up with n coat of paint, The front of Conch. & Co's. store is being painted, Cnntelon Bros,, store is having a i'_*' metallic ccil:mg put in by Ilyatn & Sutter. The exterior of the Normandie Hotel is tieing freshen --d up ry:tli a coat of paint, IT SURE WILL BE SCOTCH License Inspectors ane vigilantly (elnforeinlg the law as it relates to fire escapes,,with a rope in every bed room of second ;story hotels, The :destruction of a few hotels and •loss of life, appareln,(tly, be- cause provision was pot made 'for. such emergencies has impressed the necessity , of . aj elharper look- out in makingsure the regulations are lived i'(up to. • At' the Government' Prison Farm at"•Guelph the presgtnt population' is 300, It is not la sign. of prosPer-' a^• to have 'the con sus fi ores tiY ''well nn,'this' in(stan.ee( The ' plant and requipment Lias Cost the Pro-,. vinee $1,250,000.. There is accom ' motLation for, about,nem 600 1, lese,ecdn pmy if, P ra ctis d it 1ns g o ing to takd,a „tidy s m annual l to keep this tnatvtut lonru sing How thapetsenal,,rrghts of lthe; peeple ,area+l ,iirig 'pared off 'is a caution:forbYdden the of Gaelpp hl .market author- rtue.s have, : , . 'd+riashew ' ' coned Fraetire of ,teethes' butte by, glouging out eta pgt+tlBh • of° a• }'oil • cit prmt+y"tihct "thumb nail: or a sisals ,coin;'and. th4g *ill nbii'origer. permit the tastrng,iof, ln•aple •s *rup- withs'al .soon It is Ito' be 'hoped a .knitting ;needle will not be sub- stituted.'for .the spoon. The pub- lic health (laws is •staid to be re sponsible: • ' If Mexico the white 'folic are badly in thle rear of the procession numerically. Reyurns state there ' are S,0, whites, 6,000,000 half' breeds and 6,000,000 Indians. There 'will re- quire to be some grading up be-, +f,ore the citizenship of Mlexlieo will attain to loft ideals I • 1 .'deals an Rl-.mob1 e f v er • proteose®. Of course th e are Rooms to Let The rooms above feed store, opposite the mill, Albert Street, Six nice airy rooms, front' entrance, soft water and town water inside. Reasonable terms. Phone 192. • Synops:s of . Scenes Act 1.=Xmas Eve. Kitchen in. house .of, Mannas, Matl4ias re- turns. .The story of the !murder of the Poliele Jew, fifteen years pile mous, is aelitel. The crime begins to prey, on. Math; a s' mired. Act 2. -Best room •'in Mathais' house(,: Math:a's is ill and his gut- ty eonse;ierjce Js his worst accuser. S'.gninfg. of the n arriage contract. Annette sbeaomes the biidke of Chris tan. Song o11 the betrothal and Wedding feeteyities. Mathias mind el fleeted. • ' Act 3. -Bed. room in Burgomas- ters'house., 7.3iathias returns and in' his• dream( ;thinks Ihe'is bene mesmerized and forced to relate the story of hia Crime. He is over- come aiy,'the terrors of Itis dream and expires. Ye. Special painted Scenery. Phal- en -s Orchestra will be in atten- +danee beth nights. Plan of hall at Fair's,Bpok,Store. • We, .undltrrsta:dd that Seaforth have engaged the 48th'Eighlanders Band of Tor•oneo to play et See- (torth for the Old Boys week in August and when the Fire Chiefs meet there. The Clinton Kilt es will go dio'wn, i,vith the Local fieeiineO that Week. We. epees that ,itis Scotch will get enough of the good music that clay, METEOROLOGICAL REPORT FOR APRIL 1914, The highest maximum temperature during the month was 800 on 28th,. 'Che lowest minimum temperature was 170 on 5th. The highest range was 3o 0 on 29th, the lowest range was 6 e on the 8th. The means for ehe month were, wax. 41):400 ; minimum, 32.970 • and range 17,83 0 • The total rainfall was 1.97 inches, Fall wheat injured. by Apri frost. Thunder on 25th and 28th, Swallows returnees op 27th. ADDRESSES- AND, i -• PRESENTATION .Laet Thursday Le. dries, Aid of WtBl'4v ,churc.?, c -i ta9nnid .the, choir andi clui ng a dere ie t. Pr1t sun r M s ti av n z T ,rill, $ n: t a fi am [read; < srona Y of tl ig le . S ue 1VI ,Y P 1, address, and ;Mrs., T"n itehe,'ll, '1?i es7. '• 9 r wl' s`Ad e .oP• tlh_. •hr le t en a ,'P t•. d, ., , t s I. a ` !gar• ' COC l• bLt l3' oe W I. i ala s T i Coo di ,end addreoe ain(d 2 las ,reeve p7r ,:. •s•united. ar:•;Clubs P1i ip Ol1;ies poies,e on behalf of the dregs). A' pregeVp4l' t 9 Vra t d a . 