The Clinton New Era, 1914-04-30, Page 10r Van, CLINTON NSW 2314 at+ Lalies'and C �ildreri's Sprgoat ,.rawell[er'sSam0 les at Cost and 'Less S -pace will nor, ergot of a'�descri ption +In the lo'.:; , R areadies Spring •Coats, sizes 36• and 38 only.; q ; Children's Spring Coats, ages 8, lo,;,"i2 and i ? yea'rs.only. "Colors—Tango;'Tan, Ming Blue, and rey, Tweed, 4,f,tures, Etc .'r Styles are the very latest. s, PRICES r Cost ¢nd, less; l:, he savings t ori these coats are'such Sthat they will not last long. Tonle Early and Get, Best Values On Sale Friday and Saturday==2o in all ,Rugs, Carpets,, 'and Linoleums House Furnishings House cleaning time is here with the fine weather, The new Spring Rugs are ready for;our inspection. Come and see them to -day while the range is complete, We will gladly lay aside any pattern you choose until you are ready for it. New Scrims, Lace Curtains,.. and Linoleums' are now in stock; We are showing a complete range of all the new 1914 Patterns New Spring Clothing For The Boys Have you ever patronized this store for your wants in Boys Clothing ? Do you know the saving ? If not, why ? We do not claim that we carry the largest range in the county, but we do claim good values. Right now, before school starts, we are showing a complete range of Lion Brand Boys Clothing from $4 up If you want a special we can get it for you in a very short time, Come in—we will be pleased to show you through. HYDRO WAS LATE ,-: Owing to 'the workmen bring `busy at installing the new hydro (pltanftL, at the local • .lstiati'pn the 'churches ;Sailed to have light for sr the tfirst twenty-five minutes. MUST:HAVE A LICENSE it It nv?,tl be necessary for all own- ' Kers of cars 'who ]tire or drive for gain td take out a chauffeur's li- oelnsei.. By disobeying the law &thhey wilt leave themselves open to punishanent according ato the• Chauf , leer's.S.icease Act, . "a'^ ;s • ANN`CTAL CWYRCH SERVICE OF h O.O. F. The hnnYaal church parade and t'seirvice of the Indlepeii,dent Order of ,Oddfellows was held 'on Sunday evening. The. members of Clinton lodge 'marched to Ontario St. Church, The pastor, Rev. S. J. Al - lin; expressed his appreciation of the honor of bring asked to preach ', to athe Society though net a mem- ber, and a'f'ter a few remarks on the?igrowth of the Order, he: de- livie ed al .thoughtful, able ' and practical eermon on'"Who went about doing good" taken from verSe 38 and chapter- 10 ;of the Acts of the Apostlerrf The choir gave 'a 'splendid amlthem and the Lobb Male Quartette gavletwo quer telttes, n during'' the offering Mrs. ,g' IGibbings (amid Mr.,".Gitanes Thompson gave a well rendlea•ed duet. t Si MINOR LOCALS, The Dixies prayed London two 'seasons alild there was, not stand- ing room left. lhin1: of what will happen there, Get busy at once ,aud get your tickets, Dateis Friday, May Sth, The Course mane ement 'absolutely guaran- tees the Dixie Quintette ,to be composed of men Who are cultur- ed gentlemen; Renember this is a ',real classy ,ente'rtailnunjent, that is representativ:e of all that is best in the ('colored peopleC A great show but clean id every nesPeet. !t Costs No More Worlh MI It Costs I 1101? YEAST BREAD It's Pure our Mother's Uahed mat's sure out Why Should You? runner's �aherij BRI:(sHTE.N-iii? The Following as a Partial List f ,;., • ®th a 6rl hten_ u p Goods b . We Carr, • Sherwin Wl1iams Painter s Varnishes, Floor Paints Elm : ; Campbell's Varnish Stains Japalac Climax Wall Paper Oleiiner • R,pnux English Floor Follett Metal Polish -5 different kinds. Silvo the.celebrated silver polish Stove Polish -10 differ4nt kipds .1. btte01ess Mo p s„and Duetera, Jelistone and Murescq Wall Finish Silver Polishing Clothe DoorMats ,Step Ladders Flempol and Liquid Veneer Bruehes of all kinds Brooms and Whisks Simmer's Celebrated Garden Seeds SPECIAL -Free parcel post to all parties living within 90 miles of (Minion. Phone No. -'7 or drop a card, and we will send by the next delivery frepof,.charge. 11 pounds is the weight limit. LAND T H E { STOVES, 1iAR1)WA.RE AND NOVELTIES Thursday, 4Pri1.30th, 1914. Loca ISI C•Ws ****•*NN#'********R..4..