HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-30, Page 2lu
t i, roe, h s
Established .1865,,V ol. 48, No. 4
I-1. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher
If you have what you want not; `and,'want w;
you have
dry New Er, a Want
THE War or Peace In Mexico?
j o -al BaP11
1 .Ae, soon ,as the attack can Vera 'Toronto, ,and the United, States re -
Head ;Office, Montreal
cl, tai 4A9ior zea
Csplts' Piud-up 11.500,000
Itigpro and aini3vifded 1&644,000
.OTel, A0317'rs 170:000,400'
iwdtth world Wide • a conneetibm
Interest allowed
on Depootis
General iBankdng ,business trills-
F ormaldehyde
Prevents Slut On Grain
Fresh stock of hest quality
just received,
Dispensing Chemist,
The Quality Drug Store
Cruz was anaiauneed( Carrenza, the
Constitutionalist 'leader, declared
the-acttion•, an attack+ on ' Me deo,
and, in'tlmated his read.mess; to
�oii1; )vitt 'I le{vita pre: seppe1l, i g it. .
illa t t,a l,''rrnpi al,_ mulktaiy`'4eadei"
Of the iCon,stttutienidiets, ;and ,vvho;
phold.sart,'of Zdeatico: along `
the Arpericon border; declared that
he would. ',,(not lois; with 'Heurta,
and it vvas event reported he had
'.practically,eltlnee,dl,Ida ,ichief.under.
arrest to 'prei!entr,thie latter' doing
so, (either, , Th'e:.Utnited, States,, on
its part„leas eindeay.ored to make
it clear that' ,(there is, no rnL1eCnt:fon
oh',f making .war.lon Medco, that
ta attack is cin ±Hounta: alosi{a. As,
vidtence of • , good faith UnitedStates military activities have been
limited to the holding of Vera
Cruz c '
iliq¢leasitniveiiii lMeXtico has been
teyscoiteitl;; tc4 tela 'i ruz Thee
has ealati:ibeen, eigelieltal exodius
o Americans from Mexico, •
Gerrymander sof
cave liberal
' Seats
On e to be Wi ed Out and Two'
Will Show Conservative
.. Toronto, April 25. -Summarizing
the effects of the new Redistribu-
tion Bill on th•ei present Liberal M.
Meantime.,a .•,most hopeful die+ Y',• P.'s, as fit was prevented to the
velopment pian occurred.: Ai•g;en$ Legislature. by the Hon. W. J.Han-
tina, Brazil midi Chilli, thle three enayels(telday, theme are five of
those members who will deal .the
seiffects of the tlelmpost in a Very
positive manner and to only one
of the five has there been given
lela.ding, countries of South Amer-
ica, have joined ,ire a formal offer
of imeidiation for the 'settlicjnnent of
the (difficulty. This offer has been
accepted, .by Huerta, The United a greater sender of security. Thesle
States ,Go.'ernmeai(t has :also ac'-re(preselntativeS are; Meseirs. C. M.
,cepted the: offer.,, It is altogether iBowman, North Bruce ;• William Mc
probable, theroione, that a settle-
n-imt will be reached. Donald, Centre Brace; J. G. Ander-
Meantime, however, the latel4exi 'son, Soutir Bruce. Thomas Marshall
Hahn -
can 1Yiinister to Washington is in of tMonck, and C, Ko.hler,of .ford
mend. In addition, North. Oxford
is affected slightly. Of the five, the
riding (of Mr. Marshall has been
wiped out entirely, the riding of
C. M. Bowman has been strength-
ened from a reasonably .safe one to
an exceptionally ,strong Liberal hive
while of the three others, two have
been given Conservative maturities
and the last has had a majority cut
lfrom 1.125 to 227, These estimates,
are all bleed upon the vote 'at the
Business Men do not want
"improperly prepared” young men and
women in,theti,pflices. Attend
A school that has a great reputation
for superior work and or placing
l many in choice positions, Write for
.olsowssmo— , catalogue.
!Peel and Huron to Lose
r Licenses on May
a s:,Ha n
May be Three„Months' Fxtension
of the P,rivlaeges, :However.
