HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-05-07, Page 31''
Tliursdlay, May 7th. 1911,
One man's experience,
-,In 1884 ,Mr. M Merrier Of New Hamburg took an '
Endowment Policy maturing lit' 29 years. The Company
returned to him at maturity, $170.25 for each $100,00 paid
to the Company. Throughout the term of the policy Mr.
'Berner was insured, for its full amount. •
The furl story of this policy told upon request.
The London Life Insurance Co.
IIIIIIIIII I I III III1111111111'h'i'll
Geo D. Roberton, General Agent
Mexico of To -Day
Mexico is a 'fe:d,eral ale ublic of
:North' America; extend'in'g from
the United States of America, south
to ,Guatemala and British Hondur-
as, and lying' between the Pacific
Oeelan on the west and the Gulf
'of Mexico and Caribbean Sea on
the east.
The peculiar: 'surface formation
•of Mexico, a high plateau shut in
by mountain tbarriees and a nar-
row 1ow.land,,regiom, between it and
'the coast, 'prevents illao
develop -
meet lop
t of large ,river basins. Lar ,e
rivers are impossible. Onthe east
and west of this elevated plateau
are two mountain eanges which ,
intake railroad building a difficult •
•matter,: The. lakes of Mexico are
email and 'feiw in number. Some
marts of the: country are very vol- ,
carie in character.
The climate is tropical and sub-
tropical. Pelrlpetual 'snow do the
?district( of :isolated ,peaks :terves
to moderate !the climate. Long
draughts are (common in, many
parts and on, ,the barren 'surfaces
of the plateau the rain drain away
rapidly, leaving but slight benlefi-
cial results.
The types of animals and vege-
table life. found in Mexico belong,.
in a gen'er'al sensie, to thosie•o'ftthe
Inorthcl,nnt temperate region and
those tof the tropical , regions of
Central and South, America.
Rich Mexican Forests.
In Cer tral and Southern Mexico
the mountain slopes are forlested
up to 13,500 'feet. Oaks are 'every-
where 'common, and the Nicole"
pine, on the' Gulf coast is 'found?asr
Tar down as 6,300 feet. :In South-
ern Mexico the pine is 'found; at'j
seven lower (elevation0, where the 1
tropical growth ,has been destroy -1
,ed by 'cultivation and fire. The
most common :families on the eas-
tieirrs (;lopes are the magnolias,
oaks, palms, bamboos anal chest-
nut. Mahogg'ney, rosewood and
Spanish cedar ,are among the most
conspicuous tree;(, The palm and.
cactus have been, in many places,
turned into climbers by the •strug
.,gbe 'for ,existence.
The cereals, 'fruits and i7e';etab-
iles of Europe .have been inrordu
seed' and'Isome of them have done
;well. Wheat is widely cultivated
and a considerable hart ,of the
population d'e:ponds upon it for
their bread Indian corn, which is
bellieved"to have. had its .origin in
Mexico, also provides food for a
large part of the population. Ba-
nanas, pineapples, ,grapes; oranges,
'9 monis, cocoanets, olivesand mel
ons are?fruits grown; while beans,
stweet potatoes, onions and toma-
toes are some of thio most import-
ant vegetables.
Melxico has ,suffiered much from
the reckless ddesltruction. of ' her
forests, notorally for induekrial pur
poses, but through the careless.
line of four kilometers, between
burnirng of grassy areas which des-
troyed 'fertility.
The Population of Mexico.
According to the ceetus of 1900
the population of Mexico number
ed 13,607,259 of 'which less than one -
'fifth (19 per •cent,) were classed as
whi'tlete e38' per cent; as Indians,
and 43 pen cent, as mixed bloods.
