HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-05-07, Page 2fL 'Palle S WHEN BUYINGYEAST INSIST ON I-IAVING THIS PACKAGE Prizi 1. NGIIIETTCOM NN ILVRP MOS Nlyry,TORONTO OModTft'', DECLINE SUBSTITUTES TheNew ew bra • 47TH YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." V. i KERR et SON Props. J. Leslie Kerr lushness Manager „NM Era, O.:;e Year in advance $1.00 New. Era, when not paid in ad- vance • $1,50 New Era, tathe United States in advance $1.50 Advertising Rates on Application ,Iels work prices advance on July est, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso- dation Rates. :Office Phone 39 House Phone 95 .• Local Local News osesose0000eosooalmesoos so The .11me Trade oom osg1e0esse000•ooeesseo MADE •BIG. SALES BY E TION SUGG S 11oNtto•ool/•000lt•o•oo••l/••o MONTREAL NEWSPAPERS A meeting was held at Toronto this week of Ontario anti Queleee members of Canadian Press Lim' ted, called to consider a protest against ,the action of the dia'ectors in ,delclin(9ng to grant a franchise of the association 1 to a proposed new evening paper`in Montreal to be (called the News, The members' passed a resolution in whitch the view of 'directors as explained was endorsed,, to the (effect that ±he condiftionh.of the Montreal Eng- lish ieveinin(g paper field, called for a remedy, and if conditions had not 'dielirlitely changed for th!ebet ter by June 24, the date for which a general meeting of all sharehold- !ors has been called, the directors •; were a'ecomanieladed to grant a :were for a third English pap- er, precedence beit>?a' given to the, application of the News. The clilrec tors have the right to act before June 24 if they think 555. The sit- uation 'in mind is of course that by which Sir. Hugh Graham controls both the Montreal Star and the Hee ald and Telegraph, the 'forreer a Conservative avid the latter a Lib- eral paper. HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one side or paper only. Mail to reach us Wednesday of each week or sooner. Avoid all items respecting on per- sonal character but !send Ali the News. - Chech off this lis'tit may assist you to remember an important item. Births, Marriages, Deaths. Accidents, Church News Suppers or Presentations. Removals, Visitors. Lodge Newsy Fires. Public Improvements. , LaW Cases, the 'Crops. School Matters. Correspondents will please re- frain from sending ,notices of en- tertainments where an admission fee is charged, unless :'they send word who is responsible for the payment of such advertisment. The charge is' five cents a line -six words make a line. , Developed JInto• k/r ,�4 yit BR Mi ® However slight a cold you have, you ;hould never neglect it. In all pos. 'Ability, if you de not treat it in time it, will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia, sr some other serious throat or lung trouble. Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is ?articuy plar! ada ted for all colds, coughs, Bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whoop - ng cough and all troubles of the throat and lungs, Three points in favour of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup are: I. Its action is prompt. 2. It invigorates as well heals and soothes the throat end lungs, 3, It is pleasant, harmless Ind agreeable in tette, ' Mrs, ' Albert Vail, Brockville, Ont., writes: --"Just a line to let you know ',bout Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. ,Our oldest little girl is now six years old, When she was four months old she got a cold -which developed into Bronchitis, and, we, triedeverything we could think of and had twe,'' doctors attending her, but it, was no good. One day I read in your almanac about . Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, so I tried it,: and before she hacl finished' one bottle of 11, the, lry hacking ling culled" had nearly,'. gone. Thee is nothing equal •to it, and we arc never ' tltoi t it in the house:" Sce that you get Dr. Woods" when you ask for it, as there are numerous imitations on the market. The genuine is manufactured by The! T, nlilburn Co, Limited Toronto, Ont. Price, 250.; family siao,'5nc. ' Local Merchants Should Make It a Study. ART TO ACQUIRED. AN BE AC IRED. Arrangement of Stock and Window Display Part of General Scheme. Best Salesmen Know How Diplo- matically to Suggest to Purchasers. Catalogue Houses Coe Pictures, as 03V lf)1 /10, f,. T ^ p rn� „HS„Of .seta.._.' F... 3f there ever was a concern on the face of this earth that has studied the .theory of suggestion it is the retail Catalogue house. In its early beginning it fooled rail- road men and pinery workers, securing names and addresses in some way or. another, after which it forwarded' each individual a nice brass watch, finished in gold. However, it was cautious, never sending a watc11 to the prospec- tive customer on credit. The railroad man or woodsman nev- er ordered the watch, and of course a mistake happened. According to the mall order man, it was wrongly addressed, but the watch was there at the express office, and if he would take it and pay for it a large reduction would be made. This suggested to the prospective purchaser that he was in need of a Watch, "got him," and if he did not have the money to pay for it he would borrow the necessary amount or draw on his salary account. The power of suggestion soon con- vinced the wily mail order man that he was on the right track, and he then branched out into furniture, clothing, machinery, hardware and other lines of manufacture. Groat Power of Suggestion. • 1558 very probable now that a large proportion of merchandise sold is through suggestion. If people bought oilly the bare necessaries of life, only What they actualy need, there would be but few business houses and civili- zation would halt. The power of suggestion is what builds up great business houses and keeps the world on its progressive march. Advertising is one of the most power- ful and at the same time easiest meth- ods of suggestion. But there are many others very much akin to the popular conception of advertising. Therefore it behooves the merchant who would be successful and to be numbered with the progressive of his kind to study well the theory and prac- Lice of suggestion. 'Its ramifications are many and varied. Make a Good Impression. It is not alone in the preparation of copy for newspaper, circular or other printed forms for advertising that this principle of suggestion must be ob- served and followed out.. While it is all important to observe the rules of suggestion In getting up Such copy, the idea should be carried Into every feature of merchandising. The handling of good merchandise end square dealing, accommodating store policy suggest to a customer that he has found the right placeto trade, Ind he is not liable easily to forget his first impression. The arrangement of stock, the win- dow display, the attitude of proprietor Ind clerks toward customers. deliver- ies, methods of collections -in fact, every action suggests to the naturally receptive mind of a purchaser and brings him back again. On the other hand, the neglect to ob- serve all these things implants a sug- gestion in the mind of the public that Cannot be overcome, even by offering glittering bargain. Suggestion an Art. Some of the best salesmen in the business are those who know how dip- lomatically to suggestto purchasers tomething else that would be to their advantage to buy. This sort of suggestion is a kind of art and unless used with the finest tact and discretion is liable to make a bore of a salesman. The retailcatalogue hoose (system le cautious. However, there is no law against exaggerating pictures when ane ,confines himself to an actual de- ecription of the article. This is where the mail order house system covers Itself. I The pictures are suggestive to the prospective buyer. The description of the article con- tains Latin phrases, trade terms and language that is foreign to many con - tamers and is not understood by them. As an illustration of picture book baying through mental suggestion our treaders' might profit by reading the following poem, which illustrates the folly of buying mail order house trash:. •'• W HE QUIT. . He owned a retail catalogue house car. To ride 1n it was heaven. He ran across a piece of Blase - B111, $14.97. He took his friends out for a ride. 