28 Licenses be
cut ' off
in the counties of 'Feral and, Huron,
on, May 1, oivin� to the Capella
Temporan re votes in those ridings
though (there may be a ,three..
months ,ecten ion of the license
privilege. That Was the announce
meat of the Hon. W. J. Hanna be -
Tore the Legislature this forenoon
when the leader of the Opposition
who was ,pi esent, prestrea. lee
jfturtlt,ex information upon that
point. Mr. Rowell was of the opin
ion that whems the application first
Help Clinton ,climb, \•
Huron, Couinity should lead the.
Roti* aro yyour;hehs )0010.11g :after
yourrsi'eghbonle garden,? This, is
the isaason' When 'Limb cannot be
Sines ithe f.. T. R • tae settled the
nuelation,•of'the Union ldepo:t at
Last 'Fri e - OV lin M. Tom • Toronto I ejrhaps •they will turn
`Fridley ern g
tii,ear aitteu ion Cl x
Jackson arrived home after, his sex--
teondled visit m Florida 'and South
Carolina where the spent'the win
:ter to escape th!e coley blasts. He
retunngd in good spirits and ex-
w+edlent health arid will boost 'for,
Clinton once more,,
wont in for a vote under the Can-
ada+ Temperance Act 'there had
bee;n`;anl' ,aggre(etnent between the r,� ,
Federal Government and the Pro-
vincial Benjamin sen•etary that if the vote i U ! Noble'
carried in January there should b!i
no liars•'I,esisalted( aiter,May 1.
"Th,e holroinble gent-leatan has
come very nearly stating the truth”
Sinks 'in Lake Su erior
k p
neiturnledi the Hon. Mr. Manna. 20 Lives Lost in First Tragedy of
.,. _
tawa without this Government be -
"The Present Season.
'discussion came. up at . Ot
rated 1
lag n,otafie,di What we s a
ter wast that the policy of the
Government in the Manitoulin caste
had been to cut off the licenses
and that was the policy which we
proposed- to adopt c, era this case.
If we follow our 'course as in
Manitoulin, there would. be a three
months' extension of license pri-
vileges, but whethler we will do
last general election. that in the case of Huron and Peel
Bruce Affected Most. I am not prcl�aredLto say."
The most marked efforts of the
gerrymander are to bre seen in the
three. Bruaes, which now return as
three Liberals to the Legislature
In the North riding Mr. .Bowman' -
ger The Teacups
had: a majority of 391, and his riding
1 now becomes West Bruce with the
Molsons �� TCentre Bruce, rlajor ty \Villia -
McDonald, by majority of 104, be -
Incorporated 1555 comes North Bruce with a Conserv-
ative majority of 234, South Bruce.
Capital and Reserve ' $8;7000,000 remains South- Bruce. Formerly J
G. Anderson had the safe majority
85 BRANCHES IN CANADA of 305, but this has been wipedsout
by the addition of 'Conservative
municipalities until it now shows
a Conservative majority of 7,
1\Ionck wiped) Out.
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
Manager • tjlinton Branch
'►0.O•••4••••••.••••••••••♦• ••00•••••••••••+1®00••0••0
• Ordered Ready to•Wcatr
Ot Ill^"'
l,l i (.
Different -
fetter Clothes
In our business of sell-
ing -clothes our, policy is
to furnish our patrons
with the'best clothes that
an be made.
In the selection of our
garments we are generous
b` t
it not extravagen .