There was 57,507 foreign residents,
including a few Chinese and Fil-
ipinos. Since then the Japanese
have acquired an industrial loot-
ing in: ,M•elxico. For many years
the Indiana ireanained in subjec-
tion an(d) ftook no part in ttherpo-
litical activities of their native
country, but :of late they have
taken more interest in public af-
(Lairs. The death rate of childreea
among the Indians is. estimated at
an average of not less than 50 per
cent. •
The white race is of Spanish de -
(*int and, has the characteristics
common to other Spanish-Ameri-
can circles, The larger part of the
population is to be f'oumd.in the
southern 'half of the republic, ow-
ing to the arid) conditions prevail-
ing in the north,. The climate on
the coastal plains is unh'ealth'y al-
though Vete •Cruz has a large
population. No safe estimate can
be made of the half-breed element
in. Mexico. Education, industrial
occupation, :commercial training
and political responsibility are •ap-
parently working al transferma-
Ilion in a, class• that was 'once
known chiefly for indolence and
criminal instincts, and many of the
i]jehdiers oil modern Mexico have
sprung :from this race',, Settled
Govelnnmenit tend habits, remun-
erative employment and oppor-
tunities for the improvemlel* of
their condition, are developing in
therm the virtues of the two par-
ent rases.
The Republic of Mexico is poli -
Murdered by the present ruler•.,
now in :France.
chicle., rubber and other forest pro
ducts, hides and skins, tobacco and
sugar, •
.Agriculture Slighted.
Owing to the early dev'elopmen't'
of the mining industries, agricul-
ture for a long time received: but
slight attention; Wheat crops are
uneeretalinl owinfg,. ,,.to the long
droughts, but ,Mexico has large col
fee, sugar .and rubber plantations:
Stock raising dates from the ear-
liest Spanish eettlemlentstin Mex-
ico and received ria 'slight'encour-
1 other counttr
e nut from nrtlem Y
a till r l
Stock raising is found (in every state
in the. republic. The Spaniards in-
troduced their own horses, cattliet
sheep and swine. The varying cli-
matic co,nditionu have since pro-
duced cattle characteristic of thlei
country. The stock is herded off
the uplands during the rainy sea-
non and the lower regions during
the remainder of the year.
The pearl fisheries were worked
alter the arrival of the Spaniards
but there are me other 'fisheries of
Many Rich .Mines.
Mining is the best known and
most productive industry of Mex-
iico, 'Mines of some description'
are to be found: in26 of the 31
states and, territories and of th'es'e
th.e great majority yield °
Gold, silver, copper, iron, mercury
lead, sulpher and coal are also min-
ed. Mexican coal is of a low grade
and is used on the railways passing
through the coal region.
The policy of the 'Mexican Gov-
lennmeln't is to encourage national
manufactures and protective duties
are levied ,f or that purpose. Manu
(lecturing.. is beinlg developed grad-
ually. Cotton and tobacco factories
and sugar arid flour mills are the
most important many acterie,s.
The central govprrenlent of Mex-
ico consists,. of executive, legislative
and judical branches, each indepen
dent of the other. Thier president
and vicerpresidemlt ane elected in-
directly through an electorall col-
lege chosen by popular vote and:
serve. for aperiod' ofisix y(earsl
The nominal war strength of the
Mexican army is rated) at 2,510 offi-
eens and 81,984 men.
Compulsory Education.
' Education: inllMexico tin progress-
ing Compulsory •attendhnce tier
children' aflsix to 12 years of age
has been in,elif:eiet since 1896. Nor-
mal schools are maintained atpub-
lic expense and are giving good
The people.of Mexico are almost
wholly of Ronan Catholic faith, the
celnsusi of 1900 retuauning 13,533.013,
communicants of teat) church, 51,795
Protestants, 3,811 of other faiths anti
18,690 of no faith.
The national revenues are deriv-
E..d.from import and export duties
port clues and other taxes levied
on foreign commerce. Expenditure
includes .local administration
schools', police. sitreetsl and other
objelets °filoca.l interest.