*t 11.00•••••******•O******•**r LESSON IN GRAMMAR' Now is the time, For you and I, To get a club And kill the Tly iht' +7i;11S[NC;aI5M4 ”' • ; COIUNCIL' MEETS. MONDAY,, "T0.'300m,, advertilirng'ista,•game' .' The ae ular'me Mtin oP the.,gwn to others a science it may neverg g beloorn"`an.e'act d'+ u 'e until'the canned will be keg d ' on' Monday txtee x sad A... trm'H ;eom�es when:we' cam chart ielvenin'g in the council clramli'�r at, Mullen 'sinttturel.-Elbert :Hubbard: 8 4,c10Dck, „ 'i'ifE PLACE TO ,ADVERTISE "Every day we are asked to take space in the magazinle>, or other lniblications, but we have declined them all and con- fined our ad•rertishAg solely to the daily en-ewspapers."—Illar- shall Field & -Co. This, coning ,from .America's greatest merchanclicimi;. concern shouild carry weight with the pre- sent acid prospective advertiser, Don't put your antrrouneoments on telegraph poles for someone is al most sure to come along and tear them off. Don't (depend on pro- gram advertising because the man who gods to a show does so most of the time to forget; his troubles, and does mot care to per- use the ads. For some linea of goods magazine advertising is alt right. It has the 'faule\ of only reaching' the reader ante a month, and in the lapse of that time the nania .and nature (of the product advertised is liable to Oe largely 'f orgotten The liveWeekly news- paper goes into the homes every week. More and mone the readers are learning the value of watching what the advertisers have to say, Merchants have proved time and again the selling value .of newspa- per space. What is good business for Marshall Field & Co. will be good business for the Clinton mer chant, , A' SPLENDID ANNIVERSARY NUMBER The Vancouver Sun, on Monday. April 6th, Issuejd a 72 -page anni- versary tnumber celebrating .its iselcond birthday. In point of lite- rary ability and mechanical excell- (etnce it makes a irlecord for Wes- tern \Camada, and, indeed, has had llelw(lsuperiors anywhere. The il- lustrations of important- buildings in ,course, of cor4struction and the letter press reviewing the progress in material de�relopmerdt mark Oho tp;aising of the "lean year' and. the entrance of 'a period.et porspesity such as Vancouver has ,sever enjoyledl. "The day of over- night tf/ortun'es is past," shys the San. "The hday of wild ispecuta tion in land is also gone, and the day Of solid investment' has.di•- rived" Phis (will, be gratifying ' nelws+tti`rthe"peePl osf older Casii. ada 'w,ho•:havei, been hearing ill reg. ports from the' • Pacific Coast city. The Sun has done good •servrceto Vancouver in presenting- such tans'. gibhe hevidende 'of its stability and enterprise. The Sun, a morning paper, has made remarkable pro- gress in the two years' of its ex- istence. x- istelnce..Iia is a model of careful' nejwsgatherisfg and moderate ex- pression of opinion, and -itstypo- g?rap(h(y: is ple$sing to the 'eyLq, Messrs, john P. McColinel1, editor- in-chief and Richard S. Ford, man- aging director who are responlsiblle ;Per its production, aree'to +bo cord gratulated on, the results of their e'fi(orts. 'Cue of the two page 'features •were pictures of -'promin- ent Liberals of that Province and' We noticed one tot Mr. A. McDon- ald as sold. Ashilelcl boy, who is President of the Brutish. Columbia ('Liberal Association and'aiso Vice Pretsicent of 'the Dinclatoraye of 1 the Vancouver Sun.:' You can't l keep. tHinron boys dos/m. , ADV1aRTISINC-ISM S.. "To me advertising is an.* art, accts like art ai 4s (a "way," the reasonable,•+the convenient tiyay'' —Elbert Hubbard, BOA D OF' TRADE LUNCEEO r poufici ,Chatnbe,f on°8Friday .even ing;, 'May 1st, at 6.30 p.m.. Tickets and now on sale by the officers, an tit*" are t'r'ying to' et upY b thusiasm' among',the•metnbers.'"