The Clinton New Era, 1914-04-23, Page 6e }Page 9 tf, ew spring Clothing 'or Th6 E'','rs Have you ever patronized this store•for ,.your wants in Boys Clothing ? Do you know tine saving ? "If not, why ? ,We do• not claim that we carry the largest range in the county, but we do claim good. values. Right now, before school starts, eve are 'are showing a complete range of ,,Lion Brand Iloys C.o1hi•n front $4 up If you a special vie can get it for you in a very' short/time,'Colne in -we will be pleased to show }you through• TRH CLINTON NEW SRL. We send all Mali Orders Prepaid Same day as Received' Phone your order: to us: K.gs, 'Car:pes, and'Linoleuiils House i~ulrnlishings / ;„:House cleaning time is here with the fine weather, T,he new Spring Rugs are ready fot;your inspection. (Dome and see thein. to=day while the range is coiitp ate, We will gladly Jay aside pattern you ' choose until you areready for it. New Scrims, Lace Curtains,.' and Linoleums re now in stock, We area ;;hewing' a complete rangera'of all the new ' 104 Patteins New Spring, Co aiWa'n4Suils for Ladies Wear—This Th is we ek we e are showing wing a com- plete range of Ladies' Nev Spring m Coatsand Spring Suits at moderateprices. Ladd's F ain Coats -Our stock of Rain Coats is now complete in every detail, fawns, greys, black and blue. Ask to see our special at $6.5o. Special in Ladies Kid Gloves at 89e—Saturday we put on sale five dozen Ladies Kid Gloves, tan and black, every pair guarantee.,, all sizes, Sat. special 98c New Goods This Week—Underwear, Cotton, Hosiery, Wash Goods, Beads, Black bilks, Frillings, Etc, •••cerci►e4e•re•eN••a••e�e•eseoe••r�eoree•�14••4re♦� Local News • • +.4••000040,•••••0000000444 ►e•e•0••••t,•••••••••••••• ADV17l1TISING-ISMS. MOTHE11. LAID TO REST • Wo want more of that kind c '11 -tet 'funeral ?ol the .late Mrs. adsverti eng which is "a true re-, James Crich was ,held, on Saturday flection of the firm or organize ,alaternoon 9tt 2 o'clock from (her tion adlvertieed, residence and ,proceeded to Tui' pet. Pee,rvices wr WILL VISIT STRATFORD coortsndluctedcembyeryB,ev.iro Mr. Allin, .pease The ,Duke \ '.of Connaught and for of deceased, at both house and Tho peillbearers �veiw' her hours m ;Stratford' on •May ith• T Iddo and Gifford, Beautiful HAS RENTED STORE, ''' 'flowers were contributed by the„ 'family. Dr. and Mrs Gunn, A. J. and Mrs. Holloway, Mr and Mrs., Cantelon, machine room. employees and office staff of the ['Piano Fac- tory.. The !family wish, to thank friends and .neighbors for tlieit•:, kinldlne,se and 'sympathy • • ;4 0 Princesp!.-Patrice will spend three in six sons,-Lergis,t OnisiO,W, EIi,,John • The New Eral'has, been inlformleld that Mr.,33raldlshaw, who, has re= 'signed. his. Position en . the road :with the Deering people, has ,rented. the store at the, corner 0'1, Itattonbury ,and Albert:street and 'will; soon place; a stock, inert:LP,'he• ,New Eraiwrshes..him ouecess ITIS SBc1bND PAPI:Ii, The .New Era received a copy.. oI the Clive N ewe -Record publish - e l Clive, y Mr. BASE BALI, RD ORL?A.N`IZED' After' the nice • warm W eat icer, last week, the sporting blood be-,.: gam to run in the,(vezus of thee, baseball boys en .on, IV1ondaY flight.'