HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-30, Page 1r i 1 1,; Established 1865,,Vo1. 48, No 4 ( C LINTON ONTARIO T HuRSDAY APRIL 30 1914 If you have wha THE \� ?ayai app. Craplrl%QA As oon ,as the attaelc on' Vera .Toronto;',and t `' United States re- S HeadAffice,'Montrcal *is aenriunced1`Carranzal the arillels�yt atLVe[iii exico lidsbeen ' t' 1 it • ''i eder , eelerad (ejscorteiii "t4 Vera Cruz. There t ' %• :� - , i #d• exodus, z 6 p 00 ands iuilttmated itis read�rtess to Of Ameri..ans from •Mea co, al A tL ri ed �P Q QlQ ''tl JJ { rev n' r'e elLang it ou want not, and want what far or Peace in Mexico?• Constatu lom(a 3s ei --f -- tire-agtagn an attaelc ons ercrco, has else b en ,a gra le t RPrli„• • oln, lvi t, E uiP , al xn di ar' 2eado' al up kl G00,000rlla, tltie PrinFnp y; del of ,the Co}r�st^3tn+txgri(alists, and .who,. . nares a,nd wn'dlvt I 1vI>e tco aeon � n •holds laat;,'airt.lof bt gG�rr �, �# O'i{AL ASSETS 17,bi9¢,1Q00' 'e t out el 'not der with He• ta,; " I" Ti h f l' Y IE I, •'alis Flue liber a n>•�-; � ,� the:Ameil4an bonder,, avaelmed that.. K (af 3426 .BRANCEES world wide cenneetlomt P e U' ed Stytea on With so,' eittt�r Th tiered One to be Wiped Out and Two Interest allowed on`Depoefit• t o Conservative i clear. th k1a Will Show C se Qeneral {Banking ,busilnees ,t01eks o: making war 1 n NTereaco, that Majorities: acted. - d f itl U told -- Toronto, April21.—Summarizing \ titer effects of th;e net' Redistribu- vrl4leantfma• a :aitoet Iia e;Ful dlei a tion Bill onthel present Libleral M. velopment [has occurred Arglenf� I '" P. s, ase. was pre JPnted to the tins, Brazil anal) Chili) the, throe« Le'gislature. by the Hon, W, J.Han- leadin countries of South Amer- nay ls(memberday, these are five of g' those, members who will les) •the ica, Lave joined ,irk a formal offer )effects of the tempest in,a very of lm�eldiatlon for the a settlielntelnt of posntivd manner and -to only one the (difficulty. This offer has been of the five, li.as these been given agreater sensle of security. There s. rs: G. M. tativ � a e, ME V ieseln e F 1p Id 1 1' m Mc t race• Willa Bowman. •Nord B , ui , ,and it was'leivela re�.p ortied .he had, iea 1l.: ':. "'1 bl ittis :•chief under., 'practr 1 y�,;ti„ac, arrest ,to , rey:44,iitbe latter. doing 'art has elncleavored to rat e ,its p ,• t ' 'a;t ete'le 1110 in 1e11 :, e 0 the, attack :ase on FLousta alone. As plvid(ence o'f'••,'geo faith ria e States military activities have teen limited) to' the holding of • Vera R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH aec. ted. •by Huerta, Titre United P I orniald,ehy. de States Go,rernment has ,also ac: gepted the offirr. ; It is altogether • probable, therefore. that a settle; son, Soutn Bruce; Thomas Marshall merit will be reached. Meantime, however. the late Mexi cant Minister to Washington its in Prevents Smut on Grain Fresh stock of best quality just received. J. ]:. HO-VEY Dispensing Chemist. The Quality Drug Store �� ,.catalogue, AINIONIAMW Business Men do not want "improperly prepared” young inn and Iwomen in.thetr offces,. Attend ELLIOTT I i • TORONTO, ONT. - A school that has a great reputation for superior work and or placing i many in choice positions, Write for The Molsons Ban Incorporated 1555 Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKINI. DIMNESS TRANSACTED. Cl'ROULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT 1- ISSUED BANK D ONEY�01-IDERS SAVINGS- DEBPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING. Manager ' Clinton Branch. 0 • ♦ • •• ) • • • • 1 �l • • • •' • • ••• •♦ •' e • Z ' Ordered ale red Clothing > + 1 Realy to Wear e to 1 ,Y. � ttil a� Different: fetter Clothes • • • • S our New c._rin..Overcoats 7,,49,,J 8. 