d•' tail that makes
for Better Clothes is care- •
fully looked after. •
The pocket riding of Moncic which
Mr, Marshall won by 151, disappears
entirely. This has been split up
until a portion goes into Welland
and the balance into the .nota West
Lincein Th. Haldiman3 rid:1g wi a on the Duluth entry pier went out,
Gormerly sae in the • hands 01 C• No blame is attached bymarine
• Kohler with a majority of 425, Now Mr. S•warts left 0e. Tuc,sd,ay •to
the Conservative yore action of spend t s:hor•t holiday with his sou, men to Captain Prior, who has
Moncic has been tranyferrelci to at tWingham. charge of %the lighthouse here, or
faldimand, thus i•educintg Kohler's Mr, reed, Forrester, wire has lice, to members of .his crew, If thee,
possibilitsen "to a Liberal majority r relieving at Sarnia, :s home Lora fault lies anywhere, ciosseImen say,
el 227, short vacation, it is 'with the antiquated equipment
Practically the •,thole Liberal v'o'e ' of ;the lighthouse department. The
from Monk has been centered in Miss Jessie Grainger, formerly a lighthouse bas no electrical ser -
the, new \Vest Lincoln, thus making nurse at the 'hospital, has been, vice, and when, a storm of such
a Liberal seat with a majority of visiting in town, ' proportions as that of yesterday
'190e • �� f Detroit. is and last night conies up there as
.MeRao, o
Thos. IFI R
saf East rvative is left decidedly sI7. 1 0
safe Conservative with over a'thou visiting with his •mofilner and other no way for the lightli(ouse me.ttito
rs6;atrves in town. • get 'back and forth to atte,uld to
Mrs, (Leary, of Mitchell, was a
the, lights.
visitor on, 1uesdlay with Mr, and
Mrs. D N. Watson. emeiiedeo0a?teiseo0vofd+•000
Mr. B.I.'Gibbin.gs left last week 0 • ai
Tor Winnipeg Where he joins the a W1TII THx1 CHURCHES. -as
C. P. R. Staff again. • •
Mrs. Laidlaw, of Detroit, spent n6i••6®®6md®®m's®39O®®•
Mo.ndlty ret !the home of Mr. and SALVATION ARMY.•
or. -
o e1 0
George 1 , '• the Pr
Mrs. • ' t of
. Capt. iiPled Maitre,
We are, glade to deo ivtV. J W. vinciai IIeadgnarters, will conduct
Elliott out again 'after his opera- apetcsah meeting at• the S. A. bare
tion at .the local hospital: reeks on Suiitday, •
Mr. ,and Mrs. Ne'ls,on Cole and ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. •
s ent
Eva. and
ri dae•n D f it La -
r • uaI meeting o the
Thee inn
, ds in Be ,
' n fells,
�d1 visits with else-
Sur. I• 'Paul's v i
r g Guild f 5L. 1
Y ,dies sGuil o
miller, tion officers will be held, sur Owen's
Mr, James Ifeiarne. as expected Memorial Hall one Monday after-
laere any day to spend the sum- impel at the usual Lime.
mer With hie 'old. friends and neigh,, BAPTIST CHURCH,
bore, Rev. F. Fairful of Stratford will
Mr, Josli Cook leas not beesaany
Mrs. (Dr.) Axon is visiting at
Mi-. William Mason, of.Blyth, was
in town ton;Thursday.
Mrs, :Howson,w as on the sick list
but has recovered again.
Mr. Thos, •Trick is away vis'titi.g
his brother, who is dangerously
Duluth. Apirl 29. -That the steam
er ;Benjamin Noble, her crew of 20
or more and a large cargo of
railroads iron were swallowed up in
the turbulent waters of storm -
swept Lake Superior last night,
was made almost certain ito-day,
when the life-saving, crew picked
up wreckage from the steamer off
Minnesota :Point, Duluth. All ef-
iiitoniward an i
e longpromised ,station
,build 'the ,P
House here.
r^ -
1j1exico ihae '`rather +sidetrackted
Irellandt in the Meantime. If we
,`were talking into,t.he (ear of Mexico
'we'd !advice a very quick and am-
ply 'apology and wiilin,gne,ss to fire
10 times 21. guns if President Wood
row 'Wilson would call off the dogs
of war. There can ,only be one
end' to such a conflict and iMexieo
'should kinow what it will be.
We. xat11ei' like :the .action ;of the
Conservative M:P.P's of the Pro-
vinciai Legislature lin presenting
Premier Whitney with • $2,000 °las
an levidenee of their affection and
,e(4teem. There are Itimes when
such sexpressionsare specially in
place ,and we would presumte that
this ,was the cycological hour ;in
Hon. Mr. Whitney's history. • His
reply avould indicate that such was
the case.
