HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-23, Page 8Thursday, Apr II .23rd, lea& "nail CLINTON tom pax. - , ' , is she voursli, Then ou If yoe put' itieff ainclene,41adaY Thal' become a Week. and in the meantime he iseeirigdepriyed of a lot of,pletieure, . • t , ••••" • -••,•,9,•,• " dome iii'an'itigneeVeAu4Oriale aeliortment of Rings. , • You wiiirincej suits her fancy. ' The prece willniutt Tenn:4 nzra na n (/ .'" • ', 01 e • 1, ' • n You will nourstock eely Jevvelery we can gtiaraiitee: . . . _ Selling Agent Air lloward Watch W. II. IIELLVAR JEWELER and OPTICIAN 4 • 'EYES TESTED EREE ;ommissionertleviOr4': licenses -atGrglerich .Not Receiving Notice From Pro- vincial Secretary, Considered Itself Not Warranted in Re- fusing Licenses Before That:Dats. • , • • Godreich, April 17. -The West Huron License Cemmissionere met here to -day and approved a ne- ; nelwal of the hotelkeePers' And" !, shop licenses of, Goderich in, thie3 usual way.' It has been (rumored that an ex- tension of three months might be ' teXpeetecit 'from the department at Toronto, and that some laggree- t meat to that effect had been made between M. Hannaeand th.e tem- perance interests, but of this the Commissioners had no official ad- vice, and knowing that the Can- • ada temperate° act, as 'carried throughout the county on January ' 29, does not take effect until May 1, 1915, considered 'that they were . not warranted in eekusing liquor licenses befoee thet date. 3 The granting of the licenses Yests ▪ !entirely with Mr. Hanna land his ie department at Toronteeeet'asothe mdcommendetion of •the county , Commissioners has invariably been ; (followed( it is quite probable that . -the licensee will be granted for " another year. ' There wepe 14 lieenses renewed; and those who have received a eew lease' of life arlee-J,B; Reynolds, "W. W. Salts, W. J. Lanese, Wm. • Babb, R. C. King, Thos. Johnston( .and Fred Davis, of Goderich; Jos- eph Querin, G. McDonald, Brussels . Louis Wofford, McKillop Township •L.G. Weir, Christena Stephens, A.. A. McLennan and Chas. Dawson. •Seeforth.! RAND TRUijNKRA'' xEm Matchers ReLIMOn Round trip tickets to points in Mani tole, Alberta, and Siekatehewan via Chicago, St. Pant ce• Duluth on sale each Tuesday until °Weer 27. inclue- ' ive, at low rates. Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg on above " dates, leaving Toronto 11 p.m. No chance of cars Return Litnit, Two Months L SETTLERS' FARES pr, • (One way second class) tel'0121 stationele Ontario Kingston Renfrew and wet to points in Alberta and Saskatebewen, each TUESDAY during April. I 1 Tbe Grand Pecific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between I Winnipeg, SaskAtoen and Edmonton, I, with excellent •%through service ec Regina. Trains., now running into '‘ -Calgary, - Huth referee CMSAnd rattjonta# , Idol Grand 3429.31$ a'10;°t 011006143.7! Jis*rd*Sem eity Reps* Ker and "Tickeell Agents, phone '07 Patesee. �stsen ageet • 0,1e, ORNING, ion St4tion, Toronto Ont. • _ 334( e- • 1".• Ill 47 Win • t 'rich strength and full flaver -1 ,,tt," ,41' • •••, 1 so . ".,irvera•tc,'"'!" r . • - 801 Tea -4•AAa•AeeiliAtee•eA*IleeekeeiLeeeeeeeelaiiiejeeeeeekeee4;444 A4.-,, ....,' , •. 7..,,,, ',,.,,, ,,,0„...: ...f! 1 v.,,,., ., .1,„: , ,• : -:f.„: ..., "4 :11 ,4„Tt.',,. .r C .-4 • .1eT*Tilltvr.****re*Yrtiii*TV**#'01',i**170/YV'eeriiieie*****OP ACARD „ .,”, .- ' . . Wed' 'ADVeRTISINGAISMS.' 