50, to •D 5 aOM of Monek, and C. ICohler.,of Haldi- mand In addition, North Oxford is affected slightly: Of the five, the riding (of Mr. Marshall has been wiped .out entirely, the riding of C. M. Bowman has been strength- ened from a reasonably 'safe one to an exceptionally strong Liberal hive while of the three others, two have been given Conservative rnaiorities and the last has had a majority cut Brom j125 to 227. These estimates, vileges, .but whether we will do are all based upon the veins 'at the that in the case of Huron and Petal lestgeneralelection. • I am not preharedi to say:" Bruce Affected Most. W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher you have not, Try New Era Want Ads Baal sad Haran to Lase • 110e000: as May ••1 Sas 'Nannla May be Three Months' Fxtension of the Priviieg es. However. • • Parliamrnll , buildings Toronto. April ^ 28 Licenses Will be .orf -in the counties. of 'Peel and Tfuron oa:`May 1, owing',. to- the Cajtilada, Temperan :e votes in these ridings, though (there ;may be a three' Months' extenesion of the dopers. privilege. That Was the announce] meat of the Tion. W. J. Hanna be- ifore the' Legislature this forenoon- when the leader of the Opposition', vvho ;was ;pr.esent, pressrun, fat k}arthee information upon that point. Mr. Rowell was of the opin ion that where the application first went in for a vote "under theCan- a'da, Temperance Act there had been Ian(' ,aggrcle(:nent between the Federal Government and the 'Pro- vincial se:retary that if the vote carried it, January there should he no 1ice:lr`Ises issued after May 1. VER NEAR. TRUTH •"The liondrblc 'genstl,ecnan has come very nearly stating thetruth" retturnbdi tate Hon. Mr. Hanna. "The .dismission came ' up at Ot- tawa without -this Government be- ing( ntatifiedf Wbat we ,stated la- ter 'wee that the policy of the Govea•nmec 1t in the Manitoulin caste had been to cut off the licenses and that was the policy which we proposed. to adopt?, in this case. If wo follow our course as in Manitoulin, there would be a three months' ',extension of" license pri- • The most marked efforts of the gerrymander are tore (seen in the oyer The Teacu three Bruges, which now return as three Liberals to the Legislature In the N orth riding Mr. Bowman' had, a majority of 391, and his riding now 'becomes West Bruce with the massing of the Liberal vote to 1,039. Centre Bruce, returning William McDonald by majority of 104, be- comes North Bruce with a Conserv- ative •majority of 234. South Bruce remains South Bruce. Formerly J G. Anderson had the safe majority of 305, but this has been wiped; out by the addition of Conservative municipals:res until it now shows a Conservative majority of 7. ¢Monek wiped) Out. The pocket riding of Monck which Mr. Marshall won by 154, disappears entirely. This :has been split up until a portion goes into Welland 1 and the balance into the new West Linc;ln The Haldiman:l ri w, s formerly safe in the hands of C. Kohler with a majority of 425. Nov the Conservative vote action of Monck has been 'trate( erred to Haldimand, thus reducing Kohler's pofos22si7. bilitieu to a Liberal majority 1 Practically the, ^,chole Liberal vote 1 from Monek has been centiea•ed in the new West Lincoln, thus making aLiberal seat with aniatotity of 4a• ♦ •190.' East Lincoln is left decidedly y tsale Conservative with over athou sand votes to the good. The new • I Niagara Falls is Conservative by 4 389, while enough of the Conserve— tive vote from Monek is shifted + , into Welland to give it a majority + ' o'£ 230. ]Marshall( kande Kohler are ♦ nrevented'lrgm both running again • by being shuffled so that both now ♦ ( reside in'Haldimanld. • • Hiving the Liberals. five, addition