. d at' liv Alberta,, she S.C. i v' STORES CHANGED SCHOOLS RE -OPENED 1 ADVERTISING -ISMS. The big store +formerly occupied , The C. C. I., public school, Busi ' There are advertising depart by the Morrish Clothing, Co. has been divided and the workmen are 'busy e,rrputting on the'ifinishing touches inside. The front en- trance to the Morrish Clothing ;store has not been put' in yet ,Mr. Connor, the well-known, bak- f.:er, will occupy the other half .of ;the .store. It Costs No More Worth All 1t Costs P.. YEAST •}READ• it's Pure That's Sure Our Mother's Batted But Whg Should You? Comers gakerll mess College and Kindergarten opened Monday and the tedious routine of teaching and study has begun again. This final term in. all cases, means:the big drind for the midsummer exams.. ANOTHER MILE STONE Tho Mitchell Advocate has com- menced. its, 55th year under the ownership of W. R. Davis, who was the : under of the paper. The New Era joins in offering hearty congratulations to both the pro- prietor anti the paper. HAD A CRACKED RIB Chief Wheatley, has been com- plaining, with the soft pedal, that he had a pain in his chest, and hurt ;rim when he rung the bell etc., It got so bad hewent to the doctors and was told he lead a cracked rib. Since being strapped up, the Chief iseeeling better, thank You. 311NOIt LOCALS. Band Concert to -night. Rhubarb will soon ;be up, May will be here, in another week. Monday made a fellow think of his empty coal ;bin. Besure and attend the Kiltie ',gall on Friday ,evening„ .May 8th. Bandy Concert in the town, hall PlPair's will -open.:for ,subscribers at The back to the land movement to -night, I air's Book ,store ton April 30th; and to the general ,public on May is on. The. farmers will begin seed- 4th. ing next week. , CUTTING IN yTREES Thehad to issue order ments that continue to sail along without thinking to take counsel, of the sales manager and his assist- ants, Too bad! WILL ATTEND CHURCH. Clinton Lodge, I. 0.0.F., 'will eel° brate the 95th, anniversary of the order l,by attending church ser- vice in ;Ontario St. Methodist church on.Sunday, April 29:h, at the ,evening ,service. DO YOU WANT A CLEAN HOUSE If you have 'electric power, you can rent' an electric vaccum clean er ,for a small price,. See ,advt, on page 5 of Ball SeAtkinston for particulars. GOING ON TIIE ROAD Mr. A. J. McMurray, 'who has been conmeicted with the Inrplwc- ment business for ,eam,etime, has accepted the position( as block - man for the Deering people in this District. Mr. McMurray will make a capable traveller. COMING MAY 8. The Dixie Quintette, which 'lis the last Course Concert .given by 3.,E. Doherty will appear in the Town of this w.eel they got tagerber,and:, Am+d'revese who also e, Clive the reorganized• for the coming sea -a Alix Free Press, The. C.l, Stilpef 1 son, ;Following are the officers, - aalright looking paper, Mull of ,tuitions- IR N. Lewis' M• P., and • a f+1,41e'�;eliients and ought to be a Y2' Pr,oudl°oot 1Y1•1” P. r l No Kn' 'that section. The New. President -Geo McTaggart. Era w'Wielles the Proprietor of the 1s,U, Vrco C. Dowding Western papers an the success 2nd: Vico-M.D. McTaggart ' that is going. 3rd Vice Dr. Shaw, IN ILL HEALTH. Manager -Thos. Hawkins. Sec.-1res,-J E. Johnson.' Mr, A. rz C. Ball, •furniture dealer, Ground ' Cominitteo!-,Hawkins, /Blo'or St., Toronto, has been in, Weir, McCaughey and McEwen, Neal,: precarious health ,far the They have a good bunch- of play past ,seven weeks, ,snfflering from ers here, and ,should neo doubt have aeerfo'us attack of 'pluero.pnen- an excellent team this year. monia, but he is now on the road to KELLOGG-73AINES PARTY ,'recovery, Mrs. Bali will be bettle;r known to s.Clintonea e. as Miss DELIGHTS AUDIENCE Edith Rayson, daughter or, the Late .The Kellogg -Raines attraction John Rayson. Miss B. Town aendl, f iv r in tel toivn'aiiie last Thurs od IHullett, a cousin of Mrs. Ball, is f