1 , Teethe nedersignedi" hereby ",al." LanYthing, ,Ayi , advertisement gree '"•te sell e 'package 'of • 'fine' ."Shouict Illtc simpler in its ponstruca standard ;size 5c boxes of Silver A tion than its:literature. glial': -Tip 1 GA.''ZET. TED LIEUTEN.ANT ''' Silent for twenCents. it y guaranteed. "E.Ety , Hunniferd, . ' ". ' . . Divisional orders, of theeMintia LOCAL INDUSTRIES ARE .-.; .. .isSiaed nepoIns that Ishae efether- PLOT:WISHING - . i - We are pleased. to know that or local industries ape in :such • a• healthy condition and we hope this will long ,continue. . , • MARRIED AT PARSONAGE. Last Weeue-sclay afternoon -a Ington „IS •gazetted lieutenant in• the 33rer Haien iRegiment CONVENTION AT SEAFORTH , •" The annual convention 'of the Womenis •Missionary Society - of the Goderich. District will be held in Seaforth on Wednesday May 6 quiet weddilig took place at Chit- FOR NEW iVIEIVIBERS ano St. Methodist parsonage, whep Alias Florence M.Makins, of Stan- ley township. and "Mrellobere A. SterleigeoilerGodieriolier.tewillship," We united: Irene" hole bogie. :of Matzen one .by.RevrStar.`Alliii:1•Vher many (friends/Ltd thentirideAmand' groom unite in Wishing them lisp- piness and prosperity., APPOINTED TECHNICAL EXAMINER Mr. W. A. Currie, of eVin,ghahi has been appointed by the Proviie cial Secretary's Department aS Technical Examiner of !automobile chauffers for this section. nee Messes John Raneford and A. J. Hollowey ewere ,Incsy(euring , 'the' (past(„r"feee Idayli3 eativadnin" 4611: ;Ilewnlaleed (Bawling /0Aub" and " met:tn....go-6o • nmecesann , 94. • ERECTI NG HOUSES-INTORONTO -••• Mr:. James Stevenson, tformerly Manager of the Electric Light Work, is erecting a couple of. jeer, , houses in north Rosedele, one of the fashionable residence 's.epticiala of Toronto. WILL CLINTON CELEBRATE outside of Mr. Currie is located ne" ..• NfanY'. places -are already planing ' ' "' • • the New Ere won.ders if any action I will -be taken to hold a ,celebration jell -Victoria Day and, July 1st and appointment will be a great cone, venienee to the chauffers (of thiP"' "district. as, the nearest examibee ondon, Chauffers are assereedi a----j»re -on either date. Now with eee edi in to cover thecost pf ex the Kiltie Band, Football, baseball alienation. and jueior lacrosse on the pro- . -..e.-- teelfra-goo'd -day 'could be arrang- HURON OLD BOYS' EXCURSION eq" Let somebody take the lead CHANGE OF DATE. - ' WILL BUILD . Owing to the inability of ; ;the ...Th- .B1Yth Standard. .ef last railway to supply Oars on the .4th week.eeports that the genial G.T. of July the -date originally decided upo.n for the Huron Old Boys Ek- R,,A.gent, Who is a ison-inof .cursion from Toronto, the Exee Mrs. Thompson, Albert -Street will cutive has -decided to change the. .builti a 'house in that village -We date to June 27, the last Saturday' underAtaed lthat Mr. -George. E. Me- in the month. While this is a et- Taggart has purchz0ed he va- tle earlier than usual, it is !not an- pant lot on Dineley Se east •of ii ,cpa ed that it will make, any. ..Mr. -L. Hill's residence and has let • material di-ce; in tact many the contract to Mr. "Hill for the regardthe earlier date as an ad- erectionece a modern two ,storey vantage. -It has been the practice _brick and frame dwelling, the for,several years to run the ee cursion, in two sections, one trent ,IveArn 'aosnthwe i‘eveaitshIetro wiltpeeinmeTt.as 'b careying the passengersfor Gode- TEMPERANCE LECTVRE. ' rich; the other eor _Wingliana•and--- -1.'". •-•-• . 'mirth -ern points, the IGoderich train. 