There'll the;'sonits merry seram-
bung during 1914 if the Provincial
and .Federal election contests are
programmeal. There am some 1el-
lowe who had better bid good-bye
to ;Toronto and. Ottawa before corn
ing home as they, are not likely to
ever get back unliess on sonedele-
forts to find the hulk of thest;eau gation. The most of constdtuencies
er have proved fruitless', The gd.o. desire real men of ideas and ideals
inateiarl (of [voting machines or
oral belief is that she mimed: the sfigur,*here're,
Duluth entrance and struck the
Point and esd foundered in very deep The advance of Temperance sen -
water. ' timeint'in 'Perth Co. is made plain
In addition; to- the sleigh seas last in that in 1874 tleae were 145 ho-
and 23 shop licenses granting
night there was a heavy mist and while in 1914 the number of hotels
snow anal the Duluth entry light lictelnsed are 40 and ,shop 'licenses
was but. • 5. Belaore the close, sof this year
the ,record may be better than
No) Bodies Ashore Yet • that as the electors will he asked
U to this evens no bodcies had 'to express theme;e(lved on the de -
e ng sirability ' of putting the Canada
come ashore'. Reports by (excited. Temperance Act into effect.
people who lined Park Poise.: that --o---
bodies had been fbtimd. this after- Time will soon be here for the
moon proved incorrect. • annual 'Farmers' Excursion 10 the,.
While the Noble was trying to Ontarid Agricultural Ooblege,
y g Guelph. If you have 'never been
there you have missed a great
deal .that is interesting and edu-
cativne, 11 ,you have visited. the!
'farm arrange to go again land see
the sniany new 'featurtes specially
plefasing to the tillers of the soil,
the dairy, •poultrymen and bee-
keepers. Watch out for the date
in June.
J. P's deal out law a
or favor sev-idently. The
"s the fining of
b Court L
sand votes to the good. The new
• i Niagara Palls is Consi:D•vative by
+ 389, while enough of the Consset; va-
I tive vote from Monet is shifted
+ , into Welland to give it a majority
' + ' et 230. Marshall' Land Kohler are
± I nrevented'lram both running again
• I by being shuffled so that both now
• ! reside in Haldimantd.
4 Hiving the Liberals.
°• e who ne-
• In addition to these five,
ive such a decided shaking up,
✓ ce
bcu. m< se
' r change has xl
,a alight t
I in the Oxfords, repre.(elated by
Mr. N.W. Rowel. The, ,clisposition
has been to mass more Liberal vot
alreadycafe seat of
es in the
Opposition leader. This ie donee
by putting the village of Tavistock
entirely in North Oxford, it being
'foranerly partly in South Perth. By
this shuffle, Mr. Rowell gets an ;ex-
tra 78 Liberal votes, which South
Perth is made just that much more
sd',ilffi�cult to 'redeems,
By •these adjustments, six of the
aailtx9'teen. 'Liberal scats have been
nsfarangged. The balance remain
untoucheld ,
Nothing ",Slighted.
n is
Alex Sparks and Wesley Hervey are
buying a carload of horses to ship to
the West:
Mr. John C. Cochrane, of Stanley
• sold a tour year old colt to Mr. Mc,
'• • Grew, of Dublin, this week. Mr,
• Cochrane is always noted for raising
•. the,hest. ,
• Miss Claudie Cochrane. who has been
as stenog-
to rd byag,
with her
• rapher, is spending afewdays
"• Cochrane,
Mrs. 3,' C
. Uoch
• parents
l0ir, and
• village
e ,old
sof .F
M RotRg
• ♦!
Mrs, h .
spent• a few'^days with•her
Inn. Huntsley of as oodstock.
Sproat, .w o asbeen'
,ding la acs co eke a pep , ,
b t
too well during the past week, but miornin g and eveningeech in the rand aiet tuAu-
Au -
his old, friends hope for bettierre- burn in the afternoon.