'Twos good to be alive. The carburetor sprang a leak- ' Bill, *40.95. He started ona little tour, The finest sort of fun. He stopped too quick and stripped his gears-- 33111, $90,51. He spent his little pile of oaeh And then in anguish cried, •'I'11 put a mortgage on the house And take lust one more ride!" THE CLINTON' NEW ERA.0111.1-00 DYSPEPsiA TI , i...._ rdll Letter Writer. TABLETS rove of Great Value to iMie" There is only one esplanaiiiin for the numbers of enthusiastic letters that we D s e pia lraisui t a.IT�r i Co y e p Tablets,and that is !droit these tablets certainly do aura any l ,tad ,4f.sto:uach ,troreceiveulilCl Ilere is a iYItcal 1dter from i�4 EliztArmiswortity Caln o S,; "It is with pleasure I write to info you that your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets have proved of great value to inc. I tried remedy after rc-'acdy but • ' "v lr tui , gocd. 1I,_t ing heard. of vottr ta'b"" ct ting .Such eases as iui,te,I decided to give.them a fair trial, They proved satisfactory in my case." The reo ail,.ltble success of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets is sons a success .as eau only come to an honest, remedy, ,comtpoanded according to an exception- ally good formula, from pure ingre- dients, by expert chemists. If you are troubled with your stomach just ask your Druggist about Na -Din -Co Dyspepsia Tablets, compounded by the National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, and sold throughout the Dominion at Soe. a box, 147 Hints to Housewives SOME KITCHEN HINTS Keep old' potatoes from discol- oring by putting ,one or two table epoonstiel of newt milk into the water in which they have boded If citron gets hard, let it( stand in hot :water, and, it can tSten,be cut quite, easily. A wooden plate -scraper is use- ful when washislti; plates and dish- es. Rub off ,fly marks on .glass with a ,cloth which' has been well rub- Fleaa:t• Fast was An ideal May day. The.anon'ymous letter' writer is his pelrlverted mature and the de- praved/ conditioiof his mind.' It -is singular 'what a propnleslty some people have for e"elieving thoir Pent-up,t Y means of a 'Iletter, (very oftleh et_rrin g uptroubles 'for themslevlea'in the fu- ture.. These howleiver, have only a little in common i tate with. h y e anon - sulcus letter writer, who gens off 1)is venon in this,despicable man- ner;lon every ,available opportun- ity. No public man, and certainly no stl3vapaper, ever escapes these mgral l'e'pers• The anonyamous let- ter is the triumph. of tlhe petty, It is the ,victory' of ,of impotent, It is the !pride of the cowardly. The writer o'f• such, a letter is a copperhead snake, which differs {from the gentlepnanly r•att1jelanake in that it'steams without watncng. An opeln, out and cut emen'y :Who loathes you' heartily and says 5o is a wholesome person,. He keeps you humble and makes you care- aut. But the man that, smiles on you and! gobs.home and smiles writes you an) ' anonymous -letter is too low to he described here, on account of the postal .laws. Countless hearts have been made ache by the emanations of there low -minded cowards, whose great est ,delight is hurtling those whom they take goods care • cannot get' back at them. If you ever come across •such persons shun them as you would snakes. If a man has a grievance •let him bre honest and ie(xpreete himself openly and fear- lessly. Imitate the 'clerk who was callled( to the boss' office. The boss said, ";Mr, Brown, L unldlerstand you have been making insinuations a- bout foe." ' "Oh, no, that must be a mistake." t'It is no mistake, Mr. Brown. I have it upon the best autth(ority. Don't try to fwiggie out; of it.', :But it must be a tnistlalce. 