to these ,n e, vvho x,e- ceive such a decided shaking up, • a slight change has been malls • I in the Oxfords, represielnted by • Mr. N. W. Rowel. The. disposition has been to mass more Libieral vot es in the already cafe scat of the Opposition leader. This is done by putting the village of Tavistock Ieintirely in North Oxford, it being 'formerly partly in South Perth. By this ,shuffle, Mr. Rowell gets an )ex- tra 78 Liberal votes, which South Perth is made just that much more idiiJfficult to-= retdeetn. of the ,its. s4x adjustments these, ByJ nitri.gtteen, Lilleral scats have been rafarangerl. The balance remain untouched. In our business of sell- f ing clothes our, policy is to furnish .our patrons rs' with the `best clothes that • can be made. • o In e h selection of our • garments we are',y{�'enerouS bait not extravagent. •• EverydOt'ai1 that makes w for Better Clothes is care- 44 ••• • fully looked after. Nothing Slightai:d Nothing is Q\i tr Q. • SACT{ TO CLINTON EDITORIAL Help Clinton climb. Huron, Comity should lead the ;How are your, liens looking: after your' nieghboi s garden? This is the ;season when time cannot be .war�tie(�!a . Since the 0-. T. R. has settled the: .i-nilation•0f ;flue; Unaon'`idepo:t at Friday ery nirlg Mi. Tom 'T'o'ronto ;perhaps "they will turn Last r y • � g eir atter tion'Clifton(weed ;and Jackson arrived• home after; his ex-. kir • he longpromised ';station. teytdled visit in or.; a 'and South build t • hous) here. - Carolina where he spieent- the win- —e—_, Neer to escape the cold blasts. He: , Mexico 'liar iallaer .sidetracked reltunngd, 'n good spirits and ex- Ireliandt in the meantime, If we oellent health and will boost dor ,'vvea'e taiking into the ar o± Mexico we'd ;advice a very quick and am Str: Sea"amin Noble ar � Siiil�Sa in Lake Superior 20 Lives Lost in First Tragedy of Present Season. Duluth. Apirl 29.—That the steam( er ,Benjamin Noble, her crew of 20 or more a.nd a large cargo of railroad iron were swallowed up in the turbulent waters of storm - swept. Lake Superior last night, was made almost certain to -day, when the life-saving crew picked no wreckage from the steamer off Mrs. (Dr.) Axon is vis[ting • at Chesley. Mr. William Mason, of Blyth, was in town Olt ,Thursday. • Mrs. :Howson.1 as on the sick list but has recovered again. Mr. Thos. Trick is away visiting his brother, wino : is dangerously Mr. Swarts left. on Tuesday to spend, a short holiday with his son, at (Wingham. Mr. I'red. Forrester, who has leen relieving at Sarnlia, is home for a short vacation. Bliss Jessie- Grainger, formerly a nurse' at the Hospital, has been, visiting ill town. . is Detroit, of D Thos. llcRae N Mr. visiting with his mother anld other rckatives in town. Mrs. (Leiary, of Mitchell, was • a visitor on Tuesdlay with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Watson. Mr. B.'J. Gibbings left ,last week for Winnipeig where he joins the C, P. R. Staff again. 1Vhs Laidlaw, of Detroit. spent Mondry at the home of Mi. and Mrs: ' •s George Roberton. - 'b Vo are glad) • to see Mr.- J. W. Elliott out again alter his opera- tion at the local hospital: Rippe* Alex Sparks and Wesley Hervey are buying a carload of horses to ship to the W est. Mr. John C. Cochrane, of Stanley sold a four year old colt to Mr: Mc, • l (craw, of Dublin, this week.. blr, • Cochrane is always noted for raising } the nese. Miss Oland is Cochrane, who has been employ d by a London firm as. stenog- rapher, is spendin a few days with hie parents Mr. and l es. . J, C. Cochrane, Mrs, Itobt,'Reynclds' of this village spent a few`^days with:her mother Mrs. Huntsley of Woodstock. Agnes 'S o:.t who-. has been`. Miss r , dre colle'�e.at Guelph, has", i la e P attend ng ,, Ba homy return E' ill • •s e ,` Mr, Toe"Dluymond of'.1NcB: op: spent.' a few,days with his sister,Airs.' James Meczyinont. ♦ Dr. McDern}•id, .of Hensel) and Mr, • , Arnold, of London called on, few of this week. ♦ •th ' " I1 Kip en friends f P '3• • ♦ • • fans , rices , —ever b. fu es'e al:.:,. `a t u n c rls , d r i- a: cost, and theiresults of our X efforts are apparent :• , S d Wehave•a1:- goo .. busi- ness :'because we offer the best ofclothes at the least possible, price. Gee out New Spring Suits $10,{ $:12 LO $20 Mr. ,and Mrs. Nelson Cole and children, Eva and Myrtle, .spent Sand.ay; visiting friends in Ben- miller. Mr. James Hearne. as expected , memorial Hall on Monday eau - .here any day to spend the euro -t noun at the -usual time. BAPTIST CHURCH. ply ;apology and willingness to fire 10 times 21 guns if President Wood row;Wilson would; call off the dogs of war. There can only be one elnad to ;such a conflict and (Mexico should klnow what it will be. w e rat.her like :the action ; Conservative; IVI:P P•s of the the Pro- vincial Legislature tin presenting Premier , Whitney with- $2,000 as an (evidence of their affection and ;e(stee'm.. There are (times when such (expressions are specially in place and• we would presume that this . was the cycological hour >in Hon. Mr. Whitney's history. His reply (would indicate that such was the case. Tk eee'1l he, ;some, merry ;scram- bling during 1914 if the Provincial andderal election contests are programmed. There ;ale some 'fel- lows who had better bid good-bye to (Toronto and, Ottawa before com in g home as they; are not likely to Minnesota :Point, Duluth. All el- ever (get back unless on some dele- forts to find the (hulk of the s -t ar gation. The most of constituencies desire real even of ideas and ideals er have proved •fruitless. The get inislte(ad Iof (votin•g machines or eral belief is that she infested the iLigur4ltea'd;s. Duluth (entrance and :struck the --0-- Point acid foundered in very deep The -advance of Temperance sen - In additiowater. timent in Perth Co. is monde plain n; to the high seas last in that in 187.4 these. were 145 he - g tele and 23 shop .licea�ses grantae(d night there was a heavy mist and 1vhtile in 1914 the number of hotnis snow and the Duluth entry 'light lictelnsed are 40 and ,shop licenses 5. 73eriore the close ;of this year was gout. the ,record may be tetter than No) Bodies Ashore Vet • that as the electors evi.11 be asked( U to this eve.ni no bodcaes had to express themselves+ on tate de- Up (Yg sirability' of putting the Canada come ashore. Reports by (excited 7e(mperance Act into effect, people who .lined Park Pohl that --0---•- bodies .hail been. rewind this after- Time will soon be here for the moon ;proved incorrect. - annual 'Farmers' Excursion .to ,the While the Noble was trying to °Marid Agricultural Colltege,, y g. GuelLph. If you have never been make the harbor the south light there you have misled a great on the Duluth entry pier went out, deal •that is interesting and edu- 1m'o blanc is attache,. by marine there, 12 you have visited the) charto Captain Prior, who has ,farm arrange Ito go again land see charge of the lighthouse here, or the many now 'featnne,s .specially to members of his crew. If this thefasuig to the tillers of the soil, fault lies anywhere, vtessehnen say, thea dairy, 'Poultrymen and bee - it is with the antiquateddepartment. enpment k-cj ere.. Watch out for the date the lighthouse department. The in JJune. lighthouse has no electrical ler- bee - vice, Inc] when a •storm of such Mitchell ,J P s deal ro ortions as that of yesterday inersaterraseecaessessieetreere til proportions there is last night comes and la n up t g Mo way for the lighthouse