g helping to nurse Mr. Ball back to du•iy evening, was the finest ,ar't n p g 1 tic entertainment ever given n health. this town. The company Is com- HYMENEAL. posed of Miss Gros, soprano ; Mrs Eicheuberger, contralto; Mr. ,Got- 'Th'e ,mania e :of Miss Etelka i berg,basso and/01r. Eich�enberger Leitch, daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. tenand Mr, Breach reader and accompanist. Portroyals als .of sev- eral ,scenes ,of ;well-known grand operas were exceedingly rendered ands artistically -arranged in such a . ctru ch, y a manner that 'the ,entire elle:piin was not allowed to drag. at lany- time, and. Clinton music, ,lovers, which wore present in large num- bers, greatly appreciated the ;ef- forts of this talented organization. Practically no one in the ,audience knew that Miss [Gros had been ill all 'day and the party wanted to cancel•' concert at 7.30 but Mr. Do- herty•asked that the rest of the party go on with the concert, and' Miss Gros decided' eche would do her best to aid. in the concert, which she did. CLINTON BOWLERS ORGANIZE The annual meeting of the Clin- ton Lawn bowling Club took place Wit of town and; ,Mr. 1 Leitch> John- son, 'son of the late Thos. ,.ejnd Mrs. Johnson, Victoria street, took •plage; quietly at St. Paul's r eeti'n, 'Tuesday ,afternoon. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. C., Potts. The young couple left on the 5 train for, a short honeymoon trip after which they wilt reside in Clinton, The New Era' throws the Editorial ,slipper at the happy couple. A PLEASANT EVENING. On Monday evening the Epworth League'•of Wesley church held, a .social evening and all had a plea- sant time. A geoid program was preeetnted las follows ;- Duet by Miss Rowe and Wise. Solo„ Miss Hamilton. Reading, Miss Stewart, 'Instrumental, Cal. Witte. Guessing contest. in the council chamber .last Friday An Irish lunch was served at the night, a large ,attendance being close. The young ladies in charge present. The following officers were }Misses Davis, .Rowe, Wise were elected for the? coining year. Cheat and Powell , and to keep Honorary;. Members -J. Fair, J. things moving 'Wellington Cook P. Tisdale, J.B. 'Hooves•, A. J. Tay had ahand in the good work, lor, R. Holmes, F.R. Ilodgens. A. Porter, Dr. Agnew, Dr. (Robertson. A CLINTONIAN KILLED. I K, Erskine, Lack Kennedy, W. A very sad and fatal accident oc'Harland, Rev, Grant, Rely Jeakinis 'curried on the farm of Mrs. Grigg,, W. P. Spalding. near Grimsby, last week, whereby ,Hon Pros. -D A. Forrester. ' her 'eldest son Charles was Linea. Blow the accident really happened isnot ]drown;. The T. H. e u. Rail - l.. BRI II J TE1� U1? Join the Brighten=up Club Qualification. -=A' resolve to brighten up buildings, grounds, lawns, and;tlte town generally. We also want to forma unior.; Bri hien-up Club;. and want at }'east 150 school boys andgirls to call at our store on }Monday April z th'.'from and be initiatedby'receiving the Brighten,up Club�ton, The following, rs -a' partial list of the up -to date Brighten up GoociStke: carry. Sherwin Williams Paints, Dustless Mops and Dusters Varnishes, Floor Paints, Etc. l ellston a and Muresco ` Wall Finish Campbell's Varnish Stain Silver Polishing Cloths Japalac Door Mats Climax Wall Paper Cleaner Step Ladders Reflux English Floor •Pelieh Flempol and Liquid Veneer ' Metal -Polish -5 different kinds, Brushes of all kinds Silvo the celebrated silver polish Brooms and 'Whisks Stove Polish -10 different: kinds Simmer's Celebrated Garden Seeds SPJ:CIAL•-Free pelrcel poet toe ell parties living within 90 miles, of. Ulintou, , Phone No, 7 o drop a card, and we will send by the ,, next delivery free 'of charge_ 11 pounds is the weightlimit. S ST"OYESc l'aARX➢WA.i21 AND NOVEL'IZES simitwomiamzeigaminnamminaud to Chief Wheatley to stop some citizens from cutting down shade trees .Con the stroetij, Soene were making a general clean-up. Rate- payers, should, remember, While lney can, stop people from damag- ing trees ,on the street, ylet the same trees aro not their;peeeonal property. 