Mrs. (lDr.) Ferguson and little' Rev. W. M. Grant of Ayr, will
d ughteml of K ncardimle; spent a conduct services in Willis Church
liew days the igueste of Miss Amy on Sunday,
Howson. Anniversary services will beheld
Mrs. 'P, W. Balph and 1Masft'em in this Church on Sunday, May
Harvey. oA Toronto,.are spenfd4ng loth when Jtev. 'LE. Reid', pastor,
tiro week witli, Mr. and Mrs. J. . of Alhambra Avenue,. church; Tor- ouns'e(lves under your own vm
Leslie Kerr. onto wilt preach mounding and amd'fig trew mancyl a in this20th
Miss Norsnvorthy, of St. Thomas, ! ep'aning:•; ctntuiy, how many people grow so
who' was here taking part with ;the WESLEY CHURCH ,
enthusiastic is over a light. hath old',
aKiltie,Bandi Concert is a cousin of o r,ed.'botli morningdies h spirit of our forefathers
the Shipley family.' Pastor pr a_ rtdlies, line and seems, to ppogoo
and evening. At"the'eivening ser ythe.feline`iiuwber`ot'lives• A good
Mr. iHodgsonr of the NIolson'e vice,
Jar.0. Andlrelws eaa>tg' "Hold straight !shot s1lnishes the whole 7
Bank (staff was in Seafortll on Thou yMy Hand: however. t
Thursdlay '. (veni(ng last attending Quarterly 'Fellow ship ;.lie@ting in o
tla,e tenWis,metetttng. . School.:sRoom,atl0 am Sacrament taps"o'' 'Govelnme t
s .. th,e
d er, of, e
Illi Rus :Forbeis, who is s stn - ,of thee.. IeGem s,. Supp the would-eo.... ,as-. men as Ii p c
in Normal at Straltfprdj is play morning teermon ch' ' t
S t Snids'er'`'f'br 'political officyb s
C°aina(ia'ri Govrern-
ment Report
The following is an extract
taken from' the eeport of the in•
land devenue . Dep es iment . It .
serves to 'show' 'the excellent '..
ositionh la b
Beef, ;Wine and Iron
In Beef it is 3lf times'stronger
t}inn•}hd �'�,v a .,' f
,? er ge a all others,
Paull 14 Wiled eta'onger •lira,".the
lowest. 1n Troia it is 15 per cent
higher :than'theenext •:beet.prnp•
arataon,+<and 33 per tent stronger ,
than the lowest, '
This ,reparation costs'•you'no
more than an inferior article, It
is for sale at
W.Q.R. Hilae
This week we:will have our' ;
first shipment of Fresh L'iscious
Louisiana Strawberries at. ,
15c per Pint Box
We will also Have
Fresh Tomatoes
Fresh Pineapples
Fresh Rhubarb
Fresh Cabbage
Fresh Celery
Fresh Lettuce
Fresh Green Onions
W. T G 1 �ilU
Phone 48 I
to note that eight full months have
been ,given the offenders to set
their 'respectitie laouses -in order
before the hour.of their municipal
'death arrives.
Councillor Wigle, of Goderich,'
!displayed a gond deal of common
lselnse in �suggeelting 10 the Coun-
cil that a little more attention lila
paid to Sunday School and oother
Es.cursiond visiting the County
town, Godserich 'is certainly a
beauty 'spat in Summer but a good.
` tie. tact
•s thought
tan vier
shownthe "cold shoulder"
.eters our note t was
25 :young gaffers 51.00 each for be- !frequently an evidence. Repays
ing )too gay at the skating rink , towhave some
and thfofficial
ipecac by "you
and despoiling the property. Some- the validity of the words. Council
times e good. ,stiff line, promptly
po11V(ctedy is worth 10:000 lectures !ad1P ed Mr expectation.gion so we
on good ,bc9saviour The law
bre(alcees ;don't often go wrong --o—
beicause .they don't.know better,
but rather because they heed what Idet looksr tlass probe, theiif the West
°'Old ;Barry" has to say to tires,. Shore railway investigation the
_- dishonest
— re.'dis
! aalc•er
and more dl
not the o.