•' 'r 'LICENSES, REFUSED IN NORTH Tli Bo rd, of \Trade. and R�ta l e s ,will h61d• a lunohet n ah :ghat BAND OUT The Kiltie Band lids beleln'"ffll7 ng ,elr_gageiiients:IA, the' Pictut'e3 SlreW this:,.'week as an extra +1ltitiwction "iGoodi4- crowds were 'Present at thle Show; and. thewdafl nen was good + HURON .Satur'd'ay afternoon •,the petition Vora" North Huron in regards. to 1, the extension,of hotel; licenses for three months for hotellpespers, was rgfushed, and all are to be closed after the .last day of , this month: The comm'ission'ers met in. the. offjfe of Licence Inspector Mitch.ellp ,_,111 hotels Ore to be clos e•Id lbs r ra3 lst, CLINTON. IN LACROSSE? Monday's .Toronto papers gave the various districts in the lacrosse ,letgneflol"Ontario asi(d ,placed Clin ton in No. 5 district. So 'far no apparent effort has been made to rerorganize'for this season and it looks as if iacrossge will ;be a dead ,better,'"here though it is (till early,,yet. The other teams plac- ed;, in, the district were,—N0. 5— St.•,iVfarys, Wingham, Clinton, Sea - forth, 1Vlitchell: ELEVEN POUNDS THE LIMIT The tPostof(frce Department has ide(uejd a( circular point:galg out from numelrous ixaquiries reeei.ved Prom the public on the subject of parcel post it would seem desirable to (emphasize the fact that all ries- triotions . as regards weight and delivery have been removed. Par - eel post packets may now be mail ed up to the limit of weight of eleven pounds, and it has bean possible ,-to de so some time. The additional :fee of five dentis which was at first charged on parcels mailed (for local delivery in places where the letter carrier delivery is in operation has also been abolish red, and this additional fee 3s not now : charget1. TENNIS LEAGUE FORMED 'At n meeting held, at Se,a+forth last Thursday ;night a new tennis. league was formed compos+ed of Godlet•ich, Clinton and Seaiorth. Tennis is booming this Year in each of ;these towns, anti a most suc- oessful •season is expected. The fsalowing officers were 'elected„ President, Malcolm McTaggart, Clin A POWER'OFF',FOR 'AN HOURS , breaking of an, insulator on one of, the, hydro' poles jsl"s't 'qisaslt'• of Stratford, was the cause of the poivdr being offfor about an, hour Saturday • morning. The'lteclden't occurred just before 8 'o'clock. HURON'S POPULATION.: The complete return's of the po- 1nlation of Huron county shows net decrease of 4,355 in the .: past six ,yelars..I•n townships 3the .de - esterase is ,501, and pm towns •and • villages 794. The total population of the entire county Is 50,59"0. SETTLED OUT OF COURT Settlement out of court has been) elff€rcted. in the. action entered for trial at the present assizeslaa,Lon don, + by Fred G. Rumball, of'Gode- rich, against the Phoenix Com- pany to recover insurance upon his 'furniture factory to the amount of '$2,500. The amount of settle- ment has not been made public; GODERICH DISTRICT 'The annual district meeting o the Goderich District will be held in 'the North St. Church, Goderich„ on• Thursday and Friday, May 21st and 22nd. Ministerial +sess;on on Thursday, 2 p.m. The ,annual• ses- sion, when the latmen are to be p�ersn4t; at' 7.30 p.m„ Thursday. James E. +Nord, Chairman; , R. A. Millar, Fin. Sec. GOOD 'PROSPECTS A local plumber, in a conversa- tion on the business prospects fp thie ,summer said althoug0i not overloaded isia Tar -with contracts he had many more estimates to make than •hacl been the case Po sometime. The citiaens genera are now putting in bathroom fix- tures ,since the waterworks have become established, NEW IRE hIILATIONS Accosiding to the new license rule ~which goes into effect on' May 1, it wilt be -an offepite for any hotel keeper to serve any woman not a guest of the house. Anbth;e regulation which will go :sato ef- Obit on,,s:he same date is thata ?very hotel keeper must place a ton, red. light at the approach to each Vice-president, Rev. J. B. Fother- lire escape on his premises whirl inggham, Goder•ich, mush, be kept burning from sun S eneltary-Treasurer, W. Proud- down to guar rise. afoot Tun,, •Goderich. SON OF BISHOP WILLIAMS mar, committee, Mr. Col- mar, Seiaforth. Mr, Hodgson, Clin. ton, and Mr, Naylor Sealiorth, The Siva -Ward Club is now asking to LONDON CONFERENCE Particulars may be read. on page 5 