7 ame-inis'sion • boareof "cthe Wo -7 almost invariably having to wait man's Christian Teinperance Union at Guelph for a considerable time have engaged Bertha McLeod, a for passengers who might be oe graduate of Chicago University, to the other train. This year the ex- 'lecture in the different 'counties of cursion will probably leave Tor- ,Ontario, on the subject of Scien7 onto as ole large 'train, with two WM Temperance She will. Le in locomotives, the train .being •divl- Huron county the last two weeks ded at Guelph, one !section going. of APril. We quote the following on to-Goderich, the other to Wing in regard to her address- to the ham. This will avoid confusion ,at pupils, (01 Harriston. School. "In Toronto and will save time and a- connection -with the W. C T U., void delay. Huronians from dif- and with ,the approval( of the ferent parts of the !county will al- Board, of Education, Miss B. Mc - so have a better opportunityLeod lectuerd on Scientific Tem - meeting each other -than was po°5-r peraece bef(ore the r teachers and sible heretofore pupils in the public ;school. She deliv,cred a lecture on 'Habits; elacKINNON-RANCE their help and hinderaece in- the A pretty wedding was solemnized race bf life.' With -charts she in Medicine Hat, Alberta, on Wed- showed the dangers and the ef- .nesday evening, April. ,15t1i, at eects, physical and mental, that 0.30 o'clock when Miss Bessie Clara cigarettes and ,alcohol 'had on the May Rance, A.T.0 M. -daughter of - humansystem.. In a very tact - nen 0..0 Rance mei Mrs. Ranee, ful manner, Miss McLeod, drew of 'Toronto, formerly or Clinton, from the pupils very intelligent was married to Mr. J. G Mackin- answers, and thanked them for non, 1909 graduate of the School the very Close Attention they had of Practical Science', Toronto, eld- given to heir lecture." Miss Mc - est -son of Rev. N. D Mackinnon „Leod will be in, Clinton on Tues - of Caledonia, Ont. Th -e wedditr4 ' day, April 28th. Miss McLeod will took place in St. Barnabas' .Angli- speak to tee pupils of ehe Public can Church, which was d,ecorated and, High ,sahools during the day. with palms, and the eerermony was. In the evening she will give an ad performed by Rev. Mr. Davis The dress in Willis Preabyterian Lec- bride was married in. her travel- tune _nRoorn there will be inu,sic and ing suit of navy blue, -with ., at"•A•lineibtutnientit served by the Girls', "dainty modish white and blue hat Club of Wills Church. Miss Mc - to match, and wore n. corsage bone C.Ieemi' eaPeajOHY wish all the young quet of (roses and lilies of the vale people no t•.):te present. Everyone ley". She was Attended by Dr.' welcome. Slyer collection, • nalcel -Mae-Ewen, a well known.. MINOR LOdel.S. Clintonian, •.in gold mope cloth,.. with hat to match, while the ;*4 House-cleaning time. groom was -supported by Mr. Sam Band Condert to -night. , , ,. Short. The wedding march was Spring. !apesears to be here. played- by. Mr. George W. Stew- Schools reeoperned Monday. . ail, and the church was welt fil- Done youhouseecleareneet?. l* ' -by friends from .Medicine Hat.. , a Saturday aVraa an ideal:: !spring e g "E /Menton,• And ;the East. Mr. ' • arid blest. 'Mackinnfon left lat Who will Wear tifea.,,firee '4ilf,reev will apene a few days before leave 8'3°' :hat? •F; ,Ku...,1i'll,)* 1: 0,.„ ..„ Well, whe , de yeti "Ainktof; „the: o'61X-Thle'loi; Edeienton, Where' thei riat IfoinEeiniatignilie, II.C.,•..via.liiii/ illt° ' '''' Yellow Head. Pass. The bride's old Did yon get Y9Xit'l?nek yandnalc-, 44) endsain, eoWe....offer ftearty:ba_ ;€11 tap? ,'.'.