In 1908 there teen 34 chartered
banks in Mexico. Private banks are
numerous, but foreign banks are
not encouraged) to open agencies,
Newest Notes of Science
In. a mewl ,reversingelleyle° for leased from a boat to float to the
swift motorboats a disk is lower- 'starf(ace'of the water
ed into • the water back. of and By. Cal novel,, (invention adivertis-
close to the propeller so that it,ing cards in treet cars. are mount
causes the.water to react against 'ed on an ren lese belt so that a
the latter in such a way that it motor moves :them before the pas
draws the boat.backward. Isgtigers at a( weed glow' enough'
Great fog penetrating power is
"for ths(m to be/%ead, lose').,.
claimed for ?a snow French 'roan- I Native gold ,liners do , Tibet
descent light with a' greenish ittave ifn ddeturbedtnncthe 1elieitbat
yellow glass screen in front and they are the parents ,of 'spangles
whichbackereflects a silveredgiictoepre- and dust, which would disappe{ar
turenough bleats pre- were the, nuggets removed,
vent moisture collecting on the On the theory that air near the
screen. 'floor' in a burning bu;rlding is
More ruga• was brought into con purer than that higher up a mask
tsnental United States in, thle .last has been , s
:fiscal year (then in any previous
year, clearly' placing S it to 1 the
lead among sugar consuming
countries, the total consumption be
ing more than 8,000,000,000 pounds.
By connecting •the lines el four
large electric power companies in
theth th will be created a
tically divided into 27 states, one
dederal district and three territor-
res. T'he,states are generally sub-
divjd'od into districts and these in-
to municipalities..
Many Government Railways.
Railways began in Mexico with a,
Had Salt. Rheum.
Could Scarcely
Do Work.
Skin diseases are invariably due to
bad or impoverished blood, and while
not usually attended with fatal r8ults
are nevertheless very distressing to the
average person
Among the most prevalent. are: Salt
Rheum, Eczema, Tetter, Rash, Boils,
Pimples; and Itching Skin Eruptions,
Burdock Blood Bitters drives out all
the humor from the blood, and makes it
pure and rich.
Mrs. Ellwood ' Nesbitt, Apsley, Ont.,
writes: -"I had Salt Rheum so bad
could scarcely do my work: I took tw
freatnents of doctor's medicine, but they
did me no good. A friend told me his
wife had : had Salt Rheum, and that
Burdock Blood Bitters had cured her,
1 got a bottle„ and before I had it all
taken my hand was better.'
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac-
tured only by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
the capital and Guadalupe, which:
was finished in 1854. In 1857 a con-
aession was granted for the con-
struction of a railway from, the
City let ,Meccico to Vera Cruz.: In
1909 there were 14,857 miles of rail-
way in ope'ratio'n, 11,8511 miles be-
ing the ,property ml or controlled
by the Government. It is the evi-
dent policy of the Mexican Govern
merit to prevent the absorption•o'f
its railways byprivate monopolies
and this is effected by s'tat'e owner
ship ice a controlling share in
most of thet trunk lanes. In 1908
telephone :lirles were in use in, all
the large 'cities, the Government
having 500 miles of its own.
In 1905 the mercantile marine of
Mexico comprised 32 „steamers ' of
13,199 tons, acid, 29 sailing vessels'
, of 8,451 tons. The foreign,' trade
has shown (a, steady "i,nlcreas(e.; In
1909 imports were valved ;at $36.-
195,469 and exports' at $54,300,806
'for the last six months 'of tlhelpre
vious year. The imports consist
largely ;of railway material, in-
'dlustriall machineey, `I cotton, wool-
en and ,lineti textiles and yarns for
i aetorieIs, hardware, furniture,
building material, min('ng supplies
.drugs kind chemicals, wines and
'spirits, wheat Studien corn paper
and military, 'supplies' and equip-
mle(nt, The exports •intelude .gold,
silvercopper, coffee, cabinetwood,s
n vented tor firemen
that 'covers the face and extends
in (a tube to; lower than 'a wear-
er's knees.
T'e(sts covering ,several years' in
h Stockholm school have shown
that children) 'continually exposed
to time i'nfllueince of electric cur-
rents ou ere i relnts grow blaster and improve
system: with, nearly 800 miles of more rapidly mentally than those
100,000 volt, circuits, 200 miles of not (so, exposed.
120,000 volt circuits and hundreds The inventor of a eorrugatedpro
Armor clad, nutom,inuer, e.,i,-, •-
'ed ,exc',ept, at, the driver's seat,
have been adopted by French bank
err ,for 'transporting valuables).