4 never inr3iu+uate. To be sure, I said you were an old mutton(head anklet tat rascal, but I never insin- uated anything." bed pn a blue ball. • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CA.STOR IA' TO CLEAN WINDOWS Choose a 'fine, dry day, as this is half the battle. Use two wash - leathers, one to clean with and one to wipe ,after, As the water in the pail becomes dirty re',el,, to the last pailful add two ta'ble- epoonsful of vinegar. This will make the glass shine with bright mess and remain clean mulch long- er. Cloths leave' fluffs behind them so usetwas(hleather always. --0-' - i/las une1'Ak lana, rnx-a, ss The family rened dnedy for Coughs tad Colds, Small dose. • Small bottle. nest since 1570. RENOVATING HATS' , Black chip !tats often ontly need oiling. Use a t!,ttle'sweet oil and rub it off with a bit of black vel- vet. Ribbons can be washed, in pota- to water ((tepid)and gently rub- bed with the fingers. Some artificial flowers should be held, in the 'steam of a boilin,glltet tie for a couple of minutes, but this •does not apply to all. • Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S 7tsea .674. FOR THREADING NEEDLES If you are one of those who films, thr+!fading, needless a bother just try this simple. plan. When thread ing the nteedlle with white, hold the 'handl anal the needle over something. When 'threading , it with black hold it close to ,sotne- thing white: The 'same plan'holds good. with at 'serving machine. Put the bit of black or white, material, as the case may be, under thepres ser foot, And/ thread as usual. 1110 r h., Quickly stops coughs. cure) colds, snd ct: the throat and lungs. 51 25 centt , BREAD CRUMBS Always keep bread crumbs, 'for they can be used in many ways. Store in glass ,fruit jars ready for use, with a bit of muolin tied• over the top. Crumbs are useful for Dried fish, croquettes, and hams; dry the small crusts with a roller on the board and put away for use. If the crumbs are not thor- oughly dry ltor-oughlydry they will get mouldy, otherwise they wilt keep for weeks. -u--- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, --0--; AN ENAMELLED BATH To clean this ,wipe the bath dry and then pour into it a little par- affin oil Dip a' flannel into the oil and,the(n into course salt land rub the bathwel w tt o remove all CLUBBING RATES New Era and Daily Globe $4,50 New Era and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Now Era and Daily World 3.35 New Era and Daily News 2.35 few Era and Daily Star 2.35 New Era and Fam'ly Herald and weekly Star .--.-- 1.85 New Era and Weekly Witness 1,85 New Era and Northern Mes- senger ..-... 1.80 New Era and Canadian Farm 1.55 New Era and Farmer's Sun1.85 New Era and !Daily Free Press, morning -..-..-.- 3.35 Now Era and Daily Free Press, evening .-.... -.- 2.85 New. Era and Weekly Free Press 1.95 New Era and Daily Advertiser 2.85 refit. Era and Weekly Adver- tiser 1.00 ,ew Era and Farm and Dairy 1.85 ;ew Era ancl Far'mer's Advo- cn tv 2.35 Gl(H'seS' fllraces it is Said That Animals Pall Better With Shorter meat and keeps an automobile, 'He si leln'dis $7000 a year to live, Next the cabbage is'sent to the Iwliole- 'sale,. Ile lives on IWleat End aven ue and Tays '$1800 'fon his apart- ment and keeps an outomobil!e. His living iexpeln(set( dile 30,000 a .year,, He sends the cabbage to the jobber who lives ha an apartment on Broadway which costs 35,500 a year keeps an, automobile and ,spends 35000 a year, From him the cabbage goes to ino li ,e in a 7 00 apartment,on a v i a . meld )sidIS street h.as is cornier store for which he pays 3125 a month rent, keeps two cllelivlery wagons at a cost o'f$140 a month and spends '$12,500 a year on his living. Final- ly the cabbage gets to the con- sumer. 11e, lives in an apartment for which he pays 310 a month. 