• -•, . , Ifratulicinls in whieli the New An importent ,qpeetion,,;:- fie,,S,e% eprday."waseeWeieFe is` the' watOri, Vra jOins witlinthenan. . •. ,.. t. , .„ . " Isn't it funny:that -every ',*(Jman .'Who wears i; (new spring iliat ire- . .. agines tha-t every tpersoinienloctien AiiHouse -cleaning Season is SIVik "r " if , ing at it? p , • . ,,,.. , • ,.• Now thataSief's past) it's e (t most time- t , ,begin that old gag about doing,•-biir Christmas shone., ping early. 4; The farmers ekohnOlitehell iaie considering he desiratilify of joining the hew organization the 'United, Farmers of Ontario. - - A Port Huronman took a spoon- , • ' •ful of paint instead • of molasses, We have purchased an up-to-dateElectric Va.curn for his coug•li. He had caught the Cleaner which will clean yOlir Carpets and Rugs • epring iterior leve,r; arid was. doingenme itdecorating, throughly. Rent $1.50 for each house, Stallion owners are advised to get a copy of the neflir Ontario Stal • lion Act as there, are h number of new provisions which, have tobe complied •with or the `owner will get into serious tx ouble. Early to bed and early to rise, mind your own( business and tell no lies, don't get drunk and de- ceive your wives, pay your debts and advestiae; buy from anen of enterprise is the best counsel nn-• .zo _mane. der the skies. The Cheapest Spot in Unroll to Buy ail kinds of Furniture a Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 --RESIDENCE PHONES — J, D. Atkinson 186 'SROES . ""§"•-•15%. • io-ciay,1 April 23rd is be George's Day ancillis being euly celebrated -in all path of the British Empire' 1%,TP,TLAIDpF, rr,"41,4b4rml I q• WI% •IrV41-rwarr P0110" pdr2fArr v0.1,w, M§ 44,_01 t ,OtbiletiePl'oPeur133; 4,tialgt_art, ROADS 4.2EDUP i - Stet .Cornrilitteehahae 'Se garig3dre. -epee See "front etreets klering the pistt ' , ; LOST HOUND: - • .33 •Last week Mr. John Deeeeteloilt his hourycleon, the railwee Weeks. The -dog was going !home and try- ing to cross .iir front Of -a -train met a sudden end. ,EDR113IT FtE poem , , lyewases ipped. to Toronto this „33Thel-fertureeicf Mr.:Will White- "Week- aifd Mrse,Whitely !and'ehilde nearevili lecien"334/ollew as 'tee Man ice tctleerhe use-shelde 4111 geed,' pest - :tibia thaf3eity:', " 1•" • • , 14,1.,," TOCLOSE lt,dISLAIFUltE., WANTS', / A ' , Work an), being pushed at, the Provincial Legislature so that the Heuse ,may he ready to .conclude the work before (the 'Mese' of Meee , Morning ; session commencee ar• y Monday„ If the early days' Were busier there would be little need for dragging out the sessions, A: DRY HOTEL ellotel Renfrew" h,as -bete,n open- ed; in Renfrew at 70' cost of $70,- 000 to provide accorndation,M ,the ",kitty" town., It le said to be; elle -finest hotel, save two, betweeeTor onto and 1Vloreeela0. Mayor W.E. Smallfield is president of the come pa;ny. • T,HE TWO JOEe " - Joe Ryder and Joe Rattenbiey held their an-nual Devonshire leek -pie aupper on.EpiclayatlaSt.,. at tthe Ratteelaury Honsen •thenguests were. --,Bill .0eats,•Gedee Andy Poiter, GocIerich, Joe Wheatleye Dan' Macpherson, e'er -el Holloway. There was only one in itiation, the latter. gentleman join- ing the happy "crowd; Those in- vited and could not attend Were. - "Shorty" Cantelon, his reason was that his time was occupied trying to lose his (neighbors dog, and. Dr. Shaw, forgot. The company broke up with the host !singing in sym- pathy to Dr. Shaw "0 Memory." CALLAGHAN-KINDREE The ' Marriage took ,plate . on Tuesday morning at St. Tlioinas.in the Holy Angels church ••of °Bah. anghte,r of Mr. and Mrs. .1', Kin- leree, 33 Horton street, and 'Mr. T. Callaghan, manager' of clothing ceepartnient of Dewier Bros. local -store. The ceremony was ,perform ed,, be Rev. 