An iron frame has been invie+nted.
for displaying bunches of bana-
nas in, dull' view dm ,stores. yet;
:which ,protects them injury.
Great Britain fanported..le,750,000
January, as
oils in Jan
a Ion ofY,
g 1 s
compared( with 5,500,000 gallons in
that month las, year. ,
To obviate the danger to the
lungs 'from )inhaling dust b ne'w
rock drill is so consitructe'.d thatit
catches tall the. grist in a bag.
Japan's 'most 'expert wrestlers
are men ;who have sn,hleiritad their
ability from ancestors who made
evre1etling ia, profiessioa for gen-
A nle:w patent coneret'o bridge'
at Allentown, Pa., thotyg'h. neither
the highest or longest in the world
contains the greatest: amount of
If your baby does not sleep, if
Jie is cross, cries a great deal and
Will : not be .comfprted, that is the
time to give him Baby's Own Tab-
lets. They promote sleep -not the
drugged unnatural kind obtained
through, the) use, of "soothing"
mixtures, but that refreshing na-
tural sleep •• of the hlealthy child.,
The Tablets banish all stomach and
bowel complaints -the direct cane
of crossness; :and 1lleleplesenese.
Concektning them Mrs. B. Medras,
Grand Bois, Que., says. "When I
began. using Baby's Own Tablets
baby was so troubled: with ' con-
stipation he would not sleep day
or night. Now all this trouble has
vanished! ld'"and he is a strong lieal-
�thy chi,; This Tablets are sold
'by medicine dealers oe by mai
at 25 cents a box 'from The Dr,
Williams Medicine Co„ Brockvilile;
Flower Contest
Aulstria last year produced near-
ly 49,000.000 short tons of coal, of
which about 18,000,000 tons were
bitulminous and the rest brown
The New) Jersey legislature ` is
considering a bill requiring poison
tabl4ts',to be made 'coffin shaped
to distinguish them from medicines
China has sent Governvaent
agents abroad to study the manu-
Ifacture of telegraph; and trelcphon(r
equipment with a view to mlakintg
all such apparatus at home.
A concave projectinre :screen for
motion pictures has been patentled
by a Chicago inventor to prevent
[distortion two. matter from what
angle they are viewed.
A Russian woman is heading an
:etepedition which has started to
cross Arabia at its widest part and
which will try to pectetrath land
never before explored.
In a new vacuum cleaner for
circular brush surrounds the noz-
zle lto .loosen the dust that is to.
be 'drawn !from a garm,e9tt.
More than ,2000 inventors applied
last year for British patents re-
lating to railways, motors and road
vehicles and mora than 500 for air
craft developments.
Retmoving the rubber tines and
substituting .;,roe bands tthdded
with horse shoe calks a Minnesota
motorcyclist converted his ma-
chine into a'sPeedy ace vehicle.
To promote agriculture in France
the governmennt stations a pro-
ilessor of agriculture in each de-
partmnet and awards prizes fre-
que(ntly to the most progressive
To permit la person to drinik
:nom an ordinary :faucet easily a
Semi -circular trough to be 'fasten-
ed under itteo as to bo swung in-
to position ,when: wanted has been
inve(n ted.'
So much. greater is the demand
for edible snails in France than the
supply that artifical enaus have
hle'en invented, the only genuine
portions of which are the 'shells(
For the use o: iiremen. •,r'i ••
working in dark places a New
York man has invented a ,storage
battery electric lamp, tip be fasten
led.' to the hat or head ,by spring
Alpine( waterflalls could supply
enough power to operate all the
railroads; .of Switzerland in the
of engineers who 'havee investigat-
ed the question 'for thle govern,.
In :a novo combined 'pneumatic
and solid tiro for automobiles on-
ly'a' heavy ring of rubber comes in
contact with '4he road, the rest of
the tire being prot eet ede by a
steel rim.