33rdr EXPECT •KHAKI SUITS A dispatch ',from Ottawa says that the Canadian, troops will go into camp in. Khaki unijforms this year. This {narks the paseisig away of the 'vami us un;forms which used to mark the annual training campsfr'' In thepast + it was here,a red ceat,O.,there an ar- tillemy man in blue With red strip- es, the cavalry in (dark blue • with. white for yellow stripes, the rifle regiments in black, the engineleirs in scarlet coats with plush, trim- minegs, ands so o>a. all changed', and ;the compsThisis- willto gbeo into camp in, the Khaki unilforms only. So 'far the 33rd have not received) their orders but. lescpeets them 'before the cam SISTER MARRIED The 'mairf e tookace at Tor- ! onto last Friday of Miss Noma Robb, daughter of the late A. W. , Robb and Mrs. Robb, formerly of: •Walkerton, to F.L. ' Richardson, B. A. Se., of Maple. Th.e ceremony was performed by Rev. M. J. Wil.-' son of Milton at the home Of the ther, Dr.'Robb brides bio , Harvey before„ only the linenifei1 ate r•Islia- tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson left for:New York and on their return will reside in Tor- onto. The bride;its a, sister of IMr.. Robb, of the C, C, I. [staff,. Pres. -W. Jackson, Vice Pres. -Dr. Shaw. See: -F, T. Jackson, twat' runs through the back of the Treas,-John Ransford, 'farm and the remains ofthe'young Chaplain -Rev. 0, Potts. man 'w.er,e• found on the track. He Auditor Coon-D.L. Iilacplierson. was apparently in the best of health Ground Com. -W. Grant, N. Ball, 'ands ispirits, and 'durrrmg the day J. Hunter, :had been attending to ,hils duties Canvassing Com, -A. J. TIolioway as usual, [Ho was a most 'estimable W. Grant, P. Town. , and exemplary young man, being Delegates to W.0.13. _1., the' born in Clinton about 30 years presid eiit,. C,IE, Dowding ,and J. ago, his deceased Tether, Joseph Ranlslfordi Grigg, residing here -for a number•. ,Caretaker -S. Watt. of years. Deceased was a cousin of Fee -$5.00 and. special for new members who have nenee bowled $3.00 The membership will be largely Tho. Company's composed of men increased during the coaling year, of manyyearn 'ex ieriense (on n and a' most enjoyable rsea:ton is y 1 looked for. Any. club that would e.merican platform., ward rd ,Good- I like a visit from Clinton on May Bar First tenor, Edward Williams 124 write the [secretary., second (tenor and banjo, Louis' Johnson baritone and ;reader, John DOING 'EXCELLENT WO'RX , Turner basso, Joseph Gray pianist' The Ay1me4 Express of last Four of the men who compose this 't ee0_ makes tile 'following coru- organization were leading artists rent a cone the Easter Music at in the Diem Chorus -thee .