mere tto get `back and forth to attend' to the lights-. Out law With- out 'fear or favor evidently, The latest Court note is the f ' intg of 'was show n to the cold sho uld e young gaffers ? .each for be- treuent1y ,in evidence. pays iig itoc gaat the ;skating rink to ,Have some official say "you are and despoiling the property. Some- welcome" and then prove by works times a good stiff fine, promptly th,o validity of the words. Council polliMtedy is worth 10,000 lectures a dopteaecMr.iii e igies notion so we I cod bcunaviour The lave eanadian Govern– ment Report The following is an extract taken from the report•of•the In- land mland Eevenue • Department It serves to '•show the excellent position held by fEXAiE °d Beef 'Wine anti hon 1rfeeseef it is 34 times stronger than tha anernge••ol' all others, metre ciuien stronger than the lowest. 'InIron°it is 75 per cent higher than'the;%ne_xt. best prep• n retion,�and $8 per cent stronger than the lowest. This preparation costs' you 'no more than an inferior article, It is for sale at THE REYALL 'STORE WHolmes Strawberries This week we -will have our , first shipment of Fresh Luscious Louisiana ,5` trawberriee at • 15c per Pint Box dVe will also Have Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Pineapples Fresh Rhubarb Fresh Cabbage Freeh Celery Fresh Lettuce Fresh Green Onions W. T. V`NHIL THE ,BUB GROCER Phone 48 to mote that eight full months have been given the offenders to set their - respective 'houses` -in order before the hour of their municipal 'death arrives. Councillor Wigle, of Goderich,• )displayed a good drel of common. (Delnse in euggeating to the Coun- cil ;that a little more attention• be paid to Sunday•School and ooth:er Escursiontl visitirg the County town. Goderich 'is certainly a beauty spot in Summer but a good many visitors thought little tact br o WITH '1'Ecrl CHURCfIE6br+(S. a reps ;don't often go wrong O a *Cause (they don't know hetter, '1°e°I°Ti49"0t°41®ss664s1"3041 but Tether because they heed what SAL e "Old ;Harry" has to say to them. V:1'1'lUN ARMY. Capt. ``Pr e.d Martin, of the Pro- make, an appoi,n.t- vincial Headquarters, will conduct When you slre,cialt meting at the S. A, bar- rent dor a certain hour keep 11 to racks on Sur:gray. ST'. PAUL'S CHURCH. • The 'annual meeting of thie La - :dies Guild of St. -Paul's with elec- tion officers will be held n' Owen's mer with. hie 'old friends and neigh born. Mr. Josh Cook has not bee:.,any Rev. Ir. Fairhul of Stratford will , the B a tilt C huich too well during', the past 'week, but' pre ash in morning and. ;evening. and at Au - his old; friends hope for better re- burn in'theaftea'noon. CHURCH RCH _llU VVILLIS Mrs. ,(t r.) D FergusonF sand little a Rev. W. M. Grant; . of Ayr, will (fe,dw ;days of of Mis spent a conduct services in Willis Church Idfays the guests of Miss Amy on 'Sunday. Howson. Anniversary (services will, beheld Mrs. T. W. Ralph and enldi nr e in thus Church' on Sunday, May Harvey oA Toronto, are s Mrs. ng 10th, when, Bey. J.F. Reid, pastor, the week with ':Mr. and Mrs. J of Alhambra,Avenue,; church, Tor- , eslie ({err. onto vvil:i 1reaach morning' and. Thomas t. Th e iIn ; ofS em , snvorth. g 'ss Nor Y, it' Mi who was here taking part with the _ WESLEY CHURCH Kiltie Band Concert is a cousin of the S,hinley family. l�•• Mr. tl1odgson, of the, Moisone' Bank *riff was in Sestfortlt on Thursdlay',evening last attending 1e i It looks as if the further and cleieper the probe, lin the West Shore railway investigation the est the, . 