The Chinese government, which
owns the country's telegraph syse
tem, -has. 'extende:d it until more
than 36,000 miles of land lines and,
about 1000 milesofcables are now
in: use.
lF conomy of floor *mace is the
'� c n i invent -
advantage of a: Wis o � n(
dl g
stepladder in which a third
'seeder carriedl between: the front
and 'bacic'ncant(be raised tq a de -
aired. height. •
With the idea of eventually pro
'dosing u ly:fit9oell hummn ra' e •
English ecien(ti'sti Mas, as la nucleus
six children of as/ manly national-
ities and will add five more to his
colony. i'
Ai Pennsylvania inventor claims
to have greatly increased the
strength anld durability of rubber
without impairin:g it in any way
by adding, vanadium as it is be-
ing manu(f,actured.
S un"en engineer passea d
T .l Ig p anger
.signal in a ,safety device adopted
by al .German railroad:' an electric
bell is rung im Ps cab until lois
mistake is recorded by an official
of the ,road.
Although h there are, 'no instru-
ments : capable of tmeasurietlg it,
by eeinetifnc calculation:,; of the ef-
An amiable imssn'-Sweet William.
theeulse of ,the business, world
{tos.. ..
omes with early dawn -Morins.
g riding
A bird .and a rt{g accessor-
A pillar and, ai'syllable that rhy-
hy-m 's with dawn -Columbine.
The lf(lowier (between mountains
-Lily of the valley.
A 'farewell sentiment -Forget
meenot. ,
A ,dad,e• ,and en animal -Dande-
A part of ,the day -Four o'clock.
The result of Cupid's arrow
Bl'eedin'g heart.
What it ,takes to make a kiss
A yellow' stick -Goldenrod.
A dairy procluct and a drinking
r .a g.
u nsil-Buttercup, miles an ho r.
What . •Ci,nd,erella( wore-Ladys To 'c'''able persom,s in sunken
slipper. submarines to obtain 'air 'until res
A wild( animal and an article of c,iedl an Englishman has invented
pellor ,for motorboats claims i
arrests the centrifugal action of
the water along the blacides and in-
creases the (hieing powleir of the
machinery without 'iinicreasing, the
fuel' consumption.,
First Used in Vienna
U',nlfortun'ately most o,f us .have
had some. experience with "Grippe'
or inillu'enea,. When you feel the
first symptoms -don't wait -take a
:diose of "Kephaldol," A tablet or
two Will check the. cold and ;tl',e
?),elver and headache will quickly'
llsappetir. S.Hephaldol" was ,first
used (by 3». Stohr in Vieclna and
so successful was his prescription
that the world's best doctors en -
torso lits use for the cure of Pe-
veirislii Colds, Sn'1'1ugn'za and ner-
vous Affections+, "Kephaldol" is
harmless and will reduce the tem-
perature•without ,the bad after-ef-
(f(ects which follow the use ' of
many 'drugs. Should you find it
'difficult, to procure locally, send
50c. ,direct'' to the Manufacturers
Tor a. large 'tube. Adtress-Keph-
aldol Limited, 31 Latour Street,
Young Astor Married '
Like a Gay Grandee
�ed tha h
I 'estimated, e,
est it has I
wind' h'as blown"tan rapidly as 600
Hi's Yacht off Shore, Well -Provis-
ioned --Estate Guarded Like a
B. Millehan, of St. John, N. I3., is r
worthy of themont'cateful a':ten-
tion' Miss IMille(tan, aysl, '''Some
three years ago I was take'.' 'seri-
ously ill with diphthicm'la. The dos
tor brought Me 'safely through this,
dreaded trouble, and I was assure
ked to be well. But two )weeks la -
titer 'I 'took' a relapse, my throat
and `.limbs 'becoming paralyzed, • 1
could neither 'speak nor walk. 1
was under the best of medical care
and after a few: weeks was able to
sit ,up in bed, but my throat was
still completely, parailyxed and I
couldi ' (only uttc(r un►ntelligable
sounds. I was 'treated by three of
St. John's -best phys'icians,'for this
trouble and my case was givenfup
as hopelesl., A )friend asked ire to
try Dr, Williams Pink Pills, but
I had spent ,so much on medicinte
without help that I thought it
would be only a further waste of
money... Hdwever I lett 'myself
growing daily weaker and weak-.
er, and I decided as a last chance
that I would try the Pills. By the
time 1 had, taken a half dozen hox-
es I could ,walk across the 'floor,
something doctors had told me
couldnever happen again. I still
continued taking the pills, my
epleech returded, and I felt my-
self in perfect health. My friends
thought ,,my restoration .neething
short of a miracle., ,and. l thindc,mv
self that I have to thank Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills that I am living
to -day, and I 'feel confident they
can ,def quite( as 'much 'for others
as they 'dud 'for me."