$150 a 1 night attraction which has been; `T'r'inity Church, -The 'Ester iser- vpt;:for the .past two years under. vices in ;,,pity church on Sunday Redpath maaagesu,ent, appearing last �t ere, iuLdoubte,ctly the best An 'the "Epic of the Negro" given in the history of the large courses throughout the church, excellent sermons helpful country. Those who saw the Dix - the were delivered by is Chorus will:%recall Mr. Williams the Rector, Mev. Chas. Miles, to of the present 'Dixie Quintettle as large congregations. The sur-pli- the impersonator• of the character ted -choir, showed 'excellent train ' IMandly," bothin the prelude. en ing, and did much to assistinrmak- titled', '‘,‘Superstitions of the ing the services bright and, attcac- Negro" and iii the ""Epic of the five, (their anthems, -being sung Negro." Mr: Johnson of this quin with, great eexpi+ession ; clearness tette is the man who took the part of enunciation and readiness of of "Ureic Remus" in the Dixie .attack, The choir director, W. Chorus. ,Mr. Turner impersonated 'Glenn Campbell, is to be congratu 000ld` Black Joe" in the 'Epic of iateed upon, ,the excellent condi- the Negro" and Mr. Goodbar took tion of 4is choir. During the year the •juvenile comedy part in the Mr. 'Campbell has been With 'Trin- i1Cottoii(fieicl Sketch." In fact the ity choir, his work has proved that Four just named,eompnfaed the o- 110 is master of the art Of music, es\ he does marled cal . qquartette which' appeared possessing throughout the Dixie Chorus rens ability as a musical instructor,. The'. dlitioas„ Four 02 this company anthem Magdfalene was well have been upon the platform for rendered at the morning ; ,service, \ears, having 'been -with the older Miss Davenport taking the beanie - jubilee quartettes prior to going ful solos in excellent voice. The with the Dixie's. In the program of unaccompanied quartette 'Thank•s. th;e Dixie Quintette, there will be. be to God, Who Giveth us the Vic vocal solos and inetrumentkl'work tory"was also well renders in, addition, to the quartette work Mises Brown, Mrs. Campbell, M ass r and , jubilee music which is:; always Bingham and Swaddling. The or- ae enejoyable,in a coloredorgan- gan selections, ,by Mr. Campbell, oodbaris tenor solos' previous to the evening ,servicle, ization, is G Mr. 'Williaar, ms'. ehartcteristrc •songs : were hig�lrly appreciated., as was al - with. 'banjo' accompaninaelnt, Mr, so the beautiful anthem Victory nes famous .interpretations over Death"by the choir. The beau, John o tiful ,solo from, of t'aut Latgrenee Dunbar'[s works'Handers ,Miessfah,t ank,Ulwig. Turner's deep 'bas's voice I Know that my Redeemer Liv will all be [features, There will) eth," was 'excellently rendered by also,,be ' laughable negro sketches Mr. A. R Lemon, Aylmelr's reepg nn Idxal.ect. The quartette will have mizedt and popular baritone voice, e - m. anrst Mr. Jose p h Gray on account of its fulness, rich as an is co p P ii,es�s and de, th< of exx ession who. will also splay piam,o solos.' eer p o " which. Mr. Lemon puts into alt his renditions. Special, thanks' are due Me. Lemon 'for 'his assistance on this oceaaioe. Mrs, Campbell as accompanist showed mashed Latent Mr. A. S. Grigg, jeweller. THE DIXIE QUINTETTE Thursday, April 23rd, 7914, In Your House .for Wall Paper? Wall` Paper in Our ,House for µ ' PiNY ROOM Obeythat impulse and have your home re- decorated.. Of course, we don't sell all our papers under' rice, brut "here. is many a snap for you in our sttkk just' nos 'S ire with borciors; and ceilings to match as cheat) as 3c Per Roll • meet: -. war T' e We D. Fair eo. Often the ehapent-141ways the Best nimmsla3M11.