'shop ;darker and more di ail Moyes is not the on- ly Y transaction, ly (sinner in the. case. One trouble has been the a parent uhwilling- t)ie minute, if posse e. much more annoying to busy peo- ple ,nese on the par • of some wltne than to convene and have to ,es to tell the whole truth and ano- wait from 16 to 45 minutes before titles Ai/Meaty is that no matter what .the finding. it is going, to the, .nablesary, quorum is.on hand m,elan a big loss 'to the municipal- to tenable the Iliusin!elss• of the gathering to proceed. It is often idle)(, to oay nothing about the more a habit than from any reason annoyance and, anxiety during the that could not be overcome. Every passing months. The Commission - body on the clot would add to the ere report will' be awaited with eesnre sof 'all and the progrlessl 'feveri•sli interest. An old 'saying of ,business as( well. "ln business transactions —o_— se gard every man as a rogue, until Several Canucks appear to bee You prove him true," may not be a would care .sol won t (man e men P nti P s. Y at ,a the r hap as, th veryaanxiowe to try thea to adopt but such, eases the war business in Mexico by one referred, to has a tendency Those • to slid Uncle Sam. to shake the confidence of the, Thos) 1VIe ?reap• bullets are hot public in the business integrity Of things to estop• boys, and if you lce'our, advice you will content 'some public. mon. Too much con- to (admire was reposed in the pro yjounsehves',unider your oven vinic meter of road and liberty giv- and fig tree. Peculiar, in this 20th eineto ,coo, theo as he ibeaslo In c)ntury, how many people grow so manipulating •the affairs. It is a rove will but P ,clear bought ht l es n die g a :Warning Tor the years. to come. t The old spat( h. savage s iaov g savage spirit of our forefathers,l Pastor •preatl:,ed,,botil. morning 'ides,.har "and seems, to persists At the venins ser tee (feline °tium1 r!of h 'heir's: A goods, and evening'. - ,g th ole. 7 vice, Mr. C. Andlrelws isamlg 'Hold straight (shot 'finishes the whole. ( Thou .My Hand; however. 1 Quarterly, F;show•ship', llfepting in ai. t, . o • — tl tennis s me;eltvngSchool:.Boon( at 10 am.''Sao anent I Ontario'` aGoaeir'nme, itir If tha' nn r"" t s e4 after h s In er n a tf 1a a 'P .. dds S hm isatt -or sac who P. 's . • ' slit ' the , P ti Forbes,ofIL_ c e Fox, d s. Ens clul Mr. Par wo h.. offic s 'Political ' ''(tic !'ori r� ; • of half ' l at Switf thesis play- morning pastor i tor' Snfdeirfnr 'p . ing } ornnnl to . .. •.. ,, I • . .. eh_ m tin , bleu- foo„b=_lk I - aster -w It lea. g of g .ing'half baelg ,with. the' _ Th,e.p 3 P..• , nes�s }nelte;ad, o P e hnaike e 1 at' it.” the Nornalal. . _' and gvelntn!g'• •' ''' %little the;,,tndeniabkips ?'burg. kv (la e eni,n the, an tie . they, 'ly oold o •w �-� y� g t .• o ori n n I. flue P aI b , . Rumb 1 If 'nk .]I. Y .;0' F'i t e ra , "cot •vh ` 1N tss �1¢t d Esc ons nal meet n' rd the• $un ay h a,{ the,is agti 1. } R t ` r } g ve thy i 'I t { mit) C' e a , ar w c l 9 (.• T r - ter Ct ..a , o t -e ., tic-. oun was het an -;;the 011owraug ; ff ae in the ydo(lg}nga ,e , �„ is 1 k3m „", to. . , t dl ,. ... ., au oe � ,E tegtbitxy ; , r� � y,�• were elle i s!', dl in kris•• defencae M e. s ne•er 1aRtiem sl Far ou Puet�d�ay 1 • s tics par Mr Joliln 'wait`: atrtveia.bapk in' • Supe(rrmte�iicI!ent , $ Er Itork)a i iSC'clei unwound hag Tittle ball of Asst: S t., -'T.1. East am •to -,the, wrong: -people in slev ;, Chntort )this week: to take, ears of yarn instances but his design vias As's ?Hark W. Cncn (e,Snider ma.. . Cr. W .