'H•e. tidies an, a 'troiley scar be the sub- way he 'speedo all he can make Or a little more to live, and be pays 13 cents ifor that Plead, of cabbage. Kink It is al 'gre'at ftluestion among teamsters whether a horse can pull better with ,shorn u•aees of long traces, that is, (whether it 5s, le'. ter 'for the horse to life close to the load or further away. Their gen- eual concen•sus at apiem, 'short traces' are betae,r, and, as ir. most 'cases where there is great oxperienee, they are probably right. To understand the proposition ie is well to remember that itt takes a great deal more letnergy to pull the load, at moving than it, does to pull it at uniflorm ,speed. Also 5t takes a great deal more energy to pull the load .at varying speed than at uniform ispee:dl This i!e easy to see when ;tve remember that whten a body is ,pulled( along at uneform s(p'eied on a lev7el surface the only thing to be overcome by the tee- tive 'fprce is (the ftiiction alts the axl'tls, On the other h sshldy when the pace gets easter an accelera- tion is gitvs1niin-and there is on ly one tthin``g,t. that 'gives ,an accede legation, anal that 15 a force. So when the load, changes 'speed a force must be added to the force to overcome ;friction, thus m'altfmie it, hardler on the 'horse. Of coursle the same thing applies to any mov ing body. The condition of least effort is uniform speed •onf.a levet plane.. 0 Now, to apply this to thio pro- blem ,stated above simply imagine a horse hitched to a loaded wagon and going at uniform,speed, but imagine the -traces to he 100 feet long. if the wagon goes over an indquality of the 'ggrounfl. (',say eleven hill slightly) the traces, of course, slacken up greatly, end lore the !horse, going at the same uniform 'slatted 'as',before, can, take up the telaclr, the wagpn may have come to rest, or sloweddown Thirdcen"Mistakes in Life Here are what Presiding Judge Paul J. McCormick has announced as Thirteen Mistakes of Lile. e 11To attempt to set tip your own standard of right and wrong.' ''To try to measure the enjoy - meet of others by your own.' ',!Tp 'expect uni ortmty of opin- ions ,in the world. • ¶To 'fail to male allowance for inefxperien cel • 1 To 'enUeavor to mould all dis- positions ,alike." 1`Not 50 yield int 'unimportant trines" tTo look 'for peritaction in our own action's." "To worry ourselves an,d, others about what cannot bo remedied." "Not to help ,everybody wher- le(ver, howevler land whem.'ever we can?"' "To cousidier anything 'impossible that we cannpt ourselves perform" "To believe .only what our 'finite minds can grasp. (?Not to make allowance for the nv'e(aktnesses of others'," `"Po estimate by quality what it is -ghat is within snakes the inan"-Nets* York American. 'stainsi, Ranee well with soapy con'sidleably. So to lbrmir it back water. l up to previousspeed thehorse has - -o to exert extra) 'force The family remedy for Coughs and Colds .Shiloh costs so -!suit, and does so much!' COLD CREAM To•make a ,gooca cold cream put 1-2 lb of almond oil ire la jar with 2os of white wax, and melt , them gradually on the ,stove. 'When near of %teepva er An t pu a , rl away in pots. If a email quantity is wanted) unix in proportion. QuicK NAPTHA THIS WOMAN'S SOAP, 1 In using *sort traces, too,there is much less danger of their break- ing, for the load'is felt by the h ; - on s 'libf one'has fe ills moved his body very •far, ; and his force is:ap- plied gently mad evenly, whereas 11 tete jumped forward with a 'stark long trace he would have acquired considerable velocity whlen the tra- ces became, taut, and, trying tb move the.tioadi instantly, would in- evitably ,snap the 'traces. Why Is Livingliiah -I The ,'story of the ad;venturtes' of a head of cabbage in New York is told by the Nelw York press., It casts much illumination • upon the much discussed high .cost of hy- ing. ing, The cabbage is raised by, a fanner in Coninecticut,` The con paratively small farmer will ,send 1800 to%2000 heads of cabbage to New York, For one heath he re- ceives •a cent and' a half. Thai the head goes to 'the commission mew - chant. He lives on Riverside' drive and pays: $0000: a year for his apart • For Sale. A well built eight roomed cottage in good repair, real good cellar, new fur- nace put in last summer, cement cis- tern in cellar for soft water, town water in cellar and up stairs, electric light in seven