• a11111111111.11111=1;11111111111=111. va mom BACK SUBSCRIPTIONS DUE T'HHE NEW ERA -Commencing next week we ape going into a .Clearing up !of past due subscriptions to The New Era. They total up in the humWeds ;of dollars, hence are of :considerable importance to our finances: Will all who are in arrears make an ef- fort to aid, us !in this campaign and possibly ',ave us, the trouble and expense of notifying ;you. We notice a number of weekly ,Iiapers are charging $1.25 .where •subserip- 'tion is not paid[ in advnace or $150 when not ,settled+ before lex- .Grays has been on the lyceem'plat teem. for' ,some two ,or. three years and is.. 'therefore no experimeeu•t. Ln o,li a of the :succeslr4 of, the 1ar- ger o11gauization of the Dixie Chor whit' s,ws!tained animas and cheer us; ;it,e>,s .phrophereed that I this in a'sympathetics sd ,mase a with 'her company will prove the, most pop- ular.eolorod organization which bas organ work. By special request, toured under lyceum Imanagenl,ent the choir over ll, i :Death" at helhanth m,' in areeent years. Iklaving been up "Victory on,cthSunday treat, eve en on the •plexiform for y ars these g nd lueo.ican be relied upon ito acllaei el Miss Hilda Brown will dug the ,and' carry out the ,high ideals of solo, "floid Thom, „My Hand," by the +ly'c'eum in their, ev,ery'dsy . Briggs. Mi!, John Davey will sing lives a51 -Ted} as o1} the pyriform. at the morning islemviee. At a Meet Plan' Ufiens at`Farr s Bo'ol.'Store on iii.g of the Vestry OrgaMet Camp- A.ril'30th for subscribers end to bell's salary was Mere-L.;d 125 tho!gemelal public on, May 4th aear,th. Y piration( :of year. The New Era still, sticks tto the $11.00 but would like to have it paid las early in the year as possible. A:few long past due rsubs iribersl who have - been asked several times Ito settle, will have to do iso through the Division Court, we guess, as they (fail to respond to our request. THE ONLY' SAFE'G'UARD It would appear, las though the only . 'ealfe-guard lagains't impoxi� tion by eanvassers for ,books, ale +t+p papers, magazines, charitable in-• etitutions and other objects iscTor the public absolutely to 'refuse pa- tronage( to anyone who is not known to them, and ,who cannot or demand pres,en[C ' lupioubted' credentials as to neer bona fides.. Optism is a good thing when not. overworked. 4 -- NATIONAL Portland eement We have just received a Car Load of the same Old Brand' of Portland Cement which has always given you such com- plete satisfaction. 'It always fills your requirements. You cannot make a mistake in using the National. S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON GAVE Your Order For Eavc- troughiu:, Plumbing, and General Repairing, ITi# Us Prices Moderate Vor,kanlanshtp and Material the Best. Call at Itowland's hardware or }'hone 53 Thos.lawkhns Plumbing' and Heating The corner Store "Live and Let 'Live ilousep=c1eanIn g Brooms, Bo ashes, Stove Polish, Stove pipe Vernieh, Soaps, Pearline, Gold Dust, Ammoni,r, Soap Chips, Lux -fun to wash Old Ditch Cleanser, Bon Amir All These Help to Make Work Easy FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Special for Saturday Lettuce and Celery E. E. liunniford PHONE 45. 94e4.4 4eedeeie4e4.4e4e4eeie4.+4.4+++++.IIs4.4. 4+e ► t3���M�F��III.�itFiF JACKSON'S SHOE STORE QUALITY Is first, last, and all the time the im- portant consideration in our Shoes. See them -It is discovered Wear them—It is experienced. 411111MIIErr /11111111111111101110 � Value s The Biggest Possible Atawy gg the Least'Money Y at Clinton's Foremost Shoe ' Store 4'F GOOD SHOES FOR EVERYBODY 4. 4• ,i. al 1 d1 + e4.4:444:4: 0 l + 5+4+4+4'0 1.404: :14 4 0.444.4' leleieN.+F ielefe tellfst O'Oet'::el' In the most complete assortment at all tinges ' The Authentic Styles and unsurpassable values in all kinds of Footwear are Found Here. erszosseneriesie SFFIt