Dr. Williams' Pink Palls e eetet
cures in cases, of thi:i kinl(d because
they make new rich, red blood,
which feeds and tones up the
whole system. If you are in need
•I s a
these' 1 1
medicine 1
Wei. We are ,cocfident you will
not be disappoieited. Sold by
mledicine dealers or by mail at50
cents la box or 'nix boxes for 92
:from The Dr Williams IVie;d,)'.:e
Co., Brockville, .Ont,
Staatsburg, N.Y., April 30, -Only
the simplest of ceremonies was plan
nerd. 'for the wedding here at noon
to -day of Miss, Helen iDi'ns,more
Huntington and Vincent A,sitan
Inlaid of the house Astor and the
wstslthiest young man in America
Re:v, Charles .r1. Duran li.r.' •
Sit. Margarets • church, was chosen
to read. the episcopni meu'rint .
Only 75 guests ineluddng Astor's:
mother anc4 sister, Alice Mur:el.Mr.
end Mrs.'' Huntington, and tether
close relatives andi friends attend-
The only attendants chosen for
Miss Huntington :were Alice Mur':e1
Astor and Margaret Dows daughter
of Mrs. Tracy Dows, 'and her sister,
Miss Alice Huntington The two
former were to act as flower girls
and the bride's as maid of honor
Herman Oelri•ehs, boyhood chum
o'fI Vincent Astor, was bestmactntn
of Vinoemit Astor,'was 'best' man
There were :eo ushers.
The brides gown was white 'tulle
oftslmple' design, ,with a train of
white satin and wedding lace that
was worn by the brid'e's paternlal,
grandmother and again by her mo-
ther, who was married • at St. .Mar
garte's Church in 1892. The bride
wore a priceless, necklace the gift
of the bridegroom. It is said to be
the finest set, of pearls ever strung:.
' The Noma, the' groom's yatciht.
with, a crew of forty five lay off
shore with twenty ,tones• o'f:provi-
.sions onboard the honeymoon.
Aster's trip downstairs to be .mar-
rield, to -day ,wae only'( his' 'fourth
'since hewas stricken ten days ago
at the home of his finance' It was
admitted to -day 'that he still is a
bit "wobbly",dire to; the enervating
'flelct of lung . abcess. 0
The bridlergroom 'is 21, and fehe
bridle 20, ,
sprpartfl-'Foxglove, a buoy carrying a tube to be re -
There are castes of paralysis that
cannot be cured), But that is. far
different from! saying that every
case of ;paralysis is incurable,.
There is absolute proof that many
itiorms of this. diseaet�. are curable,
Of thelcases"that cannot be cnrec't
many cant be' so beneif'ittied' that
the Tormerly hopeless .sufferer
worth once mores find life � o t t•
Attention is called to.the remark
abbe cures that Lave been effected
in cases of partial' paralysis; a
other :severe nervous ciisorder',.
by the use i0f Dr. Williams Pink
Pills for Palo People, Some - of
'ul as to
o ler
cures anet
eaten i
hesec Y
challenge belief,' but,' in every- ease
the •statements havfe been careful-
ly veaifie l"and may; be invlesega-
ted by anyone intenetsted. 10
this connection of the: case of Miss
Scallops Are Fine Now.
Fried se, tleps are us, r:li 51:e
choice on the average bill or rare. nee
withstanding the fact that there ma'
many delightful ways of preparing
these little shellfish. The f,lluwisl
may reveal some of their possibilities
to the housewife who Is seeking new
To one pint of scallops (washed and
drained) use two tablespuoufula ui' l,ut•
ter, two tablespoonfuls or lour. one
beaten egg, oue pint of lint mills, pep-
per and salt to taste. .Belt the butter
i e,a saucepans tj:kc, from the fire and
add flour, stir rill' smooth and re-
turn to the stove anti cook until it
bubbles, then add the hot milk, salt
and pepper and egg and let the mix-
ture cook fifteen minutes. Then add
the scallops and cook fifteen minutes
longer. Serve on buttered toast and
garnish the dish with watercress.