of the coming London Methodist Con5eiienice which meets this year in`Sarnlia, the 1nll sessions open- ing on Thursday, June 4, at 2p.m., the l ministerial session snesting the clay previous. In addi'tionl to the usual business the morning ad- dresses of Rev. E. Lester Smith, D,D„ of Dcjtroit, preceding the regular session, will be a npe_ial 'ileaturc. Rev. RE. Mellott, BB.,of St. Marys, in to be the lecturer of the Theological Union, his subject being "Religion's Reality." At the Thursday evening public c msieting the chief speakers will be Rev. Dr.lGraham, Educational Secretary and Rev. Dr. Smyth, of Montreal. At the reception of IVl:irp3sters Fri- day might the speaker's wilt be Rev J. W. Baird, of Mitchell, and Rev. Dr. Flanders, of London. MINOR LOCALS. In 'Perth County in 1873 licenses we're -issued -to 115 hotels and 23 shops. For the present year the number is 40 hotels and 5 shop li oe n,s es. Mitchell, +Band' will bold a band concert on. May 8tli, Bandmaster Foubister of the Clinton Kilti:es, is' instructing thein at present; Bicyclists should stick to the roads. The .sidewalks, is' the place to walk not ride. s.A.-'aline April tshower ,ons Saturr day frsehebed'things up. Tho ' farmers have bgah "making hay ?while the isan shone" during the Bast week, or in othdr words takrng'advantage .of the fine wear that• +' ,' to prepare the ground for the Spring •crops, lawn bowling will soon ne un- dier ;a� ay if the nice weather 'k'eeps GREATESST NEGRO COMPANY IN VIERICA WIL D" SHOW HERE Of,all theConcert, companlies of coloreid'peopte thatshavte appear - }n ;Canada none has made the it ~Hat tile' Dixies have: made fn etvery':'ccityy.; The Dixie quip -tette is, ,cQ; `poaetch of ;five, a'ltists who are ell 'eeififled ': 'bduceted,'gentlemen, They. ;inure can 'sing ands -the bnjoi was never,heard, to better advan'= tag `Tile soloists are great and the ,Ontertattn(e(r is : very 'fine. The he(igemble comic nsimisa's are; ,a' tilelmeipolous (success This cost pan''y iias appeiare,d' twice in Lon- dphi and in every city in Ontario and ,hiss +e5ietated a 'furore ie(very- whiei'eir, ,The managleraent will glad ly rdfund your money if you are nei.pieasedi-'This iis'the closing number of the lyceum` conirsia and comes, (positively guaranteed, as the.. greatest company of colored men,rover heard ;here. Rememberthhg+ gate, Friday, May 8th and the ' ptiS6,4 (town ,hall' and, the price 50c, .and 35c The plan opens at Fair's BanIS:Stere•to-dlay forsubscriber•s, an os' ,May ,'4th, to general piib-' hd+d•':Giet tbere'•Ioarlyor yen will niot,,te'ven. et standing room. Comtel with, the sig crowd to the biggest cleanest, 'fncllniest, -show ever pre - genteel by a Colored companly., SHOT , foto 'Williams, the 12 -year-old son of His Lordship Bishop Wl'':,1- liams of London, was accidentally shot in the hip while playing wit( a number of other lams on the +plats along 'the River Themes at the head of Waterloo street late Thursday lafternooni While he lost considerable blood bcforleDr A. V. Becher reached, the scene, he is glow resting easily lit Bishop- stowe, to which he. was removed In the police ambulaulco, FERNS FROM THE WOODS A local florist statie(dl Ito The. New Era that now was the :tine 'for anyone who wante;dto bright en his garden with ferns to make a trip to tho swamps and get a supply. He stated that at this time. of the year the "fiddles" were just beginning to mala their appelarnace, and that it was won- derful the amount of fern roots that can be packed in to peck bas kelt, There ane many varieties of beiaatifub ferns in the neighbor- hood of the town. Thely are eas- ily transplasa'ted: and beautify any garden. MINOR LOCALS. The last day of April. Four months gon(e now. Don't forget tha Dixie Quin;tlet to on May 8. • Do your Christmas' ;shopping �elarly, All cleaned up? Thank you, that's the way to have `a clean. town. How.