'Father West: The bride looked chaining ieher tan plaid suit with dre,sden trimmdegs and lace bat with pink plumes, while Miss &do, Kindree„madie ia "very pretty bridesmaid indeed in her checked suit of Kelly green, with yellow hat and ners,age bou- quet • of .pream route. .Thebride wore a beantiful corsage bouquet of white 'roses!: The groein , was assieted • by his brotheree, Cal- laghan. The wedding march , was lace(utinully ectladerled by Mrs. J. Butler, while the bride was ,given away by her •lather. The, groom's gift to the bridesmaid wenn:beau- tiful cameo ring mid to, thegroorns man. (a handsome ,signetee Ting. Among those present Were' Mr. and. Mrs. Kilbride and Miss, Irene Collins, Clinton. ' and ( Mr." and Misses Callaghan,Stratroy: Follow ing an extended trip to( Detroit and Chicago, Mr. and Mrs., Callag- wilt reside in St Thomas. DEATH OF MRS. W. S. HARLAND On Wednesday morning, April 15th, the spirit of Mrs', W. S. Har- land took its 'flight to, thenworld beyond/. For the past 'few months Mrs. (Harland had not been in good health and had been, under the care ,'f a physician lbut no uneasiness wax( felt Cloy her friende until the past 2 ew weeks when; af- ten a consultation her ease was -de- clared serious, The disease -which had been tsepping her atrength quickly. did, its work. Mrs. Har- land, whose maiden•na,m,e was Har- riet Melinda Simpson was born in Whitechurch township, York, Co.,sixty yeaxs ago, but twee sine her marriage ,the has been a resi- dent of Clinton. She was a mem- ber of Wesley church. and took an active part in all the ,departments of work especially the 'W. III. S. She was also deeply interested in the W.CAT.R. of w.hich she had been President nine -years also holding office in the County tUnion. Where ever there was trouble or sorrow th,ere she was to he gou.n.d. She wasmost hospitable ,a,nd her home was alwaYp open, ,and there was a warm welcome to everyone who tookadvantage of her ,hospitelity. She 'will be Sadly rniseed an, eterch and home. During her...illnees 2 number of relatives visited hen and' several of them .attended the •"funeral. Among th4a numben,ben, ing, her brbther 0 V W Sibson and his wife from Toronto her sis- ters litrtinJas. Elliott Itu.na qat.41c., aed"`MrseRobert Mason -of. TOFint- to,-Oflie,rtlio...tollowing Nephews and .• ,Nieeeei, .3d1'; xindanrs. B. E. Simpson, Frank Lint Mrs. Dave Cnrap-. bers...M.,HVElliott;"Miss Olive Haile:id, Mrs ''Wm. Kinnee all of Toro, „nth, WeT. Marlandi.o.nd.swito otit",:g.uptph,„mrs. James G. Fyfe, of Wingliane 3dsdRar1and is sur- vived- by her hneband and sdepted- ,dlattighter Mabel also live sisters "teed three brothers. The funeral was 'llieldelfroaa„;:hee date rendence anneSatueday) '.ittpril 18th and Wes largely attended the service being ei:i.roinetechlay -1\1eir pastor Rev. Inn lintledge nntsai•ted by Bee:. 3. -Oreenentancleth Wesley church quertettenciele art in theeserVincy Many relatives iaand friends. from Mitaide of toWn attended the etin!era.1. among ',them being, Mrs. Arthur Annisa Port Union; %Mrs. S. Cole, -Ethel ;Mrs. Austin, Varna; Mrs. _Andnertirs, Winnipeg, George Harland, Detroit; Mr. and - Mrs. George Page, Belgrave; Mr. - and Mrs. W.F. ,Glover, Fingal. Ow ing to distatee her brothers J. G. A. Simpson, of Colorado and W.A." Simplon in the North (West "ntiel sisters Mre. Robert Line and 'Ws! B.F. Woolford of Sask. Mrs,. J;a144 H. Harrison of San Francisco were unable to be present. The follow- ing acted as pallbearers -A. j. Tyndall, J. W. Moore, - 3. Senthe nom -be, jas. Scott. 