rooms, nand bank barn with five acres of good land adjoning in good condition, and orchard and garden, with a quantity of various kinds of young fruit trees in bearing, W. H. WATTS, William St. North, Clinton !land -Belle Buggies We have now ready a large stock of buggies of our own manufacture. All the latest styles and designs, and no. lilting but first class material used from start to finish. Our prices tire no more than for factory made buggies. Conic in and loos: theist over. ' it, t1i .1' DEVEREUX, Seaforth Boar L'or Service Having purchased from Mr. George Dale of )dinhurn, his Tamworth bog [ will keep the sauce for service at lot 28, 3rcl con. of Bullett. Terms 5I 00 at time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. L. TYNDALL Private Kindergarten Thursd(sy,: May 1511, 1014.. Barred ' Boil Egos Pringle and Millard Strains Eggs 5100 per 15. Eggs from 'high class exhibition stock, $300 and 35,03 pet; 15. Good hatch guaranteed. H, A. [IOVEY. Clinton Farm for Sale Tho Executors of the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 acres, east halt of lot 28; con. 6, Bullet',. A first class farm, well wattrei and improved and with raid build nee. A good ;or• chard amid 7 acres of hush. Apply .o R. J. Southconihe on the mamma., r Clinton PostoHice, I am starting a private kindergarten in the lower rooms of the little school on Townsend street, immediately after Easter, 'and would like a number of pupils between the ages of four and seven, She class will be held in the afternoon between the hours of 1.30 and 4 p m. Terms 31 a month. Apply HAZEL O'NEIL, Ontario Street For Sale. 'Road Stallion (enrolled) cheap for a quick sale. Apply to W. L. PEEPERS. Auburn, Ont. Calves for Sale The undlersign,ed has made are rangements to handle calves from well bred stock. These being ship. geedi by express insures them be- ing delivered in good condition • W. MARQUIS, L. WEIR Phone 14-166. Wanted A brigh t boy with fairly good education, to learn the Printing. Apply at THE NEW ERA Clinton Ont. For Sale -ter, Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. to JOE RATTENBURY. i+arin for Sale Being iot 24 and 25, 4th Con. of Stanley. 70 acres all cleared, having (ever failing spring creek \yelltented, frame house, and barn, 30X50 lean to 14X36 stable under whole .building, the staples are cement being put in one year ago. Small orchard. Tele- phone and rural mail. '7 acres of alpalfa good catch. Possession and terms In suit purchaser. Apply on premises or to W. POTTER R.R, No. 5, Clinton Drs. Geo. tt M. E. Whitley Heileman!' Osteopathic Pily. Wagon for Sale A fist -class Bain Wagon for stale. one horse wagon, large 'box, bols- ter springs, spring seat, ands only', used about six weeks coat $80.00, and will be sold 'for about half to make a quick sale. Call slow) 51 you want a bargain. Also a, ,second-hand buggy. EDWARD HALL New Era, Clinton. Lehigh h Va11c 9 y 0 This year we have changed nor brand of coal to the' Lehigh Valley, which is mined at Scran- ton,. Penn; 15 is an old and populist' brandy and is still giving satisfaction, �.. J Elollowa . Y arasiastriarsamasasammaaro Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders ;Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hostel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.ni. Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale improved farm of 160 acres, Lots 13 and 14, Con, 17, Township of (Soderich, situated on the Base Line four miles north of Clinton. CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill. W. SRYDON.E• 13AR1s1t3TER SOLICITOR NOTARY' PUBLIC), ETO CIi1NTON Befleview Dairy .Farm From our stock of • first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with best of milk and creast, and solicit a share of your patronage. E. B. HIrLL. Girls Wanted Experienced, and girls to learn Knitting and Looping. Will pay $5,00 tar week while learning, Steady employment. Pleasant position. Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING CO., Clinton, Ontario. FORD & UeLEOD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains. PORE & EVIIIRLES 59. 