This is an excellent way to cook scal-
lops, as it. brings out their delicate
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have AlwaysBought
Bears the •
Signature of
Another appetizing way to cook scal-
lops 1s as follows: Wash and drain the
scallops, make a smooth, rich cream
sauce flavored with pepper, salt and
onion juice. Let the sauce cook for
ten or fifteen' minutes, otherwise 4t
will taste pasty, then add the scale
lops and cook slowly for ten minutes,
While this is cooking, prepa}'e some
peepers (as :Many :as required), by wash-
ing, remove the stems, cutting a piece
from the top and taking out the seeds.
Stand the peppers in a baking pan and
fill them with the creamed scallops,
sprinkle with breaderpmbs and bake
until the crumbs are brown. • Serve at
To Peel Oranges.
There is for sale a little knife, that
costs 13 cents. •It is not really a knife,
but it is a small piece of metal with
a book on one end that hooks under
the orange skin and tears it open and
pulls It from the orange. It is a great
convenience, for it skins the orange
without. piercing the transparent inner
stein tout holds the pulp and juice in
Less Beef Exported..
Canadian exports of beef to Eng-
land are dwindling and are likely to.
do so to a greater extent, according'
to J. E. Ray, trade commissioner, in
his report to the Trade and Com-
merce Department recently. He says
in part:-
"What little hope there was o>< re-
ceipts from this source attaining
some degree of importance has been
dissipated by the opening of the. Unit-
ed the free import-
ationtotes market
States p.
ation of neat and cattle is a resu�t
of which la;, -� 5' Th
'members of live stge>(
hayeee- P4e� aken across the American
border. In 1913, only 328 tons were
received in this country from Canada,'
as compared with 583 tons in 1912."
The report reveals also a decline.
in the imports of cheese from Canada
during , 1913, in comparison with
1912, of 58,802 cwt., and in compari-
son with 1911, 179,507 cwt. Butter
imports from Canada last year' de-
clined by 163,670 cwt.
In the Press Gallery.
Three of the great newspaper cor-
respondents of older days swapped
reminiscences for a while recently—
Sir John Willison, now editor of The
Toronto News; W. F. Maclean, M.P.,
owner and editor of The Toronto
World; and William Mackenzie, sec-
retary for Imperial and foreign cor-
respondence, once a mighty gnat -
driver for The Journal — Ottawa
Shipbuilding Dropped Back.
There was less shipbuilding in Can-
ada last year than the year before,
and with the exception of the years
1910 and 1911, it was less than us-
ual. The tonnage of 'vessels built
last year and registered was 24,325.
This includes practically no vessels
built for pleasure purposes, the ton-
nage of which. is growing fast, but
these are seldom registered and there
1s no record kept.
The tonnage of the Canadian ves-
t sels feglstered last year was 30,225.
This is about the same as the year
before. The seagoing and inland
water tonnage, out and in, was 57,-
849,783, which is an increase of
about five millions and the coasting
tonnage was 73,644,713, an increase
of nearly seven and a half millions.
Offset ting
The thing for the merchants 'of this com-
munity to do in their own interests is to
advertise faithfully, acid to make their
printed announcements interesting and
helpful to those whose trade and favor are
The serious competitors of the retailers
of this are community y the big stores of the
big cities—those that send out catalogues'
and have mail-order departments. ,
The poorest way to offset this competi-
tion is tor our local merchants to remain
silent. For them not to "speak up" is to
give the mail order houses a better chance
to get business from this community.
tt' WORD TO •• THE ramie
W hen you send your money out of this coml-
annnity, you enrich the great shops and impov-
erish .thiscomlunnit ,. Strengthen-notweaken
-the merchants of this community. It will all
be returned to you in the form of better ser-
vice and better values.
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