111LB. Chant land p Headachese', Curd•4.,,, , , o0peie1t0 11 151 4" ‘!" I Oil" ‘ .C.:":iegl'ire:etqA1" 41/•t we tall we will re. , rithilliitistii.,“‘" . Lit.4' g9oUr.'Plneen “r',. t,,4 . .---- --'*---2....._„Vn ; • Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriatre LitenseA . . , WHAT ABUT "TENNIS . By the way, what has happened to those tennis enthuaiatats, • . in Clinton? Better call a meeting. and talk matters over. SOLD TWO TRUCKS During the past week Mr. W. 3. Kilbride sold two motor trucks to the Monkton Creamery Co., for the purpose of gathering einem. UNIQUE BAPTISM There was a unique baptism at Goclerich recently. The Subject was the infant on Of .Mtn 1; and 'Mr4, fiewand,Edanard, 'robeclisi a lian4oine ansi, i6•1.1a1:10T- ate"-gown And thane, aneilan, service for his gnanclnaqthen "and alit her children doivn to this event. The baptismal font was over 140 years old, whi-te helped some, and lastly, four geneirations ' were represented tat the iservice. WHY "LEVINSKY"? The Guelph Herald of April 4th asks e question? In this" week's' issue of the Clinton,(New Era is printed an accounit of the final game In the checker tournament held at the Borden Club in Guelph, in which Mr. John Hoover was the winner. Mr. Hoover is ta former resident of Clinton, but why the New Bra should put the heading PLeerinsky First" ton their article. The -Herald, is at a loss to under- stand, An explanationof this from the newspaper of Mr. Hoo- ver'shome town 'should; be forth- coming. • OBIT,UARY OF MR. WM. EVANS Gorrie lost one ef its highly re- spected citizens on Saturday last, April 18, when Mr. Wm. -Evans pas teed peacefully away •at the age of 75 years. Although in poor health for the last three or four. years he had been .about as usual. until Thursday morning when .he snfeetred a paralytic ,stroke Which. resulted in his death two days la- ter: Mr. Evans had, (been lay resi- dent of Howick Tp. for 34 or r•- 35 years, living about -a half milewestc of •0-orrie until 10 years ago -When: he and his family moved into' the village. He had beaten m ember 62 "Ova Tlowick Agricultural Society 'fee 35 yaers, and for the last three Years was Ian Honorary member. The Society sent a heautiful wreath which was laid with others upon the ;casket. Mr. Evans was an ac- tive ;member:" of the Methodist Church and the funeral aervice, on Monday (afternoon, Which w,as very largely attended, was con- danted nt the 'home by Rev, Mr. Rivers, Assieted by Rev, J. W. An- erews. The flange Society of which deneased was a member at- tended in a body and conducted the service at the grave. Besides, his widow Mr. ;Evans leaves to mourn his loss four daughters, Mrs. Wm. al. Gregg, (Mrs. Hilton Ashton. and Miss Edith Evans( of Gorrib; and Mrs. Elmer Penis, of Fordwich. Deneased was Uncle of Mr. .T. 3. Weir, of the Royal Bank here and tc Mrs. Hartley, formerly of town. CLINTON MARKETS. (Hogs $8.50 Butter 23-25 Eggs 18 -as Wheat 1.00 Oats 40 Peas 1.00 Barley 50-52 Bran $26 , Shorts! i$27"-$28 Toronto Markets • Hogs Cattle ...I. LaMbi3 ' • Sheep , 50 'Cheese • • ' • ; ee. Rutter"le re: " ',.24 toe, 20,0.4 • Eggs -.Pl•-• Wheat •,•ev ar. °eta . . . 