')vhsga you make an appoint transaction. Moyes is
men\: sfor a certain hour keep it to ly sinner in the case. One trouble
the minute, if possible. Nothing has been the apparent unitvilling-
much more annoying to busy pec ices on the part of some witness-
pie than to convene and havvle to es to tell the whole truth and ano-
ethat o matter
for is m
, be
', utca e • �'ff'cult
6 In tl a til aI
• 'from
i5 to >I
wait fm
dy't is oim
Thanfindingt g
's, onthe g
• m iwhat
a n ccs
ear .
that s el Y
q the sto the .arum
ci al-
to `Ieivable the `Uusinidss• of mean a big los P
gathering •to proceed• It is oftien
Mee, to. say nothing about the
more a habit than 'from any reason annoyance and anxiety during the
that could not be overcome. Every passing months. The Commission-
body on his dot would add to the ere report will be awaited with
pJ(easnre'of 'all and the progrlae�•felverishl interest;. An old saying
of :business .ase well. "In business .transactions rix-
--c_- gard every man as a rogue, until
Sa,veral Canucks appear to bre
you prove him true," may not be e.
very anxious to try their hand. at !to adopt but such cases as', the
the war bussu one ref>errled, to has e tendency
vol`untigerinl to aid Uncle Sam.
to shake the confidsenge of the,
Those Mettcan bullets are ublic in the business initegriity of
things to ss'top• boys, and if you ; om,e public ascan,' Too much con
take our advice you ,willto them•. :Pittance was reposteld in the pro-
moter of the road and. libertygiv:
eln,to-d(o• Much gas' he pleased in
nu nipulating the affairs. It is a
!dte;ar bought lesson but will prove
a warning for the years: to come.
ing 'half r bac.,;; with the football Tine pastor Will preach morninlg
• Mies h . h e m at+th,e Noxinal., + 444 gveolnlg••,.
fanr rices=ever . • Agnes' f (a.
�'��. y. to d h t Gael b bee"' _ ''b 1L •lZ ' On 'Welrytieedgy eyiening the, an
• at u
�re, iS bas?e on actual a
,.rr. .
Of our
cost, slid he resin.
.,s.a x
efforts; are `apparent..
We :haw6 ai'' good ,:busi-
ness because we offer
the best'of'clothes at the
least possible; price.
on .oMcKillop.
a m
s with is xis er, Mrs; ; :am
4 mint., '.: .• "• 'crit ' E.?03ork
Dia McDermid, of Hensel an Mat r John a t: 'T, E. Eas•t.
Arnold of London called on a tew ` C11n onithio week Fink' Watson.
Se i
their old•
Anna el friends thist week,the bowling ra S ` G w Cunni, tame;
Asst e+ br
dan,roa me been on the sic 1 Island. • thepast w days but we hope chs
M G Ballard, -who was a itrtn/nkl,enit in has report 'showed
•• Mr, T. Melts of Kippen is spending been ! training as nurse at the conflation ;send the attendance has
•;, returnedh
sc "ooi
the n a it
„anal m
esti, o u . Y
at g
I a X R ,
' `Counter)'C•. Ttvitc; el Wil . ..., . - ; : 0.11o'ivt , o �fi
• sent , , ,h,e � mJg >:,.
J D d f p ,: e• a}vas,an,�,.
,t d4 to 171 r .r..
• a fewday h h' ', t„ J es lett uc's1 ca'r qn Tit°atadsay ," o�%s were eilecte e,
McCy upe1rnntgnd ,$ e•
h (Watt a xiveld back ext tq
1 aM M J r
Asst, S
ve 1c to tato carie of nI1 +
• -, of t
., " Grce"� Rita 1�ies spent,; c•, ,
Miss elle McLean,:.of'the Lem ..the winter up in the Manitoulin
• b k list for Tre'a,s W 'H , Gellyar, The Super
d has
v' pas a Mrs. Geo. y
• may Qeon he'around agate: turner resident here, and who has that the s,cheol is in la !flourishing
♦ • share of hie g Bel lin tri tat
0'"'"'' last Frilner,eased 'ower last , year. The
• • fruit orchard, diay'and 'von the gold medal' rs. sac ere - luted., last
• • who as:,.,ord Watson, of our. village ast
• _ ffdiaYaan'd told fireside here will be ae rs weday lewenfiM of
• 0 rias bon. in t)hston for rheaaast her isuccesst week the -- S. Meld `their ? an -
M i► . of 4t., "_ pleased to, hear of fe n,uaa "Thank -Offering." . M.Sei Addresses
t Ste out New Spring Suits "couple on
• ,given by Mies O.