6I14LiE 0onneyance, ` Notary:: Public, Commissioner, etc. EAL,ESTATE AND 1NSURANOI1 Issuer of Marriage Licenses, HnroniSt., Clinton, H. T. RANO E1 A iJ E'1 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Instate, INSURANCE:AGENT--Eogrosentinglikeelis 9suranoe Omupanies,;, EDiv'ision Court Office. IVledit. al. DR' T. W. THOMPSOS Physician. Sur e on Eto epeoief attention n e Hie Rye, Ea, Throat, andloeee, Eyes carefully e emined, and' suitable glossae prescribed. Office and Residence, Two doors west' of the Commercial gats,, Huron St.. McLEOD £A411,AAAAAAAAaAhAALAAAYA AAA 44 10. a DlUlltirla or ianne • 4 1. 4 Pianos and organs rent 4 ed, choice new Edison 4 phonographs, Music & variety goods. t Music °Emporium 4 See and here our finest New Stylish designs., of Doherty Pianos and Organs, ,special' values in Art Cases 1 DRS.' GUN and Gei3DIIE1t Dr, W. Cann, I,. n. a, r., L. R. C. e.. 18dfat. Dr•J. C. (Medlar. D.A. 1I.1t, Ofnoe-Ontarlo Street, Clinton. Night callr at reeidenoe,. RattenbmsfSt,. or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. croneheur, ere,, office and residence es' tenbuty St.. opposite W. Farran's residence. DR. F. R. AXON DENTIST n rCrewn and Bridge diode a Specialty.: Graduate of Chicago. and 52.0,15.8• Toronto. Hayfield on Mondays, May lot to Deneatb.'.. DR. II. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Special care taken to make dental tresb ment as painless as possible,. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auctions- GODERIOH ONT 1151111 9t031K sales a specials/, olden a[iat. NEW ERA office, Clinton prim, meteaoa,d to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' by sale set. dieoonntedi G, D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggar• McTaggart Brost BRN10ERS. ALBERT ST , CLINTO General Banking Buslassdr transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed ss deposits The McKillop Matta t Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated Town Frogs erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean President, Seaforth. .1 Connolly, Vice-kres., Godeolcb'. T. E. Hays, See.-Treas., Seaforth, ! DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hdmesville, Sohn Watt, Oarlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seafortb, J. Evans, Beechwood, J G. Grieve, 'Winthrop J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Mc• Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector 01 losses in his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. 'Minch. - ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, E - mondvllle; .i. W. Yeo, 'Hotmeaviila, Payments may be,•made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, on R. H. Cult, Goderich. E:. E 0 4 JACOB TAYLOR CLINTON Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan (Mee lssac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunk Railway System Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London depart..... 8.30 a Centralia 9.33 5.43, Exeter • 9.44 Flensall 9.55 Kippen 10.01 Brucefieid 10.09 .Clinton 11.00 Londesboro 11.18 Blyth Belgrave 11.40 Wingham, arriveILM 5.513 6,05' 6.11 6.10, 6.35 6.52' 7.00 7f 35 South Ipassenge Wingham, depart.. 6.35 a in 3.34/'p'aa' Belgrave...... .6.50 3.44 Blyth 7.04 3.56 Londe ebord, 7.13 4.01,. Clinton 8.10 ¢,28r Brucefield 8.27 4.36, Kippen 8.35 4.47 Hensall' 8.41 4.52 Exeter 8.54 5.05, Centralia.... . 9,04 5.15 London, arrive 10;00 6.19 Buffalo and Ooderich . Wes` Passenget aro Stratford........10.00 pin p 20 p m Mitchell12.50 5.55 1.0.45 10.22 12.56 5.55 10.49' Seaforth 10.45 1.20 6.18 ILII Clinton . • 11,07 1.35 6.4011.28' Holmes ville,11.16 1,43 6.48 11.38 Goderich 11-35 2.00 7.05 1.1.55 East Paseengee am m Goderich 7.05 235 4,51',& Hoimesvllle 722 2.52 55.08 Clinton 7.32 3,03 5.70 Seaforth .7:51 3.21 5c32 Mitchell.........., 8.16 3,44 505 Stratfora......: 8,40 4)5 ` 6 20' Escm o®om®oat®om®omom®nasi n -Hoare i , C. Small Idyls. Always P"lyik a �1 vvvvvsn>mvvwrriry soeo•0000000•000•sooso•eee,