+does your. label read? It should ,road 31 Doc. 1014 to be square with the editor. Council Meets 'on Monday, even mg, May day to -morrow. Se+n:di in !the newsit is always' welcome, ' All thea. Kiltie Band wants now is a long list of engagements. Dont ,pe,, in to, big a hurry to get your garden in, the frost may, nip it in the bud. • DEATH OF THE BLACK KNIGHT Many' friends will °learn with deep. 'regret of the death•of Rev. J. t+ Hector, ,1pop;ularlyknowjrias the Black Knigght,, who,rdid a great deaf: for thio aelvano ment'9f' thee' tem..- d, plene,nee .cause ici Canada as wiell+ "as in 'the ihiiillited ,States, whlere he' hadr this home.' He was nearly alev- >toty (years ' of age and had -known much of the evil of the liquor trat Cc, Although the son, rof negro ,slaves, and practicailly without edu cation, he was gifted in a remark abbedegree,`"and after a youth .of many vicissitudes, during which he. lf(ought'as d. volunteer in the civil war and vas also a railroad engine driver„ he became a minister of Use African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Suhsslquertly he de- voted his time to tplatrorm'' advo- cacy of the prohibition cause and was widely known, in the United States, Canada and +Gr,eat Britain .where his .sparkling wit .and earn - ANY ROS In Your House for Wall Paper? Wall Paper to Our (louse' for �(� ,I�IY, 1?0V1VI Obey that'iriip1llse l.ntl• "have' yoiur home re- decorated, Of course; wed'bnit..+selltall,our papers under in price, snagt, there s magip a snag fi y our StOc' i sthOW+'ca'SornR with,hnrderct.and 1.J.. ceiling's t0: G e as,,„cheat) a der moll The W. D. Fair eo. Often the ehapsst—A[Iways the Best CLOSED FOR TEE WEEK The Jackson Factory is closed. •for a week while trate firm is stock- taking. They open again on May 4th. ONWEG-LIDES Another enjoyable asslembly was held last Friday night in the town hall wheln the Onlweglid(es held another dente. Phalen's Orches- tra ,supplied the music. INVITED TO TORONTO The' St. Matthew's Bowling Club of Toronto, whohave been gulests of the Clinton Bowlers, have in- vited the local 'bowlers to bring 'five rinks to Toronto on the 24th. It is altogether likely that the bow hers will go down. ' L. CADETS AND BUGLE BAND The C, C. I. Cadets and Bugle. r Band' are hard at work drilting'for their annual inspection next'month wheln (Major McCrimmo(n will be• there to inspect. ENJOYED HIS SLEEP Pu,epdray about 12.30 a well- known 'harmer was driving down: Ontario ,street 'fast aslelap, one t' line was :dragging while the other one was on the dashboard. When turning at the Molson's Bank cor- ner the horse started(( to gallop,. which woke the driver up and pul ling our the one dine pulled , the horse up to the sidewalk clear H. Wiltse'sl Store. After getting the other line oft the roadhte quietly drove off. NATIONAL Portland eement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ANDREWS CLINTON AV lour 01110' for Eavc• roughill'r, ,I'liuubing, and General Repairing 1T ' US Prices Moderate Workmanship and Material - the Best.. Call at Rowland's Ilardws re or Phone 53 Thos. Haawkin-s Plumbing and Heating The Coiner Store "Lave and Let Litre • fl'e Like to Meet You flue. to Fare That would he our choice, but when this cannot he the case, we hope to• hear your voice. 1750 Phone 45 for Choice Groceries CAKE -clave yon tried our Fancy Cakes and Soda Biscuits.' Butter and Eggs wanted., Highest Market Price. E. E. Hunniford PRONE 45. 444+4444 4.4+4 +'4.4.44• x vimemmaawramaxeonsf -r JACKSON'S SHOE STORE 4•. •r QUALITY Is first, last, and all the tirne the im- portant consideration in our Shoes. See them—It is discovered Wear them -7h is experienced. 'Always The Biggest PoQsible Value for the Least Money at ` ` Clinton's Foremost Shoe Store GOOD SHOES FOR EVERYBODY In the most complete assortment at all tinies The Authentic Styles and unsurpassable values in all binds of h'ootwear are Found Here. assemsels est ,appeals. were Always ays received'' * With' overiv elming• -entirlasaae'ns. a4. ,ti Hie has gone to 'Ms reward, but tho results of his work remain. Its T. many years new 'since he visited + Clinton and gave. his well known •'F' tteAiperance ltocturos. to4siS 1 0.144 - lutist ate +l ++it isSiStreasa ' a t .a•+.r44+,*it++ a,.:,