-Cunmtinighame;; odense apparent. ) 'Nip. S Y Trea SE"':!' me , ibut his zeal , viae. The Super roe pace man ie11 ar. Th la W'H. P last H Treas.y r T` do. `: is m with i wth tempered; e d of tm r ghee/led n P s report �(: ins p tint (r iJanuary. i 'e n lour., f g in, is in(hn school a that the s--o_— coatdlytiout end rias attendance has er last year. The a iyue wel'f ear that the news - increased ov t Som t teachers were re -appointed. papers .of this day are losing too On; Thui'sdlay eivening of last much of the old time aggressive(-, week the W. M. S. held their au- ,aizies in combatting what is con- nual "Tharik-Offering." Addresses, sidelred (wrong) or opposed to the were given by Miss O. Cooper on best interests of; the people. While Pray for `Mfssione, Mrs. South- •,about ready to• shed a 'few earts coral eo m Give to .Missions,' Mash "the Mitchell Advocate crane,. 't 's the, old spirit Stonie oar (Satwdy Missions, - 1VIa b thandl and we observe t i Pir part,—''In Grdica ,Tsang a i Sale, Mrs. t is 'tis still ,alive. It says•in p dtddicated the offlsrialg.' . 0 spite of the opposition of lat{leasit only o7eeessarY - 010 mention - the, • S0 :per cent of the ratlelpayer's of he names :of those takim g part ;:MitclvelL , (rho. Pttbhe Schtool and t ecided to .go vie ex- � e I amu tau d .a ro x peri 1 to isliow that tit P g town, con. 00 0 � who were absent t tie �e,ection' 'oaP a $3 , Q Gal and allon with 1 i t tieXt missed a great treat. Thee eongre- ,school build.i,,g5 January i •o ted 71 n clean- tiro fittfsli of•thla men vvh t'ou is r)ques let will ;see Ispleasing t z � I s013:: t • •ata . M. S. ors through." ere f of t. e W basin g b i err o c p tie. Bowling Green: Hie has spent, Miss Anna Belle McLean,.of the Lon )'.the winter up in the Manitoulin don road, hes been on the sick list for Island.: the past few days, but we hope she Mrs. Geo. Ballaidy who was a may loon he`around again: lfjormer resident here, and who hes Mr,'T. Men's, of Kippen, is spending been int training. as ninise at the eshare of his time trimming up has y: Berlin Hospital, gratuated last Fri fruit orchard. day and won the gold medal. Mrs. who has ben in Clinton for the part Mr. Clifford Watson, of our village !, Ballard';s (old fxiends^ here. will 'bee pleased to hear of dicer successt I couple of weeks euga,•'ed in the insure as ance business, has returned Lome• •Hicksof.. Sini Rev. lateRv a a I The ♦ i cos, was curate of Godterich in • (. • ' • 1818 tvnttl 1883. O ; : v.: dd� C o lh CCh rr I The 0 9.41• o • I ♦ 4'1 � o'n t, • A Square Deal for IC ♦ • t ANNA♦♦♦N•O•O•♦•.•♦••♦•sN•••O!♦•*,eat}q♦o•••O♦w♦• • they ,reach herie, petition J. Exeter Council will 1i t Exeter Ito 11aVE I', i J: '•,Merrier, M P.., el Made a port of entry, Lon'clon be- ingper- ishable, port. ing our gem,.aal Many 1 ishable goods are ruined before Mr. (arid Mrs. James Smith re- turned to Clinton sifter : a year's vacation at Woodstock and ere busy getting, 'settled in the home . on On.tal•io ;street Their old 1rietndis fare indeed glad to see them in 'town ono) more. Rely. -rand Mrs.. Chambers, of few are � etidini� vin a '� e I t g Winnipeg P clays with Mr, and 1VIrs.D N. Wat- son. The visitors ,are. ' on, ' their' 'treading trip and will visit 'with .' ri 'friends( uta o i ends an O 1 P a relatives s arat V. Western west to their • returninga � ie before • home• , ga a ,erave' .their "old rub- ,ei d tine rascally piece of (nig uP to"s �gtlginei e g t IlS l din D e� r as Ru tf��, 111ttrr . „ . BIRTHS ' ril 23rd, tI�NO�: In aHull�ett, on , A.p to• 1VTr. and Mrs. 'Monies Kotox A.: 18th ,con'cetssion, a son. LD WBLL—In; Htf1,let = . or',April A .. 'her 0 r R, s. Mr::.and 0 11iwe11, a daughter. CLINTON MARKETS. ogo $8.60 Hoge I utiie�r 22-24 1tbggs: 19-20 1 00 eat wh Oats) 40 Peas 1.00, Barley 50-52 Bran 526 Shorts. 1$27-528 Toronto Markets 'Tor 59.25 Cattle C'ittl `rt3 50 Iambs 510.00 ••--•• Sheep9i7 50 Cheese(15e Butter....I. ..e_. ....-••.21 to 251-2 Eggs . :-r 200 Wheat 1.00. Bat45 Oats' 62 to 64 Barley ........ .......: .. 'lldtato,es, per bag $1.00 Beans $1.76 to L85