453" BM"ley ,24,1 '411:AIWA() 64, - laVtiatnea, per bagnansert/ nn$S,(Offi 1.554, 41•4 `''" • AT SPECIAL' r• . C ..1 ` • .,•• • , e have just receive -"ottri, "rsk-sh,ipment ' :Rugs ,nrld while they. are Wondertul ,valties, still we are ...going„ to offer. some "",•Extra Special Prices during' the rie"xt two weeks in order -to induce early buying. We have 'Tapestry Rugs, Brussels Rugs, VelVetsandWilton Rugs and all specially priced for the ri.ext two weekw' See, our Special $fo„,00" Rug": , • Also big Values in Linoleums and Lace Curtains Bigger Values- in -Better Shoes t pring, time ,rneans:•Shoe, time 10 mOst fainiir9srand "' ,"Were Here With,the, Goods" to sUpply•thosn wants , Mid at a big saving in, price t9 you. Don't,noiss us when, "loOking for yoOr next pair. "It vyill pay . you well." , • lumsteel Bros. SMALL MORE BUSINESS "51n rossonammamon ;, 'r! guns of the warships, according to onto, until re-cently Secretary of the Tract Society, will occupy the pulpit next :Sunday. .• SALVATION ARMY. a c.eerport from Consul Canada re- anived at the State Department of 10, o'clock this morning. , Immo, blil'End look:for Cpunty to he All „.1 ,, , conduct special meetings on Sun- ttlnin - is islalutentridihatt ;d4olven,nctuknreg,InitdlerwarmelL44.,vvi Adjt. Smih of London willgive Jl` ,:.1,7, ,, * 1 " '`, come to both reeetiegs. I .' Rif . e - pri .I, day. The citizens are invited to rif A Officers of Huron Temperance 1 ' ONTARIO ST. c BURCH': "'L'i ', ' " ' • League Have Message From 1 The pastor, Rev. S.J. Alen will . , Hon. W. J. Hanna -Clinton; April 19. -Officers of the Huron Temperance League are con lidera that the whole (county will prench a special sermon to ((the Ocladiellows next Sunday entaisin.g,I• At the evening service on Sun- day last Mr. "Will Harland.sangnthe • tenor solo, "Thy (Will ' be panne in his usual (clear municanevoircen 1.; Rev. Mr. Woods of Brucefieldevile ;.ee. preach on Sunday morning' . be . dry" (from the end! -,'of this „month, 'notwithstandingthe action exchange with the pastor. •The of Center Huron cornmissionereat unpleasant weather prevented. the,r1D in nrenv. exchange being made on • Sunday Goderich, on Friday, in deciding to last. •'n renew for one year from May 1 all existing liquor licensee. The ac BAPTIST CHURCEL•;11 •,*(1 .tual issiiing.of the( licenses is done Mr. Warner of Goderich.will nee ei.ei (bYth,e department at Toronto, and cupy the pul it of this church both - Mr. A. T. Cooper, president of the .league, who aent1, at telegram of protest after the meeting of the 'corninissioners, received( Ion Sa- turday( a reply "from Hon. W. J. "nitnntfi,% ivhieh confirms his belief that' the minister will veto the re- commeedation of the Center Huron board, as he has a right (ender the adt. The Canaille Temperance Act, oh 'aCcolint of beingvoted on this year, does not come into (effect till next' May. The league's message to Hon. Mr, 'Extlin.a.,.neas as 'follows. • • "T.he. people of Huron (County re ly :Upon your public statement as reported in press dispatches, of pro needtingntof the Legislature from „time tpa time, and onyour person - 'al' sniaaridal pledge given deputation Febreary, 3, that no liquor licenses would be given. for the year com- •mencing May 1, 1514. We, therefore, protestagainet the action of the license commissioners( of Cen- ter 'Huron 'for ;granting licenses for the sale of liquor in, the said district lor the year mentioned. Further, refusal to issue emit., li- censes is in accord with the agree- ment entered, into at Ottawa be - lore the -date of voting on the Can adz" Temperance Act was decided on.