O t0
•' our New Spring Overcolts �� 41!x;8,5 , $
See p g S.,ti. ,
• - k4nli4 business, u were
turnetd to Clinton after a year s Pray for 'Missions, Mrs. ?loaith-
• • I at Woodstock are 3 "scions Must.
vacationCombe cin Give, to Mr
4.••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••04••••••4 s,
o ,
'ger n
A Square Deal tor �. y)Oi
• The late Rev. sR 'Hicks of S
• I cos, was curate of Goderich
• 1878 until 18$3,
0 Petition
Exeter: Counter. will 1
J. '1VLern'er, M P,, trio `lave. ',xt
• made a port of entry, London
o in our genteel port, Many.
s islaable gods are ruined 1>e
they Teach here,
int- busy 'getting settled in the home
nes,s instead of attempting tq i e -
littl'little 'the. ,mn�deniabl(a .charge ;}bade
the pp bsitiond^ +they;,' *ould
h t
' a
ellen ,
'i n
is ` t °,-dod n!glb' lac
an , g'r
ac � he
ie t kwai.-
.i urdu ell isn hie;.-'defepei��:yr r.
t ' ler ' nwound ,hi :'.alrttle ball af•
warn �to.ahe`wrong`,-'.People nu apiia.
,eral instances but his des. n was
t. . 'r. Snider may'
no .ilexes spears, 1j'I
ibe la mien man but his zeal yeas
not aempered with wisdom last
Sometimes we +fear that the news-
papers of this. day are losing too
much of the old time aggressiver',
nelss in combatting what is con-
sidemed (wrong or opposed to the
beat interests of the people, While
about rela3y bit shed a 'few e
the Mitchell Advocate oaanle
Stone on' (Study Missions, Mists
hand and we observe the old spin,
is still ,alive(. It ,s'ays' in part, -"In
in on, Ontario istre,et, Theirold,
,frietnds rare imlleld1 glad to see
th,eiru in town once More.
Uers of
J, Beiv. rind Mrs. Chain
Winnipeg 'alt (spending • ,a few
O ter
Ex, -
I elclays,W at-
g and M
wtl'i Mr.
/~� ♦ be- visitors rare -' on ' their
son. P
eddin' trip ,auld will visit with mi s great per,. Weddingavil'I iseeahe finish of.thle men who
p ' Ontario u
fi ends un On „ ece of
relatives .arid r o rub- . •scall• 1
xol. 'to save,WV:hedr ld i d� thl�s rho
Y p
ui u a ,un ln,eei e
g g
re, Western ai
f 1
th :iassn
'to, e
tai, , 1
'o return ak is b
beeore M. 1,
lgthe' !w. S. • h you 1 P
berm For business through." g
home. ,
Greene Ilan a Solo, Mrs. ' 1?'en
'dedicated the "offlejcing." at is
only necessary. _ Cto mention the
the- names of those taking part
thatthe program
was ex-
to rateP g
'oelLen.t add all. who were absent
a ,ed a treat The, congre-
ation is requested when "clean -
'spite of th,e opposition of la ea
'80 per cent of the ratepayers of,
Idlitchesll. t tithe Public School and
decided to go
on with the erection' 'of e. 530,090
sehool buildsSln . January"' neat
• tr t
,E�t(rtlu� Mttrrl.t es d'Gri➢e
d ,IAS
JHullett, our : A pri'1 23rd,
'to•,11Mr.-hand Mrs. Thomsis Knox
qf, lath 'coneasefony d '500.
C-ALDI'9t'ELL-10, iHdlbet�,` on ' .Sip
s ' Mms. Robert
C;ald;xvell, a, daughter.'
(Hogs: ,$11,50
iB,ultte�r fi`y •,,
allggs, 19-20
Wheat 1,00
Oats 40
Peas 1.00
BarlseY 50-52
Bran: " 120
Shortsq' 1527-$28.
Toronto Markets
55. 25
C_ :_ 16ogs, ..' ai8,50
Cattle ...... .:... ::.:'
Lambs. ..:.. .... 510.00
17 50 .
Chess 15e
Butter:..:L. 24 to 251-2 •
Eggs .
... 20c• 1:00
Wheat.. . , 45
Oats t 45
Badea . 82 0
Ptate's, per bag $1,00
Beans ..... .,.... $i.75 do 1,85