4rrndee 1va e fAl 1 :M'ss Gree.4 1. s.I R c?ft :ttoli," t+enle".Ke!,.. r •: Doe , M+',sf e.g,' `\ i.je a114+4°W+4,.., St a ,art. tt tion• *ties ,v Rlei'c..ta Mis .. . _ Solo, Miss ]}tiles :'Q,wersik •men`1,7bi;e .of IPo ofr(diai Board voiree.d , heir•regrets at tho re, irroVal.' leieles: and Nhss Boles„ from toiyhe, A Dight lunch • was serve i at the close. _ MINOR LOCALS. May, 'Kpll,tlm Ily Honsekilelinn,g, time. yet? Got ',yoot•onions in Y Council met oil Monday. The rhubarb crop for 1914 loops promising. Fresh strawberries have arrived n otoe Se1an • ry i d many fine people there but the' Join the`'Iiorticiltural Soc_ ety an. average is not high. help beautify, the, town. WOOL SVANTE.D F. W. L''VANS Uighestmarket price will to paid in cash for wocl. Also on hand far Sale Flower Seeds, Potatoes, Oats Farm Produce taken in Exchange Huliett Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the Court for the Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Mullett, will be held in the,Townsnip. Ball, on Friday the 29th day of May, at 1,30 p. m, for the purpose of hearing and setts ing,complaints against the said assess- ment Roll.' Persons having business at the Court will please attend at the said time and place-withoutAMES CAMPBELL e Londesboro, May 8th, 1914 Clerk Boarders Wanted The undersigned can take boarders now, and also serve meale to non - roomers. Apply to MRS. BUTLER Book orders for Baby chicks Ordertnow for baby chicks one day old. Rode Island Reds, 15e. and. 20e. Crosses 10c. The stock is a first class strain and chicks will be heal- thy, and 'strong. FRANK W. ANDREWS , Clinton. CALL AT THE • NORTH END FEED STORE See Our Stock of Seeds Red Clover Timothy Alsike (Gov. etandard also Oil Cake `' ., Linseed Meal Calf Meal Chick Feed Chick Gilt We handle Clinton, Exeter, and the celebrated King Quality Flour Orders Taken For Lime Sulpher and Lead (for spraying trees) also Fertilizer, Agent for lleintznlau Pianos We are Ant for a Square Deal W. G. SMYT H IRANII W [VANS Next door to Hospital • Victoria Street Clinton TER1!IiS CASII. PHONE 192 Beautiful Hair makes every woman "beautiful, and all who desire to make the most of their appearancehave the opportunity of.paying a 'visit to PROF. DORENWEND. of, Toronto •wild will be at the Rattenbury' ;House, Clinton .. I Tue•i; da: ' May 19 with an immense Stock of the latest ' Sfasbiona n Hair Goods A Style to. Sail Every Individual verY 1:',``Ladies With Thin- Hair e and • •hale• I a, demonstration of THE DORE'NW'END The .will Rive a charm an - attrai A j1i9J1`iiaitMA etw iso ., y •e and wilt a ssis4an 'woman •' lain fat ^ e wise ii iveneSs.to anoth r ,,P. su erio to all e '.Th ,.are r Yeo , eell,laer.,;youthtul +appearanc ey P . dt er in,efle s .hey:prpdupe when,, adjusted, •.}h quality, of t. s l p F I o workmanshi .ethe rent P r hat an y t d , ul, "A FARE 'DEMI NSTL;, . t ON 1'S O 'F}E;RED TO 'ALIT' • na dour Ban s Fno t a , na 1'oiri sr a to. do - R \ t ne..rma. P. A e. Q g d tc. Swatches, f&t 01.114, avP e ... s tic• are Bald call axfdlsee • THE DORENWEND SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE Y, 'entlemen if you f which is n, perfeceprotection to the head. For natural' effect,' strength, durability. hygenic qualities. they are unequalled. Besides this they will make any appear ap ear years younger. This Toupee is protected in all coun ties and may only: be purchased from P O ll Not Fail to Call and See Them. and Remember Date THE llO1 RE_' WEND'CO. OF TORONTO, Limited THE:11101USE,OF QUALITY 'HAIlt GOODS. 103.105.-'Yonge Strc et Toronto ' f i, • ,•si ,1