-A.T. cooper, president' J. A, Irwin, secretary, Huron County Tempernaae Llelague." Hon. Mr. Hanna ieplied., "The people may rest assured that our statements in the Legislature with regard to licenses ini Center Hur- on, will be observed," ere• rae U• nited Stets:: •i 1ti(4iili) •• 4, % Pelitras Negrap today, 500 voltin4 Wene organized and ,,tarined to resist what they ealledr•the "exec) peeted invaeion, (by;• the, {Unineelan, IStaLea.4 " Innate . ' • The FederalS genupyrBietiras'Neel gran, ' ( r!h4 .4.;•ce, r ; Er Washington, Ap exican Charge d'Affaires. Algare,. credited to thenlUtnited States, "Iffie 'been no- atructed by Huerta. to 'request' his passports from Secretary Bryan. Washington April 22.- Huerta has requested' the United States to withdraw Nelson O'Shaughnessy„ A merica,n Charge d'Affaires at Mexict, City. This was (stated "herie • early today on good -authority, but las not been. ,officially announced. Washington, April 225d.- The Amoriersiz.dopees commeneol 4 an advance to take the 'entire city of Vera Cruz at 8 (o'clock under ••••0001110•110•0111•000110 • • • WITH TEM. CHURCHES. • • • 003•••••00•0•1110110001 ' WILLIS CHURCH. Rev. 11.R. Horn, L.L. B., of Tor- morningan Jevennee next u - S n day. "vrrid The Ladies Mission Circle wni.„ meet at the home, of Mrs... (non 41 Watts on April 28th. All membere are requested to be present as there is important business -toe :ewe transact, Frayea" Meeting as 'u sueee 41',De Thursday at 8 o'clock, see • " Mr. Prior as leader, he takee up the Sundayschool lesson whielanas , a great beaefit to those Who have the opportunity of being ,preeente- nen' Miss Clara Holtzhauer (acted as organist on Semid'ay, 'WESLEY CHURCH • ' ' ' ' The pastor preachee Ialt /Slude' `- , - !day, his evening ,(text weir), / --1; Home -coming of the Birds. . At the evening service Miss '01 -'Sipes . • 'ea sang "More Like the Master." The League held a social' even-, ing on Monday. Thursday eveningthe ;annual Easter Thankoffering Del.., the Women's Missionary Society will be held. The pastor will occupy hie own pulpit next Sunday; , The annual business meteting of the 'IA/M.S. was 'held on Tuesday of last week. The °flexors were eled-r tea as 'follows, - Mrs, Pattison, Pres, Mrs. Dr. Routledge-lst V. P. , 'lairs. McMath-2nd Vice ;Pres. Miss Wealengton-Pres. Sec. Mrs. !tee Cantelon-Cor. Sec. Miss Porten-Treas. Mar. J." Sinithcombe-Supt. . of Christian Stewards.hip. Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Routledge (Pianists.- . • Flower iCom.-Mrs. H. B. Chant, Mrs. I. She, hard. The Arent.'"Easter Thanksoffer- ing" meeting will be held in . the Lecture Boom on Thursday .eVen- • -• et 8 p.m.. A good program, every- • body welcome. , - • " • ,'1' .14131RT Sfie FOR AWN • • 'or, 11( ; ts';/•" • •• 11.4 , ".. '0" .: .' • most.mqn s, toe=uying,":1A.p. "inlq.tter of eonfidence The keenest 7t.„, ekrie71:: !,t1'!aaj14.051:i ty"0 nc4V-7:Pan) if vi sure without a tesi T'ir'Si; 1dgiA,PcF5. ,r4ust .tlierefore aceept.,,,tho worc of the dealer„,. NBy;egrry.i'ng.the, different ,grade§:,.Ofst1pe. that we kncnit'. :Are good,..we .c6.ti, offer' them. on their Merits: • • • The'te'S—ho'neceifty to rriake any; 51k;vrifl, S 0 , ot stateih6nt for HART. gain Ile 114. EP- IF `W SHOES thst is not justifted in every particular. Any man who buys the HART make „Will get the very best value to be hail at the Price he pays, and he can make his selection knowing that they have been correctly represented. S. ellAPMPIN Phone 70 • Clinton- ' elleseeseeellselleseelsse0 i1er 11.41 , 10 18141) 10<',"" 01 trts.4„trptr,a !;j.' .11F1 takwizikv.' 1,04-'44"07,01 •Nr= Dric!":"" rritorrr.44., • 3iw 're 4"PF "." ,11.t,rdrt • , "r• • •••• , • 41441 441 Ai .01 •`'